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What have Te Awhioraki been up to?
Tēnei mātou o Te Awhioraki e mihi kau ana ki a koutou o Te Whare Wānaka o Aoraki. E ngā mana, e ngā reo, kei konei mātou hei tiaki, hei manaaki, hei tautoko. This semester is in full swing and with exams creeping closer, it feels like the last few weeks have flown by. We have had a busy semester so far with a few events already, and plenty more instore for the year ahead! Have a read below to see what we’ve been up to lately.
There has been a lot happening over the last few weeks on campus. Te Awhioraki has been able to support our Māori tauira by providing wellbeing packs, which included everyday food items and essentials. Our recent events have also been a great success, bringing students across all year groups together within a group environment. An on-site multisport and BBQ night and a trip to the movies have been opportunities in which students have been able to meet new faces, korero with their mates and take their minds off study! Keep an eye out for any upcoming events on our Instagram page.

May was Marama Hauora, mental health month. University is a stressfull at the best of times, and we all need to remember that our health is important!

Te Whare Tapa Whā (The House with Four Walls) is the Māori holistic model of health and outlines the four dimensions of wellbeing developed by Sir Mason Durie in 1983 to provide a Māori perspective. Taha tinana (physical wellbeing), taha hinengaro (mental wellbeing), taha wairau (spiritual wellbeing), taha whānau (family wellbeing), represent the four walls of the wharenui (meeting house). The wharenui’s connection with the whenua forms the foundation for these four dimentions and signifies our connection with the land. Check out Te Awhioraki on Instagram to see our executives take on what Te Whare Tapa Whā means to them.
Kia kaha e hoa mā!
The 2023/2024 Annual General Meeting for Te Awhioraki is happening on Friday, June 2. Our Annual General Meetings are open to all tauira at Lincoln University! It is a great way to see the inner workings of our Student’s Associations and learn how to get involved teawhioraki teawhioraki.org.nz for the upcoming year. The agenda for Te Awhioraki AGM will cover confirmation of minutes for the previous AGM; a presentation of annual report and financial statement; consitutional amendments/ changes; and a vote of thanks to the outgoing board members. Waiata Wednesday is your best way to meet some of the team for Te Awhioraki and practice your Te Reo Māori!
The waiata and haka session is hosted in Te Whare on Calder Drive from 1 pm – 2 pm, most Wednesdays and is open to all tauira and staff at Lincoln University. Lyrics are provided on the day for the dozen waiata and haka that we regularly practice. Never underestimate the power of singing and laughter! It is always a great time so don’t be shy, come and join us, just remember to take your shoes off at the door.
We would love to see some new faces, so feel free to call in to the whare for a kai, catch up or kōrero. We are always here for you all, if you see us around campus don’t be a stranger! You will find plenty of other Te Awhioraki members as well as the exec in the whare all the time. Nō reira, tēnei te mihi maioha kia koutou, I ngā rangi whakamua, kia kaua e wareware... kia ū, kia māia, kia manawanui ki te kaupapa! Kei ōu koutou ringaringa te ao, kia mau tō rangatiratanga!
Kia hiwa rā!
Kia hiwa rā!
Ka tipu, ka rea, ka whanake ake te rākau mātauraka
Ko tōna pakia ka, he waewae haere
Ko tōna kaupapa, he takata ora
Plant, nurture and grow the tree of knowledge. Whose roots allow it to move freely. Whose purpose is to support healthy people.
Winter Wellness Phrases