TruLinea is an architectural firm located in Telluride, Colorado. We provide cutting edge design, visualization, communication,and documentation for H[TXLVLWH XQLTXH DUFKLWHFWXUH b:RUNLQJ drawings and models are created with ODWHVW WHFKQRORJ\ DQG VRIWZDUH WRROV b Design solutions come from the client’s celebration of life and their eccentricities. Imaginative structures that are individual to each client is the TruLinea message.
6LQFH LQFHSWLRQ LQ WKH 7UX/LQHD vision is to provide unprecedented TXDOLW\ DQG SHUVRQDOL]HG VHUYLFHV b:H are proud to be part of a team of professionals which include: designers, engineers, construction craftspeople, and tradesmen who work closely with you, the client to ensure WKDW QR GHWDLO LV RYHUORRNHG bb2XU WHDP believes in the “creative processâ€? and our past projects and clients endorse WKDW SKLORVRSK\ b:H KDYH GHYHORSHG D very close network of communication with all personnel so that the client is ZHOO YHUVHG RQ DFWLYLW\ DV LW WDNHV SODFH b We are proud to present an array of Attentive and collaborative construcprojects that reflect unsurpassed tion administration is the absolute key workmanship, detail and successful WR VXFFHVV b &ROOHFWLYHO\ ZH SHUIRUP FRPSOHWLRQ b 7KHVH SURMHFWV DUH flawless workmanship. supported by testimonials of present $ GHWDLOHG 6HUYLFH /HYHO $JUHHPHQW and past clients who we have been 6/$ LV GHYHORSHG IRU HDFK QHZ SULYLOHJHG WR VHUYH b b (DFK FOLHQW LV project along with a construction unique, each project is unique; and we schedule that allows your project to be therefore pride ourselves on creating PDQDJHG DQG FRPSOHWHG VXFFHVVIXOO\ b enduring client relationships that stand Professionalism is executed with the the test of time; long after the project is highest level of confidence. FRPSOHWH b2XU PLVVLRQ LV WR EULQJ \RXU 7UXVW DQG &RQILGHQFH ZLWK WKH DELOLW\ WR dream to reality which we will deliver in GHOLYHU WKH XQLTXH Ĺ&#x; :H DUH 7UX/LQHD Architects. the built environment.
“Throughout history variation posed a major philosophical problem for those in search of objective truths both in design and life in general.�
My story begins in story the 'Telluride' and that is what made me who I am. I met my awesome beautiful wife here in the mountains. We have three kids, and we all hike, bike, and ski. That's what keeps me here. The architecture is an expression of my passion for life and the mountain experience. I am a true and tried Telluride Man of 12 years. I observe life as a triangle. On top of the triangle is my Family. The lower left is my personal free time and expression of excercise and mountains. That is where the KTM dirt bikes, snow machines, mountains bikes, skiing come into play. The last part of the triangle is the lower Right Architecture. An expression of artful desire - like singing a song. It is true to say that architecture alone opens up a whole new triangle...
“There are elements of intrinsic beauty in the simplification of a house built on the log cabin idea.� Gustav Stickley
Moody Residence
This house was commissioned in 2009 when the recession was really just starting. 2XU RIÄąFH FRPSHWHG DJDLQVW Wwo RWKHU DUFKLWHFWV WR ZLQ WKH UHPRGHO SURMHFW 7KLV was the smallest and oldest house in the Mountain Village. Our task was to transform the house for the clients who live in Toronto, Canada. The unique design used ‘steelbents’ for the structure, and added a sizable 2nd story for the new master suite. The house square footage of 4,200 is very HIÄąFLHQW DQG FRPIRUWDEOH 7KH ODUJH ZUDSaround deck creates an entirely new 800 SF RI RXWGRRU OLYLQJ VSDFH 7KLV KRXVH KDV EHHQ SXEOLVKHG LQ /X[H 0DJD]LQH DQG LV FXUUHQWO\ JRLQJ WKURXJK SODQQLQJ WR DGG D ‘tunnel’ and garage outbuilding. In 2013 Jeff Moody and I travelled through Northern Italy and Switzerland on our motorcycles. We KDYH VLQFH GHVLJQHG VHYHUDO RWKHU SURMHFWV WRJHWKHU LQFOXGLQJ D GHVLJQ RQ /DNH 0XVkoka in Ontario.
as an architect,
you design for the present, with an awareness of the past, for a future which is essentially unknown.
QUEEN OF ASPEN 2007 was a special year and a special design in the Town of Telluride. This was my first project commissioned as a licensed architect. Our first son was just born, and my clients were young and optimistic with their own small kids. We took on a bold idea to transform a clumsy old neglected house in a fantastic location. We got HARC – ‘historic architectural review commission’ approval to move and reclassify a historic shed that was in the front yard. We completely rebuilt the main house, and moved the shed to the side of the house. This gave the residence strong street presence. The views to the ski area and south facing façade created a very unique experience and piece of architecture. Icing on the cake was that the home sold in 2012 to new owners who really love and appreciate the design. The new owners have become our clients and we have continued to refine and work on this fine residence at the top of the hill in Telluride. She is the Queen of Aspen.
“If you look at the Earth without architecture, it's sometimes a little bit unpleasant. So there is this basic human need to do shelter in the broadest sense of the word, whether it's a movie theater or a simple log cabin in the mountains. This is the core of architecture: To provide a space for human beings.� Peter Zumthor
“whatever good things we
build end up building US�
Jim Rohn
Hutcheson Residence 127 Double Eagle Dr. Mountain Village, CO 2011
In 2011 TruLinea Architects was awarded with a commission to remodel the first house to be built on the Mountain Village golf course. This 25 year old update to the Hutcheson Residence was a family transfer from the mother to the son; and a new era of design was in need. The clients taste for a more modern exterior and interiors led to a transformation of all new glass, interior materials, new stairs and circulation, and the addition of several decks and patios. The location on the 5th fairway provides excellent viewing pleasure as golfer’s tee off looking down valley and towards Wilson Peak. The interiors of the house are very comforting with wood, plaster, stone, and steel details. It should be noted that the TruLinea office competed for the project, and delivered the design and construction within one year.
“space and light and order
those are the things
that men need just as
much as they need
bread or a place to sleep� Le Corbusier
2011 brought a project that I call ‘Watch This’. I had clientV who wanted to do a speculation project in the Mountain Village for an investment. He asked what we could do with an older house that most people turned their nose up to. I said ‘Watch This’. This bold and daring client bought the ugliest old house in the best neighborhood on the 15th fairway of the golf course. We transformed this ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. We kept the North and South gables, but created an entirely new central connector that opened up the floor plan and allowed for a new entry, stairs, den, and suspended bridge. This house was essentially re-built and reorganized from the foundation up. One of the valuable aspects of this project is that we were able to create a passively heated house that requires little mechanical input to keep it warm or cool. Natural cross ventilation in the summer keeps it cool, and in the cold months the south facing glazing keeps it warm. The artificial lighting and natural lighting design make this house very functional day or night. The free flowing rooms with dramatic views make the house very relaxing. What make me most proud of this project is that ingenuity was harnessed by creative design, re-used structure, and a bold team of designers, builders, and a gun-ho owner. The house is currently listed for sale with Telluride Real Estate Corporation.
Architecture can be understood better by having the knowledge of the surrounding it serves
“it is not the beauty of a building you should look at; its the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time�David Allan Coe
GRAVITY WORKS 2010 Every architect wants to design a building on main street USA. In 2010 I got my chance and met a special client and friend along the way. Mike Beckman hired me to transform an old forgotten building into the Gravity Works retail shop. My love for bikes and his love for the mountains turned into PURE collaboration. We took a bold approach and created a two story space for a climbing wall, fitting rooms, a mechanic’s space, and a private 24 hour gym. We started on Jan 1st 2010, and opened for business by Thanksgiving of that year. This was a fast track project that Gerber Construction delivered in a timely fashion. Many structural challenges had to be overcome with steel and concrete. We did not just stop at the retail shop however; we went ahead and got all our HARC approvals for the Phase 2 restaurant and roof top deck. This is the only roof top restaurant on Main Street Telluride currently approved.
205 E Colorado Ave
What is most important about this project is Mike. We have become great friends and ride bikes and snowmobiles regularly. The most important thing is the relationship. Architecture is just secondary. I believe that Jerry Maguire would be proud of me and this project.
“creativity is putting your imagination to work, and it's produced the most extraordinary results in human culture� Ken Robinson
TO LEARN MORE ABOUT TRULINEA ARCHITECTS: trulinea' | (970) 728-3437 |