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poems by leum

headline the morning of the last night post damn ineffable bloody enslavement blood the most potent colour. self portrait of my heteronym catwalk till the dead end of the road. my birds yr eyes hair Mashes Sands Beach

for Andrea & Simon Utrera

headline the first cigg of the day an orgasm how many butts on a patch of mahogany grass black skies the best medicine the latency of buoyancy these rambling modifiers a tire swing unswung in the woods my calligraphy of dubiety the national anthem of dupability if culpable if amiable if amicable if liable then pliable then parable more sanctified palpable fine dine encasing than parallel rhymes more wonton than wanted broadway musicals composed of numerals and geometrical lo mein noodles theoretically asthma attacks thro poor air conditioning classical opulent consideration of temperate tolerance imagine lennon with a cordova singing black birds falling after a mob of white doves mistook them for flies lives matter most when close to their deadlines to propagate without any necessity a nationwide profligate perpetual loathe of meditation positivity versus deemed positive concentrate on paying more attention to the white board the heresy of hearsay more cctv less mgm studio pictures like a gesture deciduous as a dialect paid advertisement for the hours before dawn pussy nucleus the ass hole the black hole a sky of trees with stars for leaves the buoyancy of latency new york times new roman alright okay extrapolate the extraposition from an array of contraband sentences discharged discarded use of contra lateral diction a contradiction of immunity of immortality charged on both accounts spent felony for misdemeanors a week in a year non sense the protest against a picket fence what else is there to sow on the empty side of the

road the controversy of charity or packaging delivered to the wrong address addressing an audience dressed in adamant ad lib glib glob of artichoke grazed in saturnine glades consul ting with the bureau without clearance proper etiquette for breakfast excess doesnt consist of materialism it persists with vain ingratitude inhaling steam into my lungs an ecological wolf in one of its infinite lives the cat still with nine prepping peeping through the hole to see what can be on the other side humidifiers dehumidifying detoxified solids solos played on a banjo hello motto goodbye model model model me down and spring me tight o honey baby you hit me right America biting us with taxes based on racing revenue raising commodity variables playing economy monopoly the better faster more reliant welt nutrient way there is no secret to life staring at the red lightbulb sun turning green dancing on roaches with vintage cowboy boots on and off interstate ten will you find a roselet amidst a haven of thorned bushes with its petals down to the count of our fingers

the morning of the last night Let the music in my ears die with me. I can number the gunshots in the pitch of their range, a piano ballad written by seven pianists, poetry rooted in the chaos of goodbye, love melting you and I. Tonight is the night you close your casket. A tan colored caricature approaches with banquets in the deeps of atonal banks. Wal-Mart employees? They don’t exist. Robins devouring leftover plates of Einstein, Cover the Earth in Sherwin Williams Paint, watch as the contours molt off of metal, drip by lying conniving drip about the ampersand with its cohesiveness. Snowy ashes falling on the dashboard from an open sun-roof. Her car’s taillights crying black milk. The leader of a pack of ducks heading the herd from the Sarasota County water tank. Another poet said the same damn thing once. SOS blazed in red on the back of an oil pick-up truck. People abhor me with their skins & attitudes.

Bent stops signs from hurricane winds, shriveled roses from Florida heat, shutters bolted onto the eyes holding in the flames. Que paz hay sino la consequencia de no tenerlo. Wait in the water, life’s short. What makes a Great War great? Drinking Corona on a beach with the fireworks miles away, safe. In the trenches, a cook and a janitor exchange a conversation between zeros and ones. O nothing in the alphabet but I’s and its counterparts. How do you stop eating yourself? By not eating others. How stars follow like planes keeping watch, you know how it goes, the moon filling up her cup full of watercolors and satellites and diaries packed with daisies. It is raining time and so am I. Scenes only seen by the right eye. Locomotive transportation machina incision of my presence in the gutters of Brickel, walking down the street red-eyed, E 138th Ave waiting for a turn

sometime. Robert Bearden from Cairo, Georgia wants drivers – Heil Freightshaker, Thompson & a Great Dane on the road north, a Metro Trailer joining in later, carrying imagination as the new expectation, contemplative reserves old as patency, a prominent proponent of propine subjugation to subjection, an advocation into allocating allegations. You know how a hooker walks, crippled fallen Anglican brothers of mine living in Maine, spelling the city’s alleys don’t make it a gallery but a gunshot will. Typical, yet a fickle sickle. Venomous pus from an eight-barrel cuss. Experts only masters from never loving the breast of another’s heart. Have you heard the Grove Concerto? They cook with a great figure of hoot-bollocks fired up screaming down the drowns of little boys. Maverick maven of mauve ravens, please stand. Any dot on the sky perchance a fly, you hold in your hand a golden rose, afraid to let go for it might shatter.

As RenĂŠ put it in his meditations, the eagle face of Altair on the canyon overlooks the burning of the bush. Jerks of single-lined fireworks shell our names on the last pearlescent night. Cheers to my blue-green eyed guitar I barely touched still cheering on the notes played by dust floating, falling so ever downward.

post damn King Solomon playing on the harp the eventual verses found in Mathew. Seismic attribution plummeting anchor gravity leaning on gravel skeletal fingers pulling my eyelashes down. I live for cigars and cameltoes. The Pentagon lives to be a hexagon. The mirror of your heart showcasing riveting pages of the ocean’s novel seas, your blue eyes turning green. Eucalyptus daisies formal in the corner format contort aesthetic resolution. Amarellys stems of Babel reaching for the broken sunset before goodbyes are given to the shadows cast on your armed hands of rainbow butterfly wings. Jacob on His ladder’s end above the clouds meaning the sun’s still a journey further afar. Golden blonde curl stand locks alive, waiting for respective keys, the marriage of coffee and wine, the divorce of wealth from wealthy economies. How burdensome the chronic nutshell cracked by a nutcracker. How enticing a slice of the root of Pi. Shall we compromise phoenix ownership latent with commiserate restriction? You sit on a park bench beside the sun only to complain of the moon gone once every many miles, harlequin mannequin bastion becoming fad hip rad pop extravaganza on an unrolled millennial red carpet, a pink garden brazen with beaten wind.

Great blue heron reaching at me for dinner, pardon my airboat but you take my food and still want more, obeying your masters as much you can, a trendsetting label clothing line of limes, or an obscurity stepping on ant piles of dry dirt. Run; cormorant silhouettes prey on gargoyles.

ineffable bloody enslavement a working military force subjected from prisoners or Leonardo Da Vinci sketching the Vitruvian man can be personified as an excerpt or the keynote of the speech five verses ago i wouldnt have approached you i wouldve left you there in your own pool of blood so as your fucking slave i walked up the stairs to the top floor to play the grand piano where pigeons and jets hover through webbed electronic plugins commemorating a lake of solace drenched shores where conquistadors painted fucked a witch married to the devil ten dollar bath every Wednesday i shouldve left you there in your own pool of blood

so when your father does not answer in time the bloody guy a damned pianist ask your mother of the nature of the answer her blessings on blessings on blessings let me sacrifice my wishes at a Japanese shrine fend for me after my death i am much too tired to break down piĂąata pintada portrayal of betrayal exploiting concrete reflections edging the shoreline of arched towers with invisible ceilings held up and fortified by pillars of hotel rooms and their rained on balconies and windows overlooking the back of your soft white neck denying despondence in typical typography the leftover handprint spoiled by golden Marlboro cigarettes & infamous fresh blood i still got it J a crowded bundled hanging of lightbulbs lit to fingersnaps flicked to the bass groove of our eyes dancing to a waltz on a stop sign a revolver collecting dust like AdamandEve like Bob&Betty

living next door to a fugitive without knowing it so scary the tough touch of our youth-blush sipping from our crushed clutched truth this reservation of occupants approached by a roach infestation a molar ingratitude of my childhood tooth wed to the sky holding up like Atlas all that is shrugged a family of possums blossoming in the gloss of midnight’s red-lit streets spelling blow a gun fire a kiss

blood the most potent colour. Dear diary i drew my life today It contained seven portraits of my villanelle and, A framed haiku i havent written yet or said i spiral too hesitantly out of bounds on a Tuesday Baseball Game i havent forgotten yet out on the field overpass Second Base At the age of seven, pelvic animosity redundant opponent what comforted required requited sediment i had/ my cheap plated banquet Told at tonality of lucky gamble

cocaĂ­na in Castellano traded/ immolately/ stolen cigarette fuckness was my last curvature attempt to by holy. blood the most potent color. / Dear I told you so, dear thanks dear yre Welcome Dear I loved the scene at a heartburn hotspill of flame and its unpredictable temperature you picked me up and said sporadic when you and I were the same tepee. Dear coughing ember Dear howling elder wind Dear memoriam of our dead, the Pit Bit my grandfather and left a hole on the left pocket of His jacket. You would know what it meant when my lips mouthed the echo nonchalant Perjury to the collapse of my rendition

Dear cardboard slit created on a pulse one night with Daniel voodoo board burned in a bowl of mercury crescent moons have reminded me of thee. whatever the circumstance, given the chance. the fallacy inherent in suppressing from oppressive possession the sentiment of another gunshot flinging in its waking wane typical disillusioned chromosome the sinner unburdened. sapphire Luminescence fluorescent In a garden of Sapphire an affaire subtracting negligence, a tractor Limited by dirt and wet sod on the wheel of my chair. a Mammoth Promised a chairman other than a business hoodlum Provided with due tomb and sage , myriad infauna caves & scarce epifauna acres . seriate as a fain fawn found as a flaunt faun Numberless the toll of Death.

Split ends coiled to dreads, scissor cut Layers of my hair the layers of pillows slept. where the Welcome mat stepped on by the sandals of the Lord. have my affable moths been efficacious to your effable closet of deference. Is there reference to a preference/ Dear Florida Statute Dear Calorie Dear Chapstick dear dear

arresting callous

pig imprisonment

Dear transposed neglection of attending Saint Peter’s Church, Dear interpretative insurrection made famous by Trump, Dear installed deforestation spanning acres across Bohemian Grove ‘sblood, Dear Sir Dr Mr Ma’am Lady Gaga Ms Lawyer Sheriff King Sire Waitress Queen Teacher Captain of my Helm Steed of my Salute, Dear you reading this sentence Dear feathered pen of my father’s ink, Dear panoramic crayons

of my mother’s jewelbox, Dear iron chain’s of my brother’s mountains, Dear Orion’s Belt of my sister’s pearls, . . . Septical tubes down my throat pouring in carbon charcoal. swallowing the hungry dearly missed threnody of vacancy vomiting politely the poison of policy completely away To Heaven and Hell on Earth and All. Dear hum of the low drum of the oven, Dear resting butterfly on your eye, Who do you eat?

self portrait of my heteronym I’ve been sleeping in the dogma of our exoskeleton for far too long. Can you sculpt my jail cell back together? I am driven by collateral and fake news stripping me naked of prayer. Not quite said yet, but getting there nonetheless. Can you tax what God has so heavenly spent? Sun-white daisies outline the shape of your absence, a letter for the dead city of Atlantis, debt ever present. Derogate, swathe deer, and here’s my resignation, the arrival and departure of white turning blue flocks of wings in the sky. The glass speaks millions of minutes between your lips. My arms surround your neck in surrender to security cameras following angels, candles left angled for vertigo viewpoints, cemeteries at night telling the day all that they have to say about how gone the living and their soleprints. A battle has endured many infinities now. Much as I persist, we do not repent. The waning crescent moon looking at herself through the sea. There isn’t enough room here for you & me. The sun in my eyes swallowed by the black hole of my head in cadence to the crunch of sun-made raisins.

catwalk ragtime pants & speckled shirt naggering at the sleeve-ends ragdoll segregation latest beer tipline hot-marsh marching on this side of political referendum of drum-wheel safe-abiding roofs with their rules written in burning letters stretched across the tops of citywalks & the vegetable spruced tunnel roots completely vacant of the rooms once used dragged nails around the floorboard not wanting to leave their words behind for remaining relenting streams & puddles to swallow

till the dead end of the road. to live voraciously, that is not the compliment. remember to mention this sigh ardent on your arrival. pardon my residence, apart of my residual residue, keep your face upon the jar. o pennate pendant of laminated lampshade, mandamus jambalaya chiasma, rid me of my somnolent malaise liaison malice. nullify my appointments, I have gone for my tomorrow’s yesterday morning session, maybe. sometimes I leave, sometimes I come back, not leaving my chair for one moment. perhaps you had wings at one point. dotted lines pointing on your body where to stitch, where to cut with paint and a brush the eyes from their palettes and where to stare in starvation, a trash bag turning into a black cat crossing the street with a rake of leaves carried by wasps of lent. lipstick, carriages, omnipotent omnivores & lethargic lacerations popping bars before take-off. what black eyed isis leaves me kissless tonight? your acute aware affection, my vendela sphinx taiga heaven. surrendering to the sunflowers taller than my surroundings, your withered withdrawn transfiguration into blaze bushes. fluidity, dread, tedium, a sun-basked atrium housing the hottest years on a record vinyl. beehives vandalized by hiking diesel prices. what a lynching

phase, a warm-front phrase repeated, hence misread as a one-time draft, called aversive overture for verses contingent on dominion, verses left for the buried to read, verses judged by tetris continuums, a blessed pharmaceutical promenade, a fellowship of the bottlecaps in a hood, a donation made to the local funeral home. provenance deported, a beheld consequence decorated with separation and reparations, the reverberation of pointing fingers like guns. states have no say to their own tidings, unless someone screams money in full vibrato. but enough of that, a bull and its leavings can be found in any 22nd floor of any capitol building. but enough of that, your middle bic still flicks frivolous high enough at the trump towers during south beach traffic. but enough of that, my adamant iconoclastic jawbreaker oscitant newspeak. commemoration of my contentions unvoluble with your infractions, a tour de force of hopscotches banksy wrote on the wall with pink eyelashes.

my birds yr eyes hair who wants some fire with their fire light my torch and ill light yr house on fire manic birds screeching away the faint audible sound yr heart makes when submerged in a river eyes blind to the monsters pulling down on yr hair

Mashes Sands Beach Blankets of black clouds erasing the sky of its white stars, wind chimes rung by the passing fingers of Poe, and into my belly the beast flies, stepping on our coastal foottracks of another life, seeing through cypress mangrove roots the pipeline drafts of sandbars, high tide cutting loose an arrangement of Picasso faces, a whale calling for its mother with a deep radio signal. Holy Grail of my chest shattered by silver gold bullets. The tracks and their horns reaching downtown projects, you are what you hunt, a sidewalk limestone square in a line of rocks wishing to be a gem. My father has become my brother, the sunflower blooming a famished chessboard. Brushing an impression of my desecration with a palm leaf sweeping the grains of their composites. Simic holding up a black cat as sacrifice a routine vice at the tip of a bridge to the Gulf, orange red new moonlight sparkling waves breezes pushing and pulling on seaweed. Mondays like Sundays signed individually with a found moist littoral wand twig. A black shell & a white shell without a mouth picked from the mouth of the Atlantic Ocean prized borrowed possessions, fingered symphonies minor in abandonment, major in glossed over zephyr distinctions, dissuading classical Excalibur within the Panacea Motel backyard swamp murmuring. I had a morning lover constantly in mourning. Her two shells were always drowning, writing the same stanzas over different skins for the full moon’s view. She died years ago in my hands, ashes of her lovely notebook crumbling page-turners paper-cutting my wrists, nickels & dimes & pennies sometimes

Copyright Š2017 Luis Eduardo Utrera Morales

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