l u i g i
o l i v i e r i
a r c h i t e c t u r e
RESUME l u i g i
o l i v i e r i
a r c h i t e c t
p r o fi l e
e d u cat i o n
st u d i o wo r k
I bel ieve t hat studying emergent structure and natural
2015 master in architectural design university of roma 3
april 2017/may 2017 research collaboration and assistant - Princeton university
principles can help understand us, as architect, a bet ter way to use our technology and material to program efficient
2014/15 one year master at the ITECH program university of Stuttgart
structure for t he l iving of tomorrow.
s k i l ls
2013 bachelor in science of architecture and the city university of la Sapienza
p e rs o n a l name - luigi
birthday - 23/04/1989
c omu n i c at o r
nationality - ital ian
2012 workshop form as unknow London Architectural Association - Rome visiting school
language - ital ian-engl ish
C o n ta c t mobile - +393927825802 mail - luigi.ol ivieri.lo a@gmail.com skype - lol ivieri89 IT address - via federico patet ta 40, Rome DE address - anklam er str.25, Berl in USA address - 440 frankl in ave, Princeton
- knowledge of parametric design applied to: emerging system study of biomimetic applied to design and architecture fabrication technique for complex system automation of production process applied to design - knowledge of wood material applied to construction field applied in material programming as shape shifting element in response to humidity changing - knowledge of BIM applied in complex group architecture applied to parametric design
R EFER EN C E Tomas Saraceno Studio - Berl in
prof Sigrid Adriaenssens -
Princeton university
L I N KS web - www.luigiol ivieri.com linkedin - ht tps://www.l inked in. com/in/luigi-ol ivieri-20468a89/
revit photoshop illustrator indesign autocad maxwell render vray 3d studio max sketch
november 2016/may 2017 full time architect at studio Fuksas - Rome june 2016/september 2 016 full timearchitect at studio Tomas Saraceno - Berlin january 2016/june 2016 full time BIM operator at Rimond - Rome march 2015/june 2015 full time architect MBA/S associates - Stuttgart september 2012/february 2014 part time architect - ECOS appalti - Rome may 2012/august 2012 internship architect - J.M.Schivo e associati - Rome
c o m p let e d wo r k
2017 - renovat ion of t he portugal ambassador vil la
2014 - arquideas new observatory_chile
2016 - itech pavil l ion 15/16_stut tgart 2016 - itech pavil l ion 14/15_stut tgart 2016 - robot ical ly assisted assembly of bend plywood_stut tgart 2015 - private house_rome 2015 - restaurant boccad ito_philadelphiphia 2013 - restaurant_trevignano romano 2014 - xlam private house_trevignano romano 2014 - energy gym_rome
2015 - Evolo new forniture 2014 - Heim Mals new board ing school_mal les 2012 - archmed ium tokio replay center_tokio
R E S EA R C H HIGROW - YAP MAXXI HIGROSCOPIC PROPRIETIES OF WOOD USED AS PROGRAMMABLE MATTER IN LIGHTWEIGHT CONSTRUCTION 2016 competence - 3d modeling rhinoceros, grasshopper, kangaroo - rendering rhinoceros vray - models rhinonest, lasercut, wood lamination - postproduction photoshop, illustrator, indesign
exterior view of the MAXXI - museum of contemporary architecture
R ES EA RC H University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
fig. grain orientation of pine cone petals
BIOMIMETIC My master thesis explore the possibilities of using higroscopic proprieties of wood, taking fiber layering principle of pine cone as a fabrication method for enviroment reactive structure.
fig. micro structure of wood fibers
University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
fig. fabrication process for wood lamination
5.glue curing
5.laminated strip
6.laminated strip
6.air reaction
6.humidity reaction
7.humidify for re-flatting
My master thesis explore the possibilities of using higroscopic proprieties of wood, taking fiber layering principle of pine cone as a fabrication method for enviroment reactive structure.
7.air for re-flatting
fig. experiment to mesure the weight of the test at the variation of humidity
50% humidity
fig. laminated test before and after humidify
85% humidity
R ES EA RC H University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
fig. seashell construction
fig. study diagrams for positive/negative gaussian curvature
The use of complex geometry is part of a research of seashell composition, to benefit of their structural performance. Wood joint are design to easily be assembled and ensure high stiffness with high flexibility once their lock in position. fig. interlocking wood joints
R ES EA RC H University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
The result is a functional system that react on the humidity changing based on three hierarchy of levels. 1) Microstructure: the cell inside the wood absorbe and realeases water, expanding and contrancting. This mechanism, with an appropriate lamination process ,can produce the movement of the structure as whole. 2) Mesostructure: based on the designed joints 3) Macrostructure: based on two joined strip
fig. working models of two segment reacting at different humidity
fig. several tryout models during the process
University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
R E S EA R C H ROBOTICALLY ASSISTED ASSEMBLY OF BEND PLYWOOD Institute of computational design Stuttgart 2015/16 competence - 3d modeling rhinoceros, grasshopper, kangaroo
- postproduction photoshop, illustrator, indesign
- rendering rhinoceros vray
- concept developement and material simulation
- robot type kuka robot
R ES EA RC H University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
The advent of robotic fabrication in architecture, has given architects the ability to access highly precise industrial manufacturing technology which was previously unavailable. What this entails, is that we can construct architectural assemblies and processes with high degrees of precision. This project aims to take capitalize on a 6 axis industrial robotic arm in its capacity to pin point exact coordinate planes in a given spatial envelope. Assembly of complex tectonic systems, made of relatively simple parts, can be assembled in three dimensional space with the assistance of a robotic arm. The role of robotics then becomes one of assistance, the creation of a generic assembly system made of equal and simple parts, the project goal.
Much as our precedent study, a research project led by the Gramazio Kohler research group at the ETH in Zurich, we developed a strategy that aims to take advantage of robotic fabrication in the way it can be an assistance in assembly of complex objects. Simultaneously, by keeping the tectonic system rather simple, the complexity of assembly is taken by the tectonic systems, made of relatively simple parts, can be assembled in three dimensional space with the assistance of a robotic arm. The role of robotics then becomes one of assistance, the creation of a generic assembly system made of equal and simple parts, the project goal. We developed a strategy that aims to take advantage of robotic fabrication in the way it can be an assistance in assembly of complex objects.
R ES EA RC H University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
R E S EA R C H EVOLO COMPETITION New forniture EVOLO 2016 competence - 3d modeling rhinoceros, grasshopper - rendering rhinoceros vray - postproduction photoshop, illustrator, indesign
In this proposal we have attempted to integrate principles of wood furniture fabrication, flat packaging, and (perhaps most innovative) an ability to interact with and in doing so improve the environment. The simple, paired-down design of the lounge chair or seat disguises the piece’s underlying complexity; one, as an unrolled, geometrically complex wooden assemblage, and secondly, as a habitat for photosynthetic cyanobacteria (algae) which enable the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in exchange for the production of oxygen. The only energy required for this transformation is sunlight. R ES EA RC H University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
R E S EA R C H ITECH PAVILLION Institute of computational design Stuttgart 2015/16 competence - 3d modeling rhinoceros, grasshopper, plugin - rendering rhinoceros vray - models rhinonest, lasercut, wood lamination - postproduction photoshop, illustrator, indesign
R ES EA RC H University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
fig. biomimetic construction principle fig. grain differenciation for different bending stiffness
The development of the ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2015-16 is characterised by a twofold bottom-up design strategy based on the biomimetic investigation of natural segmented plate structures and novel robotic fabrication methods for sewing thin layers of plywood. The project commenced with the analysis of the constructional morphology of sand dollars. At the same time, a fabrication technique was developed that enables the production of elastically bent, double-layered segments made from customlaminated, robotically sewn beech plywood. Introducing textile connection methods in timber construction enables extremely lightweight and performative segmented timber shells.
fig. grain differenciation for different bending stiffness
fig. study models for the segments
University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
R E S EA R C H ITECH PAVILLION Institute of computational design Stuttgart 2014/15 competence - construction support - prepreg the carbon fiber rolls with glue - mockup and running robot simulation before the final construction - support in running the robot during the construction
R ES EA RC H University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
fig. building principle system
fig. building principle system
fig. waterspider
The ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2014-15 demonstrates the architectural potential of a novel building method inspired by the underwater nest construction of the water spider. Through a novel robotic fabrication process an initially flexible pneumatic formwork is gradually stiffened by reinforcing it with carbon fibers from the inside. The resulting lightweight fiber composite shell forms a pavilion with unique architectural qualities, while at the same time being a highly material-efficient structure.
fig. robot construction principle
University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
R E S EA R C H CELLULAR AUTOMATA 3d voronoi structure New York 2016 competence - 3d modeling rhinoceros, grasshopper, plugin - rendering rhinoceros vray - postproduction photoshop, illustrator, indesign
In this generative process we explore the possibilities to simulate the cellular automata growth in y direction plus the accretion of the size of the of the organism. In the z direction the number was keept higther comparing with the number of points in the x/y direction. The result is a complex structure at the bottom and a more regular grid at the top.
R ES EA RC H University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
R E S EA R C H FORM AS UNKNOWN AA Rome visiting school Rome 2012 competence - 3d modeling rhinoceros, grasshopper, plugin - rendering rhinoceros vray - models wood strips - postproduction photoshop, illustrator, indesign
The Weaving project proposes a light wood shell, that recalls the pattern of the dunes of the desert, creating an artificial structure that requalifies the urban landscape of Largo Passamonti in Rome. This architectural structure, like a dinamic fluid, envelopes the basketball court which becomes the core of the new activity and sports events center. The Weaving project reconnects the Verano cemetary, Sante de Sanctis park and the San Lorenzo district. It reconfigures an empty, spoiled, urban scene into a dynamic architectural area.
R ES EA RC H University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
P R ACT I C E BOCCADITO Concept Restaurant Philadelphia 2016 competence - concept and brand developing - 3d modeling rhinoceros, grasshopper - rendering rhinoceros vray - postproduction photoshop, illustrator, indesign
P R ACT I C E University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
Boccadito rise with the idea of using simple ingredients for the design as much of the selection of natural and organic ingredients. The combination of simple elements bring to the light the idea behind this place. Using natural and recicled material, comes with the necessity of bring back the art of eating into an act for the enviroment and our childrens. Boccadito want to diffuse a common sense trough his food and his design, to make us reflect in the act of eating, what it means our presence on this earth and the enviromental impact of what we eat. Sharing and eating not just food but also ideas, toughts and art. This is the reason why we cover most of the walls with a blackboard painting as white canvas where everyone can partecipate. The all sealing is covered with recicled wood panel, filtering the light in different ways in every room. Designed trough an algorithm that generate different openings size was possible to fabricate with a cnc machine different variety of type. All the spaces are designed to generate variety in the act of sharing.
P R ACT I C E University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
P R ACT I C E PRIVATE VILLA Concept Rome 2016 competence - concept developing and meeting with client - 3d modeling rhinoceros, grasshopper, plugin - rendering rhinoceros vray - postproduction photoshop, illustrator, indesign
The project is located outside Rome and takes into account the client request to have a new conteporary one floor house. The idea is to divide the space in sector where in the heart of it a new open space living room will arise. The morphology of the elements was able to let us obtain a private court space facing the field in the back of the house. Wide openings are able to estabilish visual connection between the two sides and having natural ventilation in the house. The particular morphology of the roof is studied in order to be able to collect the water rain and re-use it in the house for services and gardening without any waste. The project also integrate with the landscape by estabilish a sculptural volume in between the landscape, having animmersive experience in the outback of Rome, in front one of the most important lake
P R ACT I C E University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
P R ACT I C E GYM Concept Rome 2014 competence - concept developing and meeting with client - 3d modeling rhinoceros - rendering rhinoceros vray - postproduction photoshop, illustrator, indesign
The project is located in Rome and takes into account the customer’s request to revise the classic space of a gym. The main idea is to reduce everything down to the essentials through the use of two simple materials in direct contrast between them, wood and concrete. The decision to leave the ventilation system in sight was taken in order to leave the essence of a space that gives no time to minimal distractions but only concentration during training. On the ceiling there are positioned acoustic panels in wood to give dynamism but at the same time dramatically increase the acoustics of each space.
completed flying room
detail for the external logo
detail for the internal material
University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
P R ACT I C E RESIDENTIAL XLAM structure Rome 2014 competence - follow the construction site during the xlam assembly
The project is located on the hilltop of Poggio delle Ginestre with a magnificent view of Lake Bracciano. The volumes of the houses blend in with the natural setting, respecting the environment, which maximizes the surrounding views. The house is developed in xlam, working as a perfect insulation, with great savings in terms of costs to heat and cool the internal spaces and CO2 emissions.
P R ACT I C E University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
STUDIO Tomas Saraceno 3d Spider Web Scan Installation 2016 competence - support for the fabrication of small scale artwork - proposal and concept developing for medium and big scale installation - 3d modeling rhinoceros, grasshopper, plugin - rendering rhinoceros vray - models rhinonest, lasercut, wood lamination - postproduction photoshop, illustrator, indesign
STUDIO University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
STUDIO Tomas Saraceno SF. MOMA Installation 2016 competence - support for the fabrication of small scale artwork - proposal and concept developing for medium and big scale installation - physically tryout different configuration for the final installation - 3d modeling rhinoceros, grasshopper, plugin - rendering rhinoceros vray - models rhinonest, lasercut, wood lamination - postproduction photoshop, illustrator, indesign
STUDIO University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
STUDIO Massimiliano Fuksas My Zeil Shopping Mall Renovation 2017 competence - concept developing for a new restaurant terrace in the shopping mall - support in the competition department during deadline - 3d modeling rhinoceros, grasshopper, plugin - rendering rhinoceros vray - postproduction photoshop, illustrator, indesign - work in group to propose different solution for the client
STUDIO University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University
STUDIO Rimond My Zeil Shopping Mall Renovation 2016 competence - support for the construction site providing detailed drawing with instruction for the MEP installation - part of a big group where one side was responsible of build the 3d model and the other of producing the board for the site. Working in sync in the same model.
render propriety of studio muzi e associati construction plan propriety of rimond
render propriety of studio muzi e associati
STUDIO University of Roma 3 - American University of Cairo - Princeton University