Luiza Rauleac Landscape Architect
Luiza Rauleac 0476.03.48.32 St. Joose ten Noode - 1210 -Bruxelles
education Landscape Architecture, ISIA Huy Gembloux, Belgium Illustration & Bd, Arts Academy of the City of Brussels, Belgium Photography course, Ixelles Academy of Arts, Brussels, Belgium Landscape Architecture, University of Agronomic Studies, Bucharest work experience Landscape architect/Urban planner - Suède 36 Architects, Bruxelles Landscape architect - Ann Voets landscape architect & art historian Landscape architect- OMGEVING, Antwerpen "Inspire the neighborhood" project Brussels Environment Assistant in the Amartgallery-Brussels art gallery Trainee Landscape Architect - CYDesign, Landscape Architecture Office, Bruxelles Horticultural Assistant, Horticulture Technical Center, Gembloux Assistant librarian, Haute Ecole Charlemagne, Gembloux Assistant in a silkscreen textile workshop, Bucharest exhibitions Illustrated cartography, Les Marolles, ALB, Creative art days Colors of a moment, painting exhibition, Amartgallery, Brussels Contemporaries, painting exhibition, Amartgallery, Brussels software competences Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Lightroom, Flash AutoCAD Artlantis SketchUp Pro languages French - fluent language English - fluent language Dutch - beginner level Romanian - native language
2010-2013; 2017 2014-2017 2013-2014 2008-2010 december 2018 - present january 2018 - present january 2018 - december 2018 2017 2014 2013 2012 2012 2007 2016 2014 2014
Work projects
Masterplan KU Leuven Arenberg
Bart Swings Sportcentrum
Kogalniceanu Urban developement Borgerstein centrum
Academic projects
Integrated urban water management Shared space
Between blocks
Leuven, Belgium
Analyse mobility, nature and water management / Competition OMGEVING
Project description An important starting point in shaping the vision for KU Leuven masterplan is the green continuity along the Dyle river and the ecological functioning of the environment. In this sense, the masterplan aims for a system of compact water clusters surrounded
by a robust landscape. The design plan focuses on maximizing the green areas proposing green islands which creates a composition with a stark contrast to the rational rectilinear buildings. In addition to ecological added values and biodiversity also it integrates places where employees, students and visitors can meet.
Car circulation (access cars loading / unloading - fire department)
Green islands
Pedestrian circulation
Space for water
Synthesis sketch
masterplan KU Leuven
profile zoom central area
The central green area will become a place where nature and culture are merged. On the other hand there are designed wadis with different depths to catch rainwater. A long stepped seating offers a unique view of the landscape and brings the water closer.
zoom central project
Bart swings sports centrum
Herent, Belgium
Sportcentum, playgrounds, water detetntion / Competition OMGEVING
Project description Bart Swings sportcentrum is a project located in the municipality of Herent which includes the designing of the architecture building and the project area around it. Several playgrounds were proposed as: a skate area, a pumptrack, a volley playground.
A sollution for the water detention was also integrated in the project. The cars and pedestrian circulations were designed in a simple and accesible way, responding also to a demand of overflow parking. The space reserved to the last one is a multifunctional area, as the overflow parking is conceived as a green space.
Overflow parkings
Paths structure
Soft functions
Hard functions
Skate area
Volley playground
Water detention
Native flower meadow
Green amphitheater
Hill playground
Bicycle parking
Cars overflow parking
Presentation plan
Water detention scheme
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Pedestrian street, Zone 30, School central area, Historical street / Competition OMGEVING
Water area
Project description The design proposal starts from the strenght of the existing heritage, in particular the stately buildings, statues and uniform façades. The unique opportunity to make Kogalniceanu street a shared space is used to transform the entire area into a place to wander, enjoy oneself and to meet one another. Instead of a functional connection road, there is a commemoration of the
street as a series of unique experiences shaped by thematic spaces (water-, green-, church and wall square). These spaces are all unique, but at the same time, by using uniform pavements, planting and other materials, they are also perceived as a cohesive family. Together they create a scenography in which the power of the buildings, streets and squares is reflected once again, as it has never been any different.
Green area
Functional scheme for events and festivals situation
Church area
Square area
Borgerstein CeNTRUM
Wavre-Sainte-Catherine, Belgium
Disabled, care for the elderly and socio-economic employment /Competition OMGEVING
Project description Borgerstein Vzw is a social centrum which is currently active in three specific domains: care for people with disabilities, care for the elderly and social employment. The strategy for the space around the Centrum was thought as an inviting, opened and ecological area which could create a social and friendly
environnement. Different types of landscape were proposed, from bigger sizes as a promenade park until smaller with more intimate and residential specificity. Also the integration of collectiv gardens were proposed in different areas. For the pavement was choosed a permeable type, that could be in coheration with the assemble of the architecture buildings.
Presentation plan
Integrated urban water management Bruxelles, Belgium New urban rivers, Senne river and Wiels marsh / Final thesis project
Project description In this project located in the Forest commune of Bruxelles is proposed an integration of the Senne river, the Wiels Marsh and also the rainwater which causes often problems of flooding in this low side of Bruxelles. A connection between all these elements
is developed through a more holistic water management, thus linking them in an organic and natural way. In addition, in response to flooding problems, a significant part of this project is allocated to the phytopurification basins, where the water after being purified is then directed towards the Senne River.
Senne in 1830
Exustant situation
Main buildings
Intention map
Zoom existante situation
Project execution plan
Composition plan
Profil-elevation Wiels marsh
Profil-elevation Senne river
Phytoepuration basin
Profil-elevation New urban rivers
Stabilized gravel rolled
Water retention 1.1
Grass slab turf
Water retention 1.2
Profil-elevation New urban rivers
Water retention 2.1
Water retention 2.2
Meux, Belgium
Creation of a convivial and green public space, Zone 20 / School project
Project description Shared space is a project in the municipality of Meux, where is proposed the implementation of a soft mobility and the planification of all the central areas where could be developed a wider range of activities and green spaces. The design proposal
maximises the pedestrian circulation and green open spaces and also enhances the biodiversity. The transformation of the library, play, garden areas and the forest are combined with seating and playful elements to create a dynamic environment that gives a identity to Meux municipality.
Situation analyse map
Diagnostic map
Programmation map
Intention map
Composition plan
Integrated management plan
Demolition plan
Between blocks Namur, Belgium Development of an urban area at the periphery of Namur city / School project
Project description This urban landscape project aims to explore part of Namur City as to develop and create a green area conceived as a multifunctional space. The site of intervention which is found at the periphery of the city needs to respond to a demand for citizen projects and as a place for meeting-sharing. Also, the project it’s designed as a relaxation park, walkway, playground where the landscape shapes gives more character to the environnement. In this way,
this residential area brings a more vivid public space for the community.At the same time also bring public more awareness to the ecological side of this park by the use of native plants and by the creation of a collective vegetable garden. As a result, the park is designed as an open space, multifunctinal and where nature finds the place in the city.
Masterplan Diagnostic map
Indigen plants selection
Achillea millefolium
Allium Deschampsia Sphaerocephalon cespitosa
Artemisia vulgaris
Stipa tenuissima
Calluna vulgaris
Trifolium repens
Filipendula ulmaria
Galium odoratum
Carex 'Buchanani'
REGENERATION Le Roeulx, Belgium Transforming the adjacent place around St Nicolas church / School project
Project description Usually, the church represents the central place of a village. This project aims to connect the places around it by creating a platform for social life. Therefore there is searched a homogenity between the main street of Le Roeulx village and the adjacents streets by the use of a characteristic pavement and vegetation. In this project there is sear-
ched an achievement of more biodiversity and ecology by integrating indigen species. Another characteristic of this projects is that the place around the church is thought as a multifunctional space, where different events like a market area can be organized.
Technical drawing A-A’’
Technical drawing B-B’’
Composition plan
Technical drawing C-C’’
Technical drawing - Laying stone slabes
Technical drawing D-D’
Other works
Workshop Bezdin
Workshop University courtyard
Zero waste - Give-box
Illustrated cartography
Workshop BEZDIN Arad, Romania Construction of the suspended pontoon at the Mures floodplain Natural Park
Workshop Bucharest, Romania Landscaping the courtyard of the university
Zero Waste - Give-box Bruxelles, Belgium Sensibilising people to waste problem by creating a give-box
Call for projects ‘Inspirrons le quartier’- Bruxelles Environnement Project in progress - Implementation in December
Illustrated Cartography Bruxelles, Belgium Creation of an illustrated map of Marroles neighbourhood - Collaboration with the landscape architect Bianca Fanta, ALB
Illustration Gouache, watercolours, coffee, adobe illustrator, photoshop, mixed-media
Photography Digital and film photography