URBINO LED with motion sensor (EN)

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Yo ur ci t y. O n ly t he be st s o l u ti on s .

Lig h t o f the hi g hes t quali t y, c o mbi n ed with t he p ro fessiona l s u ppo r t o f LU G’s d e s i gn e r s, i s t h e pe r fe c t compl e me nt to a ny urban installation that aims to consciously create a modern and safe space The impor tant process of creating such a space is that of placemak ing, which means a creative approach to the design of places. I t ’s not just about buildings and infrastruc ture, but also about positive feelings.


Design family URBINO LED

Design family URBINO LED

Discover the family of street lights that illuminate all roads –from residential areas, access roads, par k ing lots, cit y centers a n d major t h o rough f a res t o t r a c i n t erse c tion s, b ypasse s, expressways and freeways

Discover the family of street lights that illuminate all roads –from residential areas, access roads, par k ing lots, cit y centers a n d major t h o rough f a res t o t r a c i n t erse c tion s, b ypasse s, expressways and freeways

To ensu re t he b es t li g ht in g solution s, we use on ly t he b es t c ompone n ts in t h e desi g n and p rodu c tion p ro c es s LU G

To ensu re t he b es t li g ht in g solution s, we use on ly t he b es t c ompone n ts in t h e desi g n and p rodu c tion p ro c es s LU G

of up to 155 Lm/W, a ser vice life at L90 level of 100,000 h and excellent light parameters

of up to 155 Lm/W, a ser vice life at L90 level of 100,000 h and excellent light parameters

B ase d on our ma n y y ears o f ex p e r ien c e, th ree opt imal se tt i n g options for the motion sensor have been developed Choose a lighting scheme that suits your needs!

B ase d on our ma n y y ears o f ex p e r ien c e, th ree opt imal se tt i n g options for the motion sensor have been developed Choose a lighting scheme that suits your needs!

If your project requires other motion sensor setup pa r ame t er s , pleas e contac t our representative

If your project requires other motion sensor setup pa r ame t er s , pleas e contac t our representative



Presence level [%]

Presence level [%]

Absence level [%]

Absence level [%]

Run on time [min]

Run on time [min]

Fade -in time [s]

Fade -in time [s]

Fade out time [s]

Fade out time [s]

INDE X E X TE NS IO N MOTIO N SE NSO R S E T T ING S 100 30 3 1 10 30 5 1 5 0 3 0 10 100 100 4
INDE X E X TE NS IO N MOTIO N SE NSO R S E T T ING S 100 30 3 1 10 30 5 1 5 0 3 0 10 100 100

An example of correc t index selec tion for ordering a light with a motion sensor is shown below :

An example of correc


index selec tion for ordering

motion sensor is shown below :

130222.5L01X.XX1.XXX 130222.5L011.121.870

Protection class

Protection class I 033 - national/depar tmental roads 870 - Light with motion detector



NOTE: Light with motion sensor is available only with 165°- adjustable bracket

NOTE: Light with motion sensor is

only with

adjustable bracket

Motion detec tor

Motion detec tor

Motion and ambient light sensor monitoring

▪ Motion and ambient light sensor monitoring

Integrated temperature measurement

▪ Integrated temperature measurement

2 x integrated PIR sensors, which enable advanced features such as objec t detec tion with lateral orientation

▪ 2 x integrated PIR sensors, which enable advanced features such as objec t detec tion with lateral orientation

Low energy consumption via DALI 2 bus power supply

▪ Low energy consumption via DALI 2 bus power supply

mounting on the luminaire

▪ mounting on the luminaire

▪ Integrated pressure compensation membrane

ntegrated pressure compensation membrane

Ser vice life up to 100,000 h at tc = 60°C

▪ Ser vice life up to 100,000 h at tc = 60°C

Nous nous réser vons le droit d’appor ter des changements structurels sur nos luminaires Actuellement informations sur les produits et les dispositions générales disponibles sur notre site Web www.luglightfactor y.fr 5
▪ ▪ I
130222.5L01X.XX1.XXX 130222.5L011.121.870 www tridonic ubjecom ct to change without notice. nformation provided without guarantee ata sheet/ ensor function eigh t ete ction are a ove re d a re a h x y y y m m m m m m ² m m m m m m² m m m m m m² m m m m m m² m m m m m m² m m m m m m² m m m m m m² m m m m m m² m m m m m m² otion detection ensor is designed to be used in urban street lighting application he sensor lens is designed for degrees tilt, parallel to the road surface compared to the background (mainly pedestrians) he IR technology is used, covering a rectangular area (part of a street) verview of sensitivity areas: he triangular sign indicates the direction to the street (haga y axis) when the sensor is locked in place haga h = haga haga y y ole ensor idewalk h = haga AXIS haga y y ole ensor hagaAXIS / / / / / / haga ctangul ar, the highlighted a re a is optimize d pedestrians. he dete ction a re a is n ot sha rp-edged bu t arked bo rder s ensitivity mat ched vi a ppli cation- ont rolle r he dete ction range area y can be redu ced if the senso r is m ounted to o close to the pole altitude h [m] Detec tion area Area covered [m2] x [m] y [m] y1 [m] y2 [m] 4.0 17.0 8 2.0 6.0 136 4.5 19.3 9 2.3 6.8 173 5.0 21.5 10 2.5 7.5 215 5.5 23.8 11 2.8 8.3 261 6.0 26.0 12 3.0 9.0 312 6.5 28.3 13 3.3 9.8 367 7.0 30.5 14 3.5 10.5 427 7.5 32.8 15 3.8 11.3 491 8.0 35.0 16 4.0 12.0 560
We reser ve the right to make structural changes to our lights Product information and general provisions are now available on our website www.luglightfactor y com Nous nous réser vons le droit d’appor ter des changements structurels sur nos luminaires Actuellement informations sur les produits et les dispositions générales disponibles sur notre site Web www.luglightfactor y.fr 5
www tridonic ubjecom ct to change without notice. nformation provided without guarantee ata sheet/ ensor
eigh t ete ction are a ove re d a re a h x y y y m m m m m m ² m m m m m m² m m m m m m² m m m m m m² m m m m m m² m m m m m m² m m m m m m² m m m m m m² m m m m m m² otion detection ensor is designed to be used in urban street lighting application he sensor lens is designed for degrees tilt, parallel to the road surface compared to the background (mainly pedestrians) he IR technology is used, covering a rectangular area (part of a street) verview of sensitivity areas: otion detection area he triangular sign indicates the direction to the street (haga y axis) when the sensor is locked in place haga h = haga haga AXIS y y ole ensor idewalk h = haga haga y y ole ensor hagaAXIS ole / / / haga / / / haga he full dete cti on a re a is re ctangul ar, the highlighted a re a is optimize d fo r dete cti on of pedestrians. he dete ction a re a is n ot sha rp-edged bu t runs s moothly ove r the m arked bo rder s ensitivity of the sens or can be mat ched vi a ppli cation- ont rolle r he dete ction range area y can be redu ced if the senso r is m ounted to o close to the pole altitude h [m] Detec tion area Area covered [m2] x [m] y [m] y1 [m] y2 [m] 4.0 17.0 8 2.0 6.0 136 4.5 19.3 9 2.3 6.8 173 5.0 21.5 10 2.5 7.5 215 5.5 23.8 11 2.8 8.3 261 6.0 26.0 12 3.0 9.0 312 6.5 28.3 13 3.3 9.8 367 7.0 30.5 14 3.5 10.5 427 7.5 32.8 15 3.8 11.3 491 8.0 35.0 16 4.0 12.0 560
with a
I 033 - national/depar tmental roads 870 -
with motion detector We reser ve the right to make structural changes to our lights Product information and general provisions are now available on our website www.luglightfactor y com

Get to know the parameters technical luminaires with a motion sensor



power 23-157

power 23-157 lumen luminaire 3150-19050 lm 157 lm/W colour temperature 3000, 4000, 5700 K

lumen luminaire 3150-19050 lm 157 lm/W colour temperature 3000, 4000, 5700 K

operating temperature range max +50°C

operating temperature range max +50°C


IP 66





IP 66




09* on the pillar, on the outrigger ø 40, 60, 76 mm body aluminium

09* on the pillar, on the outrigger

ø 40, 60, 76 mm body aluminium

the color of the housing gray weight 6,8 - 7 kg dimension[L x W x H] 550x250x100 mm

the color of the housing gray weight 6,8 - 7 kg dimension[L x W x H] 550x250x100 mm

Get to know the parameters technical luminaires with a motion sensor



power 23-157

power 23-157

lumen luminaire 3150-19050 lm

lumen luminaire 3150-19050 lm

156 lm/W

colour temperature 2200, 2700, 3000, 4000



PLUS version

PLUS version

I K 09

I K 09

101,103, 158, 160, 204,205W

101,103, 158, 160, 204,205W

11 100- 30 300 lm

11 100- 30 300 lm

do 153 lm/W

do 153 lm/W

colour temperature 2200, 2700, 3000, 4000 K

colour temperature 2200, 2700, 3000, 4000 K

mounting - on the pillar, on the outrigger -40 ... +50°C

operating temperature range

mounting on the pillar, on the outrigger -40 ... +50°C -40 ... +50°C


≥ 70


IP 66 IK ode

≥ 70

IP 66

09* aluminium body color of the housing gray, graphite mounting ø 40, 60, 76 mm weight 10,3 kg dimension[L x W x H] 550x250x100 mm

IK body 09* aluminium body color of the housing gray, graphite mounting ø 40, 60, 76 mm weight 10,3 kg dimension[L x W x H] 550x250x100 mm

colour temperature 2200, 2700, 3000, 4000

operating temperature range max +50°C

operating temperature range max +50°C




≥ 70


IP 66

156 lm/W

≥ 70

IP 66



10* on the pillar, on the outrigger

on the pillar, on the outrigger ø 48, 60, 76 mm body aluminium

on the pillar, on the outrigger ø 48, 60, 76 mm

10* on the pillar, on the outrigger

body aluminium color of the housing gray, graphite weight 6,1 kg dimension[L x W x H] 543x248x102 mm

the color of the housing gray, graphite weight 6,1 kg dimension[L x W x H] 543x248x102 mm

www.luglightfac tor y.en LUG Light Fac tor y

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