Luscious Fall '12

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2012 / Sept.Oct.Nov.

Photography by Marta Majewska


L mag ‘fall


Luscious Quarterly Magazine

Published by

Editor-in-chief Marta Majewska Art Director Ewelina Bocian Styling & Photography Marta Majewska Recipes Marta Majewska Copyrights: All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is strictly prohibited.

Luscious Magazine ‘fall (issue 01) 2012 / Sept.Oct.Nov. Luscious - food magazine with a taste for simplicity. L mag ‘fall

premier issue


in luscious

L mag ‘fall

premier issue

Editors's Letter

L mag ‘fall

Welcome to the very first issue of Luscious – food magazine with a taste for simplicity. It's been four years since I first started sharing my passion for cooking and food photography through my food blog ( As much as I enjoy blogging, I have always loved magazines and had a particular interest in the editorial world. The idea of this magazine was born a few months ago when I met Ewelina, a young talented graphic designer, with whom I connected not only through the passion for the editorial but also the appreciation of simplicity. It is that simplicity that makes Luscious unique – simple, seasonal recipes wrapped up in a pure, minimalist design.

The seasonal aspect of the magazine comes from my joy of eating and cooking seasonally. Seasonal products are fresher, tastier and more nutritious. They inspire me and get my creative juices flowing. In this issue of Luscious, you will find recipes with all the best fall has to offer: mushrooms, carrots, pumpkins, apples, pears, beets and cauliflowers. I hope they will encourage you to embrace the season in your kitchen and enjoy the benefits of the seasonal cooking! Have a very tasty fall and see you in December!

L mag ‘fall

premier issue

This Fall in luscious

L mag ‘fall




Mini Mushroom & Goat Cheese

Roasted Carrots with Spinach,

Grilled Pear, Camembert & Honey


Feta & Pine Nuts





Parmesan Mushrooms

Carrot & Red Lentil Dip

Cauliflower Horseradish Soup




Apple & Raisin Spelt Muffins

Carrot Soup

Roasted Pumpkin With Feta And




Apple & Ginger Oats Crumble

Beet & Feta Dip




Pumpkin, Goat Cheese & Walnuts

Apple & Almond Pancakes

Pear & Chocolate Muffins


80 Travel 82 Fall In The Tatra Mountains Poland

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Mini Mushroom & Goat Cheese Pies

Mini Mushroom & Goat Cheese Pies

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Ingredients 150g spelt flour 3 tsp water 1 tsp salt 85g cold butter 150g chanterelle mushrooms 200g fresh goat cheese 3 tsp olive oil 1 tbsp roughly chopped parsley Mini Mushroom & Goat Cheese Pies

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Method Heat oven to 170°C. Prepare the mushrooms. Heat olive oil in a nonstick frying pan. Add mushrooms, toss to coat and cook, stirring occasionally, over medium-high heat until they start to soften. Season with parsley, salt & pepper. Sift the flour and salt into the mixing bowl. Coarsely cut the butter pieces into the flour using two knives until it forms pieces in size of small peas. Add water and mix until the dough forms a ball. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface, flatten with rolling

Mini Mushroom & Goat Cheese Pies

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pin and roll to desired thickness. Cut out 4 circles in the size of the top and 4 slightly bigger ones for the bottom. Insert the bigger circles into the pie tins and fill each pie with a teaspoon of goat cheese. Divide the mushrooms between the four pies. Top each pie with the smaller circle and bake for about 30 minutes or until brown. Remove from oven and set aside for 5 minutes to cool.


Parmesan Mushrooms

Parmesan Mushrooms

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50g chanterelle mushrooms 150g champignons 75g parmesan 3 tbsp roughly chopped parsley 3 tbsp olive oil Salt & pepper

Heat olive oil in a non-stick frying pan. Add mushrooms, toss to coat and cook, stirring occasionally, over medium-high heat until they start to soften. Add parmesan and parsley and cook for another minute, stirring constantly. Season with salt and pepper and serve on a toast.

Parmesan Mushrooms

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Apple & Raisin Spelt Muffins

Apple & Raisin Spelt Muffins

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Ingredients 150g spelt flour 50ml liquid soy margarine 50ml agave syrup 50ml (lactose-free) milk 1 tsp cookie spices 30g raisins 1 apple 1 tsp baking powder 1 egg Pinch of salt

Apple & Raisin Spelt Muffins

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Method Heat the oven to 180°C. Prepare 6 silicon cases or line a 6-hole muffin tin with paper cases. Peel, core and cut the apple in very small cubes. In a bowl, put the milk, egg, soy margarine, agave syrup and mix. In another bowl, combine spelt flour, baking powder, cookie spices and salt. Combine the ingredients from both bowls, add apples and raisins and mix till lumpy. Don’t overmix. Divide between muffin cases and bake for about 20-25 minutes till risen and golden.

Apple & Raisin Spelt Muffins

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Apple & Raisin Spelt Muffins

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Apple & Ginger Oats Crumble

Apple & Ginger Oats Crumble

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Ingredients 6 medium apples 100g oats 100g spelt flour 50g dark caster sugar 20g raw cane sugar 75g cold butter 1 tsp minced ginger Baking spray

Method Heat oven to 170°C. Peel, core and cut the apples into small cubes. Add minced ginger and toss. Spray the ovenproof dish with baking spray and spread the apples evenly. Sprinkle with cane sugar. In a bowl, mix the oats, flour and caster sugar. Add the butter in small chunks and rub in gently till it forms small clumps. Sprinkle evenly over the apples and bake for 30 min or until the top turns golden brown. Cool for 10-15 min and serve hot. Apple & Ginger Oats Crumble

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Apple & Almond Pancakes

Apple & Almond Pancakes

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Ingredients 3 apples 50g sliced almonds 100g whole-wheat flour 2 eggs 300ml milk 1 tsp cinnamon Soy margarine for baking

Apple & Almond Pancakes

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Method In a bowl, mix together the flour, the eggs and the milk. Heat a teaspoon of soy margarine in a non-stick frying pan and drop a large tablespoon of the batter per pancake into the pan. Cook for approximately 2 minutes over a medium heat on each side until golden.

Apple & Almond Pancakes

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Meanwhile, peel, core and cut apples into small cubes. Mix with cinnamon. Heat a frying pan and drop a teaspoon of soy margarine. Cook apples for about 5 minutes until tender, stirring occasionally. Dry roast the sliced almonds. On a plate, fill pancakes with apples and sprinkle with roasted almonds. You can also serve it with cream or ice cream.


Roasted Carrots with Spinach Feta & Pine Nuts

Roasted Carrots with Spinach, Feta & Pine Nuts

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Ingredients 600g carrots 200g fresh spinach 125g feta cheese 30g pine nuts 2 tbsp maple syrup 4 tbsp olive oil

Method Preheat the oven to 180°C. Peel the carrots and toss them in a bowl with 2 tbsp olive oil and maple syrup. Transfer to a sheet pan in one layer and roast in the oven for 25-30 minutes, until browned and tender. Heat 2 tbsp olive oil in a large skillet on medium high heat. Add the spinach to the pan, packing it down a bit if you need to with your hand. Sauté for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Heat a non-stick pan on medium heat and put pine nuts in it. Shake the pan every 30 seconds until pine nuts are golden brown. On each plate, arrange carrots, top with spinach and sprinkle with feta and pine nuts.

Roasted Carrots with Spinach, Feta & Pine Nuts

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Carrot & Red Lentil Dip

Carrot & Red Lentil Dip

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Ingredients 400g carrots 60g red lentils 2 shallots 2 tsp olive oil 250ml water

Carrot & Red Lentil Dip

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Method Preheat the oven to 180°C. Peel the carrots and toss them in a bowl with 2 tsp olive oil. Transfer to a sheet pan in one layer and roast in the oven for 25-30 minutes, until browned and tender.

Put carrots and lentils in a food processor and blend until smooth. Serve with pita wedges, wholewheat crackers or on toast.

Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add shallots, reduce heat to medium and cook for 3 minutes. Add lentils and water and cook for 20-30 minutes or until tender. Remove from heat, set aside and cool slightly.

Carrot & Red Lentil Dip

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Carrot Soup

Carrot Soup

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Ingredients 1kg carrots 2 shallots, finely chopped 1,5l vegetable stock 2 tsp olive oil (Soy) cream to top Fresh rosemary

Method Heat olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add shallots and reduce heat to medium. Cook, uncovered, stirring occasionally, for about 3 minutes until shallots are soft. Peel the carrots and roughly chop them into 2 to 4cm pieces. Add carrots and stock and bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 25 minutes until the carrots are tender. Remove from heat, set aside ad blend the soup until smooth. Serve in bowls, topped with cream and rosemary.

Carrot Soup

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Beet & Feta Dip

Beet & Feta Dip

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Ingredients 300g beets 3 tsp cream-style horseradish 100g feta cheese

Method Trim the roots of the beets and place them in a pot with cold water. Turn heat on high until water begins to boil and reduce heat to medium. Cook for 30-40 minutes or until tender. Drain the beets thoroughly after cooking, rinse with cold water and scrub the peel off with a damp towel. In a food processor, put beets, feta and horseradish and blend till smooth. Enjoy with crackers or pita wedges.

Beet & Feta Dip

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Pear & Chocolate Muffins

Pear & Chocolate Muffins

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Ingredients 150g wholegrain flour 30ml liquid soy margarine 50ml agave syrup 40ml milk 50g chocolate chips 1 pear 1 tsp baking powder 1 egg Pinch of salt

Pear & Chocolate Muffins

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Method Heat oven to 180C. Line a 6-hole muffin tin with paper cases or use silicon cases. In a mixing bowl, tip in flour, baking powder and salt. In another bowl, mix margarine, milk, agave syrup and egg. Combine ingredients from both bowls. Put chocolate chips in a small saucepan and heat gently, stirring, until the chocolate is melted. Add to the batter. Peel, core and cut pear into small pieces and combine into the batter. Divide between 6 cases and bake for 20-25 minutes until risen.

Pear & Chocolate Muffins

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Grilled Pear, Camembert & Honey Quesadillas

Grilled Pear, Camembert & Honey Quesadillas

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Ingredients 1 pear 250g camembert 4 whole-wheat tortilla wraps 4 tbsp honey

Grilled Pear, Camembert & Honey Quesadillas

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Method Heat an electric grill or a griddle pan. Cut camembert into strips and arrange on two tortilla wraps. Peel, core and slice the pear and arrange on top of the cheese. Cover with the remaining two tortillas. Grill until the cheese is melted and the tortillas are browned on the outside. To serve, spread honey over the tortillas and slice into wedges.

Grilled Pear, Camembert & Honey Quesadillas

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Cauliflower Horseradish Soup

Cauliflower Horseradish Soup

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1 cauliflower 2 shallots, finely chopped 1,5l vegetable stock 4 tsp olive oil 5 tsp cream-style horseradish Fresh herbs 75g chanterelle mushrooms Salt & pepper

Heat 2 tsp olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add shallots, reduce heat to medium and cook for about 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add vegetable stock and cauliflower florets and bring to boil. Cook for about 20 minutes till cauliflower is tender. In a small skillet heat the remaining 2 tsp olive oil and sautĂŠ the mushrooms for about 5 minutes. Season with salt & pepper. Blend the soup until smooth in a food processor.. Serve in bowls, topped with mushrooms and fresh herbs.

Cauliflower Horseradish Soup

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Roasted Pumpkin With Feta & Raisins

Roasted Pumpkin With Feta And Raisins

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Ingredients 500g pumpkin 125g feta 25g raisins 3 tsp olive oil 1 tsp smoked paprika Salt

Method Preheat your oven to180°C. Cut the pumpkin in half, scoop out the seeds and cut each half into slices. In a bowl, mix smoked paprika, olive oil and salt. Add pumpkin slices and toss till covered. Lay the slices on a non-stick roasting tin and roast for 25-30 minutes or until the pumpkin is fork tender. On a plate, serve pumpkin sprinkled with feta cheese and raisins.

Roasted Pumpkin With Feta And Raisins

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Pumpkin, Goat Cheese & Walnuts Dip

Pumpkin, Goat Cheese & Walnuts Dip

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125g goat cheese 40g walnuts 500g pumpkin Olive oil Salt

Preheat your oven to 180°C. Cut the pumpkin in half, scoop out the seeds and cut each half into wedges. Lay the wedges on a non-stick roasting tin and sprinkle them with olive oil and salt. Roast for 25-30 minutes or until the pumpkin is fork tender. Put walnuts in a blender and process until smooth. Add goat cheese and scoop out the flesh of the pumpkin. Mix until tender. Serve with whole-wheat crackers or pita wedges.

Pumpkin, Goat Cheese & Walnuts Dip

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premier issue

Travel with luscious

L mag ‘fall

Fall In The Tatra Mountains Poland

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Fall In The Tatra Mountains Poland

Fall In The Tatra Mountains

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In early fall, when the weather is still pleasant but most tourists have left, I love spending time in the Polish Tatra Mountains region. I can never get enough of its beautiful views, flourishing nature and most amazing colors in the sky. Zakopane, a picturesque town at the foot of the Tatra mountains, is the ‘capital’ of the Gorale (literally the highlanders), the group of people indigenous to this mountain area. The Gorale culture makes Zakopane an exceptional place full of folklore music, characteristic architecture, and yes, amazing food.

Fall In The Tatra Mountains

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The market The central point of the town is the market. Situated in the heart of Zakopane, the market buzzes with stall-holders selling food, clothes, souvenirs and local artists displaying paintings, tapestries, and wooden craft products. I visit the market almost every day to get fresh food and the stock of my favorite cheese, oscypek.

Fall In The Tatra Mountains

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The culinary jewel Oscypek, smoked cheese made of salted sheep's milk, is exclusively made in the Tatra Mountains. I like to think of it as a culinary jewel of this region. Even though its texture is a little on the rubbery side, it is one of the most delicious cheeses around. Served cold or grilled with cranberry jam, it can be found on the market, street stands around Zakopane and pretty much every hiking trail in the area.

Fall In The Tatra Mountains

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Delicious hike If you fancy an easy, enjoyable and delicious hike, then the Koscieliska valley is the place to be. Nearly nine-kilometer long, it is one of the most picturesque valleys of the Tatra Mountains with its caves, stream and a lake. My favorite part of the hike is the beginning and the end. At the beginning, you can find freshly smoked Oscypek cheese, one of the best I’ve ever had.

Fall In The Tatra Mountains

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At the end, on Hala Ornak, you can treat yourself to tea and freshly baked apple pie (szarlotka) in the mountain shelter’s restaurant.

Fall In The Tatra Mountains

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second issue

Next Season in luscious

• Leeks, parsnips, brussels sprouts, cabbage • Christmas Special • Travel: THAILAND

L mag ‘fall

Luscious Quarterly Magazine Published by

Editor-in-chief Marta Majewska Art Director Ewelina Bocian Styling & Photography Marta Majewska Recipes Marta Majewska

Copyrights: All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is strictly prohibited. L mag ‘fall

2012 / Sept.Oct.Nov.


L mag ‘fall

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