Anti Piracy Awareness for the Seafarers

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„Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet” Publilius



„Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet� Publilius Since 2009 the annual amount of pirate incidents has crossed 400! Only in 2010 there were reported 1270 seafarers who experienced hostage situation. Some of were taken from the board of vessel. ABOUT 40% OF THE VESSELS ARE NOT REPORTED AS HIJACKED Pirates are breaver, better armed and more ruthless as never before. Using crews as human shield they negotiate ransoms for months. In the meantime to soften shipowners the torture and even murder the captives with no mercy. Currently the Gulf of Aden and Somali Basin are not the borders for the pirates. They hijack vessels in Omani and even at Indian waters!

„Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet� Publilius Have you ever thought what to do if: - Suspected boat is coming towards you; - You can hear the shots; - Pirate are boarding the vessel; - Citadel point is breached; - Someone points a weapon at you; - Explosives are on the board; - You are next month as a hostage; - Your mate was killed?

For whom we prepared this course? - Management of shipowners, especially both company security officers and ship security officers; - Crews of merchant marine vessels as chiefs, captains and regular mates; - Maritime university students and academics willing to broaden their knowledge about piracy.

Goals of the course: - Preparation for commanding the crew during pirate incident; - Facilitation for recommended behavior in the time of negotiations with pirates; - Realization the issue of hostage situation and providing tips how to survive long-lasting hostage situation

„Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet” Publilius DAY I Theoretical course: - Political situation in Somalia and its affect on current piracy threat and plausible connections with local and global terrorist organizations; - Hostage situation as a result of pirate attack. Analysis of threat, hijackers profiles, psychological aspects of hostage situation; - Case study of VLCC Sirus Star or MV Beluga Nomination—ship and crew commanding to minimize all threats and lossess*;

DAY II Practical training: - Will take place on the board of vessel for proper stimulation of environment; - Attendants will play the role of hostages; - On the simulation there will be conducted following elements: boarding, take over of command, hostage situation, naval forces operation for release the unit and crew. For practical part of the course, there will be used weapons with dummy rounds and firecrackers.

„Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet” Publilius Our trainers and experts: LCDR (R) Sebastian Kalitowski- former team leader of special combat divers unit of Polish Navy „Formoza”- Polish Navy Seals. His interests are related to maritime tactics used by counter – terrorists and security of ships, port facilities and psychology of terrorist activities. Founder and chairman of MS&S. CPT. Piotr Budzynowski*- Master of MV Beluga Nomination. He and his crew experienced the most ruthless aggression from the Somali pirates among all the pirate attacks in 2011 and survived three months captivity.

Our methods:

- Good preparation for this kind of threats cannot be provided only in CPT. Marek Niski*- In 2008 he command- theory. Our trainings put emphasis ed VLCC SIRIUS STAR, hijacked by pirates at high seas, far from high-risk area. All at practical knowledge; crew came back home and vessel was not damaged significantly.

- Information gained for training courses is fresh thank to constant MJR PhD Angelika Szymańska– Military and professional analysis or psychologist responsible for preparing both piracy and terrorism at sea soldiers for stabilizing missions. Expert in issues; PTSD (Posttraumatic stress disorder).

- Our programme is based on international materials as BMP-4 and updated after consultation with the experts who alredy experienced pirate attacks and long lastng hostage situation.

* Presence of the captains depends on their shipping schedule

- The experts of MS&S have long and various experience in their professions not only at military field but in merchant marine too.

„Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet” Publilius Maritime Safety & Security Training Center Since 2007 we conduct professional maritime security training courses for Vessel Protection Teams. As the second company in the world we prepared special anti—piracy training course for seafarers who do not have tactical experience. We take care of quality of our services. That is why we have introduced quality management systems for anti terrorism and anti—piracy training courses. Training courses are both for individuals and groups. We can conduct exclusive training courses for organized groups

CONTACT DATA: Tel: +48 91 433 63 60—office Mob: + 48 602 710 849 (Łukasz Droń) Skype: maritime-security Email:

Address: Dębogórska st. 22 71-717 Szczecin, Poland

International Association of Counter Terrorism Security Professionals

International Code of Conduct for Private Security Services Providers

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