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Heworth Golf Club was founded in 1912 and has a long and proud history. The original wooden clubhouse; known locally as “The Caste”; was situated adjacent to the present 18th green. More recently the clubhouse was situated at the current home of Marshall’s Golf. The new clubhouse was opened on 4th July 1998 and after recent refurbishment, is a hotspot for golfers and nongolfers alike. The golf course was originally a 9 hole lay-out and later developed into 18 holes in 1976. Thousands of trees were planted towards the end of the 20th Century as all parts of the golf course were visible from the clubhouse. The efforts of all involved are now paying dividends as the golf course has flourished and provides fantastic aesthetics as well as a great challenge for golfers. The course continues to evolve, with recent bunker improvements providing a fantastic addition to the course. We invite you to read our Centenary publication detailing the full history of Heworth Golf Club and its people.