daily routine

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Breakfast Breakfast (literally meaning to break the fasting period of the prior night; in Old English the term was morgenmete meaning “morning meal” is the first meal taken after rising from a night’s sleep, most often eaten in the early morning before undertaking the day’s work.Among English speakers, “breakfast” can be used to refer to this meal, or more commonly, to refer to a meal composed of traditional breakfast foods (such as eggs, oatmeal and sausage) served at any time of day. Breakfast foods vary widely from place to place, but often include a carbohydrate such as grains or cereals, fruit and/or vegetables, a protein food such as eggs, meat or fish, and a beverage such as tea, coffee or tea, juice,

fruit juice. Coffee,

breakfast cereals, pancakes, sausages,

found among

bacon, sweet breads, fresh fruit, vege-

children, but

tables, eggs, mushrooms, baked beans,

not among

muffins, crumpets and toast with butter or

adults, and

margarine and/or jam or marmalade are

explain that

common examples of breakfast foods,

the connection

though a large range of preparations and

with increased

ingredients are associated with breakfast

weight is likely

globally. Nutritional experts have referred


to breakfast as the most important meal


of the day, citing studies that find that

with snacks

people who skip breakfast are dispropor-

and/or eating

tionately likely to have problems with con-

more later—

centration, metabolism, and weight.Other

and therefore

nutrition experts believe the claimed met-

not inevitable.

abolic benefits are a common myth, noting the impact on cognition has been


Bathing is the washing of the body with a fluid, usually water or an aqueous solution, or the immersion of the body in water. It may be practised for personal hygiene, religious ritual or therapeutic purposes or as a recreational activity. Bathing can take place in any situation where there is water, ranging from warm to cold. It can take place in a bathtub or shower, or it can be in a river, lake, water hole, pool or the sea, or any other water receptacle. The term for the act can vary. For example, a ritual religious bath is sometimes referred to as immersion, the use of water for therapeutic purposes can be called water treatment or hydrotherapy, and two recreational water activities are known as swimming and paddling. The city of Bath (known during ancient Roman times as Aquae Sulis) is famous for its public baths fed by hydrothermal springs.


and organized cortex, or middle layer of the hair, Hair is a filamentous bi- is the primary source of omaterial that grows mechanical strength and from follicles found in water uptake. The cortex the dermis. Hair is one contains melanin, which of the defining charac- colors the fiber based teristics of mammals. on the number, distribuThe human body, apart tion and types of melanin from areas of glabrous granules. The shape of skin, is covered in follicles the follicle determines the which produce thick ter- shape of the cortex, and minal and fine vellus hair. the shape of the fiber is Most common interest related to how straight or in hair is focused on hair curly the hair is. Asian hair growth, hair types and hair typically has a round fiber care, but hair is also an im- and is quite straight. Oval portant biomaterial primar- and irregularly shaped ily composed of protein, fibers are generally more notably keratin. In many wavy or even curly.The human societies, women cuticle is the outer coverpredominantly grow the ing. Its complex structure hair on their head long slides as the hair swells while men cut theirs short. and is covered with a sinEach strand of hair is made gle molecular layer of lipid up of the medulla, cortex, that makes the hair repel and cuticle. The innermost water. The diameter of region, the medulla, is not human hair varies from always present and is an 17 to 180 micrometers open, unstructured re- (0.00067 to 0.0071 in). gion. The highly structural

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