German 3 Honors
Lukas Faber
Robert VanAlstyne:
Dr. Claudia Larrotta:
COURSE PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS The Level III language course focuses on the continued development of communicative competence in the target language and understanding of the culture(s) of the people who speak the language. It assumes that the students have completed a Level II course or are at a Novice-Mid to Novice-High level of proficiency. Students use basic language structures with accuracy and recombine learned material to express their thoughts. They are exposed to more complex features of the language, moving from concrete to some abstract concepts. An important component of language classes is the use of the language beyond the classroom in the real world. The integration of technology will be used as an important tool in accessing authentic information in the target language and in providing students the opportunity to interact with the teacher, peers and native speakers. This course is taught for Spanish Level 3 according to the Georgia Performance Standard for Modern Languages Level III. Instruction and assessment will be differentiated in accordance with the American Council for Teachers of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) guidelines to meet the needs of gifted and on level students. Some of the content will be taught more in depth and/or an accelerated rate. Students at this level will be expected to perform with minimal guided practice and fostering independent learning. GEORGIA PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: GERMAN LEVEL III Georgia Performance Standards For Modern Languages lll. I. Communication Interpersonal Mode of Communication (IP) MLIII.IP1 The students exchange spoken and written information and ideas in the target language, with some originality and spontaneity, utilizing cultural references where appropriate. MLIII.IP2 The students initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in the target language, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations. Interpretive Mode of Communication (INT) MLIII.INT1 The students understand spoken and written language on newly acquired and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in the target language, including authentic materials. Presentational Mode of Communication (P) MLIII.P1 The students present information orally and in writing using familiar and newly- acquired vocabulary, phrases, and patterns in increasingly complex sentences and strings of sentences. MLIII.P2 The students present student-created as well as culturally authentic stories, poems, and/or skits in the target language. II. Cultural Perspectives, Practices, and Products (CU) MLIII.CU1 The students understand and discuss perspectives, practices, and products of the cultures studied and how they are interrelated. III. Connections, Comparisons, and Communities (CCC) MLIII.CCC1 The students reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between the target language and other subject areas including language arts, science, history, social science, mathematics, physical education, health, and/or the arts. MLIII.CCC2 The students investigate similarities and differences that exist within and among the cultures studied. MLIII.CCC3 The students strengthen knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the target language. MLIII.CCC4 The students improve language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes.
SUGGESTED MATERIALS and RESOURCES Composition notebook Folder for loose leaf papers Pencils, Erasers, Highlighter German English Dictionary
ASSESSMENT AND GRADES Grades should reflect what students know and are able to do. Therefore, in this class, grades will be derived from assessments of the following skills
Categories Comprehension Skills: *Listening and Reading Activities: *Listening and Reading Assessments: Production Skills: *Speaking and Writing Activities: *Speaking and Writing Assessments: Unit Assessments *Mid-Term (First Semester) *Final Exam (Second Semester)
Percentage {30% of total grade} 15% 15% {30% of total grade} 15% 15%
Minimum # of Assignments 4 per unit
30% of total grade 10% of total grade
1 per unit 1 per semester
4 per unit
HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned for previewing material, extending and or refining knowledge and skills.
GRADE RECOVERY and EXTRA ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES We believe that ALL students can learn, although not always at the same rate. Students who do not demonstrate proficiency will be given opportunities to learn the material and re-assess. Test recovery will be available; however, the student must first attend tutoring with the teacher and complete the reinforcing materials before retaking the assessment. Missing tests, quizzes, and
assignments will be assigned a “0” until it is made up by the end of the given unit. If a student fails to complete an assignment or test on time, the following consequences will be given: A grade of “NHI” will be entered in the CANVAS Grade book until assignment is turned in for partial credit. The student will have recovery opportunity until the end of each unit, at which time all remaining NHIs for that unit will maintain a grade of “0”. If after the grade recovery option has been given to the student, performance level is less than proficient or does not meet the standard, enrichment opportunities are occasionally offered to provide cultural appreciation and additional evidence of students understanding, knowledge, and/or skills. The work resulting from enrichment assignments will not replace missing assignments. Some examples of enrichment opportunities are: Participation in Cultural Events, Local, Regional or National/International Competitions, and community outreach using the target language. However, the enrichment assignments will not be used as “bonus” marks.
ATTENDANCE & TARDINESS POLICY Follow rules per CCSD Student Handbook. County policy will be observed. Time allotted for make-up work will be UP TO 10 days depending on the nature of the assignment and at the teacher’s discretion. CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS 1. Come to class on time prepared with all materials necessary to learn. 2. Participate! 3. Be in your assigned seat and use your assigned laptop when instructed. 4. If you need extra help, schedule a tutoring session. (Tutoring schedule is posted on teacher websites.) 5. Be respectful of yourself and others. 6. Hand in assignments and all work on time. 7. Clean up after yourself. 8. Keep cell phones and electronic devices turned off and invisible unless directed otherwise. 9. Check your teachers’ CANVAS Page on a regular basis for assignments, resources, and pertinent information. 10. Take ownership of your academic journey!
COURSE PLANNER: (Subject to change) COURSE PLANNER AND AREAS OF STUDY ACCORDING TO GEORGIA STANDARDS *subject to change Dates and Essential Questions
Semester 1 Chapter 1.1 and 1.2 EQ: What sport injuries can you have? What activities linder symptoms of illnesses ? What is the German Speaking world like? How do you describe illnesses and symptoms? What is my daily routine? What are some cultural differences and similarities in greeting in healthcare system between the US and Germany? How do you describe your personal grooming? CCGPS : MLIII.IP1D Give detailed descriptions.
Greetings and introduction Standard 1: Reflexive Verbs and Accusative Pronouns Dative case
essen werfen sein wissen lessen sprechgen interrogatives conjunctive
Geography and Nationalities Standard 5: Travel & Geography
MLIII.IP1E Give and follow detailed directions and instructions.
Chapter 2: What does life in the city look like?
2.1 Daily routines
How do you give directios? What are the parts of the house? How do you make purchases? How do you conjugate regular and irregular verbs? How do talk about different nationalities? How do you describe events in the past? How do you use negative & affirmative expressions?
Standard 2: Healthy Living Standard 4: A Day in the Life
2.2 Shopping
Standard 1: People & Places CCGPS :: MLIII.INT1C Demonstrate comprehension of current events and issues presented through print and electronic media. MLIII.INT1D Follow instructions given in the target language. MLIII.CCC2B Compare and contrast social conventions of the target cultures with the students’ own culture. MLIII.CCC2C Compare aspects of the cultures studied, such as language, clothing, foods, dwellings, and recreation, with the students’ own culture.
Dec 11-15
Mid TERM review
Dec 15-18
Mid TERM exam
2.3 Food Standard 2: Healthy Living
irregular and regular verbs conjunctions adjectives used as nouns prepositions of direction future 1
Possessive pronouns Dative case Verb mögen Future 1
Semester 2 3.1
Chapter 3: Carrer and profession?
3.1 People & Places
How do you describe professions? How do you express activities in the past? How do you describe past activities?
3.2 Childhood Experiences Standard 4: A Day in the
Past tense verbs Past tense construction with “haben” and “sein” Indirect pronouns Relative pronouns Perfekt versus Präteritum
How do you experience interviews and how do you prepare? How do you write a resumé How do you describe the city and activities done in a certain profession
3.3 Career and business 3.4 Future goals and expectations
Dative and Accusative adverbs
CCGPS: MLIII.P1A Summarize and communicate main ideas and supporting details from a variety of authentic language materials. MLIII.P1B Produce brief oral presentations in the present with increasing proficiency, using visual and technological support as appropriate. MLIII.CCC2A Discuss the influences of events and issues on the relationships between countries where the target language is spoken and the students’ own culture. MLIII.CCC2B Compare and contrast social conventions of the target cultures with the students’ own culture.
Chapter 4 & 5: EQ: What do you do in nature? 4.1 Nature
What things to do to stay healthy? What activities contribute to a healthy living? What wild life do we find in nature What national parks and points of interest are most interesting to a traveler? What professions are associated with nature? Environment and environment protection?
Standard 2: Healthy living Geography, discuus patterns of behavior associated with Germany
adjectives conjunctive regular present tense demonstrative pronouns possessive pronouns interrogative pronouns passive voice
MLIII.INT1E Understand simple connected discourse. MLIII.INT1F Demonstrate Novice-High to Intermediate-Low proficiency in listening, viewing, and reading comprehension. MLIII.P1A Summarize and communicate main ideas and supporting details from a variety of authentic language materials.
Dates and Essential Questions
MLIII.IP1A Express needs and desires. MLIII.IP1B Share feelings and emotions. MLIII.IP1C Exchange opinions and preferences. MLIII.IP1D Give detailed descriptions. MLIII.IP1E Give and follow detailed directions and instructions. MLIII.IP1F Ask questions and provide responses on topics and events found in a variety of print and non-print sources. MLIII.IP2A Participate in extended oral and written activities reflecting the present. MLIII.IP2B Begin to participate in oral and written activities reflecting the future and past. MLIII.IP2C Exchange information through conversations, notes, letters, or e-mail on familiar topics. MLIII.IP2D Use paraphrasing, some circumlocution, and body language to convey and comprehend messages. MLIII.IP2E Begin to self-correct. MLIII.IP2F Demonstrate Novice-High to Intermediate-Low proficiency in oral and written exchanges with respect to proper pronunciation, intonation, and writing mechanics. MLIII.INT1A Identify main ideas and supporting details from a variety of sources. MLIII.INT1B Understand culturally authentic materials and information. MLIII.INT1C Demonstrate comprehension of current events and issues presented through print and electronic media. MLIII.INT1D Follow instructions given in the target language. MLIII.P1B Produce brief oral presentations in the present with increasing proficiency, using visual and technological support as appropriate. MLIII.P1C Write short, organized compositions in the present with increasing accuracy, using visual and technological support as appropriate. MLIII.P1D Begin to prepare presentations in the past and future. MLIII.P1E Demonstrate Novice-High to Intermediate-Low proficiency in oral and written presentations with respect to proper pronunciation, intonation, and writing mechanics. MLIII.P2A Prepare and present culturally authentic poetry, skits, or stories. MLIII.P2B Prepare and present original essays, poetry, skits, or stories in the target language. MLIII.CU1A Participate in real or simulated cultural events. MLIII.CU1B Discuss patterns of behavior typically associated with culture(s). MLIII.CU1C Investigate the role of geography in the history and development of the culture(s) studied. MLIII.CCC1A Understand the role of major contemporary and historical figures and events from the culture(s) studied. MLIII.CCC1B Relate topics studied in other subject areas to those studied in the target language class. MLIII.CCC1C Recognize how the viewpoints of people in countries where the target language is spoken are reflected in their practices and products, such as political systems, art, architecture, music, and literature. MLIII.CCC2C Compare aspects of the cultures studied, such as language, clothing, foods, dwellings, and recreation, with the students’ own culture. MLIII.CCC3A Demonstrate understanding that language and meaning do not transfer directly from one language to another. MLIII.CCC3B Demonstrate understanding that vocabulary, linguistic structures, and tense usage in English differ from those of the language studied. MLIII.CCC4A Extend target language skills and cultural knowledge through the use of media, entertainment, and technology. MLIII.CCC4B Locate and use resources in the target language, such