5 minute read
Memories from Malibu

model LAURA MARANO @lauramarano photography EDWARD ANINARU @edward_aninaru styling DIANE @dforstyling hair KEVIN HUGHS @hairbyeleven makeup MELISSA MURPHY BEDI @hmubymelbe photo assistants MO SUMMERS @mosummersphoto ANTONIO V. @shutup_tony styling assist LAURIEN DECIBEL @laurien_decibel top LAVANYA COODLY @lavanyacoodly & KAFTAN STUDIOS hat SENSI STUDIO @sensistudio skirt ONE TRIEU YEU


Interview with LAURA MARANO
LUCY’S We heard you are having new projects coming up in music & film, can you tell us more about them? LAURA Yes! I actually got to combine both in an upcoming movie coming out in December. To be honest, it’s pretty ridiculously adorable: it’s part of the Cinderella story franchise, it takes place during Christmas, and it’s a musical. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted.
LUCY’S Your new film ’Saving Zoe’ will be released on July 12, 2019. How does that feel? LAURA Saving Zoë is a project that is incredibly close to my heart. Not only did I get to act in the movie with my sister, but my mom, sister and I produced it, which is a first for all of us. We’ve been with the project for twelve years, so having it finally come out —having the opportunity for people to finally see it —is so rewarding.
LUCY’S What makes you the most excited about this film? LAURA Honestly, there are so many things about this film that I’m excited about, but I really am excited/nervous for people to see me embody a very different character than they’re used to. Echo is quiet, introverted, and in the middle of grieving her sister. It’s definitely one the darkest movies I’ve ever been in.
head band LUXE FASHION @_luxefashionlabel top KAFTAN STUDIOS jacket OTT

LUCY’S What was it like to become Echo from an emotional stand point? LAURA Well, not only was becoming Echo emotionally taxing, but producing at the same time was quite the challenge. We all didn’t get much sleep, so the whole experience is a bit of a blur.
LUCY’S Social media has become such a big part of our lives. What does it feel like to have such a big audience and to be able to reach millions of people every day? LAURA It’s crazy how globally connected we all have become through social media. The fact that I get a direct connection to my fans from all over the world is incredible. I am so grateful that some people want to hear what I have to say, but it can be a little daunting at times. I just try to be as authentic as possible.
LUCY’S Was it music or acting that you realized you are passionate about first? LAURA I have wanted to do music for as long as I can possibly remember, but in the professional world, acting came first. I didn’t pursue music professionally until much later. I really do just love creating, and any medium that lets me do that makes me so happy.
LUCY’S What advice would you give to anyone wanting to start a career in acting? LAURA Work hard on your craft. It can be hard to figure out how exactly to practice acting —practicing a musical instrument or a sport can be a little more concrete — but in some ways, it’s easier than ever. Look up a scene or monologue online as much as you possibly can, and practice. I really do believe if you truly love acting, you work hard, and you’re patient, it’s inevitable that you will succeed.

earrings RAN JANA KHAN @ranjanakhannyc jacket KHOSLA JANI @khoslajani

top LAVANYA COODLY @lavanyacoodly & KAFTAN STUDIOS skirt ONE TRIEU YEU opposite page earrings RAN JANA KHAN @ranjanakhannyc jacket KHOSLA JANI @khoslajani

sunglasses RAD&REFINED @radandrefined top QUEENIE CAO @queenie_qinghe_cao skirt CHARLES&RON @charlesandron

earrings RAN JANA KHAN @ranjanakhannyc jacket KHOSLA JANI @khoslajani