Downtown developer targets Angelina Hotel

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Downtown developer targets Angelina Hotel

Hicks confirms he is looking to complete ‘Project Landmark’ By STEVE KNIGHT The Lufkin News Starting with the offices of his video production company at Fourth Street and Frank Avenue, this fifth-generation Lufkinite has remodeled 13 downtown buildings since 2003. Now Mark Hicks intends to add the longvacant Angelina Hotel to that list. Although negotiations for the purchase of the hotel are ongoing and not finalized, Hicks told The Lufkin News of his interest in hicks buying the one-time downtown landmark. “Hotel Angelina is truly the flagship property in downtown Lufkin. From its inception in 1922, to its unfortunate shuttering in the 1970s, this was Lufkin’s entertainment, banquet facilities, meeting place, and coffee shop all rolled into one,” the Stephen F. Austin State University graduate said. “There is so much history tied up in this one building that it would be a travesty to see it torn down.

“Though not much of the original interior remains, our team will strive to make it authentic to the time. We are passionate about this project and know the Angelina Hotel will be a tremendous asset to downtown Lufkin — historically, culturally, economically and socially.”

Courtesy of Mark Hicks

Downtown Lufkin developer Mark Hicks plans for Phase 1 renovations of the Angelina Hotel to resemble its original 1920s look, as depicted in this old postcard.

Mark Hicks

Lufkin developer

Just about anyone who has lived in or visited Lufkin during that time has a cherished memory of the Hotel Angelina. From high school proms, wedding receptions, to time spent reading the newspaper over a cup of coffee, the Hotel Angelina says Lufkin.” Downtown Lufkin is in the midst of a renaissance and rebirth, Hicks said, and this piece of the city’s history needs to be preserved. “With specialty retailers, coffee shops

and bakeries, entertainment venues and professional office space, all that is lacking is an anchor — to add weight and stability to what already exists. Downtown Lufkin is a place where locals and visitors can meet, do business and spend money — a combination that benefits small business and Lufkin’s tax base,” he said. “The reinvestment in vacant and deteriorating buildings

JOEL ANDREWS/The Lufkin News

Mark Hicks intends to add the long-vacant Angelina Hotel to a growing list of SEE HOTEL, PAGE 5A downtown buildings he has remodeled since 2003.

criminal justice

Police still pursuing leads in 5-year-old slaying investigation By JESSICA COOLEY The Lufkin News Five years ago today, Sherry Moore’s body lay under a thin canopy of trees in the area known as Lufkin Land, one day from discovery. Lufkin Police Det. John Petty said he isn’t sure if it was a rock or piece of concrete that dealt the

Zavalla woman’s death blow, but an autopsy ruled it homicide by blunt force trauma to the head. While he doesn’t believe the 36-year-old’s slaying was a random act, he said he also doesn’t believe her killer woke up that morning saying, “Before I go home tonight, I’m going to kill SEE SLAYING, PAGE 5A


Lufkin senior earns spot in all-state band

Corks & Forks Above: A sold-out crowd mingles at the Corks & Forks event sponsored by Brookshire Brothers and The Main Event at Abram’s in downtown Lufkin Saturday night. At right: Artist Barbara Richert works with pastels at the Corks & Forks event. Lufkin Convention and Visitors Bureau Executive Director Tara Watson-Watkins said she wanted the event to be the perfect pre-Valentine’s Day weekend where the people of Lufkin could enjoy good food, wine, and music in a romantic atmosphere. To view or buy photos from this event, visit See the story, Page 2A.

By NICK WADE The Lufkin News “Hey,” said the girl. “That’s one of the coolest things I’ve ever heard.” William “Willie” Cook had just been playing a solo on his trumpet when the girl approached him. “She didn’t look like she had any interest at all in music,” Cook said. “But that is what I get from music. That’s what makes it great, that I appealed to some-

JOEL ANDREWS/The Lufkin News


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Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for meritorious public service Volume 106 No. 1 54 Pages © The Lufkin Daily News

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one who didn’t care.” It has been 28 years since Lufkin High School had an all-state trumpet player, but that’s what Cook is. After two close misscook es, Cook broke through in his senior year and SEE BAND, PAGE 5A


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Downtown developer targets Angelina Hotel by Beverly Johnson - Issuu