SERVIAM poems by leum
The / sun in the / trees dancing / bohemian / sins capturing / moonlight.
still the stone sifts through stuttering sand
insipid severance cutting my I's short never, forever the mutt hunting the rain
my umbra behind the pale moon-dried petals ending suddenly where the light goes on
Life is but a falling sonata kissing each flower goodbye loved as a shadow.
& though i failed terribly bittersweet rocky rolling the blackthorn down a hill trodden in spirals, restless deaths burrowing the fire, planting the sea little could i care for biting bullseyes when roses grazed violets not too far off & the leaves always fell to leave their mark like stars crawling out of dark skies puncturing history after you
rather grass
slow road roadkill skull
carved corporeal clause, claustrophobic closets carved corporeal claustrophobic clauses of closets to be announced, bones to be announced paragon mimicry, halcyon mockeries much like this pontification plunging into a scarlet ocean without caulk, by deadlock chalked latin on the windowpane wiping hell down the drain in a dream, I paste my heart with honey and follow the hawk out of the valley kissing the dead as I left the living an empty branch in the full moonlight
O Death we been friends for far too long What else can I do but sing this life a song? A yellow monarch crossing my busy heart, Yellow tangled heartstrings Swimming in the singing sun, quotidian gun happy And the large, supreme, raging American Flag fell over the coast, pulled by the Dream I once had years dancing on the moon When I was the rood Ready to crucify you.
verisimilitude I dreaming I something else another word for you whoever you are now dreaming what if we were sowing a forever wake up we’re dreaming
O what a yellow swimming sun, & flag I when ready a monochrome tesseract diluted by third-party concerns of common tessellation of pits of hexes of washing knives nevermind, I need more of an indefatigable approach to carry the geese to overshadow the snapper if the trees will not fight back, why wait if not for the dandelions to blossom to blow to blossom & there I was all cliche bottleneck buckled up beside the troubles given onto the next whether or not I am the culprit of my own devastation
Roses vermilion, violets azure, you write down hyacinths opal. I'm walking backwards on a wall. It is a wasted mother-of-pearl to sit on these streets without your bonfire loved moon cakes baked silver-warm particulates all holy grail knight-sought and whatnot, your hair in my eyes.
moneyheads walking down the boulevards of southside whistling to the trees criss-crossed on the moon listening to the charcoal sky
what do you wisp from me now down and hungover my eyes in a crowd full of mirrors watching me back in the dark dawn of a book’s ending
subliminal dust bittersweet midnight rabbit subliminal
my heart has gone black and white, a lone binary star, love dying on the windshield
downtrodden vernacular valkyrie free-fall
reckoning grammar forged in odes
flowers breathing breathless butterflies
I never loved except your blue moon green sea closed eyes
wasted on roman time drinking parking lot vacancy
kindling fire forever tomorrow, black wings go white
one second, the forest was born and i watched as every tree and flower burned the pearls off each garden
and a storm pleaded for days with razing rain, and all that was left was ignored and cast to ash
and so and such as before and after were the first words i wrote just for you with the end of our stars
careful patience the hungry blinking eyes in the pit
flood sated the moon covered in dry vitriol sun-eating tragedy
whistled lapis birdsong drums almost lighthouse hung
howling my heart always within dawn like silent echoes
you are my vanilla sky
a lotus canopy of rivers
dreaming birds as stars
you’re writing words that cannot be trusted you’re offering a pig that has spoiled and rotted brittle litter too many walls and not enough rivers you’re almost full of sunlight you’re ending when there’s no end
even so waltzing moon and her sisters i keep tending to my sounds
if you suffer me now who will i have to hold in my dreams
sudden murmuring sparks glazing her sea blonde heartbeat locks
the stars surreal sublime i feel the fire tonight
Sempiternal throwing up laughter in an addendum of erratums wreathing sesame seeds off of cheeks
A tree on a star kissing the dragon naked by the shore
A lighthouse in the middle of land taking it home crutching orange crushes knightly, day some somewhere yeah, you’re doing good you’re going far
morningstar not the east sun a thug knows god got him pigs ate by wolves moon booming fireworks like rain on the trees what else would there be
god speaks and speaks and thunder thunder is all we rain listening to the screams saying, shut the door it’s too late
to the gritty nothing down except
far end bright fair here bella
light heights made baby bells
sharing dust all red
on a prairie in blues
¿Cómo vamos a recuperar lo que dejamos en la isla? Tranquílate, Senor Muerte, que vengo ahora. ¡Que vive la vida y su cuento eterno! ¿Pero dime, qué perdiste contando tus ojos conmigo?
I lost infinity, fracturing raw, timed sycamore lovesick under the mist of sun soaked bees
the bats squeak heaven
the birds crescendo crescent
lady bug fly high
divulge in church
im going
to the
white out, you’re
almost full of
honey cinnamon
will you
come with
flowers, the dark
of my eyes beside the shade and its tree
lxve within earshot rain on a rose
waning on a cross
to your
heart and
what city
i said
straw hat
not far from
a dance
i said
from my
scars ago, a yellow monarch grand— raining everywhere, I believed I saw you in a rose.
oh jeez bay all this moo la & no thin to wipe my ass wit mind me a slave to the stars garrison metropolis polished air force propaganda acres oh lord sent blue roses burying sky oh some I will grow the willow tree’s roots home
the days I should’ve died walked amorte like gravitas dominoes without exit oh shit stained hopeless white crowned a merry cow we are sun-locked incorporate belongings promises oh muses
a light, on yours, not mine I woke up in the middle of the ocean same Trump shit it wasn’t supposed to be about cutting trees, I swear the dust of pensioned vindication you’re listening to skylight FM I’m shredding bulls, splitting dead-ends, I guess just starscraper statecraft little piggie lofts with the heart of the sun between the teeth of the alpha wolf’s beta moon, howling the words dreamless benevolence
All Rights Reserved Š 2020 Luis E Utrera Morales