German 1 Syllabus

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EHS World Languages 2017-2018

German 1


Lukas Faber Voicemail # 770-835-5439

Lukas Faber’s Website


Dr. Claudia Larrotta:




This course is designed to help students comprehend both spoken and written German, and to communicate both orally and in writing in German. Emphasis will be on stimulating novice proficiency through the use of the basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The functional content is the primary objective of each level and refers to the actions and tasks students are able to perform in German; to use the language in a communicative competent manner, not just know it. The grammatical content for each level is the "tool" to communicate correctly. Many activities are presented to help students grasp the language structures and rules in a natural way. Both ancient and modern Germanic cultures of the world will be explored, as well as current events and the geography of the German-speaking world. The course is taught according to the Modern Languages Level I. COURSE CONTENT

Linguistic content will include topics of grammar and vocabulary essential for novice-level conversational German, as determined by the Georgia Performance Standards for Modern Languages, Level I. Germanic culture and current events will be explored through readings, video, internet, cultural projects and foods. SUGGESTED MATERIALS  Pencils, Erasers, Highlighter  Markers and/or Colored Pencils  USB

 German English Dictionary/ App (i.e. word  Dry Erase Marker (individual white boards will be provided  Notebook: 3 ring binder w/paper and dividers

for class activities)

GRADES & SCORING: Grades should reflect what students know and are able to do. Therefore, in this class, grades will be derived from assessments of the following skills: Categories Comprehension Skills: *Listening and Reading Activities: *Listening and Reading Assessments: Production Skills: *Speaking and Writing Activities: *Speaking and Writing Assessments: Unit Assessments *Mid-Term (First Semester) *Final Exam (Second Semester)

Percentage {30% of total grade} 15% 15% {30% of total grade} 15% 15%

Minimum # of Assignments 4 per unit

30% of total grade 10% of total grade

1 per unit 1 per semester

4 per unit

(Listening/Reading/Writing Speaking Projects/ Skits/ Unit Tests/Midterm and Final Exams) Each of the five grading categories will include grades for assessments, homework, classwork, and projects, with points assigned reflecting the complexity of the task. The grading system will be a Standards-Based Approach, reflecting Performance Standards, and not just letter grades. The terminology for mastery of performance standards will be reflected in the rubric for each assessment.

90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69%

Traditional School Approach Outstanding/Excellent Above Average/ Good Average/ Satisfactory Below Average/ Poor

Standards-Based Approach 95-100% Advanced/ Exceeds Standards 85-94% Proficient/ Meets Standards 75-84% Basic/ Approaching Standards 74 or below Below Basic/ Does Not Meet Standards

EXPECTATIONS Students are expected to be active participants; work in group projects, present and have brief conversations/skits in class. Projects will be done in small groups, others will be done individually. At the time the assignment is distributed, the size of the group applicable to the project and a rubric for how it will be graded will be given. Project –based learning, flexible grouping and cooperative learning strategies are implemented throughout the school year. ASSESSMENTS Progress and performance of student language proficiency will be assessed in various ways which include but are not limited to: presentational speaking, performance assessments, exams, projects and portfolios. Students will be formatively assessed often and will have summative assessments at regular intervals throughout the year. All summative assessments will be announced. Midterm and Final Exams are scheduled during the school wide exam period. *Note: SLO (Student Learning Objective) Exams will be given once each semester. The first semester SLO will be taken as a pre-assessment. (Grade does not count toward semester average.) The second semester SLO will be graded as an Integrated Skill. GRADE RECOVERY We believe that ALL students can achieve success, just not always at the same rate. Students who do not demonstrate proficiency will be given opportunities to learn the material and re-assess. See “Contract for Reassessment, Delayed or Make-up Assessment”. If a student fails to complete/hand in an assignment or test on time, the following consequences will be given:  The teacher will contact parents.  A grade of “NHI” will be entered in the ASPEN Grade book.  Recovery will be available, however the student must first attend a detention with the teacher. (This will be assigned before or after school.) Once the detention has been served, the student’s assignment will be accepted without penalty. If the student fails to attend the detention, the teacher will complete a discipline referral in order to complete the work at a supervised inschool Saturday morning work session. Missing assignments MUST be turned in before each Unit’s summative assessment. EXTRA CREDIT Enrichment opportunities are occasionally offered in order to provide cultural appreciation and additional evidence of students understanding, knowledge, and/or skills. The work resulting from enrichment assignments will not replace missing assignments. Some examples of enrichment opportunities that may count for extra credit are: Participation in Cultural Events, Local, Regional or National/International Competitions, and community outreach using the target language. In any situation where extra credit is offered, all students will have the opportunity to earn the extra points. ATTENDANCE & TARDINESS POLICY Follow rules as per CCSD Student Handbook. County policy will be observed. Time allotted for make-up work will be UP TO 10 days depending on the nature of the assignment and at the teacher’s discretion. CLASSROOM PROCEDURES

1. Come to class on time prepared to learn. School policy on attendance and tardiness will be enforced. 2. Participate. Participation is a grade. 3. Be in your assigned seat. 4. If you need extra help talk to your teacher to schedule a tutoring session. 5. Be respectfully cooperative of the teaching and learning environment. 6. Clean up after yourself. 7. Keep cell phones and electronic devices turned off unless directed otherwise. 8. Check Lukas Faber’s Website on a regular basis for assignments, resources and pertinent information. 9. Take ownership of your academic journey! COURSE PLANNER AND AREAS OF STUDY ACCORDING TO GEORGIA STANDARDS *subject to change First Semester 8/3 to 12/18 EQ: What is the German Speaking language and world like? LEQs:  How do you greet and introduce yourself in German?  What makes up the German speaking world?  What are some cultural differences and similarities in greeting someone in German and English speaking countries?  How do you discuss the calendar in German? How is it expressed differently than English?  How do you describe the weather in German?  How do you respond to and follow basic Classroom Instructions in German?  How does the structure and Sequence of the German language differ from English?

CCGPS:MLI.IP1A MLI.IP1F MLI.IP1G MLI.IP2A MLI.CCC1A MLI.CCC3B EQ: How do you describe self and others? LEQs:  How do you give simple descriptions of people, places, and things?  How do you describe leisure activities of your family members?  What are some of your hobbies?  How do you express likes and dislikes?  How do you describe what you and others are playing?  Who are the members of the immediate family in German?  How do we discuss age and birthdates?  What are some cultural differences between German and American families? CCGPS:MLI.IP1B, MLI.IP1E, MLI.P1A EQ: How might the experience of going to school in another country be different from going to school in the US?  How do you describe the basic items found in the classroom?  How do you discuss your school schedule and environment in German?  How do you use basic mathematical operations and numbers in German?

Content Chapter 1 Stufe 1  Greet people  Introduce self  Say where you are from  Exchange phone numbers  Say which day it is  Alphabet  Basic Class instructions  Geography of the German speaking countries

Grammar  Basic greetings and introductions  Numbers 0-10  verbs “kommen, sein, haben, heissen, “

Chapter 1 Stufe 2  Identify people  Talk about age  Introduce others  Say where people are from  Ask/answer how one comes to school  Talk about where you live Chapter 2 Stufe 1  Describe yourself and others  Describe likes and dislikes  Describe hobbies and leisure activities  Appearance, personality and colors

 Subject pronouns  Formal vs. informal address  The verb “sein’  Infinitives  clarification/emphasis expressions  Asking questions

Chapter 2 Stufe 2  Describe and talk about family  Ask and tell ages  Talk about what we eat and drink  Express feelings  Give dates  Numbers 31 to 100

 The conjugation of regular verbs  Using “sein” to express age  Subject/verb agreement  Possession using “von”  Possessive adjectives

Chapter 3 Stufe 1 and 2  describe houses and rooms  describe locations and places to live  Review of all concepts Chapter 3 Stufe 3  describe family members  describe external features and looks Chapter 4 Stufe 1 and 2

 Introduction to regular and irregular verbs conjugations  using adjectives to describe individuals  possessive adjectives: mein, dein, sein  verbs “to like”

 Definite articles  Indefinite articles  Making words plural  Adjective agreement  Adjective/noun order  Making sentences negative  to ask what someone is doing in the free time  Introduction to verbs conjugations

 How do you tell time and identify at what time an activity occurs?  What do students need for school  What do their schedules looks like  What classes do students take  What are their daily routines CCGPS: MLI.CU1A


 describe students` schedule and talk about school  describe days of the week and time Chapter 4 Stufe 3  describing school supplies  talking about prices and  pointing things out  Describe classes and classroom objects  Talk about class schedules  Say how often you do something  Discuss Plans and Obligations  Sequence Event

 responding to good news and bad news  talking about class schedules  verbs” kosten”  describing articles in a office supply store


COURSE PLANNER AND AREAS OF STUDY ACCORDING TO GEORGIA STANDARDS *subject to change Second Semester 1/5 to 5/26 EQ What do students wear?  What do you consider fashionable?  How do you pay?  How do you complete a transaction?


EQ: What do German teens like to help with in their spare time?  How do you describe chores?  How do you discuss common school and weekend activities in German?  How do you express your opinions and emotions in German?  What are you and others doing in your leisure time? CCGPS: MLI.IP2B, MLI.P1A, MLI.P1B

Content Chapter 5 Stufe 1 and 2  pieces of clothing and colors  request pieces of clothing in a store  making payments and completing transactions

Grammar  Ordinal numbers 1st-10th  Present tense  adjetives and colors  conjugation of separable verbs  interrogatives

Chapter 6 Stufe 1  Talk about schedules and to-do lists  Ask and tell time  Questions Words  Say where someone is  Say where someone is going  Request food and drink Chapter 6 Stufe 2 and 3  Discuss plans and intentions  request food and drink in a cafe  Sequence events  Talk about places and people you know  Talk about what one should do Chapter 7 Stufe 1  express responsibilities  Expressing chores  Say what you do to help  Say what the weather is like  Say what people like to do Chapter 7 Stufe 2  Talk about months  Describe weather  Say what you like to do when  Make comparisons

 Telling time  The verb “haben”  The verb ”möchten”  Prepositions of time “am”  Question words

Chapter 7 Stufe 3  Extended weather  Discuss clothing and accessories  State an opinion  Say what is happening

 Present tense conjugation of regular and irregular verbs  Irregular “sein, können, dürfen”  Infinitive construction

 müssen + infinitives and nouns  The verb saugen, spülen, giessen  Infinitive verbs  adverbs

 weather forecasts  reflexive verbs  The verb related to weather  Comparatives

EQ: What is it like to go shopping in a German-speaking country?  What are common places found in most cities?  How do you order basic food items in German  How do you give and ask basic directions in German?  What are some expressions needed to travel in a German speaking country?  What are some types of transportation? CCGPS: MLI.IP1C, MLI.IP1D, MLI.IP1E MLI.IP1F, MLI.CCC1A *SLO Post Test 5/5 FINAL EXAMS


Chapter 8 Stufe 1  Geography  Identify places in a town  Give request and respond to those  telling someone what to do  telling someone what you should do  Give instructions  Say what you want to eat

 fruit and vegetables  prepositions  talking about quantities  giving reasons  time expressions

Chapter 8 Stufe 2  talking about quantities  giving reasons  expressing time of events  Read: “Arme Anna”  Review for final exams

 Review of concepts learned  Review of all concepts learned

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