HAPIguide Summer 2017

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H E A LT H • A B U N D A N C E • P U R P O S E • I N S P I R AT I O N

Shamanic Sound:

SIX SACRED Hallmarks of Healing

Golden Rules for Earth's Golden Age


for Busy Authors



for Transforming Your Life








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H E A LT H • A B U N D A N C E • P U R P O S E • I N S P I R AT I O N

Shamanic Sound:

Six Sacred Hallmarks of Healing

H E A LT H • A B U N D A N C E • P U R P O S E • I N S P I R A T I O N

Golden rules for Earth's Golden Age

Information and Resources for

Online Marketing


for Busy Authors

ciNeMa - aSTrOLOGY


for Transforming Your Life

Incorporating New Consciousness Review and New Connexion

Cover Personality: Lauri Shainsky

SUBSCRIPTIONS HAPIguide is a quarterly publication supporting the growing community of coaches, healers, authors and spiritual advisors gathered at www.HAPIguide.com. Subscribe for free at http://www.hapiguide.com/magazine and view the archives here (http://bit.ly/2sPxzsq) ADVERTISING To advertize in the magazine, call 503-892-3300 or email sales@hapiguide.com SUBMISSIONS To submit your work for review or interview or to submit articles, email us at info@hapiguide.com or visit our website to join the community. PUBLISHER & EDITOR Miriam Knight CO-PUBLISHER MJ Schwader CONTRIBUTORS Feature Writers Brent Marchant, Mark Dodich Contributing Writers Lauri Shainsky, Joy Rae Freeman, Fran Fisher, Jan Engels-Smith, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Miriam Knight, MJ Schwader Production Design Natasha & Neboysa Dolovacki HAPI Guide PO Box 80547, 
Portland, OR 97280 Tel: 503-892-3300 Web: www.HAPIguide.com and www.NCReview.com

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f you can keep your head when all about you others are losing theirs, you just don’t understand the situation!” This wryly-amusing commentary on Murphy’s Law suggests that panic is the only sane reaction to the chaos around us. While that is one school of thought, another Murphy’s Law commentary points out that, “Nobody notices when things go right.” Certainly not the media, which has a gleeful bias for adrenalin-inducing stories – “if it bleeds, it leads.” I’m not suggesting we need to be Pollyannaish, but I think there is a sweet spot between cynicism and naïveté. It is all too easy to get sucked into negativity when we read, watch or listen to the news. Staying positive in these times is challenging, but frustration, stress and anger are just not good for us, so it is up to us to flip the switch. To maintain our equilibrium it helps to know that we are not alone and that there are guides available to us to shine a light through the confusion. In the pages of this magazine – the first under the HAPI Guide brand – you will find positive and life-affirming narrative from our growing community of coaches, healers and teachers. The HAPI acronym accentuates all the positive things we want in our lives – health, abundance, purpose, and inspiration. It is not about looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, because evil and ugliness exist. It is about having the mental and spiritual equilibrium to keep centered and focus on what we can do for a better world. It is about nurturing ourselves and those we love, and simply being kind to others and the planet. Love and service are beacons of light in the darkness threatening to overwhelm our consciousness. At the end of the day remember that we create the reality around us through our thoughts and actions. Our reality is a reflection of our consciousness. We can choose to see a world of turmoil hurtling toward self-destruction, or we can believe in humanity as a work in progress, needing our contribution to tip the scales to the side of goodness and light. By all means be passionate in working for change and a better world, but keep yourself fired up by love for what is good and right, rather than anger, which will only consume you. You and your fire are precious. Love is the fuel your spirit uses to light the world. Thanks and blessings

P.S. For our loyal readers, we will continue to bring you the kind of insights and information you enjoyed in New Consciousness Review and New Connexion, but with a HAPI face

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Miriam Knight Editor & Publisher


Shamanic Sound With Dr. Lauri Shainsky Six Sacred Hallmarks of Healing Bring into your current awareness now your top-of-the-mind issue—what have you been chewing on, deliberating, obsessively reviewing? What rolls and rolls around in your mind day and night?


here do you notice this stirring in your body? Your belly? Your neck? Shoulders? Lower back?

How does this issue rise up as emotions in your heart? What deep yearnings in the heart call to you? Given these stirrings, what is calling most to be transformed, healed, manifested? If you could (and we can together!) shift and resolve, build or rebuild, dream into existence a desired state of being and consciousness, what would this be? This is how we begin. In the sound healing studio at Hidden Lake, one on one, in group ceremonies, circles, courses. We sit together and wonder, dream about our desired states of being in the sacred container of Hidden Lake, surrounded and supported by the lush, verdant sanctuary that is tucked in the foothills of the Cascades. Welcome to my sound studio, safe, uplifting, full of potential, a launch pad to the divine, our actualized dreams. I greet you with an open heart,

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and a council of spirits, family of singing bowls, bells, rattles, drums, all eager to be of service to you, buoyed by the six sacred hallmarks of healing with sound.


We visualize that which you most would like to manifest. What would it feel like? Sound like? Look like? How do we profess this in positive terms—what you most desire to present in your life, your enhanced state of health, well-being, mindset. Then we ponder--what is most in the way of that which you truly desire? Where are you stuck, unresolved, at a plateau? What thoughts, feelings, beliefs, obstacles, obscurations, impediments need to be addressed and shifted or eliminated so that power and wisdom can flow in and create your desired state? We form intentions—laying a mental-emotional framework for what the desired state will be like. Believing in the universe as benevolent is crucial,

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as is the assessment of our belief structure, for all must be aligned with bringing about our intended desired state. The spirits and your stories highlight your healing intentions as a transformation of your current state—shown as a set of energy and matter configurations—to your desired states’ configurations of energy and matter. My spirits’ job is to find where the configurations can most effectively and efficiently dissolve and reconfigure so that the energy medicine of sound can get into the system and create the maximum sustainable expansion.

Spirits We call in assistance from the divine, benevolent spiritual help—seen or unseen, known or unknown. We are born with power animals and guiding ones. It may take us a lifetime to realize just how powerful they really are. This spiritual wisdom and power unfathomably guides the sound, is the sound that flows through me, us. The compassionate benevolent spirits show us

HEALTH what most needs to be released, what most needs to be called in, where the most potent limitations and impediments might be present, and how and with what to replace them to encourage manifestation and healing. We listen for and follow their guidance. We call, we sing. We intend for the perfect outcome.


Sound is the carrier wave of intention. Sound organizes power and wisdom, and along with the spirits, orchestrates the physical and energetic configurations of the desired state. We come together with the spirits in my drums, rattles, bells, crystal and Nepalese singing bowls, and with my spirits. These accompany and guide our voices --the most potent accurate instruments of sound. Sacred breath passes the heart on the way out of our mouths, forming intentional loving healing sound. Sound breaks through barriers and fixed energies that constrain us, carrying away unwanted ways of being and thinking. Sound carries divine love, qualities, soul essence into the energy body, the mental body, the physical body, the ceremonial space, the places of need. Power and wisdom ride the currents of intentional sound and manifest

We come together with the spirits in my drums, rattles, bells, crystal and Nepalese singing bowls, with my spirits. These accompany and guide our voices --the most potent accurate instruments of sound. Sacred breath passes the heart on the way out of our mouths, forming intentional loving healing sound. 8 | HAPI Guide

Love and compassion form their own current, and create their own coherent fields of healing through which sound and spirit travel. From a shamanic perspective, the open heart is the true portal through which the spirits come and go. ascended states of being. Sound carries the songs of the ancestors, nature spirits, star nations, and infusing ordinary reality with gifts for healing and upliftment.


Love and compassion form their own current, and create their own coherent fields of healing through which sound and spirit travel. From a shamanic perspective, the open heart is the true portal through which the spirits come and go. With love, we join each other in looking into the future and calling forth the manifested healed state. It is how we know each other. Sitting in the shared field of love, we gather with our very humanity together to be in wonder and amazement as to what we can create together, and to what then unfolds.


Most of all, we listen. We listen to what we say about our lives, which reveals how we are framing our worlds, and where the spirits might most fruitfully get in and alter for the most benevolent, powerful outcome. We listen to the spirits as they send us information, especially as encoded in sound, so we may act accordingly, making the shifts most in need. We listen for how we can direct the healing into the most potent places. We listen to nature, as the birds, the winds, the waters teach us. We listen


to ourselves -- to the yearnings and callings of our souls and our hearts. These are the sounds that move us towards the healed states we seek.

Synergy of Techniques in Shamanism,

soul retrieval brings the body-mind-spirit back on line in a potent way, with deep blessings of vitality, new power animals to help guide you in life, new ways of seeing and being in the world. A big shift in your trajectory may unfold.

Sound Healing, Family Constellations

Many kinds of ceremonies and techniques interweave to bring about the results we seek. We might begin with a Family Constellation to uncover hidden patterns, beliefs, thoughtforms, hindrances in your family soul that are contributing to your current energy configuration that you desire to shift. A song or some sound may be sent back through our lineage to open the doorway to support for your path.

When we begin, there is always, always mystery honored. And a reliance on the spirits to know what is needed. No set template, simply a loving field of trust that the spirits and the sounds they bring through me and my instruments will leave you in a more uplifted healthy state than when we began. The mind and the soul and the heart tended as equals, sounds interpenetrate all intentionally, spirit-guided, sweetly holding you in the divine light that you are made of.

Or, we might begin with an extractive trip around the medicine wheel of your life, to help remove dense energies and thought forms with sound for each of the 4 directions. Perhaps a spirit release or curse unravelling may be called for by the spirits, all richly driven and sealed with sound and song. We make ready our soul’s home for new power and wisdom. Soul essence sung into you during a

We visualize and imagine that the universe is benevolent and that our divine helpers are orchestrating our wildest dreams out ahead of us on our path. Sound made by you and/or by me is like the wind in the sails that launches those visualized intentions and with the spirits help set into motion manifestation of these intentions, those visualizations. Sound is changing matter and energy,

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Ceremony, circle, one-on-one Sound x Intention x Spirit x Love are always in Magic Action together. We follow threads of wisdom and power as they reveal themselves, in alignment with all who arrive with their love, their lives, their tales, their yearnings. helping to orchestrate the circumstances of our healing intentions. And we step into the evidence of this with amazement, fascination, deep gratitude. Ceremony, circle, one-on-one Sound x Intention x Spirit x Love are always in Magic Action together. We follow threads of wisdom and power as they reveal themselves, in alignment with all who arrive with their love, their lives, their tales, their yearnings. We laugh together, we learn and heal together. Building on what people know already, I honor that everyone has deep wisdom yearning to come to the surface to be applied. In fact, sound rattles and shakes loose deeply held wisdom and power below the conscious line, and out of dream time into the present. I have so much appreciation for my life. I honor my teachers incarnate—Jan Engels-Smith, Michael and Sandra Harner, Tom Cowan, Tom Kenyon, Jonathan Goldman, Bradford Keeney, Betsy Bergstrom. I bow to the people who sit in circle, in session, in ceremony, for drawing the spiritual power and wisdom from the divine realms, through me, to the healing and learning that takes place. And, I bow in deep gratitude to my council of helping spirits, who are orchestrating beauty and grace out ahead of us on all of our paths.

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Lauri attributes her mastery in shamanic sound healing to her prolonged studies and ceremonies with Jan Engels Smith and the LightSong School of Shamanic Studies, her studies with Michael Harner and the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, her direct experiences with the spirits, medicine songs, bird language, and her extensive time facilitating learning experiences in sound, nature and shamanism. Her deep love and connection with the Earth and nature emerged from her early days in the mountains working with young people in the camping program of the YMCA. This love further developed through 20+ years of ecological studies as a graduate (MS and Ph.D.) in ecology, a professor in Forestry (NC State University) and Science Education (Portland State University), and as a government scientist (PNW Research Station, USFS). Her unique experiential facilitating style was honed during her time running a nonprofit teaching young people and adults about science in the outdoors, in the YMCA camping program, and her years running science education programs through PSU, Deerdance, and Jackson Bottom Wetland Reserve. She currently has a thriving healing practice seeking to help people reach their next levels of wellness and life achievement. Lauri facilitates an extensive curriculum teaching people how to access power, wisdom to create and transform through spirit-guided sound. She co-owns and runs Hidden Lake Retreat, a small retreat center near Portland Oregon, where she chefs, herds cats, conducts ceremony and offers her healing services. You can reach Lauri at Lauri@shamanicsoundhealing.com; 503-939-7174 Her website: www.shamanicsoundhealing.com Her blog: https://shamanicheart.wordpress.com Her facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ShamanicHeart Access free sound healing at: www.soundcloud. com/redstonesong [embed player for these two links: https://soundcloud.com/redstonesong/ chakra-doctoring https://soundcloud.com/redstonesong/safeboat-home


Finding Life’s Sweet Spot A midst the Chaos


An interview with Briana Borten

ost people whose lives have swung off course struggle to get them back under control -- they can’t see the way out of an unhealthy job, relationship or poor self-image. But Briana and Peter Borten assert that it is within each person›s power to find tranquility and satisfaction from life. Their book, The Well Life: How to Use Structure, Sweetness, and Space to Create Balance, Happiness, and Peace, shows that seeking engagement and meaning correlates with life satisfaction. Finding a way to engage in what brings you joy and meaning comes from learning to embrace three fundamental principles -- sweetness, structure, and space. They show how to go from an overwhelmed, passive lifestyle to an empowered, fully engaged life, even in the face of chaos. Briana Borten is a wellness entrepreneur and peace engineer who inspires people to live extraordinary, healthy lives and create what they want. She and her husband Dr. Peter Borten are the creators of the Rituals of Living online community and Dragontree, a holistic wellness brand that includes three spas, herbal and wellness products, a magazine and the Rituals of Living online community. Briana has certifications in Massage Therapy and is a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist. Peter has a doctorate in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and has written hundreds of articles, spanning topics such as stress, emotional wellness, nutrition, fitness, and our connection with nature. Learn more at: www.thedragontree.com.

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Writing to Heal and Transform:

Finding Meaning Through Story By MJ Schwader

Last year, after years of writing my memoir in those precious moments of time I found between coaching writers and editing their books, I finally came to a point where I needed to read through my entire manuscript.


hinking I was close to finishing, I thought it would only need a final polish and I’d be ready to hand it to my editor, with publication soon to follow.

Imagine my surprise when the narrative started to repeat a disturbing pattern: in nearly all of my stories, I realized that I had positioned myself as a victim. Someone or something else was almost always the cause of my pain and suffering. In my stories, I had rarely taken accountability for my life’s choices. That realization rocked my world. It was profoundly apparent to me that I really didn’t like the person I was reading about, and therefore, there was no way I could publish my story as it was. If I didn’t like the character in the stories, why would other readers be any different? So, instead of putting a few final touches to my

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HEALTH book, I spent the past year rewriting the entire manuscript. The first step was to remove the characters and situations that I believed were the perpetrators of my misery. But a good story needs conflict, so I had to take a good hard look at the only thing that was consistent throughout – me. I had to dig deep, be vulnerable, and expose my own failings. Though not easy, that change in perspective was the best thing that could have happened, for the book and my life. My writing became more expressive, the emotions more raw, the transformation more profound. Beyond the improvements in my writing, those same shifts began to appear in my life. By changing my perspective and acknowledging my inner turmoil, I had to change, not only the story I had been telling, but the new story I was creating each day. The irony is that in twenty years of coaching other writers, I was finally reaping the benefits that I had seen in their process: by rewriting my story, I discovered the gifts in my experience. I began a process of examining and changing those negative, long-held, and erroneous beliefs. By embracing

Though not easy, that change in perspective was the best thing that could have happened, for the book and my life. My writing became more expressive, the emotions more raw, the transformation more profound. Beyond the improvements in my writing, those same shifts began to appear in my life. 13 | HAPI Guide

and accepting my life’s choices, I began to see the gift in each experience. And the biggest gift of all was feeling a deep sense of healing that moved beyond the emotional to a sense of mental and spiritual peace as well. In her book, The Story You Need to Tell: Writing to Heal from Trauma, Illness, or Loss, Sandra Marinella writes: “As we link our narratives, we are changing ourselves. [Christina] Baldwin [in Storycatcher] explains, ‘The self-story requires editing. Editing is a constant process of updating who we think we are and how we spoke about our histories and ourselves.’ And herein we find another piece of our human brain magic. Our brains allow us not only to create our personal story of self but to edit, interpret, and find meaning in what we are creating.” Writing heals and transforms. From cancer to sexual orientation, my clients have shifted their perspectives, found the gift in their struggles, and transformed their lives by writing their story. If you would like to find meaning in your stories, to change your perspective and heal, I invite you to write. Start with journal writing and start with no limits. No one will see your writing unless you

HEALTH want them to. Write in stream of consciousness or direct writing and don’t worry about spelling or punctuation. Write this way for as long as you can each day for four days. Don’t read back over the writing; just write. At the end of the four days, go back over what you’ve written and look for repeating patterns of thought or choices. Then rewrite each of the stories that reflect that pattern. Do this frequently and you will soon find the meaning in your story, and the means to change it if necessary. As I finish the last few chapters of my book, I look back at my writing journey and marvel at how it has changed who I am. Writing – and rewriting – my story has been a gift that keeps on giving. If you are you ready to take an inner adventure, a step-by-step journey that will heal and transform your trauma, illness, or loss, join me for my new course, Writing to Heal and Transform: Finding Meaning Through Story. Visit www.PlatformCrafters.com/writingtotransform for more information.

Writing heals and transforms. From cancer to sexual orientation, my clients have shifted their perspectives, found the gift in their struggles, and transformed their lives by writing their story. If you would like to find meaning in your stories, to change your perspective and heal, I invite you to write. Start with journal writing and start with no limits. No one will see your writing unless you want them to.

About MJ Schwader Using humor, a strong intuition, and a lifetime of experience, published author and writing coach MJ Schwader guides coaches, speakers, healers, and conscious entrepreneurs to craft and promote their products, services, and businesses using the power of writing – from concept to the marketplace. Weaving more than 19 years of experience as a writing coach and internet marketer with 16 years of shamanic training in ancient principles of energy consciousness, MJ helps clients shift their awareness, ignite their inspiration, and clear beliefs that are holding them back from achieving success. Having worked with over 250 published authors, MJ has developed a profound and successful process for breaking through limited thinking and fears to help clients remove blocks, find healing, and create transformational writing from their stories. To read more about MJ and how writing can help you transform your life and business, visit www. PlatformCrafters.com. To register for MJ’s 8-week Writing to Heal and Transform: Finding Meaning Through Story course, visit www.PlatformCrafters.com/writingtotransform

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Healthy Posture for Babies and Children Y

You know how sometimes you read a book and it just rings true? That’s just how I felt when I read Kathleen Porter’s book, Natural Posture for Pain-Free Living: The Practice of Mindful Alignment.


ou know how sometimes you read a book and it just rings true? That’s just how I felt when I read Kathleen Porter’s book, Natural Posture for Pain-Free Living: The Practice of Mindful Alignment. I had been struggling with worsening back and joint pain, and had tried just about every therapy on the planet. If I was lucky I got a bit of relief that didn’t last; more often I underwent a lot of pain for no gain at all. All of these therapies were treating symptoms. When I read this book I realized that here was a way to deal with the underlying cause - poor alignment and bad postural habits that led to weakening of some muscles and chronic shortening and contraction of others. It became obvious from reading this book that all the stretching and chiropractic adjustments in the world are only a temporary fix if you just go back to your old habits of sitting, walking, sleeping and bending.

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HEALTH Habits are hard to change, and when you sit eight or more hours a day in front of a screen it’s no wonder our backs and hips are out of kilter. Low back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide, according to the Global Burden of Disease report, affecting almost 30% of the population. It is one of the most common reasons for missed work and visits to the doctor’s office, and the World Health Organization estimates the costs associated with it to be $100 to $200 billion worldwide. According to Kathleen, the problems often start in infancy. We keep babies on their backs for hours at a time, so they don’t strengthen the back and neck muscles they use when they lift their heads to peer around and crawl. We put shoes on them because they look so cute, and when they do walk, it is on hard flat surfaces that don’t stimulate and strengthen the arches of the foot. When kids (and adults) then sit for hours in front of a screen, or hunched over a cell phone, it’s all downhill from there. Kathleen has now written a new book called, Healthy Posture for Babies and Children (Inner

Traditions July 25, 2017). It is intended as a manual for teaching parents, teachers, and kids how to restore their natural alignment. The book:  Explores the principles of natural alignment in accessible ways to share with children  Details simple and fun exercises--for kids and adults alike--that “remind” the body of its natural patterns and movements  Explains how innate movements and natural alignment play an essential role in the development of a fully functioning body and nervous system If you have a child to care for, Kathleen Porter’s book provides a graphic and easy to follow guide for preventing back issues in later life. As for the rest of us, her books can help us all recover the natural posture that babies are born with and people in many other cultures around the world are able to preserve throughout their lives.  Reviewed by Miriam Knight

INTERVIEW Kathleen Porter is a longtime movement educator and author dedicated to sharing revolutionary insights about skeletal alignment that released her from decades of chronic tension and pain. She has traveled the world learning from people who have maintained into adulthood and old age, the innate natural alignment demonstrated by all healthy babies and toddlers. Kathleen is focused on bringing awareness of these principles to the mainstream so that more and more people can find relief from an epidemic of posture-related pain and health issues. She is the author of Natural Posture for Pain-Free Living: The Practice of Mindful Alignment, Sad Dog, Happy Dog: How Poor Posture Affects Your Child’s Health & What You Can Do About It, and Healthy Posture for Babies and Children. Listen to Miriam Knight’s interview with Kathleen about natural posture here: LISTEN TO THE INTERVIEW


Golden Rules

for Earth’s

GOLDEN AGE By Joy Rae Freeman

RULE 1: You remember the Golden Rule – we all learned it in grade school – “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” That’s still a pretty good formula for life. If you never treat anyone with cruelty, disrespect or disregard and everyone else does the same thing, the world would certainly be a better place. RULE 1B: (Revised) “Treat Others As They Would Prefer to Be Treated.” Don’t assume everyone wants the same as you. Now we have to be careful to specify the nature of the behavior. For instance, if you are a talkative, outgoing, warm, touchy, affectionate type and you like a lot of verbal and physical interaction, you may expect that from others. But you may not get that reciprocated and others may not appreciate that from you. Some prefer less verbal communication and may feel their boundaries are being violated if someone talks too much, asks too many questions, touches them or

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ABUNDANCE HEALTH gets too close physically. Timing and moods are also factors in terms of individual needs. You may have heard about the person who insists another wear a sweater because she (the one insisting) is cold. RULE II: “He/She who has the money (GOLD), makes the rules.” Unfortunately, this Golden Rule is resulting from a part of our society obsessed with power, greed and ego. Our economic base, as great as it is with the free enterprise philosophy, has bred many generations of financial-success-oriented machines, many with little or no conscience. The bottom line for these people is money, power and ego gratification. The primary way to more power and ego gratification is money, using others in whatever way possible and whatever way necessary. In business, in families, friendships – and yes, in most current mate relationships – He/she who has the money/ gold makes the rules. The ones without the gold have to get permission, approval or support from the controller of the finances/resources for purchases and decisions involving money. In close relationships, especially mate relationships, the emotional element adds to the pressure when it comes to money. The one who has the money controls with it and/or the other one manipulates or conforms to get what he/she wants. In many sad cases, the money is the main, if not the only reason – the one who feels lack is there. Unfortunately, the true compatibility and bonding for these couples never develops to the rich, fulfilling experience it could be – an integrated spiritual, mental, emotional and physical alignment. They never quite get past the material end of things; i.e. the GOLD RULES. RULE III: Do unto yourself for the highest good of all. By each keeping oneself on the higher path, staying true to our divine nature and being a beacon of light for goodness with each other, we can create a giant undeniable ray of light and hope.

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The primary way to more power and ego gratification is money, using others in whatever way possible and whatever way necessary. In business, in families, friendships – and yes, in most current mate relationships – He/she who has the money/ gold makes the rules. RULE IV: “Share the Gold.” The universal law of attraction brings us that for which we are grateful and that which we emit, give out. Whatever gold we have is multiplied when shared with a generous heart and especially when done so for the greatest good of all. That is the true GOLD. RULE V: “Find the Gold” – See the good in everything/everyone. Judge not – lest ye be judged. Open up to looking at the world with a more “golden light” view. Think about it. What goes around comes around. What you “see”, say, do, feel and think – is what you get. Why would anyone project out into the collective “pot” of all that is – anything negative or damaging to anyone. After all, we are ALL ONE and what we do to others, we do to ourselves. Whether it’s a close/intimate relationship, a total stranger on the street, a business situation or another human living clear across the planet in some totally different culture – what makes you think their needs, desires and rights are any less important than your own?


After all, we are ALL ONE and what we do to others, we do to ourselves. Whether it’s a close/ intimate relationship, a total stranger on the street, a business situation or another human living clear across the planet in some totally different culture – what makes you think their needs, desires and rights are any less important than your own?

Even how we are ABOUT MONEY (gold) - how we value, judge and operate around the whole issue of material possessions, our own sense of physical security, in relationship to others - affects our own results and comes back to us in kind. Whatever we don’t understand, won’t tolerate and separate from others about – is perhaps the next lesson we’re given. I believe this is the case with a woman who stopped speaking to a relative who had not been able to pay back a personal debt, due to loss of employment and many emergency expenses. The intolerant one has been struggling with unemployment and has had to do a lot of financial juggling - sometimes on a day-to-day survival basis, with late payments on her own obligations - for the last two years. She has become much more compassionate about that issue and has resumed the relationship with a new view.

Recently, I was contacted by a woman who has severe scars from an accident. She’s tried everything to get them healed and wondered if the intradimensional healing work I do might be effective. I very much wanted to help if I could and wasn’t sure exactly in what manner. I contacted my guides and was told that yes, the healing techniques would work; however this woman had drawn this to herself over a lifetime of judging and demeaning others with deformities, anyone not perfect in her opinion. In this particular case, the healing will come when she heals that “intolerant, unaccepting” part of herself that has separated her from the true beauty and perfection in others. In another case, a man who had been very harshly judgmental of any handicapped or disabled persons (including one of his stepdaughters) AND very domineering, impatient and violent with his family – was in a serious accident. NOW, he relies on his caretakers for every bite of food, all daily essentials and even needs their help to use the bathroom.

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Joy Rae Freeman is a master healer, soul coach, workshop/retreat producer, writer, speaker. “mothership” website www.joy2u.org (with links to satellite sites)


Online Marketing for Busy Authors An interview with Fauzia Burke


here has truly never been a better time to be an author. For the first time, authors have direct access to the public via the Internet—and can create a community eagerly awaiting their book. But where do new authors start? How do they sort through the dizzying range of online options? Where should they spend their time online and what should they be doing? Fauzia Burke is a digital book marketing pioneer and friend of overwhelmed writers everywhere. Her company, FSB Associates, was one of the first firms to specialize in Internet publicity and marketing for publishers and authors. In her book, Online Marketing for Busy Authors, Fauzia takes authors step-by-step through the process of identifying their unique personal brand, defining their audience, clarifying their aspirations and goals, and setting priorities. She offers advice on designing a successful website, building a mailing list of superfans, blogging, creating an engagement strategy for social media, and more. By following Burke’s expert advice, authors can conquer the Internet and still get their next manuscript in on time. She not only makes the job of building your online brand doable, but she proves that it can be fun and fulfilling, too. More at http://www.fauziaburke.com

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When It Makes Sense to Outsource, and How to Do It Wisely By MJ Schwader , Amit Rai, Amit Sharma and Miriam Knight from PlatformCrafters.com

Amit S: Well, there are three common reasons for outsourcing. The most important reason is cost. Especially for small or start-up businesses, there are limited resources and in most cases are just a few individuals who are working on multiple components of a business. To run a business successfully and increase revenue, many critical components have to be handled simultaneously. It could be handling finances, it could be marketing, Human Resources, or payroll. It might even be manufacturing or R&D in some cases. Miriam: Let’s start with the question of what is outsourcing - Amit? Amit S: Basically, outsourcing is any service or product that you need to look outside your company to supply. It may be outsourcing of a technical task like web development or graphic design, it may be a function like accounting, or it may be a service like public relations. So anything we can’t or don’t want to do in-house and are able to find an outside supplier for can qualify as outsourcing. Miriam: And why is it useful for people to do that? What are the main reasons?

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Particularly in a start-up, business owners should try to keep most of their time focused on their core competence. This is what will drive the success of their business. Other components, which may be less important but still necessary for the business to function properly, can be outsourced. This frees the owner to focus on strategy and his or her areas of expertise, and is more likely to deliver better results. Outsourcing can help save costs as well. Let’s say some new software or technology a business uses is released six months down the line. If this function is outsourced, the company won’t have to spend

ABUNDANCE HEALTH time and money upgrading their infrastructure and would keep running efficiently. Such upgrades would be handled by the outsourcing company, and since this would be their core competence, they’ll be on top of keeping their technology and infrastructure up to date at no additional cost to their customers. Miriam: Right. Now sometimes it’s challenging to actually decide what your core competence is because everybody really is all enthusiastic at the start of a new company and gung ho about doing everything. So how do you decide what factors you really need to consider in deciding what you should outsource, especially when funds are so tight at the beginning? MJ, do you have any ideas on that? MJ: I do, and actually I’d ask myself a couple questions. What is it that I love to do? Because typically when people, entrepreneurs, people start a business, the’re doing what they really want to be doing. That’s their passion. And so what you love to do, what you are focused on and what brings you joy is a core competence. Also another question I ask is, what do I know how to do? Is it something I already know or is there going to be a learning curve there? And then also, what could someone else do better that me? I might know it, I might even love to do it, but is there somebody else who could do it better and free up time to do what I actually do love to do for the business? So those are the questions that I ask in terms of the core competence. Now, some people may come into a business, let’s say it’s an accounting business, and they love the figures part of it. There are probably other parts of it that they could do as well, but what is it that they are doing the best; what do they bring to that business that is their best skill and focus? So, that’s a core competence. On the flip side, ask yourself what is it you’re not good at doing? When I first got into business, I thought, “Oh well, I can do it all and save money!” So, I was trying to do this and that, and I was going to save $10 an hour here and $25 an hour there, or whatever it was. But then that meant that I was also not focusing on what I could do really well for potentially quite a bit more income than what I was actually saving.

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If I’m spending $10 trying to save money on hiring a bookkeeping service, for example, then that means I’m losing an hour that I could be making maybe $200-$300 on a coaching call. So you have to weigh what it is that you’re giving up. You’ve got to switch that perspective. It’s not about what you’re saving by doing that, it’s what are you losing by doing that! One quick way to calculate this is to look at all the administrative and day-to-day tasks that you’re doing. Get a piece of paper and in one column put all the things that you’re doing that you would pay somebody else to do if you could. In the next column put the income you could be generating in those hours doing whatever is your main revenue source. So, for example in mine, coaching is my main big ticket item. So if I’m spending $10 trying to save money on hiring a bookkeeping service, for example, then that means I’m losing an hour that I could be making maybe $200-$300 on a coaching call. So you have to weigh what it is that you’re giving up. You’ve got to switch that perspective. It’s not about what you’re saving by doing that, it’s what are you losing by doing that! So you’ve got to switch that perspective and really calculate the real cost. When I did this calculation in a workshop, I realized that if I expanded it over the whole year, I was actually losing $30,000 a year instead of saving money because I didn’t have the time to put towards what was really making me the money.


There’s often a scarcity mentality when people start their businesses. They’re really concerned about the finances and want to do everything to save money, when in fact, they end up being upside down. So you really have to make sure that you’re looking at the whole picture in a logical, rational way instead of just saying, “Oh, I’ve got to save all this money.”

of the biggest ones I see. The other biggie is things that are just more menial, like if you can hire somebody to do proofing, or editing. These are probably things that you can do, but they’re time-consuming and you might be able to find somebody to do them for you faster and for less money as well. Miriam: The learning curve on technology in particular is something that most of us don’t really take the time to invest in, and because it’s not what we really want to be doing, it’s probably a good idea to leave that to the experts. MJ: And there’s another reason too, and that is that technology is changing so quickly that you can learn something and then literally, two months later, everything changes. So you would have to learn it all again, instead of finding somebody who actually knows this, is following it daily, and can immediately put those changes to effect. Miriam: It seems, particularly in the on-line world, to happen with distressing regularity and then all of your efforts go down the drain. This is especially

There’s often a scarcity mentality when people start their businesses. They’re really concerned about the finances and want to do everything to save money, when in fact, they end up being upside down. So you really have to make sure that you’re looking at the whole picture in a logical, rational way instead of just saying, “Oh, I’ve got to save all this money.” Miriam: What are the most common areas that people outsource? We’re talking particularly to coaches, entrepreneurs, and authors. What do you think are best ones to start with? MJ: Well, in terms of our particular audience, I would say the biggest one is technology. That includes website building, setting up your social media accounts, SEO - search engine optimization, anything to do with kind of the back end of things, even marketing analytics and things like that. You can really glean a lot of great information from analytics, and that is supporting your business, but it takes time to do that. As the head or the founder of a client-facing business, you really want to be doing things that are going to be putting you out there in front of your audience rather than in the back end doing the technology part. So, that’s one

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You can really glean a lot of great information from analytics, and that is supporting your business, but it takes time to do that. As the head or the founder of a client-facing business, you really want to be doing things that are going to be putting you out there in front of your audience rather than in the back end doing the technology part. So, that’s one of the biggest ones I see.

ABUNDANCE HEALTH true for SEO and search engine rankings. So, how do you go about finding the right outsourcing service? Amit Rai, do you want to take that on? Amit R: Yes, sure. When we talk about finding the right outsourcing services, that’s actually a very important question and the answer is based on multiple factors. First we need to identify what are our own business goals that we want to achieve through outsourcing. Next, it is important that when you’re considering a particular outsourcing team, you look at their short and long term business goals in order to determine if they are right partner for your business or not. This is particularly relevant to the technical aspect of things. For example, will they be around in 3 or 5 years if you need long term support, because if you are having somebody develop a website or a software, you need them to be there to maintain it. So, you have to insure that the partner you are looking at has a financial stability, is culturally compatible with you, and they have a clear communication technology and infrastructure to support your business. The combination of financial stability, cultural compatibility, and communication technology all play a very important role for any longterm outsourcing relationship.

When we talk about finding the right outsourcing services, that’s actually a very important question and the answer is based on multiple factors. First we need to identify what are our own business goals that we want to achieve through outsourcing. to drive more traffic, increase conversion grades, raise awareness about your business, or a combination of all of these? First make your goals clear; then, when you outsource the work, it should be very easy to manage the outsourcing team.

Miriam: Absolutely. And finally, how should one go about managing these outsourcing relationships. What tips can you give us there?

Another important step is to create a flexible workflow plan that you give to the outsourcing team, so everyone is on the same page. These two steps are essential. Now along with these two steps, it’s also very important to monitor the quality of the work; you should either do this yourself as you go along, or invest in a quality check if it’s a long-term project. Quality plays a major, major role when the task is to be delivered, and you don’t want any last minute surprises. If you have the development of the design with an outsourcing team, and quality control is in place, it can work wonders for your business.

Amit R: When you talk about managing a team, goals are very important. Regardless of whether you are outsourcing the creation of content or strategy, they still have to be managed like an extension of the internal team. You as a business owner establish the overall goals of the organization, and then you must make clear to the outsourcing team exactly what you want to achieve and what you expect from them. Take, for example, your current marketing goals – is your organization looking

Biz Tips are a new feature from Platform Crafters, a multidisciplinary collaboration of experts whose mission is to help coaches, therapists, entrepreneurs, authors and would-be authors be more productive and successful. We do that by freeing up their time to do what they love and helping them get their message out to the world. You can visit us at www.platformcrafters.com

Now if you’re talking about short term goals, like a project that would only take a few hours or just a one-time hire, then I would suggest the business owner should look at the record and experience of the company or the outsourcing freelancer, and be sure to check their testimonials.

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Seven Coaching Wisdoms

for TRANSFORMING Your Life Fran Fisher, MCC

Imagine a world where we are: • Asking questions with sincere interest and curiosity vs. telling others what to do • Championing the wants and desires of others vs. needing to provide our unsolicited ideas, suggestions, or advice • Honoring respect and confidentiality vs. gossiping about others

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• Providing positive feedback and acknowledgment vs. making judgmental remarks or acting on our judgments • Being a committed listener vs. a distracted listener • Expressing our opinion without attachment and allowing the other person to express theirs without needing to be right

PURPOSE • Calling forth the greatness in ourselves and each other; seeing one another as the sacred beings that we are Yes, these are guiding principles for coaches. Imagine a world where these are the guiding principles for how all of us are being in our relationships. What do you want less of, Struggle, Stress, Disappointment, Chaos? What do you want more of, Freedom, Joy, Prosperity, Peace, Vitality? Whether you are a professional coach or not, each of the Seven Coaching Wisdoms is designed to spark new insights and perspectives for you. I invite you to be open to the possibility that these guiding principles are transferable to everyday life. When you practice these principles, you will tap into your deepest, most innate wisdom. You will call forth your own greatness and the greatness of others around you. Transformation in the quality of your life will naturally occur. Coaching is a spiritual practice. It is an empowering way of being in service to self and others. It is both a skill set and a way of living that challenges you to expand yourself beyond who you believe yourself to be, to living more fully who you are at your essence. The root of spirituality is the word spirit—an inner attitude that recognizes essence, and what is truly meaningful. Spirit is a powerful life-giving creative force flowing through everything in the universe. Coaching is a way of being in a co-creative partnership with that life force. Coaches facilitate clients in accessing their Essential Self so that they can live with greater meaning and purpose, success and fulfillment. Coaching is based on a principle of empowerment that was recognized by Galileo hundreds of years

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ago: We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves. The coaching paradigm is built on that key assumption as well as a core belief that everyone is fundamentally creative, capable, and resourceful. The International Coach Federation (ICF) www. coachfederation.org says: “Standing on this foundation, the coach’s responsibility is to: • Discover, clarify, and align with what the client wants to achieve • Encourage client self-discovery • Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies • Hold the client responsible and accountable” When I discovered coaching in 1991, I fell in love with a career that felt more like a dream lifestyle than a job. I was earning a living simply being me!

Whether you are a professional coach or not, each of the Seven Coaching Wisdoms is designed to spark new insights and perspectives for you. I invite you to be open to the possibility that these guiding principles are transferable to everyday life. When you practice these principles, you will tap into your deepest, most innate wisdom.


Coaching is a spiritual practice. It is an empowering way of being in service to self and others. It is both a skill set and a way of living that challenges you to expand yourself beyond who you believe yourself to be, to living more fully who you are at your essence. This realization came home to me during the holiday season of 1992. I was invited to a party where the only person I knew was the hostess. Upon my arrival, she pointed out another party guest who was a Ph.D. in Career Counseling, and she warned me that this woman held a war against coaching and coaches. My intention was to avoid her. I kept my distance from that woman throughout the evening. All of a sudden, I was caught off guard when, there she was, standing in front of me with her cocktail glass held at eye level between us. Reading my name tag, she confronted me: “Hello, Fran. What do you do for a living?” Without a moment’s thought, I blurted, “I be me all day long, and I get paid abundantly for that!” She threw her head back, squinted her eyes, shook her head, turned, and walked away. As I drove home that night, I thought, “It’s so true! Who I am now is what I do, and what I do now is who I am!” At some point, early in my coaching career, I shifted my orientation from doing coaching with clients to being a coach as a way of life and living. I don’t mean that I started coaching family, friends, and everyone I met. I mean, I started living the principles of the coaching paradigm as though I

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had tapped into a reservoir of wisdom that was latent within me. The most challenging part of becoming a masterful coach, though, was letting go of my attachment to being the expert. Years later, as a student of coaching, I learned to honor the coaching paradigm by holding my clients as the expert of their lives and work, and myself as the expert in the coaching process—forming a partnership with two experts. I began noticing the “high” I would feel on seeing my clients build on their strengths, take greater risks and leaps of faith, and make heroic changes in their lives. That’s when I realized that being the expert had been feeding my ego. Now, I am feeding my soul, as I hold my clients as the experts of their lives. I am being the facilitator of calling forth their natural wisdom. And that’s, well, beyond delicious. It is extraordinarily nourishing, rewarding and fulfilling. Order your copy of Calling Forth Greatness, Seven Coaching Wisdoms for Transforming Your Life (Kindle or paperback) go to Amazon.com


Astromark Astrology Forecast

OVERALL VIEW June-August, 2017 By Mark Dodich


he good news is that the summer months are more stable and flowing than the disruptive retrograde energies of spring. The last few months helped you look at what and who you value, and what must be released. On June 9, optimistic Jupiter ends his retrograde cycle since early February, indicating a “go� signal to take action on the decisions you made during spring. Projects put on hold or barely moving will pick up speed as June progresses. Big and distant planets take

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several weeks to get up to full speed, but you feel happy as the energy builds. Jupiter travels through relationship oriented Libra until October 10, making this forward movement a great opportunity to expand and harmonize all types of relationships. Venus spends most of June until July 4th in Taurus, helping you improve finances and put practical energy into manifesting your goals and desires. The goddess of love then moves into flirty Gemini during most of July to help you explore new possibilities, be they relationships or money. The big news of

PURPOSE this report: a rare total solar eclipse passes across the USA on August 21st in heart opening Leo. There is an emphasis of fire element signs then, and that can translate into an extra hot August and forest fires. The solar eclipse is at the end of the sign Leo, landing on the charts of Donald Trump, North Korea, India, Pakistan, Israel and Palestine. Let’s hold the good thought that the positive side of Leo will express itself through opening hearts and developing creative solutions to difficult problems.

Be certain that your ambitions and emotions are working together now, because assertive Mars is in feeling-oriented Cancer June 4-July 20. When your emotions are in alignment with your actions, you can move mountains. This nurturing combination also supports home repair and family interaction. Summer Solstice comes on June 20 (9:24 PM PDT). A chart cast for the next three months indicates a slightly complicated set of energies for summer. The moon and Venus are aligned in Taurus. They like their chocolate! Gift yourself with an appropriate amount of sensual pleasures, be it sweets, massages or a flower budget. At the same time, there is a challenge between Mars in “I want to stay close to home” Cancer and Jupiter that wants to go off on an adventure. For many, this will be the summer of vacations that are not all that far from home, or travel for family and relatives at a distance.


Think back to early February when enthusiastic Jupiter turned retrograde. Did projects get put on hold or fall to the back burner of your life? Or it may be that you knew that relationships (or lack thereof) need to change? As the god of abundance, Jupiter ends his backwards reviewing cycle on June 9 and is ready to charge forward towards new opportunities. Because the god of expansion is associated with your belief system, it is critical that you open your mind to allow new possibilities to enter. Tell your analytical mind to be quiet and not prejudge big ideas. Take a risk on yourself so large dreams can manifest in your life. Release that which has been holding you back, be it people or your own preconceived notions. June helps you move forward, but it is important to note that the improvements you seek will not get up to full speed until after September 5th.

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Except for some short-term rude energies on the 2nd, 8th and 17th, July is a quick and fun month. Venus loves beautiful places and harmonious relationships, and she is in talkative Gemini July 4th through the 31st. Meet new people, take short trips or quick classes this month. If you participate in the USA July 4th holiday, there are minor mental or transportation hassles. Allow extra time in traffic or arrive at crowded events early on the 4th. The full moon on the 8th, and actually the entire week that includes July 4th, holds difficult challenges. Transforming

PURPOSE Pluto is tied to emotions and impatient Mars wants his way now. The nice thing to say about this is that you can delve deeply into hidden emotions and get in touch with inner vulnerability. The not so nice side of this full moon will be seen in the news. On July 20, aggressive Mars moves into creative Leo and is ready to play through early September. Open your heart and have some fun. Mars, combined with the new moon in Leo on the 23rd, begins the buildup of energy towards next month’s total solar eclipse.


August brings two eclipses. The Aquarius-Leo lunar eclipse is on August 7 and will be seen in Africa, Asia and Australia. Aquarius urges you to create win-win environments in your life. It is associated with friends, groups and organizations, making this a good month to explore new networking opportunities. But there is another side to Aquarius in that they sometime like to detach from the world and live in their own bubble reality, not a bad thing to do during summer. The solar eclipse on August 21 is a total eclipse that crosses over the USA starting in Oregon.

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Action happens under eclipse paths. If you know where 29 degrees of Leo lands in your natal chart, you know the area of your life where you must open your heart, develop creative solutions, and step into leadership in your world. Solar eclipses represent new beginnings that come from deep within you, not the stuff of ego. This eclipse makes a harmonious trine to innovative Uranus. Step out of your normal routine and try something outside the box. Be willing to create a new method or learn something that is out of your comfort zone. Meet new people. Note that Mercury is retrograde August 12-September 5, making August a good time to take a short retreat from the world.

Mark Dodich has provided astrology and intuitive consultations internationally since 1980. In addition to natal astrology, Mark specializes in ACG Relocation Astrology Maps and Seven Ray Esoteric Astrology. Check out astromark.us or contact him at Land Line (503) 252-1558.

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Identifying BLOCKS to Self Actualization By Jan Engels-Smith


Our perfect selves exist within us and our quest is to recognize, affirm, and bring it to full realization. We desire to find fulfillment in a unity with the wholeness of the universe and to achieve the completion of our destiny.


e strive for the alignment that will empower us to be that which we were meant to be. However, in even our most committed states and with our energies focused and our minds set, we may fall short of the fulfillment of our spiritual completeness and struggle to continue the effort of personal enlightenment. The universe is a place of opportunity and wonder; it does not create barriers to self-actualization but is a place where the prospects of spiri-

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INSPIRATION HEALTH in us as blocks (our own, not the universe’s) and our awareness and understanding of them will allow us to address their impact and, ultimately, to overcome their influence on our spiritual quest.

We cannot look outside of ourselves for the causes of our struggles. Although we possess within ourselves the unlimited power to become that which we desire and the spiritual world is an ally in our evolution to finding our true meaning in life, there exists within all of us a life history that has encountered pain, regret, and disappointment and in these experiences we had constructed false images of reality that caused us to imagine impossible obstacles and hopelessness.

Negative and positive energies produce negative and positive vibrations and, once we recognize these energies, we have the power to determine their influence on our physical, emotional, and spiritual being. Of the energies that emanate from us, our blocks are some of the most influential and often the most unrecognized. To become fully aware of our blocks, we need to see them as we imagine them (and we often conceive of them as external hindrances), then to take ownership of them, and, finally, to overcome them. I see blocks, especially with those on a spiritual path, as taking form in the following examples as expressions of our self-doubt and our belief that we are victims of uncontrollable events: • A fear of suffering and physical death that depletes our positive energy. • Medical issues that detract from the focus on spiritual growth. • A lack of personal confidence and a tendency to be overly self-critical.

tual fulfillment are real and waiting for us to show up. The universe does all that it can do to help us become aware, comprehend, and accept the ideal state that is our true self. Where do the hindrances to our success originate? What are the deterrents to our unity with the universal oneness that is the natural state of existence? How can we deal with impediments to our spiritual awakening? We cannot look outside of ourselves for the causes of our struggles. Although we possess within ourselves the unlimited power to become that which we desire and the spiritual world is an ally in our evolution to finding our true meaning in life, there exists within all of us a life history that has encountered pain, regret, and disappointment and in these experiences we had constructed false images of reality that caused us to imagine impossible obstacles and hopelessness. Even as we move forward in our spiritual practices, the residues of these past incidents have left negative impressions and they continue to influence our current efforts. These residual energies manifest

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• A smart, capable, and independent nature that can’t surrender its ego and is overly willful.

Negative and positive energies produce negative and positive vibrations and, once we recognize these energies, we have the power to determine their influence on our physical, emotional, and spiritual being.

INSPIRATION HEALTH • Seeing personal responsibilities as an excuse to avoid spiritual development. • Feeling not good enough to deserve perfection. • Procrastination and delay of effort. • Seeing oneself as a victim without recourse to change. All of these blocks share many common characteristics, but the most significant of these is their common ironic nature. The irony of blocks is that the hindrances that we imagine as problems keeping us from our spiritual destinies can be resolved by the pursuit of our perfection. For example, if we feel that we are not able to pursue spiritual growth because we have been ill or because we are overwhelmed by too many problems, we fail to recognize that the very act of attending to our spiritual nature is the solution to these difficulties. By giving in to the blocks that we imagine as too great for us to bear, we have forsaken the very power that we have to overcome the problems. We resist the empowerment that comes with our spiritual evolution because of other concerns (lack of energy, illness, self-doubt, etc.) which we believe prevents us

All of these blocks share many common characteristics, but the most significant of these is their common ironic nature. The irony of blocks is that the hindrances that we imagine as problems keeping us from our spiritual destinies can be resolved by the pursuit of our perfection. 35 | HAPI Guide

We resist the empowerment that comes with our spiritual evolution because of other concerns (lack of energy, illness, self-doubt, etc.) which we believe prevents us from succeeding in spite of the fact that our empowerment is the solution to our concerns. from succeeding in spite of the fact that our empowerment is the solution to our concerns. When we come to understand this simple truth then we have the means to address our blocks. There are practices that can enhance your ability to move past blocks and find the power to minimize their influence. I would suggest the following, with the understanding that different individuals have different blocks and need different solutions: • Develop a positive affirmation that addresses your blocks and use it when you feel the need. “My blocks to spiritual release can be overcome by letting go. I am the power that I seek.” • Embrace your blocks as a product of your own creation and know that that which you create can be vanquished by you. You are all-powerful. • Visualize the blocks growing ever smaller and weaker in their power over you. For example, you might counter a lack of energy by breathing deeply and visualizing the oxygen flowing into your bloodstream and bolstering your stamina and physical strength. • Expel the negative energy of your blocks through each of your chakras and draw in the

INSPIRATION HEALTH spiritual alliances that you know exist for you in the universe. • See your physical body as blended into the cosmos and as one with the universe and your blocks as minor blips in the spirit world and of minimal significance in your world. • Address your blocks aloud as though they are a presence with which you can see and communicate. By personifying them, you remove them from that nether world of the subconscious and force them front and center where you can overwhelm them with your newfound self-assurance and personal power. • Celebrate yourself and speak well of who you are and what you are becoming. • Thank the spirits and express gratitude for their alliance with your better self. There are many practices that will affirm your power over your blocks and all will strengthen your resolve and move you farther along in your spiritual quest. Thomas Jefferson once wrote, “Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” As the spirits have said to encourage us on our path, BE SEEN IN 2017.

There are many practices that will affirm your power over your blocks and all will strengthen your resolve and move you farther along in your spiritual quest. Thomas Jefferson once wrote, “Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” 36 | HAPI Guide

If your blocks stand in the way of your personal fulfillment, choose the practices that make your will to succeed more true than the false barriers that you create. If your blocks stand in the way of your personal fulfillment, choose the practices that make your will to succeed more true than the false barriers that you create. You may come to see your blocks as a test of your willingness to become the person you were always destined to be and, if so, let this sense of challenge serve to prove your worthiness. Your emotional state will move from one of doubt and hopelessness to one of confidence and spiritual strength when you see your success in mastering these challenges. Learn from these experiences, see yourself as the master of your fate, and move forward.

Jan Engels-Smith is the founder of LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine. She is the author of Becoming Yourself: The Journey from Head to Heart, which won the Reader’s Choice Award, and Through the Rabbit Hole, Explore and Experience the Shamanic Journey. Her websites are www.lightsong.net and www.janengelssmith.com


The Ties That Bind Us


By Brent Marchant

ver feel like you were completely on your own, isolated and disconnected from everyone and everything? In a world beset by indifference, selfishness and greed, it’s easy to see how one might get that impression. Yet, often within a relatively short time after the onset of those feelings, we find ourselves comfortably ensconced in the company of family, friends and community, a part of a larger whole. And those feelings tend to persist, sometimes so much so that we start to take them for granted. The reason we often feel that way is because that sense of connection is our natural state of being. In a universe where everything, including us, is made up of the same fundamental building blocks, we’re all inherently linked to everyone and everything

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CONSCIOUS CINEMA else. That being the case, there’s actually no way we can effectively separate ourselves from the rest of our reality. Awareness of this innate quality of existence is crucial to our understanding of our place within it and how it essentially comes into being. According to the conscious creation process, the means by which we manifest the reality we experience through the power of our thoughts, beliefs and intents, we employ these materialization tools to bring about the existence around us – all of it – from the sky above us to the ground beneath us and everything in between. And, because of that, this means that everything that’s part of our world is effectively connected to everything else, something we can’t get away from, no matter how much we might try.

pactful narratives and powerful visuals to get our attention and make us aware of the things that really matter in life, like the fact that we’re all fundamentally linked to our existence, to its component parts and to one another.

This intrinsic sense of connection is undeniable, even if not always recognized. Whether one consults the metaphysical writings of authors like Jane Roberts or explores the scientific principles of disciplines like quantum physics, it’s nevertheless present in all such cases. There’s a universality to this concept, regardless of the lens through which we view it. So, in light of the foregoing, how is it we often believe that there’s some kind of separation between us, others and everything within our purview? Perhaps it’s because of our presence within physical existence, a state of being made up of distinct, discrete components that appear apart from one another. Given the persistence and prevalence of this trait, we’ve somehow convinced ourselves that we’re just as separate from those other elements of our reality as we perceive them to be from one another. But, as the above discussion makes apparent, this is an illusion, a notion made “real” by the same sorts of manifesting tools – our beliefs – that bring the rest of our existence into being. Yet somehow, despite this misconception, we still eventually manage to return to an awareness of our innate sense of connection. So maybe all we need to put ourselves into such a mindset on an ongoing basis is a little reminding of this principle. And one of the best ways to address this is by way of example, specifically the examples set in the movies, which frequently provide us with im-

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A number of documentaries are particularly effective at this, such as “I Am” (2010), director Tom Shadyac’s radical departure into a style of filmmaking far different from the silly comedies for which he’s best known. Through a number of segments exploring various aspects of the concept of connectedness, and why we desperately need to recognize and employ it in the creation of a new and more sustainable world, the filmmaker presents a series of compelling arguments for how we should make use of this notion as a guiding principle in our lives. To gain a full appreciation of our intrinsic entanglement, it may help to see it displayed in all its aesthetic glory (and despair). That’s the objective of the gorgeously photographed documentary

CONSCIOUS CINEMA “Samsara” (2011), a cinematic meditation depicting images of the natural, cultural and artistic elements that combine to constitute our world, for better or worse. Upon screening this visual feast, viewers are likely to come away with a renewed perspective on our existence, how all of its components fit together and our place in it.

Of course, if we wish to improve upon the qualities of our interconnected world, it helps to have tools to work with in accomplishing this task, be they metaphysical or tangible. That’s where two additional documentaries come into play. “Something Unknown Is Doing We Don’t Know What” (2009) provides us with insights into a variety of extraordinary paranormal or psychic skills that offer evidence of our connectedness and that we can work on developing to create better lives for ourselves and the world at large. And then there’s “Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World” (2016), director Werner Herzog’s examination of the Internet and related technologies, tools that have the potential to bring us closer together or,

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conceivably, to drive us seemingly further apart, depending on how we use them. Connection is not exclusively the stuff of documentaries. Our sense of entanglement is also reflected in a number of fictional works, such as the Academy Award-winning comedy-drama “American Beauty” (1999), the saga of an unemployed husband and father (Kevin Spacey) seeking to maintain his personal integrity (and his sanity) while preserving the important connections in his life to keep his increasingly disrupted reality dissolving before his eyes. This may involve a shuffling of priorities and a rearrangement of relationships, but they all depend on the connections he’s able to forge with those who are – and who become – significant in his life. Although not always obvious, the connections in our existence often extend well beyond our immediate surroundings. This becomes apparent, for example, in “Babel” (2006), a seemingly disparate but nevertheless intertwined series of stories that span the globe, including the unlikely linkages between an American couple (Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett) vacationing in Morocco, a southern California housekeeper (Adriana Barraza) attending a family wedding in Mexico, and a deaf Japanese teenager (Rinko Kikuchi) who craves the attention of peers and her often-distant businessman father (Kôji Yakusho). How the threads of this tapestry are intrinsically interwoven with one another will mesmerize viewers – and offer up a new perspective on how we’re all part of the same global family. On a metaphysical level, our linkages don’t stop with geography; they also extend across dimensions and other realities, such as those governed by traits like time, as seen in the compelling but much-overlooked epic “Cloud Atlas” (2012). This ambitious offering from the Wachowski siblings (best known for “The Matrix” series) presents six stories spanning the ages, from the adventures of a young lawyer (Jim Sturgess) on a mission to the South Pacific in 1849 to a Hawaiian tribesman (Tom Hanks) seeking to survive in a post-apocalyptic world hundreds of years in the future. Through this inventive offering, the filmmakers show us how our lives are connected across time and how the acts


we engage in during one lifetime ultimately have impact on others, for better or worse, leaving an indelible mark on who we are, our relationships with one another and the quality of existence we enjoy. Curiously, though, certain aspects of geography lend themselves especially well to films related to the subject of connectedness (or the seeming lack thereof). That’s particularly true of Los Angeles and its environs, which provides the backdrop for a number of pictures focused on this topic, illustrating the presence of our inherent interrelatedness or our quest to find it. These themes play out through the many entangled stories of personal connection found in such movies as “Grand Canyon” (1991), “Magnolia” (1999), “Short Cuts” (1993) and “Crash” (2005). These films depict the humor, pathos, longing and inseparability that inevitably bind us to one another, whether we’re aware of it or not. Our craving for connection has become an increasingly significant cinematic theme, as seen in “Disconnect” (2012), an offering featuring a series of intertwined stories much like those set in the City

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of Angels. The primary difference, though, is that this release focuses on the seeming separation we’ve allowed to develop among us, ironically from a technology that was supposed to bring us closer together – the Internet. Through the film’s diverse story lines, however, we come to see how our perceived separation is, in fact, an illusion that has arisen because of our beliefs, notions that have fulfilled our expectations, no matter how essentially erroneous they might be. This theme gets taken a step further in “Anesthesia” (2015), another collection of entangled stories involving characters in search of connection but who have become so embittered or disillusioned with the disjointed lives they’ve created that they’ve intentionally sought solace in various forms of distraction to deaden the pain and anguish they feel. Through drugs, alcohol, extramarital affairs and self-inflicted abuse, the players in this film all seek to escape their circumstances, only to find that they ultimately can’t, that the path to happiness involves addressing what’s missing in their lives in the first place – a bona fide awareness

CONSCIOUS CINEMA of the connectedness that’s absent from their lives and desperately needs to be restored through their own beliefs and manifestation efforts.

which a group of lost souls in a small English town look to bring meaningful connection into their lives, a quest made difficult by social and cultural pressures that no longer serve them. A comparable search also unfolds in “Nebraska” (2013), in which an aging borderline alcoholic on the verge of dementia (Bruce Dern) who mistakenly believes he’s won a clearinghouse sweepstakes quietly seeks to forge or revive the most important relationships in life, a task made challenging by all of the questionable influences surrounding him, including his self-serving, domineering wife (June Squibb), his former business partner (Stacy Keach) and a host of shirt-tail relatives all looking to cash in on their relation’s alleged good fortune. Of course, once we realize the benefits of connection, we can truly turn it to our advantage, using it to solve problems in our lives. Such is the case in “Hope Springs” (2012), the story of a middle-aged married couple (Meryl Streep, Tommy Lee Jones) who have grown apart and look to restore the old magic of their connection, the one that brought them together in the first place.

On some level, though, many of us sense our connectedness and never give up searching for it, no matter how difficult that may be. In the ironically titled “Six Degrees of Separation” (1993), a troubled street kid (Will Smith) seeks the acceptance of others by learning the ways of affluent contemporaries and then looking to ingratiate himself with their well-to-do families, particularly an upper-crust Manhattan couple (Donald Sutherland, Stockard Channing) who deal in fine art. Likewise, the earnest search for a romantic connection provides the basis of “Hard Pill” (2005), in which a young gay man (Jonathan Slavin) unlucky in love seeks to change his life by enrolling in an experimental drug treatment program designed to turn him heterosexual, a move that he believes will make him more acceptable to a wider pool of prospects but that unfortunately plays havoc with all the significant bonds in his life. That kind of loneliness is also present in “Wetherby” (1985), in

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On a larger scale, realizing our inherent human bonds can bring about remarkable results to an entire population, as evidenced in “Fambul Tok” (2011). This riveting documentary examines the efforts of the citizens of Sierra Leone to heal the country’s devastating emotional scars after a bloody, protracted civil war. The film shows how victims and abusers willfully come together to draw upon the qualities that bind them to forgive and put the past behind them, no matter how egregious the atrocities they suffered. It’s a powerful demonstration of how our innate entanglement can be tapped to achieve a truly beneficial outcome. Should we really embrace the value of this concept, we can follow the example set in “Pay It Forward” (2000), in which an impressionable seventh-grader (Haley Joel Osment) takes a social studies class assignment to heart a truly big way. Under instructions from his teacher (Kevin Spacey) to come up with a plan that would benefit humanity, the youngster devises a concept known as “paying it forward,” which calls for freely giving assistance to others in need under the condition that they do the same for others as “payment” for having received such


aid. The idea behind “pay it forward” is intended to distinguish it from the prevailing concept of “pay it back,” thereby encouraging a change in mindset, one where charity is unreservedly extended from one individual to the next, creating a chain of benevolence, rather than a sense of owing, that extends throughout all of connected humanity. Now there’s an idea we can all gain from, not only in terms of the material assistance we each receive, but also in significantly revitalizing our awareness of our connection to one another. There’s truly much to be said for making the most of our links to one another, and, under the disjointed conditions we’re currently experiencing, the sooner we work toward developing this, the better off we’ll be. Let’s hope we recognize the value of this concept sooner rather than later. As these movies show us, we have a lot of inspiration to draw upon – and no excuses for failing to do so. Copyright © 2017, by Brent Marchant. All rights reserved.

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A lifelong movie fan and longtime student of metaphysics, Brent Marchant is the award-winning author of Get the Picture?!: Conscious Creation Goes to the Movies (http:// booklaunch.io/ brent%20marchant/get-the-picture) and Consciously Created Cinema: The Movie Lover’s Guide to the Law of Attraction (http://booklaunch.io/brent%20marchant/ consciously-created-cinema), books that provide a reader-friendly look at how the practice of “conscious creation” (also known as “the law of attraction”) is illustrated through film. Brent maintains an ongoing blog (http://brentmarchantsblog.blogspot.com) about metaphysical cinema and other self-empowerment topics through his web site (www.BrentMarchant.com). He is also Featured Contributor for Smart Women’s Empowerment (http://www. smartwomensempowerment.org) and Movie Correspondent for The Good Radio Network (http://www.thegoodradionetwork.com/). His additional writing credits have included contributions to Library Journal, BeliefNet, VividLife magazine, New Age News and Master Heart Magazine. Hear Brent as movie review radio correspondent on Frankiesense & More (http:// toginet.com/shows/frankiesenseandmore/) and on New Consciousness Review’s Reviewers Roundtable (www.ncreview.com). He’s a frequent guest on various Internet and broadcast radio shows, as well as a regular presenter at conscious creation conferences. Brent holds a B.A. in magazine journalism and history from Syracuse University.


‘Before the Flood’ —

A Global Exploration for Answers to Climate Change By Dr. Joseph Mercola

In the National Geographic film, “Before the Flood,” actor, environmental activist and United Nations messenger Leonardo DiCaprio explores what must be done to prevent catastrophic disruption of life on planet Earth.

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We all accept that we are harming this planet to our own detriment and we must stop our wasteful and polluting ways. Whether you are an adversary or proponent of the highly politicized phrase “climate change,” the solutions we need to implement for our long term viability are obvious, necessary and beneficial for everyone that desires a regenerative world. There are four primary components that can unite everyone and bypass further arguments. Protecting and improving our air, water and soil is simply essential — not doing so is suicide. I recommend you think about four indisputable actions that can help avoid arguments and preserve regenerative systems. These practices are essential and universally agreeable; getting caught up in any debate is unnecessary. 1. Support Regenerative Agriculture

2.Protect our lakes, rivers, oceans and aquifers 3.Reduce Waste

for an hour-and-a-half and watch this film. A fact that cannot be denied is that our world has become increasingly and devastatingly toxic, and these toxins are damaging our ecosystem, thereby placing the survival of mankind at risk. We are eroding soils, polluting water, draining aquifers and contaminating our air. Any one of these issues progressing will have devastating consequences, and at our current pace we have roughly 50 years before time will run out. Some instances of pollution, such as the plastic now choking our oceans, or agricultural runoff contaminating our fresh water supplies, highlight serious damage that we can and must stop. The decimation of forests, be it for the purpose of tar sands operations or paper milling or building cities and suburbs, also has an impact on the Earth. Whether man-made CO2 is instrumental in climate change or not, what’s clear is that our Earth is in peril, and it’s up to all of us, corporations included, to reassess our impact on the world at large.

4.Improve Energy Use and Sourcing

1. Before the Flood

2. We Must Reassess Our Dependence on a Fossil Fuel Economy

Whether you believe man-made climate change is real or not, I urge you to lay your judgments aside

To sustain our dependence on fossil fuels, we’ve had to implement increasingly risky and environ-

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mentally devastating extraction methods, such as fracking for natural gas, mountaintop removal to extract coal, offshore drilling for oil and tar sands for synthetic crude. All of these methods are extremely disruptive and destructive to the environment. The past few years alone are rife with examples of massive spills and accidents causing environmental damage of absolutely epic proportions. This is no overnight change, but first and foremost we can all be more efficient with our energy consumption in our homes, businesses and transportation. Solar energy will likely play the largest role in this transition, but in the meantime we need to look at all aspects of how we use energy and use less while minimizing pollution. 3. Melting in the Arctic DiCaprio visits Baffin Island, situated in the Canadian Arctic, above the Arctic Circle. There, he interviews National Geographic explorer-in-residence Enric Sala, Ph.D., and Jake Awa, a native Arctic guide and hunter.

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Awa recalls that in earlier years, they always used to have solid, frozen ice. Today, it has a slushy consistency, with large puddles everywhere. According to Sala, if the melting trend continues, by 2040 we will be able to sail across the North Pole. There will be no Arctic ice left.

Even if the temperature were to stabilize at the levels we’ve seen in the past decade, Greenland will still vanish. In the past five years alone, one lower Greenland weather station has seen about 30 feet of ice melt, amounting to hundreds of cubic kilometers of ice.


This in turn will have wide-ranging consequences, changing currents and weather patterns across the globe. Floods and droughts will become more severe and catastrophic. As noted by DiCaprio, we’re now far beyond the point where making small changes — such as changing your light bulbs to more energy efficient versions — can have an impact. Even if the temperature were to stabilize at the levels we’ve seen in the past decade, Greenland will still vanish. In the past five years alone, one lower Greenland weather station has seen about 30 feet of ice melt, amounting to hundreds of cubic kilometers of ice. 4. Will China Lead the Next Green Revolution? China has now overtaken the U.S. as the No. 1 polluter in the world. There, people have become quite familiar with the realities of pollution in the water, air and soil. Chinese media are being “very helpful,” in this regard, says Ma Jun, founding di-

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rector of the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs. Faced with the immediate (and easily recognizable) threat to health posed by pollution, most civil protests are now over environmental issues, with people demanding greater transparency and solutions. In most cities, people will wear face masks when venturing outside, as the pollution burns the lungs. Jun created a website showing which of the 9,000 factories are in or out of compliance with pollution standards on any given day, allowing people to continuously pressure those factories to meet the standards. As a result of public pressure, China has resolved to invest in “green,” energy solutions such as solar. And, while the country is still heavily vested in fossil fuels, they are transitioning to renewables faster than anticipated. The question is: Can developing countries make the same transition, or will they simply repeat the mistakes of the developed world?

HEALTH 5. Balancing Immediate Energy Needs With Global Pollution Ramifications In India, about 30 percent of households, more than 300 million people, do not have access to electricity. As noted by Sunita Narain with the Centre for Science and Environment in Delhi, India stands poised to follow in the footsteps of the developed world, because coal is both abundant and inexpensive in India. “If you created the problem in the past, we will create it in the future,” she says. “We have 700 million households that cook using biomass fuel today. If those households move to coal, you have that much more use of fossil fuels. Then the entire world is fried.” However, she also notes that if using solar is so simple, convenient and inexpensive, why hasn’t the U.S. made the conversion already? The U.S. needs to put its money where its mouth is, and if we’re so concerned about climate change, then we need to take a long, hard look at our own consumption first, before we lay eyes on India. According to Narain, the average American uses the energy equivalent to 1.5 citizens of France, 2.2 citizens of Japan, 10 citizens of China, 34 citizens of India, and 61 citizens of Nigeria, each and every day of the year. “Your consumption is really going to put a hole in the planet,” she says. “The fact of the matter is, we need to put the issue of lifestyle and consumption at the center of climate negotiations.” In short, Narain believes Americans must take responsibility, both for our bloated energy consumption and our own addiction to fossil fuels. If we were to invest in and transition to renewable energy, then others, including India, could pressure its leadership to follow. 6. Crisis in Kiribati In Kiribati, an island nation in the central Pacific Ocean, rising seawater has now started to enter homes, farmland and the freshwater ponds used for drinking water. According to Anote Tong, president of Kiribati, the projections put forth by scientists is that the islands will eventually be complete-

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If you created the problem in the past, we will create it in the future,” she says. “We have 700 million households that cook using biomass fuel today. If those households move to coal, you have that much more use of fossil fuels. Then the entire world is fried. ly submerged by rising sea levels. The question is what can be done about it? Short-term, people have been relocated inland, but Tong realizes that a long-term solution must be prepared, for eventually the island will not be able to accommodate all of its inhabitants. Ultimately, migration is inevitable. Kiribati has acquired part of the Fiji Islands, and if people choose to migrate, now or later, they have someplace to go. As noted by one Kiribatian, many of the island nations that contribute the least to global warming are the ones experiencing the worst, and earliest, impact. Industrialization and pollution have also taken a dramatic toll on oceanic ecosystems. In the last three decades alone, HALF of all coral has been lost. And with the death of coral the entire ecosystem falls apart, ultimately leading to starvation — as more than 1 billion people worldwide depend on fish for sustenance — and loss of livelihood, which leads to poverty. The ocean soaks up about one-third of the CO2 dumped into the atmosphere. This makes oceans a stabilizing force in climate. The problem is we have been, and certainly still are, creating CO2 at a faster rate than the oceans can process and filter.

HEALTH Ultimately, that is the problem: We’re killing ALL of the systems that would normally help stabilize the Earth’s climate, such as oceans and rainforests. Carbon displacement is real, and soil erosion and the burning of fossil fuels are taking carbon from the land and moving it to water and air. Regenerative agriculture is the most promising and productive means we have to remedy this situation while improving the quality of our foods and water efficiency. 7. Destroying the Lungs of the World Another type of oil that is robbing our grandchildren of a future is palm oil, an inexpensive oil found in countless household products, from soaps and cosmetics to processed foods and cooking oils. In Indonesia, massive fires are intentionally set to clear rainforest for palm oil plantations. As noted in the film, “This cheap commodity is making companies tremendous profits.” The ultimate price: rainforests — the lungs of the world. Today, palm oil plantations have taken over about 80 percent of the rainforest in Indonesia. The forest fires of 2015 released more carbon into the atmosphere than the entire U.S. economy, each and every day. In the process, populations of

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rhino, orangutans, elephants and tigers were also decimated. The reasons these forests are being destroyed is because people keep buying products containing palm oil. This is yet another case where the purchasing decisions of consumers are driving an incredibly destructive process. 8. Is Transition to Solar Energy a Feasible Goal? Revisiting the issue of transitioning to renewable energy like solar, DiCaprio talks to Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla. Would it actually be possible to transition not only the U.S. but the entire world to solar energy? At Tesla’s gigafactory in Reno, Nevada, Musk is working on producing batteries that can efficiently store solar energy. This is a much-needed component of the solution, as the sun does not always shine, no matter where you live. A massive advantage of solar panels and batteries is that you avoid having to build any kind of electrical power plants. A single battery pack could store energy collected by solar panels and supply power to an entire village, without having to build a power plant and draw power lines.

HEALTH “It’s like what happened with landlines versus cellular phones,” Musk says. “A lot of developing countries didn’t do the landline phones. They went straight to cellular.” Musk has calculated how many gigafactories like the one in Reno would be required to transition the whole world to renewable energy. The answer? One hundred gigafactories, measuring about 15 million square feet each. That’s all that would be required to make enough solar powered batteries to give solar energy to not just the U.S., but every nation on the globe.

Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) create an enormous amount of waste that pollutes soil, air and water. CAFOs also routinely use antibiotics, thereby promoting antibiotic-resistant disease and drug-resistant pandemics.

As noted by Musk, were larger industry giants to get in on this, along with nations like China, the transition could be accomplished rather quickly. It would be even quicker if governments were to implement laws and regulations favoring renewable energy. Some countries are already well on their way. About 30 percent of Germany’s energy comes from solar energy, for example. Denmark uses as much as 100 percent solar, and Sweden recently declared its intention to become the first fossil fuel-free nation in the world.

To embed this infographic on your website go to: http://www.mercola.com/infographics/truthabout-factory-farms.htm

9. The Easiest Way to Opt Out of a Destructive System

10. Voting for a Cleaner World With Every Meal

As noted by Gidon Eshel, Ph.D., a research professor of environmental physics at Bard College, one of the absolute easiest ways to opt out of destructive systems — without appealing to or waiting for governments and corporations to change — is by changing your own diet.

Hopefully you can find the time to watch “Before the Flood.” I think you’ll find it to be an eye-opener. And, while realizing the extent of the environmental destruction can be distressing, it’s important to realize where your power lies. In this case, the greatest power you have as an individual is your purchasing power.

Eshel is a scientist who studies the effects of agriculture on climate. According to Eshel, 47 percent of the land is used for food production and, of that, 70 percent is used to grow feed for cattle in feedlots. Fruits, vegetables and nuts account for a mere 1 percent of the agricultural land.

Each decision you make either adds to the problem or facilitates the solution. So take responsibility for your decisions. As mentioned, one of the easiest ways to opt out of a number of destructive systems is to change your diet.

While I believe everyone needs some beef, most Americans do eat as much as five times more than they need, so cutting back on beef could also have a number of health benefits. An even more important change would be to switch to grass fed beef which reduces the carbon footprint and improves the soil, water and environment.

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By supporting your local farmers and choosing fresh, local produce over “cheap” conventional varieties commonly sold in larger grocery chains, you help steer the agricultural industry toward safer, more sustainable systems. You can also slash your food bill by focusing on locally grown foods that are in season, typically a bargain at that time of year, or by growing some of your own. Remember

HEALTH to choose organic, grass fed/pasture-raised beef, poultry and dairy, in addition to organic produce. While many grocery stores now carry organic foods, it’s preferable to source yours from local growers

whenever possible, as much of the organic food sold in grocery stores is imported. If you live in the U.S., the following organizations can help you locate farm-fresh foods:

EatWild.com EatWild.com provides lists of farmers known to produce wholesome raw dairy products as well as grass fed beef and other farm-fresh produce (although not all are certified organic). Here you can also find information about local farmers markets, as well as local stores and restaurants that sell grass fed products. Weston A. Price Foundation Weston A. Price has local chapters in most states, and many of them are connected with buying clubs in which you can easily purchase organic foods, including grass fed raw dairy products like milk and butter. Grassfed Exchange The Grassfed Exchange has a listing of producers selling organic and grass fed meats across the U.S. Local Harvest This website will help you find farmers markets, family farms and other sources of sustainably grown food in your area where you can buy produce, grass fed meats, and many other goodies. Farmers Markets A national listing of farmers markets. Eat Well Guide: Wholesome Food from Healthy Animals The Eat Well Guide is a free online directory of sustainably raised meat, poultry, dairy and eggs from farms, stores, restaurants, inns, hotels and online outlets in the United States and Canada. Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA) CISA is dedicated to sustaining agriculture and promoting the products of small farms. FoodRoutes The FoodRoutes “Find Good Food” map can help you connect with local farmers to find the freshest, tastiest food possible. On their interactive map, you can find a listing for local farmers, Community Supported Agriculture memberships (CSAs) and markets near you. The Cornucopia Institute The Cornucopia Institute maintains web-based tools rating all certified organic brands of eggs, dairy products and other commodities, based on their ethical sourcing and authentic farming practices separating CAFO “organic” production from authentic organic practices. RealMilk.com If you’re still unsure of where to find raw milk, check out Raw-Milk-Facts.com and RealMilk.com. They can tell you what the status is for legality in your state, and provide a listing of raw dairy farms in your area. The Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund1 also provides a state-by-state review of raw milk laws.2 California residents can also find raw milk retailers using the store locator available at www.OrganicPastures.com.

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Health, Abundance, Purpose, Inspiration, Resources Dr. Lauri J. Shainsky Lauri Shainsky’s personal mission is to serve people and the earth through transformative experiences with Sound, Spirit, and Nature. As a Shamanic Sound Healer, Lauri helps people use Spirit-guided intentional sound to bring about more vibrant health and fulfilling creative manifestation. Her potent sessions provide nourishment and healing of the soul, the body, the mind, divine guidance for sustainable change and an infusion of vitality. Lauri’s shamanic healing practices are uniquely empowered with vocal sound, singing bowls and other sound healing instruments. Her courses are always intimate, participant- and spirit-directed, and guide people to rediscover their powerful, healed self, and their creative manifesting voice. Lauri incorporates nature and soul constellations as an integral part of exploring the soul and it’s ecosystem. Invite nourishing sound into your life: www.shamanicsoundhealing.com www.soundcloud.com/redstonesong www.cdbaby.com/Artist/LauriJShainsky www.shamanicheart.wordpress.com 503-939-7174

Health, Resources JoyRae Freeman Joyrae is a Master Healer (Divine Light healing gift activation direct from Source in 1996), Angel Messenger, Soul Coach, Empowerment Coach (Certified Hypnotherapy NLP), writer, radio producer, workshop-retreat producer/facilitator, business consultant and co-creator of a better world. After practicing medical qigong for years and after receiving the powerful electromagnet healing gift JoyRae created the term and the workshop Reikigong™ and conducts workshops. She believes that the world needs more healers, whole and empowered citizens - to offset the negligence of the mainstream medical world AND to raise the vibration of the planet. JoyRae especially enjoys being “The Healers’ Healer” - providing loving, skilled support for other healers, who don’t know where to turn, but often need a trusted mentor and ego-less sage healer-coach. Her practice includes worldwide distance healing and coaching sessions - expos and holistic fairs, speaking, workshops/retreats and private sessions in Oregon, Washington and Montana. http://joy2u.org 503-303-8446 healing@joy2u.org

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Health, Purpose, Inspiration Cherry Divine During a reiki class in the year 2000 Cherry had a life-altering awakening. This experience changed not only her understanding of life, but the course of her life was also redirected when she connected to her Ancient Self. Cherry is a clear channel for a group that chooses to be referred to only as ‘A Consciousness of Love’. Through this connection Cherry brings answers to your questions, insights into your life, wisdom that assist you on your path, messages from loved ones that have crossed and the gentle reminders of personal empowerment. As in many channeled writings, Wisdom of the Ancients is infused with energy that assists in life transformation. Each person’s response to the writings is as unique and individual as they are. Contact information: http://www.cherrydivine.com cherry@cherrydivine.com Abundance, Purpose, Inspiration Fran Fisher Master Certified Coach Fran Fisher’s passion is empowering individuals, teams, and organizations for realizing their highest visions. She believes that profound and long-lasting success, satisfaction, and fulfillment comes from being true to the essence of who you are. Fran helps leaders access and leverage their innate nature, so they breakthrough to new levels of productivity, prosperity, and personal fulfillment. Fran founded the Academy for Coach Training, one of the first schools accredited by the International Coach Federation. She is recognized internationally as a pioneer of the coaching profession. Fran is the creator of Living Your Vision®, a transformational process for learning to live in greater alignment with who you are at your essence. She works with entrepreneurs, executives, and collaborative work teams, as well as providing coaching skills training and mentoring for leaders, managers, and professional coaches. To contact Fran, call 425-401-1374 or email fran@franfishercoach.com, or visit www. franfishercoach.com Purpose, Inspiration Francesca Thoman Francesca is a Certified Consultant through the Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom. Reach out to her to have your Akashic Records read by appointment. Please visit her website to learn more: YourAkashicWisdom.com An author of five visionary books, published by Empowered Whole Being Press, Francesca’s titles range from delightful children’s books to powerful channeled information from Nikola Tesla. As an accomplished Channel, Francesca is able to communicate with many persons and entities, from high-level, benevolent ET’s to Nikola Tesla. Ordained in the Temple of Isis in 2000, she also works with a group of high angels to translate many powerful light-language prayers. Contact Francesca at francescastarhand@gmail.com. Explore her titles by visiting these websites: Children’s Books - FrancescaThoman.com; Tesla Books - nikolateslaafterlifeconversations.com.

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Health, Abundance, Purpose, Inspiration, Resources Jan Engels-Smith Jan Engels-Smith is the founder of ‘ ‘LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine.’ Jan’s mission is to provide excellence in shamanic healing and education, and to support personal growth for well-being, adapting ancient healing techniques to contemporary life. Jan has developed the first shamanic energy medicine curriculum of its kind, offering a full spectrum of courses, which allows for those, with a curious interest in shamanism, right through to those that would like to obtain a doctorate in shamanism. (ShD). In her personal healing practice she has performed over 3,500 soul retrievals. Jan has authored two books and two CD’s, ‘Becoming Yourself: The Journey from Head to Heart,’ won the Reader’s Choice Award. Through the Rabbit Hole, Explore and Experience the Shamanic Journey. Awaken Unburden Create, guided healing meditations. Take Your Body with You, shamanic drumming. Listen to Jan’s Pod Cast and be inspired! http://lightsong.net/lightsong-podcast/ jan@lightsong.net www.lightsong.net www.janengelssmith.com

Abundance, Purpose, Inspiration Mark Dodich In addition to natal astrology with current cycles, Mark Dodich specializes in Earthlines (AstroCartoGraphy) Relocation Astrology Maps and Seven Ray Esoteric Spiritual Purpose Astrology. He works with individuals, relationship compatibility, and business astrology, and has provided intuitive tarot since 1980. In 2008, Mark started leading Spiritual Growth Small Group Travel to Sacred Places. He has led groups to Egypt, Greece, and safari in Tanzania so far. Visit www.astromark.us or call 503-252-1558

Health, Purpose, Inspiration Gina Citoli – Beyond Entertainment into “The Extraordinary” Gina elevates, illuminates and energizes her audiences with passionate optimism, engaging stories, humor and an astounding voice. She transports us to exciting new worlds of expanded perception and unlimited possibilities. This brand of entertainment is evolutionary, superbly imaginative and is specifically and intentionally designed for these times! The shows are innovative and enlivening for conferences, Girls Nights Out, community outreach, meetings or retreats. “A Cabaret of Consciousness”, Gina’s premier presentation, is a brilliant powerhouse of a performance, a remarkable message of hope and a dynamic call for humanity to embrace their true power! There are four other performances available and all shows make for outstanding fundraisers and house parties. Gina is available in Portland OR as of Aug. 1, 2017. Find out what makes Gina’s performances so novel and exceptional at https://www.acabaretofconsciousness.com/unique-value/ www.GinaCitoli.com | www.ACabaretofConsiousnesness.com Info@AlchemyVIIEnterprises.com | 503-380-7273

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Abundance, Purpose, Inspiration, Resources Brent Marchant A lifelong movie fan and longtime student of metaphysics, Brent Marchant is the award-winning author of Get the Picture?!: Conscious Creation Goes to the Movies, Consciously Created Cinema: The Movie Lover’s Guide to the Law of Attraction and the upcoming Third Real: Conscious Creation Goes Back to the Movies (scheduled for release in 2017), all of which provide reader-friendly looks at how the practice of conscious creation (also known as the law of attraction) is illustrated through film. He also blogs about current film releases from this standpoint on his web site’s blog page and through contributions to New Consciousness Review, The Good Radio Network and Smart Women’s Empowerment. He also contributes to Frankiesense & More and New Consciousness Review radio and magazine. (http://brentmarchantsblog.blogspot.com/)

Inspiration, Resources Empowered Whole Being Press Empowered Whole Being Press is a boutique publisher specializing in supporting author’s self-publishing of quality written works that Inspire, Enlighten, and Transform its readers. We are excited to be involved in the transformation community, and are dedicated to supporting new authors who have an enlightening, compelling, inspiring message to share; be it fiction, non-fiction, poetry, YA, or books for our children. Established to fill a publishing house need for spiritually transforming books that offers more than the standard self-publishing services, we also provide marketing support and guidance packages to insure our author’s success. Our Intention: We are dedicated to encouraging creativity, inner exploration, and the expansion of spiritual evolution through written works by providing support, guidance, publishing, and marketing services to spiritually-focused consciousness expanding authors. We are here to serve you! Together WE create the Shift! http://www.EmpoweredWholeBeingPress.com

Health, Resources Geoffrey Knight Geoffrey has over twenty years of experience as a clinical hypnotherapist and trainer. He is a Certified Instructor of the National Guild of Hypnotists, the most prestigious body of hypnotists here in the US and abroad. A general practitioner, Geoffrey’s practice covers all areas where hypnotherapy is effective, such as: Anxiety, in all its forms; Phobias; Pain; Emotional Problems; Children: This is a particular specialty, and his expertise covers anything from bed wetting to childhood and teenage problems; Addictions, from food to alcohol, recreational drugs, and nicotine smoking; Sexual dysfunctions; Weight Loss; Motivation; and Memory loss and enhancement. Geoffrey offers a free consultation for up to 45 minutes, where he will be happy to address your questions and concerns. Appointments can be made Mondays through Fridays, and some Saturdays upon request. More information at http://geoffrey-knight.com/ or call 503-246-7300.

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Abundance, Purpose, Inspiration, Resources MJ Schwader At Inspired Life Publications, MJ Schwader helps authors create books, courses, mobile apps, and speaking platforms that inform, inspire, and transform. Whether it is writing coaching, layout and production for print or digital media, or promotion of products, MJ guides and supports authors from concept to the marketplace. With 35 years in the publishing industry and 20 years as a writing coach, MJ has helped over 250 authors become published. MJ has studied shamanic and energy healing methods for 16 years, and has developed a technique that combines channeled information with writing exercises to help the author produce truly transformational writing. The result is profound healing, for both the writer and the reader. Whether it’s guidance in learning how to become a better writer, navigating the worlds of traditional and self-publishing, or getting help with creating your iBook or Kindle ebooks, MJ can help you get your transformational message out to the world. Visit http://www.inspiredlifepublications.com or call 503-502-3700 Abundance, Inspiration, Resources Cynthia Sue Larson Cynthia Sue Larson helps people visualize and access whole new worlds of possibility. The best-selling author of six books, Cynthia hosts Living the Quantum Dream show on the DreamVisions7 radio network. She has been featured on the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, Coast to Coast AM, and the BBC, and has presented papers at international conferences on science, spirituality, and consciousness. Since 1999, Cynthia has shared findings from scientific research in the fields of quantum physics, quantum biology, the placebo effect, positive psychology, sociology, and alternative medicine. Her articles have appeared in journals ranging from Cosmos and History, to Magical Blend, to Parabola, and her RealityShifters web site has compiled one of the most extensive collections of reality shift reports in the world. Her monthly ezine, RealityShifters, has thousands of subscribers world-wide. More at http://www.realityshifters.com Visit http://www.inspiredlifepublications.com or call 503-502-3700

Abundance, Purpose, Inspiration, Resources Cosmic Ani Sometimes we need to go beyond the classrooms, the books and the internet. Sometimes it seems there is a maze of metaphysical mumbo-jumbo and conflicting, ego-driven agendas. Perhaps there is a lot you understand about spirituality, healing and metaphysics but are not sure how to “connect the dots.” Or, you are on a new journey of discovery and are overwhelmed by information. Although trained in traditional shaman lore, Ani Avedissian is a modern day Suburban Shaman with a genuine desire to clarify information and share spiritual knowledge appropriate for today’s busy, noisy world. Let her experience and expertise guide you to a deeper connection to the Cosmic Divine. Let the spirit inhabit the human because if we don’t…what’s the point? www.aniavedissian.com ani@aniavedissian.com 503-998-1237 cell PDT 503-582-0954 vm PDT Skype aniavedissian

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Health, Purpose, Inspiration Cynthia Slon Intuitive since the age of five, I have been honored to offer humanity information, healing and renewal through readings, channelings, universal dialogue, sound toning, frequency alignment and cell restoration, as well as connection to loved ones on the other side. My book, Point of Light, Communicate with your DNA, Change your life, Change the World! provides detailed information in how to access your own voice within the cellular pathway that is waiting for you to rejoin the conversation. http://www.cynthiaslon9.com

Health, Purpose, Inspiration Karen Hefner, MA, MS, ShD Deeply invested in the areas of healing and personal growth, Karen gently guides people toward their own innate health and happiness through education, ceremony, soul retrieval, extraction work, and Reiki. Karen’s intention is to assist clients and students in finding their soul’s path, their true self, their source of power and freedom. She offers this with deep gratitude to her teachers, spirit guides, and the native healers and communities who have been so generous with their teaching, healing, and ceremonies. Igniting Spirit offers healing and support to all who seek restoration, information, and community. The offerings are diverse, unique, and personal. Karen Hefner is part of a community of Reiki Masters, Shamanic Practitioners, Teachers, and Healers who strive to provide loving healing and support to all who seek restoration, information, and community. The offerings are diverse, they are unique, personal, and the intentions behind each one are sincere. https://www.hapiguide.com/oregon/portland/members/karen-hefner-ma-ms-shd

Health Francesca Fleming Francesca is a well-known medical medium/intuitive, who feels the energies, the aura and chakras and cords around a body, and receives information through channeling for healing and balancing issues like: fatigue, sleep issues, peri-menopause and menopause, allergies, testing sensitivities, kinesiology testing, environmental sensitivities, blood pressure, specific guidance to nutrients and supplements, endocrine imbalances; fibromyalgia; genetics stopping absorptions; Candida; recovery from cancer treatments; infertility guidance; joint pains, and many, many others. Francesca does not claim to be a substitute for a doctor. All service is considered an adjunct to your healing protocols. To contact Francesca, call 503-805-7403 or visit her website, http://www.Be-Joy.com

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Health, Resources Julia Schopick Julia is a health researcher and writer, and the author of the bestselling book, HONEST MEDICINE: Effective, Time-Tested, Inexpensive Treatments for Life-Threatening Diseases. Her goal is to empower patients to make the best health choices for themselves and their loved ones by teaching them about little-known but promising treatments their doctors may not know about. My writings on health and medical topics have been featured in American Medical News (AMA), Alternative & Complementary Therapies, the British Medical Journal, New Consciousness Review and the Chicago Sun-Times. Julia offers a coaching service through which she helps patients to get the best care from their doctors--or to find a doctor who will give them better care. She now coach authors of books with life-changing missions to become better radio interviewees, as well as better users of Facebook. These are the two promotional methods that have kept her book, HONEST MEDICINE, an Amazon bestseller for over five years. You may reach her via email at Julia@HonestMedicine.com.

Health, Purpose, Inspiration Tracie Mahan Tracie is a Psychic Medium, Clairvoyant, Hypnotherapist, QHHT Practitioner, Family Coach, NLP Practitioner and Reiki Master. Coming from a highly sensitive and intuitive family, Tracie has expanded her natural gifts with training and practice, enabling her to connect with guides, angels, Ascended Masters and spiritual council. In addition to being a clear channel of messages from these realms, her expertise also includes offering clients healing and energetic clearing, and perspective through looking at past lives to identify important connections with the present incarnation. She also uses Hypnotherapy as a tool to release old patterns from your life and clear out anxiety, depression and much more. Tracie enjoys bringing all of her modalities together to create a unique and healing experience for her clients. Visit http://www.traciemahan.com or call 503-680-2407.

Inspiration, Resources Clearmind International John Ceniseros found his way to Clearmind in 2011. The work of Clearmind, at its core, is about forgiveness of oneself, and being gentle and accepting. John feels blessed to help bring the work of Clearmind to Portland. It’s a gift he offers with a healthy dose of humor, fun, and (when necessary) silliness. Contact John at portland@clearmind.com or (503) 799-6834

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Health, Resources Ronelle Wood - OHM/Sanctuary We are the first in the world to offer Myofascial Release and the newest breakthroughs in addressing fascial restriction as well as the physics and science of alignment. It is the only facility where you receive bodywork to interrupt painful holding patterns and the necessary training that teaches you how to stay out of those holding patterns by changing your habits of movement. You can gain access to the newest instructional videos for correcting common alignment mistakes that lead to the following problems: Hip and Knee Replacement, Back and shoulder Pain, Pelvic Floor Disorder, Foot Pain, Headaches, Sciatica. https://www.hapiguide.com/california/ojai/members/ronelle-wood

Inspiration, Resources Tom Averna Tom is the Station Manager of emPower Positive Radio, your 24/7 source for positive music! All genres, all ages, all positive, all the time! This is the ONLY station of its kind right now anywhere in the world dedicated to Posi music, short for Positive, music that makes you feel better after listening than you did before. https://www.empowerpositiveradio.com/

Purpose Ciara Sullivan - Mentoring Metamorphosis Offering an eclectic mix of Hypnotherapy, NLP, Counseling, EFT, Guided Visualization, Mindfulness Meditation, and more. Whether meeting in person or online, we work one-on-one to achieve often life-changing breakthroughs! https://www.hapiguide.com/oregon/portland/members/ciara-sullivan

Health Lyn Delmastro-Thomson, MA, CBP, BAT Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Ready to have better health and vitality, less physical symptoms and get back to living the life you really want? Let’s talk about how I can help! Call me for a FREE 30 minute Discovery Call! https://www.hapiguide.com/oregon/portland/members/lyn-delmastro-thomson

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Health Lizanne Flynn I am extremely qualified to coach humans through any situation. Add to that my ability to channel the wisdom of Animals and other light beings on Earth and beyond and you’ve got an incredibly unique service. https://www.hapiguide.com/colorado/lakewood/members/lizanne-flynn

Inspiration, Resources Crystal Hope Reed Crystal is an Author and Coach for individuals and families experiencing spiritual awakening and/or paranormal phenomena. She is also a pet psychic, able to resolve issues and give animals a voice. https://www.hapiguide.com/california/santa-monica/members/crystal-hope-reed

Health Dharmendra Singh Sailoni Dharmendraji is a New – Age Wellness Coach, Yoga Meditation Master, Spiritual Healer & Jal – Yoga Founder. He offers coaching via Skype as well as nature-tours-cum-yoga meditation retreats in famous Indian holy cities. https://www.hapiguide.com/maharashtra/mumbai/members/unique-wellness

Inspiration Nancy Waldron I am an author writing about my life to inspire others to live with joy and embody all as Sacred Divine Beings. https://www.hapiguide.com/auburn/members/nancy-waldron

Inspiration Shiela Baker Shiela uses many tools to help the soul’s evolution including Shamanic Tarot, the Akashic Records, Soul Retrieval with After-Care, Shamanic Counseling & home & business blessings. https://www.hapiguide.com/washington/tulalip-bay/members/shiela-baker

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Purpose Tom King - Gif Counseling As an executive coach I help leaders in for-profit, non-profit, public sector, or entrepreneurs deal more effectively with the challenges of doing business in today’s world. https://www.hapiguide.com/minnesota/arden-hills/members/gif-counseling

Purpose Rob Bury Rob is the founder of AweLove™ University, an organization driven to lovingly help people find their burning flame, personal authenticity and foster deep human connection. https://www.hapiguide.com/oregon/portland/members/rob-bury

Health Darlene Sochin - Indigo Healings Darlene is a Certified Reiki Teacher and Practitioner, Certified Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator and Practitioner, and a Parenting and Child Development Energy Healer. https://www.hapiguide.com/oregon/portland/indigo-healings

Purpose Acharya Bharat Bharat is a Hindu (Vedic) Astrologer and Yoga teacher who promotes spiritual astrology, a discipline that will throw light on your Karma, your spiritual path, and your ultimate goal, self-realization. https://www.hapiguide.com/beaverton/members/acharya-bharat

Abundance Lisa Jones Lisa is a Certified Angel Reader and claircognizant who helps others make life decisions, guiding them to live in love and light. https://www.hapiguide.com/arkansas/little-rock/members/lisa-jones

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Health Erica Johansen Swedish Massage, Accident/Trauma Massage, Reiki, Etheric/Chakra Balancing, Canna-Massage, Ayurvedic Massage, Palliative Care Massage, East/West Blend Massage. https://www.hapiguide.com/oregon/vernonia/members/erica-johansen

Inspiration Vickie Pruitt Open up to new ways of experiencing life and raise your consciousness at the 6th annual premiere RaSani Body Mind Spirit Fair on October 7 & 8, 2017. https://www.hapiguide.com/oregon/albany/members/vickie-pruitt

Purpose Angie Sherman - L.O.V.E. them Oils, LLC I conduct FREE wellness consults and education centered around incorporating pure essential oils into your life-style. https://www.hapiguide.com/oregon/stayton/members/love-them-oils-llc

Resources Gaia’s Workshop Drums Master custom drum maker for ritual, ceremony, communication, connection, and even entertainment - done with art from our hearts. https://www.hapiguide.com/oregon/portland/gaias-workshop-drums

Inspiration Mark L Collins Author of The Heartspace Portal, a book shares deep insights and truths about the true nature of reality, our consciousness, and being from a spiritual perspective. https://www.hapiguide.com/massachusetts/westport-point/members/mark-l-collins

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Health Rose Wood Certified in Holographic Healing, Reiki, Ho’o Pono Pono, and EFT, I connect with source, higher consciousness, divine love, to access energies to assist you with your life issues. https://www.hapiguide.com/oregon/portland/members/rosewood-blessings

Health Chris Stopa Chris is an energy healer, Reiki master and Advanced Practitioner of Jorei and Pranic healing. His specialties include relationship issues, emotional stress release and physical issues. Chris also does space clearing either in person or from a distance. https://www.hapiguide.com/oregon/west-linn/members/chris-stopa

Health Keith Post, ND, LMT Keith offers a broad range of holistic family healthcare, specializing in the treatment of acute and chronic pain, as well as the rehabilitation of injuries. He also uses a kinesiology approach called Nutrition Response Testing. https://www.hapiguide.com/oregon/beaverton/members/keith-post-nd-lmt

Purpose Ingrid Kincaid I am an Elder and Wisdom Keeper, a teacher, author and spiritual guide. I’m dedicated to helping people with European ancestry to reclaim their indigenous heritage, reconnect with their own spiritual roots and heal their ancestral grief. https://www.hapiguide.com/oregon/portland/ingrid-kincaid

Inspiration, Resources Kara Johnstad Kara Johnstad is a singer-songwriter, author, voice specialist and owner of the successful company “VOICE YOUR ESSENCE™” Kara empowers audiences around the world via concerts, lectures and 1-on-1 coaching, in studio or via Skype. https://www.hapiguide.com/kara-johnstad

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Health Badeish Lange Through my empathic and psychic/medium skills I provide a unique platform for my clients to explore self-realization and healing. I also do readings of past, present, future and past life regressions upon request. https://www.hapiguide.com/oregon/hillsboro/members/badeish-lange Health Shelly Malone Shelly is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and Certified Bioindividual Nutrition Practitioner who does individual and group nutrition and lifestyle consulting specializing in autoimmune disease, mood/cognitive illness and other chronic inflammatory conditions. https://www.hapiguide.com/manhattan-beach/members/shelly-malone Abundance Psychic Video Readings We offer psychic video readings for a special low a special $5. Our readers are honest and accurate! https://www.hapiguide.com/alberta/olds/members/psychic-video-readings Purpose Sacheen Mobley - soulPATH Academy By unlocking the soul, we unlock the life. I use numerology to explore whether or not the choices clients are making are aligned with their soul’s purpose. https://www.hapiguide.com/new-york/oyster-bay/members/soulpath-academy Purpose Victoria Rose Happiness is a SKILL that can be learned and practiced! It requires changing... If you can THINK it, and BELIEVE it, you can CHANGE it. What do YOU want to change? https://www.hapiguide.com/victoria-rose Purpose Blue Ray Twin Flame Reader/Teacher We are healers, teachers, and creators who play an angelic role whereby we use our multidimensional healing vibrations as a unified Soul to alter the world one by one energetically. https://www.hapiguide.com/ohio/columbus/blue-ray-twin-flame-reader-teacher

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Resources Emerald Spiral Events he Emerald Spiral Expo is the preeminent New Age fair in the Northwest featuring Spiritual/Metaphysical Authors, demonstrations from intuitive arts to crystals and much more. https://www.hapiguide.com/washington/bellevue/emerald-spiral-events Abundance, Purpose, Inspiration Linda Cahan Linda is a psychic counselor, palmist and Feng Shui practitioner. She has been doing psychic work for over 40 years and is known for being down-to-earth, practical and accurate in her readings. https://www.hapiguide.com/west-linn/members/linda-cahan Inspiration Pearl Pierce Pearl is a seasoned Shamanic Practitioner who helps clear out what doesn’t belong, in individuals, homes, businesses, and land, and restore what does. Sessions in person and long distance by phone or Skype. https://www.hapiguide.com/cedar-mill-/members/pearl-pierce Resources Jen and Christine (OSO Sisters) Founders of the company, Om Sweet Om, designers of the OSO organic meditation cushions, Mindful Body Healing Health Coaches, and the creators of the holistic lifestyle transformation programs “Nourish” and “Designing A Life You Love”. https://www.hapiguide.com/michigan/fenton/members/jen-and-christine-”OSO-sisters” Health, Inspiration Susan Pease Banitt Author of “The Trauma Tool Kit,” Susan offers a rainbow bridge of healing from Eastern practices to Western techniques in service of multidimensional healing. https://www.hapiguide.com/portland/members/lotus-heart-counseling

Health, Inspiration David Lewis David combines core shamanism, 21st-Century energy medicines, Mystery School teachings, Faerie Doctoring, sound healing, Holy Fire Usui Reiki, food production techniques, design process, technical and creative writing, and pedagogy to guide individuals, businesses and groups. https://www.hapiguide.com/oregon/beaverton/members/david-lewis

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