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The Club Structure & Management Team
The Admiral; The admiral is an honorary post in recognition of a record of many years of support to the club.
Flag Officers - The flag Officers are all volunteers who oversee the operational running of the club, they are elected annually at the club’s AGM and comprise:
Commodore; Chairman of the board and responsible for the direction of the club as well as acting as a representative of the club to other organisations. Vice Commodore; The officer responsible for staff management, marketing and finance.
Rear Commodore Premises; Responsible for the clubhouse and grounds and acts on behalf of the board to lead the premises committee.
Rear Commodore Hospitality; Responsible for all shore-based events and activities and acts on behalf of the board to lead the hospitality committee.

Rear Commodore Sailing; Responsible for all water-based activities including the club rallies, launches and racing activities.
Honorary Secretary; Responsible for operating the club in line with the club rules and managing any amendments in the policies of the club.
Honorary Treasurer; responsible for the financial management of the club. The Board - Comprised of Flag Officers and up to eight non-executive directors, ensure that the club operates for the benefit of the members, these directors normally take a lead in a number of club activities and sit on the standing committees. The board is re-elected annually at the club AGM.
Standing Committees - There are several committees within the club that voluntarily give up their time to support and develop activities on behalf of the membership. These committees are Hospitality, Sailing, Premises, Finance and Health & Safety. The club also has a Membership and Marketing Working Group.

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