WORLD Piracy increased worldwide last year Context: The number of pirate attacks increased significantly worldwide last year, according to a report by the International Maritime Bureau (IMB). In 2017 another 180 ships were attacked, in 2018 there were 210. Regional Risk Originally the Horn of Africa in Somalia was notorious, nowadays skippers have to be especially careful when they come close to the Gulf of Guinea. That is in the Atlantic Ocean, so on the other side of the continent. The number of attacks doubled in a year. In addition, thirteen vessels were attacked in the waters between CĂ´te d'Ivoire and Congo. Elsewhere in the world that happened only five times. Also: Worldwide, 141 hostages took place, of which 130 in the Gulf of Guinea. In the same area 78 sailors were kidnapped for ransom, while elsewhere in the world only eleven times happened. Ships are not only at risk along the coast. The pirates, according to the International Maritime Bureau, also attack far beyond territorial waters to hijack ships and kidnap crews to Nigeria, among others. In the meantime it remains dangerous for the Somali coast. Good news: It has become safer in recent times around Singapore and the Philippines, thanks to the intensive deployment of the Navy and the Coast Guard in those countries. Report link
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