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- I started the component 2 project with the idea of focusing only on two mental health issues, depression and anxiety, I began to focus more on feelings and emotions of people with mental health problems and also how it could affect people close to them in the short and long term if they commit suicide So my view of this work changed a little bit about the different parts of mental health, it changed from just representing two mental health problems to a few more, but also added the subject of suicide, the traumas that cause these mental health issues and also how the loved ones feel when they find out how the individual is suffering and the things they do in order to escape that pain and suffering.

- One of the obstacles that most affected me was a small mental block I had when trying to develop the response to the second artist. This block did not allow me to think about what I could do and did not let me have ideas, so I could show what I wanted. Although this obstacle made me realize that my work was becoming a little repetitive in all aspects so I started using techniques that I had already used and I felt safe and confident using them to be able to develop my work completely


- With the first artist I chose to respond to his work, he helped me develop my ideas more, since I was able to represent the feelings that human beings can feel when their mental health is being affected by external factors which they cannot fully control, this also help me by making use of other techniques that I was not yet completely using but that I had already used in the past, to be able to express the feelings of pain and despair that come to feel and the fact that some people who suffer for their metal health do it alone for fear to be judged

- During the remaining weeks of the component 2 project, I feel that I could be more ambitious with my work if I stopped making only collages and tried to make sculptures and also videos in order to get a full potential from my work. So what I look for in my next artists for my work are those who make sculptures and use more vibrant colours so I can symbolize more about what causes those mental health problems instead of just the emotions and feelings they may have because of their mental health

- The second artist helped me develop that idea of feelings but exploring different mental health problems, such as schizophrenia, bipolarity and even multiple personality disorder, also including depression and social anxiety which I had experimented more deeply before When developing the work in response to the artist is when I talk about suicide and how it affects people close to them, as they call them suicide survivors, because when a person takes his life and dies, a part of the loved ones also leave with them and they are not going to be the same, in the short term the pain they feel is strong and they cannot get used to or believe that the person is no longer with them, in the long term they may continue to feel the pain but in the end family and friends get used to that pain and can go on with their lives, only they will not be able to enjoy the things they did just as they did before since it does not bring the same feelings of joy but now it also brings sadness.

Original In Spanish

La escultura está inspirada por Jackson Pollock tome inspiración de el al derramar encima y al salpicar la escultura con pintura para poder así simbolizar las emociones y lo que puedan sentir a la hora de tener una enfermedad mental. Mi trabajo es no es muy diferente al de Pollock ya que los dos intentan representar sentimientos y sufrimientos de las personas pero Pollock muestra el sufrimiento causado por las guerra e intento simbolizar el sufriendo causado por la mente así misma dejando a la persona débil y con problemas para poder llevar a cabo su vida diaria, también se utiliza salpicar y derramar pintura aunque Pollock lo hace de una manera más controlada y definida en cambio en mi trabajo no tengo ningún control en cuanto derramar la pintura así que no puedo decidir donde caerá y que parte se cubrirá de pintura, entonces es más impredecible comparado con el trabajo de Pollock

Translation To English

The sculpture is inspired by Jackson Pollock, I took inspiration from him by spilling and splashing the sculpture with paint in order to symbolize emotions and what they may feel when having a mental illness My work is not very different from Pollock's as they both try to represent people's feelings and suffering but Pollock shows the suffering caused by war and I try to symbolize the suffering caused by the mind itself leaving the person weak and in trouble. In order to carry out his daily life, splashing and spilling paint is also used, although Pollock does it in a more controlled and defined way. In contrast, in my work I have no control over how much paint is spilled, so I cannot decide where it will fall and what. part will be covered in paint, so it's more unpredictable compared to Pollock's work.

Esta pieza de trabajo da la idea de lo dolorose que sería para los seres queridos de la persona si decide suicidarse y el trauma que le podría causar si ellos fueran los que se encuentran el cuerpo sin vida. El trabajo muestra la importancia y atención que tienen algún problema con su salud mental ya que pueden llegar a sentirse de la manera menos deseada y querida por las personas que llegan a pensar que sería mejor no estar viva. Lo que más me gusta de esta pieza es que los diferentes tonos de rojo se hacen parecer como sangre y que la letra de las cartas esta un poco borrosa por el agua, la cual simboliza las lágrimas que derramaría la persona al leerla Lo que menos me gusta es que las cartas no parecen antiguas ni deterioradas, me hubiera gustado que tuvieran un efecto más antiguo para así poder mostrar más el sentimiento de no poder dejar que esto los afecte tanto como en el pasado.

Translation To English

This piece of work gives an idea of ​​how painful it would be for the person's loved ones if they decide to commit suicide and the trauma it could cause them if they were the ones to find the lifeless body. The work shows the importance and care that some problem with their mental health has, since they can come to feel in the least desired and loved way by people who come to think that it would be better not to be alive What I like the most about this piece is that the different shades of red are made to look like blood and that the handwriting on the cards is slightly blurred by water, which symbolizes the tears that the person would shed when reading it. What I like least is that the cards don't look old or damaged, I would have liked them to have an older effect so I could show more of the feeling of not being able to let this affect them as much as in the past.

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