Our fanzine about architecture and comics!
01/Imaginary Boyfriend Hell: Matchamad & Miss Piggy (Wei Lin) are constantly attacked by creepy people and an alien who fell in love with
Miss Piggy's pony tail... What could they do?
Story & Art: Luis Ho
02/Maze of coolness: Choose your path wisely and end up with super piggy, aliens, Snorlax or the humongous head people.
Artist: Wei Lin
03/Crazy level: Follow tapir and cat through a crazy world populated with robots, crocodiles, tree dudes, ghosts and more crazy creatures.
Artist: Matchamad
All artworks ©2016 Matchamad, ©2016 Wei Lin & ©2016 Luis Ho respectively. Do not reuse any of the images commercially without written consent from the respective right holders.