1 – 2 April 2015 r.
The Westin Hotel, Warsaw
Key meeting of representatives of banking and insurance
Spotkanie Liderów Banking Forum 9th EDITION
Modern Debt collections 3rd EDITION
Conference Materials
M eeting of Leaders
1-2 April 2015 r. The Westin Hotel, Warsaw
Conference Structure DAY I - 1 APRIL
Banking Forum
Modern Debt collections
9% 4% 8%
5% 8%
»»Research and Development
»»Legal & Compliance
»»Customer service
7% Counseling Insurance
Central Administration
zgloszenia@mmcpolska.pl 22 379 29 00
1-2 April 2015 r. The Westin Hotel, Warsaw
I DAY, 1 APRIL 2015 Banking Forum DETAIL PROGRAM AVAILABLE ON PAGE 10. Leaders meeting joint session
godz. 8:45 - 9:15 Registration, morning coffe 9:15 - 9:30 Opening ceremony 9:30 - 9:45 Opening remarks by Guest of Honour
9:45 -10:55 Panel discussion: Economic situation and the condition of the financial sector 10:55-11:25 Coffee Break 11:25-12:35 Panel discussion: Recent regulatory and adjustment changes in the Polish and European law 12:35-13.35 Lunch
Banking Forum DETAIL PROGRAM AVAILABLE ON PAGE. 10. godz. Banking Forum
13:35 – 14:35 Panel Discussion:
International banking groups in the light of the current economic situation and the latest legal condition
DETAIL PROGRAM AVAILABLE ON PAGE. 11. godz. Receivables Managment Forum
13:35 – 14:45 Panel Discussion:
Changes in the insurance market
13:35 – 14:25 Panel Discussion:
The debt managment market trends 2015
14:25 – 15:15 Panel Discussion:
Key changes regarding the activity of business information office
14:35 – 14:50 Introductory speech 14:50 – 15:50 Panel Discussion:
Key trends in the Polish retail banking
14:45 – 15:50 Panel Discussion:
Insurances without insurers 15:15 – 16:05 Panel Discussion:
Debt, trading, and debt collecting - tax issues
II DAY, 2 April 2015 Modern Debt collections
Banking Forum DETAIL PROGRAM AVAILABLE ON PAGE. 12. godz. Banking Forum
Insurance Forum
8:45 - 9:15 Registration, mornig coffe
8:45 – 9:15 Registration, mornig coffe
9:15 – 9:30 Introductory speech
9:15 – 9:45 Presentation:
9:30-10:30 Panel Discussion:
Big Data in banking sector - far future or already implemented standard?
8:45 – 9:15 Registration, mornig coffe
Optimizing the organization and execution of tasks in the financial sector
Loyalty and customers trust for financial institutions in the era of the crises of brands
11:45 -12:15 Przerwa kawowa 12:15-13:30 Panel Discussion:
Modern forms of payment and added value building
Directions of on-line insurance products development
Efective ways to avoid debt repayment of debtors. Practical tips for creditors
10:30 – 11:45 Block:
Digitization of Justice- Challenges for justice in the XXI century
10:50 – 11:45 Panel Discussion:
The world is changing – exchanging data between institutions and their safety, legal aspects affecting their acquisition and fields of interest of each stakeholder
11:45 -12:15 Przerwa11:45 kawowa -12:15 Coffe Break
11:45 – 12:15 Przerwa kawowa
12:15 – 13:30 Panel Discussion:
Increase of the customer confidence in the insurers – fact or myth?
13:30 – 14:45 Panel Discussion: 13:30 – 14:45 Panel Discussion:
9:15 – 10:30 Block:
9:45 – 10:35 Panel Discussion:
10:35 – 10:50 Introductory speech 10:30-11:45 Panel Discussion:
DETAIL PROGRAM AVAILABLE ON PAGE. 13. godz. Modern Debt Collections
The future of life insurance – the beginning of the end?
Distribution Channels - Myths and Facts
12:15 – 13:30 Block:
Consumer bankruptcy – a chellange for market or another threat?
13:30 – 14:45 Block:
Bailiffs andenforcment amendment act – implications for recovery market
14:45 Lunch 15:45 END OF THE CONFERENCE
zgloszenia@mmcpolska.pl 22 379 29 00
9th Edition of Banking Forum 1 – 2 April 2015 r.
M eeting of Leaders
The Westin Hotel, Warsaw
About Conference
Forthcoming April edition of Warsaw International Banking Summit is the ninth edition of cyclical and prestigious Banking Forum. This event, with the participation of key representatives of public administration, regulator, management of top banks and solution providers, is a unique and prestigious platform for the exchange of ideas and opinions. It aims to gather all key market players, allows to understand changes taking place in the sector, seek effective models of joint action and create opportunities for participants to strengthen or establish direct business contacts with decision-makers. During eight previous editions the Banking Forum became a regular meeting place for the most important market players that summarizes the last few months, analyzes changes and trends, discusses recommendations for the future. The substantive scope of the summit is co-created by the Advisory
Board under the chairmanship of Mr. Mariusz Grendowicz. The event will be accompanied by a prestigious IV Grand Gala of Leaders of Banking and Insurance, in which an independent jury will award the best people, solutions and institutions. The project is conducted simultaneously with the Insurance Forum, an event addressed to the representatives of the companies and institutions from the insurance industry. The combination of these two conferences enables a comprehensive discussion on key issues and challenges for the financial sector, new trends and changes. It also ensures the presence of the most important representatives of both industries.
zgloszenia@mmcpolska.pl 22 379 29 00
9th Edition of Banking Forum M eeting of Leaders
1 – 2 April 2015 r.
The Westin Hotel, Warsaw
Grendowicz Chairman of Advisory Board
Krzysztof Kalicki
Jacek Bartkiewicz
Wojciech Czajkowski
Piotr Czarnecki
Vice-Chairman of Advisory Board / President of the Management Board, Deutsche Bank Polska
Member of the Management Board, National Bank of Poland
Dariusz Daniluk
Mikołaj Dowgielewicz
Bożena Graczyk
Chartered Accountant, Partner and Head of Accounting Advisory Services and Financial Risk Management, KPMG in Poland
President of the Management Board, Debt Trading Partners
Andrzej Jakubiak
Rafał Juszczak
Dariusz Kacprzyk
Mariusz Klimczak
Stanisław Kluza
Przemysław Kurczewski
Szymon Midera
Tomasz Misiak
Vice-President of the Management Board, Bank for Environmental Protection
Chairman, Polish Financial Supervisory Authority
Vice-Governor, Council of Europe Development Bank
President of the Management Board, Getin Holding
Małgorzata Kołakowska
Wojciech Kowalczyk
Mateusz Morawiecki
Malgorzata O’Shaughnessy
President of the Management Board, ING Bank Śląski
President of the Management Board, Bank Zachodni WBK
Dariusz Piotrowski
Board Member, Microsoft
Maciej Witucki
Chairman of Supervisory Board, Orange Polska
Undersecretary, Ministry of Economy
Regional Managing Director, Central Eastern Europe, Visa Europe
Sławomir S. Sikora
President of the Management Board, Bank Citi Handlowy
Małgorzata Zaleska
Member of the Management Board, National Bank of Poland
President of the Management Board, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
President of the Management Board, EmiTel
Ryszard Petru
Chairman, Polish Economists Association
Michał Skowronek
Director General for Poland and Balkans, MasterCard Europe
Piotr Zesiuk
President of the Management Board, MM Conferences
Managing Director, PayU Polska
President of the Management Board, Raiffeisen Polbank
Mikołaj Handzlik
Zbigniew Jagiełło
President of the Management Board, Bank for Environmental Protection
Acting CEO Bank Pocztowy
Krzysztof Pietraszkiewicz
President, The Polish Bank Association
Wojciech Sobieraj
President of the Management Board, Alior Bank
President of the Management Board, PKO Bank Polskii
Warsaw School of Economics, Chairman of Polish Financial Supervisory Authority 2006 – 2011
Preseident of the Supervisory Board, MM Conferences
Michał Pieprzny
Managing Director, Loyalty Partner Polska (PAYBACK)
Józef Wancer
President of the Management Board, Bank Gospodarki Źywnościowej
Marcin Żuchowicz
President of the Management Board, E-Point
zgloszenia@mmcpolska.pl 22 379 29 00
5th Edition of Insurance Forum 1 – 2 April 2015 r.
M eeting of Leaders
The Westin Hotel, Warsaw
About Conference
5th Insurance Forum is a prestigious meeting of insurance leaders. Following the success of previous editions, the Forum has become a fixed point in the calendar of events for key stakeholders from the industry. It provides an excellent opportunity for further debate on major issues, problems, opportunities and challenges which the insurance industry faces.
of major companies operating in the industry, regulators, government and service providers. Uniqueness of the Forum is emphasized not only by the presence of a full representation of the most important market players, but also complexity of discussed issues. The substantial scope, co-created by the Advisory Board, chaired by Mr. Artur Olech, does not only discuss the development of the insurance industry trends or changes in regulations, but also examines business issues and cooperation with other industries. At the event will be present key representatives of the largest companies in the industry, regulators, government, service providers to the sector.
The content of the forum is not limited to the discussion on the directions of development of the insurance industry or changes in regulations, but it also stresses strictly business issues, such as effective customers reach and the use of modern technology. Profile of participants is another determinant of debates on striking topics related to the sector: the event is attended by key representatives
zgloszenia@mmcpolska.pl 22 379 29 00
5th Edition of Insurance Forum 1 – 2 April 2015 r.
M eeting of Leaders
The Westin Hotel, Warsaw
Zbigniew Derdziuk
Rafał Hiszpański
Paweł Jakubik
Andrzej Jarczyk
Stanisław Kluza
Alexander Konopka
Sławomir Łopalewski
Piotr Narloch
Jacek Podoba
Marcin Pawlak
Artur Olech
Jan Bogutyn
Franz Fuchs
Ryszard Grzelak
Witold Jaworski
Tomasz Misiak
Chairman of the Advisory Board / President of the Management Board Pocztowe Życie
President of the Supervisory Board, Vienna Insurange Group in Poland
President of the Management Board, Allianz Polska
President of the Supervisory Board, MM Conferences
Bogusław Skuza
Member 2011-2013 of the Management Board, PZU
Piotr Zesiuk
President of the Management Board, MM Conferences
Honorary Chairman of the Advisory Board
President of the Management Board, Europ Assistance Polska
Warsaw School of Economics, Chairman of Polish Financial Supervisory Authority
President of the Management Board, Interrisk
Paweł Szczepankowski Managing DIrector, Atradius Polska
Paweł Ziemba
President of the Management Board, Skandia
Paweł Bisek
President of the Supervisory Board, Benefia
President of the Management Board, Euler Hermes
Managing Partner, SCBP Cieślewicz-Bartecki Partnership
Director of the Services and Consulting Department, Microsoft
CEO, PKO Ubezpieczenia
CEO, Gras Savoye Polska
President, Social Insurance Institution
President of the Management Board,
Małgorzata Maliszewska
President, Arbitration Court at Polish Insurance Ombudsman
Dariusz Poniewierka
President of the Management Board, TU Europa
President of the Supervisory Board ATTIS Group
President of the Management Board, KUKE
Maciej Szwarc
Aleksandra Widziewicz
Ewa Wierzbicka
President of the Management Board, AXA Polska
President of the Management Board, Pocztowe Mutual Insurance
Arbiter, Arbitration Court at Polish Insurance Ombudsman
Paweł Zylm
President of the Management Board, BRE Ubezpieczenia
zgloszenia@mmcpolska.pl 22 379 29 00
IInd Edition Receivables Managment Forum
M eeting of Leaders
1 – 2 April 2015 r.
The Westin Hotel, Warsaw
About Conference 2nd edition of Receivables Management Forum is a prestige place for key representatives from debt collection branch to meet and discuss most important topics, key trends and incoming changes in the sector. It is one of kind event, where all of the branch stakeholders will be present and it is organised by independent and specialised partner. After the success of the 1st edition, the Forum will continue with the most important topics for the market, adjusted to the current changes and trends. As market participants stress, there is a huge need for dialogue between market players, especially now that the industry is growing every year and has to face new legal regulations. Forum gives you the opportunity for direct and open dialogue with the most important market participants and public administration. The topics of 2nd edition include i.e.
development directions, implemented and planned legal changes, common activities that may be undertaken to improve sectors’ image. The Advisory Board under the leadership of Mr Norbert Wojnarowski, Member of the Polish Parliament is deciding on the concept of the Forum and the topics that will be discussed during the event. The members of the Council represent public administration, economic information bureau, debt collection companies and this kind of membership guarantees full representation of stakeholders focused on liabilities management and covers the most actual information, which will be presented durinig the event.
Chairman of the Advisory Board, Polish Parliament Member
President, National Council of judicial officers of Poland
Vicepresident of the Board, BIG InfoMonitor
President of the Board, EOS KSI Polska
Secretary of the Advisory Board / Tax Advisor, Majchrzak Brandt & Wspólnicy
President of the Board, Indos
Founder, Kaczmarski Inkasso
Managing Partner, Lawyer, Rączkowski, Kwieciński Awdokaci
President, Polish Association of Debt Collectors
Member of the Board, Polish Association of Debt Collectors
Vice-President, Credit Information Bureau,
President of the Management Board, Euler Hermes Collection
President of the Management Board, Magellan S.A.
Managing Partner, Lawyer, Rączkowski, Kwieciński Awdokaci
Member of the Board, Forum Debitum
Co-founder and Chairman of the Board, Casus Finance
Chairman of the Board, Votum
Member of the Board, Polish Association of Debt Collectors
President of the Management Board, KRD Economic Information Bureau
President of the Board, ERIF Register of Debtors BIG S.A.
President of the Management Board, MM Conferences
zgloszenia@mmcpolska.pl 22 379 29 00
3rd Edition of Modern Debt Colletion Forum
M eeting of Leaders
1 – 2 April 2015 r.
The Westin Hotel, Warsaw
About Conference The third edition of Modern Debt Collections is a place which will bring together key experts and practitioners in the field of vindication. During this edition we will discuss the most important trends and directions for the upcoming years for the debt collection industry.
During following year works on further computerization of the justice will be continued. We will be observeing the consequences of the entry into force of the new Law on Bankruptcy.
Previous Year was a breakthrough especially in the sale of receivables. For the first time a portfolio of loans secured by mortgage was sold at such a large scale. Moreover, the proposal amending the law on court bailiffs and its impact on the vindication process, especially among mass retail creditors, induce many conrtoversies.
Our meeting is an excellent opportunity to debate with representatives of all parties involved in the process of debt collection.
zgloszenia@mmcpolska.pl 22 379 29 00
M eeting of Leaders
1-2 April 2015 r.
The Westin Hotel, Warsaw
DAY I 1 April 2015 r. ROOM A
8:45 Registration, morning coffe
10:55 Coffee Break
9:15 Opening Ceremomy
11:25 Panel Discussion: Recent regulatory and adjustment changes in the Polish and European law:
Mariusz Grendowicz, President of the Banking Forum Advisory Board Artur Olech, president of the Insurance Forum Advisory Board / President of the Management Board, Pocztowe Życie
yy KNF regulations and the activities of financial institutions - should we endavour to go beyond regulatory solutions used in other countries? yy Macroprudential reulation supervision - challenges for the insurance sector yy U and D Recommendations and their interpretation - what the author had in mind? yy The growing role of Trading Standards Authorities (Office of Competition and Consumer Protection in Poland,) and their impact on the financial institutions. yy Competition for banks from the unregulated financial institutions - Should the privileged position of banks be protected? yy European markets - examples of good and bad practice yy Screen scraping and other controversial methods used by financial institutions yy Compliance from the point of view of the supervisor, business (cost of hiring professionals vs. the potential costs of penalties) and customers (credibility and transparency of companies)
9:30 Opening remarks by Guest of Honour
Jan Vincent-Rostowski, Member of Polish Parliament, Former Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance
9:45 Panel Discussion: Economic situation and the condition of the financial sector: yy Correlation of the economic situation and new lending for households and businesse yy Post-crisis’ mechanisms - how does they work? are they still needed? yy AQR and stress tests – will they restore confidence in banks and the inflow of money into the economy? yy Co-operation of commercial banks with the Central European Bank (including ABS redemption) yy Implementation of the CRD Directive - how it will affect the condition of universal and cooperative banks? Moderator: Ryszard Petru, President of the Association of Polish Economists Speakers: Małgorzata Zaleska, Member of the Management Board, National Bank of Poland Artur Olech, Chairman of the Advisory Board, President of the Management Board, Pocztowe Życie Dariusz Kacprzyk, President of the Management Board, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego Mikołaj Dowgielewicz, Vicegovernor, Council of Europe Development Bank Piotr Narloch, President of the Management Board, Interrisk
yy Surpluses and reserves in light of recent legal condition yy Short- and long-term growth prospects yy The environment of low interest rates that determine the search for new sources of revenue yy The results of the biggest players vs. smaller banks and insurers
12:35-13:35 Banking Forum
13:35 Panel Discussion: International banking groups in the light of the current economic situation and the latest legal condition:
Insurance Forum
Moderator: Cezary Szymanek, Editor-in-chief, Bloomberg BusinessWeek Polska Speakers: Krzysztof Kalicki, President of the Management Board, Deutche Bank Polska Dariusz Daniluk, Vicepresident of the Management Board, Bank for Environmental Protection Andrzej Reich, Banking Regulations, Paying Authorities and Cooperative Savings and Credit Unions Department Director prof. Jan Monkiewicz, Advisor of the President of the Polish National Bank Bożena Graczyk, Partner, KPMG prof. Elżbieta Mączyńska, President, Polish Economic Society Jerzy Bańka, Vicepresident, Polish Bank Association
13:45 Panel Discussion: Changes in the insurance market:
Receivables Managment Forum 13:35
yy How does the situation in the insurance market will determine the situation on the global market? yy Low car insurance rates and their impact on business models and market yy The use of telematics yy Truth and myths about insurance liability from the point of view of the choice of insurer by customers yy AC vs. minicasco and other new initiatives in this business segment yy The use of new technologies and equipment in the service of improving customer service and efficient valuation of damage
yy Structure of the Polish market – adequate, or still leaving room for concentration? yy The consolidation of the Polish banking sector - end of changes? yy Level of regulation and its impact on profitability from the perspective of the banks shareholders yy Will Poland maintain the status of an attractive market? yy The impact of banking groups on economic security and economic ecosystem
Moderator: Piotr Kondratowicz, Senior Manager, Management Consulting, KPMG in Poland Speakers: Tomasz Tarkowski, Member of the Board, PZU Marcin Warszewski, General Director, Liberty Ubezpieczenia Paweł Bisek, President of the Management Board, Benefia Ryszard Dyszkiewicz, IT Group Leader, Vienna Insurance Group Sebastian Kołaciński, Financial Sector Director, Atos / AMG.net
Moderator: Mariusz Grendowicz, President of the Banking Forum Advisory Board Speakers: Sławomir S. Sikora, President of the Management Board, Bank Citi Handlowy Michał Krupiński, Managing Director, Head of Central and Eastern Europe, Bank of America Merrill Lynch Wojciech Kwaśniak, Vice-Chairman, Polish Financial Supervision Authority Joao Bras Jorge, President of the Management Board, Bank Millennium Wojciech Sobieraj, President of the Management Board, Alior Bank John Cole, Senior Partner TAS Financial Services, Ernst & Young Londyn
14:45 Panel Discussion: Insurances without insurers:
14:35 Introductory Speech
yy yy yy yy
The main competitive advantages of traditional insurers, allowing them to survive the digital revolution Trend - be insured or have insurance Does the insurance products are doomed to marginalization? The project of European insurance contract and its consequences for insurance companies and customers yy The current regulatory environment for insurance mediation
Jarosław Mastalerz, COO, mBank
14.50 Panel Discussion: Key trends in the Polish retail banking: yy Increasing market share of mobile banking – what will we gain through banks and telecoms alliances? yy How to efficiently reduce the share of cash payments in favor of the cashless flow? yy The role of traditional bank branches in the acquisition and maintenance of customers in the digital era yy Virtualization of banking processes yy The draft of directive on personal account for everyone - what is most important for Poles in that account? yy The era of the digital economy - economical, organizational and reputational consequences
Moderator: Artur Olech, President of the Insurance Forum Advisory Board / President of the Management Board, Pocztowe Życie Speakers: Alexander Konopka, President of the Management Board, Gras Savoye Polska Paweł Zylm, President of the Management Board, BRE Ubezpieczenia Norbert Jeziolowicz, Director of the Retail Banking and Financial Markets Division in the Polish Bank Association Łukasz Zoń, President of the management Board, Polskie Stowarzyszenie Brokerów Ubezpieczeniowych i Reasekuracyjnych Michał Gomowski, Vicepresident of the Management Board, Compensa Igor Matejov, Member of the Board, T-Mobile Polska
Moderator: Dariusz Piotrowski, Member of the Board , Microsoft Speakers: Jarosław Mastalerz, COO, mBank Leszek Niemycki, Vicepresident of the Management Board, Deutsche Bank Polska Jacek Obłękowski, Vicepresident of the Management Board in chargé of retail Market, PKO Bank Polski Mieczysław Groszek, Vicepresident, Polish Bank Association Jakub Kiwior, General Manager Poland & Hungary, Visa Europe Mariusz Gaca, Vice-President of the Management Board, Orange Polska
15.50 End of the 1st day of the Conference
15.50 End of the 1st day of the Conference
Panel discussion: The debt management market trends in 2015 yy The role of the debt trading in the business – what, apart from the obvious benefits, could gain business? yy The impact of recent changes regarding the consumer bankruptcy on debt portfolio purchase yy If - and if so, what - should the banks be affraid of in the light of those changes? yy The relationship between the creditor and the debtor - how to build them to make the communication smooth and vindication effective? yy Planned changes in the §8 of the Act on Bailiffs and Enforcement - how the change of the limits to manage the cases outside it’s own district will impact on business practice? What are the benefitsand the dangers for smaller debt collectors offices? yy Vindication at the expense of the debtor – not paying obligations ceased to be the cheapest loan on the market. Discussion on the two years of the Act on payment terms in commercial transactions and its impact on the recovery market yy Two types of debt collection companies - buying debts and debt collecting on commission - two different services, two types of customers.
Norbert Wojnarowski, President of the Advisory Board/ Member of Polish Parliement
Piotr Badowski, President of the Management Board Board, Polski Związek Windykacji Jakub Kostecki, Vicepresident of the Management Board, Krajowy Rejestr Długów Ministry of Finance Representative Ministry of Justice Representative
Panel discussion: Debt trading, and debt collecting - tax issues: yy The effects of purchase and sale of receivables in the context of non-transparent legislation of income taxes (PIT, CIT) and business taxes (VAT and PCC); the practice and rules of law; proposals for changes to the tax law; general interpretation of the Ministry of Finance (adjustment range) - is it needed, and if so, to what extent? yy The bailiffs responsibility for the correct assessment of taxes (including VAT tax from sold properties) in the context of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Constitutional Tribunal and the Supreme Administrative Court case-law; issues related to the date of the tax obligation (legal regulations and practice of conduct); bailiffs competences limitations - practical solutions yy Remissioin of indebtedness – in the context of income tax law (PIT, CIT) – the practice and doctrinal statements.
Moderator: Norbert Wojnarowski, President of the Advisory Board/ Member of Polish Parliement
Jarosław Dziewa, Tax Advisor, Majchrzak Brandt & Wspólnicy Witold Pahl, Member of Polish Parliament Agnieszka Wierzbicka, Partner, Kancelaria Rączkowski, Kwieciński Adwokaci Stefan Paweł Gintowt, Chairman of Bailiff Council Chamber in Warsaw
End of the Conference
Panel discussion: Key changes regarding the activity of business infromation office: yy Amendments to the Law on access to debt - which planned changes are good and where there are unnecessary burdens on creditors? principles of co-operation between market and the administrator »» Complaints procedure and opposition towards the registration »» Planned increases in the amount thresholds for registration - pros and cons »» Optimal maturity period of confirmation. How to correctly define the institutions of limitation and what are the consequences fo the wrong interpretation? Pros and Cons of currently existing 10-year-old period »» The activities of the so-called quasi-courts (BIG;s responsibility for information publication) - if what is intended to clear the payment embolism, actually does its job? »» Comment moderation by BIGs - problems with interpretation - whom has it really serve. BIG’s Role in contentious cases - debt collection, information, warranty functions. »» Public-private liabilities - what access BIGs will have? »» The debtors obligation to pay the obligations - legal aspects and practice. The role of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) yy Keeping BIGs registers containing positive information »» Business use of positive registers in a risk assessment prcessess »» Educational aspect - the need for providing a wider common knowledge of such registers and it’s benefits »» Filling the registers iwith positive nformations as a natural consequence of the evolution of records »» Credit Passports and the need to increase the awareness of a benefits arising from their use. Positive information as a kind of proof of the identity of each customer, including non-banking ones.
Moderator: Markus Marcinkiewicz, President of the Management Board, VEX
Mariusz Haładyj, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Economy Kilion Munyama, Member of Polish Parliament Adam Łącki, President of the Management Board, Krajowy Rejestr Długów Edyta Szymczak, President of the Management Board, Rejestr Dłużników ERIF BIG S.A. Mariusz Hildebrand, Vicepresident of the Management Board, BIG InfoMonito
zgloszenia@mmcpolska.pl 22 379 29 00
M eeting of Leaders
1-2 April 2015 r.
The Westin Hotel, Warsaw
PROGRAM Banking Forum
Insurance Forum
09:15 Presentation: Optimizing the organization and execution of field tasks in the financial sector
Michał Modrzejewski Director, Euler Hermes Collections
09:30 Panel Discussion: Big Data in banking sector far future or already implemented standard?
Szymon Uczciwek, Consulting Division Director, Comarch
yy Scoring systems automation yy Size of the company as a determinant of the Big Data appliance – can a smaller companies afford it? yy Participation of economic information bureaus in credit system yy More suitable offer meaning added value for the customer or restriction of his privacy yy Social media, e-shops, telecom companies ... - how and which data about customers does the banks takes? Cross-sectoral data exchange yy Bank confidence and sharing customer data for commercial purposes - what and who is allowed? yy Unique customer data as a competitive advantage yy Why Big Data is not a solution? Can core systems become the primary source of data for Omnichannel solutions? Moderator: Leszek Wroński, partner, KPMG Speakers: Maciej Witucki, President of the Superviser Board, Orange Polska Michał Hoppel, Director, Corporate and Card System Department, Bank Zachodni WBK Artur Waliszewski, Regional Business Director CEE, Google Aleksander Rutkowski, President of the Management Board, Kreditech Polska Tomasz Motyl, Deputy Director for T-Mobile Banking Services provided by Alior Bank Remco Neuteboom, Global Head Digital Transformation Financial Services, Atos
09:45 Panel Discussion: Directions of on-line insurance products development: yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy
Why in Poland does not work as expected? Legal changes of the distribution models for insurance services Trends in the sale of various types of insurance by external institutions (including banks) Cases from abroad Cooperation between banks and insurance companies in the area of insurance and the use of the potential of modern platforms Preferences and digital customer expectations regarding insurance products and services Mobility for the banking and insurance sector - what is the utility of today, what will be tomorrow? The matter of confidence in the insurers and the modern forms of distribution Business - technology megatrends (Big Data, Cloud Computing, Mobility, Social Enterprise) how to effectively increase sales through their use?
Moderator: Piotr Kondratowicz, Partner, KPMG Speakers: Adam Sankowski, President of the Management Board, Polska Izba Pośredników Ubezpieczeniowych i Finansowych Szymon Uczciwek, Consulting Division Director, Comarch Łukasz Zoń, President of the Management Board, Polskie Stowarzyszenie Brokerów Ubezpieczeniowych i Reasekuracyjnych
10:30 Panel Discussion: Loyalty and customers trust for financial institutions in the era of the crises of brands:
10:35 Introductory Speech
yy Changes in the customer life cycle and conclusions and recommendations for financial institutions yy Change of ownership and / or the brand name vs. loyalty and brand trust of the financial institution yy Loyalty programs - is it sufficient to attract and retain customers? yy Modern, atypical loyalty building forms (eg. by CSR activity, a non-profit organization) yy Confidence in financial institutions in compration to other sectors Moderator: Agnieszka Klejne, CMO, IR Communication Speakers: Grzegorz Wójcik, Corporate Director, MIH Allegro Group Alexander Konopka, President of the Management Board, Gras Savoye Polska Paweł Grabowski, President of the Management Board, Gras Savoye Polska Tomasz Gorzycki, Director Partner Management & Consulting, Loyalty Partner Polska (PAYBACK) Piotr Siciak, Director, Management Consulting, KPMG in Poland
Paweł Jakubik, Director of the Services and Consulting Department, Microsoft
10:50 Panel Discussion: The world is changing - exchanging data between institutions and their safety, legal aspects affecting their acquisition and fields of interest of each stakeholder: yy Exchange of the client financial situation data in the context of credit risk yy Customers insurance awareness yy The relationship between credit risk and motor insurance - creditworthiness as a condition for the continuity of the insurance contract yy Use of new sources of information in order to better determine the pure rate yy Is the exchange of information gives the customer enough to sacrifice his privacy? What is more important - privacy or security?
11:45 Coffee Break 12:15 Panel Discussion: Modern forms of payment and added value building: yy New realities: new players and regulations (new consumers and new technologies are already present) yy New business models and cooperation along with competition yy Security of electronic payments as a condition for building customer trust yy Cryptocurrency (eg. Bitcoin) - is this a chance for acquisition and how it might affect the banking system? What are the opportunities and threats of such a procedure? (not only for settlements, but eg. for investment opportunities) yy The role of the payment in the development of global e-commerce yy Modern consumer and buying behavior – determinated by the technology, or he sets technological trends? yy Mobile applications and building relationships with customers - how to achieve that, what a banking applications has to offer? yy Models to increase revenue through cooperation between banks and trade sector yy Development of modern payments infrastructure as a part of a modern competence advantage building strategy Moderator: Jacek Uryniuk, Journalist, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna / Editor, Cashless.pl Speakers: Grzegorz Wójcik, Corporate Director, MIH Allegro Group Adam Tochmański, Payment System Department Director National Bank of Poland Jakub Kiwior, Director General for Poland and Hungary, Visa Europe Wojciech Czajkowski, Managing Director, PayU Polska Paweł Bułgaryn, Coordinator of the Payment Systems and Services Unit in the Financial Market Development Department of the Ministry of Finance Michał Panowicz, Managing Director for Marketing and retail Banking Business Development, mBank Jerzy Kalinowski, Partner, Management Consulting, KPMG in Poland
13:30 Panel Discussion: Distribution Channels - Myths and Facts
Moderator: Paweł Jakubik, Director of the Services and Consulting Department, Microsoft Speakers: Maciej Harczuk, President of the Management Board, Euler Hermes Collections Maciej Samcik, Economic Journalist, Gazeta Wyborcza Norbert Jeziolowicz, Director of the Retail Banking and Financial Markets Division in the Polish Bank Association Maciej Gawroński, European Commission Expert on Cloud Computing Contracts, co-Chair CEE Committee ITechLaw Association, Partner, Bird & Bird Witold Jaworski, President of the Managament Board 2013 - 2015, Allianz Polska
11:45 Coffee Break 12:15 Panel Discussion: Increase of the customer confidence in the insurers - fact or myth? yy How to work on the development? yy pro-consumer changes in the bancassurance market yy legal and organizational conditions for joining offers yy The role of the media in building the image of insurance companies and supervisors yy Increase of the gualitative market trends vs. actual increase of the customer confidence and quantitative data yy Alternative Dispute Resolution - why it is not working, why the insurers do not agree to arbitration? yy The role of financial institutions in building trust in the state yy Correlation: image - reputation – situation Moderator: Ewa Wierzbicka, Arbitrator in the Court of Arbitration at the Insurance Ombudsman. Speakers: Stanisław Kluza, doctor of economy, creator of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority Bogusław Skuza, Member of the Board PZU 2011-2013 Rafał Hiszpański, President of the Management Board, Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Euler Hermes Piotr Narloch, President of the Management Board, Interrisk Małgorzata Maliszewska, President of the Court of Arbitration of the Insurance Ombudsman
13:30 Panel Discussion: The future of life insurance - the beginning of the end?
yy „Mobile” clients vs‚mobile’ banks – does the traditional bank branches still make a sense?„ yy Recent trends in the formatting of bank branches yy Preferences and expectations of digital customer in banking sector yy Banking products and services available through electronic communication channels characteristics of the market yy Customer expectations - what services have a chance in the future yy Digital banking market - opportunities and threats yy The most frequent moments of „switching” between channels and operating methods Moderator: Piotr Siciak, Director, Management Consulting, KPMG in Poland Speakers: Marcin Żuchowicz, President of the Management Board, e-Point S.A. Szymon Midera, p.o. Acting President of the Management Board, Bank Pocztowy Bartłomiej Nocoń, Managing Director, e-Banking Department, Bank Pekao SA Jakub Grzechnik, Director, Centre of Mobile and Internet Banking PKO Bank Polski Przemysław Furlepa, Bank Director Responsible of Managing Relations with Clients, Segments and e-Banking Andrzej Pyka, Financial Sector Director CEE, Atos/AMG.net
yy Amend the Law on Insurance Business - changes in regulations on groups of 3 department (life insurance, investment products) yy What about the long-term savings? yy Impact of lending on the life insurance yy Life insurance and demographic trends yy The need for New Fields for market growth vs. the need for the assurance for clients yy What tools are well known in the world, and still not popular in Poland? How to make them more common? Moderator: Mariusz Gawrychowski, Journalist, Puls Biznesu Speakers: Artur Borowiński, President of the Management Board, Compensa Maciej Samcik, Economic Journalist, Gazeta Wyborcza Piotr Szczepiórkowski, Vicepresident of the Management Board, Aviva Stanisław Kluza, doctor of economy, creator of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority
14:45 Lunch
14:45 Lunch
15:45 End of the 2ndday of the Conference
15:45 End of the 2ndday of the Conference
08:45 Registration and Morning Cofee
08:45 Registration and Morning Cofee 09:15 Introductory Speech
DAY II 2 April 2015 r. Modern Debt Colletions
08:45 Registration and Morning Cofee
09:15 Block: Effectiveways to avoid debt repayment of debtors. Practial tips for creditors. 09:15 Presentation: yy Disposal of property, as a way to avoid repayment of debts. Working methods for creditors yy Ineffectiveness of enforcement due to the apparent load. yy Avoiding deliveries by debtors. How to deal with it Marek Rechciński, Operational Director, Corporate Client Impaired Loans Department, Pekao SA Bank
09:45 Panel Discussion Moderator:
Marek Rechciński, Operational Director, Corporate Client Impaired Loans Department, Pekao SA BankPaneliści: Speakers: Markus Marcinkiewicz, President of the Management Board, VEX Stefan Paweł Gintowt, Chairman of Bailiff Council Chamber in Warsaw Radosław Cieciórski, Member of the Board, Polski Związek Windykacji
10:30 Block: Digitization of Justice- Challenges for justice in the XXI century. 10:30 Presentation: yy bank electronic enforcement title (e-bte) yy Electronic registry offices yy Electronic auction of movables – improvement of debt collection by the use of modern technologies yy Information portal functionality. The effects of the introduction of this solution dr hab. Dariusz Szostek, Associate professor at the University of Opole; Faculty of Law
11:00 Panel Discussion Moderator: dr hab. Dariusz Szostek, Associate professor at the University of Opole; Faculty of Law Speakers: Grzegorz Karaś, Judge, Wrocław District Court Michał Rączkowski, Managing Partner, Rączkowski, Kwieciński Adwokaci Monika Biała, Wrocław-Krzyków Regional Court Judge Dagmara Rogowska, Support of Vindication Director, Bank Citi Handlowy
11:45 Coffee Break 12:15 Block: Consumer bankruptcy - a challenge for market or another threat? 12:15 Presentation: yy Basic objectives of the new regulation of consumer bankruptcy yy new premises of declaring consumer bankruptcy yy creditors situations in the context of the new regulation Paweł Kuglarz, Partner, WOLF THEISS
12:45 Panel Discussion Moderator: Michał Kwieciński, Managing Parftner, Partner, Rączkowski Kwieciński Adwokaci Speakers: Marcin Łochowski, Judge, Warszawa-Praga District Court Paweł Kuglarz, Partner, Kancelaria WOLF THEISS Piotr Zimmerman, Managing Partner, Kancelaria Zimmerman i Wspólnicy Marta Kosterna, Department of Forensic Recovery Manager and the Execution, Raiffeisen Polbank
13:30 Block: Bailiffs and enfotcement amendment act implications for recovery market. 13:30 Presentation: yy Does the law change will affect the speed and efficiency of execution? Implications for the entire market. yy Will the bailiffs advance rise in the future? yy Mass creditors situation in the context of legal changes Piotr Badowski, President of the Management Board, Polski Związek Windykacji
14:00 Panel Discussion Moderator: Piotr Badowski, President of the Management Board, Polski Związek Windykacji Paneliści: Monika Bekas, Legal Vindication Director, Casus Finanse SA Tomasz Piłat, Vicepresident, National Council of Judicial Officers of Poland Marcin Czugan, Legal Deprtment Director, Konferencja Przedsiębiorstw Finansowych
14:45 Lunch 15:45 End of the Conference
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