RAM Issue 5 | 2
7 | RAM has made a comeback! New and Improved 9 | Winterfest 2016 Your Guide to this Semester’s Best Events!
12 | The Rough Guide Advice from Those Who Went Before 26 | Club Highlights What have the Clubs been up to? 30 | Winter Survival Guide How Not to Freeze Your Tits Off! 34 | Tales of the LUSA Building WARNING: You May Shit Your Pants 36 | Maori Language Week Encourage the Language
StudentsAtLincoln LUSA.org.nz
39 | Mt Hutt Fresh Cord is Here 40 | Live Well Keeping you Sane on Campus
6 | President’s Column - ‘Meet Danyon!’ 8 | Notices
32 | Sweet As/Stink One
33 | Ask Aunty Flat-tac!
Sam Budd | Vanessa Rhodes Danyon Thomas | Ali Webb
40 | Flat of the Month
Dilani Hettiarachchi | Laurie Stradling Shannon Gilmore | Maybelline Chew ADVERTISING
Kate Ward-Smith
32 | This Month in History
44 | Snapchats
Contributions can be sent to:
47 | Horoscopes
design@lusa.org.nz PRINTER Caclin is printed
48 | Random Laughs 50 | Procrastination Station
by Wickliffe
RAM is a member of the Aotearoa Student Press Association (ASPA).
RAM Issue 5 | 3
RAM Issue 5 | 4
A very tongue in cheek Quiz!
LUSA has teamed up with Kellogg’s to bring you samples of the brand new limited edition NutriGrain Ice Break cereal! We’ll be giving boxes away to lucky students at WINTERFEST 2016’S CLUBS AND MARKETS DAY, so make sure you swing by to score yourself the new student cereal!
#nutrigrainicebreak #kelloggsnutrigrain #NutriGrainIceBreak #KellooggsNutriGrain @nutrigrainnz
RAM Issue 5 | 5
Meet y our New P res!
Welcome back to Semester two!
Volunteer in Semester two!
So much has happened around the place since the last issue, notably:
The role of Student Rep is an important role to Lincoln University and student experience. Lincoln University and LUSA are
• LUSA has a new President – me! I’m Danyon Thomas, a B.
continually trying to improve the standard of students’ learning,
Environmental Management and Planning student. I’ve got the
interaction and feedback.
job until then end of the year, and in that time I’m here to advocate for you guys, and make sure you’re having a wicked time here at
This is where your role becomes an essential part of the process.
As Student Reps your role consists of:
• RAM has replaced the Caclin. The RAM was an outrageous
Representing student opinion.
Making sure students are heard and advocated for.
Providing feedback on Lincoln University experience.
Attending meetings, especially Student Rep workshops
and Dean feedback meetings.
Promoting support services to students.
magazine from way back then. I can promise this comeback will be a new and improved version, hopefully not causing too much controversy! • Exams – you’ve made it back for semester two, so at least you’re alive! Semester two is bound to be a heap of fun with awesome things like Winterfest, Winterball and Garden Party, and much more in between. Hopefully, you all enjoyed the launch party last night, and are now sitting down enjoying a burger and beer while having a read of this! Clubs and Markets Day is on tomorrow outside the Rec.
How to get involved: Put your hand up with Lecturers ask in the first week or email Student Support student.support@lusa.org.nz
Centre. We currently have 42 clubs affiliated with LUSA, so it’s well worth heading along and seeing what’s out there for you. Make sure you head along to the Comedy Night on Thursday for Friday. We’ve organised the perfect way to end your first week back
LincMe Up
with a bus trip up to Mt. Hutt for a day at the snow. Get amongst and
some laughs, and if you’re postgrad the wine and cheese evening on
have a wicked first week back.
Be part of supporting new students, or if you’re that new student
Remember if you’re struggling or need a bit of advice or support,
find out more info about Lincoln that can only come from another
pop in to LUSA, and see our Student Advice and Support Manager,
student. Meet other people who share similar interests, have a
Vanessa. She’s pretty awesome and will be able to help you get
laugh, go on outings, eat free food, PLUS you will have access to
things sorted.
our new website, which will have updated info from all different departments around campus in one place!
Go hard this semester, for some of you it might even be your last one. But make sure you’re have a good time doing it. Pop into LUSA if
Sign up as a Mentor/Guide Guru or sign up to get a buddy through
you need anything, and we can help you out. We want to make sure
the LUSA website www.lusa.org.nz and select ‘Advice’ Tab.
you’re having the best time you possibly can. See you round!
Danyon Thomas president@lusa.org.nz RAM Issue 5 | 6
Vaness Rhodes student.support@lusa.org.nz
RAM has made a comeback! From the Ed. Your new and improved version of the outrageous magazine of years gone by is back! But do not fret - we understand that times have changed (and for the better, thank God). Gone are the times of racism, sexism, bestiality and fornication (well all of those except one)
move out into the big wide world of corporate chaos and PC bullshit-ness! Let’s push the boundaries, challenge the status quo and make sure everyone starts talking about RAM again (but in a good witty way)!
RAM brings you all the content that the loyal Caclin gave If you’d like to see some of the old original RAM’s re-printed you but with a little more sass and some tongue and cheek then let me know. Flick me an email or Facebook the shit banter, all whilst maintaining a fresh and high level of out of me (ewe that sounds a bit creepy) design throughout. Your favourite Flat of the Month is also back highlighting So, have a squiz, then pop it on your beer crate coffee table some of the places Lincoln students call home, plus your for your flatties to read and spread the word that ‘RAM is general, run of the mill notices, events and what the clubs Back!’ have been up to lately - either ‘sampling’ beer or hanging off a rock face. Hopefully not in that order! Horoscopes, Aunty Flat Tac, Random Laughs and of course the ever so cringe-worthy snapchats are all still in here.
Julia Wills
If you have a ‘Dad Joke’, cartoon strip, letter to the Editor, a thought provoking and relevant article to students of design@lusa.org.nz Lincoln, then we want to hear from you, after all this is your student magazine. So lets get away with these things while we can before you
Notices Welcome Back from I.T! Welcome back to campus, or if you’re joining us for the first time, welcome to Lincoln! You won’t regret deciding to study here. We’re the only uni in New Zealand to offer free car parking (just sayin’), and our students also get free WiFi. Over the past few months, we’ve been setting up a new
Degree/Diploma Employer Form Due Report Due B Ag/Sc 2014 onwards
B V & O
B Com Ag
BLA Yes Yes Dip Ag & FM
Dip Hort & HM
network with a stronger, faster connection. This means
PW Best Practice:
you’ll need to use your login and password to tap into
1. Read this message thoroughly
the Campus Secure WiFi. Might be a pain, but the system will remember you after your first login, and
2. Hand in your reports early!!!!
it’s our way of keeping you safe and secure out there in
3. Apply for jobs as early as you can.
the ether. You’re welcome!
They are starting to come in now and I am putting them
If you have any problems, IT Help are on level 2 of the
on the LEARN site PW page.
Library or you can email them at ithelp@lincoln.ac.nz.
4. If you there are any things you don’t understand
Happy safe web surfing, and you know where we are if
about your PW please come and see me – in the
you need us.
Student Admin area in the Forbes building, or email me
Regards I.T
practicalwork@lincoln.ac.nz or ring me 03 423 0061 5. Spot the spelling mistake in this blurb and win a
Congratulations! Thank you for all entries into the Time Out competition. Congratulations to our winner Henry Ryan, remember to share the six packs that you buy. Most recommendations we already hold in the collection so come in and start reading! The Time Out collection is located on level 1 of the library. We take suggestions and donations all year round. Thanks, Nikkie & Becky
Practical Work Reminder If you are doing a degree or diploma that has Practical Work in it you may have a report due. The reports are due 25th July 2016 (not 31st March) Refer to the table above to see if you have a report due:
RAM Issue 5 | 8
choclate bar – first ten people who come in and tell me. • Call in anytime you like as it is good to get to know you and discuss your work options Barbara Nicholson Practical Work Coordinator
4-9th JULY
WINTERFEST TUESDAY 5 JULY BACKYARD BBQ 1 1 AM | MR S O ’ S SU N K EN LAW N | F R EE Bu rge rs , Be e rs & B e at s i s a ll t h e b e s t s t uff, all for f re e an d al l t o c ure your h a n g ove r. C old kegs , an d ph at b e at s s p u n b y L i n c oln’ s ver y o w n DJ O s k a r !
WED 6 JULY CLUBS AND MARKETS DAY 11 AM | OU TSIDE R EC C ENT RE B ro w s e t h e s t a lls . S e e w h at ’ s on offe r. J oin a LU SA Cl ub or S o c i e t y. G rab s om e F R E E go o d i e s ! W e t w eat h e r ve n u e - T h e W or k s hop.
FRIDAY 8 JULY POST GRAD WINE AND CHEESE EVENING 4 PM | M RS O’S | F R EE A g reat chanc e for Post Grads to relax a nd unwind with a g lass of wine and s om e che es e and nib b les after a b usy we ek with like minde d folk!
SATURDAY 9 JULY SKI TRIP 8 AM | OU T S I D E RE C C E N TR E $1 0 + L I F T & G E AR H I R E What b etter way to round off Winter fest with a ski tr ip to M o unt Hut t ! Tickets for the b us can b e purchas e d fro m LUSA Re c eption. Lift & G ear Hire extra .
8 PM | MR S O ’ S | $ 2 5 P R E Win t e rFe s t Co me d y N i g h t w i ll b e h e a d li n e d b y renow n e d c o me d i a n Ur z i la C a r ls on , a s w e ll as other c o me d i an s ! P re - s a le s a re ava i lab le n ow for $2 5 at d a s h ti c kets . c o . n z, or at LU S A Re c e p t ion. D o or s a le s $ 30
Ma ke su r e yo u ‘l ike’ LUS A o n Fa c e b o o k t o ke e p u p t o da t e w it h a ll t h e u p da t e s a nd a nno u nc e m e nt s r e ga r ding Wi nt e r Fe s t ! T i c ke t s a r e o n s a l e N OW a nd c a n b e p u r c h a se d f r o m b o t h D a sh T ic ke t s o r LUS A R e c e p t i o n.
RAM Issue 5 | 9
RAM Issue 5 | 10
RAM Issue 5 | 11
"What do you think would be helpful for students new to this course to know about the class?"
This is the question that LUSA asks at the end of most of the classes at Lincoln. We take the answers, edit and squeeze them into shape, check the spelling, remove the icky bits and then forge them in to the Rough Guide: a compilation of advice from the students who have gone before you.
2 3
Not all the second semester courses are present. Some just didn't provide any advice, others are new. Not all classes get questionaires every year. But we do have some post grad courses in here. Also, you should note that courses also change, thus some of the advice may be out of date.
We warmly suggest that you read the helpful
BUT before you immediately start searching for the courses that are relevant to you, there are a few things we should tell you:
guides to studying provided by Library, Teaching and Learning. You can find these on their homepage, ask for help at their service desk and even book yourself in for one of their highly informative courses.
There were some comments that were SO common that we didn’t bother to repeat them in the following list (except for when we did). These are:
• Go to classes.
• Go to labs & tutorials. • Take notes.
• Do all the assessments.
• Work hard.
Now, we realise these sound a little obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people ignore this advice.
RAM Issue 5 | 12
It's important to remember, we didn't write this advice so don't shoot the messenger!
Remember these wise words from one LINC 101 scholar:
“Don’t fail or you’ll have to do it again.”
ACCT 101 ACCOUNTING FUNDAMENTALS • Keep up to date with the exercises and labs especially in the 2nd half of the course. • It requires a good level of basic accounting knowledge, prior to taking this course.
ACCT 603 ADVANCED MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING • The class is always having discussions amongst students which is really helpful, so do not miss any of the class lectures.
• Ask for help! It doesn’t show that you are a failure, it shows that you are not willing to fail.
• Know your abbreviations and formula. A previous understanding of these will definitely help later in the course. • Pay attention, it’s very interesting! • Practice problem questions and use textbooks beside the resource book to support your learning in class.
• Know your science.
BICH 207 BIOCHEMISTRY II • You should memorize a lot of technical terms first. • Watch videos on youtube - it will be very helpful!
• This is compulsory to become an accountant, so try to get through it as this paper is full on and has a high workload! RAM Issue 5 | 13
BICH 634
BMGT 321
• The content explored can be quite challenging, but learning about plant physiology, photobiology and systems is incredibly worthwhile (and enjoyable).
• If you are wanting to start your own business in the future you will gain great knowledge and wisdom from this course.
• You’ll need some basic ag. science, biochemistry or basic understanding of plants and cells.
COMM 111 TRANSFORMING DATA INTO INFORMATION • Print lecture slides before you go to class.
• Bring snacks if there are a three hour sessions! • Complete chapters 1-8 BEFORE you begin this course.
• This is a competitive world and to succeed you need to master strategies and this courses teaches theories on strategies in business life.
• Go to all lectures and bring your text book and calculator.
• Download the free textbook!
• International students - It is important to have basic knowledge/understanding of NZ systems, such as the political framework.
• Go to class and use the allocated time for research and study.
• Try and get 100% in the quizzes!
• Ask questions where you cannot understand.
• Print out the notes before going to class.
RAM Issue 5 | 14
COMM 203 THE GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT • Do all the tutorials and assessments and you will be fine in the exam.
ECOL 308 ECOLOGY III: ADVANCED ECOLOGY • Don’t bother with the textbook.
• Get lots of references for the proposal early.
• Study regularly and it will be easy. Don’t hesitate to ask the tutor any questions you may have.
• It’s not like other classes in the way that there’s one main assessment throughout the semester, and that the exam questions are provided at the beginning of the term. But both these points are made clear at the start. • Very self driven, if you take the theory part of the course instead of the stats side. You don’t need to know any stats at all really to complete the course because you can choose to present on a theory topic instead.
• Unless you love learning about environmental stuff, don’t take it ! • Good basic ecology course that gives you a good understanding of concepts and aspects within ecology.
ECOL 630
• Start doing a little bit of research about what research question you want to write before handout A. As you might need time to find a suitable question.
ADVANCED ECOLOGY • Expect long assignments to do outside the classroom, most of the knowledge is gained through them. • This class is work intensive, but very beneficial to the development of your writing skills and understanding of ecological concepts. • HUGE workload but VERY rewarding - you learn heaps! RAM Issue 5 | 15
ECON 609
ERST 302
• The profound knowledge of econometrics and the skills of using econometrics software gained from this course would be very helpful for students who want to do research.
• Take the time to understand the material. You might not think it relates to you, but the underpinning theories/information will apply to a range of professions.
• It requires a lot of work each week, so keep up!
ENGN 106
• Keep up with the readings from the first week. It will help you to keep up with everything else!
LAND SURFACES, WATER & STRUCTURES • It’s quite a fast paced paper and not much time is spent on each concept. • Always attend the labs, as you have no chance of understanding new concepts otherwise.
ERST 205 PRINCIPLES OF URBAN & REGIONAL PLANNING • Be prepared to do a lot of work for the assignment for only a small %. Start exam prep early and do the readings! RAM Issue 5 | 16
ERST 310 GIS & APPLICATIONS IN NATURAL RESOURCE ANALYSIS • As soon as the words “individual project” are mentioned, start writing your proposal! It’s due pretty early in the semester and it’s great to get feedback on it. Also pick groups you KNOW will work together instead of leaving one person to do all the work.
FINC 211 INVESTMENTS • Prepare for tests well in advance. • This is a challenging course, so keep on top of it. • Work hard throughout the year. • Complete examples, to help you to understand the content better.
LASC 218 LANDSCAPE & CULTURE • Go in with an open mind, and don’t set guidelines as to how questions and projects should be answered. • Try forming your own opinions and thoughts on landscape and apply that to your work.
• Get funky, be explorative and open your mind to theorists! • Be prepared to re-think what you think landscape architecture is and what it could be.
FOOD 605 FOOD CONTAMINATION & SECURITY • It is a very wide topic that incorporates agriculture, health, food and water security and environmental toxicology. • Turn up to class - ALWAYS! • Read the textbook chapters.
LASC 206 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PRACTICE • Make sure your planting plan is perfect. It’s worth a lot of marks! • Know something of vector works or other CAD software for the planting plan.
LASC 312 LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY • Go to the lectures! It is hard to understand from home! • It doesn’t have much to do with ecology and animals, but focuses much more on people in the landscape. • The process of learning is a slow progression. If the information feels burdening at first, it will have a much greater influence later on in the class with projects and tutorials. RAM Issue 5 | 17
MAST 319 TE KAITIAKITAKA • Fairly straight forward subject. Go to class remember to keep notes from MAST 104.
• A course covering common sense and basic statistics. • Lectures aren’t very interesting but do go to tutorials.
• Take after MGMT 201 (both in the same year). • Always take study guide to lectures. • Take lots of notes on field trips and prepare for field trips before you go. • Start assignments (especially the budget) straight away!!!
• Stay open minded, it’ll be over soon! • Ask lecturers and examiners what it is you need to do because it can be very unclear. Personal opinion assignments don’t necessarily mean ‘opinion’ so be sure to check what is required.
LWST 602 ADVANCED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT & PLANNING LAW • Read read read! Read everything you can and ask lots of questions.
RAM Issue 5 | 18
MGMT 203 AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS & SUSTAINABILITY • Make sure you read all the regualtions etc.
• This is a very fast moving class and you need to keep up with the reading! • It is a great course that pulls together everything that you should know about agriculture and the environment.
MGMT 222
MGMT 325
• I would definitely recommend this course for agriculture students who do not come from a farming background. Students with good base knowledge of NZ agribusiness probably will not gain much from the course, and will find the course easy.
• The guest lectures are very interesting!
• This is not a course where you will learn how to use an Excel spreadsheet to prepare spray schedules or learn OSH regulations around the supervision of staff. It will give you a raft of more useful tools for business which will allow you to think more broadly about your working environment and the issues management go through.
• Do background work and find other sources of info to back up the lecturers.
MGMT 317
• Requires work outside of class right from the start of the class.
• Go on the NI field trip. It’s a lot more diverse than the SI.
• Lecture recordings are really good for brushing up notes.
• Start PFS early, its not that big if you chip away at it slowly.
• The guest speakers are fabulous and makes the class that much more relevant and enjoyable!
• Have a good understanding of farming systems and rural accounts.
• I would encourage students who come from underdeveloped countries to take this course. Especially if your countries economy is agriculturally based. • You will learn a lot about agribusiness and how to integrate it into modern practice.
• If you miss a lecture, take advantage of the lectures being posted online and go watch them. RAM Issue 5 | 19
MKTG 205
PHIL 103
• Buy the textbook its worth it! • Attend lectures and try every assessment because it isn’t that hard to understand.
MKTG 308 MARKETING OF NEW ZEALAND PRODUCTS & SERVICES • Send in assignment drafts. • Attend the guest lecture presentations.
• This is not an easy course to take but if you put in the effort then you will be ok. • Read the course book and show up to class!
• Be prepared to think, and come with an open mind. Most of the content will mess with your head. There is a lot of content to learn.
• Ask for help if you need it. • Practical and useful in the commercial environment.
• Have quite a good background knowledge of physics and the formulas. • It is handy but not necessary to have a maths/ physics background from school.
MKTG 321 PROMOTION MANAGEMENT • Buy the textbook in advance and read it! • Open your mouth and respond to lecturers questions. Class discussion is necessary! • Go to class and write notes. Keep up-to-date with the textbook. RAM Issue 5 | 20
• Don’t let that the course is ‘physics’ scare you because its not as hard as it sounds!
• If you are interested in Biosecurity and Biocontrol this course is incredibly enjoyable, the assessments are extremely relevant and allows you to gain knowledge you wouldn’t otherwise be able to especially during trips to LandcarePractical and useful in the commercial environment.
PLSC 104
PSYC 102
• Keep up to date as there are a lot of names! • Attend labs and go through lectures multiple times.
• Consider making a dictionary of new botanical terms and words that come up in the course. • A well rounded course incorporating both crop science and botany.
• The text book is very expensive but get it. • The text book can seem quite daunting, so just make sure you understand the concepts in each chapter and read the chapter summary.
• The class is very fast pace and there is a lot of content to cover and not all of it is covered in class.
• Learn to draw! • Biology background is good to have.
PLSC 201 PLANT SCIENCE II - PLANT FUNCTION • The Lab reports will take longer than you think and are hard work for 10%, so don’t leave them till the last couple of nights.
• Awesome course with awesome lecturers! Highly recommended.
PSYC 203 ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY • Go to class! • There is a lot of content covered in this course. • Keep up with the textbook chapters, as it makes it easier to revise for mid-semester tests. • WRITE LOTS OF NOTES! Write down what the lectuerer is saying and not what is on the screen. You can always go back and look at the lecture notes but not what the lectuerer says.
• It’s an awesome class about plant physiology. I wouldn’t say its very practical, but it’s definitely interesting if you like to study about the intricate processes that happens with plants, such as photosynthesis. We wouldn’t be here without it!
RAM Issue 5 | 21
QMET 204
SOCI 117
• You don’t need to buy the textbook • This course is easy to understand but pay attention in lectures, and use the quizzes before assessments.
• Don’t miss a class. The A+ is waiting for you!
• You will get more out of the class if you participate in the discussions.
• It gives you a great introductory look into NZ politics. • Guest lecturers are really interesting and valuable. Knowing a bit about them before hand can really increase the value of hearing them speak. • Read the news! Keep up with current events.
RECN 393 PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE IN SPORT & RECREATION MANAGEMENT • You get out what you put in to it. • Pick out your internship provider carefully and talk with them about expectations. • Go above and beyond what is needed.
SOCI 214 THE LIVING CITY • Get the book early and read it before lectures to enjoy the class discussion and/or movie clips. • Reading newspaper and pay attention to the social events. • Relates well with Landscape Architecture
• Don’t underestimate your course load, in the grand scheme of things you’re not given too much work so do it all just as you’re instructed. RAM Issue 5 | 22
SOCI 314
SOCI 602
• Make sure you update your work after you finish an assignment for your portfolio and keep it in a safe folder on your computer or harddrive
• Good class to take if you are scared senseless about going into the work force. • Prepare a rough C.V at the start of the semester and go and get help with improving it. • Use the tutor and lecturers advice times. Very worth while.
• Choosing an appropriate project topic to hold your interest over the semester is going to be hard to do in the 7 days that you have. • This is very interesting course.
• This course is demanding and lots of work, but EXTREMELY rewarding • Students can improve their interview skills and became more confident.
SOIL SCIENCE II • You should take this class if you liked SOSC106. Its pretty similar except deeper and you get to learn more about soil. • All four modules are quite different.
• Attempt participation points to better your grade. Easy marks and encourages attendance, and it’s helpful and kinda fun. • Make the most of the available participation points.
• The lab report has a high weighting which is represented in the effort it takes to get a high mark. • Easy progression from the 100 level course content, but all relevant and important.
• There is a lot of group work. Pick a good group and topic and it is fantastic. RAM Issue 5 | 23
TOUR 303
VAPM 314
• It has no external assessment (end of semester exam) so it kind of works well with other courses. • The course has a huge workload and good time management is advisable to balance workload with other classes.
• Start assignments early. • Get on well with group members - don’t be scared to delegate the tasks - many hands make light work. • Keep on top of the workload. • If you have any spare time, do the readings
VAPM 309
WATR 201
• Get onto the first assignment early. • Always do the practice questions. • Ask questions if you don’t understand.
• Don’t wait until the end of the semester to watch lectures - it’s not worth the stress. • With all the lectures only being online, it is very important to have good time management
• Be competent on excel.
VAPM 311 URBAN VALUATION • Make sure you understand and have passed VAPM 310. Start assignments early as they can be quite big and keep ahead - extensions are rarely given!! Do the calculations first because you don’t want to rush them - that’s when simple mistakes are made. The inputting for the report can be done once the RAM Issue 5 | 24are done. calculations
WINE 101 INTRO TO THE WINEGROWING INDUSTRY • Taste as many wine as you can! • Very interesting paper. • Highly recommended.
• A lot of content but great practical activities.
• Have a good working knowledge of basic chemistry i.e. the curriculum of PHSC101 or at least brush up on it.
• This course involves a lot of work outside of class.
• Take this class!!! Its hard but awesome!
• Make study groups to ensure you know the subject matter.
• Do the readings. They back up course material covered in lectures. • Take good notes in the labs so when it comes to the Lab test you are not unfamiliar.
• Revise topics in WINE202. • Be prepared to learn more detailed chemistry and biology regarding wine.
• Start the wine portfolio assignment early!!! • Markers don’t appreciate PhD-length assignments!
So that’s the Rough Guide for this Semester. Take this information, and use it to your advantage, and kick course butt. Is your course not here? If you know someone who did that course last year, tell them they’re an inconsiderate dick for not giving course feedback. Although, to be fair, not all courses are surveyed, so maybe check that first before you go pointing fingers. Either way - now you can see how helpful that feedback is for new students, make sure you contribute your expertise by filling in the feedback forms at the end of this Semester. Please? Thanks. There’s a good student *pats head*.
RAM Issue 5 | 25
Club Highlights LEO (Lincoln Environmental Organisation) has been caught up in a whirlwind of activities over the last semester.! You’ve probably seen our organic waste bins around campus (no more excuses to throw your banana skins at your tutor!) and we hosted a documentary night recently too. But we’ve been stirring up trouble
off campus as well! During semester one
dirty seems to soothes the stress of uni away. So, we are offering
we took advantage of the gorgeous Autumn weather and popped into
taking some time out and getting our hands
LEO: Lincoln En vironmental
the Port Hills to
by Shannon Gil
all of you an opportunity to
visit one of our planting sites: Westmorland Reserve. In the reserve early last year, I came across a local with a raging chainsaw in his hands (numerous horror films flashed before my eyes in that moment). However, I managed to quell the instinct to run off screaming and instead found out that this unsung hero, going by the lofty title ‘Mark’, lives next to the reserve and found the sight of such rampant weed growth mighty unsettling. So he, and a few other locals, have been chopping down gorse and broom trees for the last 12 years under the radar. Talk about guerrilla conservation! Always keen to meddle in others business, I volunteered ‘LEO’ to help out and last year we planted 300 trees in Westmorland Reserve - in the snow no less! When we went back during the break we found that the spindly saplings planted last year were bristling with life. Bursting with pride as to the difference we had made we agreed to attack the vines that were choking some of the older trees. We hacked and
join inon our next mission: 9th of July, we’ll be heading into the
slashed our way through, claiming the land inch by inch for
hills, planting some trees and eating some wicked kai that Mark
the next lot of natives to be planted this year. We discovered a
provides (last time he made us fresh cheesy scones! “Hell yeah!”).
number of treasures as we fought through the tangled wall of
So, find us on Facebook - LEO Lincoln University and join in on
vines - a cabbage tree slowly revealed itself (we even found fresh
all our sweet adventures!
shoots under the layers of dead strangling vine), crickets hopped away as we disturbed their homes and Kevin discovered the power of Weetbix when he snapped a hedge trimmer near clean
in half!
July 9th 10am
Now that we’ve cleared space for the 1000 new arrivals we’re all
Westmorland Reserve
looking forward to another fabulous day out planting. After spending morning, noon and night in front of a computer screen working on assignments, RAM Issue 5 | 26
Leo Lincoln University
‘Lincoln Ladies raise $700 for New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation!’
Club Highlights
In support of NZBCF, Lincoln Ladies hosted a pink ribbon breakfast, which was very generously sponsored by Lincoln University Catering. With the theme being, On Wednesdays
We Wear Pink, we had many gorgeous costumes ranging from trendy pink jeans to wacky pink wigs and fairy wings.
Wine and Cheese Tasting Evening The LU Wine Appreciation Club joined forces with the LU Food Appreciation Club to present a ‘Wine and Cheese Tasting Evening.’ Over 100 students attended this free event held in the Conference Rooms of Mrs O’s on the evening of Friday 25th May. They were treated to a range of craft cheeses matched
Lincoln Ladies by Ali Webb
with a range of wines. Attendees were also educated on each choice, as well as other possible matches.
Lincoln Ladies would like to say a massive thank you to all those in attendance (just over 60 people) for their generous donations and an even bigger thank you to Heather and her team at Lincoln University
International Food Exchange LUSA teamed up with the LU International Club to produce the first ‘International Food Exchange’ for 2016 ! It took place in The Workshop on the evening of Saturday 14the May. Separate
Catering because without them we wouldn’t have been able to raise $700 in support of NZBCF and their efforts to help fight breast cancer in New Zealand; supporting survivors and funding research. See you all next year!
groups of International Students cooked a range of traditional dishes which included Japanese, Korean, East Timorean, English as well as a delicious traditional Indian Mango Lassi. Selling out with over 50 domestic and international students, attendees were treated to the buffet of delicious meals as well as great music and games while getting to learn more about other cultures! A special thanks to Heather Watson and LHL for letting the International Club utilise LHL’s kitchen and equipment to prepare their dishes!
LU Dance Crew Flash Mob Following on from a successful (and incredibly active) 2015, which included a professionally shot dance video at the recent Spectrum festival, the LU Dance Crew decided to perform a flash mob at LUSA’s recent Caclin Release BBQ on Tuesday 24th May. Decked in their LUDC uniforms and performing out the front of the Library to a massive crowd, the LU Dance Crew performed a high energy routine which featured a variety of styles including Bollywood and hiphop! Cheers and applause from the unsuspecting crowd, LUDC definitely exhibited the long hours and hard work they put in to not only their Club, but their routines and events as well!
Sam Budd - Clubs Manager
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Club Highlights Thursday 12th May - Tasting at the Laboratory The love of beer is universal. We love beer, and we love people, and just like people, beers are extremely diverse. Us at the Lincoln University Craft Beer Appreciation Club love to bring diverse people and beers together. The tastings we run always bring so many people from different cultures and creeds together
b u l C n io t ia c e r p p A r e e B t Craf adling
to appreciate the wonderful beverage that is beer, and are a great opportunity to meet and mingle with fellow students, teachers, tutors, you name it. On Thursday the 12th of May, the Lincoln University Craft Beer Appreciation Club had its second tasting of the semester. The event was held at The Laboratory brewery right here in Lincoln. It was an awesome evening, we had about 30 members attend for a relaxed beer tasting followed by delicious pizzas and chips. We always try and mix things up with the styles of beer we offer to taste, and this time we decided to go with different styles of lager. Lagers can often be thought of as boring, plain, and easy drinking, but this tasting aimed to break down that stereotype by providing some variations on the typical lager. Every tasting we do we will try and make as interesting as possible to satisfy the amateur as well as the expert beer drinker. For those of you here for the whole year, we have heaps of potential events planned for semester 2, such as a club brew day on campus, where we will brew our own club beers, a brewery tour in Christchurch, and of course more tastings. Sign up and stay tuned to our facebook page “Lincoln University Craft Beer Appreciation Club� for more details.
RAM Issue 5 | 28
by Laur ie Str
Club Highlights
Postgrad Society By Dilani H
et t iarachch
The Postgrad Society Tea Party (Meet and greet) Tuesday 17th May was a great evening for postgraduates as they get together to have tea, while mingling, with the New Chancellor Tony Hall, former chancellor Tom Lambie and the vice-chancellor Robin Pollard. It was a superb evening where everyone enjoyed meeting each other, especially the delegates. Postgraduate society, who were the organisers of the event, have already requested the delegates come back next year, making this an annual event and all postgraduates are looking forward to it in the future.
RAM Issue 5 | 29
SURVIVAL GUIDE ‘Life’s a fridge’ in some Lincoln Uni flats and it’s that time of year again where sickness is common, there’s a constant battle against mould, a huge lack of sun and you’d almost want a warm beer! So, here are some ‘Cheap Heat’ tips for you poor, frozen students out there surviving winter on a budget.
Get more Bang for your Buck Winter is the best time to whip out all those Pinterest recipes you’ve been eyeing all year. Not only does the oven keep you toasty, but a slice of hot pie will also do the trick. Also, make sure you leave the oven door open after you’ve finished cooking (switched off) and use the heat you’ve already paid for to warm your kitchen. Win-win?
Dress Up for Bed It’s very important to stay warm during the night, so get your Nana to knit you some bed socks, zip up your onesie or slide into those sexy flanelette P.J’s. Staying snug as a bug is hot!
Throw away your razor Guys, grow and epic beard and keep your face warm. Girls, go French. Grow your own natural leggings for a little extra insulation but that’s as far as I recommend you to go. We don’t want any 80’s muff out there, unless its ‘Fanuary!’
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Hot Food! Since you gotta eat, getting takeaways might be the most convenient way to go, and one of the best ways to work up a sweat is to eat some old-fashioned spicy food. So, head down to the Curry Pot and order a Vindaloo! Or, if you want to save a couple bucks, just buy some red chili flakes or a bottle of hot sauce and add that to whatever you’re eating! Just make sure you have a tonne of toilet paper on hand.
Sunlight! Open windows and curtains on sunny days, and close them when the sun goes down to trap heat in your home. Trim any trees that prevent sun entering your house (but if you are renting, remember to ask your landlord first! Ventilate house for 30 minutes a day. Moist air feeds mould! Yes I
said ‘moist’.
Get outta here If your house is too cold - leave it! Hit up the Uni library, get your sweat on at the Rec Centre, alternatively you could head down to the local pub - though you may end up spending that money you’re not spending on heating, on beer.
Destroy the draughts Up to 20% of heating can be lost through those nasty little nooks and crannies! So, if your fire isn’t working, get your landlord to block up unused chimneys. You can make your own draught ‘snakes’ by stuffing rugby socks or pantyhose with newspaper. Close doors behind
you, and don’t forget those window gaps too. Ssss.
Get Cosy Cuddle up with someone cute! Get sweaty then snuggly.
Layer Up There’s four seasons in one day in Chrirstchurch! So dress like an onion and peel those layers off one by one as the day warms up Don’t get nakesd though. It’s all about the layers. Singlet, thermals, long sleeved tops, cardigans, long johns, jerseys, scarf, hat, gloves, and finally, your windproof/waterproof coat!
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STINK ONE OWCH! The sore arm that comes with the flu jab. Yes, we know the benefits outweigh our pussiness but talk about ‘dead arm!’
FANTASTIC FEIJOAS Feijoas everywhere! Muffins, Crumble... Vodka. We love this time of year.
PETROL STATION PROMOS Just give us the 10c discount per litre, not a whole lot of online forms to fill out or pointless scratchies.
BOUNCERS WITH GOOD CRACK Funny bouncers that are up for a laugh and make waiting in that line go a little fast on those cold nights out.
BRR! NO THANKS Too much ice in your drink. Its cold out and the brain freeze is real. Did you know it is ok to ask for no ice wherever you go.
RED BANDS You get to wear your gumboots everywhere because it’s winter and you just don’t care! (just don’t wear them in the library)
SKI TRIPS Whether you’re a pro or spend half the day on your arse - it’s white gold and we love the stuff!
BUZZ OFF It’s cold out there so why is the odd pesky fly still lingering all over your stuff!
This Month in History 1986
The Homosexual Law Reform Bill was passed. It decriminalised sexual relations between men aged 16
and over. No longer would men having consensual sex with each other be liable to prosecution and imprisonment. Though sex between women had never been illegal.
Full Face Queen set – one penny (1d), twopence (2d) and one shilling (1s) – were printed in Britain. Other values were added later.
1902 Rainbow Warrior sunk in Auckland harbour. The Greenpeace ship was torn apart by two bombs planted by French secret agents. A Portuguese crew member, Fernando Pereira, was killed.
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New Zealand issued its first postage stamps 15 years after they appeared in Britain. The three stamps in the
The New Zealand Boxing Association (NZBA) was formed to promote and foster amateur boxing in NZ. After drawing up its rules, the association staged its first championships in Christchurch later in 1902.
When sh*t gets UGLY… Ask Aunty Flat-tac! Sharing a house and picking flatmates… Sharing a flat can be a complicated task, especially when it comes to dynamics of different personalities and genders. Trying to select a new flatmate can turn into a serious panel interview. But there is nothing worse than getting someone to move in, who ends up forcing a 7pm quiet time (no talking, no TV)... Personally not my idea of fun! Ideally four (or even five) mixed genders is the best outcome to create a flat that is flexible, grounded and limits bitching! Let’s be honest, two to three girls living together is not necessary a recipe for a good outcome. It’s not just gender but also getting a good mix of personalities…Good old Wikipedia suggests there are four types of personalities
There are questions you can ask to get an idea of what type of person they are, without the person feeling like they are being integrated and psychologically assessed!
1. Do you like to have friends over? What do their friends get up to? Find out if they actually have friends and whether you will get along with them too? 2. What was your worst experience sharing a flat with someone? What do they consider bad and is it at similar levels?
3. What’s your romantic situation? Are they going to be hanging out with single mates… or coupling up the whole time… not ideal if it’s a ‘singles’ flat! 4. What do you want in a roommate? Personal reflection: ‘warning signs would be if they enjoy a lot of quiet time!’
5. Do you have any unusual habits? I think this question is self-explanatory.
6. Anything else I should know? If you don’t ask, you won’t know! There is no insurance to say that even if you ask all the right questions and your gut feeling tells you they are perfect…. Shit can still hit the fan! Even best friends can have a fall out after living together. The biggest fallout tends to be over what seems to be the smallest things. Irritation can build up and destroy relationships. Talk people! Set boundaries and rules so everyone is clear of the house expectations. If none of the above relates to you then please one piece of advice with you:
Never pick a flatmate because you fancy them, it’s a recipe for disaster. Never pick a flatmate that more than one of you fancies too! You can only imagine what would happen.
• sanguine (optimistic and social) • choleric (short-tempered or irritable) • melancholic (analytical and quiet) • phlegmatic (relaxed and peaceful) Choleric and Sanguine are more extroverted personalities, while the other two are more introverted. If you really want to get fancy, go ahead and start analysing every potential flatmate to determine their personality type and make sure you get a good mix. The downside would be, potential flatmates thinking you are crazy and not wanting to move in!
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Tales of the
LUSA BUILDING... The Bright Blue Building and it’s creepy origin. By Maybelline Chew & Julia Wills
and an x-ray room next door. Evidence of the surgery room still exist as you can see from the photo of the door for the entrance to the
e are both third year students who will be completing a
surgery that is still in use today.
Bachelor of Tourism Management this year and these are our findings.
As there is no complete written history of Annex C (because it was
4th known use - Post-graduate Offices
originally a temporary building), all history in this article has been pieced together to create an accurate timeline of the uses of the
Between the late 1980s and mid to late 1990s Annex C was not being
LUSA building.
used. When post-graduate numbers grew too large for the amount of offices in the George Forbes building the students were moved
Annex C has been used for a variety of facilities for both students
into Annex C. There were still sinks and laboratory equipment that
and staff at Lincoln dating back to the mid-1940s.
the desks had to be put in around for the students to use. Heating systems were still not great and students were frequently cold.
1st known use - Army Barracks Prior to the mid-1940s, the building Lincoln University named
5th known use - Clubrooms
Annex C was located at Burnham Military Camp as living quarters for the soldiers stationed there. It was used in Burnham prior to, and
Eventually in the late 2000s students were asked to leave Annex C
during WW2. The soldiers stationed there were trained for active
for a second time so the university could create the clubrooms for
duty and many were sent away to serve in the war.
various clubs around campus. The building was transformed again, sinks were removed and walls created. The clubrooms were mainly used for the storage of the various clubs and teams’ equipment as
2nd known use - Student Accommodation
well as any meetings that they needed to hold. Below is a map layout of the Clubrooms.
The building was transported to Lincoln University in the mid-1940s to become student accommodation as extra was needed for the increase of student numbers. When the building arrived it was placed where it currently still is and was opened to students. Annex C at this time had no heating systems and the students froze during winter.
3rd known use - Veterinary Laboratory
6th known use - LUSA
In 1955 the students were removed from the building for the first time,
LUSA took over the clubrooms in the early 2010s after the
and the building was transformed
Christchurch earthquakes destroyed their previous building. The
into a teaching facility for animal
building was renovated yet again to create new doorways and
science with a few staff offices down
windows for the current reception and offices in the building, and a
the hall. The veterinary laboratory
kitchen was installed.
was opened the next year and the building contained a demonstration theatre as well as a surgery room
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tory has it...when the LUSA building was situated at the Burnham Military Camp before the mid 1940’s, and eerie occurrence
happened one night... s one of the soldiers stationed there lay sleeping, he had a very vivid and very terrifying nightmare!
His best friend, also a soldier stationed at the Burnham Military Camp base, had taken his own life in front of his best friends eyes! He’d had hung himself from the ceiling of the building. This dream felt so real to him that maybe he could have even been awake! A year later, the the soldiers received some saddening news about one of their own...the guys best friend had indeed hung himself!
arly one morning, a LUSA staff member came into work to get some jobs done. After printing something, they then wandered down to the printer to collect their printing. Upon
exiting their office and staring straight down the long hallway to the closed reception door, they all of a sudden saw a silhouette standing behind the glass! The front door had not been unlocked yet. This is not the only happening in the Bright Blue Building. Other incidents involving strange figures appearing or silhouettes seen in the LUSA reception have been documented. On all occasions the reception door was locked...you be the judge. Oh, but don’t let this put you off from visiting us and helping you out!
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Maori Language Week: 4th - 10th Hongongoi (4th - 10th July 2016) Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori: Maori Language Week 2016 is going to be positive, relevant, energetic, fun and exciting! The theme for this year is akina to reo – behind you all the way which is about using te reo Maori to support people, to inspire and to cheer on. Over the week we will have a range of awesome activities around campus such as kai (food), hangi, a week long kupu (word) challenge, music, workshops, games and much more. Keep an eye out, details will be posted in the coming weeks. We look forward to celebrating the Maori language as a unique cultural treasure for all New Zealanders.
Stay tuned to find out how you can get involved, and ‘Like’ our Facebook page: ‘Te Awhioraki Lincoln University Maori Students’ Association’ to keep up to date!
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Mt Hutt BASIC SKI TIPS: VOTED NZ’S BEST SKI RESORT IN 2015, MT HUTT BOASTS WIDE OPEN TERRAIN FOR ALL SKI AND SNOWBOARD ABILITY LEVELS. SUPERB CONDITIONS, SPECTACULAR TERRAIN AND LAID BACK KIWI HOSPITALITY WILL LEAVE YOU DREAMING FOR MORE. LIFTS: Operate daily from 9am till 4pm. First tracks 8am on weekends LOCATION: 90min drive from Christchurch LIFTS: x1 6 seat high speed chair lift, x1 4 seat chair lift, x13 seat chair lift, x1 learner lift PRICE: A full day adult pass is $95 GEAR: You can rent gear on your way up, or on the mountain. Sometimes its cheaper to rent it on the way but the bonus of doing it up the mountain is that if you find your boots are a bit uncomfortable
during the day, you can swap them for a bigger/ smaller size. Prices vary depending on what you need. Check out https://www. nzski.com/mt-hutt/passes-packages/lift-passes for a full list of gear available. WINTERFEST SKI TRIP: This Saturday 9th July, meet outside the Recreation Centre at 8am .Tickets only $10 from LUSA for a return bus to Mt Hutt. Gear & Lift Pass extra.
1. TAKE A LESSON: Don’t learn from a loved one. It will save your weekend & you’re relationship. 2. DON’T LOOK DOWN: If you’re looking at your tips, you’re probably not looking downhill, and therefore you’re probably not seeing that pack of ski schoolers up ahead. 3. STICK TO YOUR FAV LIFT: Lifts are kind of scary... but chair lifts will slow down for you to get on, and then speed up to take you up the hill. Find one of these lifts on the trail map and stick with it. Believe me, it’ll make the day a whole lot more enjoyable. 4. BEND YOUR KNEES: You are ultimately in control of those two planks on your feet. By bending your knees you will increase balance and forces yourself to lean forward into your boots, providing more control over your skis. 5. STAY AWAY FROM POWDER: It is heavy & will get you stuck more than half the time. Learn to ski on groomed trails where the pitch & surface are consistent. That way you can focus on technique first.
RAM Issue 5 | 39
‘Andy Hull ditched the flat viewing for a girl. He has complained about his room allocation ever since!’ RAM Issue 5 | 40
“Quality living arrangements in a healthy living environment, based on the principles of respect, love and tits!” (Gualter, 2016)
Best vomit story: Soph vommed in her drawer (pictured below)
What’s an ideal Sunday afternoon? Feijoas from our tree, grapes from our vine, meat, not being robbed, and having a pulse!
Want More?!
Tits on Tika Sophie Gualter, Joel Hintz, Andy Hull, Dustin Coveney, Dougal Ross & Tess Williams.
This month we wanted to do something differnt and throw some quick fire questions out there and this is what ‘Tits on Tika’ came back with: •
Who has had sex on the couch? Noone. Pre-marital copulation is for sinners.
Have you had a create party yet? No
Who does the cleaning? Not Andrew because he doesn’t have ranga hair and is therefore exempt from bathroom cleaning duties. Usually Sophie.
Has anyone had their eyebrows shaved yet? No, but we’ve had 3 mullets.
Do you have any pets? We have a cat called ‘Mr. Twinkles’, and a gutter mouse called ‘Dunstan’.
What do you guys do if the fridge runs dry? Go rustle some sheep.
What’s the flats go to meal before pay day? Just meat, because vegetables are expensive, and only Dougal’s parsley has grown as of yet.
Where do the guys go to pick up chicks? Does our SkyTV package come with the Spice channel? (Hintz, 2016)
Dougal particularly enjoyed religiously watching the Bachelor, and stays home on Wednesdays to watch the latest Geordie Shore episode. Tess and Soph leave their ranga hair everywhere! Dougal also has a vegetable garden that he fertilises with his stomach lining. For Tessa’s Red Card, we had a lipsync battle. Andy was the best rapper, Dusty was the best indian dancer, Dougal won, and Joel was disqualified for being a hoe.
Flat of the Month winners are chosen because they made themselves sound cool, interesting and good looking in their application - I mean, look at their application form! If you think you are able to fool us too, then sign up your flat by collecting an application from from LUSA reception today or downloading one from LUSA.org.nz. RAM Issue 5 | 41
New Smoking Policy Our campus has designated smoking areas, of which there are five located on campus.
See the map below for locations. The closest two areas to the library are - behind Te Kete Ika and in the sunken lawn out from the picnic tables at Mrs O’s Bar, or in between The Lodge and Commerce. Thanks for using the areas.
Connect (Whakawhanaunga) Strong evidence indicates feeling valued and that you belong is a fundamental human need. Spending time with others socialising helps buffer against mental ill health.
Connect Checklist: •
Catch up with someone you haven’t seen in a while.
Go device free for a day - smile and look at people’s faces.
Go for a coffee with a friend and chat.
Ring your parents or grandparents and have a good catch up.
High-five everyone you pass today!
Live Well Week Recap Rainforest Connection – This group collected 30 smart phones which equates to protecting 9,000 hectares of rainforest from deforestation in the Amazon and Borneo. The Rec Centre is still collecting your old, unused smart phones for this cause and we would love to hit 40+.
Malawi Lunch – Thank you to everyone who came
Gym Orientations Second Semester Orientation in the gym will run from the 4th – 8th and 11th – 15th of July. Check the gym blackboard and the Rec Centre’s Facebook page, to see when you can pop in and learn about our wonderful space and all we’ve got to offer. Any questions see Kate or Jayne down in the main gym. Keep an eye out for the Rio Gym Challenge coming soon to the Rec Centre!
along to the traditional Malawi lunch. Over $500 was raised and all funds superfluous are going to be used to buy a van for an orphanage over in Malawi.
Shave to Save – Noelani raised more than $800 for CanTeen upon shaving her head. Awesome effort!
Food Exchange – Thank you for your generosity around the food exchange. The food packs were given out in early June.
Organic Bins – These bins have been successful
Thursday’s in Black
and well used around campus. Keep up the fantastic work!
Come and see us at Clubs & Markets Day on Wednesday 6th July for a chat!
The next ‘Live Well Week’ will be September 12th – 16th.
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A MESSAGE FROM: ANDREW FRAPWELL Print from email with #hashtags Did you know you could print via email? This service, PrintMe, has been around for a while however it was limited to; pdf & doc/x files, black & white, A4 and single sided. However, this service has been enhanced to now provide the ability to add the following hashtags to apply different finishing options when submitting a print job via email: #d - Duplex (Long Edge only) #c - Colour printing #s - Stapling (upper Left only) #a3 - Force the job to be printed on A3 size paper * #[2] - Number of copies (you can choose the number of copies by changing the number in the square blanket) * Please note your print job has to be an A3 to print as A3. By default the Mobile print queue will print the job in Black & White, simplex and Default Document size (normally A4). You can use multiple commands on the Email subject but you have to put an extra # to close the command. Example 1: #d# Example 2: #d#c# Example 3: #d#c#s#[4]#a3#
Contribute to Caclin Articles. Rants. Jokes. Photos. Drawings. Doodles... Whatever. CACLIN@lusa.org.nz RAM Issue 5 | 46
So, just send an email from your Lincoln or LincolnUni email address, from home, on your phone, tablet, web client (whatever) to PrintMe@ lincoln.ac.nz with the doc or pdf that you want printed attached and use the # tags as above to specify; colour, number of copies (leave out for just one copy) duplex (saves $) and stapled too! Please note stapling isn’t available on all the FollowMe devices so pays to check first. For more detail on PrintMe check this out on the ITHelp site or if you can’t figure it out get in touch or visit your Service Desk Team. Please give it a go and we’d love to hear your feedback http://ithelp.lincoln.ac.nz/Help-Feedback/ IT-Feedback/
MAY 22 – JUNE 21
You will finally meet the man of your dreams, which sounds like good news until you remember some of your dreams.
The stars will sincerely apologize to the rest of the hemisphere this week, but explains the snowstorms were the only way to prevent you from wearing those awful sandals.
TAURUS APRIL 21 – MAY 21 You’re getting better at figuring out what your dreams really mean. However, all that stuff that happens when you’re awake is still pretty baffling.
JUNE 22 – JULY 23
AUG 24 – SEP 23
You may come awfully close to
You’ll singlehandedly embody the dreams of an entire nation when you get a very large food item for free after eating said item in less than an hour.
having a near death experience this week, when you eventually become brave enough to venture out of your house for “supplies.”
Horoscopes LEO JULY 24 – AUG 23 Birthday parties have been ruined in some strange ways over the years, but no one will ever top the sick shit you’re going to pull next Thursday.
SEPT 24 – OCT 23 You will be celebrated and vilified in equal measure when you scientifically determine the exact point at which a cute kitten becomes a full-grown cat and starts to suck.
NOV 23 – DEC 22
SCORPIO OCT 24 – NOV 22 While it’s true that only God can judge you, it also won’t take Him more than a couple seconds.
Sometimes you just have to sit back and laugh at the hilarity of it all, but sometime’s it’s better to actually help people out of that burning building.
JAN 21 – FEB 19 You will soon get a nicer job selling higher-quality sweatpants to a somewhat better class of people.
FEB 20 – MARCH 20
CAPRICORN DEC 23 – JAN 20 Although you are firmly convinced there are some things that mankind was just not meant to know, you’re not exactly sure how you’re supposed to be able to tell what they are.
This will be a month of surprise after surprise, which will become tiresome after a few hours, terrifying after a few days, and unspeakable after that.
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Random Laughs
RAM Issue 5 | 49
‘PROCRASTINATION’ Five Riddles 1) What has a foot but no legs?
2) In a one-story pink house, there was a pink person, a pink cat, a pink fish, a pink computer, a pink chair, a pink table, a pink telephone, a pink shower– everything was pink! What color were the stairs?
“He y YOU read this ing t pro c hi rast i wha nat io s: Stop t you r n s and uppo I k no do sed t w yo o be b e ca u’re doin pro c use y g! rat in ou w at ing ould this n ’ t b e re if yo u we adin g ren’t !”
3) Throw away the outside and cook the inside, then eat the outside and throw away the inside. What is it? 4) Which weighs more, a kilo of feathers or a kilo of bricks? 5) What kind of room has no doors or windows?
reasonably doable
pretty tricky
perfectly evil
Answers 1) A Snail 2) There weren’t any stairs, it was a one story house! 3) Corn on the cob, because you throw away the husk, cook and eat the kernels, and throw away the cob. 4) Neither, they both weigh one kilo! 5) A Mushroom!
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COLOURING IN You know you love it!