Social taxons in usa

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Social Taxons in USA

In the United States there are twelve different social taxons and their respective categories life qualities.

The first taxonomic composed of the small group of fellow imperialist monopoly (a ten magnates and their families). With profiles of parasitic life super, super con artist, and super super hoarder discriminatory, being today the largest and the world's worst pernicious. Verify more details of the evidence and examples:

The second class of partners EnSolve politicians (congressmen and governors) and judicial (judges and prosecutors) especially the state and federal jurisdictions, among other public officials (totaling about 17 million). Most of which are servile mercenaries conspirators with their masters millionaires archi, to maintain and protect the immense con artist operating system windfall wealth and grabbing their mega-powerful and organized criminals at national and international level. Whose strategy is to continue: Leveraging the set of laws pro-oligarchs sinarcas to perpetuate the violation of human rights law Endorsed by the United Nations, only protected in 14 countries. Blackmailing the United Nations (UN) and the Organisation of American States (OAS) through the denial of due monetary contributions, if the UN requires sign and comply with the relevant


conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) many continue to avoid violating the rights of workers, and if the OAS calls will be subordinated to the jurisdiction of the InterAmerican Court of Human rights (based in Costa Rica) to judge where defendant USA. Verify more details of the evidence:,_el_M%C3%A1s_Perjudicial_y_Odiado_del_Mundo.pdf

The third state of collective includes about 1.4 million effective agents of various military institutions and numerous police departments, only in New York more than 40 000. Those in general (and with few exceptions) are mercenaries and parasites sub accomplices, accessories and protective super organized crime lords its monopolistic system and its supreme pro imperialist bosses. Largely dedicated to espionage (national and international) to invasive wars on different continents and run the repression of poor people. Many of them highlighted by the immense cowardice, sadism and bullying. Verify details of the evidence and examples: # hl = en & q = + police brutality + in + usa

The fourth phylogeny extroverts covers preachers all employees, those who teach, advise, communicate or indoctrinate. Exhibiting, discussing and discoursing on any matter, unless the truths about the super-oligarchs sinarcas parasites, the chief culprits of all the facts of social crisis. Almost all of them taste good, but prefer the comfortable silence and abettor . Fearing the dispossession of their positions, salaries and other retaliation by the super super organized criminals and gangsters discriminators of the first, second and third classes and categories. Verify evidence and examples:

The fifth estate of afora affiliated to the middle class, conceptual term that defines owners of means of production and/or small and medium entrepreneurs. Is generally subdivided into lower middle class ( above the income of employees) and upper middle class (with high earnings and wealth, but lower than the wealthy or extremely rich sectors). This establishment in US in recent years has decreased the number of employers and rental income, victims of swindler imperialist super exploitation of dardanarios. Verify mathematical evidence:

The sixth taxo pooled includes simple devoid of means of production, the biggest wealth creators and players wage workers. Producers, distributors and interchanges of all goods consumed. Many of them minimum wage (or congruas) suffering the largest shares of exploitation and scam some of your profits. Consequently most impoverished, suffering and helpless, victimized by abusive subjugation, repression and aggression of its perpetrators, the taxa first, second and third. Effect of not signing or met the relevant conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) to always favor the larceny of usurers sinarcas. Verify evidence and examples:

The seventh ranks of people living together is intrinsic to the hundreds of thousands of families (especially Mexican and Hispanic in general) victims of their forced separation: of children born and abandoned in US to deport one or two of their parents. One of the greatest discrimination and consummate damage during the Obama regime. Verify evidence and examples: enero

The eighth sequital taxon encompasses millions of people forced to carry out their work 2

activities of irregular and clandestine manner. Irrogada by the perennial violation of the rights and freedoms of creating businesses and to participate in the competition or competition. And many more slaughtered in US and its dependent states of Latin America, to control, harass, repress, harass or infiernan. Such is the case of business services prostitution, narcotics and games. Irrogando are made without adequate and secretly rules, increasing poverty, mental disorders and extreme crime: kidnapping, extortion, smuggling, enslavements super farms pederastĂ­as, torture and killings. Verify the evidence and examples:

It highlights that if an immigration bill pseudo reformer, exclusive of the right to citizenship is approved, as claimed by the greedy imperialists and their lackeys conniventes bribed, ultra conservative discriminatory legalities of human rights, they would have additional eleven million workers enslaved and robbed by super exploitation rate. Leading to increased discrimination and too many tragedies. That many more Americans have very poor or impoverished and afflicted by all odds a substandard quality of life. Causing them various disorders and antisocial behaviors. Verify evidence and examples:

The ninth estaladura peer integrates the vast amount of prisoners account for 25 percent of prisoners around the globe. Encased in hundreds of federal, state, regional and private prisons in the US, a country where he lives 5 percent of the world population. Many wrongly accused and tried for false crimes, which does not exist in other countries that enjoy human rights. Verify evidence and examples : The internal edge tenth delegation to indigent people with the biggest problems of nutrition, health, housing, education, entertainment, shelter, and other discrimination or deprivation of human rights. Between them, they just need to wandering expel me on the streets as a beggar and then murdered me more or less quickly. Verify evidence and examples:

The eleventh ranked socialized is contained by those condemned to hell, or to torture and murder legally. Verify the details of the evidence on three of my articles: % C2 % A1 % C2 % A1Asesinos

The twelfth ranked sub hated civilized and helpless victims of a practice of unlawful killings and other crimes and civil xenĂŠfobos and homophobic cops to damage and/or exterminate indigent, African Americans and Latinos, generally undocumented and especially Mexican or Central Americans. Verify evidence and examples:

I believe my sample meritorious case. Motivated by my quirky tenacious and courageous reckless activity for my scientific-heuristic-academic-juristic contained in MYTRUTHS pentalogy to bring to humanity important educational achievements. Particularly for defending human rights in general and especially the Cuban community and the US. Having become opposite with many complaints and protests to the aforementioned first three systematic and organized criminals discriminatory estates (those in Cuba for more than three decades) and the US for eight years. Resulting retaliado hated and multi slander, harassment in employment and household facilities, threats, sabotage, kidnapping, torture (including psychiatric), terrorism towards my family, destitution punishment, ostracism and attempted murder. In order to end my human rights activism. Verify the 3

evidence of 34 applicants processes (including three international) summarized and updated in:

CONCLUSIONS : 1) The maximum anti discriminatory legacy "Love The One Another " Glorious Jesús of Nazareth and "With All and for the Good of All " by José Julián Martí Pérez , are not met in the U.S., or any other country that has imperialism perpetrator of human rights. 2) The imperialist monopolies, first the US, are the chief culprits of the social ills of the world today. 3) We must sensitize communities in US to elect friendly politicians and human rights defenders. 4) Let's demand that small elite of the ten imperial super wealthy US families, par excellence, thieving, parasitic oligarchs and super world, compensate their victims. US to pay foreign debt costeen most cost value nutrition, health, housing, education, and other insolvent needs unfairly suffer 99% of the super-exploited and impoverished Americans. Attn.

Signed by Luís Alberto Pita Santos In Houston, February 28, 2014 Ready for my campaign against the UN headquarters, if not kill me before.

University Professor of History and Political Economy. Scientific, heuristic and director entrepreneur of MYTRUTHS. Candidate for Nobel Literature Prize. Historical President of ADEPOs (Defense Association of Political Rights and Popular Democratic Alliance). Cuban, Spanish national and a permanent resident of the United States. For my human rights activism subscribed by the NU defense was a victim of kidnapping, torture and banishment by the imperialists of Cuba, and kidnapped, tortured and punished to indigence by US imperialists for the purpose of murder. 5455 Timber Creek Place Drive. Apt 101 Houston, Texas 77084 Mobile Phone No: 281 704 3105,,,,,

4 Google+ Scribd Facebook Published on Scribd, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Google+. Also sent to more 5,000 recipients of emails.

The imperialist monopolies, first the US, are guilty of causing the social ills of the world today. "I will persist my activity pro Reforms, Education and Protection of Human Rights; opposed to the super masters parasites oligarchs, conspirators with the leaders abusers, corrupt and impunity of Cuba, the U.S. and any international institution. Although such perpetrators continue their retaliations more damage to my being, my family and MYTRUTHS, and more suffering, without ruling out my murder. LAPS


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