Inglés bloque 6

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C.E.Per. Mare Nostrum (Almuテアecar)

Bloque 6 - Inglテゥs テ[bito de Comunicaciテウn

Curso 2012/2013

C.E.Per. Mare Nostrum (Almuñecar)

Curso 2012/2013

Luis Santos Lema

Tema 22: La Televisión

When in 1932 BBC's TV public service began not many people had the opportunity to watch it; there weren’t many TV sets available and they were very expensive, they were as expensive as a small car. Today, a great number of families all over the world have more than one TV set in their houses. Many years ago the central figure of a sitting-room was the table around which family life moved. Sitting around the table parents and children had their meals, talked about their interests, read papers or stories but, above all, listened to the others, there was communication! Today the central figure is… the TV screen! The bigger, the better! (¡cuanto más grande… mejor!). Many families today spend more hours watching TV than talking to each other or playing games, or reading or writing and therefore TV becomes their main source of information, communication and… education?. Whether this is good or bad, it is a question that each of us should answer.

1. Did Volvamos a la actividad 1. La pregunta nº 5 está formulada utilizando el pasado del verbo To Be: What was Christine Bleakley’s job before being a presenter in “The One Show”? ¿Cuál era el trabajo de Ch. Bleakley antes de unirse al equipo del “The One Show”? Pero esta pregunta podríamos haberla formulado de otra manera, utilizando el pasado del verbo To Work: ¿Dónde trabajaba….?

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C.E.Per. Mare Nostrum (Almuñecar)

Curso 2012/2013

Luis Santos Lema

Ahora vamos a ver por qué hemos elegido la primera opción. Muy fácil; cuando utilizamos el verbo To Be (otro auxiliar o un modal) en una oración interrogativa o en una negativa nos limitamos a cambiar el orden de las palabras de la frase (interrogativa) Christine was a floor manager vs Was Christine a floor manager? o a añadir la partícula negativa “NOT” detrás de la forma verbal: Christine was a floor manager vs Christine was not a floor manager Sin embargo cuando tenemos un verbo ordinario, sea este regular o no, hemos de introducir el verbo “To Do” para hacer las transformaciones negativas e interrogativas. Algo que sabemos hacer en presente: Sujeto + Do/Does + not + forma base para la transformación negativa Do/Does + Sujeto + forma base del verbo + ? para la interrogativa pero que no hemos visto en pasado, aunque es facilísimo.

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C.E.Per. Mare Nostrum (Almu単ecar)

Curso 2012/2013

2. TV and family life

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Luis Santos Lema

C.E.Per. Mare Nostrum (Almuñecar)

Curso 2012/2013

Luis Santos Lema

Tema 23: Internet 1. E-mail El correo electrónico es una herramienta esencial en nuestros días, es fundamental conocer su manejo, nosotros vamos a hacer repaso por las características del correo web y uno de tantos programas de correo que podemos tener instalados en nuestro propio ordenador. Vamos a aprender los términos habituales que se utilizan en estos entornos en inglés. (A partir de ahora el idioma no va ser tu principal objeción):

Otros correos tipo web mail, utilizan los mismos términos, obsérvalo:

Compara las portadas iniciales de los tres servidores de correos web y analiza su contenido, después di si las siguientes afirmaciones son Verdaderas o Falsas

Bloque 6


C.E.Per. Mare Nostrum (Almuñecar)

Curso 2012/2013

Luis Santos Lema

Un programa para descargar tu correo “POP” Hay programas de correo pop muy populares que sirven para descargar nuestro correo directamente todos los mensajes en nuestro ordenador, el S.O. "Windows" ofrece el famoso "Outlook Express" y recientemente con la nuevas versiones incorpora "Windows Mail". En los S.O. Linux solemos encontrarnos el programa "Evolution", y los Mac llevan "mail" entre otros. Existen otros programas de uso gratuito que nos podemos descargar desde internet, todos funcionan de modo parecido, uno de los más descargados y compatibles tanto con Windows como con Linux es "THUNDERBIRD". Vamos a utilizar su entrono para aprender las funcionalidades básicas de éste y, especialmente, el LÉXICO más común que se usa en inglés en este entorno:

Esta es la apariencia de este programa instalado en un ordenador con S.O. Linux en Inglés. (a partir de ahora el idioma no será un obstáculo para que lo uses si lo deseas):

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C.E.Per. Mare Nostrum (Almu単ecar)

Curso 2012/2013

Luis Santos Lema


How to send an e-mail 1 Open your e-mail program and launch a new message window by clicking on the appropriate icon.

2 In the TO box, type the name of the recipient. It should take this form: Make sure you enter the address correctly or the message will return to you.

Bloque 6


C.E.Per. Mare Nostrum (Almu単ecar)

Curso 2012/2013

Luis Santos Lema

You can send a message to more than one person by entering multiple addresses. Just put a semicolon (;) between each address. You can also send copies (Cc:)and blind carbon copies (Bcc:) to multiple addresses. Your return address is automatically sent to the recipient.

3 Type the subject of the e-mail.

4 Write your message in the message window. You can also copy text from a word processing program and paste it into the window.

5 Click on the Send icon or select Send from the File menu.

Bloque 6


C.E.Per. Mare Nostrum (AlmuĂąecar)

Curso 2012/2013

Luis Santos Lema

2. My personal computer The Word processor El procesador de textos es la herramienta que utilizamos para redactar nuestros documentos, hay programas muy populares de pago y otros que ofrecen el mismo servicio pero son gratuitos: "Software libre". Un ejemplo de estos programas es el procesador de textos del "paquete de ofimĂĄtica de Openoffice":

Bloque 6


C.E.Per. Mare Nostrum (Almuñecar)

Curso 2012/2013

Luis Santos Lema

3. Surfing the web Navegar por internet (Surfing the web) día a día se está convirtiendo en una actividad habitual para todos nosotros, todo está en la red: Información, comunicación, creatividad, formación, entretenimiento..... El idioma dominante en la red es, como sabrás el inglés, en esta última parte de este tema vamos a navegar. "We are going to surf the web". •

What do we need to surf the web? 1. A computer contected to internet 2. A browser

If we want to look for something......we shall use the "Web Search"

In the web we can communicate with others in: o

Web 2.0: 



Social networking


Web browsers En la ventana inferior hemos insertado una página que ofrece Microsoft con un video para dar a conocer la nueva versión IE 8, vamos a trabajar con este video (síguelo leyendo la transcripción que te insertamos más abajo) : VIDEO TRANSCRIPT:  "Windows Internet Explorer 8 puts the web at your service by making web browsing faster, easier, safer and more private."  "Gain quick access to your favourite online services with our new accelerator feature." 

"With just a click, you can easily do the things you do everyday on the web like emailing, searching and shopping."

"Web slices can let you know when content from your favourite site is updated, so you can browse wherever you like while staying up-to-date with the things you care about most."

"You can quickly and easily find what you're looking for online with our great new features, like "Smart search", more intuitive address bar and "find-onpage" toolbar."

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C.E.Per. Mare Nostrum (Almuñecar)

Curso 2012/2013

Luis Santos Lema

"By protecting you against malicious websites and identity theft, new security features in Internet Explorer 8, Smart Screen Filter will give you a safer browsing experience and better peace of mind."

"Advanced privacy settings give you the power to help keep your browsing private."

"And a new compatibility mode means that you'll be able to view you favourite websites even if they haven't been updated yet for IE 8."

"By downloading amusing IE 8, and watching the rest of these videos, you can start putting the web at your service today."

Tema 24: Newspapers 1. Prehistoric newspapers TEACHER: Jim, Do you think that there were newspapers in Prehistoric times? JIM: No, madam. There weren’t newspapers in Prehistoric times. TEACHER: ... And, how did people learn about what was happening in their settlements and in other settlements?. JIM: Well, I think that information was oral, one-to-one... TEACHER: OK, Jim, that is a good guess. And how do you think they informed the people in other settlements, Gina? GINA: I don’t know, madam, but I imagine that the pictures they painted on the ceiling of their caves were their way of informing others about the land and the animals, and the family life...

2. The romans It’s 59 BC. You are a Roman citizen but you do not live in Rome. You are a warrior that is going to settle in Rome after long years of war in other countries. You are so happy! Living in Rome must be wonderful, a lot of fun! With all those games, and feasts and festivals! But... how can you, a newcomer, learn about social events or political news if you have no friends or family to inform you?

Bloque 6


C.E.Per. Mare Nostrum (Almuñecar)

Curso 2012/2013

Luis Santos Lema

AH! Rome is always Rome! And even as early as 59 B.C. they have their written information... The Acta Diurna! so that you can move around, meet people and have fun!

3. From the 15th Century on... The Acta Diurna was published till the fall of the Roman Empire. In the 15th century Gütenberg invented the printing press and, this invention, marked the beginning of a rapid growth of printed materials. In the 16th century Venetians posted a news paper bulletin called the Gazetta. In the 17th century other papers appeared in Germany (Relation in 1605), France (Gazette in 1631), Belgium (Nieuwe Tijdingen in 1616)and England, (the London Gazette, founded in 1665). But the first daily newspaper did not appear till 1702. It was an English paper the Daily Courant. All these papers informed people of events happening in the different European countries, but the news were not “really new”. It was not till the invention of the telegraph in 1844 (19 century) that information about important facts arrived nearly as soon as they were taking place. could be transferred within a matter of minutes, allowing for more timely, relevant reporting. th

The last years of the 19th century and the first half of the 20 th represented “the golden age” of newspapers. By 1950 papers had to fight their “personal war” for customers against radio and television, two very powerful opponents. Papers started to use colour pictures in their reports and logos and banners. The technological revolution that started in the second half of the 20 century is creating new challenges. Newspapers have to compete not only with the radio or the TV but with the internet and mobile phones. Nowadays we can find thousands of online (virtual) newspapers that we can read at a click of our computer th

The amount and immediacy of information on the Internet is unparalleled, but newspapers in print are still a popular and powerful medium for the reporting and analysis of events. Many people in the world read a newspaper every day! And many, recycle them after reading!

Bloque 6


C.E.Per. Mare Nostrum (Almuñecar)

Curso 2012/2013

Luis Santos Lema

4. This is how a newspaper works Newspapers do not appear by magic. But we never or rarely see photos of “reporters” and “journalists” as we do with television presenters. Reporters gather and write stories about different topics and events and they pass them on to the editors who see the finished stories, make corrections or suggestions and ultimately send them on to the copy desk where other people re-read the stories and make any necessary grammar or spelling corrections before sending the “ultimate version” to the “managing director” who revises them and sends them to press. To test a piece of news editors usually rely on the “Five Ws and one H” test. A good report must give an answer to all these six questions:

Estas seis preguntas deben tener una respuesta clara en la entradilla de la noticia.

Tme 25: Blogging yourself 1. This is me! Contesta a estas preguntas y convierte tus respuestas en un párrafo, será una buena forma de comenzar tu blog. 1. What’s your name? 2. Where are you from?

Bloque 6


C.E.Per. Mare Nostrum (AlmuĂąecar)

Curso 2012/2013

Luis Santos Lema

3.Where do you live? 4.Is it a big city, a village, a town...? 5. Are there any important monuments or museums in your town...? 6.What do you do? What’s your job? 7. Do you like your job? Why? 8. What about your family? Are you married, single...? 9. Have you got any children? How old are they? 11. Do you have any pets? 12. Have you got any hobbies? 13. Do you like travelling? 14. Have you ever been abroad? 15.Why are you studying? 16.Which is your favourite subject?

Have a look at the example:

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C.E.Per. Mare Nostrum (Almuñecar)

Curso 2012/2013

Luis Santos Lema

2. Travelling on holidays Te ofrecemos un resumen de lo que se puede hacer en un fin de semana en Londres. Cada viñeta te ofrece una posibilidad y una dirección web donde puedes ampliar ideas para poder escribir tu noticia para el blog contando tu viaje a Londres.

A Weekend in London (Adapted from “a weekend in London” Woodlands Junior School) Friday 6 pm (evening)

You arrive at Gatwick Airport

You travel by train to London How much does it cost you?

You need to find a Hotel What is the address of your hotel? How much does it cost for two nights? To read about Hotel prices go to: Friday 8 pm You are hungry You would like to eat a traditional take-way English meal What do you eat? Saturday 8 am (morning)

Bloque 6


C.E.Per. Mare Nostrum (Almu単ecar)

Curso 2012/2013

Luis Santos Lema

You wake up at the hotel and have a shower You then go down to the restaurant to have a Traditional English breakfast What do you eat? Saturday 9 am

You are going sightseeing in London. Where are you going to go? Name two places and write a little bit about what you will see and how much it will cost Saturday 1 pm (afternoon) Lunchtime You are tired and need to sit down. You find a lovely park to eat a packed lunch What do you eat? Which Park do you have your packed lunch in? Read about Parks in London at: Saturday 2 pm You go shopping Find the nearest underground station and take the Tube to one of the famous shopping districts in London. (

Write the name of the two Underground Stations you use. A and B

Bloque 6


C.E.Per. Mare Nostrum (Almu単ecar)

Curso 2012/2013

Luis Santos Lema

What do you want to buy?

Tube map ("The Tube" is the name of London's Saturday 3 pmunderground

You take a break from shopping to have some afternoon tea What do you eat and drink?

Saturday 6 pm (evening)

You have tickets to go and see a West End Show What show do you go and see? Sunday 9 am You are living in London in ten hours and you want to visit one of its street markets. Which one do you choose? How do you get there? Do you buy anything at the market? Street Markets in London at: Sunday 5 pm

Bloque 6


C.E.Per. Mare Nostrum (Almu単ecar)

Curso 2012/2013

Luis Santos Lema

It is time to leave London and to fly back to your country At the airport, you decide to buy a typically English present for your mother. What do you buy? activities/typicalenglish.htm

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