Msoa Numerical Solution of the Coupled Viscous Burgers’ Equation via Cubic Trigonometric B-2 011 (1)

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Mathematics and Statistics: Open Access Received: Jan 19, 2016, Accepted: Apr 01, 2016, Published: Apr 05, 2016 Math Stat, Volume 2, Issue 2 Article Number: MSOA-2-011

Research Article

Open Access

Numerical Solution of the Coupled Viscous Burgers’ Equation via Cubic Trigonometric B-spline Approach Hamad Mohammed Salih1,2, Luma Naji Mohammed Tawfiq3* and Zainor Ridzuan Yahya1 1

Institute for Engineering Mathematics, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Perlis, Malaysia


Department of Mathematics, University of Anbar, Al-anbar, Iraq


Department of Mathematics, University of Bagdad,Bagdad,Iraq

*Corresponding Author: Luma Naji Mohammed Tawfiq, Department of Mathematics, University of Bagdad, Bagdad, Iraq, Email: Citation: Hamad Mohammed Salih, Luma Naji Mohammed Tawfiq and Zainor Ridzuan Yahya (2016) Numerical Solution of the Coupled Viscous Burgers’ Equation via Cubic Trigonometric B-spline Approach. Math Stat 2: 011. Copyright: © 2016 Hamad Mohammed Salih, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted Access, usage, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Abstract This paper presents a new approach and methodology to solve one dimensional coupled viscous Burgers’ equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions using cubic trigonometric B-spline collocation method. The usual finite difference scheme is applied to discretize the time derivative. Cubic Trigonometric B-spline basis functions are used as an interpolating function in the space dimension. The scheme is shown to be unconditionally stable using the von Neumann (Fourier) method. Two test problems are presented to confirm the accuracy of the new scheme and to show the performance of trigonometric basis functions. The numerical results are found to be in good agreement with known exact solutions and also with earlier studies. Keywords: One dimensional coupled viscous Burgers’ equation; Cubic trigonometric B-spline basis functions; Cubic trigonometric B-spline collocation method; Stability.

Introduction In this paper, we are discussing the numerical solutions of one dimensional coupled Burgers’ equations, proposed by Esipov [1]. This system of coupled Burgers’ equation is a simple model of sedimentation or evolution of scaled volume concentrations of two kinds of particles in fluid suspensions or colloids under the effect of gravity [2]. The coupled Burgers’ equation is given by

ut   uux   (uv) x  uxx  0 vt   vvx   (uv) x  vxx  0

x  [a, b], 0  t  T x  [a, b], 0  t  T

(1) with initial conditions

u( x,0)  u0 ( x) , v( x,0)  v0 ( x)


and boundary conditions

u (a, t )  f1 (t ) , u (b, t )  f 2 (t )   v(a, t )  g1 (t ) , v(b, t )  g 2 (t ) (3)

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Where  ,  and

 are constant, and subscripts x and t

denote differentiation of distance and time respectively. The coupled Burgers equations belong to an important class of basic flow equations [3], Ersoy and Idris [4] solved nonlinear coupled Burger Equation by Exponential Cubic Bspline Finite Element. Kutluay and Ucar [5]solved coupled Burgers’ equation by the Galerkin quadratic B-splinefinite element method. Vineet et al.[6] used the fully implicit Finite-difference to solve one dimensional Coupled Nonlinear Burgers’ equations.Kaya solved the coupled viscous burgers Equation by the decomposition method [7].Mittal and Tripathiused the Collocation Method for solved CoupledBurgers’ Equations [8]. Mittal and Arora solved the coupled viscous Burgers’ equations using cubic B-spline collocation scheme on the uniform mesh points based on Crank–Nicolsonformulation for time integration and cubic B-spline functions for space integration [9]. Mittal et al.Haar wavelet-based numerical investigation of coupled viscous Burgers’ equation [10].Ghotbi et al.employed the homotopy perturbation method [11]. Rashid and Ismail used the Fourier pseudo-spectral method for finding the approximate solutions of the coupled Burgers’ equation [12]. Abazari and Borhanifarobtained both numerical and analytical solutions of the Burgers’ and coupled Burgers’ equations using the differential transformation method [13]. Zhang et al.have extended the local discontinuous Galerkin method to solve Burgers’ and coupled Burgers’ equations [14].Siraj-ul-Islam et al.solved coupled Burgers’ equationnumerically by a simple classical RBFs collocation (Kansa) method without using a mesh to discretize the

problem domain [15]. Khater [20] and Rashid [21] solved the Burgers-type equations using a Chebyshev spectral collocation method and Chebyshev–Legendre PseudoSpectral method respectively. In our work, a numerical collocation finite difference technique based on cubic trigonometric B-spline is presented for the solution of coupled viscous Burgers’ equation (1) with initial conditions in equation (2) and boundary conditions in equations (3). A usual finite difference scheme is applied to discretize the time derivative while cubic trigonometric B-spline is utilized as an interpolating function in the space dimension. The proposed method is unconditionally stable and this is proved by von Neumann approach.

The outline of this paper is as follows: In section 2, cubic trigonometric B-spline scheme is explained. In section3, the method is described and applied to the coupled viscous Burgers’ equation. In section 4, stability of the method is discussed. In section 5, numerical examples are included to establish the applicability and accuracy of the proposed method computationally. Conclusion is given in section 6.

Cubic Trigonometric B-Spline Functions In this section, we define the cubic trigonometric basis function as follows [7, 8].

q 3 ( x j ),  2 1 q( x j )  q( x j ) p( x j  2 )  p( x j 3 )q( x j 1 )   p ( x j  4 ) p ( x j 1 ), 4 T j ( x)   z  p( x j  4 )  p( x j 1 )q( x j 3 )  q( x j  4 ) p( x j  2 )   p( x j )q 2 ( x j 3 ),  3  p ( x j  4 ),

x  [ x j , x j 1 ) x  [ x j 1 , x j  2 ) x  [ x j  2 , x j 3 ) x  [ x j 3 , x j  4 ]


 x  xj q( x j )  sin   2

  xj  x  h  3h   , p( x j )  sin   , z  sin   sin  h  sin   2  2   2 

where h  (b  a) n and T j ( x) is a piecewise cubic 4

trigonometric function with some geometric properties like

C 2 continuity, non-negativity and partition of unity [16,17]. 4 The values of T j ( x) and its derivatives at nodal points are

required and these derivatives are tabulated in Table 1. Secondly, we discuss the cubic trigonometric B-spline collocation method (CuTBSM) for the solving numerically the coupled viscous Burgers’ system (1)

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Table 1: Values T j ( x) and its derivatives.





T j


T j


x j 1

x j2

x j 3









b3 đ?‘?5

0 đ?‘?6

x j4


ďƒŚhďƒś sin 2 ďƒ§ ďƒˇ ďƒ¨2ďƒ¸ , b1  ďƒŚ 3h ďƒś sin  h  sin ďƒ§ ďƒˇ ďƒ¨ 2 ďƒ¸

b2 

where C j (t ) and D j (t)

approximated solutions V j ( x, t ),U j ( x, t ) to the exact solutions uexc ( x, t ), vexc ( x, t ) at the point ( x j , ti ) . i

subinterval [ x j , x j 1 ] can be defined as

3 , ďƒŚ 3h ďƒś 4sin ďƒ§ ďƒˇ ďƒ¨ 2 ďƒ¸ 3 b4  , ďƒŚ 3h ďƒś 4sin ďƒ§ ďƒˇ ďƒ¨ 2 ďƒ¸

U ij  V  i j

ďƒŚ h ďƒśďƒŚ ďƒŚhďƒś ďƒŚ 3h ďƒś ďƒś 16sin ďƒ§ ďƒˇ ďƒ§ 2cos ďƒ§ ďƒˇ  cos ďƒ§ ďƒˇ ďƒˇ ďƒ¨ 2 ďƒ¸ďƒ¨ ďƒ¨2ďƒ¸ ďƒ¨ 2 ďƒ¸ďƒ¸

k  j 3

i 4 k k

( x) (6)

i 1


k i 3

j 4 k k

( x)

nodal points are required and these derivatives are tabulated using approximate functions (4) and (6), the values at the


knots of

ďƒŚhďƒś 3cos 2 ďƒ§ ďƒˇ ďƒ¨2ďƒ¸ . b6   h ďƒŚ ďƒś 2 sin ďƒ§ ďƒˇ  2  4cos  h   ďƒ¨2ďƒ¸

This section discusses the cubic trigonometric Bspline collocation method for solving numerically the couple viscous Burgers’ equation (1). The solution domain a  x  b is equally divided by knots x j into N subintervals

j  0,1,2,..., N  1


U ij and V ji and their derivatives up to second orders


Description of Numerical Method


a  x0  x1  ...  xN  b . Our approach for couple burgers’ system (1) using cubic trigonometric B-spline is to seek an approximate solution as

V j ( x, t ) 


the solution, the values of T j4 ( x) and its derivatives at


U j ( x, t ) 

j 1

where j  0,1,2,..., N . So as to get the approximations to

3 1  3cos  h  

[ x j , x j 1 ]


The approximations U j ,V j at the point ( x j , ti ) over

2 , 1  2cos  h 

b3  

b5 

are to be determined for the

ďƒŹď€¨U i  b1C ij 3  b2C ij  2  b1C ij 1 , j ďƒŻ ďƒŻďƒŚ ď‚śU ďƒśi i i ďƒŻďƒ§ ďƒˇ  b3C j 3  b4C j 1 ďƒŻďƒ¨ ď‚śx ďƒ¸ j ďƒŻ i ďƒŻďƒŚ ď‚ś 2U ďƒś i i i ďƒŻďƒ§ 2 ďƒˇ  b5C j 3  b6C j  2  b5C j 1 ď‚ś x ďƒ¸j ďƒŻďƒ¨ (7) ďƒ­ i i i i ďƒŻď€¨V  j  b1 D j 3  b2 D j  2  b1 D j 1 , ďƒŻ i ďƒŻďƒŚ ď‚śV ďƒś  b3 D ij 3  b4 D ij 1 , ďƒŻďƒ§ ďƒˇ ďƒŻďƒ¨ ď‚śx ďƒ¸ j ďƒŻ 2 i ďƒŻďƒŚ ď‚ś V ďƒś  b C i  b C i  b C i , 5 j 3 6 j 2 5 j 1 ďƒŻďƒ§ďƒ¨ ď‚śx 2 ďƒˇďƒ¸ j ďƒŽ

N 1

ďƒĽ C (t ) T j 3


4 j

( x) (5)

N 1

ďƒĽ D (t ) T j 3


4 j

( x)

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U ij1  t Aij1  U ij  t (1   ) Aij

The approximations for the solutions of couple viscous Burgers’ equation (1) at t j 1 th time level can be given as

(U t )ij   Aij1  (1   ) Aij1  0 (V )   B i t j


i 1 j

 (1   ) B

i 1 j


V ji 1   tBij1  V j j  t (1   ) Bij


t is the time step size. The nonlinear term (UU x )ij 1 , (VVx )ij 1 and ((UV ) x )ij 1 in equation (9) is



Aij   (UU x )ij   ((UV ) x )ij  (U xx )ij

linearized by using the following form[18]:


((UV ) x )i 1  (VU x )i 1  (UVx )i 1

Bij   (VVx )ij   ((UV ) x )ij  (Vxx )ij the subscripts j and j  1 are successive time levels, j  0,1, 2,3,...

(UU x ) j 1  U i 1U xi  U iU xi 1  U i 1U xi

Discretizing the time derivatives in the usual finite difference way and rearranging the equations, we get

Substituting equation (10) into (9) and for Crank-Nicolson


(VVx )i 1  V i 1Vxi  V iVxi 1  V i 1Vxi scheme [19]we set   0.5 in this paper. The equation (10) yields it the following

(1 

(1 

t t t t t t t U xi  Vxi )U i 1  ( U i  V i )U xi 1  U iVxi 1  V i 1U xi  U xxi 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2  U i  U xxi t t t t t t t Vxi  U xi )V i 1  ( V i  U i )Vxi 1  V iU xi 1  U i 1Vxi  Vxxi 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2  V i  Vxxi (11)

After simplifying (11) and using (7), the system consists 2( N  1) linear equations known with 2( N  3) unknowns

C3 , C2 ,..., CN 1 , D3 , D2 ,..., DN 1

at the time level

t  t j 1 .

(U )i01  f1 (t j 1 ) (V )i01  g1 (t j 1 )

be solved by the Thomas Algorithm [16-17]. The system (11) can be written in the matrix form as follows:

MF i 1  NF i  b



The boundary conditions given in (3) are applied for four additional linear equations to get a unique solution of the resulting system.

(U )iN1  f 2 (t j 1 )

Thus, the system becomes a matrix system of dimension 2( N  3)  2( N  3) which is a tri-diagonal system that can

F i  [Ci 3 , Ci 2 ,..., CNi 1 , Di 3 , Di 2 ,..., DNi 1 ]T

b  [ f1 (t j 1 ),0,0,0,.. f 2 (t j 1 ), g1 (t j 1 ),0,0,0,..g2 (t j 1)]T , j  0 and M is an 2( N  3)  2( N  3) dimensional matrix given



(V )iN1  g 2 (t j 1 )

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 b1 b2  a b 0 a  . . . .  . . 0 0  0 . M     0 0   d1 e1 . .  . . . .  . . 0 0   0 0

b1 c b . . . .

0 0 c . . . .

. . . . . . a

. . . . . . b

0 0 0 . . . c

0 d 0 . . . 0

0 e 0 . . . 0

0 f 0 . . . 0

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . d

. . . . . . e

.  . f1 .

.  . . .

b1  . . .

b2  . . .

b1  0 0 0

0  b1 a1 0

0  b2 k 0

0  b1 c1 .

.  0 0 .

.  . . .

.  . . .

. .

. .

. .

, .

. .

. .

. .

. .

. .

. .

. .












. .

. .

d1 .

e1 0

f1 0

0 0

0 0

. .

. .

a1 b1

k b2

           0   . 0   0  .   .  .   .  c1  b1  0 0 0 . . . f

Also N is a 2( N  3)  2( N  3) dimensional matrix given by

0   p1 0   .  .   . 0  0 N    0  0  .   .  .   . 0   0

0 q1 p1 . . . 0

0 z1 q1 . . . .

0 0 z1 . . . .

. . . . . . p1

. . . . . . q1

0 0 0 . . . z1

0 0 0 . . . 0

0 0 0 . . . 0

0 0 0 . . . 0

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . 0

. . . . . . 0

.  0 0 .

.  . 0 .

.  . . .

0  . . .

0  . . .

0  0 0 0

0  0 p2 0

0  0 q2 0

0  0 z2 .

.  0 0 .

.  . . .

.  . . .

. .

. .

. .

. .

, .

. .

. .

. .

. .

. .

. .

. .













0 0

. .

. .

0 .

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

. .

. .

p2 0

q2 0

© 2016 Hamad Mohammed Salih, et al. Volume 2 Issue 2 MSOA-2-011

           0   . 0   0  .   .  .   .  z2  0  0 0 0 . . . 0

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t t t t t a  (1   uxi   vxi )b1  (  u i   vi )b3  b5 2 2 2 2 2 ,

t i t i t  ux   vx )b2  b6 , 2 2 2 t t t t t c  (1   uxi   vxi )b1  (  u i   vi )b4  b5 2 2 2 2 2

b  (1 


t i t  u x b1   u i b3 , 2 2 t i e  u xb2 , 2 t i t f   u xb1   u i b4 , 2 2 t p1  b1  b5 , 2 t q1  b2  b6 , 2 t z1  b1  b5 , 2 t t t t t a1  (1   vxi  uxi )b1  (  vi  u i )b3  b5 , 2 2 2 2 2 d

t i t i t  vx  ux )b2  b6 , 2 2 2 t t t t t c1  (1   vxi  uxi )b1  ( u i   vi )b4  b5 2 2 2 2 2 k  (1 


t i t  vx b1   u i b3 , 2 2 t e1   vxi b2 , 2 t t f1   vxi b1   u i b4 , 2 2 t p2  b1  b5 , 2 t q2  b2  b6 , 2 t z2  b1  b5 . 2 d1 

Initial State 0


The initial vectors D and C are computed from the


initial i 1

and V j

conditions, i 1




at a particular time can be calculated

repeatedly the recurrence relation.

D 0 , C0

can be provided

from initial condition and boundary values of the derivatives as follows:

(U 0j ) x  u0 ( x j )   0  U j  u0 ( x j )  0  (U j ) x  u0 ( x j )

j 0 j  0,1,..., N (14) jN

also to approximate another solution

V j i 1

(V j0 ) x  v0 ( x j )

j 0

V j0  v0 ( x j )

j  0,1,..., N (15)

(V j0 ) x  v0 ( x j )








2( N  3)  2( N  3) matrix system, of the form

AF 0  d where

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 b3   b1 0  . .  . 0  0 A    0  0 .  . .  . 0   0

0 b2 b1 . . . 0

b4 b1 b2 . . . .

0 0 b1 . . . .

. . . . . . b1

. . . . . . b2

0 0 0 . . . b1

0 0 0 . . . 0

0 0 0 . . . 0

0 0 0 . . . 0

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

.  0 0 .

.  . . .

.  . . .

b3  . . .

0  . . .

b4  0 0 0

0  b3 b1 0

0  0 b2 0

0  b4 b1 .

.  0 0 .

.  . . .

.  . . .

. .

. .

. .

. .

, .

. .

. .

. .

. .

. .

. .

. .













0 0

. .

. .

. .

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

. .

. .

b1 b3

b2 0

           0   . 0   0  .   .  .   .  b1  b4  0 0 0 . . . 0

F 0  [C03 , C02 ,..., CN0 1 , D03 , D02 ,..., DN0 1 ]T

d  [u0 ( x0 ), u0 ( x0 ), u0 ( x1 ),...u0 ( xN ), u0 ( xN ), v0 ( x0 ), v0 ( x0 ), v0 ( x1 ),...v0 ( xN ), v0 ( xN )]T


Stability Analysis

 2 respectively. Substituting the approximate solution for u and v and their derivatives at the knots in the

We have investigated stability of the proposed method by applying von-Neumann method. To apply this

modified equation after discretizing the time derivative in the usual finite difference way and applying Crank–Nicolson scheme yields a difference equation with the variables given as:

method, we have linearized the nonlinear terms

(UV ) x in

the equation (1) by considering U and V as a local constants


a1C ij13  a2C ij12  a3C ij11  a4 Dij13  a5 Dij11  a6C ij13  a7C ij12  a8C ij11  a9 Dij13  a10 Dij11 (16)

Now on substituting amplitude

C n  A n exp(imp  h) and Dn  B n exp(imp  h) in the equation where A and B are harmonies

 is the mode number, h is the element sizes and i 2  1

a1 A n 1 exp(i (m  3) p h)  a2 A n 1 exp(i (m  2) p h)  a3 A n 1 exp(i (m  1) p h)  n 1 n 1  a4 B exp(i (m  3) p h)  a5 B exp(i (m  1) p h) a6 A n exp(i (m  3) p h)  a7 A n exp(i (m  2) p h)  a8 A n exp(i (m  1) p h)  a9 B n exp(i (m  3) p h )  n a10 B exp(i (m  1) p h) © 2016 Hamad Mohammed Salih, et al. Volume 2 Issue 2 MSOA-2-011

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t t (1  2 )b3  b5 , 2 2 t a2  b2  b6 , 2 t t a3  b1  (1  2 )b4  b5 , 2 2 t a4  1b3 , 2 t a5  1b4 , 2 t t a6  b1  (1  2 )b3  b5 , 2 2 t a7  b2  b6 , 2 t t a8  b1  (1  2 )b4  b5 , 2 2 t a9   1b3 , 2 t a10   1b4 . 2 Now divide the both side on exp(i(m  2) p h) we a1  b1 


should choose those values of h and t , for which we get the best accuracy of the scheme.

Numerical Illustrations To test the accuracy of proposed method, two examples are given in this section with L and relative L2 error norms are calculated by N

L  max U exci  U i , i

L2 



 Ui






The numerical order of convergence




for numerical

solution U ( x, t ) and V ( x, t ) is obtained by using the formula [9, 17]


Log  L ( N ) L (2 N )  Log  2 N N 

where L ( N ) and L (2 N ) are the errors at number of

X1  iY  i 1  X 2  iY  i



1 X1  A((2b1 cos( h)  b2 )   t( b6  b5 cos( h)) , 2 1 X 2  A(2b1 cos( h)  b2 )  t (b5 cos( h)  b6 ) , 2 Y   At (1  2 )   t 1 )b4 sin( h) 2


 X X  Y 2   X Y  X 2Y     1 22 2   1 2 1 2   X1  Y   X1  Y  (18)

From (18) the coupled Burgers' equation is unconditionally stable since the modulus of the Eigen-values is less thanor equal to one. This means that there is on restriction on grid size, i.e. h and t , and step size in time level but we

partitions n and 2n respectively. We compare the numerical solutions obtained by cubic trigonometric B-spline collocation method for coupled viscous Burgers’ equation (1) with known exact solutions and those numerical methods which were exiting in literature. Numerical results are computed by cubic trigonometric B-spline collocation method for coupled viscous Burgers’ equation (1) at different time levels which are tabulated and depicted in different Tables and Figures respectively. The feasibility of the method is shown by test problems and the approximated solutions are found to be in good agreement with the exact solutions. The proposed method is superior to Mittal and Arora [9], Rashid et al. [12], Khater et al. [20] and Rashid et al. [21].

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method is applied to calculate the numerical solutions of coupled viscous Burgers’ equation (1)-(3) by taking domain

Problem 1: Consider the one dimensional coupled viscous Burgers’ equation (1) with     1.0 and   2 which leads equation (1) – (2) as [9, 12, 21]:

   x   with t  0.001 . The absolute errors at different time levels and different number of partitions are reported in Table 2. The ratio in absolute errors L and order of convergence of the proposed method at different time levels and different number of partitions which are tabulated in Table 3 and it shows that the method has an approximately two order of convergence. Figure 1 depicts the graphs of comparison between exact and numerical solutions at different time levels with N  200, t  0.001 . Figure 2 shows the space-time

ut  uxx  2uu x  (uv) x  0  vt  vxx  2vvx  (uv) x  0 with the initial conditions given by

u0 ( x)  v0 ( x)  sin  x  ,    x  

graph of exact and approximate solutions at T

boundary conditions, the numerical results are similar for V ( x, t ) . The numerical proposal method gives more

f1 (t )  f 2 (t )  0, g1 (t )  g2 (t )  0, 0  t  T The




 1.0 with

h  1 200, t  0.001 . Due to symmetric initial and

and boundary conditions as follows:


U exc ( x, t )  Vexc ( x, t )  et sin  x 


problem The


accurate than Mittal and Arora [9] and Rashid et al. [12, 21].


Table 2: Relative errors and maximum errors of Problem 1 for U ( x, t ) with t  0.001 CuBSM[9]

CuTBSM (Proposed) time 0.1 0.5 1.0

L2 (N=200)


L2 (N=400)


L2 (N=200)


L2 (N=400)


1.23E-05 3.85E-05 7.70E-05

6.96E-06 2.33E-05 2.83E-05

1.91E-06 9.59E-06 1.91E-05

1.73E-06 5.82E-06 7.06E-06

8.21E-06 2.49E-05 3.00E-05

7.45E-06 4.10E-05 8.21E-05

2.05E-06 1.02E-05 2.04E-05

1.86E-06 6.22E-06 7.56E-06

Rashid [21]

Rashid [12] time 0.1 0.5 1.0

L2 (N=200)


L2 (N=400)


L2 (N=200)


L2 (N=200)


No data

No data

No data

No data

No data

No data

No data

No data





Table 3: L errors, ratio and order of convergence of Problem 1 for U ( x, t ) at different time levels Method


L (t  0.1)


Order of Conv.

L (0.5)



2.7336E-04 6.8117E-05 1.7029E-05 4.2510E-06 1.0570E-06 2.9104E-04 7.2704E-05 1.8178E-05 4.5497E-05 1.1430E-06

-------4.0090 4.0036 4.0058 4.0215 -------4.0030 3.9996 3.9953 3.9806

------2.0034 2.0013 2.0021 2.0077 ------2.001 1.999 1.998 1.993

9.1674E-04 2.2854E-04 5.7076E-05 1.4247E-05 3.5428E-06 9.7478E-04 2.4361E-04 6.0896E-05 1.5223E-05 3.8052E-05

64 128





64 128 256 512

© 2016 Hamad Mohammed Salih, et al. Volume 2 Issue 2 MSOA-2-011

Ratio -------4.0113 4.0040 4.0061 4.0216 -------4.0014 4.0004 4.0003 4.0006

Order of Conv. ------2.0440 2.0015 2.0022 2.0077 ------2.005 2.001 2.001 2.002

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Figure 1: A comparison between numerical and exact solutions of U ( x, t ) for Problem 1

Figure 2: Space-time graph of approximate solution U ( x, t ) for Problem 1 at t  1.0 and t  0.001

Problem 2:

With the initial conditions given by

Consider the one dimensional coupled viscous Burgers’ equation (1) for different values of  ,  and   2 which

u0 ( x)  a0 1  tanh   x       2  1   v0 ( x)  a0     tanh   x   ,   2  1   

leads equation (1) – (2) as [9, 12, 20-21]:

ut  uxx  2uu x   (uv) x  0  vt  vxx  2vvx   (uv) x  0

 10  x  10

and boundary conditions as follows:

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 f1 (t )  a0 1  tanh   (10  2t )     f 2 (t )  a0 1  tanh   (10  2t )  

U exc ( x, t )  a0 1  tanh   ( x  2t )  

0t T

  2  1   Vexc ( x, t )  a0     tanh   ( x  2t )   . The   2  1  


   2  1    g1 (t )  a0     tanh   (10  2t )      2  1     g (t )  a   2  1   tanh  (10  2t )    0    2   2  1   


proposed method is used to calculate the numerical solutions of coupled viscous Burgers’ equation (1)-(3) over the domain 10  x  10 with

t  0.01 , N 100 . The

absolute errors at different time levels and different values

0  t  T of  ,  for U ( x, t ) and V ( x, t ) are tabulated in Table 4 and Table 5 respectively. Figures 3 and 4 show the spacetime graph of exact and approximate solutions U ( x, t ) and

V ( x, t ) at T  1.0 with h  0.01, t  0.01 . The where

a0  4  1    .The known 2  2  1 

a0  0.05 and  





numerical results of this problem are more accurate than Mittal and Arora [9], Rashid et al. [12, 21] and Khater [20].


Table 4: Relative errors and maximum errors of Problem 2 for U ( x, t ) with t  0.01 t


CuBSM[ 9]


L2 0.5










Khater[2 0]



3.21E05 1.98E05 6.26E05 3.89E04

1.21E05 6.67E05 2.33E05 1.32E05





4.38E05 4.58E05 8.66E05 9.16E05









1.27E-05 1.16E-05 1.14E-05 1.13E-05

3.26E-05 3.23E-05 2.27E-05 2.17E-05


6.74E-04 7.33E-04 1.33E-03 1.45E-03

4.17E05 4.59E05 8.26E05 9.18E05

1.44E-03 6.68E-03 1.27E-03 1.30E-03

Rashid[21] 0.5 1.0

0.10 0.30 0.10 0.30

0.10 0.30 0.10 0.30

Table 5: Relative errors and maximum errors of Problem 2 for V ( x, t ) with t  0.01 t



L2 0.5










5.75E05 2.44E05 1.13E05 4.73E-

CuBSM[ 9]








L2 1.66E-05




























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04 Rashid[21] 0.5 0.10 0.30 0.30 0.03 1.0 0.10 0.30 0.30 0.03

1.12E-05 1.17E-05 1.12E-05 1.13E-05

1.27E-05 1.26E-05 1.21E-05 1.22E-05

Figure 3: Space-time graph of approximate solution U ( x, t ) for Problem 2 at t  1.0 and t  0.01

Figure 4: Space-time graph of approximate solution V ( x, t ) for Problem 2 at t  1.0 and t  0.01

Conclusions This paper has investigated the application of cubic trigonometric B-spline collocation method to find the numerical solution of the one dimensional coupled viscous Burgers’ equation with initial condition and Dirichlet boundary conditions. A usual finite difference approach is used to discretize the time derivatives. The cubic trigonometric B-spline is used for interpolating the solutions at each time. The numerical results shown in Tables 2-5 and Figures 1-4 indicate the reliability of results obtained. The obtained solution to the coupled viscous Burgers’ equation

for various time levels has been compared with the exact solution and existing methods by calculating L and L2 . It is found that cubic trigonometric B-spline collocation approach has provided more accurate results as compared to Mittal and Arora [9], Rashid et al. [12, 21] and Khater [20].

Acknowledgments We are indebted to the anonymous reviewers for their helpful, valuable comments and suggestions for the improvement of this manuscript.

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