" Ni how! Ni how! "
Ho Luming
賀 律銘
Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC
Education: 2015 - 2016: Industrial Design Department, Shih Chien University 2016 - Present: Communications Design Department, Shih Chien University Work Experience: Docent: Taipei Zoo (March 2017 - Present) Geography History Teacher: self- employed tutor (2015 - Present) Graphic Design & Illustration Worker: self- employed (2015 - Present)
I'm Here!
Skills: Adobe: Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, Lightroom, InDesign, After Effect Animation: Cinema 4D Microsoft Office, Public Speaking, Illustration, Calligraphy, Painting, Writing
華 / huá / 1 中國古稱華夏,今稱中華,簡稱華。 1 Chinese. 2 繁榮、旺盛。 3 時光、時間。
2 Prosperity. 3 Time.
He Stole the
HORSE 在戲歌中,「臉譜」應該是推廣京劇最好的切入點。「藍臉 的竇爾頓盜御馬」應該是這些歌中,最為人熟知的一句。 這劇唱詞所敘的就是京劇著名的傳統劇目《盜御馬》的故事。 整本戲分「坐寨」和「盜馬」兩折,劇中講述了綠林豪傑竇爾頓 為報、仇而盜取御馬栽贓黃三太的故事。
When it comes to Chinese Opera, the “face painting” script is always the best thing to start an introduction. And the show “Dordon the Blue Face Stole the Horse” is one of the most famous of all the operas. This show is talking about a well-known Chinese folk story: “Stealing the emperor’s horses”. The all opera can be separated into two parts, “staying in the fort” and “stealing the horse”. And Dordon is the main character in the show and also known as a “gentleman thief”.
Made with
NOODLES 此作品由冬粉編織而成,冬粉亦稱春雨。利用冬粉本身的可 塑性即拉力來成型,將近一個月的研究,我發現生冬粉必須要以 冷水浸泡二十三分鐘,後在冬粉乾燥前快速編織纏繞到模具上。 較需要注意的是冬粉乾燥後會快速萎縮,且力量強勁。最後利用 十三包的冬粉編織成椅子,放在地上即成席子,加腳立起即成座 椅,富中華文化的氣息。
This chair is made by soy noodles, which are also called as “spring rain�. Spending a long time researching, I found that if I wanna shape the soy noodles, I have to put the noodles in the water for 23 minutes and shape it in dry air in a very short time. At the end, I used 13 bags of soy noodles to make the chair with Chinese style.
Also Made with
NOODLES 此作品以冬粉編織而成,利用其透光性及可塑性創造出精巧可 愛之工藝品。第一版的作品僅有一個球形之燈罩,並未獲得老師們 的認同。當時曲家瑞老師建議我可以讓燈光更有層次,不然相對其 他人的作品較為單調。第二版的作品我在球形燈罩外面套上一張用 冬粉編織的網子,並將裡面原本的冬粉噴上油漆,讓此作品的光影 有了層次與變化,也讓整體有了更好的視覺效果。
This design is made with soy noodles. Using the light transmission and the plasticity of the soy noodles to create this work. During the first presentation, my work was not be supported by the teachers, and teacher Kristy recommended me to make the light multi-level. So I added a noodle net onto the light and coloured the inner level darker, making the whole light looks better.
There's a Artist in the
我定期至一國際派對擔任駐攤畫家,同場還有塔羅牌老師與 印度刺青老師等。我的攤位叫做「Chinese Doodle」,中文稱作 「中華插畫」,許多外國人對於這些東方風格的塗鴉感到好奇, 皆駐足參與。每晚皆畫了近 100 人,認識超過 12 國的朋友,相 信我的插畫對中華文化也有了一點點的推廣作用。
At December of 2017, I was invited to an international party as an artist, and my stand was called “Chinese Doodle�. Many foreigners were interested in the eastern style I painted, and I had painted more then 100 people from 12 different countries. I hope that I had help others to know more about Chinese culture.
A Japanese Set Designer's
WORKSHOP 此次工作營最大的收穫莫過於「呈現場景」,尤其是一開始 的「拼貼」。最初為了搜集正確的圖片考究很多明朝的資料。 Akiko 老師卻認為拼貼僅是呈現「氛圍」,並非最後的產出,所 以在製作上不需在這種專業領域花太多時間。若真要考究,可以 等到舞臺設計時再去進行,不然創意會被綁住。從氛圍去進行舞 臺設計,深信對於我未來的動物園設計領域大有幫助。
Making of the set model.
The best thing I’d learned in this workshop is no doubt but “how to display a scene”. At the beginning, I spent lots of time researching the historical background. However, teacher Akiko told me that collage is only the way to create “atmosphere”, or my creativity would be trapped by those “right” details. And I also think what I learned in this workshop gives me the way to think about zoo design.
Forget Who You are and
GET DRUNK 此作品是為工業產品設計學系的迎新晚會所設計,該年主題 為「小心肝」,由於就讀設計系即為傷肝行為之代表,是故在設 計時主辦單位希望門票能夠有與醫學相關之風格。最後的產出為 仿傳統藥單的設計,每一種酒名皆為中國民間故事中常見的藥 品。六首打油詩分散於各門票中,讓後續的分組活動得以進行。
These tickets were designed for the welcome party of Industrial Design Department. The theme that year was “Taking care of your liver�, because gong to design school is one of the best choice if you want to destroy your liver. Therefore, the design theme was the hospital style. The final output is the traditional prescription in Chinese pharmacy. Also, there are six different poems in the tickets, making it easier to have a game after the party started.
Visioning the Futures of
SOYBEANS 以「黃豆」為題,開始挖掘出更多的豆類製品與歷史背景的關 係。從醬油、豆腐、豆漿,我們發現黃豆竟大量的融入我們的生 活。我們大膽假設在未來,黃豆為世上僅存的食物。 另外市面上充斥著加工品的年代,人們也許並不知道自己吃下 去的東西原本是什麼?所以我們設計了黃豆樂園,藉由玩來讓大 家更加認識豆類製品的成形過程。同時我們也嘗試製作「豆腐渣 的建材」,最後也成功做出了豆渣磚做成餐具! 食物的部份,我們採用臺灣在地美食——阿給的做法,用豆皮 包覆著豆絲炒豆瓣醬,並用味增點綴的全豆料理,來為這次的實 驗研究做一個完美的總結。
Started from “soybean�, we were surprised to find that soybeans are every where in our daily life, from soy sauce to tofu. We also pretended there will be nothing but soybeans in the future, trying to use soybeans instead of other food. And most people do not know how processed food been made. We created an amusement park for showing how soybeans become soy products. We also try to use the waste of tofu to make soy material. We use that material to make tablewares. On the final presentation, we made the Taiwanese traditional food: A-Gae. All kinds of food on the dishes are made with soybeans, by the way, so are the tablewares.
5 1: Doing food researching in traditional shops. 2, 3: Group discusion with Japanese teachers. 4, 5: Using the waste of tofu to create new material for tableware. 6: Poster of the Soybean Amusement Park. 7: 3D Printed facilities for Soybean Amusement Park. 8: My talking in the final prsentation. 9: Japanese professors enjoying our cusine.
Poesters for the final presentation.
Hey! I Just Found Some
ANCIENT NAMES 許多動物在古文中都有其他的名字,而且往往不只一種,可 簡單稱之為俗名。有些俗名與今日類似,有些則相差甚遠,在古 文中讀到時難以辨認其為何。例如「大蟲」即為老虎;「騶虞」 即為大貓熊,為白色瑞虎;「橐駝」兩字發音相同,是背上有包 包的馬之意。
Many animals have other names before people organised them by zoology ways. Some old names are quite different from today. For instance, the ancient name for tiger is “the big worm”, the one for giant panda is “white lucky tiger”, and “the horse with a bag” means camel.
The Huge Worm
Lucky Tiger
The Bag Horse
From the Word
EXCHANGE 偶然看到一篇文章,不知真偽。其曰:「『易』自為象形, 即蜥『蜴』,尤指變色龍。由於他的顏色可以改變,即為『易』」。 雖然此說與許慎對於的「易」之解釋稍有出入,我自個兒也認為 這句話不靠譜,不過在篆書上,「易」字似乎與變色龍有些神似 之處,挺有趣,就紀錄下來。
Read a article accidentally, and I am not sure what it said is true or false. It talked about “The word “易” meant chameleon at the old time” (although mostly means “exchange”). And I found that the word “ 易 ” in seal script looks a little bit like the shape of chameleon. Although I do not think this article is correct, I still think it’s quite interesting to know this point of view, and I made this work for comparing the word “易” and the chameleon.
洋 / yáng / 1 外國的。 2 舊指比較現代的事物。 3 海洋。
1 Oversea. 2 Something more modern. 3 Sea.
Here Live 13
HIPPOS 民國 106 年受到臺北市立動物園的邀請,設計非洲動物區河 馬展示場更新工程中的指標。新的河馬展示場是舊的場館的兩倍 大,也做了很多設備的更新。最大亮點為新增了水下的展示,原 先只能從上俯視河馬的背部,現今能夠透過玻璃近距離看見河馬 在水中的活動。雖然大部分的人都認識河馬,但其實河馬並不是 動物園中常見的動物,因為照養相關設備不易維護且昂貴,其他 有飼養河馬的動物園也頂多三、四隻。臺北市立動物園擁有的河 馬數量是世界各國動物園中數一數二的,目前共計十三隻。對於 許多外國遊客或是動物園相關人士總是對於可以在動物園看到 「一群河馬」感到相當驚訝。
I was invited by Taipei Zoo in 2017 to redesign the signages in the hippo exhibit’s renovation. The new exhibit is two times bigger then the old one, and contains a new, strong water filter. The core highlight in this renovation is the new under-water view. Before then, the zoo only offered the view from a higher spot instead of a face-to-face view under the water. Although most of the people know what hippos are, actually it is not common to see hippos in zoos around the world. Due to the high expense for keeping the hippos, most of the zoos with hippos would not keep more than 3 ones. There are 13 hippos in Taipei Zoo, this amount can be called a astronomical figure in an enclosure. Most of the foreign zoo workers were shocked by seeing so many hippos in one time in a single zoo.
動物園的指標包含禁止圖、警示圖、參觀動向等,原先指標 設計多是制式化的,大部分都是直接購買市面上現成的,少部分 為動物園內自行設計。透過這次的設計更新,得以在製作上跳脫 過往風格,為動物園的細節注入新的氣象,也很榮幸能夠擔當此 案之獨立設計師。
The signages in zoos include warning signs, way finding signs, banning signs. Most of the signages are stickers bought from markets. These new signages are totally different with the traditional ones, and make the details in zoo more perfectly. It was my honour to be the independent designer in this signage renovation.
From Zoos to the
SECOND NATURE 題目是「場域」,一個自己所愛之場所。我選擇了動物園。 透過一學期的探求,一層層去理解自己的情感,我終了解動物園 對於我的意義,在期末做了一部 VR 短片來表達這一學期所獲得 知理解。 The theme this time is “my own place”, a place be loved by me, and I chose “zoos”. Spending the whole semester to find the real affect between me and zoos, and I finally realised the reason why I love zoos. On the final presentation, I used a VR video to express the emotion I found this semester.
I chose “zoos” as my place, and the reason is “I love nature”. Mr. Su asked me why not going mountain climbing? And after thinking, I found that the reason is only because I want to enjoy the nature with a cozy and “clean” way, for instance, I would choose a park instead of a forest, which means I regard nature as unclean place in my subconscious.
I was shocked and sad by knowing the true reason. Therefore, I made a toy to satirise myself. The toy’s name is “Nature Explorer”, the slogan is “help your kids spend more time in nature”. There are tree models and fake grass for kids to play. Why fake ones? Only because they are cleaner.
1 2
In the set design workshop, I found that the relationship between “me, stage and performers” is very similar with the relationship between “me, zoo habitats and the animals”.
Mr. Su led us to write poems, and this is the poem I wrote, is about flower arrangement. Flower arrangement is also very similar with the concept I wanna say. The flowers look so natural but they are arranged artificially, just like zoos.
3 4
On the final work, I created an illustration VR video. Illustration is the second nature I made, which is artificial. The landscape is the stage for the animals. And I myself, is the audience who enjoy the nature in my comfort zone. Madagasikara is the old name of Madagascar, the reason I chose this place is because that island has the most significant creatures in the world. I had spent a lot of time going to Taipei Zoo and Taipei Botanical Garden to observe those things I drew, trying to make it more realistic.
Animals put into the VR video.
Poester for the presentation.
Just Make It Fucking
「設計繪畫」課程是實踐大學媒體傳達設計學系的招牌課程 之一,由曲家瑞老師及徐格麟老師共同指導,兩個老師都非常專 業並且極富耐心。課程前半主要都是在畫裸體模特兒,後半畫建 築空間與將極小的物件放大。不只是炭筆素描,也嘗試使用水墨、 蠟筆、粉彩,甚至是紙膠帶等素材進行創作。老師並不是像傳統 美術教育那樣,要追求畫得寫實,反而鼓勵我們除了仔細觀察, 更要加入情感以及創意,每一個同學的繪畫都有強烈的個人特 色。老師的口頭禪是「再大一點!再大一點!」,老師永遠給我
I was on TV with Professor Kristy when she was interviewed by the reporters.
得寫實,反而鼓勵我們除了仔細觀察,更要加入情感以及創意, 每一個同學的繪畫都有強烈的個人特色。老師的口頭禪是「再大 一點!再大一點!」,老師永遠給我們用最大張的紙,讓我們更 奔放地繪畫。
“Design painting” is a really famous course in our department, Shah Chien University Department of Communications Design, and this course is held by Kristy Chu and Ge-lin Hsu. The course has two parts, the first is about nude art, and the second is about sketching architecture and small gadgets. Not only normal tools for sketching, we also tried crayon, Chinese brush or even tapes with different colours.
Our teachers didn’t follow the formal art education system, but encouraged us to paint “what we see”. Not only observe the details of the models, but also put our creativity and emotion into our works. And the teachers had always told us to paint it “bigger! bigger!”, and gave us the biggest pieces of paper they can offer to let us paint with freedom.
There in the Forest Lives a
MONSTER 這隻怪獸叫做喬治,他住在郊區的小森林裡,他默默地守護 這片森林。 這位女孩叫做妮妮,家人都在做生意,很少有時間陪她。她 很不會說話,雖然心裡有滿滿的話想說,只能一個字、一個字地 擠出來。附近的小朋友沒有耐心,她才講幾個字他們就跑掉了! 妮妮好難過,她明明有好多話想講,如果他們再等她一下就好了。 今天妮妮進到森林後遇到了喬治。喬治很大但是非常溫和, 他與妮妮一拍即合,喬治捧著妮妮在森林裡面穿梭,涼快極了! 妮妮真的很開心。「我明天還能來森林裡找你嗎?」妮妮慢慢地 說。喬治將妮妮捧到嘴旁,「有空就來森林走走,我永遠在這裡 等你」,今天,妮妮是世界上最幸福的人。
The monster’s name is George, living in the small forest near the village.
The girl’s name is Nini, living with her father and mother on the street. Her parents are busy with their business, having no time playing with Nini. Nini even has language impairment, have to speak word by word, making her hard to have a friend. Why not other kids listen to Nini? She want to share a lot of things with them, they just have to wait for moment for her to finish a sentence.
Nini went to the small forest today and met George. George was huge but gentle. He took up Nini and ran through the woods. It was so comfortable and Nini loved it! Nini said slowly: “Can I come here tomorrow?”. George took Nini up by his lips, “I’m always waiting for you here”. Today, Nini was the luckiest person on earth.
Nothing but
RULES 看展的時候要乖,不要亂來。此海報是為工業產品設計系的 學期展所設計。為了叮嚀來參觀的人關於看展時的種種禮貌,特 地做了一些標示與警語,當然也有鼓勵做的事情。在展覽結束後, 也製作了相關的 Line 貼圖,蠻有趣的。
This poster was designed for the exhibition of Industrial Design Department, “warning� the audience to behave better in the exhibition. Some funny elements were added into the poster, making it more interesting. I also created some Line stickers after the exhibition, go buy them!
Line stickers were launched after the exhibition.
Swimming Like a
HUGE FISH 「北冥有魚」是莊子逍遙遊的第一句,「北冥有魚,其名為鯤。 鯤之大,不知其幾千里也。化而為鳥,其名為鵬。鵬之背,不知 其幾千里也。怒而飛,其翼若垂天之雲。是鳥也,海運則將徙於 南冥。南冥者,天池也。」 自工業產品設計系轉往媒體傳達設計系後,我就像一隻從水 窪跳進北海的大魚。Cinema 4D 是我到媒傳系第一個學習的軟 體,當我發現我可以快速地做出任何我想像的畫面時,我感到真 正的自由以及快樂。如今鯤已入海,化為鵬指日可待。
“There is a fish in the northern ocean” is a sentence from a famous Chinese ancient article, which means to “be huge” and “swim in the biggest ocean”, then the fish become a huge eagle with freedom, flying through the whole world.
After I started in Communications Design Department by the transferring test, I felt like a big fish jump into the edgeless ocean from a small pond. This practice is made by Cinema 4D, the first software I learned in this department. It is a great feeling for me to create any thing I can imagine. I want to be the huge eagle in the future, and I am sure I’m the big fish which is ready to jump out from the sea.