Consultation Report - DNP July 2009

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Meadows Survey Analysis Report Background and Objectives The report presents the findings of a Consultation the final draft stage of The Meadows’ Neighbourhood Plan, conducted by Nottingham City Council. The final draft stage contained detailed information about the plans for developing The Meadows area, including areas of demolition and proposals for new homes. The principle objective of the survey is to provide the authority with robust data which accurately represents the views on the citizens on the Plan.

Sampling and Fieldwork For this stage of consultation NCC interviewed a total of 368 people of all ages across the Meadows Neighbourhood Plan Area. Fieldwork was conducted, faceto-face and in-home and at particular locations across the Meadows Area, between 18th June and 22nd July 2009. This sample size gives a confidence interval of around + 5% for the whole survey. Further breakdown of the sample to smaller subgroups (i.e. age groups or areas within the Meadows) will increase the confidence intervals, so differences between groups have to be very large to be statistically significant. NCC organised several of its own consultation events and also attended a number of events which were already being held by local residents and stakeholders. In total NCC has surveyed over 1140 residents and stakeholders.

Methodology The main body of the survey was divided into six parts which related to information available to respondents in the form of ‘Storyboards’. The first question was to gauge the success of various methods of publicity and to consult with residents about how they would like to be communicated with in the future, this will not be reported from in the report.

Respondents 89% of the respondents were residents of the Neighbourhood Plan area, with a further 4% living just outside. 57% of survey respondents are working age – between the ages of 16 and 60, with a further three 3 in ten being over the age of 60 (see table below). The Meadows Mosaic profile overleaf suggests that, whilst just 4% of the population of the Meadows overall fell in to the ‘older people living in social housing with high care needs’ Group, 16% of survey respondents were in this group. Conversely, whilst the ‘educated, young, single people living in areas of

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