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Lupus Awareness in the Ohio Skate Communities

Sonya Callahan

About Skate For Life

For over thirteen years, Sonya Callahan and the Trend $etting Crew (T$C) - a.k.a. the Trend$ettas - voluntarily operates a grassroots health awareness movement in the Ohio roller skating communities called Skate For Life (SFL). In 2010, Sonya became acquainted with T$C when she was introduced to Bryant “Bee1ne” Anthony, T$C Founder and President, by their mutual friend and skater, Sky Mike. Each year, Sonya and T$C co-host the annual SFL benefit in April, which promotes various health and social justice issues.

Although SFL Coordinators

Sonya, T$C Bee1ne, and T$C Jame “Chilt” Chilton continue to be the core SFL representatives, over the years they have been strategically transitioning the SFL movement into a community-wide effort that encourages all skaters and skate groups in

Ohio and nearby areas to unify and collaborate for a worthy cause. This is visibly noted by their well-known hashtag “IAMSFL” (I Am Skate for Life). Prior to this, SFL was solely a collaboration between Sonya and T$C. Now, SFL is inclusive to everyone who wants to be involved, which strengthens and encourages positive vibes within Ohio skate communities.

Sonya believes that fate is what brought her and T$C together and refers to them as her brothers and sister in community service.

About Sonya

Sonya is a community outreach professional with over 17 years of experience. She has a Master of Education in Health Education and Promotion from Kent

State University. For Sonya, SFL is her personal ministry outside church walls, where she enjoys fellowshipping and collaborating with her Ohio skate family to assist those in need. She is inspired by Hebrews 13:16, which states “And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need, for these are the sacrifices that please God.” Moreover, Sonya’s favorite quote is from her shero, Wonder Woman, which states “Because no matter how small an act of kindness or generosity or simple positivity you put out into the world, it will make a difference.”

Ohio Skaters Affected by Lupus

• T$C Leylani “Ley Ley” Wilson proposed Lupus awareness and is the inspiration for SFL’s three-year campaign. Ley Ley’s mom, Lani Stafford, and T$C Bee1ne’s mom, Lavonia Murrell, are Lupus Warriors. Sonya wants to support Ley Ley and Bee1ne since they are affected by Lupus too.

• Sonya’s aunties are Lupus Warriors as well – one is currently living with lupus and her sister passed away from lupus complications. Also, Sonya worked with a volunteer when she was in organ procurement who had lupus. She saw the grueling effects of kidney dialysis on his body and the hopelessness he felt when doctors informed him that he could not be listed on the organ transplant waiting list for a kidney due to his lupus diagnosis. To this day, Sonya thinks about him from time to time and wonders about his quality of life.

• Cleveland skaters Eryca Bey and Laura Lewis are Lupus Warriors. On August 8, 2021, SFL organized a “Sisterhood Celebration and Lupus Awareness Fundraiser” at CLE Urban Winery in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Eryca, Lani, and Laura shared their individual stories about living with Lupus which were very educational, heartwarming, and inspiring. Moreover, SFL raised $640, and all the proceeds were given to the Lupus Foundation of America, Greater

Ohio Chapter.

• Cincinnati skater, Travis Barnes, Founder and President of the Hoodsk8rs skate group is very familiar with lupus because his sister is a Lupus Warrior.

• Columbus skater, Lynn “Ci Ci” Anderson, Founder and President of the Tru Striders skate group has a sister affected by Lupus and said the following: “I support and fight for my sister. She has been fighting this battle for many, many years! She has lost friends to this disease as well! My sister is my biggest inspiration! She is stronger than anyone I know! I love her to the moon and back! I stand and fight for her and for all who battle this condition!”

The Effects of SFL’s Lupus Outreach in the Ohio Skate Communities

Dayton skater, Ashley Houston, lost her sister, Don’tasia Nevins, to lupus complications on January 30, 2023. She was only 24 years old. Since Don’tasia was not involved in the skate community, SFL was not aware of her illness or passing until Ashley posted the following on Instagram the day after the lupus benefit: “One thing I love about Ohio Skate For Life and T$C is that they are always going to have something to skate for – this time it was LUPUS. This event was special to me because I recently lost my sister to lupus. I wear purple for her; I got to skate for her and those who are fighting this rare illness. Much love and appreciation to Bee1ne, Trend$ettas, and Skate For Life for giving me a reason, for I always look forward to these events.”

In 2023, $2,095 was raised for Lupus awareness and all pro - ceeds were donated to the Lupus Foundation of America, Greater Ohio Chapter in memory of Don’tasia Nevins.

Changes or Outcomes Seen As A Result Of Our Efforts

From 2021 – 2023, SFL has raised approximately $5,610 for the Lupus Foundation of America, Greater Ohio Chapter. Most of the funds donated were generated from Sonya’s employer, Elevance Health, via the company’s “Dollars For Dollars” program – in which she receives 100% matching for signature charities, like the Lupus Foundation, as well as rewards for volunteer hours.

Overall, Sonya thinks SFL has made great strides in spreading awareness in the Ohio skate communities. However, she believes there is still room for improvement. And although SFL is extremely pleased and appreciative that most Ohio skaters deem SFL as a positive movement that helps people who are in need, they find that getting skaters to donate is challenging.

Finally, thanks to personal stories shared and Sonya’s own experience with being affected by lupus, she will always be motivated to fight to end lupus and she looks forward to assisting the Lupus Foundation of America, Greater Ohio Chapter with their efforts.

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