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Building Our Future Together FAQs
from LUHFT Life issue 12
Building Our Future Together FAQs
James Sumner, Chief Executive, hosted a number of Building Our Future Together roadshows across all our sites to share our plans for the future, including the changes and challenges that we’ll face on our journey to deliver outstanding healthcare.
Here a few of the questions you submitted:
How long will it take to move into the New Royal?
There will be a 24-day phased move into the new hospital from 28 September 2022. Detailed move plans are being created with teams to ensure an efficient and safe move for staff and patients.
How will patients be transferred to the new hospital?
Patients will be transferred via the link tunnel from the current Royal to the new hospital. This will form part of the 24-day move plan and there will be a specific number of patients moved each day.
Are there adequate staff rooms?
There are staff rooms located on each floor, in addition to facilities located within clinical areas such as theatres, endoscopy etc. There are also lockers on each floor.
Will I need a new ID badge?
No, you will not need a new ID badge. Access to the new building is granted using your current ID badge on the day of your induction.
What services are moving from Royal to Aintree?
Subject to consultation: Stroke, Vascular and Emergency Surgery.
What services are moving from Aintree to the Royal?
Subject to consultation: Nephrology, Breast, Liver, Colorectal and Urology, plus Urology outpatients from Broadgreen.
What services are moving to Broadgreen?
Subject to consultation: the Medical Day-Case Unit.
Leading change through colleague engagement
As we progress on our Building Our Future Together journey, we’ve spoken with those at #TeamLUHFT who are leading change in their areas – either preparing colleagues to move sites, or who are leading their staff through the integration process. Dan Ordidge, Head of Operations
for Radiology, has been leading work with colleagues in Radiology around the new service and integration moves across the imaging care group. Not only will some of the team be moving into the New Royal, but there will be service changes across Aintree and the Royal, including vascular and the regional stroke centre.
Dan said: “There will be a lot of changes impacting radiology staff. We’ve worked with the Organisational Development Team and specialist teams to develop engagement sessions, discussing how service moves will affect staff and the positive impact these changes will make – including better outcomes for our patients. Q&As enabled staff to voice any concerns about the changes and any queries they had about impact on their daily roles.”
Following this, the team circulated the feedback to colleagues, so that those unable to make the sessions could also be involved. One-to-one sessions were also made available if colleagues wanted to discuss anything further.
“The benefit we’ve seen is that staff feel listened to, and that they’ve had the opportunity to ask questions and put concerns across. Colleagues have been able to feed back their own ideas, so have been part of the decisionmaking processes. Engagement is really important when you’re looking to implement changes, so getting people onboard early on in the process to help map the service is vital.”
Leading change videos are available on the Building Our Future Together intranet site.