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June 15, 2014


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Happy father’s day!


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father’s day


Lufkin hoops legend didn’t make the pros, but three of his seven children have


By STACY FAISON/The Lufkin News

t’s a story suitable for an ESPN “30 for 30” documentary: What if I told you a Lufkin basketball star went on to get the most rebounds in any college game in the last 60 years and became a father to seven children — three of whom would play in the National Football League? It’s a story of a pair of Lufkin basketball legends, of a gene

pool that produced tremendous athletes, and of a man who was forced to grow up too fast under too much pressure, who made his share of mistakes but persevered and never lost his faith. There was a time when Joel Davis really didn’t have much of a relationship with his children. On this Father’s Day, he does. This is his story.

ANDY ADAMS/The Lufkin News

SEE DAVIS, PAGE 3A Lufkin native Joel Davis, right, stands with his son, Jorvorskie Lane, at a Panthers’ football game in Shenandoah in the fall.

criminal justice

Friday the 13th just another night under light of the full moon By JESSICA COOLEY The Lufkin News The light of the full moon met another notable entry in the book of superstitions this month when it fell on a Friday the 13th — an occurrence that will not happen again until August 2049. In our second installment of “Once in a Full Moon,” we set out once again to see if the calls local law enforcement and emergency officials answer are more intense under the light of a newly risen full moon — possibly more so when addFull moons that fall on Friday the ing in the “Jason” factor. (For anyone 13th are rare. The next one won’t happen October 13, 2000 again for 35 years. Here are the dates for June 13, 2014 unfamiliar with “Jason Voorhees,” he the most recent past and future Friday August 13, 2049 is the ski mask-wearing, machete-toting the 13th full moons. Hollywood legend known for massacring unchaste teenagers in Victor MillOn Friday night, we dialed into the er’s “Friday the 13th” movies.) scanner at 9 o’clock on the dot, and less In the coming months, we plan to con- than a minute later the first incident ocAndy Adams/The Lufkin News tinue this occasional series, and you can curred. Texas Department of Public Safety trooper Marc Slocum checks Old Union Road for oncoming traffic before taking a be the judge. The lunar effect: fact or ficLufkin man to his patrol car to conduct a sobriety test after the man ran his truck off the road around 1:30 a.m. Saturday. tion? SEE FULL MOON, PAGE 5A


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Dear Abby.................................. 6E East Texas............................. 1-4B Janice Ann Rowe.......................1B On the Record...........................2B Opinion.....................................2D

Outdoors...................................5C Sports................................... 1-6C TV Listings.......................... 1-16G (home delivery only) Weather..................................... 5A

Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for meritorious public service Volume 108 No. 131 88 Pages © The Lufkin Daily News

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Best buds Melissa McCarthy and Susan Sarandon, the stars of the new comedy ‘‘Tammy,’’ get candid about parenting, moviemaking and more.

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