O.ueensland Government Liquor Act 1992 This form is effective from November 2008
ABN: 90 856 020 239
Office Use Only
Please complete in BLOCK letters. Attach extra pages if needed. If you need help completing this form, visit our website www.olgr.qld.gov,au or contact the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing on 13 13 04.
Date received
Privacy Statement - Please read
Receipt No
The Depadment is collecting information, including personal information, for the purposes of the LiquorAct 1992. In accordance with the legislation, some personal information may be passed to the Queensland Police Service to assist with criminal history searches, and business information is placed on a register that may be inspected by the public. In other instances, information on this form can be disclosed without your consent where authorised or required by law.
Amount received
Warning: False or misleading statements will attract a maximum penalty of 100 penalty units or 6 months imprisonment and may lead to immediate cancellation of licence,
To find ~ut the current application fee go to www.olgr.qld,gov,au
Copyright protects this document. The State of Queensland has no objection to this material being reproduced, made available online or electronically, but only if it is recognised as the owner of copyright and this material remains unchanged,
Full requirements for lodging applications The Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing requires applications for transfers to be completed in full prior to commencing processing of the application. This means any transfer application lodged without fell documentation attached will not be accepted, The application will be RETURNED for completion, along with notification of the outstanding requirements. Your application will not be accepted unless the following items have been completed and/or are attached: [] All questions are answered on the Application for Transfer of a Liquor Licence form and all necessary attachments have been included. Personal Details Schedules (Form 5) to be completed by the proposed licensee. Prescribed application fee. If any incoming parties have ticked ’Yes’ at Section 5 on the Personal Details Schedule, it is necessary for details in writing to be attached surrounding the drcumstances relating to the bankruptcy, liquidation or receivership. These details should include evidence of discharge and details of monies owed and/or debts paid back, Current company extract if the proposed licensee is a company. Risk-Assessed Management Plan (RAMP) - please refer to guideline 42. The name of the proposed licensee/s must reflect the name/s on the lease eg. If more than one person/ company named or if the name on the lease is for a trust, this should be incorporated in the name for the proposed licensee. If any of the signatures on the Application for Transfer form have been signed by a power of attorney, the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing will accept such power subject to a copy of the power of attorney being supplied with the relevant power highlighted. []
For Community Club and Community Other licences only - a copy of the club’s constitution or memorandum and articles of association.
Criminal History Check [] A criminal history check will be conducted for each person narned on the application form who has not held a licence within the last six months (eg, company director), Criminal history checks are not required for applicants who are members of management committees for licensed clubs, DO NOT LODGE THIS APPLICATION UNLESS ALL MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS LISTED ABOVE ARE ATTACHED. © The State of Queensland, (Queensland Treasury), 2008 LiquorAct 1992 ¯ Section 105. Form 3 V.O2e 2008
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PART A-To be completed by outgoing licensee Section 1 Premises details
Name of premises (as shown on licence document) ................................................................................ Address of premises ................................................................................................................. Locality/Suburb ..................................................... State ~ [] [] Postcode [] [] [] []
Section 2 Liquor licence number (.s shown on licence document) ......................................................................... Liquor licence number Section 3 Outgoing lice.see
Full name of outgoing licensee (as shown on licence document) .............................................................
Section 4 Proposed licensee
Full name of proposed licensee (exactly as shown on lease or contract) ....................................................
Sectiolt 5 Settleme.t/ takeover date
Proposed settlement or takeover date [] [] / [] [] / [] [] [] []
Section 6 Outgoing licensee address
Outgoing licensee address for future correspondence
Section 7 Your responsibilities
Address ..................................................................................................................................... Locality/Suburb ..................................................... State [] [] [] Postco6e [] [~ [] []
Please provide details below of any registered interests that are released because of this transfer eg. mortgagees
You are the only person authorised to sell and supply liquor on these premises until the transfer has been approved. Takeover must not occur before the approval of the transfer by the Department’s chief executive.
© The State of Queensland, (Queensland Treasupi), 2008 LiquorAct 1992 o Section 105 ¯ Form 3 V.02e 2008
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Section 8 Signature of outgoing licensee
A director or secretary must sign if the outgoing licensee is a company, Each licensee needs to sign if more than one individual. if the licensee has vacated the premises this section can be signed by the owner of the freehold of the premises, however a signed written submission must also be attached to the application stating the reasons why the owner is completing the application and not the current licensee.
Signature ................................................................................................................................... Date ~] [~/[~] [] / ~][~[~ [~
Signature ................................................................................................................................... Date ~] [~ / ~] ~] / ~][][~[~ O D
Signature ................................................................................................................................... Date [] ~] / [~ [~] / ~] [][~[~]
Signature ................................................................................................................................... Date [~ [~1[]t,~[~1[~ [~ [] [~ DO M YYYY
Š The State o{ Queensland, (Queensland Treasury), 2008 Liquor Act 1992 ¯ Section 105. Form 3 V.02e 2008
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PART B -To be completed by proposed licensee Section 1 Premises details
Name of premises (as shown on licence document) ................................................................................ Address of premises ................................................................................................................. Locality/Suburb ..................................................... State E~}[] Postcode
Section 2 Liquor licence number (as shown on licence docurnenl) ......................................................................... Liquor licence number Section 3 Outgoing licensee
Full name of outgoing licensee (as shown on licence document) .............................................................
Section 4 Proposed licensee
Full name of proposed licensee (exactly as shown on lease/contract) .......................................................
ABN number .............................................................................................................................. Please note: Personal Details Schedule (Form 5) to be completed by persons named in this section,
Section 5 Contact details
Your contact details Postal address ........................................................................................................................... Locality/Suburb ..................................................... State ~[~[] Postcode [][~[~[~ Phone .................................................................. Fax ...................................................................... Mobile ..................................................................Email ...................................................................
Section 6 Proposed licensee
Is the proposed licensee a company?
[] No [] Yes - Please attach a copy of a current company extract from ASlC, ABN number, and advise below if the company has been known by any other name. Present name ..................................................................................................................... Previous Name ...................................................................................................................
©The Slate of Queensland, (Queensland Treasury), 2008 LiquorAct 1992 ¯ Section 105 ¯ Form 3 V.02e 2008
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Section 7 Incorporated Club
Is the proposed licensee an incorporated club or a ’limited’ club?
[] No [] Yes - Please attach a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation, Constitution (or Memorandum and Articles of Association).
Section 8 Trading name change
Will the trading name of the premises change? [] No- Go to Section 10 [] Yes- Go to Section 9
Section 9 Change of name of premises
If it is intended to change the trading name of the premises, an additional application fee is required. Please write below the new name as it appears on the Certificate of Registration of Business Name.
Section t0 Changes to premises
Will you be making any changes to the structure or layout of the premises?
[] No [] Yes - Please contact this office prior to commencing any alterations
Section 11 Service changes
Will you be making any changes to the types of services or facilities currently offered at the premises? [] No [] Yes- Give details .............................................................................................................
Section 12 Food court
Does this application relate to a food court?
[] No [] Yes - Please supply a copy of your menu and details of any catering agreements entered into,
Section 13 Will you be conducting adult entertainment at the premises? Adult entertainment [] No - Go to Section 15 [] Yes- Go to Section 14
© The Stale of Queensland, (Queensland Treasury), 2008 LiquorAct 1992 ¯ Section 105 o Form 3 V.02e 2008
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Adult entertainment permits are not transferable. Even if there is an existing permit, you must Section 14 lodge a new application. Is an adult entertainment permit application attached? Adult entertainment [] No - No adult entertainment may be conducted at the premises until a permit is approved. permit
[] Yes
Section 15 Transfer application
Is this application being made by an executor, receiver or administrator under Section 129 or an owner or mortgagee under Section 113(1)(b) of the LiquorAct 1992? [] No [] Yes - Please attach a submission detailing your eligibility under that section.
Section 16 Mandatory training
Has the proposed licensee (if an individual/s) completed a two day Responsible Management of Licensed Venues course? ~] No - This application cannot be considered until the RMLV course is completed, Please advise when, where and with whom the training will be completed? Please provide a copy of the certificate once this training has been completed.
Yes - Please provide a copy of the Certificate of Completion for each proposed individual licensee Please state the proposed licensees’ financial interest in the premises Section 17 Tenure details ~] lessee [] owner of freehold [] other- please specify ........................................................................................................ Will you have any management sub-letting or franchise arrangement for any part of the premises?
~ No [] Yes - Please give full details .............................................................................................
© The State of Queensland, (Queensland Treasury), 2008 LiquorAct 1992 ¯ Section 105 ¯ Form 3 V.02e 2008
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Section 18
Landlord’s consent (If the owner is not the outgoing or proposed licensee at settlement) If signing under Power of Attorney, please provide copy of appointment.
As owner of the premises described in this form, or an authorised delegate of the owner, I consent to this transfer of a liquor licence.
Signature .............................................................................................................................
Name ........................................................................................................................................ Signature ................................................................................................................................... Date [~[~1[][~1[~[~[~[~ nD
If more than one landlord, each owner is required to sign or a director/secretary of each company if there is more than one. If the owner of freehold land relates to a shopping esntte, centre management approval can be accepted in the case where it is a larger centre eg Westfield, Please attach an accompanying letter to explain this. If a smaller establishment eg stdp shopping centre, then the owcar of freehold land’s coosent should be provided. If there is a lessee/sub-lessee involved eg where a business is franchised, it will be necessary for the signatures of all parties to be lodged. If the premises are leased from the Crown, then a representative of the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water must give their consent to the transfer. The Department of Natural Resources & Water consent as owner of the freehold will not be necessary to meet full requirements. However, the application cannot be formally approved until this consent is received and will be included as a ’subject to’ item at the end of the application process.
Section t9 Landlord’s consent of bottle shop (Commercial Hotel licences only, if applicable) If more than one bottle shop is operated by thla licenca, the consent of all owners will be required. If more than one landlord, each landlord is required to sign. (The detached bottleshop
I have no objection to the proposed licensee acquiring the use of the detached bottle shop situated at:
Name .................................................................................................................................... Signature ................................................................................................................................... Date ~[~I[~E~]I~[~E~ Name ........................................................................................................................................
be necessary to meet full the application cannot be formally approved until these consents are received and will be included as a ’subject to’ item at the end of the application process.)
Signature ................................................................................................................................... Date [~[]1[][~1[~[~[~[~
Section 20 Will the proposed licensee have control over the entire premises? (ie restaurants, units etc) For Commercial [] Yes Other (Subsidiary [] No - Control over the entire premises is required. Where there is a separation of control On-Premises) over the dining and accommodation facilities, separate liquor licences will be Licences where required. A licensee cannot enter into an agreement, franchise or management accommodation arrangement for another party to have tenure over part of the licensed premises. is provided Are the units strata titled? [] Yes - The written consent to this application will be required from each individual unit owner who wishes to have the availability of sale of liquor on their respective lot, or alternatively, written consent from the Body Corporate to this application. In respect of common property, the consent of the Body Corporate will be required.
[] No
LiquorAct 1992 ¯ Section 105, Form 3 V,02e 2008
© The State of Queensland, (Queensland Treasury), 2008 Page 7 of 9
Section 21 Signature of proposed licensee If the licensee is more than one person, all persons need to sign above. A director or secretary must sign if the proposed licensee is a company.
Signature ................................................................................................................................... Date [][~1[~[]1[][~[][~
Signature ................................................................................................................................... Date [~ [~1~] [~1[~ [] [~) [~
Signature ................................................................................................................................... Date [~ []1[~ []1[~ [~ [~ ~]
Please note
Any person/financial institution/company having a financial interest in the premises, upon approval of the application, must lodge a completed application for Registration of Financial Interest form with the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing accompanied by the fee. However, a separate application for Registration of Financial Interest is not required in respect of the proposed licensee.
Lodgement details
Please lodge the completed application, any supporting documentation and fees at the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing at the address below or any Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing office at Gold Coast (Southport), Sunshine Coast (Maroochydore), Toowoomba, Wide Bay, Rockhampton, Mackay, Mt Isa, Townsville or Cairns. Call 13 13 04 for addresses or visit our website www,olgr,qld.gov.au By mail: In person:
Locked Bag 180, City East Q 4002 Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing, Level 4, 33 Charlotte Street, Brisbane QId 4000 or your nearest regional office
© The Slate of Queensland, (Queensland Treasury), 2008 LiquorAct 1992 ¯ Section 105 ¯ Form 3 V.O2e 2008
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Payment details Payment Type: []
Money Order
Cheque -- Make cheque payable to Offfce of Liquor, Gamlng and Racing
Credit Card- Charge my: [] Mastercard [] VISA Credit Card No. ~]N[]D []N[]@ ~[][]~ Cardholder’s Name: ....................................................................................................................... Amount Authorised: $ .................................................. Expiry Date: ............................................ Signature: ....................................................................................................................................... A receipt will not be issued unless specifically requested.
© The State of Queensland, (Queensland Treasu~/), 2008 LiquorAct 1992, Section 105, Form 3 V.02e 2008
Page 9 of 9
Queensland Government Treasury
LiquorAct 1992 This form is effective from November 2008
ABN: 90 856 020 239
PERSONAL DETAILS SCHEDULE Instructions Please complete in 8LOCK letters. Attach extra pages if needed. If you need help completing this form, visit our website www.olgr.qld.gov.au or contact the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing on 13 13 04. Privacy Statement - Please read The Depadment is collecting information, including personal information, for the purposes of the LiquorAct 1992. In accordance with the legislation, some personal information may be passed to the Queensland Police Service to assist with criminal history searches, and business information is placed on a register that may be inspected by the public. In other instances, information on this form can be disclosed without your consent where authorised or required by law. Warning: False or misleading statements will attract a maximum penalty of 100 penalty units or 6 months imprisonment and may lead to immediate cancellation of Iicence. Copyright protects this document. The State of Queensland has no objection to this material being reproduced, made available online or electronically, but only if it is recognised as the owner of copyright and this material remains unchanged. Criminal History Check
Office Use Only Date received Receipt No Amount received
A criminal history check will be conducted for each person named on the application form who has not held a licence within the last six months (eg. Licensee or company director).
A fee applies for each criminal history check required. Criminal history checks are not required for applicants who are members of management committees for licensed clubs. To enable police checks to be conducted, please attach a photocopy of current photographic identification, certified by a Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for Declarations or police officer as a true and correct copy. Acceptable forms of identification include Driver’s Licence or Permit, Card 18+ or Proof of Age Card, Passport, Weapon’s Licence.
Section 1 Details of premises
Name of premises .................................................................................................................... Address of premises ................................................................................................................. Locality/Suburb ..................................................... State [] [] [] Postcode [] [] [] ~ Liquor Licence number (if applicable} ..............................................................................................
Section 2 Personal details
If you are identified as one of the following you must complete this form (each individual to
complete a separate form): []
Proposed Licensee
Company Director
Sub-lessee of Premises/Persons involved with Management Agreement
Business PartnerlSilent Business PartnerlShareholder {p~ease circte)
Management Committee of a Club (ie President, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee Member) (Please refer above) Surname or family name .......................................................................................................... First name .......................................................Middle name .................................................... Have you been known by any other name (eg Maiden name)? If Yes, please provide details: [] Male [] FemaLe Town/City of Birth ...................................................................................................................... Date of Birth [~[~1[][]1[~[][~[~ @The State of Queensland, (Queensland Treasury), 2008
LiquorAct 1992, Section 105 ¯ Form 5 V.02d 2008
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Section 3 Contact details
Residential address .................................................................................................................. Locality/Suburb ..................................................... State ~][][~ Postcode Postal address ........................................................................................................................... Locality/Suburb ..................................................... State ~][~[~ Postcode Phone .............................................................. Fax .................................................................. Mobile .............................................................. Ernail ...............................................................
Section 4 Licence details
Have you held a liquor licence in Queensland within the last 3 years? [] No- Go to section 5 [] Yes - Please give details Name of premises ..................................................................................................................... Address of premises ................................................................................................................ Locality/Suburb ..................................................... State ~][~ Postcode [~[~][~ Liquor Licence Number (if known) ................................................................................................. Type of involvement (ie Licensee/Company Director) .............................................................................. Release date E~] [~ / [~ [~ / [~] ~] [~] [~ DO BM YYYY
Section 5 Bankruptcy/ liquidation receivership details
Have you or any company/business partnership you have been involved in been declared bankrupt or entered into liquidation or receivership? [] No [] Yes - Please give full details surrounding these circumstances including: ¯ Evidence of date of discharge ¯ List of creditors involved ¯ Amount of debt involved , Monies paid back Please note that your application cannot be finalised until this information is provided,
Section 6 Signature and declaration
I have checked the answers I have given and state that they are true and correct in every detail. NOTE: It is an offence to supply incorrect or misleading information. In submitting this application, I also consent to a national criminal history check being conducted by the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and for QPS and other Australian police services to disclose criminal history information and any impending charges to the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing. I understand any disclosures will be subject to applicable Commonwealth, State or Territory legislation and/or police policy. Do not submit this Personal Details Schedule unless a certified copy of your photographic identification is attached, Acceptable forms of ID include driver’s licence, passport, government issued proof of age card or weapon’s licence, Name ......................................................................................................................................... Signature ........................................................................... Date [~[~l~[~l[~]~[~]r~ o ~d M ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ (Please note signature by Power of Attorney is not acceptable on this form.)
© The State of Queensland, {Queensland Treasunj), 2008 Liquor Act 1992 ¯ Section 105, Form 5 V.02d 2008
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Lodgement details
Please lodge the completed application, any supporting documentation and fees at the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing at the address below or any Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing office at Gold Coast (Southport), Sunshine Coast (Maroochydore), Toowoomba, V~de Bay, Rockhampton, Mackay, Mt Isa, Townsville or Cairns. The counter is open Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pro. By mail: In person:
Locked Bag 180, City East Q 4002 Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing, Level 4, 33 Charlotte Street, Brisbane QId 4000 or your nearest regional office
© 3"he State of Queensland, {Queensland Treasu~,}, 2008 Liquor Act 1992 ¯ Section 105, Form 5 V.02d 2008
Page 3 of 3
Queensland Government Treasury
LiquorAct 1992 This form is effective from November 2008
ABN: 90 856 020 239
APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF FINANCIAL INTEREST This form must be completed by an owner, lessee, sub-lessee, mortgagee or secured creditor to register their interest in a licensed premises within 28 days of acquiring the interest. Instructions
Office Use Only
Please complete in BLOCK letters. Attach extra pages if needed. If you need help completing this foml, visit our website www.olgr.qld.gov.au or contact the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing on 13 13 04.
Date received
Privacy Statement - Please read Receipt No
The Department is collecting information, including personal information, for the purposes of the Liq~rorAct 1992. In accordance with the legislation, some personal information may be passed to the Queensland Police Service to assist with criminal history searches, and business information is placed on a register that may be inspected by the public. In other instances, information on this form can be disclosed without your consent where authorised or required by law.
Amount received
TFees’~’~’~’~"/O /,~ ~l~Ot|t;(~ False or misleading statements will attractcancellation a maximumof penalty of 100 penalty units or o fi~d~’~he" cur/~nY ! 6Warning= months imprisonment and may lead to immediate licence. application fee go to ~g.# ll’~;opyright protects this document. The State of Queensland has no objection to this material being www,olgr.qld.gov,au~, _ I o ~}f’~ i~,~,’l’l reproduced, made available online or electronically, but only if it is recognised as the owner of ~o copyright and this material remains unchanged.
Section 1 Premises details
Name of premises .................................................................................................................... Address of premises ................................................................................................................. Locality/Suburb ..................................................... State [~[~[~ Postcode [~[~[~]
Section 2 Liquor licence number
Section 3 Nature of interest to be registered
Liquor licence number ...............................................................................................................
[] [] []
Owner of Freehold Land/Landlord (a Certificate of Title is required) Lessee of Premises Mortgagee of Premises -Who/What party is the mortgage over ....................................
Explanation is below.
[] Secured Creditor - WhoANhat party is the credit over .....................................................
[] Sub-lessee [] Other (please specify) ............................................................................................................... Owner of Freehold The owner of the land itself, sometimes referred to as the ’proprietor of the fee simple’ and can be called the ’landlord’ or the ’lessor’, where there is a lease over the premises. The owner is stated on the Certificate of Title, available in a search from the Department of Natural Resources and Water (www.nrw,eld.oov.aut. Lessee of premises The lessee is a person/company who has a lease from a lessor over the premises. MortgageelSecured Creditor A bank, building society, financial institution or an individual providing finance under a legal contract of credit, Sub-lessee Waere there is a second lease, the terms sub-lessor and sub-lessee are used. © The State of Queensland, (Queensland Treasury), 2008 LiquorAct 1992 ¯ Section 105. Form 6 V,02d 2008
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Section 4 Details of person/ company/ financial institution to be registered
Name of person/company/financial institution to be registered .................................................
ABN Number ............................................................................................................................. Street address .......................................................................................................................... Locality/Suburb ..................................................... State [] [] [] Postcode [][~ [][] Postal address .......................................................................................................................... Locality/Suburb ..................................................... State [][~[] Postcode [][~[] [] Phone .................................................................. Fax ...................................................................... Mobile.................................................................. Email ...................................................................
Section 5
Is the person/company to be registered (at Section 4) also the licensee/proposed licensee of the premises?
[] Yes - Please note that there is [L_o~f.e__e_,required for the licensee to register their interest as lessee/ownedsub-lessee.
Section 6 Signature of applicant at Section 4
Signature ................................................................................................................................... Date [~ [~1[~ ~1[~ [~ [~ [~
Lodgement details
Please lodge the completed application, any supporting documentation and fees at the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing at the address below or any Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing office at Gold Coast (Southport), Sunshine Coast (Maroochydore), Toowoomba, Wide Bay, Rockhampton, Mackay, Mt Isa, Townsville or Cairns. The counter is open Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. By mail: In person:
Locked Bag 180, City East Q 4002 Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing, Level 4, 33 Charlotte Street, Brisbane QId 4000 or your nearest regional office
Š Tt~e State of Queensland, (Queensland Treasury), 2008 LiquorAct 1992 o Section 105 ¯ Form 6 V.02d 2008
Page 2 of 3
Payment details Payment Type: []
Money Order
Cheque -- Make cheque payable to Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing
Credit Card- Charge my: [] Mastercard
Credit Card No, [~[~[~E~] [][~][~[~ []E~[]8 []E~ Cardholder’s Name: ....................................................................................................................... Amount Authorised: $ ..................................................
Expiry Date: ............................................
Signature: ....................................................................................................................................... A receipt will not be issued unless specifically requested.
© The State ef Queensland, (Queensland Treasury), 2008 LiquorAct 1992, Section 105, Form 6 V,02d 2008
Page 3 of 3
Application for transfer checldist The Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) requires applications for transfers to be completed in full prior to commencing processing of the application,
This means any transfer application lodged without full documentation attached will not be accepted. This application wilt be returned for completion, along with notification of the outstanding requirements. Your application will not be accepted unless the following items have been completed and/or attached; All questions are answered on the ’application for transfer of a liquor licence’ form and th e ’personal details schedule’, All directors/committee members/parties must individually complete and sign a personai details schedule. This is to ensure all parties have read and answered all the questions, If any incoming parties have ticked ’yes’ at question five on the persona[details schedule it is necessary for details in writing to be attached surrounding the circumstances relating to the bankruptcy, liquidation or receivership. These details should include evidence of discharge and details of monies owed and/or debts paid back. If the outgoing licensee refers to a company/s, ensure that a director/s of the company/s has signed at question eight on the application for transfer of a liquor licence form. If the outgofilg licensee is more than one individual, ensure that all persons have signed individually at question eight. If the application for transfer is signed at question eight by the owner of the freehold of the premises, e.g. if the licensee has vacated the premises, a signed written submission should be attached to the application stating the reasons why the owner is completing the application and not the current licensee.
The name of the proposed licensee/s must reflect the name/s on the lease e,g. if more than one person/ cmnpany named or if the name on the lease is for a trust, this should be incorporated in the name for the proposed licensee. If any of the signatures on the application for transfer or persona[ details schedules have been signed bya power of attorney, OLGR will accept such power subject to a copy of the power of attorney being supplied with the relevant power highlighted. Additionally, in relation to the persona! details schedules, a ~etter should be supplied by the solicitor/applicant that they have the power to sign for the activity indicated e.g. on personal details such as bankruptcy details. If there is more than one ownerofthe freehold land forthe premises or detached bottle shops (if applicable), each individual party needs to sign the form, or a director of each companyifthere is more than one. If the owner of freehold land relates to a shopping centre, centre management approval can be accepted in the case where it is a larger centre e.g. Westfie[d, Harbourtown, If this is the case, it should be indicated either oll the form or in an accompanying letter, if a smaller establishment e,g. strip shopping centre, then the owner of freehold land’s consent should be provided. If there is a lessee/sub-lessee involved e.g. where a business is franchised, it wil~ be necessary for the consent of all parties to the transfer to be lodged. If the premises are leased from the Crown, then a representative of the Department of Natural Resources and Mines would need to give their consent to the transfer. A current company extract is to be attached if the proposed licensee is a company.
Queensland Government
I[ premises are changing their name, ensure that the correct fee is paid and the new name is advised in writing to OLGR, either on the application [arm or by accompanying letter. No fee is required if it is to be the same name as the licensee. Certified ID’s.
The prescribed fee. Mandatory training, including RMW and RSA courses, must have been completed within the last three years or the courses booked before lodging the ’application for transfer’, Please give written advice in this regard. Please note RMLV and RSAtrainingis to be undertaken by individual licensee{s). Directors of a company do not have to complete the course. If the application for transfer relates to a commercial other (subsidiary on-premises) [icence with the principal activity of accommodation, it will be necessary for a letter to be attached advising whether the proposed licensee will have control over the whole oftbe premises and whether the premises are strata titled. If the application for transfer of licence relates to a community dub or community other licence it will be necessary for a copy of the constitution pertaining to the proposed licensee to be forwarded along with a copy of the minutes where it was accepted by the members that the transfer would be applied for. If the proposed club is a’limited club’ then it will be necessary fora copy of the memorandum and articles of association to be lodged. If the proposed licensee club is incorporated, a copy of the club’s certificate of incorporation is required.
Please note If an adverse history comes back on the police checks, it may be necessary for a submission to be forwarded by the party explaining details surrounding this criminal behaviour. Additionally, it may be requested in some instances to supp[ya title search or a copy of the menu. If, as a result of the transfer application being approved, another party will have a financial interest in the premises, it will be requested that this party register their interest with the OLGR e.g. an institution becoming a mortgagee. This will not hold up the processing of the application for transfer.
For further information, please contact the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation on 13 13 04 or visit w~r.q~v.au © The State of Queensland (Department of Employalellt, Economic Development and Innovation) 2o~o. Copyright protects this publication. The State of Queen!!end has no objection to this material being reproduced but asserts its right to be recognised as author of its original material and the right to have its materiol remain unaltered. Inquiries should be addressed to crow~l.copyrigfit@qld.gav, au
Queensland Government
Criminal history checks A criminal history checking fee of $35,5o will be payable for each new person named on an application form or personal details schedule lodged on or after 1 july 2006.
Who needs a criminal history check? This fee applies to the following applicants: new licensees (including individuals, directors of companies and partnerships) sub-lessees management companies individuals or directors of a company who own a beneficial interest (some examples would be where a shareholder entity, whether a company or individual, holds the majority o[shares in a company).
Why do licensees have to pay a criminal history check? Three years ago access to the Australian Government’s national criminal history check System, CrimTrac, was introduced. Whilst access to this system has improved the speed and ease of processing applications requiring criminal history checks, it has also resulted in an increase in costs. From l july 2oo6, the fee will be included in the costs of a new app[icafion. The inclusion of the criminal history check fees in all new [icence, transfer, sub-lease applications saves time and money for applicants who would otherwise be required to arrange and pay for their own criminal history documentation (approximately $4o). It also reduces the risk of fraudulent checks being submitted.
Who doesn’t need a criminal history check? Criminal history checks are not required for applicants who are members of management committees for licensed clubs. Each management corn mittee member for licensed clubs must complete a statutory declaration advising that they have no convictions, or provide details of any convictions recorded. Criminal history checks are not required for any person named on the application form/personal details schedule who has had a criminal history check in the last six months. However, details of the type of application the check was associated with must be provided.
For fi~rther information, please contact the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation on 13 13 04 or visit www.olgr, qld~. ov, aa 0 file 5tare of Queenslaild (Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation) 2o~ o, Copyright protects this publication. The State of Queensland has no objection to this material being reproduced but asserts its right to be recognised as o~thor o[its original material alfd the right to have its material remain unaltered. Inquiries should be addressed to ¢rown.copyrightoqld.gov.au
~,Queensland Government
Annual |icence fees Following amendments to the LiquorAct 1992, the payment of annuallicence fees were introduced on 1January 2009.
be available to patrons - for example, cinemas, florists, gift basket businesses, hospitals, TAFE institutions,
Base fee
This definition only applies for the paynrent of the fee and does not alter licensees’ requirements for the provision of meals at any time if required by thelicence.
Each licence type bas a base fee. Commercial hotel licensees with one or more detached bottle shops pay an additional $318S,75 for each shop.
Compliance history
The community club base fee is determined by the number of members.
Compliance history will betaken into consideration in 2010, The fees for compliance history will be based on the previous filrancia[ year, Therefore the first compliance fee due on 31 July 2010 will be for any adverse history from I July 2009 to 30 June 2010,
Trading hours
When are annual fees due?
The fees in this section are cumulative and must be paid for each trading period approved.
Fees are due by 31 July of each year, orifthis date falls on a weekend, tfie next business day.
For example, a licensee who trades: for functions from 7am-gain every day and from 9am-10am every day and
All fees are applicable from i July 2oio.
~fhe commercial special facility base fee is determined by trading hours.
from 12 midnight-Sam all weekends only will pay a total of $20,177.60/year for the trading hours criteria ($1061.90 + 531.45 + 7964.95 + 10,619.30).
Provision of meals A meal is defined in the LiquorAct I992 as being eaten by a person sitting at a table, or fixed structure with cutlery provided for the purpose of eating the food and is of sufficient substance to be ordinarily accepted as a meal. As the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) recognises some premises are not able to meet this standard of a ’meal’, tile payment of the meals component of tfie annual fee has been amended to ’prepared food’. Prepared food is defined as: a meal other food usually needing preparation before it can be eaten, but not including snacks, liquor or other beverages, Examples of prepared food include burgers, falafels, hot potato chips and sandwiches. The prepared food criteria does not apply to businesses where the general public would not ordinarily expect liquor to be available and therefore would also not expect food to
What happens ifl do not pay my fees by the due date? The licence will be automatically suspended for 28 days, If the fee is not paid during the 28 day suspension period the licence is automatically cancelled.
Ill apply for a new licence that is granted in March, do I have to pay an annual fee? Yes. The annual fee will be adjusted on a pro rata basis from the date of approval of the application to 30 June, Payment of the fee will be required within 28 days of the notification of the approval.
How can I reduce my annual fee? Altering trading is a business decision for each licensee. However, some of the possibilities are.. maintain standard trading Irours (lOam l_2nridnight) provide prepared food up to two hours prior to closing (if applicable) ensure no adverse compliance history reduce number of detached bottle shops if a conrmercial hotel licence,
For further information, please contact the Office of Liquor and Gamiog Regulation on 13 13 04 or visit www.olg~ov.au © The State o[Queenslaad (Department o[Employment, Eroaolnic Development and Innovation) 2010. Copyrightp~otects this publication. The State of Queensland has no objection to this material being reproduced but asserts its rigbt to be recognised as author of its original moteri~l and the right to hove its moteri~l remain unaltered. Inquiries should be addressed to crown.copyright@q~d.gov.eu
Queensland Government
Mandatory Responsible Management of Licensed Venues train"ng What is the ’Responsible Management of Licensed Venues’ course? The ’Responsible Management of Licensed Venues’ (RMLV) course is a mandatory requirement [or licensees (if individuals) and approved managers.
Who can conduct the training? The Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) has approved certain trainers to deliver the RMLV course. Alist of all OLGR approved trainers can be found under the ’Industry’ link on the OLGR website.
RMLV training may also be required for permit holders under certain circumstances,
Can the RMLV course be conducted online?
How long is the RMLV training course?
Unlike RSAtraining, there is no option for the I~MLV course to be conducted online.
The course is to be a minimum of ten (io) hours in length and must be completed over two days.
What are the RMLV requirements for
community-based licensed premises? What are the certificates needed to be an approved manager? Licensees {or permit holders) must ensure all approved managers maintain currency of the following certificates: a current RMLV ’Licensee’s Course certificate’ issued by an approved trainer, and a ’training course certificate’ for Responsible Service ot Alcohol (RSA) issued by an approved trainer. Details on RSAtrainingcan be found on the OLGR website. Both certificates are valid for three years and it is the responsibility of both the holder of the certificate and the licensee to ensure approved managers working at the premises are in possession of current certificates.
How long is the RMLV certificate valid? The RMLV training will remain current for a period of three years. The holder of the certificate must ensure they renew their training before the current certificate expires.
The Licensee (or permit holder) is not required to have completed RMLVtrainingwhere the service or supply of alcohol is provided only by volunteers tot the following licence types; community club licence community other licence community liquor permit restricted liquor permit. For these licence and permit types where the service or supply of liquor is provided only by volunteers, the licensee/permit holder must take reasonable steps to ensure there is a person with current RSAtrainingto supervise the other volunteers. An approved manager need not be present if the service or supply of alcohol is provided only by volunteers. For further intormation, please go to www.olgr.qld.gov.au
For further information, please ¢ontact the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation on 13 13 04 or visit www.olgr.qld.gov.au © The State of Queensland (Dep~rtment of Employment, Economic Developnlent and Innovation) 2olo. Copyright protects this publication. The State of Queensland has no objection to this material being reproduced but asserts its right to be recognised as aut!ior of its original material and the right to t;ave its material remain unaltered. Inquiries should be addressed to crown.eopyright@qld.gov.ou
Queensland Government
Mandatory responsible service of alcohol training What is mandatory responsible service of alcohol (RSA) training?
When do I have to do the approved
On ~ January 2009, it became mandatory for certain persons involved in Queensland’s liquor industry to have a current RSA training course certificate issued for successful completion of the RSA training course conducted by an Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) approved trainer.
From ~.January 2009, all new employees have 3o days from the date of commencing employment to obtain their RSA training course certificate,
Who must do RSAtraining? All licensees must ensure the following persons have a current training course certificate in RSA: the licensee (if an individual) a member of staff of the licensed premises who is involved in the service or supply of liquor at the premises. Staff members involved in the service or supply of liquor include approved managers, bartenders, glass collectors, floor hostesses and room service staff.
Where can I do the OLGRapproved RSA training course? To obtain the required RSA training course certificate you must complete your t raining with an OLGR-approved trainer, For a list o~current OLGR approved trainers, and contact details, follow the ’RSA/RMLV training’ link on OLGR’s home Please note: not all trainers delivering RSA training around Australia hove been approved by OLGR. Therefore, licensees or those orgonising training must ensure the trainer has been approved by OLGR [or face-to-face end/or online delivery.
RSA training course?
What if I was employed before ~ January 2009? Staff members employed priorto 1~anuary 2009 have until 3° June 2010 to complete the required training. However, a staff member who has a statement of attainment issued to them by a registered training organisation between ~ January 2006 and 1 January 2oo9 will be deemed to have RSAcertification for three years from the date of issue and will then be required to redo the RSAapproved training course witfi an approved trainer, Please note that any untrained staff member who was employed prior to I January 20o9 and leaves that employer is then required to complete RSA training within 3o days of commencing employment in the new licensed premises.
How long does the RSA training course take? The course takes approximately four to five hours to complete either face-to-face or online.
Training course certificate and statement of attainment From August 2009 approved trainers commenced issuing the new ’training course certificate’ for successful completion of the approved RSA course. Prior totfiis, the approved trainers issued a ’staternent of attainment’ in the approved form. Both display the Queensland Government logo and are accepted as evidence of successful completion of the approved RSA training course provided the trainingwas completed with an OLGR approved trainer.
For further information, please contact the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation on ~3 13 o# or visit www.olgr.qld.gov.au © The State of Queensland (Departmeat of Em!loyment, Economic Development and Imlovetlon) 2o~o. Copyright protects this publication. The State of Queensland has no objection to this material being reproduced but asserts its right to be recognised as author of its original material arid the right to h~ve its material remain unaltered. Inquiries should be addressed to crown.~opyright@qld.gov.au
~Queensland Government
When will my RSA certificate expire?
Trainin~ register
The RSA training course certificate and approved statement of attainment will expire three years after the date i(is given to you.
Al[licensees are required to keep an up-to-date training register which contains:
You must renew your RSA trainingwith an OLGR-approved trainer prior to[his time.
Are volunteers required to undertake RSA training? Volunteers serving or supplying alcohol will not be required to hold a current RSA training course certificate if performing duties under one of the following licence categories: community club licence community otherlicence community liquor permit
copies of current training course certificates of staff matters relating to training persons involved in the service or supply of liquor at the licensed premises. The register must be made available at the premises for inspection by an OLGR investigator. It is the responsibility of licensees to ensure that: staff members maintain currency of their training course certificates--current for three years RSAtrainingwas obtained from an OLGR approved trainer training course certificates are in the OLGR approved form.
restricted liquor permiL In these instances, the licensee/permittee must take reasonable steps to ensure there is a person with current RSA training to supervise the volunteers.
Recognition of interstate RSA training Queensland provides recogaition of prior learning to persons moving/travelling from interstate seeking employment in this State. This applies to persons who have been issued with a ’statement of attainment’ in SITHFABoo9A to provide responsible service of alcohol in another state or territory. Such persons should contact an OLGR approved trainer to complete an RSA bridging module either online or face-to-face.
( Queensland Government
Risk-assessed management plan Following amendments to the LiqlrorAct 1992, a riskassessed management plan (RAMP) has been Introduced as a harm minimisation initiative and is required for a[l ficence types and restricted liquor permits.
permanent changes in licensed area transfers of existing [icence restricted liquor permits.
How is a RAMP different to the house policy? What is a RAMP? A RAMP is defined as ’a detailed document containing information about matters prescribed in a regulation relating to tfie licensee’s management practices and procedures at
the premises’.
What is the purpose of a RAMP? The purpose of this document is to outline how the licensee or permittee will manage the premises in accordance with the first object of the LiquorAct--’to minimise harm caused by alcohol abuse and misuse’,
What does a RAMP need to address? principal activity to be conducted on the premises maximum hours of operation details of responsible service of alcohol initiatives details of participation in a liquor accord in the locality (if applicable) details of security (how many, when, for how long etc) provision of food (types of food, when it will be available etc) staff training if amplified/outdoor entertainment is proposed how the impact on the surrounding locality is mitigated.
When is a RAMP required? The following applications must include a RAMP: new licence applications extended trading hours approvals permanent variation of [icence applications
A RAMP will require approval by the chief executive and information in the RAMP will be the basis for endorsing conditions on the licence/permit. Use of the RAMP will ensure the ficensee/permittee trades in accordance with the requirements of the Liquor Act and that the operation of the premises will not have an adverse impact on the amenity of the locality. The RAMP will be specific in detailing a licensee’s management practices and procedures at the prernises. Tile applications referred to in ’when is a RAMP required?’ wifi not be considered or approved unless a RAMP is lodged with the application and subsequently approved by the chief executive.
Can I change my RAMP? Yes. But any proposed amendment needs to be lodged and approved by the chief executive prior to it taking effect, The licensee or permittee must notify the chief executive of any change in operating practices by lodging a new RAMP. Failure to advise the chief executive of any changes to operating practices may result in disciplinary action,
Approved RAMP When a RAMP is approved by the chief executive ~he licensee or permitteewill receive a copy of this document certified by a delegate of the chief executive as a true and correct copy. The approved RAMP will state the date of approval and this document will supersede all previous versions.
For further information, please contact the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation on 13 13 o4 or visit www.o~.qld~ov.au © The State of Queensland (Department of Employment, Economic Development a~d Innovetion) 2o~o. Copyright protects thi~ pubgc~tion. The ~tate o[ Queensland has no objection to this material being reproduced but asserts its right to be recognised as a~thor of its original material end the right to heve its material remoi~ unaltered. Inquiries should be addressed to crown,copyright@qld.gov.au
Queensland Government
Issued 21 January 2009
[ 47. RISK-ASSESSED MANAGEMENT PLAN (RAMP) LIQUOR ACT 1992- SECTION 51 A risk-assessed management plaa (RAMP) is a docament coutaiuing information about the procedares and practices, prescribed under section 38A of the Liquor Regulation 2002, for the conduct of business at the premises.
A RAMP is required for: ¯ new licence applications; ¯ licensees applying to renew 3nm to 5am trading prior to 31 March 2009; ¯ extended trading boars approvals; ¯ permanent variation oflicence applications; ¯ permaueot changes in licensed area; ¯ transfers ofexistinglicence; ¯ restricted liquor permits. The following ~natters are to be addressed in a RAMP: a) Responsible service of alcohol (RSA)- description of practices, training for staff employed to ensure RSA.; b) Liquor Accord - details of naembership if applicable, matters addressed by the liquor accord; c) Arrangcme~rts at the premises with respect to: i. Lightiug- describe lighting within & outside premises for secarity purposes; ii. Noise mitigation- describe bow the licensee monitors noise levels, structaral devices within the premises & manageurent practices to reduce noise levels, processes in response to noise complaints; iii. Security 7 detail the numbers employed tl~roaghout a ’staudard’ week, specifying where security providers are to be assigned to different areas of the premises. Describe employment of security with respect to private & public functious held on the premises and how the licensee world cater to chauges to number of patrons; provide details of closed circuit television. iv. Trausport services - describe traasport services available to patrons leaviug the premises e.g. local transport, taxi ranks, access to phoae to call for transport. d) Provisiou of nreals - describe available catering services for the provision of meals to patrous. Specify types of service e.g bistro/bar dining, al a carte menu, buffet, BBQ; availability of these services (e.g lrours for meals, lunch or dinner ouly). e) Training of staff- detail training processes for staff, lnclade relevant liquor licensing matters that the liceusee trains staff to deal with; bow regularly the licensee couducts trainilrg; bow the licensee keeps staffupdated with liquor licensing legislation. f) Dealing with minors on the premises - describe management practices with respect to preventing minors on premises where appropriate and dealing with minors found on the premises. g) Dealing with aoduly intoxicated and disorderly patrons on the premises - describe the methods employed by staffto deal with uuduly intoxicated and disorderly patrous; h) How the impact of tl~e business on the amenity of the community ~vill be limited - provide detail on how the premises will mitigate uoise fi’om emptying bins, generators etc, patron behaviour in and around the licensed premises particularly leaving the premises at closing time, lifter fi’om premises, parking or any other issue that may commonly arise. i) Consultation with commanity and liqaor indnslry groups - describe matters on which the liceusee has consulted with any community or liquor indnstry groups rod ootcomes.
Ensnring tbe conduct of business at the prelnises complies with the Act and other laws outline strategies/practices employed to manage the following iu accordance with the relevant legislation b+ch~ding the Liquor Act: ¯ Footpath dining; ¯ Designated outdoor smoking area; ¯ Advertising of events; ¯ Number of patrons on premises e.g. bnilding regulations or bar licence (limited to 60 patrons); ¯ Adult Entertainment; ¯ Functioos on premises; ¯ Cateringoffsite.
The respouses to each of the above matters must be of sufficient detail to satisfy the Chief Executive and to provide the basis for conditioning the operation of the liquor licence.
Issued 15 June 2009
143. APPROVED MANAGERS LIQUOR ACT 1992- SECTION 104A, 155AE, 155AF As of l Janum’y 2009, the position of nominee no longer exists. The new position of approved manager partly replaces the nominee bnt has distinct and different obligations.
All licensed premises are now required to bave an individual licensee or approved manager present or reasonably available during ox’dinary trading bouts of 10am-12midnight. The only exceptions to the require~nent to have an individnal liceusee or approved manager present or reasonably available during ordinary trading honrs are as follows: ¯ at licensed premises to which a community club licence or comnmuity other licence relates if liquor is served or sapplied at the pre~nises by vohmteers only. ¯ at premises to which a commanity liquor permit or restricted liquor permit relates if liquor is served or supplied at the premises by volunteers only. "Reasonably available" is defined in the Act as: ¯ readily contactable by each person involved iu the service or supply of liquor at the premises and ¯ the time reasonably needed for the liceasee, permitlee or approved manager to travel fi’om any place at whicb the licensee, permittee or approved manager may be present to the pre~nises is not more thau 1 hour. Tiffs means:
1. A separate approved manager (or individual licensee) for a premises nmst be present or reasonably available for duty for each day the premises is open for trade and 2. An apt)roved n~anager should be present for the nlajority of tbe tinae dnring the operational honrs of a licensed premises, with pmlicular regard to high-risk periods of operation which occur duriog ordiuary trading bouts. 3. Tbe approved manager (or iudividual liceusee) nmst attend the premises to sign ou for duty at the cmmnencement of their shift. During approved extended trading honrs bet~veeu 7am-10am and 12midnight-5am an individual licensee or approved manager nmst be present at the licensed premises at all times. For periods of botb ordiuary and exteuded hours trading, only one approved manager needs to be signed in to the approved ~nanagers register for each licensed premises. Daring ordinary trading hours only, the Chief Executive will allow some variation iu the requiremeut for an approved mauager to be rostered on at a premises. The reqnirement for a licensee or approved manager to be reasonably available is not changed. Provided the relevaat licensee does not have an adverse compliance history, tbe following liceuce and bnsiness types are nol required to have an approved manager rostered oa at the premises daring ordinary trading honrs:
¯ ¯
Prodncer/wholesalers Florists and gift basket providers 47
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Community clubs with Iess tban 2000 members Comnmnity other licences Restaurants Motels Indoor sports centres Vessels
The Chief Executive reserves the right to withdraw this exemption in response to any breaches of the Act coaunitted by a licensee. Subject to the foregoing all otber licensees must have an approved manager available for tile majority of tbeir ordinary trading hours, Tile Chief Executive ~nay consider an application fi’mn any licensee or pernfittee for an exemption fi’om the reqnirenrent to have an approved manager rostered on for work at tbe premises during ordinary trading hours. The application will only be considered if the business employs ten full-time (or eqnivalent) employees or less who are involved in tile sale or snpply of liquor. For example, accommodation cleaning staff woukl not connt towards tile employee connt, but glass collectors would. The following criteria must also be considered: ¯ the geographical location of tile business ¯ the licensee’s compliance history ¯ tbe principal activity, size and nature of the business ¯ tile proximity, principal activity and nature of any other licensed premises. In all circnmstances, these pre~nises would still be required to have aa individual licensee or approved manager who was reasonably available even if not fostered on in the inanagers register. Approved managers not reqnired to be fostered on at a premises will not need to fulfil tile sign-on and sign-off requirements under the Act. However, approved managers wbo fidfil the reasonably available requirement sbonld be listed in the register as tile approved manager on duty. Tbe Chief Executive reserves the right to withdraw tiffs exemption in response to any breaches of the Act committed by a licensee. An exemption may be granted for all or part of the ordinary trading hours for a licensed premises. In the case of commercial special facility licences, an approved manager ~nust be present or reasonably available between 10am and 12 midnight for each discrete "outlet" witbin the licensed area. Where an "outlet" is trading between midnight and 10am the approved manager must be present at the "ootlet’. This applies regardless of whether all the outlets are managed by the licensee or whether tile outlets are sobleased to other persons. In the case of commercial hotel licences the requirement to have an approved manager present only applies to tile maia premises and not to any detached bottle shops or bottle shops which may be attached to the premises. This applies in the situation where a bottle shop may be open for trade prior to tile commencement of trading in the maia premises. Tile bottle shop should have a register which shows the responsible approved manager for all times it is open.
In the case of commercial other (producer/wholesaler) licences an approved manager is only required at tile main licensed premises, not tile storage facility.
Reasonable s~eps The Act specifies that licensees must make "reasonable steps" towards having approved managers available during ordinary trading hours or preseut during extended trading honrs. Therefore, licensees will need to have au approved manager present or reasonably available for each premises duriug all trading hours to supervise the responsible service of alcohol aud the management of the premises. Sign Oil reqairemcnt aud approved managers register
Tbe Act requires that a licensee mast keep on the premises a register stating the name, date of duly aud shift starting time and finishing time for each approved manager fostered on duty. The register most be accompanied by copies of the cnrrent training course certificates held by aay approved managers fostered on duty for the premises. Copies of the course certificates must be made available for inspection to an investigator at the premises. For each shift for wbicb an approved manager is rostered on, the register umst be signed by the approved maaager aad record the date, start and finish times for each sbift. At any time the previons 12 month record of the register should be available. Tbere is uo prescribed form aader the legislation for an approved managers register. However, to assist all licensees the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulatiou has developed the attached template as part of this guideliae and for nse by licensees as required. It should be noted tbat while the template may be used by the licensee to meet their obligations under section 155AE of the Act, tbis register is merely a guide and a licensee may incorporate their own design providing it meets tbe nfinimum requiremeuts as outliaed in section 155AE (1)(a) oftbe Act. Exemption fl’om requiremcut for approved managers to be present (for individual licensees only) The Act allows that aa individual licensee may apply to the Chief Executive for au exemption from the obligation to be present or reasonably available or to take "reasonable steps" to ensure that an approved manager is present or reasouably available. The application may only be made where the licensee wishes to be abseat for a continuons period of not longer than tbree nlorttbs,
The exe~nptiou may only be grauted when the licensee can demonstrate they have made reasonable efforts to engage one or more approved managers for duty at the licensed premises and been UllStlCcessftll,
The Cbief Executive must be satisfied that the premises will coutinue to be operated In accordance with the Act, including the risk-assessed management plau for the premises, during the licensee’s absence. For example, a liceasee in a remote or rural location regularly travels to a nearby town fox’ bnsiuess reasons during the premises trading hours. No approved manager is able to be present, but in an application to the Cbief Executive the licensee nominates a person trained in the Responsible Service of Alcobol to be the person in control of the premises during the licensee’s absences. An individual licensee with a low-risk premises with no compliance issues may apply for an ongoing exemption fi’om the approved manager reqnirement for periods of absence such an annual leave,
Approved Managers Register LiquorAct 1992 sI55AE(1) Feb 09
Queensland Government
Premises Name:
Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation
Queensland Government
General enquiries 1800 064 848 Visit us at http://w~m~.olgr.qld.gov.au
RSA and Licensee’s Course (RMLV) Approved Trainers as at April 2010 OLGR Approved Trainers
RSA Trainers Face to Face
RSA Online Trainers
Licensee’ City s Course (RMLV) Trainers Face to Face
Training Areas
Academy Hospitality Australia
(07) 3801 4131
Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Toowoomba, Ipswich, Cairns, TownsvilIe, Bundaberg, Rockhampton. Townsville, Mount Isa and Roma
Accredkad Online Training
1300 72 66 34
Cairns, TownsviIle, Mackay, GoId Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Bundaberg, TuIly, Ingham, Innisfail
AEG Learning and DeveIopment Academy
South Bank
(07) 3308 3596
In-house - Brisbane
All Saints Anglican School
(07) 5587 0341
Arrow Training Services
(07) 5503 1061
Australias College of Further Studies
(07) 4998 5354
Mackay, Bowen Basin, Airlie Beach, Queensland Wide
Australian Hospitality [ns6tute
0412 086 331
Gold Coast, Bdsbane, Sunshine Coast and Bundaberg
(07) 5476 8250
Southeast Queensland (Sunshine Coast)
Australian International Business ~nst[tute Australian Red Cross Society
(07) 36207000
w’ww.redcress.o rg.au
Throughout QueensIand where Red Cross operates
Australian Training & Safety Institute Ltd
(07) 3392 0962
Toowoomba, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast
Axiom ColIege Pty Ltd
1800 114 41 g
Brisbane, TownsviIle, Cairns, Mackay and other areas of North Queensland
Barder Reef Institute of TAFE
(07) 4750 5242
North Queensland Region, Whitsundays, Bowen, Burdekin, Townsviile, lngham, West of Townsville to Hughenden
Barrington Training Services Pty Ltd
(07) 5562 5700
www.barringto ngroup.com.au
Brisbane and Gold Coast
Date printed 29-04-2010
© The S~te of Queensland (Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation)
Page 1 of 6
O~ce of Liquor and Gaming Regulation
Department of Employment~ Economic Development and Innovation
RSA and Licensee’s Course (RMLV) Approved Trainers as at April 2010 (continued) Telephone
Runaway Bay
0414 527 800
(07) 5541 3388
Seaudesert, Logan, Gympie and Rockhampton
Hamilton Central
(07) 32"~2 8433
Statewlde upon request
Eagle Farm
134 248
Southeast Queensland
(07) 5436 6000
South East Queensland (Caboolture to Noosa)
(07) 4922 2008
Rockhampton, Gladstone, Emerald and Longreach
Career Training Institute of Australia Pty Ltd
Gold Coast Mail Ctr
(07) 5564 9044
Central QId Institute of TAFE
(07) 4920 2419
Central Queensland - Miriam Vale to Prosperp[ne, Great Keppel to Longreach/Winton
CFT International Pty Ltd
(07) 5520 0380
ww~z.cffqld.com.a u
Club Training Australia
(07) 3878 8977
Cocktails Australia
Peregian Beach
1300 78 24 03
College Australia
South Brisbane
(07) 3123 "~330
South Queensland, North Queensland and Central Queensland
College of Australian Training
(07) 4041 1119
Calms, Port Douglas, Mission Beach, Gladstone, Brisbane and Gold Coast
Currumbir~ RSL Col]ege
(07) 5534 7~£9
South and North Gold Coast and some regional areas
EngI[sh ~n Paradise (Crumps Intema5onaI Pty Ltd)
Surfers Paradise
(07) 5570 6313
Etrainu Pty Ltd
(07) 4721 4222
Franklyn Scholar
(07) 3290 4599
www.fran klynscholar.com.au
RSA " RSA Trainers OnIine Face to Trainers Face
Licensee’ City s Course (RMLV) Trainers Face to Face
BARS Training Australia
BIueprit~t Career Development
Brisbane Executive Security Tra[nlng Pry Ltd
Brisbane North Institute of TAFE
Cadet Training and Employment
Capricomia Training Company
Date printed 29-04-2010
Training Areas
OLGR Approved Trainers
© The State of Queensland (DeparLment of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation}
Page 2 of 6
Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation
Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
RSA and Licensee’s Course (RMLV) Approved Trainers as at April 2010 (continued) OLGR Approved Tralners
RSA RSA Trainers Online Face to Trainers Face
(07) 5581 8494
vvvvw.go~dcoast.tafe.qld.gov.au Gold Coast
Upper Coomera
1800 367 732
Southeast Queensland
Fortitude Valley
(07) 3872 4200
Brisbane, Gold Coast and other areas on request Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast. Toowoomba, Ipswich, Cairns, Townsville, Bundaberg and Rockhampton
Licensee’ City s Course (RMLV) Trainers Face to Face
Training Are#s
Gold Coast institute of TAFE
Gold Coast Institute of Technology
Hospitality Training Association
Indusby Training Services
(07) 3366 8426
Jigsaw Training
1300 454 472
www.jigsaw~rainingacademy.edu. Statewide
Keys Human Resources
(07) 3876 2202
Southeast Queensland
KWSC Training
(07) 3350 0918
Darling Downs, Western Downs, North and South Bumett, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast
La-Vere College
Sinnamon Park
(07) 3376 8282
Brisbane, Southeast Queensland
LGS Training Pty Ltd
Fortitude Va[Iey
(07) 3252 4066
Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Cairns, Townsville, Mt Isa and Toowoomba
Mackintosh InternationaI College (Australia) Pty Ltd
(07) 5553 6777
Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Far North QueensIand
Mayfair College
(07) 3003 1297
www.mayfaircolleg e.co m.au
Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Ipswich
Metropolitan South Institute of TAFE
(07) 3215 1468
v,~vw.rnsiLtafe.q Id .g ov.a u
South East Queensland
Mordssey Tralning and Consulting Pty Yes Ltd
(07) 3852 1656
Statewide. Offices in Brisbane. Rockhampton and Mackay
Mount Isa institute TAFE
Mount [sa
QLD (07) 4744 9921
National Security Training Academy Yes Pry Ltd
QLD (07) 3114 9470
Date printed 29-04-2010
vwvw.mtisa.tafe.qld.gov.au www.securitytraining.net
© The State of Queensland (Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation)
Mount Isa and surrounding regions of North West Queensland Southeast Queensland. Central Queensland, Far North Queensland
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Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation
Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
RSA and Licensee’s Course (RMLV) Approved Trainers as at April 2010 (continued) OLGR Approved Trainers
RSA Trainers Face to Face
Nationwide Training Academy
Nexgen Hospitality Training
RSA OnIine Trainers
Licensee’ City s Course (RMLV) Trainers Face to Face
Logan City, Gold Coast, Redlands, Sunshine Coast.
QLD (07) 3807 6131
(07) 5491 1544
Noosa Community Training Centre [nc Yes
(07) 5449 7700
Nu-Path Training Pry Ltd
Hercey Bay
(07) 4125 1777
www.n u-path@bigpond.corn
Throughout Queensland
Platinum Training
Cotton Tree
1300 722 588
www.plaEnu mtraining,com.au
Sunshine Coast
Pro System Training Services P/L
Royal Brisbane Hospital
(07) 3852 2522
South East Queensland
Qld Training Solutions Pry Ltd
(07) 4£44 1551
GIadstone, Wide Bay, Central Queensland, Whitsundays, Far North Queensland, Central Highlands and Western Region
Quality Hospitality International
St KiIda
(03) 95£3 9846
South East Queensland and regional locations
Queensland Hotels Association Union of Employers
Brisbane City
(07) 3221 6999
Recruitment Queensland Pry Ltd
(07) 3813 g700
Restaurant and Catering Assoc. NSW
Royal Bds~ane Hospital
(02) ~211 3500
(07) ~308 2291
Training Areas
O.R.C~ Ocean Recreation Careers AustraIasia
(07) 4044 4999
Seaworld Resod Hotel P!L
QLD (07) 5591 0076
Security Training College
Kangaroo Point
QLD 1300 308 795
Date printed 29-04-2010
in-house - staff at Ca[oundra venues
www.securitytrainingcollege.com. au
© The State of Queensland (Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation)
Far North Queensland, Cairns, Cook’town and Tablelands In-house - Sea World Resort, Gold Coast, all Warner Village Theme Parks from Gold Coast through to Sunshine Coast including Ipswich Page 4 of 6
Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation
RSA and Licensee’s Course (RMLV) Approved Trainers as at April 2010 (continued) OLGR Alqp~oved Trainers
RSA Trainers Face to Face
Training Areas
SkiI[ Centred QId
Smart Skills Solu’dons Australia
(07) 5443 7444
Maroochydore, Gyrnpie, Hervey Bay and Bundaber9
(07) 3367 3268
~rww.smartskill.co rn.au
Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Toowoomba, Rockhampton and Whitsundays. Rural and regional areas.
Southbank Institute of Technology
South Brisbane
(07) 3244 5972
Southern QId Institute of TAFE
(07) 4660 4600
Toowoomba, Dalby, Roma, Charleville, Chinchilla, Kingaroy, Cherbourg, Warwick, Goondiwindi and Stanthorpe
Sunshine Coast Insatute of TAFE
(07) 5459 3146
www.sunshinecoast.tafe.qld.gov. au
Sunshine Coast Region
The Bremer Institute af TAFE
(07) 3817 3090
South East Queensland including Sunshine Coast Gold Coast, Ipswich, Toowoomba, Beaudesert and Bdsbane
The Coffee School
Fortitude Valley
(07) 3257 2001
Southeast QueensIand
Training Course Professionals Pry Lid
1300 654 387
Brisbane and surrounding suburbs
North Fitzroy
0431 107 174
OnIine only
(07) 4042 2486
Cairns and surrounding areas. Innisfail, Atherton Tablelands, Mossman, Thursday [sIand
(07) 5442 3511
(07) 4150 5803
Wide Bay Region
SeIla Vista
(02) 8885 1793
w~rw.woolwor thslimite d.co rn .a u
In-house - Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Far North Queensland
(07} 5528 6407 www.workteq.com.au
Train To Gain
RSA OnIine Trainers
Licensee’ City s Course (RMLV) Trainers Face to Face
Yes Yes
Tropical North Queensland TAFE
Universal Education and Training Ltd
Wide Bay institute of TAFE
Woolwor[hs Ltd
Workteq Pty Ltd
Brisbane City and surrounding areas
Sunshine Coast, Wide Bay Region
Albion, Southport, Rocklea and surrounding suburbs
Total records: 74
Date printed 29-04-2010
© The State of Queensland (Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation)
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Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation
Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation
RSA and Licensee’s Course (RMLV) Approved Trainers as at April 2010 (continued)
Date printed 29-04-2010
© "[’he State of Queensland (Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation}
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