Pareent/Carer Support Winter 2014

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Parent and Carer Support Programmes, Activities and Groups for Parents and Carers 0-16 years

South Central Edinburgh Winter 2014

PEEP (Parents Early Education Partnership) uses stories, nursery rhymes, activity games and songs to create a fun learning environment for parents, carers and their children. Groups are facilitated by trained staff and are available in a range of settings. Most groups are term-time only. Baby PEEP (0-1 year)  Viewforth Early Years Centre Thursdays 2.00 -3.00pm To book contact Viewforth Early Years Centre on 0131 229 6667 PEEP under two’s  Oxgangs Library Wednesdays 10.30-11.30am To book contact Viewforth Early Years Centre on 0131 229 6667 PEEP Twos  Royal Mile Nursery Tuesday 12.30-1.30pm For more information contact 0131 556 7046  Viewforth Early Years Centre Wednesdays 10.30-11.30am To book contact Viewforth Early Years Centre on 0131 229 6667


PEEP over two’s  Oxgangs Library Wednesdays 11.45-12.45pm To book contact Viewforth Early Years Centre on 0131 229 6667 PEEP three’s  Royal Mile Nursery Wednesdays 1.30-2.30pm For more information contact 0131 556 7046 Baby Massage  Royal Mile Nursery (£2.50 for 4/5 sessions to cover costs) Mondays 2.30-3.30pm For more information contact Claire, Rachel, Michelle or Linda Munro on 0131 229 6667 or e-mail  Viewforth Early Years Centre (£2.50 for 4/5 sessions to cover costs) Wednesdays 10.30-11.30amFor more information contact Claire, Rachel, Michelle or Linda Munro on 0131 229 6667 or e-mail


Baby well clinic

Advice from health visitors and weighing for babies 0 - 6 months.  MacKenzie baby clinic Wednesday’s 2pm till 3.30pm Parent and Toddler groups  St.Peter Episcopal Church Mondays and Thursdays 9.30-11.00am For more information contact 0131 668 3943  Salvation Army Playgroup Mondays 10.00-12.00am For more information call 0131 667 4313  Morningside Parish Church Mondays and Wednesdays 10.00-11.30am For more information contact 0131 447 6745  St. Catherine’s Argyle Church Tuesdays 10.00-12.00pm For more information contact 0131 667 7220  St. Columba’s Parent and Toddler Tuesdays 9.30-11.30am For more information contact 07818204260


 Marchmont St. Giles Playgroup Tuesday-Thursday 9.30-12.30pm For more information contact Vanessa Crowe on 0131 447 2529  Bruntsfield Toddlers Tuesdays 10.00-12.00pm For more information contact  6VT Terrace Tots (Young parents group under 24) Wednesdays 10.30-1.30pm For more information contact Natali Fraser on 0131 220 2108  Bruntsfield Baby and Toddlers Wednesdays (term time) 10.00-12.00pm For more information contact  City Tots Wednesdays 10.00-11.30am For more information contact  Reid Memorial Church Hall Wednesdays 10.00-12.00pm For more information contact 0131 662 1203


 Southside Community Centre Wednesdays 9.30-11.30am For more information contact 0131 667 0484  Croileagan – Gaelic Playgroup Wednesdays and Fridays 9.15-11.15am For more information contact Norma Martin on 0131 529 2415  Greenbank Toddler Group Thursdays and Fridays 9.45-11.15am For more information contact 0131 447 9969  Marchmont St. Giles Thursdays 10.00-12.00pm For more information contact Inga Fairweather on 0131 667 8075  Old Schoolhouse Toddler Group Thursdays 9.00-11.15am For more information contact Liz on 07801350987  Muslim Womens Mothers and Toddler Group Thursdays 10.00-11.30am For more information contact Elizabeth on 07812136514  Cameron House Community Centre Fridays 10.30-12.30pm For more information contact 0131 667 3762


 International Postgraduate Group For wives and children of oversees students at Edinburgh University For more information contact 0131 447 4974 Stay and Play  Royal Mile Nursery Mother and Toddler Tuesdays 9.15-11.15am For more information contact 0131 556 7046  Royal Mile Nursery Parents and Toddlers Wednesdays 9.15-11.15am For more information contact 0131 556 7046  Grassmarket Nursery (located in Tollcross Primary) Stay and Play Wednesdays 1.00-2.30pm For more information contact 0131 229 7743  Grassmarket Nursery (located in Tollcross Primary) Stay and Play Thursday 1.00-2.30pm For more information contact 0131 229 7743


BookBug  Bookbug Sessions are free, fun-filled sessions of stories, songs and rhymes for parents and children aged birth to 4 years running at:  Morningside - Eric Liddell Centre (while the library is closed for repairs) Tuesdays 10.30-11am Contact the Eric Liddell Centre on 0131 447 4520 for more information  Newington Library Every Wednesday from 11.00 - 11.30am and 2.00 - 2.30pm. Contact Newington Library on 0131 529 5536 for more information Fountainbridge Library Last Thursday of every month, 10.30 - 11am and the Last Friday of every month, 11 - 11.30am Contact Fountainbridge Library on 0131 529 5616 for more information


Toy Library

Each week, the toy library runs where you can come along for all or part of the session. Toys are laid out for your child to explore and choose what to borrow and a variety of toys are set out to play with on floor mats.  Newington Community Toy Library Term time only (0-5’s) Wednesdays 9.30-11.30am For more information contact



Home Link Family Support Services Home Link Family Support is a befriending and support service for families who have at least one child under five or are expecting a baby and are experiencing some form of difficulty. We can support families who live in South Edinburgh. To access befriending contact Sheena Smith 0131 661 0890 or ask your Health Visitor for more information. In addition to regular befriending we train our volunteers to support families with play@home and peep (parents as early education partners) parenting programmes. Play @ Home Play@home is an NHS programme that recognises that the first 7 years of a child’s life are the most influential for their development. The programme covers babies, toddlers and pre-school children. It helps you think about good routines, healthy exercise, the value of play and talking to your child all leading to strengthening your relationship with your child(ren).


PEEP@Home Peep at home is delivered by one of our PEEP volunteers for 1 hour a week in your home at a time that suits you best. PEEP sessions can involve song, story

time, crafting and talk time on a subject that relates to your child’s needs, age and stage. It is directed by you and is flexible to meet what is happening for you and your child at the time. The peep programme covers babies, ones, twos, three’s, fours and fives. You can access these services by contacting Paula Swanston 0131 661 0890.

Living Life to the Full A chance to learn skills that help you tackle problems in your life, meet new people and have fun  Goodtrees Neighbourhood Centre Thursdays 9.30-11am To Book contact or call 0131 661 0890


CHILDREN 1ST Family Support Team CHILDREN 1ST Family Support Team provide support and advice to families with children aged 0-5 years living in South Edinburgh. We work together, in partnership with parents/carers at home to promote strengths, support the development of positive parenting strategies and family relationships. We also deliver group work programmes including Young Parent’s Group, Incredible Years and PEEP. The Family Support Team offer a range of approaches to suit each family’s individual needs. To access Family Support contact any member of the Team for an informal chat 0131 468 2580 or ask your Health Visitor for more information.


Raising Children with Confidence Raising Children with Confidence is a 7 week course which aims to give all parents and carers the chance to explore emotional health and well-being and consider

how they can best promote it in themselves and their children. Drawing on the latest research it helps explain why parents’ actions make a difference to their children’s emotional wellbeing and future positive mental health. This programme is suitable for parents and carers of children aged 0-11 years. Courses are held throughout the year in Edinburgh and often run in primary schools and community venues. The next RCWC course will start on the 9th of January, 911am at Goodtrees Neighbourhood Centre. For more information phone Helena Reid on 0131 672 2629 or e-mail


The programs listed below can be helpful for parents who would benefit from taking part in more in-depth support programs. This might be parents who would like advice and support to build positive relationships with their children and manage behaviors such as aggressiveness, ongoing tantrums and acting out behavior. Early Years Mellow Parenting is a programme for parents and carers of 3 months - 5 year olds. It aims to help parents and carers who are experiencing difficulties in their relationship with their children. Groups meet one day a week over 14 weeks, with a separate children’s group running alongside the parent/carer group. For more information tel: 529 2103 or E-mail:


3-12 years

The Incredible Years is a programme which aims to help parents and carers strengthen their relationship with their child. It gives parents strategies to manage behaviours such as aggressiveness, tantrums, shouting, answering back and refusing to follow rules. The next Incredible Years Course starts on on the 27th of February, 10.00-12.00pm Gilmerton Community Centre

For more information phone Helena Reid on 0131 672 2629 or e-mail


10-16 years Teen TRIPLE P (Positive Parenting Programme) is an 8 week programme delivered in group format to parents and carers of children aged10-16 year olds who have children who are displaying social, emotional or behavioural difficulties. This course is also suitable for parents and carers who want to become prepared for parenting through the teenage years. The next Teen Triple P Programme will start on the 25th of Feb, 1.00-3.00pm at Liberton High School. For more information phone Helena Reid on 0131 672 2629 or e-mail


If information included in this leaflet has changed or needs to be amended please contact:

Helena Reid Development Officer Parent & Carer Support City of Edinburgh Council Tel: Email:

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