AD & Bioresources News - April 2015

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Issue 26 April 2015

Raising the bar on safety and performance Focus on tanks

ADBA R&D Forum 2015

AD & Biogas Industry Awards 2015 Last chance to enter

What will the General Election bring for AD?

Can you get £100 per tonne for your digestate? 2

AD & Bioresources News | april 2015

Foreword Post-election power sharing will impact green agenda

Inside this issue > Foreword:


ADBA News:




Feature – Doing AD well: UK AD & Biogas 2015 Preview:

8-12 14-15

UK AD & Biogas Industry Awards 2015 Preview: 17 Technology Focus: Tanks:


Advice Clinic: Planning:


Members’ News & Views:




Operator & Working Groups:


Government & Agency News:


R&D Update:


ADBA R&D Forum 2015 Preview:


Upcoming Events:


Membership Matters:


Editorial: To be considered for inclusion in a future issue contact: Editor: Kate O’Reilly T +44 (0)7894 039609 E

AD&Bioresources News FEATURES Features planned for Issue 27 (June) include:

By Vilhelm Oberg, Director of Energy and Sustainability, Brevia Consulting


n the eve of any general election, most industries ask themselves: ‘What policies will the new government have in store for us?’ At the moment, the prevailing question in the Westminster bubble, however, is not which policies, but what government? All we can say with certainty at this stage is that either Labour or the Conservatives will take the lead in forming a minority or coalition government. With such a government the most probable outcome, the next parliament is unlikely to be one of decisive policy making, but rather one of negotiations and compromises – and it could be a short one at that. To get any indication of what a new government – of whatever nature – has in store, the election campaign provides us with the best available pointers. The first indication is that all major parties have committed themselves to continued austerity to a greater or lesser extent. This limits the policy options available by setting strict financial perimeters and exposing the parties to scrutiny and criticism over uncosted policy pledges. The second indication is that environmental policy has increasingly ended up in the firing line and that ‘green’ issues are by no means protected. A recent example is Labour’s backtracking on banning the landfilling of food waste, which followed Tory analysis that claimed the ban would carry a £477m price tag for the Treasury (primarily due to a loss of landfill tax receipts from councils and businesses). The Conservative claim that Labour’s proposed policy to give the Green Investment Bank (GIB) borrowing powers would cost £3.7bn is another example. Labour retorted that it was coalition policy to grant the GIB borrowing powers. Energy and environmental policy are likely to remain under financial pressure, as all parties seek to balance the books over the coming parliament. Having said that, long-term stances on these policy areas are likely to hold true. Labour’s long-term commitment to decarbonising the energy sector is likely to see greater support for renewables, probably through an increased Levy Control Framework – a measure which could attract support from the Lib Dems or SNP. A Tory-led government is likely to be less generous, but any Lib Dem support could come at the price of more spending on renewables.

• Feature: Making on-farm AD viable in the face of ever-decreasing incentives • UK AD & Biogas 2015 – Show and exhibitor preview • Advice clinic: Training • Technology focus: Pre-treatment technology Copy deadline: 16 Apr

Features planned for Issue 28 (September) include: • Making the most of bioresources (including digestate) • UK AD & Biogas 2015 review • Technology focus: Enzymes, additives and process optimisation Copy deadline: 3 July

Sponsorship and advertising: Jamil Ahad T +44 (0)203 176 4414 E Rachel Fenton T +44 (0)203 176 5418 E

april 2015 | AD & Bioresources News


ADBA News Invite your local candidates to pledge support for AD

By Charlotte Morton, ADBA’s Chief Executive


he run up to the general election is clearly a period of great policy uncertainty for AD’s investors and developers. Decisions taken by the new government could make a huge difference to our future growth. We in the industry hope that May’s general election delivers a government which acknowledges the varied benefits of AD by: • offering long-term funding guarantees for renewable energy; • facilitating source segregated food waste collections; • supporting a policy framework that values low carbon, green technologies; • recognising the improved air quality and reduced vehicle emission advantages of biomethane as a transport fuel; • helping guarantee export financing; • coordinating with industry to agree sustainability criteria; and • supporting R&D projects which could double or quadruple the AD industry’s potential. However, it is clear that we will need strong political support to get the right decisions in all of these areas. In terms of pre-election policy commitments, Labour has reinforced its ambition to produce 18 per cent of the UK’s total gas demand from green gas by 2020. Although encouraging, it will be impossible to deliver green gas without a legislative framework which facilitates source segregated food waste collections. Only 12 per cent of food waste is currently extracted from our waste stream for AD, but if all inedible food was redistributed to AD then it would increase the industry’s capacity sixfold. Labour’s apparent decision to move away from a ban on food waste to landfill risks jeopardising the industry’s ability to meet this ambition.

In contrast, the Liberal Democrats’ firm commitment to a Zero Waste Britain Act would increase the availability of food waste for AD, potentially reducing UK greenhouse gas emissions by 5.3m tonnes; the equivalent of taking nearly two million cars off the road. The Conservatives are worryingly quiet on both renewable energy support and resource policy. It is, therefore, essential that we all motivate our political representatives ahead of the general election to lobby hard for the outcomes that our industry needs to continue to flourish. You are the best people to engage your future MPs! I cannot stress enough how important it is for members to engage with the local candidates vying to represent your company or site(s) – not only is this an opportunity to raise awareness of AD at a political level through a site visit, but this could also be a fantastic PR opportunity for your business (and for the candidate). When approaching your candidates, the pledge card insert in this magazine will provide a useful tool to engage politicians who might otherwise be unaware of AD and its numerous benefits. Make sure to return these signed pledge cards to us, and we will use them to hold individual MPs to account on their pledges, outline the degree of parliamentary support for AD to party leaders, and influence potential coalition government negotiations in the wake of the general election. See p6 for more details

ADBA seeks to protect small scale AD • DECC will share its from changes to FIT view with industry on ADBA, REA and a small industry delegation met DECC officials in February to discuss the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) review, in particular issues relating to smaller scale AD. Key points included: • The scope of the review will be a decision for new ministers once appointed; • We can reasonably expect that tariffs will be reviewed, as this was required by the original state aid approval for the FIT scheme; • DECC is working under the assumption that no notification to state aid will be required; • The constraints imposed by the Levy Control Framework are assumed to remain, meaning there is little room in the budget for additional spending; • It is impossible to give any certainty on timings, but launching the consultation before Parliament breaks for the summer recess would be an obvious target – it is, therefore, possible that this will happen in July 2015; • Changes for AD will likely be considered in the context of the overall FIT budget and possible impacts on other technologies; • The latest FIT statistics show strong AD deployment through 2014, including at the sub 250 kW scale (however, we showed data that demonstrates that sub 100 kW deployment remains low, and that deployment at all scales is slowing); 4

AD & Bioresources News | april 2015

the ‘attrition rate’ of plants that received pre accreditation in 2013, but estimate it to be around 10-20 per cent across the AD sector as a whole. In preparation for the review, we have started the process of gathering data on the costs of electricity plants, especially at the small and medium scale. Clearly this data provision will be crucial to make the case for more supportive FIT rates during the review, and to justify the additional benefits of smaller scale, on-site AD. While DECC will be continuing its own work, there is unlikely to be much public news from the department in the ‘purdah’ period in the run up to the election.

Get involved To contribute to our work on the FIT review, contact

ADBA News RHI degression – the guessing game With uncertainty still surrounding the RHI, there is much attention on the issue of degression. The RHI degression mechanism depends on the following four factors, which are calculated quarterly: 1 Individual technologies For biomethane, forecast expenditure was running above its threshold at the time of publication. However, this forecast is currently based on estimated load factors rather than actual biomethane injected – the forecast may therefore be reduced once actual load factors are accounted for, especially as a large number of plants were commissioned in late 2014. For biogas heat, forecast expenditure has been running below its forecast to date (as of March 2015). However, we are aware of a lot of interest in this area, so this could change quickly. 2 Whole scheme Across all technologies, the RHI scheme is currently running above its expenditure threshold, which makes degression more likely. 3 Degression in previous quarter Where degression has taken place in the previous quarter, it is likely that more degression will follow, and that it will be higher. In its response to the

biomethane tariff review, DECC stated The new RHI biomethane tariffs agreed that there would be no by government in December were degression on 1 April implemented in February. For more 2015, irrespective of information please go to the members’ forecast expenditure, in area at order to provide some certainty. However, DECC will account for the fact that data for 1 April indicated that a degression would have taken place, making degression on 1 July 2015 more likely, and possibly also higher than previously anticipated. 4 Growth over past three months If growth in forecast expenditure is above DECC’s expectation, then any degression will be increased. In other words, if DECC expected its forecast to grow by £8m, but it grew by over £12m, it could lead to a higher degression irrespective of the forecasts themselves. Where DECC has received actual biomethane flow data, this is used to forecast expenditure. If the actual load factors are significantly below the estimated load factors, then we could see a fall in the forecast expenditure between these dates, which would potentially lower any degression. In future, as generation from existing sites increases, the growth between trigger points could become higher, leading to higher degression at that point.

RHI degression scenario It is difficult to estimate what the degression on 1 July 2015 might be. A possible scenario is that the biomethane forecast exceeds its expenditure threshold; the whole scheme exceeds its threshold; there is a degression on 1 April 2015 (excluding the outcome of the tariff review); and growth is not over 50 per cent more than expected. In this situation, we would be looking at a five per cent degression. For more information on how the RHI degression could affect your project, contact

AD loses vital funding option To date, anaerobic digestion and RHI-supported technologies have enjoyed an exemption from the ruling which restricted FIT technologies from receiving Enterprise Investment Schemes (EIS) and Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) funding. Despite heading off two previous attempts to change these restrictions, the Chancellor decided last autumn to extend them to include AD.

There can be no doubt that disqualifying EIS funds from all technologies claiming FIT and RHI will remove a vital funding option for AD. We are aware of over £130m of potential investment which has been raised under EIS and which could be invested in AD, and the true figure is likely to be higher still. The loss of this potential investment will severely impede the industry’s ability to maintain last year’s record growth. With help from members we submitted a statement to HM Treasury calling for a continued exemption for AD projects, but the March budget confirmed that the exemption will be lost. However, a six-month extension for investment until October 2015 for community renewable energy projects has been agreed.

april 2015 | AD & Bioresources News



Hobnobbing your MP! All it takes is a short letter to the constituency office of your local MP or candidate and you too could help influence the government policies which affect our industry. Various ADBA members have already engaged with politicians in their area to help promote the future of the sector. Just recently, North Essex Conservative MP, Bernard Jenkin, highlighted his green credentials while touring Full Circle Energy’s 500 kW on-farm AD plant near Elmstead. This picture shows Mr Jenkin sat around a table with our pledge card, discussing industry challenges over coffee and biscuits. This type of engagement could help establish a lasting political relationship for your business, benefit the wider industry and inspire a potentially vocal advocate of AD in Parliament.

Bernard Jenkin MP learns about the benefits of AD over coffee and HobNobs, courtesy of Full Circle Energy

Get involved For advice on how to engage with your local MP and parliamentary candidates, contact

We have since followed up that meeting by sending Mr Jenkin a detailed policy briefing, breaking down our key industry asks and summarising the numerous benefits of AD. This work is essential to building understanding of the vital role of our industry, and winning future support in debates about financial incentives, waste policy and regulation. See Charlotte Morton’s opinion piece on p4


AD & Bioresources News | april 2015


News from the regions Investment in food waste recycling for Derry City Council Derry City Council has been awarded £132,000 to extend its food waste recycling service. Welcoming the announcement, Mayor of Derry, Councillor Brenda Stevenson, said she was ‘delighted’ that the Council had been awarded such a significant amount, adding: “The extension of the scheme will have a significant impact in terms of providing a consistent waste collection service across the council district and increasing the diversion of food waste from landfill.”

NI support for small scale renewables confirmed until 2017 Northern Ireland’s Enterprise, Trade and Investment Minister Arlene Foster MLA has announced the publication of the government response to the Small Scale Banding Review consultation, setting out Renewables Obligation Certificate (ROC) levels until 2017. The response confirms that existing ROC levels for small scale onshore wind, anaerobic digestion and hydro technologies will remain unchanged until the closure of the Northern Ireland Renewables Obligation (NIRO) to new applicants from 1 April 2017.

Bids invited for Scottish Recycling Fund Zero Waste Scotland and Scottish Enterprise have reminded businesses that significant investment is still available from the Scottish Recycling Fund (SRF). Businesses can apply for a loan to help develop or expand their capacity for the sorting, re-use/repair and reprocessing of eligible waste materials in Scotland, including industrial food and drink processing waste/by-products. While no deadline has been given, Richard Lochhead, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment (pictured), stated: “I’d strongly urge any businesses who think they might be eligible to contact Zero Waste Scotland to see what funding and support might be able to help them develop these businesses of the future.”

SEPA appoints new Chief Executive The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has appointed Terry A’Hearn as its next Chief Executive. Mr A’Hearn is currently Chief Executive of the Northern Ireland Environment Agency and will succeed current Chief Executive, James Curran.

april 2015 | AD & Bioresources News


Doing AD well

Why it is time to raise industry standards


he growth of the AD industry over the past five years has been well-documented, and as the number of plants grows, developers and operators are under pressure to maintain and improve operational standards. At ADBA’s National Conference the Defra minister, Dan Rogerson MP, declared: “[Health and safety issues] are undermining confidence in the AD market.” A well performing industry is crucial to continue raising finance, ensure proportionate regulation and gain public and media support. And to realise its potential of delivering 10 per cent of Britain’s domestic gas demands and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by two per cent, the sector must also continue to improve its operational efficiency. Operators’ margins are being squeezed like never before and only those who optimise every aspect of their process will thrive in this competitive market.

by Alexander Maddan, Chief Executive of Agrivert: “If you’re not at the top of your game, you simply won’t make money. Subsidies are falling, gate fees are falling, plastics disposal costs are rising and there’s increasing competition for food waste. It’s therefore essential to run a safe and efficient operation.” And it’s not just merchant plants facing increasing pressure. “With the introduction of sustainability criteria, maximising energy yield per hectare for purpose grown crops will be even more important to crop-based AD operators

Operator pressure

“There are three principal revenue streams for most commercial food waste AD plants – gates fees, subsidies, and wholesale power revenue – and operators are facing challenges on all three fronts,” states Julian O’Neill, Chief Executive of Biogen and an ADBA Director. “There is an increasing level of competition for feedstock and on a regional basis it looks like we may have reached a tipping point where there is now more AD capacity than available food waste. In addition, wholesale power prices are around 20 per cent below expectations, and new developers are having to deal with subsidy degression. Operators are having to work harder than ever to deliver a reasonable return while remaining mindful that robust and reliable operations are key to achieving success.” This view is echoed 8

AD & Bioresources News | april 2015

Biogen operates five food waste AD facilities, with a further two coming on stream this year, and sees safety as its number one priority

Doing AD well Agrivert works hard to minimise risk of incidents at all its AD facilities

DECC minister Amber Rudd paid a visit to Clearfleau’s Nestlé plant and saw the benefits of the on-site testing facility

going forward,” says Tim Elsome, Business Development Manager for FM BioEnergy. “Crop operators need to ensure maximum yields in the field and then minimise storage losses and create the best acid profile within the clamp to improve digestibility.” But operators can only judge the success of their development if FM BioEnergy’s services, such as regular they have the right methods in analysis and bespoke nutritional products, place to assess their operational help AD operators optimise performance performance. One obvious way and prevent incidents to do this is by looking at CHP availability; a successful AD facility’s CHP engine should be available and running for at least 90 per cent of the time. “Performance can also be measured by kWh per tonne, with the aim of maximising generation for every tonne of feedstock,” advises Julian. “We also monitor and review cost per tonne trends, taking into account both direct and indirect costs, and ensure we maintain our focus on how much cash the plant is generating. But merchant plants shouldn’t overlook customer satisfaction. For too long, customers have been treated merely as feedstock suppliers. For the sector to continue to grow, this mindset has to change.”

Understanding the process

According to Dr Les Gornall, Process Consultant at PROjEN, the best performing plants are designed around the feedstock. “A plant that is designed for a slurry/maize feedstock may not work for slurry/food waste,” he explains. “To reduce parasitic electrical loads and maximise gas production, digesters need a feedstock that is best described as ‘good soup’; high in organic matter and free of contaminants. It’s also crucial to choose the right bacteria for the feedstock and digester operating temperature. Make the microbes happy and they will thrive. After all, a digester is a living organism that needs to be attended to every day – it’s a cow, not a tractor.” Defra’s Dan Rogerson MP believes that safety incidents are ‘undermining confidence in the AD market’

Richard Gueterbock is a Director of Clearfleau, which designs and builds on-site AD plants for customers including Nestlé and Diageo. “Our clients are mostly food processors with a strong brand reputation and high expectations of performance, who are used to adhering to stringent health and safety standards; they’re ahead of the game compared to many AD operators,” he reveals. “AD plants are designed to take a certain load and a certain feedstock and the key thing for us is making sure the client operates the plant in the way in which it was designed. AD is a biological process which needs to be optimised, so careful and effective monitoring is fundamental. Every AD operator should be able to test their feedstocks and monitor the operation of the plant on-site. We provide a small lab for all our clients, training them to undertake a daily monitoring regime to evaluate the biology and stop any crisis before it occurs. We can supplement this with a service agreement. A healthy plant will perform well, optimising energy output, so it’s in the interest of the operator to maximise its performance.”

Safety first

While there are many parameters for operators to monitor, there can be no doubt as to Biogen’s priority. “Safety is our number one focus,” confirms Julian O’Neill. “We’ve invested heavily across the compliance agenda and we systematically review each of our sites using a 130-point checklist every month. We also carry out a Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) on a regular basis to ensure we are proactive in identifying any improvements that can be made across our operational network. It’s time-consuming but worth every minute as there can be no compromise on safety.” Julian is well aware of the damage that poorly-run plants can do to the wider industry. “The Environment Agency (EA) sees AD as a high risk sector. There is a massive spectrum of competency, with some plants operating below par, which means we’re all feeling the heat. The entire industry needs to come up to standard.” The implications of not doing so are severe. Not only will it force the EA to regulate further (the EA is already surveying all AD sites), it will also make it more difficult for projects to attract funding. “If the industry fails to raise its standards then insurers, due to claims levels, will either apply premiums that are unsustainable or not offer cover at all,” warns Carl Gurney, Renewable Energy Executive for Jelf Insurance Brokers. “Without an insurance policy to de-risk the bank sheet, will financiers want to invest?” For Mandy Stoker, Director of E4environment Ltd, a good indicator of a well-run AD operation is an Environmental Management System (EMS): “When issuing permits to AD sites, the EA requires an EMS to be implemented to control day to day operations. A robust EMS, put in place with the help of

Continued>> april 2015 | AD & Bioresources News


Doing AD well an experienced professional, not only helps with permit compliance but also improves environmental performance, increases operational efficiency, raises employees’ environmental awareness and enhances the plant image with customers, suppliers, regulators and investors.” The most successful AD operators are those who focus Crop-fed plants are facing increasing pressure due on prevention rather than to upcoming sustainability criteria cure, and when Agrivert’s Cassington plant suffered an incident in January 2013, the company’s safety systems were put to the test. Alexander Maddan explains: “When a pipe seal failed in a main digestion tank during the early hours of Sunday morning, our systems worked well – the pressure sensors detected the leak, the emergency valves automatically isolated the leakage zone, and our management team received an automated message and were on site within 40 minutes. In this time 40m3 of digestate had escaped but it was fully contained in the clay-lined bunded area. A tanker arrived within two hours and pumped the digestate back to the digester and by the next morning you’d never have known that we’d had a leak.” While disaster was averted, the incident served as a reminder of just what can go wrong. “We are now acutely aware of what could happen – it was a small spill but it gave us a jolt and focused our minds on future design,” says Alexander.

Optimising plant performance

Tim Elsome has seen first-hand the extremes of both well-run and poorly managed AD plants and is clear that those facilities which prioritise operational efficiency from the outset stand the greatest chance of success: “Some developers think operating an AD plant will be a straightforward process – a smooth commissioning phase followed by a stable operational period, providing the return predicted in their business model. However, this is rarely the case. The lost income from poor operational efficiency is huge compared to the small cost of preventative measures such as regular analysis, consultancy and bespoke nutritional products.” Matt Hale, International Sales Manager for HRS Heat Exchangers, agrees that optimising performance makes good business sense: “Not using the heat naturally generated as part of the AD process could be costing operators thousands of pounds each year, particularly if they’re adding heat elsewhere. By using a heat exchanger to capture and transfer this wasted heat, a well-designed system could recover 40 per cent of the heat produced by the

Technologies that optimise AD performance, such as heat exchangers from HRS, are increasing in popularity 10

AD & Bioresources News | april 2015

Doing AD well plant.” This can then be used for feedstock pre-heating, digester heating, pasteurisation and evaporation, while any surplus can be used to heat offices and workshops, or to heat water for washing down equipment, for example. In the case of digestate, the heat can also be used to separate water from the The Centre for Process Innovation is helping to test and solid fraction, retaining develop new AD technologies the valuable nutrients while greatly reducing transport and storage costs. Furthermore, the captured water can then be added back to the feedstock, making the entire process almost self-sufficient in terms of water use. Another way to increase efficiency is through the use of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) technology. “Fitting ORC technology to CHP exhausts can boost electricity generation by as much as eight per cent,” reveals Dan Poulson of BasePower, UK agent for Triogen. “For a 2 MWe facility this can increase annual profit by as much as £150,000.”

Focus on R&D

any technology which promises to improve plant performance. “New technologies that can maximise a plant’s operational efficiency are becoming increasingly sought after,” confirms Steven Broome of the Centre for Process Part of Wessex Water, GENeco has R&D at the core of Innovation (CPI). its business “As a UK national technology innovation centre (Catapult), CPI can help to test and develop these new technologies, reducing technical and commercial risks through carefully managed access to specialist AD facilities, scientists and engineers. In fact, we are already working with companies and universities to validate innovative feedstock treatment capabilities, accelerating the route to investment and market readiness.” Innovation is valued highly in the water sector, which is generating 25 per cent more energy than in 2010 from roughly the same amount of AD capacity. “It’s important for operators to consider how to make their products most suitable for the end consumer. Having an R&D resource allows us to focus on this; for example, how do we process our digestate to make it an appropriate product for farmers?” says Mohammed Saddiq, Managing Director of GENeco, part of Wessex Water. “We’re developing real-time computer modelling to monitor and optimise our processes, and we’ve also been working with the University

With degression, regulation, sustainability criteria and competition squeezing the AD market like never before, there is likely to be an increased demand for


april 2015 | AD & Bioresources News


Doing AD well of Bath. The AD industry needs to appreciate the importance of research and how it relates to the fundamentals of an AD business.” Peter Winter is the Principal Research Engineer, Sludge and Energy, for Thames Water Innovation, and also appreciates the value of R&D: “R&D, or An overview of Thames Water’s AD portfolio innovation, plays a significant role will be revealed at April’s ADBA R&D Forum in supporting a well-run AD facility. Our research aims to drive innovation throughout the business to significantly reduce our operational costs while improving our customer service. Doing AD

well means not only understanding whether our processes can be optimised to get the most from our assets, but also going beyond established technology; for example, assessing second generation thermal hydrolysis.” Those wanting to find out more won’t have long to wait. “We’ll be presenting our current AD portfolio and giving an overview of our research at the ADBA R&D Forum (14-15 April, University of Southampton),” adds Peter, who will be joined by speakers including Professor Charles Banks, Professor Sandra Esteves, Steven Broome and Richard Gueterbock (see p33).

Uniting the industry

As well as promoting R&D, ADBA is working hard to raise industry standards. “The industry’s poor record of environmental protection presents an immediate high risk, so training has been identified as a priority by industry, trade bodies and government,” reveals Dr Jane Gilbert of Carbon Clarity. “I have been engaged by ADBA to assess the current training landscape and identify priorities for the sector, ultimately leading to a training road map. ADBA’s overall aim is to ensure that all operators receive sufficient training to manage their plants competently, resulting in improved environmental and business performance,” concludes Jane. ADBA’s Training, Safety and Environmental Management Working Group is also playing an important role, as Chair Terry Brownhill explains: “Our main areas of focus include the development of an accredited operative training syllabus and qualification, which would recognise an operative’s ability to safely feed and maintain a plant, and recognise problems as they arise. We have set up a subgroup to consider the range and integrity of secondary containment, in response to concerns by the EA. And we are also looking to develop specific guidance on odour management, to help counter public perception of AD as odorous.” But for now, everyone in the industry must do what they can to ensure that every plant operates efficiently and, most importantly, safely. As Alexander Maddan concludes: “We need to be racing to the finishing line on improving safety and training in the AD industry. People need to buck up – and quickly.” Find out more at ADBA’s R&D Forum 2015, 14-15 April, University of Southampton. See p33 for details.


AD & Bioresources News | april 2015

april 2015 | AD & Bioresources News


UK AD & Biogas 2015 Preview

More stands, more visitors, more advice, more debate Returning to the NEC, Birmingham for the sixth year in a row, UK AD & Biogas 2015 (1-2 July) is still the only place to find everything AD under one roof. Having recently been awarded a ‘Mark of Excellence’ at the Association Excellence Awards, UK AD & Biogas is going from strength to strength. The show has grown by an incredible 483 per cent since its inception in 2010 and is showing no sign of slowing down. This year’s event will deliver over 250 exhibitors, 3,000 visitors, free seminar sessions, free one-to-one advice clinics, the R&D Hub, a biomethane vehicle area, an AD site visit and the UK AD & Biogas Industry Awards. And, as if that isn’t enough, it also plays host to a free two-day conference which will get right to the heart of the biggest issues facing the UK’s AD industry today. Topics include: the political outlook for AD; where now for waste policy?; maximising AD performance; the potential impact of the UK Bioenergy Strategy; and should there be AD on every farm?

What’s on offer? Headline sponsor:

Conference sponsor:

Seminar sponsors:

Supporting sponsors:

“An outstanding and comprehensive exhibition and conference programme for the AD sector, with a real buzz." Ronald Hodrien, Expansion Energy Ltd

• Free two-day exhibition showcasing 250 exhibitors • Free two-day conference • Free seminar sessions • Free one-to-one advice clinics • Biomethane vehicle area • R&D Hub • AD site visit • UK AD & Biogas Industry Awards 2015 With so much on offer, it’s the one event you simply cannot afford to miss, whether you’re an established operator or a newcomer to the industry. Source the latest technology; get expert technical advice; speak to the regulators; join high-level debates; discover the most recent AD innovations; make new contacts; catch up with existing customers; learn how R&D can benefit your business; keep up to date with industry announcements; and generate leads. UK AD & Biogas 2015 – still the only AD-specific event in the UK.

Who’s attending? More than 3,000 visitors specifically interested in the AD and biogas market will attend UK AD & Biogas 2015, from key sectors including farming, food and drink, local authorities, waste management, transport, utilities and more. In 2014, 75% of visitors to the show were senior decision makers.

“All the key suppliers and regulators are there – it’s the one show you must go to.” David Woolgar, Biogen

Book your stand or register your attendance today at 14

AD & Bioresources News | april 2015

UK AD & Biogas 2015 Preview The Conference

The Exhibition With only a few months to go, there’s now just 25 per cent of stand space remaining. Book now to avoid disappointment. E T +44 (0)203 176 4414 E T +44 (0)203 176 5418 • Promote your business, technology and services • Reach the most targeted audience directly interest in AD and biogas • Enjoy two full days of networking • Free listing on ADBA website and in the event guide To view the latest floorplan and see our up to date exhibitor list go to

The Seminar Programme Topics include: • AD design • AD markets • AD planning • Business case for fleet operators, food and drink sector, hospitality, on-farm AD, and the water sector • Capturing and making better use of heat • Community AD projects • Developing biomethane in the UK • Engaging the community • Energy crops • Environmental permitting and working with regulators • Finance • Health and safety • Innovative feedstocks • Managing and using digestate • Pre-treatment • Process management and optimisation • Waste management

Topics include: • The political outlook for AD and the future of the industry • Where now for UK waste policy? • Should there be AD on every farm? • Potential impact of the UK Bioenergy Strategy Review • How to maximise AD performance across industry Confirmed speakers: • Chris Huhne, Strategic Advisor, ADBA • David Kaner, Chief Executive, Advanced Anaerobics • Ray Nattrass, Head of Process Design and Engineering, Shanks Waste Management • Richard Nuttall, Director – Specialist & Acquisition Finance, Clydesdale & Yorkshire Bank • Michael Doran, Chairman, Irish Bioenergy Association • Michael Chesshire, Director, Evergreen Gas • Neil Grundon, Deputy Chairman, Grundon Waste Management Watch this space as more topics and speakers are announced.

FREE expert advice Advice clinics include: • Farming • Finance • Digestate • Operational performance • Legal • Planning • Environmental permitting (Environment Agency) • Ofgem – RHI • Ofgem – FIT and RO • Sustainability criteria • Sourcing feedstock • PPAs and GPAs • Guide to food waste and AD • Gas to grid • Biomethane certification More topics soon to be confirmed. Pre-book your advice slot now at

The R&D Hub Topics include: • Biochemical research (eg innovative materials which can be produced through the AD process) • L ife cycle analysis •C onservation biomass (eg bioenergy from wetland areas) • A D design • A D optimisation and efficiency • Sustainability of the AD process (eg novel digestate usage) • A D research funding

Want to visit an operational AD plant? Completed in just 12 months, Severn Trent’s Coleshill plant is a 2.4 MW AD facility on the outskirts of Birmingham. It was opened in February 2015 and will turn almost 50,000 tonnes of food waste each year – including from the NEC – into renewable energy for the company’s neighbouring sewage treatment works, as well as exporting any surplus to the grid. We are offering visitors to UK AD & Biogas 2015 the chance to see this innovative plant up close on 30 June 2015. Register your interest at

Help your company stand out from the crowd The following sponsorship packages are still available: • Supporting sponsorship package – just one remaining • Entrance area sponsorship • Visitor bag inserts • Floor tiles • Advertising in the event guide • Company logo and link on online exhibitor list For all sponsorship or stand enquiries contact E T +44 (0)203 176 4414 E T +44 (0)203 176 5418

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AD & Bioresources News | april 2015

UK AD & Biogas Industry Awards 2015 Preview

Why enter? • Showcase your achievements • Stand out from your competitors • Increase sales • Gain valuable media exposure • Reward your team • Add award logo to your marketing materials

Is your team the best of the best? Final call for award entries

The deadline for entries has been extended until 17 April 2015, giving you just days to submit your entry for one of the 18 diverse categories listed below. To see your company take centre stage at this industry-leading event, submit your entry today at – see below for full details.


nter the prestigious UK AD & Biogas Industry Awards 2015 and your team or project could be named the best of the best in AD. Judged by a panel of AD experts, our fourth awards ceremony is taking place on 1 July 2015, the first night of UK AD & Biogas 2015, at Concourse Suites 1-2, NEC Birmingham and will be attended by hundreds of the industry’s biggest names.

The categories

How to enter

• Innovation in sewage treatment through AD • Innovation in food waste collection • Innovation in process efficiency/ optimisation • Making the most of digestate • Making the most of biogas • Best supporting service provider • Best on-farm AD project • Best food and drink industry AD project • Best merchant waste AD project or plant • Best small scale AD project (sub 250 kW) • AD hero/team of the year • NEW: Best management of food in catering • NEW: Best local authority • NEW: Best research paper or project • NEW: Best engineering team • NEW: Best maintenance team • NEW: Best installation/ commissioning team • NEW: Customer service team/ champion of the year

• Complete the online entry form at • Send your 1,500 word submission to Kelly Oxenham E • Entries must cover UK-based AD projects, products, services and teams over the last 12 months (March 2014-March 2015) • You may include supporting material with your submission. This can include images and links to your website, a video, slideshare etc, and should be no longer than two A4 pages • To ensure your entry stands out, make sure to read our top tips on the awards section of the ADBA website Deadline for entries – 17 April 2015

Entry costs • ADBA member £35.00 (multi-entry saving: 4 for 3 £105) • Non-member £95.00 (multi-entry saving: 4 for 3 £285)

Gala dinner tickets now on sale UK AD & Biogas Industry Awards 2015 will comprise a gala four-course dinner with wine for over 270 industry, government and press representatives. Hosted by Charlotte Smith and featuring a leading comedian, the black-tie ceremony also delivers first class networking opportunities. Tickets are selling fast so book your place today at • ADBA member Individual place: £150 Table of ten: £1,400 • Non-member Individual place: £190 Table of ten: £1,800

Sponsorship opportunities to raise your company’s profile A variety of sponsorship opportunities are available to help your company stand out from the crowd, including: • Platinum sponsorship • Gold sponsorship • Category sponsorship • Drink reception sponsorship • Advertising in the awards booklet For further details and prices contact Andy Rogers E

april 2015 | AD & Bioresources News


Technology Focus: Tanks

Tank safety is critical to a successful AD project Alexander Maddan, Chief Executive of Agrivert, explains why safety considerations should be top of any AD operator’s list when selecting the right tank for a project. “There are a number of properties that an AD tank must have in order to be fit for purpose. It must be resistant to leakage (both gas and liquid); durable; able to fit process furniture; and be easily accessible for cleaning and servicing. Tanks come in four main types: plastic, steel, pre-fabricated concrete and cast in situ concrete. • Plastic is low cost and quick to deploy but is only suitable for a submerged, small scale operation. • Steel tanks are suitable for all AD applications, lighter than concrete and quick to erect. However, they are more problematic to perforate for furniture, etc and cannot take as much side load as concrete, especially where mixers are concerned. • Pre-fabricated concrete tanks come with multiple joints, similar to steel tanks, but can

attain greater rigidity. Although heavier than steel tanks, they are very quick to build. • Cast in situ concrete tanks offer rigidity, good access for furniture and the best durability, but are heavy and slow to build, and are also the most expensive. However, where the build programme and budget allow, cast in situ concrete tanks do bring long-term comfort. Whichever type of tank you select, you must consider access – after all, you will need to go inside it, possibly accompanied by a digger or skid-steer loader. But perhaps more importantly, don’t forget that a tank is only as strong as its joints and seals; these must be manufactured and installed to the highest quality. Don’t be afraid to request double-seal apertures – the most vulnerable area of a tank is the base-to-wall join, and extra time and money spent on this weak spot during construction can prevent very red faces later on.

Reliant Installations has just completed its 20th Permastore Digester in the past 12 months

On an AD site, the greatest overall threat to the environment is probably the pollution risk from tank failure, so the site must be designed with this potential failure in mind. The surface must be reasonably impermeable and, for waste plants, the site should be bunded to contain the results of a tank malfunction. In order to assist clear-ups of such an event, it is always useful to have a defined low spot from which to pump the resultant spillage. Lastly, before considering any sort of tank, think ‘confined space’ and ensure this is considered in all actions and decisions thereafter.”

A variety of tank solutions

Reliant Installations Ltd is celebrating the completion of its 20th Permastore Digester in the past 12 months. In the rapidly evolving UK AD market, the company has found that its unique glass fused to steel digester is proving a popular option in terms of both cost and adaptability. “Many clients are citing versatility as a major factor in their selection,” reveals Martin Roberts, Commercial Manager. “Being able to add new connections, for example, that increase the digester’s performance is highly beneficial and this can be easily achieved without compromising the structural strength and integrity of the tank. Another feature that has proved popular is the ‘drive-in’ facility to existing tanks, which aids cleaning, particularly when using mechanical devices such as mini diggers. The addition of low level external mixers, with the majority of the mechanical parts being external to the tank, is also seen as a major benefit, not only from a performance point of view, but also from a safety perspective. These features are becoming more and more highly valued in a climate of increasing health and safety awareness,” concludes Martin. Safety is also high on the agenda for poured in situ concrete tank specialist Monostore, which has just completed its latest biogas tank installation in Upton Magna, Shrewsbury. The three tank, 380 kW plant handles a feedstock mix of 50 per cent maize, 30 per cent silage and 20 per cent chicken litter, and was completed on time and on budget. Offering above ground, underground or semi-submerged tanks, Monostore’s in-house designers and engineers work closely with clients to provide bespoke solutions; and as Aales Oussoren, UK Sales Manager, explains, safety


AD & Bioresources News | april 2015

Technology Focus: Tanks All Monostore’s concrete tanks are poured in situ, leaving no weak spots

is paramount: “As our tanks are all poured in situ, the client is left with one complete structure, meaning there are no joins or seals and therefore no weak spots. Not only does this make our tanks robust and reliable, but also completely safe. We can also take care of the foundations, as well as installing insulation and cladding, reducing the need to involve another subcontractor.” As a manufacturer of tanks and clamps for the AD sector for many years, CBS Concrete Products has designed, manufactured and installed more than 30,000 storage tanks throughout Europe. “Our strength lies in the combination of our technical knowledge and our intelligently designed construction system, featuring modular tanks with capacity starting from 75m3 up to 25,000m3,” explains Cristiano Randell, UK Account Manager. “Clients are encouraged to engage with our design team at an early stage in order for us to provide a design solution that meets a project’s exacting requirements.”

contractor employed, how attainable is the route to the source of the warranty? Recent market experiences have shown that too many links within the liability chain can make it extremely difficult for the client to achieve the desired warranty result.” Jonathan continues: “There can be a tendency for the links of the chain to pass around the baton of responsibility, leaving the client to spend valuable time and money trying to achieve resolution. This is why Balmoral Tanks promotes the values of a turnkey, end-to-end service. By entering into such an agreement, the client can be assured that the responsibility for the warranty, should it be required, rests in one place. It’s therefore vital to think about the 20 per cent, and not just the 80, when choosing suppliers – that’s the bit that could really count.”

Balmoral Tanks provides a turnkey service, leaving the client in no question as to who is responsible for the product warranty

While strong client-supplier relations and an awareness of health and safety are therefore key when selecting a tank supplier, AD operators should also make sure to examine the product warranty on offer, as Jonathan Smith of Balmoral Tanks explains: “If the 80/20 principle were applied, we could expect that for 80 per cent of the time there would be no need to call upon the product warranty; the client would have carried out due diligence, reviewed the specification and fully understood the project equipment requirements. However, if the ‘20’ comes into play and a problem arises with the equipment purchased or the

april 2015 | AD & Bioresources News



AD & Bioresources News | april 2015

april 2015 | AD & Bioresources News


Advice Clinic: Planning

Advice Clinic: Planning

In our regular advice column, ADBA members provide answers to some common AD queries


“What are the key planning issues that my site would be assessed against?”

“Whilst the specific issues will vary depending on the nature of the site and its context, there are a number of key planning issues that most AD proposals will need to address. Traffic associated with transport of feedstock and digestate is always a concern. Similarly, odour and noise are always sensitive issues, particularly if there are residential properties nearby. Drainage and contamination issues also need to be addressed through a carefully considered drainage and pollution control strategy, and early discussions with the Environment Agency are advisable. Other potential issues may include impacts on ecology and landscape, visual impact and heritage impacts. In each case, technical reports will be required to address potential issues. Whilst perceptions are often worse than reality, it is important to secure early advice from technical consultants to provide the best chance of overcoming the issues at the planning stage.” Neil Waterson, Planning Partner, Bidwells T +44 (0)1223 559368 E


“How far should I engage with the public about my planning application?”

“As with any development, there will always be fears and concerns about the impact, generally due to lack of awareness. Opinions will be based on what has been read in the press, which may be distorted. The first step is to contact your local parish council and ask to talk your plans through with the councillors. This will demonstrate that you are being open and honest and gives everyone an opportunity to ask questions. You will also 22

AD & Bioresources News | april 2015

gauge how much more public liaison will be needed. Further engagement could involve an open day with a presentation and exhibition in the local village hall, or a site visit to an already operational local AD plant. Printing a non-technical document that people can download or take away is always useful. Preventing misunderstandings early on will reduce time spent later responding to queries.” Mandy Stoker, Director, E4environment Ltd T +44 (0)1743 343403 E


“Are there any specific Environment Agency requirements for handling waste at an AD plant that I should be aware of when compiling my planning application?”

“The obvious starting point is that all waste should be received and prepared inside a building fitted with a biofilter to treat ventilated air. One less obvious requirement in the standard permit for off-farm AD plants treating waste is that the tanks must be contained within a bunded, sealed area that has the capacity to contain 110 per cent of the volume of the largest tank or 25 per cent of the total volume, whichever is greater. The bunded, sealed area should also contain the pipework connections so that if there is a leak, the contents are contained and there is no risk to surface or groundwater. Digestate should be stored in covered containers or a covered lagoon. All components should be at least 10m from any watercourse and ideally avoid Groundwater Protection Zones. For agricultural AD facilities using energy crops, similar water protection measures may be advisable, although a building is not required.”

Gill Pawson, Director, GP Planning T +44 (0)1604 771123 E

Advice Clinic: Planning


“We would like to secure planning permission for an on-farm AD plant prior to the next FIT degression. Is it possible to speed up the planning process?”

“Yes, it can be possible. On-farm AD plants fall within Schedule 2, Part 6 of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 and are considered to be agricultural permitted development (subject to prior approval), providing they meet the following criteria: • The site must be in excess of 400m from the curtilage of a building occupied by people not involved in agriculture, and all feedstock must be from the farm holding; • The development footprint must not be in excess of 465m2 – this total also includes any development in the last two years within 90m of the proposed site; • T he site must not fall within 25m of the metalled part of a trunk road; •D epending on the site’s proximity to an aerodrome, the development can be up to 12m in height. Providing the above criteria can be met, a prior approval application should be submitted to the local authority. If they are happy with the siting, design and appearance, planning permission can be achieved in 28 days; half the time normally required. If a prior approval application is not determined within 28 days it is deemed to be permitted. Although the criteria may seem extensive, many farms are situated further than 400m from a non-involved property and, providing there is flexibility within the holding, the criteria can often be met.”


“Most local planning authorities set out the consultation they expect developers to undertake, prior to submitting a planning application, in their Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). Some SCIs are more prescriptive than others. However, most councils expect developers to inform the community and use feedback, where possible, to shape proposals ahead of a planning application. This can be done through newsletters, a public exhibition and consultation websites. More and more developers are viewing communities as a ‘constraint’, in the same way they would ecology or archaeology. Research into the local political and community landscape can identify key local groups and individuals to engage from an early stage, such as parish councils, neighbourhood plan groups and residents’ associations. The data gathered can be used to weigh up likely opposition and help at the site selection stage.”

Sarah King, Senior Planner, Pegasus Group T +44 (0)113 287 8200 E


Jamie Gordon, Director of Infrastructure and Energy, Remarkable Group T +44 (0)203 697 7630 E

“To whom should I apply for planning permission for my AD project – the Local Planning Authority or the County Council?”

“Until the government issues clear guidance on the delivery of AD plants, this will remain a contentious issue. We have recently secured planning permission for an on-farm, gas to grid plant at Gravel Pit Farm on the outskirts of York, which is to be built by a joint venture between the farmer and JFS & Associates. What made this scheme unusual was that the Local Planning Authority refused to accept jurisdiction of the application and tried to pass it to the County Council as a waste matter. The County Council refused to accept it and we had to appeal to get the issue properly aired and force one of the Councils to take ownership of the application. Even then, despite the fact that there is settled case law at European Court level that applications involving manures otherwise used on land are not waste matters, we had to secure the services of a barrister to convince the Planning Inspectorate of this point. If it wasn’t for our persistence and tactics, we would still be mired in a jurisdictional battle. We are clearly a long way from having a planning system that helps to deliver AD with the minimum of red tape necessary, so early engagement with a planning professional is essential if your project is to stand the best chance of success.” Steve Barker, Managing Director, Prism Planning T +44 (0)1325 740611 E

“How important is engaging with the local community before submitting a planning application?”


“When should I start thinking about potential planning issues for my AD project?”

“When applying for planning permission, early discussions with the local planning authority to scope out the requirements of any submission are key. This could save time and costs. We would recommend liaising with the local community at an early stage to ascertain their views and concerns, and keep them up to date throughout the planning process. It is important that key issues including ecology, odour, air quality, noise, landscape and transport are considered at an early stage, too. Certain ecological surveys, eg great crested newts, can only be undertaken at certain times of year and missing the survey season for certain species can delay the submission of an application and operation of a site. Undertaking early work on the above topics will allow you to inform the local community and allay any concerns throughout the consultation process and to inform scheme design to minimise planning risk.” Niall Kelly, Consultant, TNEI T +44 (0)191 211 1415 E

Next issue: Training Send your training-related queries to

april 2015 | AD & Bioresources News


Members’ News & Views HRS Heat Exchangers/Muntons: Quality digestate delivers perfect closed loop solution Malted ingredients company Muntons has invested £5.4m in a 499 kW on-site AD plant to treat its liquid waste stream. Integral to the project’s success is the 3 Tank Batch Sludge Pasteuriser System with Energy Recovery, from HRS Heat Exchangers. Our Editor, Kate O’Reilly, visited the Stowmarket plant to find out how the HRS system is helping to produce quality digestate for Muntons’ network of local growers…

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The HRS 3 Tank Batch Sludge Pasteuriser System is an integral part of Muntons’ Stowmarket plant


igestate management can be a secondary concern for some AD developers. For the team at Muntons, however, it was the driving force behind their project. “Practical sustainability is at the heart of what we do and we are always looking at ways to reduce our environmental impact,” explained Dr Nigel Davies, Muntons’ Manufacturing and Sustainability Director. Analysis showed that 60 per cent of the firm’s carbon footprint came from growing the barley needed to make its malt – and most of this could be attributed to fertiliser production. Muntons soon realised that by using its liquid malt waste as feedstock for an on-site AD plant, not only would it produce a high quality digestate for its farmers to use instead of artificial fertiliser, it would also cut 3,000 tanker movements per year and generate 25 per cent of its electricity demand. However, it wasn’t all plain sailing. “Some of our growers – and indeed, some of our end-users, including leading brand names – had a negative opinion of digestate, believing it to be sewage sludge or contaminated with plastics,” said Nigel. “We worked hard to explain that what goes in is what comes out – basically, barley, in our case. Our farmers, all of whom come from within a 50-mile radius of the plant, now can’t wait to start using our digestate – it’s a perfect closed loop solution.” Ensuring the continued quality of its digestate, which will be pasteurised to meet PAS 110 standards, was top of Muntons’ priority list, so the company was keen to find a reliable and efficient pasteurisation system which would operate at the highest levels. The HRS system works on a three tank principle; while one tank is being filled, the second tank holds the sludge at 70°C, at the same time as the third tank is being emptied (each process lasts one hour). Waste cooling water from the CHP engine is used to heat the sludge, and HRS has also incorporated an energy recovery section into the process to make it even more efficient: energy is transferred from the hotter (pasteurised) sludge to the colder (unpasteurised) sludge, reducing energy costs by 70 per cent compared to normal systems.


AD & Bioresources News | april 2015

HRS Heat Exchangers and Muntons, the perfect partnership

Muntons is working with a number of ADBA members on its 499 kW project, including Kirk Environmental

“We were already aware of the quality and reputation of HRS Heat Exchangers in the food production industry, and the fact that they were also working successfully in the waste water sector gave us even more confidence that they were the right choice for our project,” revealed Lawrence Howes, Muntons’ Project Engineer. “More specifically, their solution has enabled us to make use of an abundance of waste hot water and the fact that the system offers batch reporting technology was also a big draw; traceability is very important to us. In addition, we had a short deadline – just 16 weeks – which HRS was able to meet easily. The final factor in our decision was their use of tube-in-tube corrugated heat exchangers. Not only do they deliver improved performance, they’re also more resistant to fouling, which means less downtime.” Muntons spent a number of years researching AD before embarking on this project. Besides HRS Heat Exchangers, the company is working with a host of ADBA members, including: project managers Stemar; Kirk Environmental, who supplied the Biodome®; ENER-G (CHP technology); and SEEPEX (pumps). The plant is expected to become fully operational later this month.

Members’ News & Views New contract for Chesterfield BioGas Chesterfield BioGas (CBG) has secured a further contract for its water-wash biogas upgrading system. The Cannington Enterprises plant near Bridgwater, Somerset, will process food waste to provide raw biogas for upgrading to biomethane and injecting into the gas grid. Following CBG’s success at ReFood’s Widnes site, the new contract will benefit from the latest technology to treat undesirable elements present in the raw biogas content, principally hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). CBG’s unique Greenlane compression technology can permit biogas containing these components to pass into the upgrader untreated, ensuring continued gas production even during H2S spikes, and enhancing the profit potential of gas to grid systems.

Remarkable Group launches Welsh office to meet increased demand National communications agency Remarkable Group has launched a new strategic office in Cardiff to meet growing demand for its services across Wales. The launch allows the company to maintain its position at the forefront of best practice public consultation and engagement in preparation for new planning legislation due out this year in the form of the Planning (Wales) Bill. Remarkable’s Welsh team includes (L-R): Leading the Wales team is Laura Wyatt, Will Morgan and Alice James Associate Director, Laura Wyatt, with ten years’ experience in the industry, who comments: “Whilst we have been working in Wales for many years, the introduction of new legislation and a new planning environment means we wanted to be right at the heart of this change.” See Advice Clinic: Planning, p22

Sweet success for Nestlé’s on-site AD plant One year after Clearfleau’s AD plant for Nestlé is expected commissioning, to achieve payback within four to five years Clearfleau has revealed energy output results for its plant at Nestlé’s Fawdon confectionery factory. The 200 kW facility generates about eight per cent of the factory’s power requirements, cutting the annual electricity bill by about £100,000 pa. In addition, the site will receive annual FIT payments of about £250,000 pa. Previously, production residues were discharged to sewer or fed to pigs but all biodegradable production residues are now used as feedstock for the plant. See feature, ‘Doing AD well’, p8

Aqua Enviro awarded international health and safety certification Specialist environmental consultancy Aqua Enviro has been awarded BS OHSAS 18001 accreditation, an international standard for occupational health and safety management good practice. The certification shows Aqua Enviro’s systems of work, health and safety policies, and documentation are fully compliant with the stringent standards needed for certification.

april 2015 | AD & Bioresources News


Members’ News & Views

Operator News

Tamar Energy signs long-term PPA with EDF Energy

Ellough biomethane plant hooks up to gas grid BioCore Environmental’s £15m AD facility at Ellough, near Beccles, is now connected to the National Grid gas network. The company’s first gas to grid project, built by FLI Energy, is processing locally-grown crops, such as maize, and is among the first of at least 80 projects around the country that National Grid is aiming to connect to its network in the next eight years. Richard Court, Head of Stakeholder Delivery at National Grid, comments: “This is great news for Suffolk. Biogas, made from crops and other biomass, can make a significant contribution to keeping energy supplies secure, affordable and green. We’re committed to working with customers like BioCore to connect their projects to our gas network and ensure we can all benefit from alternative forms of energy like this.”

Tamar Energy has signed a long-term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with EDF Energy for its current 11 MW generation portfolio. The agreement covers Tamar Energy’s first five AD plants, located at Basingstoke, Holbeach, Retford, Halstead and Hoddesdon. Willie Heller, Tamar Energy’s Chief Executive, says: “Agreeing the PPA with EDF Energy, the UK’s largest producer of low carbon electricity, is a landmark commercial achievement for Tamar Energy. Moreover, it’s an important achievement for the UK’s AD sector, proving the value of AD’s base load generation in the market over the long term.”

Tamar Energy’s Halstead plant

GENeco flushed with success at Rushlight Awards Purpose grown crops, including maize, will be used to power the Suffolk-based plant

Biogen’s growth continues with launch of Hertfordshire’s first food waste plant

GENeco is celebrating after triumphing in two categories at the Rushlight Awards 2015. Now in their eighth year, the Rushlight Awards highlight innovation, initiatives and the holistic environmental benefit of technologies that are most likely to, or are already creating a stir in the market. GENeco’s gas to grid project came out top in the Waste to Energy category, while its famous Bio-Bus was crowned the winner of the Organic Resource category.

A new £12m food waste AD plant has opened for business near Baldock in Hertfordshire. The Bygrave Lodge facility, designed, built and run by Biogen, will process 45,000 tonnes of food waste each year from supermarkets, food processors, households and the hospitality industry – including such companies as Ocado, Asda, Simmons Bakeries, KP Waste and The Grove Hotel. Peter Williams, Bakery Director for Simmons Bakeries, remarks: “We chose Biogen for our food waste disposal because of its convenient location, good road access and the great reputation the company has for efficient service. Using this method is going to help us cut costs, which is essential for a family business like ours.” In addition to Bygrave Lodge, Biogen has four other operational AD plants in Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire, Denbighshire and Caernarfon. A further two plants in Warwickshire and Rhondda Cynon Taf are due for commissioning during 2015. Biogen’s Bygrave Lodge AD plant is now open for business

GENeco’s Bio-Bus scooped first prize at the Rushlight Awards

Calling all operators! Want to see your company featured in our next Operator News? Send your news, updates and press releases to


AD & Bioresources News | april 2015


Visit us on stand H301 at UK AD & Biogas 2015

april 2015 | AD & Bioresources News


Policy End of waste changes pushed back again

For up to the minute information and advice on regulations, consultations and government news, contact our Head of Policy, Matt Hindle T +44 (0)203 176 0591 E

Proposals for Europe-wide End of Waste criteria appear to have been delayed by the Commission. This will provide welcome stability for UK operators who were concerned about the difficulty of meeting new criteria, which would have replaced PAS 110. At the very least, we will have more time to influence developments, and it will be longer until any transition needs to take place. Over the past few years we have worked closely with Defra and other waste trade associations to oppose the draft regulations and explain the impact they would have had on the UK industry. Many other European Member States remain in favour of harmonised digestate standards, so we will be pushing the Commission to continue the process and will keep members informed of any developments. Alongside this announcement, the European Biogas Association has said that it understands that digestate will soon be specifically exempt from EU REACH legislation on chemicals. Again, this will be welcome news for UK operators, as REACH could have been a significant administrative burden. Watch this space for more information or contact

Transport Energy Task Force puts biomethane in the driving seat Last year, the Department for Transport (DfT) asked for assistance from the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership in establishing the Transport Energy Task Force. The Task Force was set up to help the government examine and formulate options for meeting the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) for 2020, and to determine how low carbon fuels can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from UK transport in the period to 2030. The Task Force was split into the following five working groups: 1. Establishing the evidence base Agreeing modelling, the evidence base and scenarios for use by the Task Force. 2. Sustainability & objectives Setting objectives for 2030 and defining sustainability in the context of UK policy objectives. 3. Policy & investment certainty Mechanisms for ensuring the UK reaches the RED transport target for 2020 while providing investor confidence. 4. Customer acceptability Actions to ensure demand-side market confidence. 5. Role of alternative fuels Over the timeframe to 2030, alternative low carbon fuels will move from niche to mainstream transport fuels.

• It will be crucial to consider the policy goal of the Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation (RTFO) if extending to encompass new fuels. Biomethane recommendations • Resolve the legal issue around mass-balancing biomethane for transport through the gas grid; • Reform the RHI and RTFO so biomethane for transport is supported under a single mechanism, similar to current RHI, and is thus able to provide adequate investor confidence; • Ensure the same subsidy for liquefied biomethane as for grid-injected biomethane; • Support discussions with DECC, Defra and DCLG on waste policy to assist with removing potential barriers to biomethane supply capacity for freight transport use. For more information on this subject, contact

Although we were also involved in the second and fourth working groups, the main point of interest came from working group five, as biomethane received the most attention. The group has made several recommendations to the high level group, which will then report to the DfT. These were split between general and fuel-specific recommendations, as follows: General recommendations • Long-term policy certainty for all fuels is key, to ensure investor confidence; • A clear and consistent classification framework, defining all fuels and technical terms, is critical when considering new fuels;


AD & Bioresources News | april 2015

Policy Sector performance update and EA assessments underway An Environment Agency (EA) programme of health and safety screening assessments at the AD plants they regulate is underway across the country. The screening consists of desk-based assessments focusing on the written management system required by all AD plant permits. The agency believes that failing to manage and operate AD plants in accordance with adequate management systems has been one of the main causes of the containment failure incidents to date. Some of the specific items the EA are checking include: • Incident and contingency management plans • Technically Competent Managers – attendance on site • Is there a DSEAR plan for the site? • Use of gas alarms within the site • Staff competence in dealing with incidents, etc • Process control and systems monitoring • Plant and equipment maintenance and inspection • Gas storage systems • Liquid containment systems

This work potentially has much wider significance than the health and safety of EA inspecting officers. If they believe that a permitted AD plant cannot be, or is not being, safely operated in accordance with its permit, the EA will need to consider what further actions are appropriate, which could ultimately lead to it suspending or revoking the permit. Performance evidence suggests that there has been some improvement in the industry’s performance against EA benchmarks, with a fall in incidents from 2012 to 2013 despite the increase in the number of plants. Accurate reporting and notification to the EA remains a major reason for non-compliance. Initial data for 2014 is likely to show further improvement, and the EA is considering whether it can produce updates on compliance information more quickly.

Biomethane cv – have your say At the time of going to press, the Energy Networks Association (ENA) is planning to consult on options to reduce the costs of CV measurement at biomethane sites. The consultation has been coordinated by the biomethane campaign group we established with the ENA, but is awaiting sign-off by Ofgem. For the regulator to be content with any proposed change in the regulatory regime for CV measurement, it will need evidence that a change is justified, that cost savings or other benefits are clear, and that consumers are protected.

BREF update The Environment Agency has contacted operators who have agreed to take part in data collection for the waste treatment BREF process this week, to clarify final pieces of information. The BREF (Best available treatment REFerence document) will be used as a basis for future environmental permitting regulations once implemented, so is extremely important to the future of the industry. We understand that officials will be conducting site visits throughout April, although we are not yet aware which sites will be involved. A first draft of the waste treatment BREF is likely to be circulated around September this year and we will of course inform members when it is available for review. AD is covered in Chapter 5 of the draft BREF. The latest versions we have are available to members via our website or by contacting

Find out more Get involved We will circulate the consultation to members once it is published. Several operators and developers have already fed in useful data, but it will be important to demonstrate to Ofgem that demand exists for such a change, and that it will help benefit developers by making the regime cheaper and easier to comply with. To add your voice to our response contact

The UK is being represented in the BREF process by the EA’s Howard Leberman. Howard has kindly agreed to update members at our next regulatory forum on 21 May – for details see p35 or go to

april 2015 | AD & Bioresources News


Operator & Working Groups Food Waste Operators Group tackles data availability Following initial discussions at the inaugural meeting of our Food Waste Operators Group, the group has now finalised its remit and will, among other things, act as a forum to share data and best practice, and learn from incidents and near misses. Where specific regulatory issues emerge, the group will set up smaller subgroups to ensure that the appropriate person from each member organisation is part of the discussion.

Get involved Our operator and working groups cover the whole spectrum of the AD industry, shaping debate, raising standards and influencing policy. To find out more, or to attend a forthcoming meeting, go to the members’ area at or contact our Policy Officer, Will Bushby: T +44 (0)203 176 5440 E

presented findings from research work on food waste capture, showing which interventions in household waste collection schemes are successful in generating higher volumes. One key issue that the group is trying to tackle is data availability; members have committed to developing a more comprehensive set of data about operational plants and their capacity/output, which will help the industry challenge assumptions in official sources and assist operators in improving performance. In particular, this will help address the time lag in producing current data, which is often outdated by the time of publication.

At its second meeting, which took place in February, the group discussed the physical contaminants limit in PAS 110, and the European End of Waste criteria. A representative from WRAP also

The group is next scheduled to meet in June.

Crop Operators Group – update available online Our Crop Operators Group met in Cambridge on 24 March, just as we went to press. An update on the meeting can be found on the members’ area of our website, or for further information contact

Working Groups kickstart their 2015 activities Our first working group meeting of 2015 took place in March, with another planned in April. The biomethane to Grid Working Group, chaired by Stephen McCulloch, met in London on 25 March and focused on areas such as CV measurements, RHI and biomethane in transport. For further updates on the group’s work, or the activities of any of our working groups, go to the members’ area at 30 AD & Bioresources News | april 2015

Government & Agency News England’s LA recycling rate rises to 48.5% Defra has released provisional statistics on waste managed by local authorities in England. The quarterly ‘waste from households’ recycling rate (including composting and preparing for reuse), reached 48.5 per cent in the three month period from April to June 2014. This is the highest rate achieved for an April to June period since reporting of this measure became available in 2010, although progress on food waste in England in general is limited. The ‘waste from households’ recycling rate also rose to 44.9 per cent in the 12 months to June 2014, up from 44 per cent in the previous 12-month period. The tonnage of separately collected food waste sent for composting or anaerobic digestion has gradually increased to 290,000 tonnes, which was 11.3 per cent higher in April to June 2014 than the same period in 2013. This has been a continuing trend and constituted 6.9 per cent of the total organic recycling for the 12 months to June 2014.

ICCT report reveals potential for turning waste into transport fuel

London playing catch up on food waste recycling Despite an increase in local authority (LA) recycling rates across England (see opposite) London’s LAs are being urged to address their approach to food waste. The London Assembly Environment Committee has recommended the implementation of separate food waste collections, regardless of property type, to improve consistency and the capital’s overall recycling performance. Its report, ‘Bag it or bin it? Managing London’s domestic food waste’, asks the mayor, Boris Johnson, to help secure government resources for separate collections and to do more to support initiatives such as those from WRAP and Recycle for London. The report also highlights the need for new treatment facilities; currently, around half of London’s separately collected food waste is sent to composting and AD plants outside London. Chair of the committee, Stephen Knight AM, said: “At 34 per cent, the capital has one of the lowest household recycling rates in England, and rates for inner London are even lower at just 16 per cent, with 10 boroughs still not collecting any household food waste at all. Effective food waste collection will reduce the amount of waste generated in the first place, potentially making the service cost neutral.” To see the full report go to:

£60m boost for community renewables

A report by the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) has concluded that turning waste into transport fuel could create 36,000 new jobs in the UK and save 37m tonnes of oil use each year by 2030. The report, entitled ‘Wasted: Europe’s untapped resource’, also found that across Europe, the advanced biofuels industry could create hundreds of thousands of jobs and could replace 16 per cent of the continent’s total road transport fuel by 2030. To see the full report go to:

The UK Business Secretary, Vince Cable, has announced a £60m investment by the UK Green Investment Bank (GIB) and the Strathclyde Pension Fund (SPF) in UK community-scale renewable energy projects, through Albion Community Power plc (ACP). GIB has committed to provide up to £50m, with SPF investing a further ADBA’s Matt Hindle with Business Secretary £10m. ACP is working to attract a Vince Cable further £40m from additional co-investors to take the total sum of investable capital to £100m. The finance will be used to provide equity funding of between £1m and £10m for a broad range of community-scale renewable construction projects, including anaerobic digestion. Lord Smith of Kelvin, Chair of UK Green Investment Bank, said: “The UK is in the process of transforming how it generates its power. In future we will see less reliance on a small number of large power stations and more focus on a network of smaller, locally generated, renewable sources of power.”

april 2015 | AD & Bioresources News


R&D Update Helping the UK to realise the potential of small scale AD


great deal of research has been conducted on the greenhouse gas benefits of using manure and slurry for AD. Last year, the European Commission’s scientific advisory body, the Joint Research Centre (JRC), looked at the evidence in the document ‘Solid and gaseous bioenergy pathways: input values and GHG emissions’, and concluded that compared to conventional methods of manure management, processing manure through AD reduces methane emissions by an average of 17.5 per cent. This is based on a large number of assumptions taken from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines.

For information and advice on our R&D activities, contact our Market Analyst, Ollie More T +44 (0)203 567 0751 E However, even at this rate, when comparing small scale AD plants largely using manure to other small scale technologies, AD still represents excellent value for money, as this graph illustrates:

Reducing methane emissions by 17.5 per cent would, using some conservative assumptions, at least double the greenhouse gas savings compared to solely displacing the fossil energy generation with the resulting biogas. Therefore, in comparison with technologies that solely displace fossil energy generation, AD from manure has at least a double greenhouse gas benefit. The UK produces tens of millions of tonnes of manure and slurry. Much of this is generated on relatively small or medium-sized farms, for which AD systems producing perhaps 50-100 kWe are appropriate. The capital costs at this scale per kW are high relative to larger AD plants, meaning that they will not be viable at the 10 pence per kWhe that the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) will soon be offering; 20 pence per kWhe may be needed.

In addition, the UK boasts an array of expert academics and technology providers at the small scale. With a stable base, the UK could become a world leader in small scale AD, exporting hundreds of millions of pounds-worth of expertise and equipment, which would also help to bring down the cost of technology in the long term. To find out more about the potential of small scale AD, come to our R&D Forum in April – see opposite page for details. 32

AD & Bioresources News | april 2015

ADBA R&D Forum 2015 Preview Expert speakers put R&D in the spotlight Will R&D double or quadruple the potential of the AD industry?


Thames Water’s Innovation Department will reveal how it is seeking to optimise the digestion process to extract more energy from sewage sludge. Representing small scale AD will be Clare Lukehurst of the International Energy Agency, who will talk about the financial viability of AD compared to replacing existing slurry stores. On bioenergy sustainability, Paul Adams, University of Bath, will share his knowledge of carbon accounting for emissions from biogas and biomethane; a critical issue for future RHI payments, both for small farms claiming RHI for heat and for larger biomethane plants.

Credit: Chlamydomonas - Prof Francisco Torrela

xcitement is building for the ADBA R&D Forum 2015, which is now just days away (14-15 April, University of Southampton). We’ve selected a strong panel of speakers to ensure that, even if our industry members attend only one event this year, they will learn all they need to know about the latest AD technologies and innovations from these two days. Other sessions will focus on biorefining, new approaches to enhancing the value of digestate, and research funding streams, as well as potential new feedstocks – following the research conducted by our four speakers, there’s no reason why algae, miscanthus and nature reserve waste could not be standard feedstocks for the sector. For the full programme and list of speakers, and to reserve your place at this industry-leading event, go to

april 2015 | AD & Bioresources News


Upcoming Events Waste Water Treatment

Biogas Installations

Foundation + Tanks + Covers

Independent Tank Installer Full service design & build Concrete tanks in-situ Insulation & cladding Piled foundations if required Flat or conical concrete roofs Fabric membrane gas roofs

Waste Water Treatment Biogas installations Slurry tanks, leachate Drinking water storage

Monostore Ltd T. (+44) 0330 8080021

M. (+44) 07733 264748 E. W. 34

AD & Bioresources News | april 2015

Upcoming Events

14-15 apr 2015

ADBA R&D Forum 2015

Will R&D double or quadruple the potential of the AD industry? Bringing together industry and academia, our fifth R&D Forum is the best way to learn how research can increase your competitive edge. Topics include beyond biogas: moving towards a biorefinery; R&D within industry; and the future of AD: sustainability and optimisation. Turn to p33 for more details or see the full programme at

University of Southampton In partnership with

Supported by the KTN

23 apr 2015

ADBA Executive Debate Series London

Should the UK ban biodegradable waste from incinerators? Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are all taking different approaches to food waste, but with a common goal to increase source segregation. In an election year, this debate will look at some of the lessons which England could learn from the devolved administrations, and discuss how policy should better develop. To find out more contact

29 apr 2015

12 May 2015

18 may 2015

Is it food v fuel or food and fuel? This debate will assess how policy makers should manage competition between food production, fuel crops, and other demands for land. How should sustainability be measured, and how should goals such as increasing biodiversity and protecting the natural environment be taken into account?

ADBA Members’ Meeting

Our spring Members’ Meeting will focus on the new political agenda following the general election, featuring topics such as FIT, RHI and bioenergy sustainability. This free to attend, member-only event also provides superb networking opportunities. See p38 for more details or register now at

Grand Connaught Rooms, London

Ninth ADBA Finance Forum

An informal, bi-annual meeting of those funding AD, focusing on industry challenges regarding finance and government subsidies (including FIT and RHI), as well as priorities to help prevent the slow-down in growth of AD developments. To find out more contact


ADBA Regulatory This free to attend, member-only event provides an opportunity to debate the regulatory issues facing the AD industry. Presentations from government agencies will keep Forum 21 May 2015

1-2 jul 2015

1 July 2015

Walker Morris LLP offices, Leeds

operators, developers and consultants abreast of the latest changes, and the event will also feature Q&A sessions and a case study.

UK AD & Biogas 2015

Sponsored by Edina, UK AD & Biogas 2015 will showcase the latest AD technology and services from 250 exhibitors, plus a free two-day conference, seminar sessions, one-to-one advice clinics, the R&D Hub, a biomethane vehicle area and a visit to a local AD plant. See p14-15 for more details. Space is filling up quickly so book your stand today. Contact

Hall 3, NEC Birmingham

UK AD & Biogas Industry Awards 2015 Concourse Suites 1-2, NEC Birmingham

RWM 2015 NEC Birmingham 15-17 Sep 2015

Our fourth annual industry awards will highlight AD innovation and achievement from the past 12 months in 18 different categories, simultaneously raising the profile and highlighting the benefits of the AD sector. Book your table and join us to celebrate this year’s successes at this exciting event. For details see p17 or visit

RWM is Europe's leading event for resource efficiency and waste management. This year’s event will once again bring together over 13,000 visitors from across the waste hierarchy.

april 2015 | AD & Bioresources News


Membership Matters Join the biggest AD community

a.ortg s u t i s i es V esourc adbior


e provide our members with a powerful lobbying voice, along with the support and access to markets needed to develop and grow their AD businesses.

Join the Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA) and take advantage of key member benefits such as support and advice on regulations, incentives and project finance; direct project support; press support; and free to attend exclusive member events.

“ADBA has provided clarification, advice and guidance on legislation regarding RHIs and FITs and has lobbied government and influenced legislation on behalf of Biogen and other ADBA members. Biogen benefits from ADBA sharing knowledge and best practice among members and raising awareness of industry issues.” Anita Smith, Biogen

Business support

• Our in-house policy team provides quality policy, regulatory and technical advice

Events and networking

• Free member-only events and discounts for all our AD-specific events • Stay at the forefront of industry developments • New business opportunities

Industry news

• Latest policy and industry updates • Details of new tenders and customers seeking technology

“Being a member of ADBA allows us to keep up with what’s happening in this fast changing market, and to identify new opportunities for our wide range of products.”

“As ADBA members we benefit from a number of networking events with other industry leaders, as well updates on legislation and policy.” Chris Jellett, Severn Trent Water

Steve Morris, Huber Technology

Publicity Influence

• Increase brand awareness: editorial features in industry magazine, online press releases and inclusion in our printed Member Directory

• Our proactive policy team works closely with government on the issues that matter to AD • Take part in our working and operator groups and get your voice heard at the highest level

Join Today For more information and/or to join today, contact Wayne Hurley: T +44 (0) 203 176 5416 E


• Exclusive access to AD-specific resources • Information on best practice, industry reports and market data


AD & Bioresources News | april 2015

Membership Matters

Safety First

By Carl Gurney, Renewable Energy Executive for Jelf Insurance Brokers. To discuss your risk management and insurance requirements in more detail, contact Carl: T +44 (0)7799 474419 E

Managing risk at AD plants With more and more AD plants being constructed in the UK, there is now an increasing emphasis on health and safety and risk management. When reviewing risks, it is important to consider the plant as a whole system, paying attention to areas that alleviate risks to both employees and visitors. This can include ensuring the correct signage is in place to highlight potential hazards such as explosion risk, toxic gases (H2S poisoning), moving vehicles, burns, slips, trips, falls, noise and entanglement. AD operators should consider the following health and safety questions: • Have your employees had adequate training? • Are the installed gas metering devices tested and working? • Do your staff members know the emergency procedures for a fire, explosion or digestate spill? • Have they had confined space awareness training? • What personal protective equipment do they have? • Do they have evidence of operating competency? • Do you regularly review your Health & Safety policy? In addition to a robust Health & Safety policy, it is also important to have operational preventative measures and equipment in place. For example, many of the risks associated with a plant fire can be alleviated at design stage: looking at how your system is arranged and considering the location of preventative measures and equipment such as fire extinguishers, fire and

gas detection, and prevention equipment. It is also important to pay close attention to the materials used in construction, and to make provisions to avoid storing oil in the engine room, and it is vital to conduct a Fire Risk and Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR) assessment, paying close attention to any pressure equipment that will require statutory inspections. You may also wish to consider a Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) assessment, which should be carried out with the operator present to reduce risk. By combining the above – which is by no means an exhaustive list – with a robust risk management plan you can combat the unique challenges and safety risks that these systems pose. And finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help. The input of an experienced insurance broker with access to risk management service providers, and who has previous claims experience in the AD sector, can be invaluable in helping to mitigate these risks. See feature, ‘Doing AD well’, p8

april 2015 | AD & Bioresources News


Membership Matters Book now for post-election Members’ Meeting Our next ADBA Members’ Meeting, taking place on 12 May at London’s Grand Connaught Rooms, follows hot on the heels of the general election and will be an ideal opportunity to voice your opinion regarding policy development over the next five years. Discuss the key issues with ADBA’s Strategic Advisor, Chris Huhne, and Head of Policy, Matt Hindle. Topics for discussion will include: FIT and smaller scale AD support; the future of the RHI; bioenergy sustainability; food waste policy; and promotion of the industry. Take advantage of the networking opportunities available over lunch, coffee and drinks at this free to attend, member-only event. Register your place at

Grid connections and incentives on the menu at Northern Ireland Members’ Dinner Taking place in Belfast’s Shu restaurant on 4 February, ADBA’s first event in Northern Ireland proved a popular addition to our event portfolio. The lively discussion over dinner brought out some of the particular challenges and opportunities for AD developers in the country, with the future of the Renewables Obligation – currently the only support available for electricity generation – featuring high on the agenda. While some extension or grace period is possible, it is clear that Stormont will struggle to maintain a settlement which gives Northern Irish consumers a good deal compared to the rest of the UK. Will this mean less generous support regimes in the future? Most attendees agreed that planning was not a major barrier, with a strong record of approvals. Grid connections, however, are a serious issue. There is now strong competition for electricity connections from different forms of renewable energy, which already accounts for almost 20 per cent of Northern Ireland’s electricity. A relatively small gas grid means biomethane is even more challenging, but this could be an area of development over the coming years.

Charlotte praises the benefits of smart cities Our Chief Executive, Charlotte Morton, gave a well-received presentation on ‘Smart cities – future potential impact of the circular economy’ at the Resource event (3-5 March 2015, London’s Excel Centre). “The circular economy should be at the centre of smart cities,” said Charlotte. “As populations increase, economic growth can only be sustainable if we better manage resources. For food waste that means urban design which supports high quality recycling. Planners should look to support residents to minimise waste and maximise energy and nutrient recovery through anaerobic digestion. With cities like London breaching air quality limits, biomethane also has an important role to play in cutting emissions as lorry and bus operators move towards gas vehicles.”

Welcome new ADBA members! AB Agri AgroEnergien Bryn Power Elster Metering Little Green Consulting Ltd Major Equipment Ltd Orbital UK Rika Biofuel Developments Ltd Skyhawk Global Social Communications ThermTech Ltd 38

AD & Bioresources News | april 2015

TEAM Chief Executive, Charlotte Morton T + 44 (0)203 176 0503 E PA to Chief Executive, Eleanor Maroussas T +44 (0)203 567 1041 E Strategic Advisor, Chris Huhne E Head of Policy, Matt Hindle T +44 (0)203 176 0591 E Policy Officer, Will Bushby T +44 (0)20 3176 5440 E Market Analyst, Ollie More T +44 (0)203 567 0751 E PR & Parliamentary Affairs Manager, Derek Sivyer T +44 (0)203 176 5441 E Head of Membership, Wayne Hurley T +44 (0)203 176 5416 E Sales Manager Jamil Ahad T +44 (0)203 176 4414 E Sales Executive, Rachel Fenton T +44 (0)203 176 5418 E Head of Marketing Services, Helen Reddick T +44 (0)203 176 0592 E Event Producer, Ed Gavaghan T +44 (0)203 176 4415 E Senior Marketing Executive, Vera Litvin T +44 (0)203 176 0590 E Senior Marketing Executive, Kelly Oxenham T +44 (0)203 176 5417 E Marketing Executive, Barbara Landell Mills T +44 (0)203 176 7767 E Database Marketing Assistant, Andre John T +44 (0)203 567 0769 E Accountant, Amy Pritchard T +44 (0)203 176 6962 E Office Executive, Peter Mackintosh T +44 (0)203 176 0503 E AD Finance, Bruce Nelson, Director of Compass Renewables T +44 (0)1732 464495 E AD & Bioresources News Managing Editor, Kirsty Sharpe T +44 (0)1920 821873 E AD & Bioresources News Editor, Kate O’Reilly T +44 (0)7894 039609 E

Exhibitor Profiles

april 2015 | AD & Bioresources News


Exhibitor Profiles 40

AD & Bioresources News | april 2015

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