Newsletter 4th issue

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2013-1-TR1-COM06-47699 3

contents IIS Marie CURIE- Pietro SRAFFA

The story of 4rd project meeting 02-0404.2014, Milan, Italy Students’ work-random story

 European questionnaire One country-one story Language matters- short English- Italian story conversation What’s next?

Our organization is a Science-Technological and Commercial high school. Our students are aged 14-18 years old. It is situated in a suburban area of Milan ,with a 30% of students coming from foreign countries( migrants from Northern Africa, South America and Eastern Europe). Our school prepares students both for university education and for employment . After 5 years study they have a schoolleaving examination. Our purpose is to give our students a good technological and scientific background and create the right conditions to interact with the quick changes in the working context, offering a massive use of ITC. Getting involved in a two -year project can give them a notion of "long-term" perspectives and motivate their efforts while they improve their ICT practice, at the same time as developing their creativity. So, the benefits of this European project will be multiple and will contribute to give our pupils another and concrete dimension of Europe. The use of English should show them the benefit of their language studies and motivate them to learn more. Developing communication and the skill of sharing, students (and teachers) should get more confidence and widen their professional perspectives. Such an experience should also have an impact on the rest of the school, as they will communicate about it and leave their stories as a heritage that should motivate other students but also teachers to get involved in such projects. At the same time, as we have a high number of students with different religions, culture and social conditions, we are living a sort of uneasiness, mainly due to the lack of knowledge of different cultures. This project is a good way to get in touch with realities which are different from ours, as we have been able to experience in many previous exchanges and projects with other European Countries. So our goal is to improve this knowledge and help cooperation among students in order to overcome prejudices and intolerance to diversities and make them feel they can belong to the same community. Attending students in this project are 14-18 years old. Furthermore, as Milano will be the seat of Expo 2015( whose main subject is food and nutrition in the world ), our school is trying to get ready to this event giving the students several opportunities to know "the other" through their traditions and cultures. Therefore, getting in close contact with students from other 1 European countries will prepare them to welcome other nations

The story of the 4th project meeting... Milano, Italy 02-04.04.2014

Italy hosted 14 teachers and 18 students during the mobility. Teachers stayed in the hotel and students were hosted by Italian families During the first workshop teachers worked on the questionnaire about the European Union, which they had already prepared in their own countries as homework following the instructions given by the coordinator. The questionnaire has five topics: European history, European identity, European enlargement, European mobility, European citizenship. We discussed the questions for each topic and then we selected the suitable questions for the final questionnaire. During the second workshop we discussed how to publish this questionnaire on-line and we decided to publish it on the Project Website “”, which has been created by Norway.

Teachers will send their e-mail addresses to Norway in order to create accounts for both aimed participants: teachers and students. Teachers and students will log in the website and answer the questions. During the third workshop we decided that we will use the results of the online questionnaire for the production of the ebooklet, which is our future task. The e-booklet will also include the comments of the students about the European Union. Norway showed and explained us the website and its different parts and instructed us how to use the “itslearning” platform. During the fourth workshop Norway showed us how to improve digital stories. We talked about Norway mobility in May and we established our future homework:collecting e-mails and sending to Norway.

by Roberto Rivolta (IT)

Norway will prepare the accounts and publish the questionnaire on the Website; -answering the questionnaire; -collecting the data and comments (France task); -preparing the e-booklet (Italy task) Students had different activities: they worked on the Comenius Hymn, which they performed all together during the European Comenius evening. They attended Italian classes, they did different sports activities (such as gym, archery and “Comenius games”) and practised and prepared some products in the Chemistry lab of our school.

They also had the chance to observe and live the Italian culture thanks to the hosting in Italian families. Some common activities were prepared for both teachers and students such as observing classes, cultural events (visiting the city and some of its monuments) and feeling the Italian atmosphere through different gathering events/meetings.


Inuaki’s journey Once upon a time there was a tiny yellow alien who was living in the Children Universe, on Inua Planet. He was a very funny alien especially because his head was as round as a bowling ball and his entire body was just like a phantom’s one: long and thin. His name was Inuaky and he was feeling very alone…because he was always day-dreaming and he was known all around the Universe like an absentminded alien. He was forgetting everything, he was misplacing things…That’s why he had no friends and everyone was avoiding him. Inuaky’s only fun was to search through people’s houses, those who had left Inua Planet, and to find nice and interesting things. And so one day, Inuaky found a spinning machine. The buttons had melted but our alien was very good at fixing things and so he made the machine work. He jumped into the machine, curious about what was next. Suddenly, sparks came out of the machine and Inuaky began spinning so fast that the next thing he could remember was that he was approaching a big blue planet. He fell in a pool filled with colorful balls, looked around and he was sure that he was dreaming…

When he came out of the pool of colored balls he continued thinking that he was dreaming until he clashed against a girl. She screamed and he screamed, too. Once calm, Inuaki realized it was not a dream. After the scare, both showed up. He said his name was Inuaki and she said her name was Blue. Each one apologized and after getting acquainted he had discovered that there was a secret school. She confessed she had never told anyone about it because she was afraid that no one would believe her story. Inuaki was curious and of course he wanted to know and investigate the secret school. When they arrived at the secret passage, Blue was afraid that the secret passage didn’t work with the code name. After writing her code name the heavy gate opened very quickly. They got into the tunnel and Inuaki started listening to music and told Blue to follow him. Portuguese team

What was that around him? Our funny alien Inuaky found himself in a place that he had never seen before: tall buildings, citizens running from one place to another, bumping in each other, like they were always in a hurry. Inuaky wasn’t used to this...His planet was very peaceful and quiet and especially in the summer, his fellows were staying indoors most of the time, no one was outside because of the high temperatures. So this place seemed very unusual to Inuaky who immediately got out of the pool and went straight to the nearest house that he saw. He rang at the doorbell and waited. After 5 minutes of waiting, an old woman came to the door. “What do you want?” she asked. At first, Inuaky was scared, not knowing what to say. He looked around, thinking: “ Why on Earth did I ring at this old woman’s doorbell?!” The old woman was waiting impatiently for an answer. “Hmm, I just wanted to know what’s that tall building over there?” asked Inuaky pointing to a strange building. The old woman was staring at him and she couldn’t believe her ears. “You don’t know what is that? It’s the Milan Dome, our largest Italian cathedral.” “So this means I’m in Italy, Earth?” Inuaky answered. “Of course, where else could you be?” What a strange thing…Inuaky said “Thank you” to the old lady and off he went. He was so frightened; this was his first time away from home. Inuaky began thinking about his possibilities of returning home, he was miles away from Inua Plant and had no clues of what to do there, in Italy. Suddenly, an idea crossed his mind…He remember reading something about Italy. Italians ate a lot of spaghetti and Inuaky had always been curious about their taste. He couldn’t live without eating some spaghetti, could he? So he went to the nearest restaurant to order himself some real Italian spaghetti. Romanian team

But it wasn't a dream. Pool was in a room, in which on the walls there was painted a beautiful forest. Inuaky looked up and saw on ceiling blue sky with smiling sun. After that a ring bell rang, he heard music and a group of happy children arrived to the room. They jumped into the pool and began playing with Inuaky. His dream became true, he found there a lot of friends. Here, in św. św. Cyryl i Metody school in Poland. Poland team


To be continued...

1ST TOPIC: EUROPEAN HISTORY 1. When was the European Union officially founded? a) 1945 b) 1957 c) 1992 2. How many countries founded the EU? a) 2 b) 6 c) 9 3. Do you know when the Euro currency was introduced? a)1996 b) 2000 c) 2002 4. How many countries are currently in the EU? a) 19 b) 24 c) 28 5. Do you know which country joined last? a) Croatia b) Turkey c) Bulgaria


3RD TOPIC: EUROPEAN ENLARGEMENT 1- Do you agree with a further enlargement of the EU? a. Yes. b. No. c. Without opinion 2- Would the enlargement of the EU to countries with different religious traditions change the European identity? a. Yes b. No c.Without opinion 3- Which are the biggest advantages of joining the EU? a.Travelling in the EU area without a visa b.Accessing funds for education, sport and youth c.Using the national currency in most of the countries of the EU 4- The enlargement of the European Union… a) Enriches Europe’s cultural diversity b) Makes cultural identities and traditions disappear 5- What do you think about the following statements? European enlargement…. - cancels border controls and facilitates mobility a. Agree b. Disagree c. Without opinion - adds new frontiers and secures peace a. Agree b. Disagre c. Without opinion

4 TH TOPIC: EUROPEAN MOBILITY 1.The EU borders are………. to all countries in Europe a. opened b. closed 2. Students’ mobility in the EU... a.improves their skills b. makes them lose their national identity c. I don’t know 3. What is the Schengen Area? a. An area with free movement of people in Europe b. A protected area in Europe c. I don’t know 4. The EU projects are .... a. useful because everybody in Europe can have opportunity to travel and know more about other countries’cultures b.dangerous because the borders of the countries are opened to any danger coming from outside 5. The EU encourages mobility in Europe. a. agree b. disagree c. I don’t know

1. Which is the capital of the European Union? Brussels Strasburg Milan 2. Which is the motto of the European Union? a) United in diversity b) Liberty, equality, fraternity c) I don’t know 3. How many stars are there on the EU flag? 12, 9, 28 4. The Euro currency has strengthened the European position in the world market. a) Agree b) Disagree c) I don’t know 5. Richness of cultures a) Makes the EU more interesting and stronger b) Creates a lot of problems and weakens the EU

5TH TOPIC: EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP 1.The universal EU citizenship a.will make the EU stronger b. will not change anything c. I don’t know 2. What are the values promoted in the EU states? a) Tolerance, justice, solidarity, democracy b) Violence, democracy, respect c) Equality, respect of laws and human rights 3. Do you believe that being part of the EU could limit the cultural identity and the traditions of your country? a. Yes b. No c. I don’t know 4. When people from a EU country move to another EU country, do you think they are treated in the same way ? a. Yes b. Not always c. No 5. How many official languages are there in the EU? 21 24 27


One country- one story....

In every issue of this newsletter we invite you to make an imaginary trip in European literature and to discover a story / legend or different myths from From past to present, from east to west Köroğlu ,Robin our countries... Hood, Brave Heart ,William Tell have been told as public hero stories against injustice.In our culture Brave Köroğlu who struggles against injustice questions the soul of bravery and courage. Gulsum Unsal, coordinator teacher (Turkey)

KÖROĞLU LEGEND The Ruler of Bolu city is a person who is curious about horses.One day he sends his servant, qualified about horses, to other places to find a skilled and lovely horse.After going around for days, Servant Yusuf (Joseph) meets a colt in one of the nomadic families.Its origin is from a horse which lived around the rivers in the past. So it is a good type of horses.Yusuf has purchased it from its owners. Colt is not so attractive and strong since it is too young.It is nearly ugly.But in future, it is going to turn into a fine horse if well-fed.Yusuf is aware of it and he comes back to the his ruler in happiness. But the ruler does not like this ugly colt. He thinks that Yusuf makes fun of him, he gets angry and he tells his men to make Yusuf’s eyes blind . He gives the colt to him and dismisses him. Blind Yusuf comes back to his village and he tells his story to his son.He says that he is going to take revenge from the Ruler of Bolu soon. Blind Yusuf and his son started to train the colt.After a few years,colt becomes a wonderful purebred Arabian horse.It is as fast as wind and it can jump over like a deer.It has capability of strategic wars. Meanwhile,Yusuf’s son grows up. He becomes a brave and strong, young man. He has also capability of bravery and courage. One night, Hızır (A saint in Muslim belief. He is known by his affection).*shows himself to Yusuf in a dream and tells the waters of Aras will flow as a kind of magical foam and whoever will drink that foam will be cured of physical problems including blindness and ageing. Upon his proposal, Yusuf and his son set out a journey. They go to the shore of River Aras, they wait to see the magical foam coming from Bingöl city.Yusuf’s blind eyes are going to heal and he is going to be able to see by the magical foam. Also, he is going to be young and strong enough to take revenge. When the foam flows and comes ,Yusuf’s son drinks the foam before his father. Yusuf feels sorry when he has learned it but, on the other hand, he feels happy because he has a brave son to take revenge instead of himself. The magical foam provides Rushen Ali with power of endless life, bravery, and poetry . After a while, Yusuf bequeathes taking revenge to his son and dies. People call him Köroğlu. ( The son of blind man ) He builds a fortress in Çamlıbel Region the opposite the city of Bolu.He and a group of people defeat The Ruler's soldiers .After a few years, he destroys the city of Bolu.Then the sister of Ruler of Bolu falls in love with Köroğlu. He falls in love with her ,too.After long struggles,they get married. The Ruler of Bolu also fights with him and some days he catches Köroğlu and his son and he throws them into dungeon. But Köroğlu and his men are rescued by their skills and courage all the time. Köroğlu also campaigns in Georgia and China. He finds himself in various adventures.Köroğlu always helps the poor. He spends his life helping people in need. After a while, gun is discovered and courage disappears. Köroğlu cannot see the soul of bravery, and courage in the world anymore. His horse Kırat (white horse) which serves him for years dissappears and he also goes away to unknown place and The Epic of Köroğlu Legend comes to an end


L L aan n g g u u aag g e e

mmaat t t t e e r r s s Hello Ciao

Nice to meet you. Piacere di conoscerti.

Go straight! then turn left/ right!

Good morning, good day

What is your name?

My name is…

Come ti chiami?

Il mio nome è...

Buongiorno, buona giornata

I am looking for my Comenius team

Can you help me?

How are you?

I'm fine, thank you… Io sto bene, grazie

Mi potete aiutare? .

Come stai?

Thanks friend

You're welcome

Bon voyage


Grazie amico


Buon viaggio


Proseguire dritto! poi girare a sinistra / destra!

-Answering to the project questionnaire about five European topics: identity, history, enlargement, citizenship, mobility

Sto cercando per la mia squadra Comenius

5th project meeting: Stavanger, Norway, 21-23.05.2014 -Mid term evaluation rapport -European questionnaire results -Teaching environment in Norway and exchange of pedagogical good practices

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission through the framework of Lifelong Learning Programme: Comenius. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

6 The project newsletter is made by Romanian team, coordinator teacher: Ecaterina Predescu

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