2 minute read
CNO for England visits Royal
from LUHFT Life issue 12
Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) for England, Dame Ruth May, made a special visit to Ward 8X and our Emergency Department at the Royal, while also personally presenting a CNO award.
Jennie Makin and Anna Lavelle from the Colorectal Team on Ward 8X discussed with Ruth May about how they have been supported to develop in their roles and the benefits that brings to our patients. Colleagues also talked about the legacy Deborah James (Bowel babe) is leaving behind and how she has inspired other patients with her positivity throughout her five-year battle with bowel cancer, raising money for charity and awareness via social media by giving a candid account of her treatment.
A proud moment was when Dame Ruth May presented our Associate Director of Nursing Workforce and Education, Joselito Marinas, with a Chief Nurse Officer award for his dedication in supporting colleagues to improve patient care.
She also met with the senior nursing team to discuss our £8 million investment in nursing staff recruitment, Liverpool Quality Accreditation (LQA), get updates on the New Royal and also the Fundamentals of Care Programme.

Growing initiative biggest in Merseyside

We welcomed Deputy Lieutenant for Merseyside, John Roberts, to Aintree to see the amazing work of our Sustainability team and woodland volunteers who’ve planted 1,330 trees for The Queen’s Green Canopy initiative.
John, who is a representative of Her Majesty The Queen, was given a tour of the nearby woodland area by Les Ward, Lead Volunteer of the Bluebell Woods Group.
Les who’s spent 12 years volunteering to give staff, patients and visitors access to a thriving green space, was extremely proud to show John around knowing we were one of the biggest contributors to the initiative in Merseyside.
Our Sustainability Team is working hard to ensure our communities live healthier, happier, fairer lives. This is just one example of their fantastic work, with LUHFT also being one of only three Trust’s in the country to introduce a Nature Recovery Ranger, whose role is to encourage participation in nature projects to aid patient and staff wellbeing.