Consultation Report - Outline Buisness Case March 2010

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Meadows OBC Consultation Report – March 2010 Background and Objectives The report presents the findings of a consultation on The Meadows’ Neighbourhood Plan, conducted by Nottingham City Council. The consultation took place during the development of the outline business case (OBC) for the Meadows housing PFI and results were used to inform this. In previous consultations residents outlined a number of issues and concerns in the New Meadows. Issues raised included: • • • •

Problems with shared spaces near their house; Alleyways; Poor lighting; Difficult access to their street and many other things

This consultation asked about these issues and concerns in order to help with shaping the PFI and prioritising the key issues.

Sampling and Fieldwork For this stage of consultation NCC interviewed a total of 132 people of all ages across the Meadows Neighbourhood Plan Area. This sample size gives a confidence interval of around + 8% for the whole survey. Further breakdown of the sample to smaller subgroups (i.e. age groups or areas within the Meadows) will increase the confidence intervals, so differences between groups have to be very large to be statistically significant.

Methodology Fieldwork was conducted, face-to-face and in-home and at particular locations across the Meadows Area, between March 17th and 22nd July 2009.

Respondents Just over three quarters of respondents lived in the New Meadows area and 44% said they were tenants of Nottingham City Homes (NCH). Of those giving a valid answer to the question on ethnicity, 8 in ten said they were from a White British background with 7% being from an Asian ethnic background, 3% from a Mixed background and 3% from a Black background. Of those answering the question about age, 72% of respondents said they were of working age – between the ages of 16 and 60, and 27% over the age of 60 (see table below).

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