DOF magazine #0

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photography publication

issue #0

all images published in DOF magazine are sole property of the contributing photographers. no image may be copied or reproduced without the express permission of it‘s owner.


issue #0 online photography publication

editor / luis monteiro contact / website / printed version /

cover / arch, luis monteiro backcover / untitled, luis monteiro


/ contents 5 / introduction the start 8 / featured photographer luis monteiro 16 / series puzzle convent 22 / portfolio black and white 26 / architecture photography nescio bridge


/ introduction

the start by luis monteiro

DOF is an online photography publication based on personal and inspirational references. It is a media format tasked to gather and publish photography artists discovered in the lost hours of internet mind traveling. It is the concretization, the start actually, of a long waited project and combines in itself two of my passions, photography and design. The purpose of this publication is to showcase photography, mine, those of my friends and everything else that represents an inspiration and reference to our work. I hope this publication also helps you to discover new perspectives in photography and to be inspired by them as much as I am. DOF is always on the lookout for new photographers and artists alike. It is constantly scoping the world wide web for it’s immense potencial in delivering the future.




/ featured photographer

luis monteiro

blood orange


My passion for photography comes from when I was very young, by the time that my father, most certainly not very willingly, lend me his camera for the first time. I remember going out with a bunch of lenses and filters ready to capture everything that came across. From the photos I took, not many came through, but I still remember all the fun I had with the experience... one of looking at the world through the camera lenses.


gold fever




the fence



I´ve been living with photography ever since, even if sometimes latent, it´s always there when I look at something. My academic path and a handfull of friends enlightened me with new experiences and allowed the exploration of new photography. A great deal of my knowledge came from my father´s lessons and teachings, also from all the photo magazines that he made me read. At the time, many were the 35 mm film rolls developed and previewed, so that I could feel satisfied with the few results I was accomplishing. Nowadays, with digital format, it is much more easy and affordable to experience and try out new photos, new approaches; nonetheless still few of them are photos that end up in my portfolio.


yellow bike

The learning path is slow and long, but I get more and more confident and knowledgeable at each click I make.

crossing the road



bridge to nemo

/ series

puzzle convent by luis monteiro

I first had the idea for this series long after I took the photos at the convent. At the time I was quite impressed with the decaying state of this place, abandoned ruins and memories within the ever growing city landscape... Wandering from room to room, staring at long gone spaces is as much a playfull memory game as it is a sad perception of reallity. Looking at the details, the overall picture of that place starts to get clear and assembles itself as a puzzle in my mind. It was only when I saw this game in a store that something triggered and it all came together. I wanted for others to explore this same feeling trough the photos I took, so I printed this series of photos and cut them into small squares that were then fitted randomly onto the sides of 24 cubes in order to create a picture puzzle. The idea was to create a building block game in which the player is presented with some dualities... the fun of the game vs the sadness of the theme, the building blocks vs the decaying ruins.



an old memory









/ portfolio

black and white by luis monteiro



For me b&w photography is full of feeling and emotion, it transports me to a much more cinematic perception of our surroundings. It depicts our reality with a great romantic sense for all things that are just common to our color perceiving eyes. Maybe it´s the fact that b&w enhances details and patterns, or what the contrast adds to the understanding of what the subject is. In any case, it still makes us guess, refers to our memories and transports us to our imagination. Only recently have I realised that it is quite challenging to take a good b&w, I have to think in different terms, I have to dim down the color senses and dive into this world beyond our conscious perceptions. Photography in b&w has a somehow introspective approach that attracts me and makes it a wonderfull thing, one that is part of me.


old presence / trancks / detail



hanging / silver rock / departing

/ architecture photography Wilkinson Eyre

nescio bridge by luis monteiro


The first time I saw and crossed this bridge I remembered why I had chosen architecture for my future. I´ve always admired bridges and I enjoy greatly whenever I get the change to walk one like this. There is something about this bridge that crosses that boundary between human engineering and art, presenting us with something of a subtle delicacy. This bridge is a lady, not only because of it´s sensual lines, but because it behaves like one. It has a presence and like a model in a passerelle, knows how to be. The morning light embraces the hard lines that combined with that elegant movement defines her silhouette. That day she posed for me...



´´ This cycle and pedestrian bridge is the longest in the Netherlands, spanning the busy Rijn Kanaal in the IJburg district of Amsterdam. With it‘s slender form, the bridge slots elegantly into it‘s surroundings. The long approaches at either end have e a shallow gradient for cyclists and other bridge users. Curved in plan, the bridge is designed to sit elegantly within the reclaimed landscape and to respect it‘s unique ecological habitats. A unique feature of this first suspension bridge in the Netherlands is that the deck is suspended on one side only. It is also Wilkinson Eyre’s first project in the country. ´´ / Wilkinson Eyre’s 29

issue #0 online photography publication



photography publication

issue #0

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