Editor’s notes
Millennium highlights The start of the new millennium was celebrated in many different ways all over the world. While there were those who were quite content to quietly catch the very first rays of the sun as it rose above the horizon in their particular time zone, others preferred to see the sky spectacularly illuminated by laser beams or fireworks. But not all celebrations in which light plays such a prominent role are of such a transitory nature. Many city authorities have taken the opportunity to mark the event by staging special year-long light spectacles, such as the giant illuminated Ferris wheel in the heart of Paris pictured on these pages. Others commissioned artists to have their works projected in public places for all to see. And then there are the numerous city authorities who have taken the opportunity to implement new, imaginative city beautification projects aimed at making their towns safer and more attractive for those living there and more appealing to visitors. JF Caminada
A new, though temporary, Paris monument by Serge Dumont and Marcel Campion. The giant 60-m diameter Ferris wheel provides a magnificent panorama from the Place de la Concorde, the largest and most beautiful spot in Paris.
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No. of lighting circuits: 130 No. of lamps: 50 000 (110 V 10 W) Floodlights: 24 x ArenaVision Installed power: 500 kW Special feature: Dynamic switching Holographic effects: Cyril Vachez Lighting equipment: Philips Lighting Cabling & installation: Amusement Lights Control Systems, The Netherlands