inspired. progressive. creative. disciplined. motivated. organised. driven. determined. informed. exhausted. commited. intrigued. ambitious. dedicated. Leeds College of Art BA (hons) Graphic Design 2011
inspired. progressive. creative. disciplined. motivated. organised. driven. determined. informed. exhausted. commited. intrigued. ambitious. dedicated. Leeds College of Art BA (hons) Graphic Design 2011
inspired. progressive. creative. disciplined. motivated. organised. driven. determined. informed. exhausted. commited. intrigued. ambitious. dedicated. Leeds College of Art BA (hons) Graphic Design 2011
inspired. progressive. creative. disciplined. motivated. organised. driven. determined. informed. dedicated. commited. intrigued. ambitious. exhausted. Leeds College of Art BA (hons) Graphic Design 2011
inspired. progressive. creative. disciplined. motivated. organised. driven. determined. informed. exhausted. commited. intrigued. ambitious. dedicated. Leeds College of Art BA (hons) Graphic Design 2011
inspired. progressive. creative. disciplined. motivated. organised. driven. determined. informed. exhausted. commited. intrigued. ambitious. dedicated. Leeds College of Art BA (hons) Graphic Design 2011
inspired. progressive. creative. disciplined. motivated. organised. driven. determined. informed. exhausted. commited. intrigued. ambitious. dedicated. Leeds College of Art BA (hons) Graphic Design 2011
inspired. progressive. creative. disciplined. motivated. organised. driven. determined. informed. exhausted. commited. intrigued. ambitious. dedicated. Leeds College of Art BA (hons) Graphic Design 2011
inspired. progressive. creative. disciplined. motivated. organised. driven. determined. informed. exhausted. commited. intrigued. ambitious. dedicated. Leeds College of Art BA (hons) Graphic Design 2011