4 minute read
Table 3.3 List of parables and short stories
RE -5. El ser humano es responsable de sus actos. El valor de la conciencia, la verdad, la libertad y la voluntad.
RE -6. Jesús llama y envía a sus discípulos por todo el mundo para continuar su obra de salvación.
RE -7. Respeto a las convicciones religiosas como condición mínima para la convivencia.
RE -8. Compromiso y solidaridad con el mundo de hoy.
RE -9. Manifestaciones de la presencia de Dios en la cultura cristiana. Valoración de las expresiones artísticas de las religiones presentes en el entorno.
RE -10. Dios prepara una tierra nueva donde habitará la justicia.
RE-11. Identificar algunas instituciones de la Iglesia dedicadas a la ayuda a los necesitados.
RE-12. Resumir la fe de la Iglesia acerca de la vida eterna.
Once we know the level of English required from children in year 6 as well as the curriculum of RE at this moment, we have generated a few criteria in order to assess if any text is adapted for our purpose. We have revised most of the passages in the gospels and selected a closed list of them following the criteria we have established. We offer here a list of parables and short stories to work with (in the reference, 01 stands for Matthew, 02 for Mark, 03 for Luke and 04 for John; the rest follows the usual way of Bible citation):
Table 3.3 List of parables and short stories
Type Gospel ref. Title of the passage Related RE syllabus
Other 01 02, 1-5a.712 The Magi (the wise kings) RE3, RE9
Other 01 07, 24-27. The wise and the foolish builders RE5
Other 01 12, 1-8 Picking grain on the Sabbath. RE1, RE2, EE4, RE5, RE8, RE10
Parable 01 13, 24-30 The weeds RE2, RE7
Parable 01 13, 31-33 The mustard seed and the yeast RE5, RE10
Parable 01 13, 3b8.18-23. Parable of the sower. RE1, RE5, RE8
Parable 01 13, 44 The hidden treasure RE1, RE5
Parable 01 13, 45-46 The pearl
Parable 01 13, 47-50 The net RE1, RE6
RE2, RE5, RE7
Other 01 14, 13-21 The return of the twelve and the feeding of the five thousand. RE3, RE4, RE8, RE11, RE12
Other 01 14, 3-12 the death of John the Baptist RE5
Parable 01 18, 12-14 The lost sheep RE2
Parable 01 18, 21-35 The unforgiving servant. RE4, RE5, RE8
Other 01 19, 16-24 The young rich man. RE1, RE3
Parable 01 20, 1-16 The workers in the vineyard RE3
Parable 01 21, 28-32 The two sons RE5, RE8
Parable 01 21, 33-43 The tenants RE3
Parable 01 22, 1-14 The wedding banquet RE1, RE3
Other 01 22, 15-22 Paying the poll-tax to Caesar RE5, RE6, RE7, RE8
Other 01 24, 42-51 The faithful servant RE5
Parable 01 25, 1-13 The ten virgins RE3, RE5, RE12
Parable 01 25, 14-30 The parable of the bags of gold (talents) RE1, RE5, RE8
Other 01 25, 31-46 The sheep and the goats RE1, RE2, RE3, RE4, RE5, RE6, RE8, RE9, RE11, RE12
Other 01 26, 17-30 The last supper
Other 01 26, 69-75 Peter disowns Jesus
Parable 01 27, 11-26 Jesus before Pilate RE3, RE6, RE9
RE2, RE3, RE4
Other 01 27, 32-44 The crucifixion of Jesus RE3, RE9
Other 01 28, 1-9 Jesus has risen RE3, RE9
Parable 03 07, 41-43 The two debtors (the parable of the creditor) RE4, RE5, RE8
Parable 03 10, 25-37 The good Samaritan RE1, RE2, RE4, RE6, RE7, RE8, RE11
Parable 03 12, 16-21 The rich fool RE1, RE5
Parable 03 15, 11-32 The parable of the prodigal son RE1, RE5
Parable 03 15, 8-10 The lost coin RE1, RE6
Parable 03 16, 1-10 The unjust steward
Parable 03 16, 19-31 The rich man and Lazarus RE5, RE7
RE1, RE4, RE8, RE11, RE12
Other 04 13, 2-17 Jesus washes his disciple's feet RE2, RE3, RE4, RE6, RE8, RE10
Other 04 18, 1-14 Jesus arrested RE5
Other 04 20, 24-29 Jesus appears to Thomas RE3, RE12
Parable 02 04, 26-29 The seed growing secretly RE10
For our purposes, as no official version of the Bible has ever been officially established by the Holy See since the Second Vatican Council, we have chosen the New International Version® (NIV®) (International Bible Society, 2011). Some of the reasons for selecting this version of the Bible are:
- Firstly, it’s an ecumenical translation of the Bible, commonly used by Catholics and
Protestant confessions. Despite produced in Evangelical grounds, no tendency in its craftsmanship has arisen so far.
- Secondly and most important, an online version of it is freely available at biblegateway.com with this features:
o Friendly search engine of biblical texts.
o Audio version of each passage, with more than on narrator to choose.
o Free apps for mobile devices have been developed. Thanks to it, it can be accessed almost anytime anywhere.
- Finally, the NIV is a translation no so stuck to the original text, leaving a wider space for interpretation and easier to understand. It’s more user friendly: important for our purposes.
For these reasons, we have considered NIV® the most appropriate for use in our classroom. I can add that personally this is a version I’ve been listening for years since it was first published in CD and I’ve become used to it.