RoSPA Post-Installation Inspection Report Sciennes Primary Playground

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The City Of Edinburgh Council (Sciennes Primary)

Site Name

The City Of Edinburgh Council (Sciennes Primary) - Sciennes Primary School


23 October 2015

RoSPA inspections are an independent safety assessment of the playground and equipment and are produced for RoSPA by Playsafety Ltd The Old Barn Wicklesham Lodge Faringdon SN7 7PN 01367 244600

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Post-Installation Inspection Report. The Report Notes form an essential part of this report

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Site Owner :

The City Of Edinburgh Council (Sciennes Primary)

Site Name :

The City Of Edinburgh Council (Sciennes Primary) - Sciennes Primary School

Date of Inspection :

23 October 2015

Inspected by :

Bob Wallace

The play area is situated within the school grounds, and also includes an area of woodland opposite.

The access to the play spaces is normally during school hours, but also outwith that time. Therefore the user groups may be different to the designer's intention. It is not known if structure loading calculations have been made for the timber play structures.

There are several points raised within the report, and possible actions or control measures are indicated. Due to open access of the areas it may not be possible for staff supervision alone to sufficiently control the risks and hazards.

The general surface used around the play items is a red gravel. Attention is drawn to the insufficient depth of the surface with regard to EN1176.This is dusty and appears unwashed. It could not be ascertained if a geo-textile membrane had been installed to reduce any soil contamination in the gravel or sand areas. The present overall risk rating for the play space is MEDIUM If works and recommendations are undertaken the risk may be reduced.

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Post-Installation Inspection Report. The Report Notes form an essential part of this report

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ANCILLARY ITEMS Recommended Maintenance and Risk Assessment Evaluation Item


Comments, action or control required

Risk Level

Risk Score‥


Stone Seating Area


Finding : Item - Damaged







Risk Score : 4 Risk Level : Low

Finding Date : 23/10/2015 Notes : Damaged, sharp stone edges.

Task : Repair item Horticulture

Woodland Area


Finding : Algae growth on surface giving slippery conditions

Risk Score : 4 Risk Level : Low

Finding Date : 23/10/2015 Notes : Potential for slippery areas on logs; algae/tree sap, leaves or bark, especially in damp weather - monitor and control use. Cleaning may be considered in future. Task : Powerwashing is recommended. Care should be taken to ensure that the surface can sustain high pressure washing Woodland Area


Finding : Edges not radiused or chamfered

Risk Score : 4 Risk Level : Low

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Post-Installation Inspection Report. The Report Notes form an essential part of this report

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Finding Date : 23/10/2015 Notes : Radius and ease the edges of the timber logs - remove any hard / sharp projections.

Task : Provide minimum 3 mm radius Woodland Area


Finding : Other / Miscellaneous





Risk Score : 4 Risk Level : Low

Finding Date : 23/10/2015 Notes : The timber logs although primarily designed for seating, are easily used as play items. Falls in excess of 600 mm possible. General surface is soil & leaf-litter - maintain an area around the logs free of hard objects, e.g. rocks/stone.

Task : Refer to Inspection Notes / Description Woodland Area


Finding : Item - Damaged

Risk Score : 4 Risk Level : Low

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Post-Installation Inspection Report. The Report Notes form an essential part of this report

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Finding Date : 23/10/2015 Notes : Perimeter fence damaged in several places; wires protrude.

Task : Repair item Woodland Area


Finding : Item - Not Secure


Risk Score : 4 Risk Level : Low

Finding Date : 23/10/2015 Notes : Some insecure logs, planks and branches. In supervised play this would not be hazardous, and part of an activity. With open access it may require some degree of management out with school hours - monitor in use.

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Post-Installation Inspection Report. The Report Notes form an essential part of this report

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Task : No action given the risk assessment Site



Finding : Sign - Missing


Risk Score : 2 Risk Level : Very Low Finding Date : 23/10/2015 Notes : Signage to indicate ownership, recommended user age and access arrangements is recommended. Areas are publicly accessible out with school hours. Task : Replace sign

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Post-Installation Inspection Report. The Report Notes form an essential part of this report

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Climber - Tyre Wall

Default Risk Level : Default Risk Score : Free Height of Fall : Surface Depth : Label to EN :

Low 5 0.6 m 100 mm No

Equipment EN Compliance The item meets with the requirements of the relevant standard where this may be tested on site without dismantling or destruction. Surfacing EN Compliance - Gravel The surface meets with the requirements of the relevant standard where this may be tested on site without dismantling or destruction.

Recommended Maintenance and Risk Assessment Evaluation Comments, action or control required

Equipment Surfacing - Gravel Finding :

Surfacing Loose Depth

Finding Date :


Task :

Top up depth of loose fill to 300 mm minimum

Finding :

There is an obstacle in the free space/ fall area

Finding Date :


Notes :

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Risk Level

Risk Score ‥

No remedial maintenance work is required at this time. Low




The boulder / rocks adjacent to Tyre wall & sand pit at within the fall space. Should be a minimum of 1.5 metre from tyre wall; currently 1 metre. Rocks are rough edged - recommend reposition.

Post-Installation Inspection Report. The Report Notes form an essential part of this report

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Task :

Remove obstacle The overall risk for this item at the time of inspection:


‥ For Risk Score see Report Notes

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Post-Installation Inspection Report. The Report Notes form an essential part of this report

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Climber - Wall - Timber

Default Risk Level : Default Risk Score : Free Height of Fall : Surface Depth : Label to EN :

Low 6 1.2 m 80 mm No

Equipment EN Compliance The item meets with the requirements of the relevant standard where this may be tested on site without dismantling or destruction. Surfacing EN Compliance - Gravel The surface fails to meet the requirement of the relevant standard.

Recommended Maintenance and Risk Assessment Evaluation Comments, action or control required

Equipment Surfacing - Gravel

Risk Level

No remedial maintenance work is required at this time.

Finding :

Surfacing Loose Depth

Finding Date :


Task :

Top up depth of loose fill to 300 mm minimum The overall risk for this item at the time of inspection:





‥ For Risk Score see Report Notes

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Risk Score ‥

Post-Installation Inspection Report. The Report Notes form an essential part of this report

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Multiplay - Bridge

Default Risk Level : Default Risk Score : Free Height of Fall : Surface Depth : Label to EN :

Low 7 1.6 m 100 mm No

Equipment EN Compliance The item fails to meet the requirement of the relevant standard. Surfacing EN Compliance - Gravel The surface fails to meet the requirement of the relevant standard.

Recommended Maintenance and Risk Assessment Evaluation Comments, action or control required

Risk Level

Risk Score ‥

Equipment Finding :

Fixtures - Loose or Missing

Finding Date :


Notes :

Tyre fixings loose.

Task :

Replace missing fasteners, fixtures and fitting

Finding :

Barrier Required - under 3s

Finding Date :


Notes :

User group of over 5's. Inform out of school hours users of age/ability restrictions e.g. signage.

Task :

Refer to manufacturer / supplier / installer for comment

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Post-Installation Inspection Report. The Report Notes form an essential part of this report





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Finding :

Edges not radiused or chamfered

Finding Date :


Notes :

Under-frame timbers have some rough or angled edges - ease and radius as required.

Task :

Provide minimum 3 mm radius

Finding :

Barrier Climb Bars

Finding Date :


Notes :









The bridge has a tree feature, with access through that will aid climbing to guard rail. Fall height increases at this point to 2.3 metres. There is adjacent fence within 2 m of rail. Modification of guard rail should be considered - refer to supplier.

Refer to manufacturer / supplier / installer for comment

Task :

Surfacing - Gravel Finding :

Surfacing Loose Depth

Finding Date :


Task :

Top up depth of loose fill to 300 mm minimum The overall risk for this item at the time of inspection: ‥ For Risk Score see Report Notes

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Post-Installation Inspection Report. The Report Notes form an essential part of this report

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Sand Circle - Tree / Mounds

Default Risk Level : Default Risk Score : Free Height of Fall : Surface Depth : Label to EN :

Low 4 23 mm No

Equipment EN Compliance The item meets with the requirements of the relevant standard where this may be tested on site without dismantling or destruction. Surfacing EN Compliance - Misc Grass Matting The surface meets with the requirements of the relevant standard where this may be tested on site without dismantling or destruction.

Recommended Maintenance and Risk Assessment Evaluation Comments, action or control required

Risk Level

Risk Score ‥

Equipment Finding :

Edges not radiused or chamfered

Finding Date :


Notes :

Some timber logs have rough edges. Some surrounding rock seating has rough edges. Fall heights are less than 500 mm. Ease edges as required.

Task :

Provide minimum 3 mm radius


Surfacing - Misc Grass Matting

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Post-Installation Inspection Report. The Report Notes form an essential part of this report

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Finding :

Surface - Edges Curling

Finding Date :


Notes :

Top-up sand to remove uneven levels. Ensure edge pinning in place & secure.

Task :

Repair surface The overall risk for this item at the time of inspection:





‥ For Risk Score see Report Notes

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Post-Installation Inspection Report. The Report Notes form an essential part of this report

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Sand Pit

Default Risk Level : Default Risk Score : Free Height of Fall : Surface Depth : Label to EN :

Low 4 0.15 m 300 mm No

Equipment EN Compliance The item meets with the requirements of the relevant standard where this may be tested on site without dismantling or destruction. Surfacing EN Compliance - Sand The surface meets with the requirements of the relevant standard where this may be tested on site without dismantling or destruction.

Recommended Maintenance and Risk Assessment Evaluation Comments, action or control required

Equipment Surfacing - Sand

Risk Level

The overall risk for this item at the time of inspection:


‥ For Risk Score see Report Notes

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Risk Score ‥

No remedial maintenance work is required at this time. No remedial maintenance work is required at this time.

Post-Installation Inspection Report. The Report Notes form an essential part of this report

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Tunnel & Tyre / Rock Climber

Default Risk Level : Default Risk Score : Free Height of Fall : Surface Depth : Label to EN :

Low 7 1.3 m 100 mm No

Equipment EN Compliance The item fails to meet the requirement of the relevant standard. Surfacing EN Compliance - Gravel The surface fails to meet the requirement of the relevant standard.

Recommended Maintenance and Risk Assessment Evaluation Comments, action or control required

Risk Level

Risk Score ‥

Equipment Finding :

Finish Protrusions Edges

Finding Date :


Notes :


Tunnel entry timbers un-radiused - recommend radius and ease edges. Monitor in use; consider padding at entries

Task :

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Smooth rough finishes

Post-Installation Inspection Report. The Report Notes form an essential part of this report

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Finding :

Surfacing Hazards

Finding Date :


Notes :


The rock / boulder lower portions are potential hazards to users falling from tunnel mound. There are some rough and unfinished stone edges - monitor in use, some easing of edges would be beneficial. Removal or landscape easing should be considered.

Remove surface hazards

Task :

Surfacing - Gravel Finding :

Surfacing Loose Depth

Finding Date :


Task :

Top up depth of loose fill to 300 mm minimum The overall risk for this item at the time of inspection:





‥ For Risk Score see Report Notes

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Post-Installation Inspection Report. The Report Notes form an essential part of this report

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These notes form an integral part of the inspection report. 1

The equipment has been assessed, as relevant, in accordance with BS EN 1176:2008 for Playground Equipment, BS EN 15312:2007 for Sports Areas or BS EN 14974:2006 for Roller Sports. No standard currently exists for fitness equipment and the report may indicate compliance with EN Standards. Where action is required for fitness items this will be indicated in the report.

Compliance with such standards is not mandatory in the UK. The Health and Safety Executive have made it clear that whilst compliance with standards is recommended, it is the risks associated with the equipment which are of paramount importance. Compliance with standards does not remove the operator's responsibility to ensure that equipment is safe; equally failure to comply does not necessarily mean that equipment is dangerous. The Courts have also made it clear that compliance with EN1176 does not remove the operator’s obligation to have a safe area and that EN1176 compliance cannot necessarily be used as a defence in the event of litigation.


Equipment in this report has been assessed against the relevant standards. The site and equipment have also been assessed with the protection of the operator and contractor against litigation in mind.


Play is all about “doing” and by “doing” accidents will from time to time occur. Play is an essential part of a child’s physical and mental development and RoSPA believes that it is essential that a level of assessed challenge and risk is provided to enable children to properly develop their survival skills. Risk Assessment is all about balancing risk against return . RoSPA believes that there are instances where even high risk is acceptable , provided that the risk cannot be further reduced and the development value to the child is high. (see also paragraph 8)


Risk Assessments are included in this report. Clients are reminded that there is no such thing as NO RISK. Consequently Low Risk is as low as you can get. Where items are indicated as being Low Risk, clients may well wish to consider if any remedial action is economically justified in terms of improvement in safety. Also where we have not indicated any suggested remedial action against medium, or even high risk, items , we feel that either these items have sufficient development value to justify the risk or that no remedial action is possible and the alternative of closing a site or removing an item of equipment poses a greater risk to the user. The operator may well wish to consider the same. Risks are banded as follows: Score 1 to 7 is Low Risk Score 8 to 12 is Medium Risk Score 13 to 20 is High Risk Scores over 20 are Unacceptable High Risk Our report shows on the left the default, or intrinsic, risk of the item. Any faults or findings will have their risk shown on the right of the page. If the remedial works are carried out then the item will return to its default risk score.



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EN1176 is not always a precise standard and includes such imprecise wording as “normally” etc. Furthermore there are some different interpretations in different EU states. This can lead to an item which appears to pass EN1176 in one country, appearing to fail EN1176 in another. The client is therefore advised to use the Risk Assessment to make a judgement as to whether the indicated failure warrants remedial action. EN1176 requires certain labelling information on equipment. Without it the item fails the standard. We do however separate this type of failure from any other failures in our report. Certain items, such as rubber seating, stepping items etc, are, with current technology, impossible to correctly label. The client may well therefore consider acceptance of such items without correct labelling.

Post-Installation Inspection Report. The Report Notes form an essential part of this report

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Whilst normally “kite marks” and other forms of certification indicate that the equipment meets EN 1176 there may be cases where due to either quality control problems in the factory, or in installation on site, dimensions etc. have changed and that the installed item does not meet EN1176. On certain items (roundabouts for example) the height on installation is an essential component of EN1176.


Professor David Ball’s report to the Health and Safety Executive stated that Play Areas are one of the safest places that children can be. In 2002 (last year figures are available) there were only approximately 12,000 visits to casualty department by children throughout the UK which needed treatment beyond a bit of TLC or a bit of “sticky plaster”. There are around 12,000,000 children under 16 in the UK and approximately 3,000,000 or these will visit casualty departments each year and around 1,000,000 of these will be for accidents in the home. Play Area accidents therefore represent less than 0.5% of accidents to children.


RoSPA has a duty of care to report all issues that might affect safety or quality , regardless of whether they are the responsibility of the contractor or not. We therefore normally report on the site as a whole . In most cases we are not aware if all ancillary items etc. are part of the contract or not and they may have been installed by a different contractor . RoSPA recommend that where problems are identified that are not the responsibility of the contractor who has commissioned the report, these should not delay payment to that contractor.



The RoSPA report indicates the state of the area at the time of inspection. Subsequent events may change the condition of the site. Where major problems are identified it may be necessary to re-inspect the site. Where problems are relatively minor the report may reflect some remedial action where this has been certified as being completed by the installer.

RoSPA are aware that in some instances moneys are being held back from suppliers . RoSPA recommend that a maximum of 10% of the value of the installation contract be withheld against remedial work identified in this report and that this balance be immediately released on completion of the work. Where any problems identified are the result of vandalism/use etc, RoSPA recommend that this should not be used to delay payment to the contractor.

The copyright in this report is shared between RoSPA and the report commissioner. The report commissioner is free to share the contents of this report, but it must be shared in full.

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RoSPA provide a range of services. These include:

1. Annual inspections of * Outdoor Play Areas * Indoor soft play facilities * Wheeled sports facilities (Skateboard, BMX etc) * Multi Sports Areas * Teenage areas * Village Ponds * Playing Fields 2. Post Installation Inspections of the above 3. Risk assessments of all the above 4. Individual site check lists 5. Play Value assessment of play areas 6. Access assessment under the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act. 7. Full field surveys (whole playing fields) 8. Impact testing of surfaces 9. Advance checking of site plans 10. Staff training and training courses 11. Accident investigations and legal reports 12. Publications of play safety

For details of any of the above, or to enquire about other RoSPA services please contact us on: Tel: 01367 244600 Fax: 01367 244112 Email: or write to: Playsafety Ltd (RoSPA) The Old Barn Wicklesham Lodge Faringdon SN7 7PN United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1367 244600 Fax: +44 (0)1367 244112 Email: Web:

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Post-Installation Inspection Report. The Report Notes form an essential part of this report

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