RAM Magazine - Issue 2 (March/Kahuru-kai-paeka)

Page 34





Gibberish may possibly occur to you at some point during the next 12 days as you attempt to do something new, or possibly old. Fire is a hazard you won’t want to ignore this week, so watch out for those big conflagrations!

Are you loveable? Take time out today to contemplate that thought and try to make sure that you are very loveable. Plants may be out to get you today, so look to buying some kind of weed-killer. Avoid spraying week-killer into loved ones’ eyes.

Every reason you have for doing what you did, is sound. Be grateful that you have a good network of friends and family.

March 21 – April 19


April 20 – May 20

May 21 – June 20

Good fortune will stalk you like a mean spirited vulture today and won’t spread any of his juicy fortune charm over you.

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RAM Magazine - Issue 2 (March/Kahuru-kai-paeka) by RAM Magazine - Issuu