5 | Your Student Board Meet the 2017 team! 7 | Hangover Over... Got on it last night & are now wallowing in self-pity? 9 | Who the fuck is LUSA? We've been round since 1919
10 | Recreation Centre/Ways of Wellness Keeping you sane and fit this Semester
12 | Orientation Week 2017 Swannies, Stubbies & Snarlers! EDITOR & DESIGN Julia Wills
15 | How to tie your Toga Time to raid the linen cupboard 19 | Great Kiwi Beer Fest Review of the day's festivities 20 | Let's Carpool Lincoln Find & share rides with great people going your way
CONTRIBUTORS Danyon Thomas | Tessa Williams ADVERTISING Contributions can be sent to:
REGULARS 3 | Words from the Prez 5 | The Rough Guide PRINTER RAM is printed by Wickliffe
FUN STUFF 34 | Snapchat Photoboard
RAM is a member of the Aotearoa
40 | Sodo-kool
Student Press Association (ASPA).
41 | Horoscopes
Words from the Prez
Kia ora
and welcome to
Now, it wouldn’t be the Orientation Issue of the RAM, if
the first issue of the
there wasn’t some slightly sketchy wisdom:
RAM for 2017. I’m
back as your LUSA President for another year, but now the
gym, but for the hot showers when the flat has run out
training wheels are off and we’re full swing into making
of hot water, or when there isn’t quite enough money
your time here at Lincoln awesome. That’s pretty much
left for the power bill after Wednesday night…
what my role is here for; I work with the University to make sure students are included in everything that is going on round here, as we are at least half the reason this place
good way to live harmoniously.
good at it too – well better than me at least!
ridiculous, sweet-tooth; I like long walks on the beach; and in my books not much else beats a good yarn or a
C – it’s a pass. Paper vs. Party. You choose.
The Workshop on Farm Road – it’s way less nerdy than the library and it’s always warm - whose flat actually
dad joke, you know the sort that makes you groan. I’m all
has insulation?!?
about them. LUSA have got an epic year lined up for you, and
random sitting there.
amongst, get that mosh pit pash; join a club; toss your where all the cool stuff really happens, so you definitely want to be a part of them, because FOMO. Or if writing is more your thing, submit some stuff to the RAM, because we want to hear your yarns too! Student Reps, are some of the coolest cats on campus, they’re the ones who work with lecturers to make courses better; they’re also some of the first to know about
Ask – we’re a friendly bunch out here, so if you don’t know something, just ask, your lecturer, LUSA, or that
Orientation is kicking it all off, so make sure you get gumboot; and enjoy your pie. Clubs and Societies are
Balance – something, something you can’t party all the time, nor study all the time. Joining a club is a
exists after all! The rest of the team here at LUSA, are pretty
I’m a BEMP graduate (well, hopefully!); I’ve got a
Gym membership – you need it, if not for the actual
Noodles – you are a student right aren’t you?
If you see me round, make sure you chew my ear off, cause if we don’t know what you’re thinking, we’ve got no hope of getting it fixed. Go hard, enjoy yourself and remember everything in moderation (especially readings!).
changes going on with the academic side of things. If you want to sign up, just stick your hand up when the lecturer asks in class.
Danyon Thomas
RAM Issue 1 | 3
Welcome to all new and returning students of Lincoln
University. One of the outstanding features of the University is the friendly and supportive student environment, and LUSA plays a key role in that. There is a proud legacy of a strong student culture at Lincoln that warrants your participation.
Hey guys, I'm Julia your RAM magazine editor and Media Manager for LUSA, and this is Oscar my 6 month old Boarder Terrier. You might catch him at LUSA, peeing on the carpet or chewing on some sports equipment! I've been here for over a year now, so I know how to handle the ropes a bit better without getting rope burn. I'm really looking forward to meeting the first years and catching up with some old faces. I hope you'll stop and have a chat with me when you see me handing out a sausage or taking some photos, or even better...send me something to print in this magazine you hold in your hands! This is your
Perhaps your parents and others from the prior generation have told you stories about their less academic experiences at Lincoln. Some of the traditions remain cherished, however the University has also changed: attitudes have incorporated diversity and broad societal agenda, and the student gender balance has improved. Lincoln staff remain committed to a relaxed open environment. Lincoln has been under the government’s spotlight for well over a year. A special advisor was appointed by the government to oversight the Council and management in the second half of 2015. I have worked for universities in a number of countries, and outside New Zealand have seen similar government attention in developing countries. The government’s role was helpful, since it focussed minds and empowered management to do what needed to be done.
student magazine, so I want to fill it with student written
We put a lot of work into improving financial management
content. I like to push the boundaries, so the more shocking
in the second half of last year, and as a result the University’s
the better!
finances for 2017 are looking strong. We have money in the
I am really looking forward to this O'Week, where we have
bank (>$40m) and net assets of about $215m.
thrown a Kiwiana twist on it, to make you feel as welcome
We have begun to reconceptualise the Selwyn campus,
and as at home as possible. Keep up to date by following the
with the intention of bringing student life into the heart of
LUSA calendar at and grab your tickets for O'Week
the precinct rather than left on the periphery, and we are
NOW from Think you'll be heading along
working hard to gain funding for a new Lincoln Hub project
to Garden Party or Winterball later in the year? Then grab a
located on the rough carpark between the Forbes and
Super Pass and save, save, save!
Burns buildings. The concept is multi-disciplinary and multi-
So, come along to all our O'Week events and let your hair (or
mullet) down, kick your jandals or red bands off, meet some
During 2017 there will be a reconsideration of Lincoln’s
new mates, have a beer, a dance, a yarn, and a laugh and
strategy, including whether we should partner with other
really get involved and immersed in the Lincoln Uni culture.
institutions in one way or another. The University Council has
It's super friendly, relaxed and beautiful out here and I doubt
committed to open and transparent dialogue, and we are
there is any campus like it. So make the most of it 2017 at
publishing dialogue at with
regular updates.
Julia WIlls
Please look after yourself and other students, and contribute to this great institution. Professor Robin Pollard
RAM Issue 1 | 4
Meet your Student Board
Alex Menzies Kristy Havill e ESD Rep
It's my first year on the Board, and I'm not planning on making as many waves as Donald Trump, but instead giving the ESD Rep job as good honest crack. I know you're all allergic to feedback surveys, so if you've got something to say then I'm more than happy to listen via any avenue of communication
In my 3rd and final year of B(Com)Ag, I'm here as your
Agribusiness and Commerce Rep and ready to make 2017 the best year yet. Heres hoping that the Yaldy will provide better music and the sun will actually shine. Always wanting to hear your thoughts so give me a yell if you have any!
- you can't whinge if we don't know what you're thinking. You'll often find me floating around LUSA or the Rec Centre, would love to meet as many of you as I can!
James Ranstead AGLS Rep
Kia Ora team! After a summer of antics I am fully refreshed and ready to get the student voice out there as this years Agriculture and Life Science Faculty Rep. Born and bred on a small farm in the mighty Waikato, I have now switched over to studying an ecology degree, which as it turns out its not just about slamming farmers, rather, "working towards a more sustainable future"..... #LincolnConnectEatYourHeartOut My life out of uni is all things outdoors, so you'll likely find me missioning up a mountain or hanging off a rock on the weekends (join the LU Tramping and Climbing Club, its a good time). But priority otne is to do the best job possible in this role (along with trying to pass my courses as well, I suppose....). To do this I need you to let me know what is YEAH and what is NAH.
RAM Issue 1 | 5
Tessa Williams Vice President
Sup Dogs. I’m dreaded, not-shredded, and ready to get lightheaded. For those of you who I haven’t yet matched on Tinder, here’s the hard and fast of it: My name is Tess, I’m from Tokomaru Bay (near Gisborne), 3rd year BAFM, and majoring in Hectare Hunting. If that hectare happens to be a rugby field, I’m 100% OK with that too. I’m super excited to be your VP, but even more excited to have everyone back. It’s been a pretty lonely existence in Christchurch this summer, but also a great opportunity to find myself… at the pub on a Sunday night WTF. True to form, I didn’t make it to the NYE countdown, but also didn’t make it on 3 News this year either, so we are on the up. I’d love for you to introduce yourself. Potential conversation starters include: “Can I touch your dreads?” “What are your thoughts on climate change?” or “How much of a douche bag is Donald Trump?” I hope that I can help you all love your Lincoln experience as much as I do.
Ryan MacArthur
Post Grad Rep
Hope you’ve all had stunner summer and the water skiing conditions in your neck of the woods were better than the breaking waves of central Otago's lakes turned oceans. Being a sucker for punishment I’m back to battle out a 5th year at Lincoln, and 2nd year of postgraduate study in a Masters of Applied Science, looking at farm quality assurance. Hopefully I’ll knock the bastard off this year and might look to try being an adult after that. In the meantime I'm embracing my maturity to serve as you Postgrad Rep after a term on the LUSA board as ESD Rep in 2016. If you see me kicking about campus feel free to come have a yarn. I look forward to working with the awesome team at LUSA to deliver another top year for all Lincoln Students.
RAM Issue 1 | 6
I know you know better than to buy anything labelled "hangover cure", but surely there must be something out there to ease the pounding headache, nausea, and overall sense of feeling like crap.
So you got on it last night, didn't you? Now you're scrolling through the regret on your phone and wallowing in self-pity in bed! You know better too, don't you? And now, you would do ANYTHING to undo this pain and get rid of the furry creature living in your mouth.
1. KILL THE PAIN The first thing you'll want to do is reach for the painkillers. Go for it 'ibuprofen' is the most effective but only the recommended dose. 2. REHYDRATE Dehydration is the main reason you feel like death, so guzzle that water down. Best of all, hit the Powerades. They’re designed to replace sugars and salts quickly. They’ll give you energy and rehydrate you.
4. EXERCISE The whole 'sweat is out' thing is a myth but a brisk walk will do wonders for the soul, producing endorphins and getting some wind in your hair. Be sure to bring your water bottle with you! 5. SEX Well...there's no actual evidence that it will help your hangover but it sure will be a nice distraction from it for a while.
3. EAT What you eat after drinking doesn't matter—it's what you eat before all those Jagerbombs that can help lessen the pain the next day. But if you can stomach something then it will help you on the road to recovery. Egg, wholemeal toast or crackers, a trusty fry up or bananas will all help restore some balance.
6. SLEEP IT OFF Another side effects of drinking is that your sleep cycle is disrupted. So, if you’re not going to be productive anyway, you might as well just admit defeat, and focus on getting the sleep you need.
The legit top 6 from the literature 1. Water 2. Sprite 3. Ginger or Peppermint Tea 4. Asparagus 5. Bananas and Pretzels 6. Coffee and an Aspirin RAM Issue 1 | 7
News FOOD ON CAMPUS Mrs O’s Cafe & Bar Great for a coffee and a cheese scone. The sushi is nice and fresh but the crispy chicken goes first! The only place on campus to grab a beer. Monday to Friday - 7.45am to 8.00pm Sandwich Bar Fresh, healthy wraps at a great price. Located in the Forbes Building past the Bookshop. Monday to Friday - 9.45am to 1.45pm (During term time) Food Trailer Great greasy tucker of those slow Thursdays. Hot chips - need I say more!
Monday to Friday 7.30am to 2.30pm
LUSA Welcome Bag Have you got yourself a sweet O'Week bag filled with goodies from LUSA yet? If not come into LUSA HQ's & grab one today! 2017 LUSA Events Super Pass This pass gives you entry into all of our major events throughout the year. Grab yours from today and save! Join a Club Clubs are a great way to meet new people and have fun! To find out more about clubs on campus, come to the Clubs Gala Day or visit for more info. Login to LEARN
Your student hub for all courses and daily notices. Sign up at the Gym
Excellent equipment & comprehensive classes for all levels and needs. Sort your Transport
Catching the bus? Then get a MetroCard. $10 for the card but it will save you in the long run. Driving and need a car park? Then register your car at LUSA reception to get your car parking sticker. LUSA's Fortnightly Newsletters
Make sure you keep an eye out in your Lincoln Uni email inbox, as you will receive a newsletter from us about all the awesome stuff happening on and around campus, plus some handy tips!
STUDENT REPS Lecture Video
Keep an eye out in your next lecture for a short video we created featuring some of your fellow students promoting Student Reps! Become a Student Rep this Semester and RAM Issue 1 | 8
raise the quality of teaching and learning!
RAM Issue 1 | 9
Lincoln Lads & Lincoln Lasses Keep an eye out for our Lincoln Lads and Lincoln Lasses programmes starting up the same time you do! Lincoln Lads will run two sessions per week for three weeks, while Lincoln Lasses will be four sessions a week for two weeks (Monday & Wednesday 8am-8.30am March 6th, 8th, 13th, 15th. Or Tuesday & Thursday 8am-8.30am March 7th, 9th, 14th and 16th). Designed to help teach you technique, get fit, learn how to use the gym equipment, make friends and have a blast all at the same time. This is one class not to miss! Only 20 people per class. Sign up at the Rec Centre reception.
Handcuffed for Hagar Join the WOW team again in 2017 to walk the City 2 Surf. 6kms, handcuffed together to raise awareness against human trafficking and slavery. Every day more than 3,200 people are trafficked and sold into slavery. Help make a difference by uniting under Hagar and Thursdays in Black to work towards a better world. Register with
Olympic Lifting Club Want to learn proper technique for Olympic Weight Lifting? Or just looking for a few like-minded people to train with? Then come on down to the Rec Centre, every Monday at 2pm to join our new Olympic Lifting Club! Meet in reception.
Kickstart Programme Free programmes to help kick start you on your fitness journey for 2017! Just pop into the gym and grab one today. Rec Centre staff will be available during help desk times to answer any of your questions or to go over technique.
My Organic Vege Bags Grab your own fresh veggie bag for just $20 from Lincoln’s own BHU students every Wednesday on the lawn outside Ivy Hall. To order email
Live Brighter Find Your Spark – is about embracing who you are, knowing how you want to live and finding greater meaning in the things you do.
Rec Centre Day Out See you on campus, Tuesday 7th March, and find out what we are all about! With free food and games, there’s no reason to not show up! RAM Issue 1 | 10
Go for a walk
Learn something new, be curious
Spend 15 mins today doing one of your hobbies
Find a quote you love and hang in your room
Tell someone why you appreciate them in your life
Set yourself a goal and accomplish it
Too Many thoughts in your head?
#Thursdays in Black
Literally too many tabs open? Come and learn how to slow down your thoughts with other students and staff. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 12.30-1.00pm, in the student lounge right behind the blue building on Farm Road. Everyone welcome. Come and give yourself some time out. There will be a guide there to take the session.
Keep an eye out for our weekly Thursday’s in Black stall set up in the Library foyer every Thursday from 11:15am – 12:15pm. Want to know more? Then pop on over for a chat at our Clubs and Markets Day stall. You can even join our on campus #TIB Society! Contact
Show your support... Wear BLACK on Thursdays! Green Week Ever asked yourself, “What can I do to reduce my carbon footprint?” or “How can I make my environment more sustainable?” Keep an eye out for our upcoming ‘Green Week’ to have all your questions answered and more!
At The Rec Centre You Asked For: Louder Music - we have turned up the volume! Notification of busy hours - We have put up a peak hour display for each day.
Group Exercise Timetable: January 30th – March 19th
Wahine Toa Self-defence is for every woman or girl regardless of age, size, fitness, mobility or strength. The Women’s Self Defence Network — Wahine Toa, believes that all women and girls have a fundamental right to live in safety from violence and abuse. Free classes starting in the group exercise room at the Rec Centre from: Tuesday's March 7th, 14th & 21st – 2 hours per session. 3-5pm for 20 people & Friday's March 10th, 17th & 24th – 2 hours per session. 10am-12pm for 20 people. Register at reception. For more information check out RAM Issue 1 | 11
RAM Issue 1 | 12
Tips & Tricks for O’Week
GET YOUR TICKETS It costs more on the door. So jump online now, go to and grab your tickets. Bring up the QR code on your phone while you're waiting in the queue to get in and we'll simply scan that! Save the trees!
PRE-LOADING Chances are you will smash back in a few brewskies before the gigs, but there’s a difference between having a few quiets, and getting maggoted. It would suck not to get into an event with all your mates because you peaked too soon! LUSA does not tolerate intoxication. (full stop) oh and don't bother stashing it in the bush outside the event as we'll find it and probably drink it!
DON'T MISS OUT Keep an eye out for door closing times. Tu Meke Toga doors close at 9pm and Hypnotist Night doors close at 8.30pm. You don’t want to miss out on all the action!
EATS It wouldn't be a LUSA event without food! Because LUSA loves food. We have food trucks on campus all Orientation Week, so splash out and save the noodles for next week. We always supply free food at our R18 events to soak up those beersies so you're not too crook in the morning too.
GET HOME SAFELY Figure out how you're going to get home before you head out. No one wants to do the walk of shame in a Toga covered in who-knows-what and a blown out jandal! LUSA will be putting on a FREE bus from Tu Meke Toga Party to Riccarton from 10pm, last bus leaving at 12am.
SEXY TIME When you come to Uni, you will make friends and decide to have sleep overs and have cuddle time or a spoon, but we always know spooning leads to forking! Make smart choices and visit Student Health before any new friendships blossom for support and advice on all sexual health and medical issues. It's cheap and sometimes FREE!
JOIN A CLUB A must do event is the Clubs Gala Day. Held outside The Workshop on Wednesday from 11am, LUSA Clubs will be there ready and waiting to give you all the info you need about joining their club! It's a great way to meet new people and try new things. There will also be external business from around the area promot-ing their latest and greatest, plus heaps of Food Trucks to keep you going from the night before. Need more info on what clubs LUSA provides? Check out
MAKE HISTORY Be part of the Guiness Book of World Records for no other than a mass gumboot throw! On Tuesday 28th Feb. Be there with your gummies by 11am! 10.30am - Have a go 11.30am - World Record Mass Gumboot Toss 12.45pm - NZ Gumboot Throwing Championships
Have ya Mum ready to pick you up or someone sober, if you live on campus – lucky you...enjoy the very short walk back to your hall.
STICK WITH THE FLOCK Safety in numbers, leave no man behind and look after that dickhead who overdoes it. Provide them with plenty of water and make sure they get home safety.
ACCEPTED FORMS OF I.D ARE: Valid Driver's License, Valid Passport, HAANZ 18+ Card. (Student I.D will not be accepted as a valid form of I.D)
Get your tickets from RAM Issue 1 | 13
RAM Issue 1 | 14
$30 (+BF) $35 Door Sales Wednesday 1st March Doors Open 8pm, Close 9pm
Drape one end over your shoulder, wrap around waist, then over your left shoulder. The draped end should reach down to your waist.
Fold the sheet widthwise & wrap under armpits. Smooth the layers & folds, pin toga in place. Tie a belt or rope just under the bust. This will help secure the wrap and make a flattering empire waist.
Wrap like you would a towel. Leave around 1m of one corner loose at the front. Make a halter. Twist the length a few times. Run this twisted sheet over your shoulder and behind your neck. Tie the end of the twist to the sheet running across your chest.
Wrap first end around waist, second end around front, pin then toss over shoulder. Toss over shoulder. The end will drape over your shoulder and rest on your back.
Add a fern wreath or hessian belt to your toga. Chuck on some redbands or jandals. Or get even more creative and paint your sheet with traditional Maori patterns or korus. RAM Issue 1 | 15
RAM Issue 1 | 16
RAM Issue 1 | 17
RAM Issue 1 | 18
• • • • •
28th January, 2017 In typical Christchurch fashion the sun was out and so was the gusty NW wind but I wasn't fazed as I had my beer coat with me. Straw hats were flying and beer taps flowing. With 34 breweries serving over 200 beers and ciders, the day was going to be a goodie. Arriving at lunchtime I was hangry & thought it wise to line the stomach. First port of call was grab a beer and get some food. Where was I to start with over 28 food vendors? I was happy to see some of my favourite restaurants hosting food stalls. The Cuban, Lower 9th Diner & Madam Woos. (which I hear is coming to Christchurch very soon) I grabbed a famous Hawker Roll from Madam Woos for $10. A pulled sticky pork roll with cucumber, perfectly matched with a Garage Project, Pernicious Weed. A high strength calamansi addition. It was nice and fruity but had a bitter edge (or so I'm told). I couldn't wait for Katchafire to start up but I had to endure some pretty old school tunes well before that. The Chills had the baby boomers swaying in the mosh pit like they were at a Rod Stewart concert. So off for another fine beverage I went. This time I went to visit some friends working at Brew Moon, which started 2002 with Canterbury grown malt and Nelson hops, based in Amberley.
• • •
It's a family business that loves breaking tradition by using fun and delicious ingredients like herbs, spices and fruit! It’s all handcrafted and naturally brewed so there's no filters or pasteurisation, so you get all the flavour and health benefits! So to speak... In the distance I heard Katchafire start up. Hailing from the mighty H-Town, Katchafire are an all Maori Reggae global roots phenomenon and the perfect vibe for any summer festival. With beer in hand I entered the chilled out mosh pit surrounded by some of the most epic dreads I've seen! Sorry Tessa.
As the day drew to a close, I expected a lot more drunken debauchery than what I saw. Just one stumbling chick coming out of the port-a-loos. A few Stag Parties covered in who knows what, blowing obnoxious whistles and wearing more fluro active wear than a skank walking around Hagley park on a Sunday afternoon with too much perfume on. Overall another successful event held in the big smoke aka the Garden City, bring on Electric Avenue!
Julia Wills
RAM Issue 1 | 19
We all know Carpooling is good for the environment, but did you know about the social and economic benefits it also has? This carpooling scheme has been established to help Lincoln University Students and Staff reduce their carbon footprints by burning less fossil fuel and producing less pollution on their commute to and from the University. Apart from doing your bit for the planet, the simple act of carpooling has multiple other economic and social benefits.
Suggested Charges (for those without a vehicle) •
$2 per trip ($4 return) for a single carpooler
$1 per trip ($2 return) for 2, 3 or 4 passengers
This would reimburse the driver between $80 & $160/month (covering most or all of the petrol costs) COMPARISON WITH BUS FARES •
The bus fare from Chch-Lincoln ($7.50 return with Metro card) = $37.50/week or $150/month
So it is actually cheaper to take the bus than to drive alone (but carpooling is always cheaper than bussing but usually environmentally more damaging!)
Not only will it save you money, but it will help you expand your social networks! LINC 201 students are trying to make a difference and their submissions lead to Let's Carpool Lincoln. EMISSIONS •
GHG Emissions approx. 6-10kg of CO2 emitted per car for each Chch-Lincoln return journey (depending on vehicle size and exact distance). This is equivalent to 120-200 kg per month
Transport accounts for about 20% of NZ total GHG emmissions
Car park capacity 1386 (often full)
Sign up to Let's Carpool (for FREE) by going to Facebbok CarpoolingLincoln page.
Enter where you want to travel from and to and when, and find others traveling your way. It can be for your regular commute or a one-off trip.
For more information head to
Petrol (Return - Chch-Lincoln) = Approx. $6
Petrol + Running costs (Return - Chch-Lincoln) = Approx. $10 = $50/week = $200/month
Potential monthly savings $100-150/month depending on whether cost are saved with 1,2 or 3 fellow carpoolers
RAM Issue 1 | 20
See how much you'll save!
"What do you think would be helpful for students new to this course to know about the class?"
This is the question that LUSA asks at the end of most of the classes at Lincoln. We take the answers, edit and squeeze them into shape. Check the spelling, remove the icky bits and then forge them in to the Rough Guide: A compilation of advice from the students who have gone before you. BUT before you immediately start searching for the courses that are relevant to you, there are a few things we should tell you:
2 3 4 5
Not all the first semester courses are present. Some just didn't provide any advice, others are new. Not all classes get questionaires every year. We didn't bother with the post-grad courses at all (you should know what you're doing by now anyway). Also,
you should note that the examiners/lecturers listed are for this year and may not have had anything to do with last year's classes. Courses also change. Thus some of the advice will be out of date. We asked the lecturers to give their advice too. A wise player would pay particular attention to what the person who marks your
There were some comments that were SO common that we didn’t bother to repeat them in the following list (except for when we did). These are:
• Go to classes.
• Go to labs & tutorials.
• Take notes.
• Do all the assessments.
• Work hard.
Now, we realise these sound a little obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people ignore this advice.
work has to say.
We warmly suggest that you read the helpful guides to studying provided by Library, Teaching and Learning. You can find these on their homepage, ask for help at their service desk and even book yourself in for one of their highly informative courses.
It's important to remember, we didn't write this advice so don't shoot the messenger!
RAM Issue 1 | 21
ACCT203 Accounting Information Systems Examiner – Murray Clark
ACCT306 Taxation
• Don't stress out, just take it as it comes as it is a hard
Examiner – Tracy-Anne de Silva
• Learn the basic concepts first and then develop and
• Turn up to all classes as they are a huge benefit and the in-class practicals are well worth it.
build on them. • Do the weekly tutorials as they help for revision at the
• It's about thinking logically, it's not tricky or weird. • Attend class and practice a lot.
end of each week. • Purchase the textbook, use the extra notes provided attend the lecture and do the tutorial submissions.
"Surprisingly for an accounting course, the focus is not on
• Make the most of tutorials as they put a more practical
the accounting numbers! It is about thinking logically… and
approach onto the heaviness and complexity of the tax
doing the practice exercises is the best way to learn."
ACCT211 Financial Accounting Examiner – Murray Clark • Do all the tutorials and you will be fine, as well as attending lectures all the time. • It takes time to understand. You will be learning a lot of new information in a very short amount of time. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"The textbook is very detailed but it is essential that you have a copy. The same textbook is used for ACCT301 Advanced Financial Accounting so it is a good investment.
ACCT308 Advanced Management Accounting
It is planned to offer more workshops this year so I
Examiner – Tracy-Anne de Silva
recommend that you attend as many as you can."
• Best accounting class you will take due to the thought processes it creates. • The class is discussion based - not much hard and fast material, must have a very big picture mind to survive!
ACCT302 Auditing Examiner – Azi Nilipour •
• Choose your groups wisely for case studies!
This is compulsory for Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand, so you need to do it.
This is useful for being aware of how a business runs and some of the auditor's responsibilities.
Ask Azi if you are confused.
"New version of accounting equation:
ANSC213 Livestock Production Science Examiner – Rachael Bryant •
Feeding and BV's are new, focus here, reproduction and lactation is re-hashed from earlier papers, you
Accountant + Opinion = Auditor
should know 90% of this. Get your feed budget
Pretty sure you don’t like it unbalanced!
spreadsheet right early, push Rachael to explain it until you get it. •
Excel skill is important and will speed up your work, check your calculations. Learn how to use excel, and buy the recommended text.
RAM Issue 1 | 22
Work as a team!
ANSC312 Dairy Production Science
COMM110 The Global Business Environment
Examiner – Grant Edwards
Examiner – Anthony Brien
Be a cow farmer.
• Quizes are important!
Lots of information loading. Lacks a practical element.
• Get your referencing sorted.
Great course!
• Give yourself plenty of time to start assignments early.
Don't underestimate how long it will take you to do the
• Read the textbook.
literature review - remember that you have to read the
articles for it.
"Come to this course with an open mind about the world of business and be prepared to engage in topical issues that managers and leaders find themselves in. Managing and
BICH209 Principles of Malting and Brewing
leading business is fun, challenging and very rewarding. "
Examiner – Luca Serventi • Go to the Lab! • Be self-motivated and have a passion for the topic. • It's informative, but don't take if you don't like beer, and chemistry. • Make sure you understand Chemistry well before doing this. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
Beer is a simple food, yet there is so much science behind it. There is a hands on approach: you'll have a chance to brew and taste your own beer. So come and have a pint of opportunities!
COMM113 Economies and Markets Examiner – Ian MacDonald • Go to every lecture because he boosts through slides real quick. Use Google when doing online quizzes to get a better understanding of unknown words. • It is not easy, so get on top of it before you start stressing over it. • Having an economics background is a bonus. • Learn your definitions. • Read lectures in advance.
BIOS110 Biological Sciences Examiner – Eirian Jones • It's fun! Make the most of it and the PASS sessions are fantastic! • Prepare for labs. • Flashcards and diagrams. • Pay attention, go over lecture slides pre-class if possible, go to PASS sessions. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
Read the lecture material (powerpoints) provided on the
• Lectures kinda go over my head but the tutorials make the content relatable to everyday life. • It won't be easy, but you can achieve well if you put in the effort.t EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
The course is rather terminology intensive so keep a glossary of key terms as you go through the course, keep current with the textbook and readings, get help early if you are having trouble. Make use of all of the resources available to you... people have different learning styles so we have lots of different resources to help students... tutorials and office hours are certainly a key part of the course.
website and the laboratory material provided in the lab manual prior to coming to class.
BMGT324 International Management Examiner – Birgit Schulze-Ehlers •
Go to class on time, talk with examiner.
Good stuff!
RAM Issue 1 | 23
COMM201 Managing People
DESN101 Digital Tools for Design
Examiner – Greg Clydesdale
Examiner – Mick Abbott
• Get your assignment reviewed before its due.
• Having a basic knowledge of Adobe software, Photoshop
• It might look easy, but the difficulty sneaks up on ya. • Go to lectures because the lecturer explains things very well so you can understand. • That assessments aren't that formal so it is easy to relate to personal experiences.
and Vector Works would be very helpful. • Work hard. • Learn skills via youtube videos. • Photoshop and other Adobe programs are only available in D3 and D4.
"The aim of the course is to enhance your relationship skills.
"Digital communication and idea generating skills are a must
This will also involve increased awareness of yourself. The
in all design fields. This course introduces you to fundamental
class then considers particular issues that you will need to
skills and techniques necessary for digital design. "
handle as a manager."
ECOL293 Field Ecology Methods Examiner – Jon Sullivan • The opportunity to visit the red zone and really appreciate the impact of humans, makes the class worth it.
COMM202 Managing Value
• Do the small 5% assessments immediately after they are handed out otherwise they are much harder to do.
Examiner – David Cohen • Key takeaways are extremely helpful when preparing for tests. • Listen at the lectures, its actually really interesting, and David's stories are super funny. Ask questions! • Try to find interest in this course. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"The best way to do this begins with being an active,
ECOL302 Applied Ecology and Conservation Examiner – James Ross • Talk to James Ross, he is an excellent lecturer.
focussed attendee at lectures, where the big Ideas are
presented and explained. You will learn more and better
"If you are not sure about something always ask the
that way, over simply reading the text and slides."
lecturer – we actually enjoy the interaction."
COMP111 Computing Fundamentals Examiner – Pat Anthony • Make sure to attend labs other wise it becomes impossible to keep up. • Try to touch on relevant programs that course will involve before learning the course, figure out fundamental function of program and usage.
"Students get a lot out of doing the labs. Practice makes perfect." RAM Issue 1 | 24
ECOL393 Field Ecology Research
ENGN276 Agricultural Engineering
Examiner – Tim Curran
Examiner – Majeed Safa
• Start the assignments when you get them.
• Get lots of practise for the presentation.
• Turn up and asks questions.
Get a group mate.
"Students need to work as a group to develop an idea to design a prototype based on real issues on farms. The media in last few years covered our students’ achievements and some of them have won few national awards."
ECON211 Land Economics • Take it, absolutely awesome and practical insight into Land Economics. • This class is a big step up from any 100 level course but satisfying.
ENGN361 Winery Equipment Examiner – Roland Harrison •
Strongly recommend to students who have a vehicle and work experience, you can easily have the
• Do the web searches, they are very insightful.
opportunity of work and easily finish the assignment. •
I would not recommend to a new student, especially those who do not have a vehicle.
More field trips, have chances to work on machines.
"Practical hands on work to help prepare students for
ECON307 Econometrics Examiner – Baiding Hu •
working in a winery or vineyard. The assignments and exams will be different to previous years’. Some carpooling may be required."
Do tutorial exercise and go through the resources which are given.
ENTO304 Insect Ecology and Diversity Examiner – Nick Dickinson ENGN105 Building Construction
• Learn the entomogical language. Start your bug collection early. Go to all classes, especially the morphology ones.
Examiner – Brent Nahkies •
This is a very interesting course!!
Embrace it - some useful info will come from it.
ERST202 Environmental Analysis with GIS Examiner – Crile Doscher •
Allow for lots of time to make your map. GIS requires a lot of patience.
Start assignments early as is can take a while to learn to create a good map.
RAM Issue 1 | 25
ERST203 Environmental Monitoring and Resource Examiner – Ronlyn Duncan • Don't try to study the teaching manual for water quality too much - the test is all about the basics. • This is a great course that helps you to understand the benefits, challenges and techniques of environmental monitoring. • Make sure to utilize the knowledge of Ronlyn and the guest speakers. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"I would recommend that students engage as much as they possibly can with the provided learning materials on water quality even though the test is focused on basics.
ERST340 Environmental Planning Examiner – Hamish Rennie • Discussions on assignments and potential exam questions during lectures are great! • Hamish is really helpful and approachable if you have any questions. The readings that are posted online and are helpful for the assignments. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"Attending lectures is really important. I do not video them. Being prepared to think a bit creatively and apply some creativity is also very important. Also, absolutely definitely, especially international students, if you are puzzled by something ask me - I respond well to emails if they are uncomfortable about asking me in person."
Understanding water quality and how it is monitored is key to understanding public discussions that are ongoing in New Zealand related to water."
FINC204 Financial Management Examiner – Sazali Abidin EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"Financial Management is an intermediate level finance course designed for business and non-business undergraduate students to learn the essentials of finance that will help students to understand how financial management can contribute to the organization’s value creation process and make sound business decisions."
FINC305 Investment Management Examiner – JD Van Heerden • It is only about stocks, bonds etc., and not about investing in machinery etc.
ERST330 Risk and Resilience Examiner – Suzanne Vallance • Don't leave assignments to the last minute. • Read over and peer check all of your work before you submit it. It is marked very harshly if you have poor grammar or sentence structure. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
FINC310 International Financial Markets, Institutions and Policy Examiner – Zhaohua Li • Attend ALL the lectures. Keep up with the readings. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"Attend lectures, read textbook, and do the end-of-chapter questions/problems."
" It is unlikely that you will understand class content from the LEARN slides alone, so come to class and do the readings."
FOOD201 Processing Food for Consumers Examiner – Sue Mason • Constantly check the course outline. • Read and watch some FOOD201 related content to understand better. • If you don't turn up you will struggle as there is a lack of
RAM Issue 1 | 26
FOOD202 Food Safety and Microbiology
FORS270 Applied Agroforestry
Examiner – Stephen On
Examiner – Mark Bloomberg
• Watch the video about every bacteria, and work hard.
• It is very good for not having any big out-of-classtime work to do. Regular testing helps you remember what is being
• I would advise printing off the notes beforehand so you
can annotate and highlight as you go through, unless you
• It's easy to do well if you read the notes and readings.
are a very fast writer it is unlikely you will keep up with the
Seriously; readings.
pace of the lecture. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
• Get marks for going to tutorials.
"I know microbiological food safety is a very complex area.
• Great course!
I put all my slides on Moodle beforehand and these are pretty comprehensive. There are embedded links too to help student learning. I will help students all I can to achieve good grades."
FOOD301 Food Product Innovation and Quality Examiner – Luca Serventi • If you're interested at all in the science OR marketing of food, you'll really enjoy it. • Read current market trends.
""Food Innovation is a job for creative minds who like teamwork. FOOD301 is a course for technologists and marketers who want to understand each other needs and strengths. A blend of traditional lectures, lab work (product development) and group discussions
FORS310 Forest Management Examiner – Mark Bloomberg •
Gotta go to class on Thursday.
Fantastic course, covers a broad range of interconnected ideas. Try not to miss classes otherwise
will provide an experience on problem solving.
you will miss information.
You will work in teams to develop your own food innovation. Be adventurous and surprise us!"
It is a fun corse to take and very interactive!
GENE201 Genetics FOOD304 Microbial Biotechnology Examiner – Stephen On • Microbiology is far more interesting and relatable than it sounds, a really interesting course. found the lecturer very enthusiastic - and this really reflects on how interesting the lectures are.
Examiner – Hayley Ridgway • I had personally learned many of the topics covered in two separate courses prior to taking this one. That said, they didn't become easy until the 3rd time around. I would say that students with little to no prior subject knowledge need to understand how complex the topics are and commit to learning outside of class.
• Questions were always encouraged to be asked which was great. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"I decided on a career in microbiology when I was 14 and
LASC211 Planting Design and Management Examiner – Mike Barthelmeh
I’ve always found it interesting, so great to hear that comes
• Learn a lot of trees, and the plants on campus. Read up on
across! A really important subject that I enjoy lecturing and
how to design by plants. Learn plant names early, the class
researching in. "
is fun, but names are hard to remember. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"Get onto those names and project work early to remove any pressure. That way you can enjoy the class and have plenty of time to listen to your own music." RAM Issue 1 | 27
LASC217 Design Details
MGMT103 Primary Industry Systems
Examiner – Mick Abbott
Examiner – Alison Bailey
• Fast paced class.
• Really interesting. Go to every farm visit.
• Find people outside of Uni to help with assignments
• It is easy to put MGMT on the bottom of the to-do list,
eg. Builders/Landscape architects. • Get draft designs done quickly so you can get feedback early on. • Learning or knowing CAD will help lots. • Do ENGN106 first! • Scale models need at least 3 hours to do. Do not be fooled.
but assignments are usually a lot of work, so good time management skills are important. • Don't stress if you do crap in your farm reports! Everyone does. They do improve and you learn how to improve. • Record the farm visits on your phone so you have all the information available for writing your report. • Complete all internal assessments, the exam looks quite challenging and is not something you want to rely on for most of your percentage. • Go over lecture notes after class where possible, as the amount of content you will be introduced to over a single lecture makes it near impossible to take note during class.
LASC318 Landscape Assessment and Planning Examiner – Simon Swaffield • Difficult information to comprehend but it is very organized
• That there is a lot of general farm/Ag knowledge to learn for students who have no farm background or didn't have the opportunity to take Ag at school.
in the way it's presented to you. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"The key to successful and enjoyable participation in the course is to attend all sessions and follow the guidance on project preparation. Its not a course that can be crammed the night before. So the best advice is to BE THERE."
MGMT106 Global Food Systems Examiner – Sharon Lucock • Read past exams before going to first lecture. • Do all the small assignments as well as the big ones.
LINC 101 Land, People and Economies
• Guest speakers are amazing, and so is Sharon!
Examiner – Shannon Page
• Outside knowledge may be beneficial to support key ideas
• Be prepared to learn about a variety of different things about different aspects of not just New Zealand but the globe. As well as this, have an open mind to see the science behind different events that help shape the world as it is today. • As there is so much covered in the class lectures, it's really
from the course. • It's a paper that explores a wide variety of agribusiness sectors. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"The key to successful and enjoyable participation in the course is to attend all sessions and follow the guidance on
important that you actually attend. If this course has
project preparation. Its not a course that can be crammed
been prescribed as a part of your degree, then it actually
the night before. So the best advice is to BE THERE."
matters, plus it's all really interesting stuff that relates to living and working in New Zealand. • Get a tutor to oversee your assignments before you hand it in. It will SAVE YOUR LIFE! • The powerpoints and quizzes are great for revision. • The people that come and talk are awesome. Respect them and don't talk through their talks. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"Turn up to ALL the lectures and tutorials – there is a lot of content and the tutorials help your learning and the assignments especially."
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MGMT201 Principles of Farm Management
MGMT316 Farm Management Analysis and Planning
Examiner – Victoria Westbrooke
Examiner – Bruce Greig
• Have prior knowledge of basic pastoral production
• You have a field trip to Southland.
systems. • Good course but large assignments and workload. • Watch out for Dave's emails! Read thrice. • Take a lot of notes at field trips as this is where most of the learning is done, not in lectures.
• Go to your PFS on the FIRST assigned field trip day and try get all the info then. • The exam doesn't change year after year so it is a good paper to do. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"It is recommended students use the allocated field trip days to visit their farmer and keep up with the schedule. A good quality PFS cannot be completed overnight. The Southland tour (April semester break) and North Island Tour (August semester break) are compulsory components of
MGMT214 Horticultural Systems
the courses."
Examiner – David Shillito • Make sure you attend all the field trips. • Don't panic, it sounds hard, but David will get you through.
MGMT318 New Venture Planning in Primary Production
Examiners – Guy Trafford
"I agree with the students comments. It’s great to see
The content is pretty broad, but mainly well-presented and
everyone at lectures and I enjoy the field trips and tours as
interesting. If you stick out the lectures and tutorials, the
much as the students.
course gives a great overview of relevant, foundational topics, which will be helpful in any degree. • Think of your investment project early on. • Visit Guy. He is an awesome person and super willing to help if you are getting tstuck. • Go to the labs. Build your spreadsheet before the mid semester break and start the major assignment early. • Very good and works alongside MGMT316, these classes complement each other very well. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"The test, this year is being ramped up a bit to 30% and additional skills being tested."
MGMT223 The Food Regulatory Environment Examiner – Sue Trafford • Really Interesting, fun small environment. • Sue is very helpful if you're willing to make an effort by turning up to class, interacting and also emailing her questions. • She will go out of her way to help students who want to put in the extra effort!
MAST104 Te Tiriti o Waitangi Examiner – Lloyd Carpenter • Treaty of Waitangi is not as bad as it sounds. It is actually really interesting. Be be prepared to change your veiw on our history. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS "My goal is to make this
course real, relevant and useful. I’m fresh back from holding the Crown’s copy of the Treaty in the UK and so I’m re-writing the course; get ready for my excitement!" RAM Issue 1 | 30
MAST106 Nga Tikanga Maori (Maori Cultural Studies) Examiner – Lloyd Carpenter • This will help you learn about maori culture. Attend lectures for chocolate fish, and helpful hints from Lloyd.
MKTG322 Retailing and Sales Management Examiner – David Dean • If there are questions just ask this lecturer, he is quite helpful. • Probably go to class.
"Ever wonder why the phrase is yelled “Yo! The table is for
"The assessment is a combination of several optional Case
glasses, not asses!” if you sit on a table in NZ? The answers to
Study Assignments (Self/Peer/Examiner Marked as Moodle
that and other things lie in this class. We’ll keep the kaupapa
Workshops), a mid-term test, and a Case Study-based Final
(process) real!"
Exam. The Final Exam uses the same types of questions as the Case Study Assignments so doing all of Case Study Assignments is an excellent way to prepare for the final exam."
MKTG210 Logistics Management Examiner – Mark Wilson • Take good notes as they will be helpful for the crossword. • Great fun course!
MKTG301 Marketing Analytics and Research Examiner – David Dean • You may not want to buy it, and may not read it throughout the semester, BUT GET THE TEXTBOOK! • Fun and interesting course. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"This course has been taught at Lincoln for decades with the same goal. When you find yourself at a job interview, and
MKTG323 Supply Chain Management Examiner – Mark Wilson • Read the book. • Taking BMGT201 and MKTG210 is beneficial.
they ask if you have any marketing research experience, you can proudly explain that you have been involved in every creative, analytical, and operational stage of a large marketing research project. You can take them through the various steps you took (including doing door-to-door interviews), and show them the final report your group produced for your research client."
PHSC101 Chemistry 1A Examiner – Niklas Lehto • If you don't know about chemistry then it's going to be hard. • Add detail to the handouts. • It's not easy, but the lecturers want you to succeed. Chem.
MKTG311 Product Design Examiner – Valerie Mana • All about product design, but don't miss any classes! EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"If you like waiting until the last minute and going 48 hours
support is really good. • It starts from school level stuff but develops into harder stuff so keep going to all lectures. • Go to chem support if necessary. Read the ESA study guide for NCEA level 3 before you start, or throughout the course.
straight on a project, this probably isn’t the right choice for you. If you like working in real time on manageable “chunks,” you’ll be great for this class."
RAM Issue 1 | 31
PHSC107 Introduction to Earth & Ecological Sciences Examiner – Nick Dickinson • Study before the lecture. • Keep the exam in your mind throughout the semester because there is no real assignment, like a mid-semester test, so there is no real incentive to revise a lot for the course. Because you have to pass the exam with at least 40%, its important to keep up your revision.
PLPT323 Grape Pest and Disease Management Examiner – Seona Casonato • Preview notes before lectures. • Get familiar with all the words or it is difficult to keep up with what the teacher saying EXAMINER’S COMMENTS "This course has many technical terms and you learn a
considerable amount about new organisms. Additional reading to the lectures would be advantageous."
• Go to class and pay attention to the ecology information as well as the rocks information, you will be tested on both. • Turn up to labs because you can get marks in them. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"This topic, especially earth science is new to many students – so it is really important to attend lectures and labs as this will greatly help your understanding of the course. You need to be prepared to put the effort into your own study for PHSC107. The tutor and demonstrators are very helpful in the labs so ask them questions. Use the on-line learning resources and glossary quizzes on the learn site. The internal assessments are designed to be completed during class time – either on line, in the labs or on the field trip"
PLSC204 Plant Production Systems Examiner – Derrick Moot • Go to the field trip and lectures. Even if they are optional because Derek Moot doesn't put them online. Do the extra readings. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"Go to lectures is pretty sound advice!"
PLSC320 Crop Science Examiner – Mitchell Andrews • Learn how to write fast, and still listen. Try to get notes from
PLPT203 Plant Pest Management
previous years and use them to help you.
Examiner – Seona Casonato This class covers a wide variety of things and is a class useful for those from a farming background, and those who are not. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"Read over lecture notes and follow up on aspects you don’t understand. Reference to text books and other information will be beneficial."
RAM Issue 1 | 32
PSYC101 Introduction to Psychology Examiner – Jacqui Tither • ATTEND LECTURES. • Read the book and go to lectures. Obviously.
QMET306 Experimentation Examiner – Graham Barrel • Attend the labs. • The weekly questions are important. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"In the biological sciences most empirical research is performed using one of a number of standard experimental
RECN341 Recreation and Tourism in Protected Natural Areas Examiner – Stephen Espiner • When you go visiting those places, you will find lots of things related to this course. It will help you to understand the course and research work. • Not a course for theory lovers.
designs. This course provides students with the opportunity to
• Start on assignments early so you can ask questions.
design and perform their own experiment."
"There is scope for class members to follow their specific interests, and I am always willing to meet with individual students to discuss course work and assignment requirements.
RECN110 Concepts in Sport and Recreation
I look forward to sharing my passion for these places with
Examiner – Roslyn Kerr
to contact me if they have questions about the content or
• It's awesome!
the class of 2017, and invite anyone interested in the course format."
• It is really interesting. • Ask for help if you need it. • Just take the class because it's great. • Ask for a PASS session for this class.
RECN344 Event Management Examiner – Jo Fountain • Attend different types of events so you can use useful background examples for certain topics. • Do the journals. • Turn up to class, she does leave out content in lectures and she is not a pushover who will give it to you at the end of semester (great lecturer).
RECN213 Event Planning
• It does not have any relation to the 2nd year event paper.
Examiner – Catherine Elliot • Get organised early! • Make a decision of what the plan is and stick to it. • Get decorations like balloons or a blow up cave/entrance the kids can run through into the venue. Make it more fun visually. • For the event, plan earlier to get coaches and sponsorship sorted. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"RECN213 takes event planning to the next level as students work with specialists from Sport Canterbury to run an annual sports festival for kids. This is a very social class that students enjoy because they apply their knowledge to the “Selwyn Sports Spectacular” Event at the Lincoln Event Centre."
RECN345 Fundamentals of Sport and Exercise Science Examiner – Mike Hamlin • This class follows on from RECN216, so remember that material, It may be useful! EXAMINER’S COMMENTS
"Some is related to this course but many students have successfully passed this course without taking RECN216. The course does rely on student participation in lectures and more importantly in labs."
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RAM Issue 1 | 35
SOCI116 Society, Culture and Environment
SOSC224 Soil Management
Examiner – Koji Kobayashi
Examiner – Hong Di
• Ask about a PASS session, or library help for the assignments.
• A good course to take for completeness of any course
• Lecturers are very nice and friendly if you have questions. You can ask, don't be afraid. • The quizzes are worth doing. • Just take it. It's freaking great!!! FROM THE EXAMINER
"Ask me questions if you don’t understand anything. Ask for help if you struggle in class. Let me be of assistance in realising your intellectual potential.”
relying on plants or soils. • Its not as hard as they make out, they are just trying to scare you into doing work, but you don't need to freak out just relax cos the work you do will be better, just make sure you actually do the work. • Go to the labs. They make what you learn in the lectures relevant and Roger's awesome and will help you with things you don't understand. FROM THE EXAMINER
"A very practical course, teaching on-farm management of soil fertility, fertilisers, irrigation management, and management of soil structure. To get good marks, go to all the lectures and all the labs.”
SOCI204 Research Methods Examiner – Cyril Jaksic • A lot of group work. The text book is super handy. It is very useful in many aspects.
SOSC340 Advanced Soil Management Examiner – Jim Moir • Don't leave overseer to the last minute, and go to all labs. • Lecturers are interesting and great. • Form a group for the Overseer project. • You can always go to Roger with questions.
SOCI303 International Rural Development
• Study past tests and exams.
Examiner – Chris Rosin • Course booklet is not really necessary. Participating in discussions and tutorials was extremely fun and a really good opportunity to learn and share ideas. • It relates to every degree because it's such a broad area.
RAM Issue 1 | 36
SOSC342 Soil Resources Examiner – Peter Amond • Revise notes after lectures to keep up with material.
TOUR203 Tourist Behaviour Examiner – Jo Fountain
VAPM201 Principles of Urban Property Management
• Make sure you do the readings that are listed each week.
Examiner – John McDonagh
I understand that it can be quite tedious but in the end, it's very helpful to understand the topics. Also, make sure to participate in the class discussions and class forum. Not just for the marks but it helps with your learning. • Jo is an awesome lecturer who is relatable and easy to talk with. She knows her stuff and makes lectures as enjoyable as she can.
• A big step up from any 100 level course. • This course is hard and there is a huge amount of hours and work you have to sacrifice to manage to go through this course with a good grade, or just to pass. Brace yourself for mental stress. And time is of essence in this course when it comes to the Property Management Assignment.
• A lot of the class is based around your attendance.
"Planning your workload and getting things done on
"I don't presume that all students in the class have a
time and to standard is an essential part of property
background in tourism (the prerequisite is five 100 level courses),
management and so is fully tested in this course. If you do
and in fact the majority of my students last year had not taken
a good job in the assignments the exam should present
any tourism before. Some understanding of tourism, or even just
no problem."
keeping up to date with the issues in the media about tourists, will be helpful, but not essential."
VAPM308 Property Analytical Methods Examiner – Andrew Carswell • Go see Andrew often and show him your report so you know where to change things or else you will most likely be going down the wrong track.
TOUR304 Heritage Interpretation for Tourism & Recreation Examiner – David Fisher • Read external resources about the course online, to be
• Communicate with your group a lot because it takes a lot longer than you think it does. EXAMINER’S COMMENTS "Start working on the assignments as early as possible and
take good notes."
able to get a background of what the course is about. • Ask previous students for help. • Pay attention to the reality interpretation examples and the difference between different cultures.
VAPM207 Principles of Valuation •
Be prepared to work hard for top marks. Bind your assignments properly as per the course outline.
Challenging course; read and stay ahead.Read case because it is examinable.
RAM Issue 1 | 37
WINE201 Viticulture I VAPM313 Property and Facilities Management
Examiner – Amber Parker
Examiner – John McDonagh
• Having some experiences
• Take good notes on field trip. • This course is a course to both remember facts and to understand them at the same time to create a way of thinking, which is the hardest part.
in vineyard first can help to understand lectures. • The lab has a chance of being a huge time investment. This depends
entirely on the chance of
"The course is about being able to analyse complex real
which row of grapes you are
life property situations, make informed judgements and
assigned to. Form friendships and groups quickly with both
justify your decisions. It is about being able to develop
your lab partner, as well as the people who do the same
management abilities rather than just memorising stuff. The
region report as you. This will save you much effort and
ability to take summarised notes in meetings (such as field
time later in the class.
trips) is an important management skill to develop."
• Read e.g. the Jackson book. • Expect to spend a fair amount of time out of class working on the vines up until harvest.
WATR202 Water on Land: Quality and Quantity Examiner – Niklas Lehto • It is a science paper, and there are a lot of calculations to do. I think that perhaps chemistry should be a pre-req for this paper. • It's a fun relaxed course in how its presented, easy to follow and pick up. Really enjoyed it. Didn't stress me out compared to other courses. • KNOW LAYOUT OF THE COURSE AND THE CONTENT.
WINE202 Principles of Wine Science Examiner – Bin Tian • Read some wine science books to get general idea about wine. • Listen in class and ask for help in the winery so that you don't mess anything up, and you get good readings. Also keep checking in with Bernard so that he knows what you are doing all the time and can give advice. Take the recording of all your measurements seriously as you need them for your report. • Making wine is fun and difficult. Be prepared to get wet and give up your free time to the winery.
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RAM Issue 1 | 39
SUDO-KOOL! Shit Yeah
reasonably doable
pretty tricky
perfectly evil
RAM Issue 1 | 40
A similar experie nce to masturbat ion, it fe els good while you’re do ing it, but it sucks afterwar ds when you realize that you just fu*#ed yourself.
Aries March 21 – April 20 As one fella once said, "Ain't that a kick in the head." Not that you'll be actually kicked in the head, it's a metaphor. I mean, hell, for all I know you *are* going to get kicked in the head, so maybe just wear a helmet for the rest of the day.
Gemini May 22 – June 21 Many of the truths you desparately cling to are beset by the fact that you read only comic books and talk to children. All of your aims are achievable, although many of them would involve bionic implants and a lot of theft.
Taurus April 21 – May 21 Any spikes that you see in your energy levels today, make the most of them. You'll do a lot of good work, so make people pay for it.
Virgo Aug 24 – Sep 23
Cancer June 22 – July 23 The pain in your foot will lessen today as the pain in your hand grows. You will start to feel animosity towards forms of public transport and its workers, simultaneously regretting having your foot injured in a closing door and punching the driver.
Leo July 24 – Aug 23
When things are looking down, sit yourself down on the nearest swivelling chair and spin. If that doesn't raise a smile, then I'm all out of ideas. Change is always for the good.
Just desserts is a damn good name for a dessert company. Which is why approximately 90 firms are currently trading under that name. Today is a day like any other, try not to expect too much from this segment of 24 hours.
Sagittarius Nov 23 – Dec 22
Libra Sept 24 – Oct 23 Back in school when people would bully you about your hair and possibly jacket, you swore you would have your vengeance. Make today that day. I sense a feeling of delight in you.
Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22 Perhaps it's true that you're not the immense stud you once were. The stars indicate that walking under ladders is
Knowing your hand span may become useful over the coming days, although the mystics will not give me any information as to how or why. If you think it's my job to tell you good news, you're wrong pal. You're going down!
a bad idea for you this month. A tasty beverage will be coming your way today - something to look forward to!
Pisces Feb 20 – March 20
Capricorn Dec 23 – Jan 20 Telling tales is pretty much what keeps you going. But perhaps you might avoid talking constantly in one large storybook of tall tales.
Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19 One part love, one part hate. This is a recipe for your life. When we tell you that it's 'cryptic', we basically mean that we made it up.
Baskets of eggs may cause problems for you today as you try to take on too much work. People will today begin to question your penchant for lime-green clothing. Especially hats.
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