Fruit receives a constant flow of energy from the tree. The minute it leaves the branch it starts to decompose. The sooner we use it the higher its nutrients and the greater the benefit to your skin. #freshmatters
Freshness is intrinsic to LUSH; it’s at the heart of our philosophy.
Freshness is intrinsic to LUSH; it’s at the heart of our philosophy.
Rhonda Boswell, owner of Bondi Wheatgrass.
The wheatgrass used in our products is delivered straight to our door from a small, local business called Bondi Wheatgrass. Our partnership with Bondi Wheatgrass allows us to support a local business and use the very freshest ingredients possible. Owner Rhonda Boswell began growing wheatgrass in the 1970s, and she hasn’t stopped growing since. The wheatgrass juice is 100% organic and contains essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids. We use the juice in our Grass shower gel to seriously nourish skin with every wash. The fresher the ingredient the more nutrients it contains. Dan Campbell from the LUSH product labs explains that: “fruit receives a constant flow of energy from the tree. The minute it leaves the branch it starts to decompose. The sooner we use it, the higher its nutrients and the greater the benefit to your skin.�
Fresh tomatoes that help deodorise and cool the feet ready to go in our Volcano foot mask
The Only Way is Ethics Photography by: Richard Skins
Lush Ethics Director Hilary explains our campaigning roots
Fighting Animal Testing campaign at Lush, Regent Street, 2012
The Only Way is Ethics
We have a vision of the perfect company that we should be, but which we never quite arrive at.
they’ve come to us. The founders and the staff come up with ideas, and campaign groups
and charities come to us to ask us if we would like to get involved.
For each campaign, we partner with someone who is an expert in that field. We give them our shop fronts for a week or two and work
with them, allowing them to tell their story to the people walking past our shops and the customers coming through our doors.
So you are the Ethics Director at Lush, but I know that none of you like calling Lush an ethical company. Why is that?
We look for those issues bubbling under
the surface which campaigning groups are
desperate for people to know more about. A
brilliant example of this is fox hunting. We knew
Becoming bigger and more established has
that the British public despised fox hunting and
meant we can put extra time, money and effort
they would be desperately sad to hear that The
into getting things right – but we have a vision
Hunting Act, which was passed in 2004, hadn’t
of the perfect company that we should be, but
stopped it happening. Then there’s the Tar
which we never quite arrive at. We keep it in
Sands issue in Canada; terrible environmental
sight and work towards it.
destruction is happening out in the wilderness where nobody can see, but we’re all buying
How did you get to become Ethics Director?
the oil that comes from it. We felt the public
wouldn’t want to run their cars on this oil if they
saw that the boreal forest was being decimated
Before I came to Lush, I was a campaigner
to produce it.
and an activist. I also spent some years driving
I needed to find paid employment and I knew
Eliminating animal testing in cosmetics has been a priority since Lush first started – why is this so important to us?
against animal testing and eliminated it from
Eliminating animal testing is a very personal
interview wearing my ambulance uniform and
cruel it is, we know how unnecessary it is, and
door, ready for a quick getaway if called – and
that it produces is.
job. They took me on regardless of my rather
annual prize fund to be awarded to the group
the factory making soap, then as the company
breakthrough in removing the need for animals
learning to drive a fork truck to load deliveries
alternatives to animal testing more than ever
an animal ambulance for a charity, dealing with injured wildlife, road accidents, etc. Eventually that the people behind Lush had campaigned their business practices. I turned up for the
goal because we’ve seen it, we know how
left my ambulance parked across the main
we know how absolutely unreliable the data
thought I had blown my chances of getting the
In 2012 we started the Lush Prize, a £250,000
unorthodox interview. I started off working in
or individual scientist that had made a major
grew I worked in many different areas, even
in toxicity testing. We see a need for funding
during my time in Despatch.
in light of the EU legislation REACH, which still
As Lush expanded I slowly moved into a role
tested on animals. The science needs to catch
requires certain cosmetics ingredients to be up and eliminate the need for animal testing
that matched my personality and my goals.
How much input do you have when choosing the groups or causes that we support?
Even though we are very vocal about our beliefs, do you feel as though you can still be as extreme in your campaigning as part of Lush as you have been in the past?
We have a small campaigns team who have
their own campaigning interests – that’s why
Hilary outside our original Lush shop in Poole, Dorset
We have hundreds of shops on some of the busiest high streets in the world. This is advertising space that money can’t buy, so why not put the issues that we care about in that amazing advertising space?
It depends what you call extreme. The effect that I can have here is different. Most of my
protest life has been about putting myself in front of something that I think shouldn’t be
happening. It’s a case of handcuffing yourself
to a bulldozer or sitting up a tree or blockading the gates of a vivisection laboratory, or lying down in front of a cruise missile convoy.
You put your own personal safety aside and physically make a stand – I’m here and I
object. At Lush I have more than just my own
feeble frame to protest with. We have hundreds of shops on some of the busiest high streets in
the world. This is advertising space that money can’t buy, so why not put the issues that we
care about in that amazing advertising space? It’s a fantastic campaigning tool that I’ve never had before, and charities tell us they don’t get it anywhere else.
Which campaign has been your personal favourite this year? We have been really impressed with the work against animal testing that Humane Society International has been doing around the
world. We teamed up with them a lot last year
because we like the global approach they have to the problem. There is no use eliminating testing from Europe and then ignoring
the problem in the big emerging markets elsewhere.
I was also happy that we were able to team
Handing in petitions for the Cosmetics Directive, EU Parliament, 2012
TAKE 3 The Only Way is Ethics
Article by: Tim Silverwood, co-founder of Take 3 Photographs from: Take 3
Free speech is a right that is worth preserving. Each edition we give our SOAPBOX pages to others to tell us their view of the world.
I’ve got a challenge for you after you read this
synthetic material that the earth has never
article. I want you to look down when you’re
seen before and can’t digest. As a result, our
walking home, to the car, through the park, on
oceans, landscape and bodies are filling up
the beach or near a waterway. I’m willing to
with it.
bet my reputation that if you do you’ll see trash on the ground, in the water or beached on the
Otherwise known as marine debris, plastic
pollution refers to the man-made trash in our oceans and waterways. We call it plastic
If you don’t pick up that trash there’s every
pollution because over 90% is plastic. The
chance it will embark on a lengthy journey. A
issue is slowly gaining the world’s attention as
journey that will end at the place that’s downhill
stories of remote regions in our oceans where
from everywhere. The ocean.
plastic is accumulating (and campaigns to
clean them up) spread. Misleadingly described
Mankind has always had issues with trash.
as floating islands of rubbish these regions
We’ve buried, burnt and dumped waste since
known as gyres are more like a gigantic plastic
the dawn of civilisation. The problem now is
soup. The five major ocean gyres contain
that a lot of our waste is plastic, a complex
higher levels of pollution than other areas due
to rotating currents that focus the debris like
#Take3ForTheSea, we can significantly reduce
a giant whirlpool but in fact there is plastic in
the impacts of hazardous marine debris.
every corner of the oceans, samples in the
Imagine if the whole world did this tomorrow,
Antarctic found up to 40.000 pieces of plastic
over 21 billion pieces of debris could be
per sq. km. despite virtually no population
removed in a single day! Take 3 works with key
living nearby.
organisations and stakeholders to educate the public, in particular youth, about the issue in a
The majority of plastic in the sea is broken
fun and engaging way.
remnants from larger items that don’t just float but descend deep into the water column.
We’re part of a growing movement of people
Smaller than your fingernail we call these
around the world who can see the obvious
microplastics and they continue to break
impacts of a wasteful society. We ask people
into smaller fragments until they become
to refuse disposable plastic, reduce your
microscopic. These are the major concern as
footprint, reuse, recycle and respond to the
they mimic food for even the tiniest creatures;
problem by simply picking up rubbish you see
plankton, small fish, seabirds, whales all
on the ground.
mistake plastic for food. Plastic kills millions of
creatures every year through ingestion (eating)
The future of the oceans is in our hands and
or from entanglement but there is a third
without a healthy ocean we can’t have a
less reported hazard. As plastic is ingested
healthy planet. The ocean isn’t our trash can,
it carries other toxic pollutants into the food
it’s the blue beating heart of the planet. Will you
chain. Humans have to re-think the oceans as
Take 3 today and send a message that you’re
a source of abundant, wild caught, organic
willing to be part of the solution to marine
food… much seafood is no longer abundant or
organic and health impacts are already evident in species higher in the food chain like birds,
dolphins and whales. It’s worth reminding
Take a photo when you Take 3 and share it
ourselves that humans are at the top of the
online with the #Take3ForTheSea hashtag to
food chain so bioaccumulation of toxins and
show the world you care.
the impacts are a very real risk to us.
Instagram/Twitter: @take3cleanbeach
Take 3’s passion is raising awareness of plastic
pollution and inspiring the world to take action
to stop its impacts. We do this through a very
catchy call to action: “simply take 3 pieces of rubbish with you when you leave the beach,
My website:
waterway or…anywhere and you have made a
difference”. As more people around the world
Beach clean-up
Tim Silverwood, co-founder of Take 3
Into the Amazon Photography by: Simon Constantine, Paulo Mellett & Laure Luciani
Part of the rainforest now saved from the loggers
Clearing felled trees leftover by the loggers
The journey to the 6000 hectare forest
Not an idle threat, as Virgillo, Limber – our
to two days in a flat bottomed boat. Requiring
thrown from the boat on a previous journey.
concession can take anything from 14 hours
partner in Peru – and his father Jorge had been
eyes like a hawk and a bum of steel you
traverse the fast flowing Amazon, relying on
This time we didn’t need to cut through any
driver, to steer past floating tree trunks washed
at the concession.
the experience of Virgillo, the 70 year old boat
fallen trees so we made good time and arrived
out by the rains. This trip we are lucky, the
heavy rains mean we can cut some corners,
It was breathtaking.
the river. Agnés, Paulo and I hold tight as the
A year before, Paulo had a conversation with
became clear that we were very far from home.
rosewood oil. Limber talked with Jorge, a
detouring through thick jungle flooded by
boat bumped and scraped a path through. It
Limber about Lush’s need for sustainable
The forest was growing more dense, vines
‘matero’ or tree specialist, about finding
hung from above and submerged tree stumps
somewhere that had rosewood trees. Soon
threatened to capsize us.
after Jorge had found a forest concession deep in the Amazon rainforest. An area the size of
the city of Auckland, 60sqkm, where loggers
Into the Amazon
had already arrived. As Limber described when
worked. They had built a two storey ‘Mother
out of the movie Avatar. Huge machines were
machinery. It was made of timber cut on site
he first visited the site it was like, “something
house’ to house themselves and the distillation
dragging out the valuable timber species they
using the saw mill, using forest hardwood that
wanted and smashing everything else down on
had been cut and left as junk by the previous
the way, and many rosewood trees were felled
loggers. The distillation vessel steamed in
or damaged.” So then Paulo, Lush and Limber
the sunlight, fuelled by a rocket stove (a fuel
hatched a plan. After much negotiation, Limber
efficient wood burning stove made from an old
found that we could buy the logging rights
barrel), the smell of rosewood oil drifting down
to this land. Using his local knowledge he
towards us. Unbelievable. After a nights sleep
secured the concession for us. Lush took over
in mosquito tents we all ventured out with
from the loggers immediately stopping any
Limber, Jorge and a few of the team to look at
further deforestation and began an ongoing
the rosewood trees themselves. No more than
process of rezoning the land as a reserve.
30 metres into the jungle it was clear just how vibrant the environment was. Tapir prints, a
Clambering up the slippy banks of the river at
small boa constrictor, birds and even a jaguar
the concession I looked up and could see just
footprint could be found easily.
how impressively hard the team in Peru had
Back at the concession Limber opens up a
large blue barrel and a burst of fresh fragrant
oil fills the room; a clean wood note with a hint of lemon mixes with the smell of the smoke
from the distillation vessel. This hay coloured oil is what it is all about. Limber says: ‘We
have about 30 kg here, we should bring this
back on the boat with us. If we get stopped by river pirates then hopefully they won’t think it’s boat fuel and steal it from us. I couldn’t help
thinking, river pirates.. no one mentioned river pirates!’ Limber also recounts a sobering tale
of how treacherous it can be working out here. Over Christmas the team at the concession
left for the holidays. Away for a few days they returned to find tools and fuel stolen and a hasty message scrawled on a log. In literal
translation the message reads: “Please Gringo, leave this zone because you are going to
suck a bullet. Sincerely, the Loggers.” Limber laughed the message off but also is making
sure that we work with the local communities for support and understanding of the project that we can all benefit from.
Now we await the arrival of our first batch of
rosewood oil to arrive to use in our products
and fine fragrances. The result of much hard work and determination – a real privilege.
Join the conversation #LushBuying
The road into the concession! 21
Fair Enough? Absolutely. Photography by: Jeroen van Loon
Farmers from the Mubuku Fairtrade farming co-operative, Uganda sorting Vanilla pods
Lulu Sturdy from the Ndali Estate, Uganda
Fair Enough? Absolutely.
As Lush introduces the world’s first certified Fair Trade vanilla absolute, we discover what Fairtrade really means... The clouds lift and the Mountains of the Moon,
is because the non-Fairtrade price is so low
in all their magnificence. This is the source
For a very long time we were only able to sell
the Rwenzori, in Western Uganda, are revealed
that it does not allow farmers to break even.
of the River Nile and also the source of our
20-35% of our farmers’ crop as Fairtrade. The
new Fair Trade vanilla. The area is perfect for
outstanding thing about the contract with Lush
growing vanilla. The hills are covered with
is that we’re now able to sell at least 70% of
tropical vegetation, the soils are rich and damp
the crop at Fairtrade prices.”
and the high altitude results in slow-growing, potent beans with an intense aroma.
Vanilla beans, or pods, are the dried unripe
Sat on the veranda of one of the Ndali Estate’s
thought to have originated in Mexico where
fruits of the orchid Vanilla planifolia. It is
chalets overlooking the Rwenzori, Lulu Sturdy
indigenous bees sometimes pollinate the
tells us how she inherited the Estate from her
flowers, each blossom producing a single
uncle in 1999. She took on an ailing farm that
was making losses on various crops including
In Uganda, there aren’t enough of these bees
coffee and bananas. In just seven years, she
to do the job. Instead, each flower is pollinated
transformed the farm’s fortunes and is now at
by hand using a small needle – a method
the helm of one of the world’s first Fairtrade
which was pioneered in the nineteenth century.
vanilla exportation cooperatives which employs
Farmers’ plantations are small, averaging 250
1,200 Fairtrade farmers, all of whom own their
vines per half-acre, and require huge amounts
own land close to Ndali. The Mubuku Fairtrade
of tender loving care in training, pruning,
farming co-operative – groups of local famers
mulching and hand pollinating. Around the
who have joined forces – and the Ndali
Mountains of the Moon, it sometimes takes
Estate grow the top quality Fairtrade organic
five-to-seven years to break even with a vanilla
vanilla beans. The Mubuku Fairtrade farmers
supplying the estate have been working hard to develop new techniques to encourage growth
An incredibly labour-intensive crop to grow,
and are paid fairly for their efforts.
vanilla is the second most expensive spice, after saffron.
Lulu says: “It’s extremely rare to be able to
sell all your product at Fairtrade prices as the world market has often been unwilling to pay
up to five times more for Fair Trade vanilla. This
Fair Enough? Absolutely.
The concept of fair trade is an odd one. We hope everyone deals in fair trade. Why do otherwise?
The Fairtrade vanilla beans create a beautiful vanilla absolute and by using this ingredient
we also support the hard work of the Fairtrade vanilla growers in Uganda.” Fair enough?
To us using Fairtrade and fairly traded
ingredients is key. As Lulu says: “We focused on the Fairtrade market because it was the only thing that made sense to me: isn’t it
natural to want to work with happy people, and
This painstaking and costly process leads
find the most harmonious working relationship
many cosmetics companies to use synthetic
with your suppliers?”
vanilla in their products as vanillin molecules can be easily and cheaply reproduced in
In the Lush Buying team we look for suppliers
who are honest, transparent and hard working. Like Lulu, working with happy people is in
It takes several months to produce vanilla
our blood and where we find them they will
absolute, which is the thick, sweet-smelling
have our trade. Sometimes our suppliers can’t
brown substance that is extracted from the
afford the fees or administration of joining
beans. The vanilla beans are harvested after
with certifying bodies and we feel that this
eight-to-nine months and are boiled in water
is their prerogative. Instead we encourage
for three minutes. Over the next four months,
empowerment to make those decisions
they are dried slowly in the sun for around
themselves. We dream of a day when all trade
two hours per day, then covered in blankets
is fair and we work our hardest towards that
and taken in at night to stimulate the chemical
process which causes vanillin crystals to develop.
Join the conversation #LushBuying
Ndali beans are very unusual in that a high
proportion develop iridescent vanillin crystals on their surface - this is like the champagne
of vanilla, only more rare. To achieve this they have to be nurtured, harvested and cured using exceptional methods, which Ndali, understandably, keep secret.
Once the beans are ready, they journey to
France where they are transformed into the
Fair Trade vanilla absolute that we use in our products.
Agnès, from our Buying team, was closely involved in sourcing the Ndali beans. She
says: “We wanted to work on producing our
own vanilla absolute for a long time as it is an amazingly beautiful ingredient which we are
passionate about. This is the result of a long
journey which involved finding the right vanilla producer and ensuring that the quality of their beans was high enough as well as finding
people to work with to produce our absolute.
Workers on the Ndali Estate curing the Vanilla pods
Pioneers of Peace 28
November 2013, 11.30am traveling with the Peace Community in Colombia
Members of the Peace Community live in harmony with their surroundings.
Buying Trip
Lush’s Peace Campaign celebrates
the astonishing resilience of the Colombian
Peace Community of San José de Apartadó
urders, disappearances and multiple
enormous paramilitary repression,” says Jesús
forced displacements. For Jesús
Emilio. “We feel that Lush has joined our
Emilio and Arley Tuberquía, two
daily struggle.”
representatives from the internal council of the Communidad de Paz de San José de
Apartadó, in north-west Colombia, these are
The Peace Community was founded against
a regular occurrence. The Community is one
a backdrop of violence and intimidation by
of our most extraordinary suppliers; in spite of
the army, leftist guerilla fighters and right-wing
the ongoing conflict in the area, they continue
paramilitary groups. A group of around 2,100
to live peacefully and grow and harvest cocoa
farmers pledged themselves to non-violence;
beans used in Lush products like Peace
all they ask is that those around them respect
massage bar and Charity Pot body lotion.
their right to peace and non-involvement in the conflict under international human rights
Jesús Emilio and Arley’s visit had been
law. The community also abides by a number
organised with support from the human
of shared rules: not taking up arms; not
rights organisation Peace Brigade
associating with or supporting armed groups;
International. PBI has been working with
equal rights for everyone; and not carrying any
the Community since their foundation in
drugs or alcohol.
1997, with the aim of keeping the eyes of the world on the dangerous human rights
The conflict in Colombia, which goes back six
situation in Colombia. They regularly send
decades, has roots in social and economic
volunteer observers into the field to show
structural inequality. “In Colombia there is no
solidarity, and these international observers
right to land tenure, there is practically no
are able to bear witness to the threats
right to be a home-owner, no right to
the community faces. This international
education, to free healthcare, or any kind
presence is also a form of protection.
of decent healthcare. Education is also very
“Without this, we would have been
bad,” explains Jesús Emilio. “At the Peace
massacred,” explains Jesús Emilio.
Community we try to ensure that every family has a house, has right to land, to somewhere
Lush has played a significant role, too. “Lush
they can grow crops to feed themselves.
has accompanied us on the recent pilgrimages
Our objective is to create a different world, a
that we have made to different settlements
different way of living, with love for children,
within the Community, where there has been an
adults and old people.”
Pioneers of Peace
November 2013, Lush traveled out to see the Community’s cacao
November 2013, the Community put earth and people first
November 2013, Lush saw the Community in times of work and rest
Perversely, in exempting themselves from conflict, the community has become a target for those seeking control of their land. They have lost 261 members - men, women and children - as a result. The murders, disappearances and multiple forced displacements have so far remained unaddressed and unacknowledged by the Colombian government, yet community leaders like Jesús Emilio and Arley continue to demand justice internationally. “The paramilitaries are still acting, ever more openly, supported by different State institutions,
The Peace massage bar is made with cocoa butter sourced directly from Communidad de Paz de San José de Apartadó.
especially the police and army,” explains Jesús Emilio. “On November 18, 2013, the paramilitaries stormed one of the Community settlements, called Arenas Altas, and they took six people, five of whom were adolescents. This is linked to the forced disappearance of the
Pioneers of Peace
The relationship with Lush arrived at a point when the Community was losing hope young farmer Buenaventura Hoyos on August
years, Lush has worked with the Community to
31 – whose whereabouts are still unknown. The
improve their ability to dry, store and export the
situation is critical.”
beans. Arley explains: “Lush collects the cacao directly from our storage, and that allows us a
lot more security. In the past we were robbed
In spite of this huge instability, the community
but now we have strengthened our production
has remained firmly committed to peace and
process we don’t face such risks as before.”
they exist in harmony with their surroundings. They cultivate a variety of crops to eat and to
sell including bananas, avocados, corn, rice,
On March 23, the Community gathered to
beans, plantains, and, of course, cocoa beans.
celebrate their 17th anniversary. “For the Community, the anniversary is a great moment,
At their ecological research centre and
a very deep and spiritual moment,” explains
Farmer’s University, the Community have
Jesús Emilio. “It is a special time because
developed ways of growing which incorporate
people from all the settlements that make up the
permaculture techniques, such as mixed
Community, as well as other friends and allies,
planting and composting, so they don’t need
come to commemorate the occasion. Together,
to buy pesticides and fertilizers. They also
we remember all the years we have had, and look
aim to be energetically autonomous, and are
forward to the challenges that we must face.”
developing new strategies constantly, such as bio gas and solar panels.
We hope through collaborating with PBI and sharing the experiences of Jesús
Lush is the main buyer of the Community’s
Emilio and Arley we can help to spread their
cacao, which we ship to Europe to be processed
inspirational message of peace.
into cocoa butter and powder. We bought our first 25 tonne shipment of cocoa beans in 2010, and then supported the Community’s application
Juliet Chard
to become certified Fair Trade and Organic
producers. Jesús Emilio says: “The relationship
Campaigner extraordinaire for Lush
with Lush arrived at a point when the Community was losing hope in the idea of
Ludwig Schramm
exporting our products. Lush gave us hope
again – and the relationship between us has been
Documentary film maker & photographer
amazing at an emotional level.” Over the last three
To discover inspiring stories from individuals and groups the world over who support and fight for peace and justice Join the conversation
#PeacePioneer 33 01202 668 545 Phone orders 01202 668 5451300 587 428
Welcome to your catalogue Our fresh handmade cosmetics are all created using the finest ingredients, ensuring that the whole process is sustainable and fair with absolutely no animal testing. Our soaps, bombs, bars, creams, lotions, scrubs and everything in between are all laid out in this catalogue with details of just why we’ve combined the fresh fruit, flowers, essential oils, absolutes and butters together to benefit your body and your mind. We work hard to ensure that our carefully crafted cosmetics make you feel amazing on the inside as well as looking lush on the outside!
Black pots
Clear pots
We offer as many products as we can naked, because they require no packaging or preservatives – better for the environment and better for you. Some products need packaging and for these we ensure it’s recycled, recyclable or biodegradable to limit our impact on the environment. The symbols below illustrate the packaging your product comes in, if any! You’ve read about who we are and what we do, now take a look at our products and choose the ones that suit you.
Spray bottles
Glass pots
Fun wrap
Body Bath Bombs Luxury Bath Melts Bubble Bars Fun Soaps Shower Gels Shower Jellies Shower Smoothies Shower Scrubs Body Conditioner Body Butters Body Lotions Breast Cream Charity Pot Hands Feet Massage Bars Body Tint Deodorants & Dusting Powders Multi Purpose Balm
Hair 37 40 41 44 46 49 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 60 62 64 67 68 69
Hair Treatments Shampoo Shampoo Bars Conditioners Styling Henna
87 90 93 97 99 100
Emotional Brilliance Colour Essentials Mascara Colour Supplements Liquid Lipstick Liquid Eyeliner Cream Eyeshadow
103 103 104 106 108 110
Gorilla Perfume Volume 2 Greatest Hits
113 116
Face Cleansers & Facial Scrubs Toners & Steamers Facial Moisturisers Eye Cream Facial Serum Spot Treatment Fresh Face Masks Toothy Tabs Lip Scrubs Lip Balms Lip Tints Shaving Creams
71 73 74 76 77 77 78 80 82 83 84 85
Gifts All Year Round Knot-Wraps
119 129
All prices listed are retail prices; pricing between web and retail may vary. All prices are believed to be correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to correct any errors or omissions.
Phone orders 01202 668
Extraordinary products to leave you clean, soft and smooth all over.
Bath Bombs Whether they’re simple and relaxing, floral fizzers laden with blossom or multilayered extravaganzas of colour and scent – we have a bath bomb for every mood and taste.
How to use Add a touch of fizz to your day. Drop your bomb into a bath of water to experience an effervescent explosion of colour and scent.
Dragon’s Egg Multilayered spectacle Popping candy and swirling sparkles makes this a feast for the eyes as well as the skin. Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Perfume, Popping Candy, Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Bergamot Oil (Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum), Cream of Tartar (Potassium bitartrate), Water (Aqua), Gardenia Extract (Gardenia jasminoides), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Propylene Glycol, Lauryl Betaine, *Citral, *Limonene, *Linalool, Gold Lustre (Synthetic Flurorphlogopite, Iron Oxides, Silica), Radiant Gold Lustre (Potassium Aluminum Silicate, Titanium Dioxide, Iron Oxides), Colour 15510, Colour 17200, Colour 14700, Colour 45410, Rice Paper * Occurs naturally in essential oils
Big Blue
Think Pink
Calming, refreshing, oceanic bathing
Comforting and reassuring
Lavender and lemon oil clear the mind, while seaweed and sea salt soften the skin.
This beautiful bomb, complete with pink confetti hearts, is like a hug in a bath.
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Coarse
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Perfume,
Sea Salt, Fine Sea Salt, Perfume, Arame Seaweed
Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Tonka Absolute
(Eisenia arborea), Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Lavender
(Dipteryx odorata), Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla
Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Seaweed Absolute (Fucus
planifolia), Neroli Oil (Citrus Aurantium amara), *Limonene,
vesiculosus), *Eugenol, *Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool,
*Linalool, Pink Heart Confetti, Colour 45410, Colour 14700,
Colour 42090, Colour 19140
Colour 17200, Candy Flowers
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$6.75 /per item
$5.50 /per item
/per item
37 01202 668 545 Phone 01202 orders 668 5451300 587 428
Sex Bomb
Blooming lovely bathtime
Set the mood
Pop! Bang! Whizz!
Spring into a good mood with a mimosa, jasmine and citrus-scented bath bomb inspired by Japanese cherry blossom.
The essential sensual bath with aphrodisiac jasmine absolute and softening soya milk.
With warming cinnamon leaf oil for explosive, toffee-apple scented bath times.
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Sodium
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Popping
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Bicarbonate,
Sesquicarbonate, Perfume, Soya Milk (Glycine
Candy, Cream of Tartar (Potassium bitartrate), Sodium
Citric Acid, Perfume, Coarse Sea Salt, Fine Sea Salt,
soja), Synthetic Musk, Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum
Laureth Sulfate, Water (Aqua), Cinnamon Leaf Oil
Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Mimosa Absolute (Acacia
grandiflorum), Clary Sage Oil (Salvia sclarea), Ylang
(Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Petitgrain Oil (Citrus Aurantium
decurrens), Orange Flower Absolute (Citrus Aurantium
Ylang Oil (Cananga odorata), Titanium Dioxide,
amara), Ylang Ylang Oil (Cananga odorata), Cocamide
amara), Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum), *Citral,
Propylene Glycol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Lilial, Methyl
DEA, Lauryl Betaine, Coumarin, *Eugenol, *Linalool,
*Limonene, Lilial, Gardenia Extract (Gardenia jasminoides),
Ionone, Colour 17200, Colour 42090, Colour 14700,
Perfume, Colour 42090, Colour 19140:1
Colour 42090, Colour 14700, Colour 45410
Colour 45410, Rice Paper Flower
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$6.75 /per item
$6.75 /per item
$5.95 /per item
Honey Bee
Ickle Baby Bot
Phoenix Rising
Sweet, soothing and cleansing
Sleepy time soother
Feel your spirits rise
Relax with this soothing soak containing honey, aloe vera and rhassoul mud.
Relaxing lavender and chamomile oils help your baby (and you!) get a good night’s sleep.
This warming cinnamon bomb will make you feel like new with a blend of butters and oils.
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Rhassoul
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Lavender
Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Icing Sugar, Cocoa
Mud, Perfume, Honey, Aloe Vera Extract (Aloe
Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Sandalwood Oil (Fusanus
Butter (Theobroma cacao), PEG–6 Caprylic / Capric
barbadensis), Fair Trade Organic Aloe Vera Gel (Aloe
spicatus), Chamomile Blue Oil (Matricaria chamomilla),
Glycerides & PEG-60 Almond Glycerides, Perfume,
barbadensis), Sweet Wild Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis),
*Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume, Colour 42053, Colour
Bergamot Oil (Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Cassia Oil
Bergamot Oil (Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Gardenia
(Cinnnamomum Cassia), Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia
Extract (Gardenia jasminoides), Lilial, Citronellol,
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
chinensis), Fair Trade Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii),
*Cinnamal, *Citral, *Limonene, *Linalool, Colour 45410,
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
Colour 42090, Colour 77891, Colour 77491, Colour 77510, Frosty Holly Lustre, Gold Lustre, Cinnamon Stick (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$6.75 /per item
$3.95 /per item
$5.95 /per item
Space Girl
Watch the night unfold
Ground control to Major Bomb!
Soft skin, clear mind
This reassuring lavender and tonka bath creates a vision of the night sky on the water.
On a different planet? This will have you feeling yourself in no time.
Feel uplifted with lemongrass and bergamot, while avocado and olive oil nourish the skin.
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Cream of
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Perfume,
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Fresh
Tartar (Potassium bitartrate), Sodium Laureth Sulfate,
Grapefruit Oil (Citrus paradisi), Bergamot Oil (Citrus
Avocado (Persea gratissima), Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Benzoin Resinoid
Aurantium bergamia), Almond Essential Oil (Prunus
(Olea europaea), Lemongrass Oil (Cymbopogon citratus),
(Styrax tonkinensis pierre), Tonka Absolute (Dipteryx
Amygdalus Amara), Popping Candy, Calcium Sodium
Bergamot Oil (Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Rosewood
odorata), Ylang Ylang Oil (Cananga odorata), Cocamide
Borosilicate, Tin Oxide, DRF Alcohol, Titanium Dioxide
Oil (Aniba rosaeodora), *Citral, *Geraniol, *Farnesol,
DEA, Lauryl Betaine, *Coumarin, *Linalool, Perfume,
*Limonene, *Linalool, Methyl Ionone, Colour 17200, Colour
*Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume, Gardenia Extract (Gardenia
Colour 42090, Colour 14700, Colour 17200, Colour 45410,
42053, Colour 14700, Colour 77019
jasminoides), Lustre holly sparkle
Lustre Silver
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$5.95 /per item
$5.95 /per item
$6.75 /per item
Blackberry Bath Bomb
Tisty Tosty
Enchanting love spell
For softened skin
Concoct a love potion in your bath with rose absolute and precious orris root.
For a moisturising bath, relax in Butterball’s delicate vanilla fragrance.
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Seven
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Cocoa
Rosebuds (Rosa centifolia), Rose Absolute (Rosa
Butter (Theobroma cacao), Synthetic Musk, Ylang Ylang Oil
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Perfume,
damascena), Geranium Oil (Pelargonium graveolens),
(Cananga odorata), Perfume
Bergamot Oil (Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Frankincense
Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
Oil (Boswellia carterii), Hexyl Cinnamal, Colour 42053,
grandiflorum), Orris Root Powder (Iris florentina), Benzyl
Colour 17200
Salicylate, Geraniol, Citronellol, *Eugenol, *Linalool,
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
*Limonene, Perfume
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
For calm and clarity Blast away your worries with the power of bergamot and frankincense oils.
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$6.75 /per item
$6.75 /per item
$5.50 /per item 01202 668 545 Phone 01202 orders 668 5451300 587 428
Luxury Bath Melts New Product
Beautifully fragranced melts for luxury bathing. Perfect for all skin types, especially those with dry skin; a soak with a Lush bath melt will leave you feeling pampered.
How to use
You’ve Been Mangoed A citrus wake up call Lemongrass and lime essential oils lift your mind out of the blues.
Dreamtime Promotes sleep-filled nights Lavender and chamomile essential oils calm the mind and help you leave the day behind. Ingredients: Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Laureth 4, Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Lavender Oil (Lavandula
Pop a melt into the bath and watch it gently dissolve, transforming your water into a softening, scented sanctuary.
Mmmelting Marshmallow Moment Soften skin in the sweetest way Moisturising marshmallow melt whipped up with cocoa butter and almond oil.
Ingredients: Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Laureth 4,
angustifolia), Ginger Oil (Zingiber officinale), Sandalwood
Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Lemongrass Oil (Cymbopogon
Oil (Santalum austro-caledonicum vieill and Fusanus
citratus), Avocado Butter (Persea gratissima), Mango
spicatus), Chamomile Blue Oil (Matricaria chamomilla),
Butter (Mangifera indica), Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum),
Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum), Jasmine
Lime Oil (Citrus aurantifolia), *Citral, *Geraniol, *Citronellol,
Flowers (Jasminum officinale), *Geraniol, *Limonene,
*Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume, Paprika Extract (Capsicum
*Linalool, Perfume
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$8.50 /per item
$8.50 /per item
Floating Island
Ceridwen’s Cauldron
Float away and clear your mind Let your troubles melt away with sandalwood and lemon essential oils. Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Cocoa
A calming and soothing spell Soothe and soften your skin with this mystic sandalwood oil, oats and wildflower melt.
Butter (Theobroma cacao), Laureth 4, Perfume, Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Water (Aqua), Sandalwood Oil
Ingredients: Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Whole
(Santalum austro-caledonicum vieill and Fusanus spicatus),
Oats (Avena sativa), Laureth 4, Walnut Oil (Juglans regia),
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Cocoa
Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Labdanum Resinoid (Cistus
Perfume, Tangerine Oil (Citrus reticulata), Lavender Oil
Butter (Theobroma cacao), Laureth 4, Almond Oil (Prunus
ladaniferus), *Limonene
(Lavandula angustifolia), Sandalwood Oil (Santalum austro-
dulcis), Water (Aqua), Chamomile Powder (Anthemis
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
caledonicum vieill and Fusanus spicatus), Frankincense
nobilis), Marshmallow Powder (Althaea officinalis), Marigold
Resinoid (Boswellia carterii), Rose Absolute (Rosa
Powder (Calendula officinalis), Synthetic Musk, Benzyl
damascena), Elderflowers (Sambucus nigra), Daisy Flowers
Benzoate, Methyl Ionone, Perfume, Colour 14700, Colour
(Bellis perennis), Cowslips (Primula veris), *Geraniol,
45410, Colour 17200
*Limonene, *Linalool
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$8.50 /per item
$8.50 /per item
$9.95 /per item
Bubble Bars Burrow under a blanket of bubbles. Our preservative-free solid bubble bath is packed full of fragrant essential oils to suit every mood.
How to use Enjoy mountains of Hollywoodstyle bubbles by crumbling your bubble bar under the running tap, and watching the bubbles rise.
The Comforter Big blackcurrant bubbles This fruity number releases the comforting aromas of cassis absolute and cypress oil. Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar (Potassium bitartrate), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Lauryl Betaine, Perfume, Titanium Dioxide, Cocamide DEA, Bergamot Oil (Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Cassis Absolute (Ribes nigrum), Cypress Oil (Cupressus sempervirens), *Limonene, *Linalool, Colour 45410, Colour 17200 * Occurs naturally in essential oils
A French Kiss
Perfect for grey days
Elegant and sophisticated
Bathe in liquid gold with uplifting sweet wild orange and lemon oils.
A luxurious lavender and rosemary bath with extra virgin coconut oil to soften.
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar
(Potassium bitartrate), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Radiant
(Potassium bitartrate), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Lauryl
Gold Lustre, Lauryl Betaine, Cocamide DEA, Sweet Wild
Betaine, Perfume, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos
Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis), Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum),
nucifera), Cocamide DEA, Rosemary Oil (Rosmarinus
Tangerine Oil (Citrus reticulata), Silica, Calcium Sodium
officinalis), Thyme Oil (Thymus zygis), Lavender Oil
Borosilicate, Tin Oxide *Citral, *Geraniol, *Limonene,
(Lavandula angustifolia), Lavender Absolute (Lavandula
*Linalool, Lilial, *Citronellol, Hydroxycitronellal, Perfume,
angustifolia), Lavender Sprig (Lavandula angustifolia),
CI77492, Edible Golden Agar Glitter (Agar, Mica, Titanium
*Limonene, *Linalool, Colour 17200, Colour 42090
Dioxide, Iron Oxide)
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
/per item
/per item
/per item Phone orders 1300 587 428
Creamy Candy
Pop In The Bath
Sweetly scented and softening
Practically perfect in every way
An orange haze of heady scents
Creamy fair trade vanilla with almond oil and cocoa butter to moisturise your skin.
Lift your spirits with cheerful essential oils and colourful bath water.
Patchouli and sweet orange bubbles for good Karma in the bathroom.
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar
(Potassium bitartrate), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocoa
(Potassium bitartrate), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Lauryl
(Potassium bitartrate), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Lauryl
Butter (Theobroma cacao), Lauryl Betaine, Laureth 4,
Betaine, Perfume, Cocamide DEA, Bergamot Oil (Citrus
Betaine, Perfume, Cocamide DEA, Patchouli Oil
Perfume, Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Cocamide DEA, Fair
Aurantium bergamia), Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum),
(Pogostemon cablin), Sweet Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis),
Trade Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), Methyl Ionone,
Orange Flower Absolute (Citrus Aurantium amara),
Lavandin Oil (Lavandula hybrida), Pine Oil (Pinus
Colour 14700, Colour 45410, Colour 17200, Candy Flower
Mandarin Oil (Citrus reticulata), *Limonene, *Linalool, Lilial,
sylvestris), Lemongrass Oil (Cymbopogon citratus), Elemi
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
Hydroxycitronellal, May contain Gardenia Extract (Gardenia
Oil (Canarium commune), Gardenia Extract (Gardenia
jasminoides), Colour 14700, Colour 45410, Colour 17200,
jasminoides), *Citral, *Geraniol, *Citronellol, *Limonene,
Colour 42090, Colour 42090, Colour 61570
*Linalool, Colour 15510, Colour 14700
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$7.50 /per item
$8.50 /per item
Brightside Bubble Bar
Blue Skies And Fluffy White Clouds
Brighten your bath and mood
Ambient bathing experience
A bubble bar made with three types of citrus oils to add some zest to your day.
A meditative patchouli and frankincense bubble bar to help you float away from reality.
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar
(Potassium bitartrate), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Lauryl
(Potassium bitartrate), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Lauryl
Betaine, Mandarin Oil (Citrus reticulata), Tangerine
Betaine, Cocamide DEA, Patchouli Oil (Pogostemon
Oil (Citrus reticulata), Bergamot Oil (Citrus Aurantium
cablin), Frankincense Resinoid (Boswellia carterii),
bergamia), *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume, Gardenia Extract
Cinnamon Leaf Oil (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), *Eugenol,
(Gardenia jasminoides), Colour 14700, Colour 15510
*Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume, Colour 61570, Colour
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$8.50 /per item
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$10.50 /per item
$10.50 /per item
A blue sky thinking bath
A beautiful rose and lemon bath
Relax and unwind in a vibrant blue bath of ylang ylang and orange flower absolute.
Rose absolute to soothe the emotions and lemon oil for when you need a fresh outlook.
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar
(Potassium bitartrate), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Lauryl
(Potassium bitartrate), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Lauryl
Betaine, Perfume, Cocamide DEA, Ylang Ylang Oil
Betaine, Perfume, Pink Rosebud (Rosa centifolia),
(Cananga odorata), Orange Flower Absolute (Citrus
Cocamide DEA, Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Sweet Orange
Aurantium amara), Gardenia Extract (Gardenia
Oil (Citrus sinensis), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena),
jasminoides), *Benzyl Benzoate, *Linalool, Colour 42090,
*Citral, *Geraniol, *Citronellol, *Limonene, *Linalool.
Colour 14700, Colour 15510
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
/per item
/per item
Yuzu And Coco Bubbleroon
Rose Jam Bubbleroon
Green Bubbleroon
Rich and reassuring
Rose-scented sweet treat
Fruity, refreshing and softening
Softening coconut oil and shea butter with a comforting chocolate orange fragrance.
Spoil yourself rotten with rose oil, rose absolute and fair trade shea butter.
Bergamot, lime and juniperberry swirled with coconut oil and fair trade shea butter.
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar
(Potassium bitartrate), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Extra Virgin
(Potassium bitartrate), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Extra
(Potassium bitartrate), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Extra Virgin
Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Lauryl Betaine, Fair Trade
Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Lauryl Betaine, Fair
Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Lauryl Betaine, Fair Trade
Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Perfume, Cocoa
Trade Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Perfume, Rose
Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Perfume, Bergamot
Absolute (Theobroma cacao), Tonka Absolute (Dipteryx
Absolute (Rosa damascena), Geranium Oil (Pelargonium
Oil (Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Juniperberry Oil (Juniperus
odorata), Grapefruit Oil (Citrus paradisi), Bergamot Oil
graveolens), Rose Oil (Rosa damascena), Lemon Oil (Citrus
communis), Lime Oil (Citrus aurantifolia), Sweet Orange Oil
(Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Cocamide DEA, PEG–6
limonum), Cocamide DEA, PEG–60 Caprylic / Capric
(Citrus sinensis), Cocamide DEA, PEG–60 Caprylic / Capric
Caprylic / Capric Glycerides & PEG-60 Almond Glycerides,
Glycerides & PEG-60 Almond Glycerides, Coumarin,
Glycerides & PEG-60 Almond Glycerides, Gardenia Extract
*Coumarin, *Limonene, *Linalool, Titanium Dioxide, Colour
Geraniol, Citronellol, *Limonene, Titanium Dioxide, Colour
(Gardenia jasminoides), *Citral, *Citronellol, *Limonene,
*Linalool, Titanium Dioxide, Colour 42090
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
/per item
/per item
/per item
Beat bath time boredom with this mouldable soap for bath, body and hair.
Contents Body
45 45
Green Fun
Red Fun
Blue Fun
Feel fresh and focused with a citrus burst of lemon and lime that awakens the senses.
Bring the summer sunshine to your bath, with mandarin and orange oils.
A multi-purpose mix of lavender and Moroccan chamomile oils for a calming bedtime bath.
Ingredients: Talc, Cornflour (Zea mays), Glycerine,
Ingredients: Talc, Cornflour (Zea mays), Glycerine,
Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Lime Oil (Citrus aurantifolia),
Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis),
Ingredients: Talc, Cornflour (Zea mays), Glycerine,
Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), *Citral, *Limonene, *Linalool,
Mandarin Oil (Citrus reticulata), *Limonene, Perfume,
Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Moroccan Chamomile Oil
Perfume, Gardenia Extract (Gardenia jasminoides),
Colour 14700
(Ormenis mullticaulis), Chamomile Blue Oil (Matricaria
Colour 42090
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
chamomilla), Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), *Linalool, Perfume, Colour 42090
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$9.50 /200g
$9.50 /200g
Yellow Fun
Pink Fun
Sweet and creamy vanilla makes for a truly scrumptious and soothing bath time.
For refreshing, fruity, candy-scented bubbles during your bath time.
Ingredients: Talc, Cornflour (Zea mays), Glycerine,
Ingredients: Talc, Cornflour (Zea mays), Glycerine,
Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute
Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Perfume, Benzoin Resinoid
(Vanilla planifolia), Perfume, Gardenia Extract (Gardenia
(Styrax tonkinensis pierre), Tonka Absolute (Dipteryx
odorata), Coumarin, Geraniol, Colour 14700, Colour
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
45410, Colour 17200 * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$9.50 /200g
$9.50 /200g
$9.50 /200g Phone orders 1300 587 428
Soaps Our gorgeous handmade soaps don’t cost the earth. They’re made from a palm-free base and packed with fruits and flower infusions. Who knew soap could be this sexy?
Honey I Washed The Kids Toffee-scented soother Caress your skin with our softening honey soap. Ingredients: Honey Water (Aqua), Propylene Glycol, Rapeseed Oil; Coconut Oil (Brassica napus; Cocos nucifera), Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Water (Aqua), Sodium Stearate, Sodium Hydroxide, Perfume, Beeswax (Cera alba), Sweet Wild Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis), Bergamot Oil (Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Aloe Vera Extract (Aloe barbadensis), Glycerine, Sodium Chloride, EDTA, Tetrasodium Etidronate, Gardenia Extract (Gardenia jasminoides), Titanium Dioxide, Geraniol, Citronellol, Lilial, *Limonene, *Linalool, Benzyl Benzoate * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$69.50 /per kilo
$6.95 /per 100g
Figs And Leaves Naturally nourishing Envelop yourself in our luxurious ylang ylang and figs soap with a rich lather.
Sexy Peel A marmalade citrus hit Wake up with freshly squeezed citrus juices. You can never have too much sexy peel. Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Rapeseed Oil; Coconut Oil (Brassica napus; Cocos nucifera), Propylene Glycol, Cornstarch (Zea mays), Lemon Peel (Citrus
Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Rapeseed Oil; Coconut Oil (Brassica napus; Cocos nucifera),
limonum), Orange Peel (Citrus Aurantium dulcis), Sodium Stearate, Sodium
Fig Decoction (Ficus carica), Glycerine, Aloe Vera Extract (Aloe barbadensis), Sodium
Hydroxide, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Fresh Lemon Juice (Citrus limonum), Fresh
Hydroxide, Perfume, Ylang Ylang Oil (Cananga odorata), Orange Flower Absolute
Orange Juice (Citrus Aurantium dulcis), Lime Peel (Citrus aurantifolia), Lime
(Citrus Aurantium amara), Fair Trade Organic Aloe Vera Gel (Aloe barbadensis), Titanium
Oil (Citrus aurantifolia), Perfume, Grapefruit Oil (Citrus paradisi), Fresh Lime
Dioxide, Sodium Chloride, EDTA, Tetrasodium Etidronate, Lilial, *Benzyl Benzoate,
Juice (Citrus aurantifolia), Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Glycerine, Sodium
Chloride, EDTA, Tetrasodium Etidronate, *Citral, *Geraniol, *Citronellol,
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
*Limonene, *Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$69.50 /per kilo
$6.95 /per 100g
$59.50 /per kilo
$5.95 /per 100g
The Godmother
For hands that do more than just wishes
Fresh and fruity
For fans of Snow Fairy who crave its magical scent every day of the year. Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Propylene Glycol, Rapeseed Oil; Coconut Oil (Brassica napus; Cocos nucifera), Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Perfume, Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Stearate, Synthetic Musk, Glycerine, Sodium Chloride, EDTA, Tetrasodium Etidronate, Benzyl Benzoate, Methyl Ionone, Colour 45410, Colour 17200 * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$65.00 /per kilo
$6.50 /per 100g
Capture the life and joy of the carnival every day with exotic fruit and essential oils. Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Propylene Glycol, Rapeseed Oil; Coconut Oil (Brassica napus; Cocos nucifera), Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Stearate, Perfume, Fresh Kiwi Fruit (Actinidia chinensis), Ylang Ylang Oil (Cananga odorata), Myrrh Resinoid (Commiphora myrrha), Juniperberry Oil (Juniperus communis), Bergamot Oil (Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Glycerine, Sodium Chloride, Gardenia Extract (Gardenia jasminoides), Titanium Dioxide, EDTA, Tetrasodium Etidronate, *Limonene, *Linalool, Colour 42090, Colour 19140, Colour 14700, Colour 17200 * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$69.50 /per kilo
$6.95 /per 100g
Hand Wash
Sultana Of Soap
Putty For Your Hands
Smells truly scrumptious
There’s nothing silly about this putty
This creamy soap is packed with dried fruit and bergamot oil for a fruity fragrance. Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Propylene Glycol, Rapeseed Oil; Coconut Oil (Brassica napus; Cocos nucifera), Sodium Hydroxide, Perfume, Dried Apricots (Prunus armeniaca), Dried Currants (Vitis vinifera), Titanium Dioxide, Glycerine, Dried Cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon), Olibanum Oil (Boswellia carterii), Bergamot Oil (Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Sodium Chloride, EDTA, Tetrasodium Etidronate, Lilial * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$59.50 /per kilo
$5.95 /per 100g
Soothe sore hands with oats, shea butter and a magical blend of essential oils. Ingredients: Cornflour (Zea mays), Talc, Glycerine, Water (Aqua), Marshmallow Mucilage (Althaea officinalis), Whole Oats (Avena sativa), Fair Trade Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Chamomile Blue Oil (Matricaria chamomilla), Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), *Citronellol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$119.50 /per kilo
$11.95 /per 100g 01202 668 545 Phone 01202 orders 668 5451300 587 428
Rock Star
Sea Vegetable
It’s ALL about the fragrance
Creamy vanilla scent
Skin-softening seaweed soap
Get your daily fix of Karma with this exotic patchouli and sweet orange oil soap.
Ease your sugar cravings with our candyscented soap with creamy lather.
With fresh lemon and lavender, our deep blue bar has the scent of a sea breeze.
Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Propylene Glycol, Rapeseed
Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Propylene Glycol, Rapeseed
Ingredients: Propylene Glycol, Water (Aqua), Rapeseed
Oil; Coconut Oil (Brassica napus; Cocos nucifera),
Oil; Coconut Oil (Brassica napus; Cocos nucifera),
Oil; Coconut Oil (Brassica napus; Cocos nucifera),
Sodium Stearate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Stearate, Sodium
Coarse Sea Salt, Sodium Stearate, Sodium Lauryl
Hydroxide, Perfume, Patchouli Oil (Pogostemon cablin),
Hydroxide, Perfume, Titanium Dioxide, Fair Trade Vanilla
Sulfate, Sodium Hydroxide, Arame Seaweed (Eisenia
Sweet Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis), Lavandin Oil
Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), Glycerine, Sodium Chloride,
arborea), Lime Oil (Citrus aurantifolia), Lavender Oil
(Lavandula hybrida), Pine Oil (Pinus sylvestris),
EDTA, Tetrasodium Etidronate, Methyl Ionone, Colour
(Lavandula angustifolia), Seaweed Absolute (Fucus
Lemongrass Oil (Cymbopogon citratus), Elemi Oil
17200, Colour 14700, Colour 45410
vesiculosus), Glycerine, Sodium Chloride, EDTA, Tetraso-
(Canarium commune), Glycerine, Sodium Chloride,
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
dium Etidronate, *Citral, *Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool,
EDTA, Tetrasodium Etidronate, Gardenia Extract
Perfume, Colour 42090, Colour 19140
Gardenia jasminoides), *Citral, *Geraniol, *Citronellol,
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
*Limonene, *Linalool, Hydroxycitronellal, Colour 14700 * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$89.50 /per kilo
$8.95 /per 100g
$69.50 /per kilo
$6.95 /per 100g
$69.50 /per kilo
$6.95 /per 100g
Cleanse and refresh
Minty, fresh and stimulating
The perfect way to start your day
Keep things simple with this classic soap, lovingly made with lemon oil and glycerine.
No flowers were harmed in the making of this minty soap, created for men but loved by all.
Mummy, daddy and baby bear will all love the treacle fragrance and gently exfoliating oats.
Ingredients: Rapeseed Oil; Coconut Oil (Brassica napus;
Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Propylene Glycol, Rapeseed
Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Rapeseed Oil; Coconut Oil
Cocos nucifera), Water (Aqua), Glycerine, Propylene
Oil; Coconut Oil (Brassica napus; Cocos nucifera),
(Brassica napus; Cocos nucifera), Propylene Glycol,
Glycol, Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Sodium Hydroxide,
Sodium Stearate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Perfume,
Pinhead Oatmeal (Avena sativa), Fresh Orange Juice
Sodium Stearate, Sodium Chloride, EDTA, Tetrasodium
Glycerine, Spearmint Oil (Mentha spicata), Thyme Oil
(Citrus Aurantium dulcis), Titanium Dioxide, Sodium
Etidronate, *Citral, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume
(Thymus zygis), Menthol Crystals, Sodium Chloride,
Hydroxide, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Perfume, Labdanum
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
EDTA, Tetrasodium Etidronate, Sodium Hydroxide,
Resinoid (Cistus labdaniferus), Sweet Wild Orange Oil
*Limonene, *Linalool, Methyl Ionone, Colour 77499,
(Citrus sinensis), Glycerine, Sodium Chloride, EDTA,
Colour 61570, Colour 77019, Colour 77891
Tetrasodium Etidronate, *Limonene
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$69.50 /per kilo
$65.00 /per kilo
$69.50 /per kilo
$6.95 /per 100g
$6.95 /per 100g
$6.50 /per 100g
Shower Shower Gels We use the finest quality ingredients - freshly squeezed fruit juices, herbal infusions and organic oils - to make shower gels that will benefit your skin and your mind.
Honey I Washed The Kids Scrumptious honey shower gel. Shares the same fragrance as our bestselling Honey I Washed The Kids soap. Ingredients: Honey, Rosehip, Lotus Flowers and Tiger Lily Infusion (Rosa canina, Nelumbo nucifera and Lilium tigrinum), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Cocoamphoacetate, Water (Aqua), Perfume, Propylene Glycol, Sweet Wild Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis), Bergamot Oil (Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Titanium Dioxide,*Limonene, Geraniol, Citronellol, *Linalool, Benzyl Benzoate, Amyl Cinnamal, Lilial, Methylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
The Olive Branch
Flying Fox
Evoke the blissful feeling of a Mediterranean morning
Packed full of honey and floral essential oils
Beautifully perfumed with soft, fair trade olive oil, fresh mandarins and bergamot oil.
A luxurious gel that smoothes skin with honey, seductively fragranced with jasmine.
Ingredients: Vine Leaf Infusion (Vitis vinifera), Water (Aqua),
Ingredients: Honey, Chinese Angelica; Burdock Root
Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Cocoamphoacetate,
and Jasmine Flower Infusion (Angelica sinensis; Arctium
Fresh Mandarin Juice (Citrus nobilis), Fair Trade Olive Oil
lappa and Jasminum officinale), Water (Aqua), Sodium
(Olea europaea), Perfume, Propylene Glycol, Bergamot Oil
Cocoamphoacetate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Honey,
(Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum),
Perfume, Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum),
Orange Flower Absolute (Citrus Aurantium amara),
Ylang Ylang Oil (Cananga odorata), Cypress Oil (Cupressus
Mandarin Oil (Citrus reticulata), Fine Sea Salt, *Limonene,
sempervirens), Palmarosa Oil (Cymbopogon martini),
*Linalool, Hydroxycitronellal, Lilial, Colour 14700,
Propylene Glycol, Benzyl Alcohol, Lilial, *Geraniol,
*Limonene, *Linalool, Methylparaben
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
/500g 01202 668 545 Phone orders 1300 587 428
Happy Hippy
Like a roll in the hay, or a stroll through a morning wood
Wake up to refreshing grapefruit
Fresh wheatgrass cleanses both hair and body, while neroli oil will lift your mood.
Awaken your inner sunshine with this bright gel bursting with juicy pink grapefruit.
Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium
Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Fresh Pink Grapefruit Juice
Cocoamphoacetate, Fresh Wheatgrass Juice (Triticum
(Citrus paradisi), Grapefruit Water (Citrus paradisi), Sodium
vulgare), Lauryl Betaine, Chlorophyllin Water (CI 75810,
Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Cocoamphoacetate, Lauryl
Aqua), Perfume, Propylene Glycol, Sandalwood Oil
Betaine, Propylene Glycol, Grapefruit Oil (Citrus paradisi),
(Santalum austro-caledonicum vieill and Fusanus spicatus),
Bergamot Oil (Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Frankincense
Bergamot Oil (Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Neroli Oil (Citrus
Oil (Boswellia carterii), Lactic Acid, *Limonene, Perfume,
Aurantium amara), Fine Sea Salt, *Coumarin, *Geraniol,
*Limonene, *Linalool, Methylparaben
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
Dirty Springwash Puts a zing in your step Spearmint and menthol tingle the skin, leaving you feeling fresh and alert. Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Cocoamphoacetate, Glycerine, Lauryl Betaine, Sodium Bicarbonate, Propylene Glycol, Perfume, Fine Sea Salt, Spearmint Oil (Mentha spicata), Menthol Crystals, Thyme Oil (Thymus zygis), Hydroxycitronellal, Methyl Ionone, *Limonene, *Linalool, Colour 42090, Methylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
01202 668 545
Shower Jellies
How to use
Our fun, fragrant shower jellies are made with softening carrageenan seaweed that carries the scent of fruits and flower oils.
Chill it, freeze it or use it straight from the pot – whichever way you choose, rub our wobbly bits over your wobbly bits.
Sweetie Pie Bright, berry, wobbly fun With cherries, coconut, jelly and sparkles, this is a party in a pot. Ingredients: Glycerine, Cherry Infusion (Prunus cerasus), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Coconut Infusion (Cocos nucifera), Propylene Glycol, Carrageenan Extract (Chondrus crispus), Perfume, Bergamot Oil (Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Cassis Absolute (Ribes nigrum), Cypress Oil (Cupressus sempervirens), *Limonene, *Linalool, Snowflake Lustre, Colour 17200, Colour 42090, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
Whoosh An invigorating and uplifting start to the day A carrageenan seaweed base softens the skin, while zesty citrus oils perk you up. Ingredients: Glycerine, Honey Water (Aqua), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Propylene Glycol, Carrageenan Extract (Chondrus crispus), Perfume, Fresh Lemon Juice (Citrus limonum), Fresh Grapefruit Juice (Citrus paradisi), Fresh Lime Juice (Citrus aurantifolia), Grapefruit Oil (Citrus paradisi), Rosemary Oil (Rosmarinus officinalis), Geranium Oil (Pelargonium graveolens), *Citral, *Geraniol, *Citronellol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Colour 42090, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$6.25 /100g
$12.95 /240g
/240g Phone orders 1300 587 428
Shower Smoothies
How to use
Our shower smoothies are a soft blend of flowers, moisturising cocoa butter and almond oil that will leave your body smooth and nourished.
Work over your body whilst you’re in the shower or bath then rinse off for beautifully moisturised skin.
Dreamwash A kind and calming wash A soft shower soap with calming calamine and soothing aloe vera gel. Ingredients: Calamine Powder, Water (Aqua), Fair Trade Organic Aloe Vera Gel (Aloe barbadensis), Rapeseed Oil; Coconut Oil (Brassica napus; Cocos nucifera), Glycerine, Sodium Stearate, Sodium Hydroxide, Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), Chamomile Blue Oil (Matricaria chamomilla), Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia), Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Sodium Chloride, EDTA, Tetrasodium Etidronate, *Linalool, Perfume * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$25.95 /250g
Turkish Delight Luxurious body cleanser Delicate damask roses create a decadent creamy wash that’s full of Eastern promise. Ingredients: Rose Water (Rosa centifolia), Glycerine, Rapeseed Oil; Coconut Oil (Brassica napus; Cocos nucifera), Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Water (Aqua), Sodium Hydroxide, Perfume, Rose Oil (Rosa damascena), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum), Neroli Oil (Citrus Aurantium amara), Propylene Glycol, Sodium Chloride, EDTA, Tetrasodium Etidronate, Benzyl Salicylate, Geraniol, Citronellol, Hydroxycitronellal, Methyl Ionone, *Limonene, *Linalool, Titanium Dioxide, Colour 17200 * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$32.95 /200g
Shower Scrubs Our skin-smoothing polishers are filled with natural exfoliators like sugar and salt to buff away dead skin cells, revealing the naturally glowing skin beneath.
Rub Rub Rub Leaves skin silky smooth Mineral rich sea salt delicately fragranced with jasmine and mimosa absolutes. Ingredients: Fine Sea Salt, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Fresh Lemon Juice (Citrus limonum), Water (Aqua), Sodium Cocoamphoacetate, Jasmine Flower Infusion (Jasminum officinale), Mimosa Absolute (Acacia decurrens), Orange Flower Absolute (Citrus Aurantium amara), Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum), Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Lactic Acid, Lauryl Betaine, *Limonene, Perfume, Colour 42090, Colour 45410 * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$12.95 /330g
Sugar Scrub Effective exfoliation An intensely scrubby bar with fresh fennel, stimulating ginger root and lavender oil. Ingredients: Sugar, Sodium Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar (Potassium bitartrate), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Fresh Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), Fennel Oil (Foeniculum vulgare), Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Fresh Ginger Root (Zingiber officinale), Lauryl Betaine, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume, Chlorophyllin (CI 75810). * Occurs naturally in essential oils
/per item
How to use Scoop out of the pot or grab the whole scrub and work it all over your body in the shower or bath. Rinse off and be amazed at your softness. Phone orders 1300 587 428
Body Conditioner Decadent and deeply nourishing, our in-shower body conditioner is filled with luxurious natural butters, oils and perfumes for super-soft and fragrant skin in next to no time.
Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner
How to use Take our Body Conditioner into the shower and massage onto wet skin. Rinse off, pat dry and you’ll be left with velvety-soft skin.
Nourishing argan oil with exquisite rose A rich conditioner for silky, heavenly skin. Ingredients: Spring Water, Glycerine, Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Cypress Leaf Infusion (Cupressus sempervirens), Brazil Nut Oil (Bertholletia excelsa), Vanilla Pod Infusion (Vanilla planifolia), Fair Trade Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Stearic Acid, Argan Oil (Argania spinosa), Cupuacu Butter (Theobroma grandiflorum), Perfume, Triethanolamine, Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Goji Berry Juice (Lycium barbarum), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), Rose Oil (Rosa damascena), Geranium Oil (Pelargonium graveolens), Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), *Limonene, Cetearyl Alcohol, Citronellol, Coumarin, Geraniol, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$32.50 /225g
Body Butters Packed with natural butters, fresh fruit and essential oils, our solid body butters soften, smooth and moisturise.
How to use Rub the bar over wet skin to release the nourishing, skinconditioning ingredients, then rinse with water.
Aqua Mirabilis
You Snap The Whip
An underwater miracle
Hardcore fruity scrub
Leaves your skin bright and moisturised without feeling greasy.
The perfect balance of skin scrubby charcoal and sweet scented oils.
Ingredients: Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Almond
Ingredients: Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Organic
Butter (Prunus dulcis), Laureth 4, Ground Almond Shells
Macadamia Nut Oil (Macadamia ternifolia), Laureth 4,
(Prunus dulcis), Sandalwood Oil (Santalum austro-
Powdered Charcoal, Pumice, Perfume, Bergamot Oil
caledonicum vieill and Fusanus spicatus), Rose Absolute
(Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Cassis Absolute (Ribes
(Rosa damascena), Lilial, Perfume
nigrum), Cypress Oil (Cupressus sempervirens), *Limonene,
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
*Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$13.95 /per item
$13.95 /per item
King Of Skin Deeply moisturising butters, oils and fresh fruits. Bananas, avocados and oatmilk take the crown in this smooth moisturising bar. Ingredients: Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Fresh Bananas (Musa paradisica), Oat Milk (Avena sativa), Fresh Avocado (Persea gratissima), Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Perfume, Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Tangerine Oil (Citrus reticulata), Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Sandalwood Oil (Santalum austro-caledonicum vieill and Fusanus spicatus), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), Frankincense Resinoid (Boswellia carterii), *Limonene, *Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$12.95 /per item
Buffy Feel-good exfoliation Buffs your backside and slays dead skin, leaving you angel soft. Ingredients: Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Ground Rice (Oryza sativa), Ground Almonds (Prunus dulcis), Ground Aduki Beans (Phaseolus angularis), Perfume, Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), *Citral, *Limonene, *Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$13.95 /per item $24.95 /per item
Square Tin $5.95
55 Phone orders 1300 587 428
Body Lotions A heavenly range of lotions to soothe, calm and hydrate stressed-out skin. Made from the finest natural ingredients to make you feel fine.
Vanilla Dee-Lite Smooth is in the heart This light lotion absorbs quickly, leaving only soft skin and a delicious fragrance. Ingredients: Hibiscus Infusion (Hibiscus sabdariffa), Spring Water, Coconut Water (Cocos nucifera), Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Stearic Acid, Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Fresh Kiwi Fruit (Actinidia chinensis), Glycerine, Triethanolamine, Illipe Butter (Shorea stenoptera), Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum), Tonka Absolute (Dipteryx odorata), Organic Tamanu Oil (Calophyllum inophyllum), Cetearyl Alcohol, *Coumarin, Hydroxycitronellal, Lilial, Perfume, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$29.95 /250g
Karma Kream
Sympathy For The Skin
Experience the exotic
Feed thirsty skin
A luxurious cream loaded with our signature orange and patchouli fragrance, Karma.
A rich cream, hydrating and nourishing, with a comforting banana custard fragrance.
Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Orange Flower Water (Citrus
Ingredients: Vanilla Pod Infusion (Vanilla planifolia), Almond
Aurantium amara), Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Glycerine,
Oil (Prunus dulcis), Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter
Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao),
(Theobroma cacao), Fresh Bananas (Musa paradisica),
Stearic Acid, Triethanolamine, Patchouli Oil (Pogostemon
Stearic Acid, Glycerine, Triethanolamine, Sandalwood Oil
cablin), Sweet Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis), Lavandin Oil
(Santalum austro-caledonicum vieill and Fusanus spicatus),
(Lavandula hybrida), Pine Oil (Pinus sylvestris), Lemongrass
Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Labdanum Resinoid (Cistus
Oil (Cymbopogon citratus), Elemi Oil (Canarium commune),
ladaniferus), Cetearyl Alcohol, *Limonene, Perfume,
Tincture of Benzoin (Styrax benzoin), Cetearyl Alcohol,
Methylparaben, Propylparaben
*Cinnamal, *Citral, *Geraniol, *Citronellol, *Limonene,
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
*Linalool, Perfume, Methylparaben, Propylparaben. * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$34.95 /225g
$29.95 /240g
Dream Cream For easily upset skin Packed full of soothing ingredients, let Dream Cream work its magic on you.
Ingredients: Oat Milk (Avena sativa), Rose Water (Rosa centifolia), Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Olea europaea), Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Glycerine, Stearic Acid, Triethanolamine, Tincture of Benzoin (Styrax benzoin), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), Chamomile Blue Oil (Matricaria chamomilla), Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia), Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Cetearyl Alcohol, *Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume, Methylparaben, Propylparaben. * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$29.95 /240g
Breast Cream Tighten and firm the skin with our cream formulated with natural oils and flower infusions to make the skin irresistibly soft and scented.
Lovely Jubblies Everybody needs a bosom for a pillow Tighten and firm with a floral fragrance for an irresistible dĂŠcolletage Ingredients: Meadowsweet Infusion (Spiraea ulmaria), Fresh Rose Infusion (Rosa damascena), Organic Cold Pressed Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Stearic Acid, Glycerine, Organic Cold Pressed Evening Primrose Oil (Oenothera biennis), Organic Avocado Oil (Persea gratissima), Honey (Citrus Aurantium dulcis), Triethanolamine, Lemongrass Oil (Cymbopogon citratus), Ylang Ylang Oil (Cananga odorata), Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum), Tiger Lily Petals (Lilium tigrinum), Beeswax (Cera alba), Phenoxyethanol, Cetearyl Alcohol, *Citral, *Geraniol, Benzyl Salicylate, Benzyl Alcohol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume * Occurs naturally in essential oils
/100g Phone orders 1300 587 428
Charity Pot With every penny you spend on Charity Pot, minus the GST, you will be donating to carefully selected grassroots causes for people, animals and the environment. In 2013 we raised over £2.5 million globally, and since Charity Pot was launched in 2007 over £7 million has been given away around the world. Head to to learn more about how your money helps. If you are passionate about a charity or any other group that aims to make a positive change in the world, please let us know and email
Lush Australia funded…
Lush North America funded…
Bryn’s School
Beagle Freedom Project
Bryn’s School is a small family run organisation that has built 6 schools in developing countries with the objective to build 16 in memory of Bryn Hendry who, at the age of 16, made the tragic decision to end his own life. They are 100% volunteer run, the family live and work with the local communities and empower them to manage and run each project to ensure the schools are sustainable once they leave.
Beagle Freedom Project (BFP) was formed to rescue animals from laboratories, provide rehabilitative and veterinary care, and the perfect permanent adoptive homes. BFP’s ultimate goal is to END animal testing. Rescuing animals from labs and allowing the public to “meet” the faces of vivisection takes us one step closer to that goal. BFP negotiates for the legal release of experimentally ‘spent’ animals that would otherwise be killed, and champions campaign policy initiatives to end animal testing.
Charity Pot The hand and body lotion with charitable roots A beautiful floral-scented lotion that benefits worthy causes as well as your skin. Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Fairtrade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Glycerine, Stearic Acid, Ylang Ylang Oil (Cananga odorata), Geranium Oil (Pelargonium graveolens), Tagetes Oil (Tagetes minuta), Triethanolamine, Cetearyl Alcohol, Geraniol, Citronellol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume, Gardenia Extract (Gardenia jasminoides), Methylparaben, Propylparaben. * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$14.50 $32.50
Lush Japan funded…
Lush UK funded…
Center for Prisoners’ Rights Japan
The Black Fish
The death penalty has become more frequent in the last few years in Japan, despite the fact that UN has been recommending the abolition of the death penalty. Center for Prisoners’ Rights Japan works to improve and protect human rights in the Criminal Detention facilities. Its goal is to achieve, ultimately, the abolition of death penalty in Japan. They protested against the death penalty in front of Parliament on the day a prisoner was executed.
Do you love the ocean? Lush UK recently funded an important campaign to stop the use of destructive driftnets, which harm marine wildlife and are illegal. The Black Fish campaigns to stop illegal overfishing in European seas. Using drones and sending in undercover investigators, they work tirelessly to expose and challenge fishing crime. The Black Fish approach is all about empowering and training up ordinary citizens, so see how you can get involved yourself.
59 Phone orders 1300 587 428
Hands Our hands face daily hardships, so treat them to one of our hand care products. Each features deeply nourishing butters and oils that give a helping hand to cracked, sore or dry skin.
Helping Hands Soothes and deeply nourishes dry, cracked hands Chamomile, honey and lavender make this a kind and soothing cream for the hands. Ingredients: Chamomile Water (Anthemis nobilis), Linseed Mucilage (Linum usitatissimum), Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Glycerine, Stearic Acid, Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Cetearyl Alcohol, Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Triethanolamine, Honey, Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), African Marigold Oil (Tagetes erecta), Perfume, Alkanet Extract (Alkanna tinctoria), *Limonene, *Linalool, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$9.95 /45g
$18.95 /100g
Handy Gurugu Comfort hard-worked hands with Fair Trade shea butter A butter-rich cream to nourish and protect the hands with an earthy, herbal scent. Ingredients: Rose Water (Rosa centifolia), Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Glycerine, Stearic Acid, Organic Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Triethanolamine, Fresh Lemon Juice (Citrus limonum), Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), Chamomile Blue Oil (Matricaria chamomilla), Organic Evening Primrose Oil (Oenothera biennis), Organic Peanut Butter (Arachis hypogaea), Pumpkinseed Butter (Cucurbita), Cashew Butter (Anacardium occidentale), Almond Butter (Prunus dulcis), Tincture of Benzoin (Styrax benzoin), Cetearyl Alcohol, Methyl Ionone, *Benzyl Salicylate, *Coumarin, *Geraniol, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Farnesol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume, Chlorophyllin (CI 75810), Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$18.95 /100g
How to use Rub between hands to melt the butters and massage in the caring essential oils - this light formula won’t leave you with that greasy feeling.
Tiny Hands Softening solid hand cream Moisturise overworked hands with luxurious butters and a light, floral fragrance. Ingredients: Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Talc, Fair Trade Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Extract of Marigold petals in Argan Oil (Calendula officinalis in Argania spinosa), Sago and Safflower Petals Decoction (Carthamus tinctorius), Perfume, Aloe Vera Extract (Aloe barbadensis), Vanilla Extract (Vanilla planifolia), Chamomile Blue Oil (Matricaria chamomilla), Chamomile Oil (Anthemis nobilis), African Marigold Oil (Tagetes erecta), *Citral, *Coumarin, Geraniol, Lilial, *Linalool, *Limonene * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$7.50 /per item
Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter The all-round repair cream for softening dry bits A thick and zesty lemon-scented butter to soften rough or hard skin. Ingredients: Fresh Lemon Infusion (Citrus limonum), Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Beeswax (Cera alba), Lanolin, Soya Oil (Glycine soja), Organic Avocado Oil (Persea gratissima), Organic Linseed Oil (Linum usitatissimum), Mango Butter (Mangifera indica), Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Castor Oil (Ricinus communis), Perfume, Organic Cold Pressed Wheatgerm Oil (Triticum vulgare), Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Tagetes Oil (Tagetes minuta), Chamomile Blue Oil (Matricaria chamomilla), Triethanolamine, Stearic Acid, Cetearyl Alcohol, Gardenia Extract (Gardenia jasminoides), *Citral, *Geraniol, *Citronellol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$16.50 /50g Phone orders 1300 587 428
Feet If your feet don’t quite step up to the mark, give them some TLC with our range of products to soothe, scrub, scent and moisturise.
How to use Scrub on to wet feet, massage over hard bits and rinse off for feet that feel so good you’ll have a spring in your step!
Stepping Stone Dead skin’s arch nemesis Scrub away dead skin with pumice and fine sea salt to keep your feet soft and fresh. Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Pumice Powder, Citric Acid, Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Fine Sea Salt, Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Lemongrass Oil (Cymbopogon citratus), Gardenia Extract (Gardenia jasminoides), Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Lime Oil (Citrus aurantifolia), Water (Aqua), Lycopodium Powder, *Citral, *Geraniol, *Citronellol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume, Colour 42090 * Occurs naturally in essential oils
/per item
Fair Trade Foot Lotion Soothing, cooling, minty fresh Freshen your toes, soften your soles and ease tired feet. Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Arnica Infusion (Arnica Montana), Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Glycerine, Stearic Acid, Triethanolamine, Spearmint Oil (Mentha spicata), Peppermint Oil (Mentha piperita), Tagetes Oil (Tagetes minuta), Lanolin, Cetearyl Alcohol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume, Colour 17200, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$22.95 /225g
T For Toes Stave off whiffs and pongs; prevention is better than cure! A powerful deodorising powder with natural antimicrobial ingredients for healthy feet. Ingredients: Kaolin, Sodium Bicarbonate, Powdered Horsetail Herb (Equisetum arvense), Powdered Walnut Leaf (Juglans regia), Powdered Broom Tops (Cytisus scoparius), Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia), Lime Oil (Citrus aurantifolia), *Citral, *Geraniol, *Citronellol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$10.95 /60g
Volcano A foot mask to soften, scrub and soothe troubled feet With pumice, deep cleansing clays and enzymic fruits, this is a total foot treatment. Ingredients: Kaolin, Pumice, Limeflower and Cleaver Decoction (Tilia europaea and Galium aparine), Fresh Tomato (Lycopersican esculentum), Fresh Papaya (Carica papaya), Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum), Glycerine, Bentonite Gel, Menthol Crystals, Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Cinnamon Leaf Oil (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), *Eugenol, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$12.50 /125g
63 Phone orders 1300 587 428
Massage Bars Human touch can reduce stress and boost immune functions. Help make each other healthier, happier and a whole lot smoother with one of our massage bars, all made with Fair Trade organic cocoa butter.
How to use Warm up between your hands, rub straight on to skin - whether it’s yours or a friend’s - then take your time massaging the oils in.
Wiccy Magic Muscles Aches and pains begone! A warming, spicy bar to bring relief to aching muscles with a velvety massage. Ingredients: Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Aduki Beans (Phaseolus angularis), Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Cinnamon Leaf Oil (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Peppermint Oil (Mentha piperita), Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), *Cinnamyl Alcohol, *Cinnamal, *Coumarin, *Eugenol, *Isoeugenol, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$14.95 /per item
Each Peach Exotic citrus energiser A zesty, uplifting treat for the skin, with natural fruit butters and essential oils. Ingredients: Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Perfume, Avocado Butter (Persea gratissima), Mango Kernel Butter (Mangifera indica), Lime Oil (Citrus aurantifolia), Sweet Wild Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis), Mandarin Oil (Citrus reticulata), Grapefruit Oil (Citrus paradisi), Safflower Petals (Carthamus tinctorius), *Citral, *Geraniol, *Citronellol, *Limonene, *Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$14.95 /per item
Strawberry Feels Forever Feely fruity? We’ve crushed fresh strawberries and infused hibiscus flowers into this massage bar to put you in the mood. Ingredients: Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Fair Trade Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Fresh Strawberries (Fragaria vesca), Glycerine, Perfume, Hibiscus Extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa), Bergamot Oil (Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Olibanum Oil (Boswellia carterii), Geranium Oil (Pelargonium graveolens), Benzyl Alcohol, *Citronellol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Colour 73360. * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$13.50 /per item
Suitable for Vegans
Therapy Because everybody needs a little sometimes Simple, gentle and deeply moisturising with organic, mood-enhancing essential oils. Ingredients: Fair Trade Organic Colombian Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao butter), Organic Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii butter), Organic Sweet Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis oil), Organic Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia oil), Organic Neroli Oil (Citrus Aurantium amara oil), *Citral, *Geraniol, *Farnesol, *Limonene, *Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$14.95 /per item
Oval Tin $5.95 /each
65 Phone orders 1300 587 428
Hottie Warming and stimulating
Our spicy, knobbly bar to warm up and ease your tired heavily-worked muscles. Ingredients: Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Perfume, Ginger Oil (Zingiber officinale), Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), Black Pepper Oil (Piper nigrum), *Benzyl Salicylate, *Citral, *Coumarin, *Geraniol, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Benzyl Cinnamate, *Farnesol, Lilial, *Limonene, *Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$10.50 /per item
Soft Coeur
Give a little love
Forgiveness, acceptance, calm and content
Spend a quiet night in with our heart-shaped honey and chocolate massage bar.
Take time to find your inner calm with our gently-scented massage bar. Ingredients: Fair Trade Organic Colombian Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Fair Trade
Ingredients: Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Shea Butter
Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Perfume, Fair Trade Olive Oil (Olea europaea),
(Butyrospermum parkii), Honey, Cocoa Powder (Theobroma cacao), Perfume, Almond Oil
*Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool
(Prunus dulcis), Glycerine, Sweet Wild Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis), Bergamot Oil (Citrus
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
Aurantium bergamia), *Limonene, *Linalool, Benzyl Benzoate * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$10.50 /per item
$14.95 /per item
Body Tint Rich, moisturising bars with a hint of colour and lustre. Smooth over your arms, legs and wherever else you want to enjoy sultry, shimmering skin.
How to use Rub directly onto your skin to melt the butters with your body heat; then spread evenly with your hands until you are happy with the coverage.
Shimmy Shimmy For a glorious glow Glides smoothly over the skin, adding sparkle and shine wherever it goes.
Ingredients: Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Calcium Sodium Borosilicate (and) Titanium Dioxide, Fair Trade Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Perfume, Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), Clary Sage Oil (Salvia sclarea), Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Benzoin Resinoid (Styrax tonkinensis pierre), *Linalool, Coumarin * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$10.50 /per item
Black Stockings Spicy, sensual shimmer Achieve a deep bronzed glow with the tropical scent of sweet orange, cinnamon leaf and pimento berry. Ingredients: Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Perfume, Cinnamon Leaf Oil (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Sweet Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis), Pimento Berry Oil (Pimenta officinalis), *Cinnamyl Alcohol, *Cinnamal, *Eugenol, *Benyzl Benzoate, *Limonene, *Linalool, Alumina, Tin Oxide, Colour 77891, Colour 77019, Colour 77491 * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$10.50 /per item Phone orders 1300 587 428
Deos and Dusting Powders Our gentle deodorants and powders keep you fresh with fragrant essential oils and anti-microbial ingredients, whilst our dusting Patchouli pong preventer powders are created to soften and delicately perfume the skin. Witch hazel and vinegar help tighten pores,
How to use Rub the solid bars and powdered deodorants straight onto dry armpits. The dusting powders are versatile so use them anywhere you want to stay fresh and dry
T’eo A convenient way to keep fresh
leaving the earthy fragrance of patchouli.
Super-absorbant powders, lemon and juniperberry oils and fresh green grapes condensed into a handy bar.
Ingredients: Witch Hazel Infusion (Hamamelis virginiana),
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar
Propylene Glycol, Sodium Stearate, Chamomile Vinegar
(Potassium bitartrate), Apricot Kernel Oil (Prunus
(Anthemis nobilis), Sodium Bicarbonate, Patchouli Oil
armeniaca), Blue Wax (Specerit Blue C), Tea Tree Oil
(Pogostemon cablin), *Citral, *Limonene, Perfume
(Melaleuca alternifolia), Magnesium Carbonate, Lemon Oil
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
(Citrus limonum), Juniperberry Oil (Juniperus communis), Lemongrass Oil (Cymbopogon citratus), Fresh Green Grapes (Vitis vinifera), Blue Cornflower Petals (Centaurea cyanus), *Citral, *Eugenol, *Geraniol, *Citronellol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume * Occurs naturally in essential oils
/per 100g
$10.50 /90g
The Guv’ner
The Greeench
Gets the job done
The gentle power of herbs
Super-absorbant deo duo of charcoal and lycopodium, with vetivert and patchouli.
Effective herbal powder to instantly banish bad smells without irritating the skin.
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Lycopodium Powder,
Ingredients: Talc, Sodium Bicarbonate, Magnesium
Magnesium Trisilicate, Powdered Charcoal, Calamine
Trisilicate, Lycopodium Powder, Perfume, Water (Aqua),
Powder, Sage Powder (Salvia officinalis), Lavender Powder
Thyme Oil (Thymus zygis), Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca
(Lavandula angustifolia), Perfume, Patchouli Powder
alternifolia), Benzoin Resinoid (Styrax tonkinensis pierre),
(Pogostemon cablin), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena),
Powdered Sage (Salvia officinalis), Powdered Tea Tree
Vetivert Oil (Vetiveria zizanoides), *Geraniol, *Limonene,
(Melaleuca alternifolia), Powdered Rosemary (Rosmarinus
officinalis), *Limonene, *Linalool, Chlorophyllin (CI 75810)
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$15.95 /80g
$10.95 /75g
Silky Underwear
Vanilla Puff
Unapologetically sexy
For enviable skin
Sweetly scented softness
Cover yourself in lustre for golden shimmer with the jasmine-filled fragrance of Lust.
A sensual, heady jasmine and vetivert fragrance with softening cocoa butter makes this a powder of perfection.
Step out of the bath into a warm hug of sweet vanilla to keep your skin smooth and soft.
Ingredients: Cornflour (Zea mays), Radiant Gold Lustre,
Ingredients: Cornstarch (Zea mays), Kaolin, Cocoa Butter
Ingredients: Cornstarch (Zea mays), Magnesium
Magnesium Carbonate, Talc, Perfume, Jasmine Absolute,
(Theobroma cacao), Magnesium Carbonate, Perfume,
Carbonate, Talc, Perfume, Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute
(Jasminum grandiflorum), Ylang Ylang Oil (Cananga
Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum), Vetivert
(Vanilla planifolia), Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum
odorata), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), Fair Trade
Oil (Vetiveria zizanoides), *Cinnamyl Alcohol, *Benzyl
grandiflorum), Tonka Absolute (Dipteryx odorata), Vanilla
Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), Sandalwood Oil
Cinnamate, *Linalool
Pod (Vanilla planifolia), *Coumarin, Hydroxycitronellal
(Santalum austro-caledonicum vieill), *Benzyl Salicylate,
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$10.95 /60g
$10.95 /50g
*Citral, *Eugenol, *Geraniol, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Citronellol, *Farnesol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Benzyl Alcohol * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$15.95 /40g
Multi-purpose Balm Organic jojoba oil, rose wax and candelilla wax combine to create this balm, for anywhere and everywhere.
How to use Use it anywhere that needs some moisture; on your hands, flyaway hair, as lip balm, on dry knees and elbows, even to tame unruly eyebrows.
Ultrabalm Perfect for bits that chap and chafe Another simple but effective formula, an essential for everyone. Ingredients: Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Candelilla Wax (Euphorbia cerifera), Rose Wax (Rosa damascena) * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$8.95 /45g
Get a gorgeous glow with our cleansers, moisturisers, masks and scrubs.
Face & Body Cleansers Everyone likes to cleanse their skin differently, and whether it’s for your face or body – or both – we’ve got fresh, solid or cream cleansers to suit your needs.
How to use Take a small amount in the palm of your hand, add a little water and mix into a paste. Massage into your skin to gently cleanse, then rinse with warm water.
Aqua Marina Calm and soothe with ingredients sourced from the sea A mix of calamine, aloe vera and Irish moss gel, with mineral-rich seaweed and sea salt.
Let The Good Times Roll Scrubs and softens Polenta and maize flour gently exfoliate, while cinnamon powder stimulates the skin.
Ingredients: Glycerine, Calamine Powder, Kaolin, Irish
Ingredients: Maize flour (Zea mays), Glycerine, Talc,
Moss Gel (Chondrus crispus), Fair Trade Organic Aloe
Water (Aqua), Corn oil (Zea mays), Polenta, Fair Trade
Vera Gel (Aloe barbadensis), Fine Sea Salt, Nori Seaweed
Cinnamon Powder (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Perfume,
(Algae), Sweet Wild Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis), Patchouli
Gardenia Extract (Gardenia jasminoides), Popcorn
Oil (Pogostemon cablin), Carrageenan Extract (Chondrus
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
crispus), Perfume * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$169.50 /per kilo
$16.95 /per 100g
$169.50 /per kilo
$16.95 /per 100g
Angels On Bare Skin Herbalism
Dark Angels
For naturally beautiful skin
Scrub to reveal a natural glow
Lavender, rose absolute and chamomile blue oil even out skin tone and improve the health of your skin.
A herbal combination to balance and clear the skin The herbal mix of nettle and rosemary cleanses, while almonds and rice bran exfoliate.
Charcoal, cleansing rhassoul mud and coldpressed avocado oil to wake up the skin. Ingredients: Rhassoul Mud, Organic Avocado Oil (Persea
Ingredients: Ground Almonds (Prunus dulcis), Glycerine, Kaolin, Water (Aqua), Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), Chamomile Blue Oil (Matricaria chamomilla), Tagetes Oil (Tagetes minuta), Benzoin Resinoid (Styrax tonkinensis pierre), Lavender Flowers (Lavandula angustifolia), *Limonene, *Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
Ingredients: Ground Almonds (Prunus dulcis), Kaolin, Glycerine, Chlorophyllin Water (CI 75810, Aqua), Nettle; Rosemary and Rice Vinegar Extract, (Urtica dioica and Rosmarinus officinalis), Rice Bran (Oryza sativa), Gardenia Extract (Gardenia jasminoides), Rose Absolute (Rosa
gratissima), Glycerine, Powdered Charcoal, Black Sugar, Sodium Lauroyl Sarcosinate, Perfume, *Linalool, Sandalwood Oil (Santalum austro-caledonicum vieill and Fusanus spicatus), Rosewood Oil (Aniba rosaeodora) * Occurs naturally in essential oils
damascena), Chamomile Blue Oil (Matricaria chamomilla), Sage Oil (Salvia officinalis), Perfume * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$169.50 /per kilo
$16.95 /per 100g
$169.50 /per kilo
$16.95 /per 100g
$169.50 /per kilo
$16.95 /per 100g Phone orders 1300 587 428
Fresh Farmacy
Calm things down the natural way
Absorbs oil, cleans and clears
Cult classic cream cleanser
A mild calamine and chamomile soap with cooling and calming properties.
Clean up with this antiseptic rosewood and sandalwood facial soap.
Almond oil, honey and rose for the most gentle, thorough cleanse.
Ingredients: Calamine Powder, Propylene Glycol,
Ingredients: Liquorice Root Decoction (Glycyrrhiza glabra),
Ingredients: Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Rose Water
Chamomile Decoction (Anthemis nobilis), Elderflower
Propylene Glycol, Rapeseed Oil; Coconut Oil (Brassica
(Rosa centifolia), Beeswax (Cera alba), Honey, Fresh
Decoction (Sambucus nigra), Rapeseed Oil; Coconut
napus; Cocos nucifera), Water (Aqua), Perfume, Sodium
Iris Extract (Iris florentina), Glycerine, Rose Absolute
Oil (Brassica napus; Cocos nucifera), Sodium Lauryl
Stearate, Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate,
(Rosa damascena), Tincture of Benzoin (Styrax benzoin),
Sulfate, Sodium Stearate, Sodium Hydroxide, Water
Powdered Charcoal, Sandalwood Oil (Santalum austro-
Methylparaben, Propylparaben
(Aqua), Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Chamomile
caledonicum vieill and Fusanus spicatus), Rosewood Oil
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
Blue Oil (Matricaria chamomilla), Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca
(Aniba rosaeodora), Glycerine, Sodium Chloride, EDTA,
alternifolia), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), Glycerine,
Tetrasodium Etidronate, *Geraniol, *Linalool, Silver Edible
Sodium Chloride, EDTA, Tetrasodium Etidronate,
*Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$159.50 /per kilo
$15.95 /per 100g
Ocean Salt Coconuts and lime Scrub and soften with mineral rich sea salt, avocado butter and coconut oil. Ingredients: Fine Sea Salt, Fresh Grapefruit Infusion
$159.50 /per kilo
$15.95 /per 100g
Mask Of Magnaminty The multi-purpose mask Use anywhere to fight breakouts with these gentle but effective ingredients.
(Citrus paradisi), Coarse Sea Salt, Stearic Acid, Fresh
$17.95 /per 45g
$28.95 /per 100g
9 To 5 Softening cleansing milk With almond oil and dove orchid to moisturise and soothe. Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Stearic Acid, Fresh Dove Orchid Extract (Dendrobium),
Lime Extracted in Vodka (Citrus aurantifolia), Sodium
Ingredients: Bentonite Gel, Kaolin, Honey, Talc, Ground
Everlasting Flower Absolute (Helichrysum italicum), Ylang
Cocoamphoacetate, Glycol Cetearate, Triethanolamine,
Aduki Beans (Phaseolus angularis), Glycerine, Evening
Ylang Oil (Cananga odorata), Triethanolamine, Cetearyl
Avocado Butter (Persea gratissima), Extra Virgin Coconut
Primrose Seeds (Oenothera biennis), Peppermint Oil
Alcohol, Perfume, Methylparaben, Propylparaben
Oil (Cocos nucifera), Lime Oil (Citrus aurantifolia), Seaweed
(Mentha piperita), African Marigold Oil (Tagetes erecta),
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
Absolute (Fucus vesiculosus), Violet Leaf Absolute (Viola
Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), *Limonene,
odorata), Glycerine, Lanolin, Cetearyl Alcohol, *Limonene,
Perfume, Chlorophyllin (CI 75810), Methylparaben
*Linalool, Perfume, Colour 42090, Methylparaben,
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$22.50 /per 120g
$34.95 /per 250g
$16.95 /per 125g
$9.95 /per 95g
$17.95 /per 240g
Toners & Steamers However you like to tone your skin, our toner waters and tabs are filled with flower and essential oils to keep your face looking bright and refreshed.
How to use Drop your toner tab into hot water. As it fizzes and dissolves, lean over and the steam will open your pores and the essential oils will be absorbed.
Dream Steam
Tea Tree Toner Tab
Steam a little dream of me...
Treat and clear your skin with the power of nature
With the same blend of essential oils used in Dream Cream, this tab cleanses the skin and calms the mind.
Give your troubled skin this powerful yet gentle treatment of tea tree and aloe vera.
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Perfume,
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Citric Acid, Tea Tree
Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Rose Absolute (Rosa
Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia), Fair Trade Organic Aloe Vera
damascena), Chamomile Blue Oil (Matricaria chamomilla),
Powder (Aloe barbadensis), Water (Aqua), Chlorophyllin
Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia), *Citronellol, *Geraniol,
*Limonene, *Linalool, Rose Petals
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$2.50 /per item
$2.50 /per item
Tea Tree Water
Eau Roma Water
Breath Of Fresh Air
Cleansing and refreshing
Kind aromatherapy water
The sea breeze captured in a bottle
Antibacterial tea tree and grapefruit to keep skin clear and refreshed throughout the day.
A gentle toner with rose and lavender for simple, effective cleansing.
Ingredients: Tea Tree Water (Melaleuca alternifolia),
Ingredients: Lavender Water (Lavandula angustifolia), Rose
Grapefruit Water (Citrus paradisi), Juniperberry
Water (Rosa centifolia), *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume,
Water (Juniperus communis), *Limonene, Perfume,
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
A refreshing facial spritzer with cooling aloe vera, sea water and seaweed. Ingredients: Spring Water, Fresh Sea Water, Fair Trade Organic Aloe Vera Gel (Aloe barbadensis), Perfume, Carrageenan Extract (Chondrus crispus), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), Patchouli Oil (Pogostemon cablin), Rosemary Oil (Rosmarinus officinalis), Seaweed Absolute (Fucus vesiculosus), *Limonene, *Linalool, Methylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$9.95 /100g
$19.95 /250g
$9.95 /100g
$19.95 /250g
$9.95 /100g
$19.95 /250g Phone orders 1300 587 428
Facial Moisturisers Created with beautiful essential oils and exquisite ingredients, our moisturisers are specially crafted for the delicate skin of your face. From light and refreshing to hydrating and nourishing, there’s something to suit everyone.
Celestial Simple, gentle and heavenly Soothing orchids steeped in almond oil to calm the skin. Ingredients: Vanilla Water (Vanilla planifolia), Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Almond Milk (Prunus dulcis), Glycerine, Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Fresh Dove Orchid Extract (Dendrobium), Cetearyl Alcohol, Stearic Acid, Triethanolamine, Methylparaben, Propylparaben. * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$27.95 /45g
Imperialis For skin that can’t make up its mind From our roots in English herbalism, a loose emulsion with lavender, orange flowers and tiger lillies to balance the skin. Ingredients: Lavender Flower Infusion (Lavandula angustifolia), Mullein Leaf Infusion (Verbascum thapsus), Orange Blossom Water (Citrus Aurantium dulcis), Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Olea europaea), Stearic Acid, Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Glycerine, Cetearyl Alcohol, Orange Flower Absolute (Citrus Aurantium amara), Brunello Lily Petals (Lilium Asiatic ‘Brunello’), St. Johns Wort Extract (Hypericum perforatum), Elderflower Extract (Sambucus nigra), Sweet Violet Extract (Viola odorata), Sunflower Petal Extract (Helianthus annuus), Alkanet Extract (Alkanna tinctoria), Triethanolamine, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$33.95 /45g
Skin Drink
Vanishing Cream
Hydrating and softening
Light and refreshing
Light and balancing
Organic sesame oil and avocados nourish your skin, leaving a supple protective layer.
A whole lemon in every pot to leave your skin feeling fresh, bright and balanced.
An easily absorbed cream with lavender and witch hazel to leave your skin feeling soft and perfectly balanced.
Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Fair Trade Organic Sesame
Ingredients: Fresh Lemon Infusion (Citrus limonum), Fair
Oil (Sesamum indicum), Fresh Rose Petal Infusion (Rosa
Trade Organic Aloe Vera Gel (Aloe barbadensis), Fair Trade
Ingredients: Linseed Infusion (Linum usitatissimum),
centifolia), Fresh Avocado (Persea gratissima), Almond
Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Stearic Acid,
Water (Aqua), Rose Water (Rosa centifolia), Lavender
Oil (Prunus dulcis), Propylene Glycol, Fair Trade Organic
Freshly Juiced Papaya (Carica papaya), Organic Avocado
Honey Water (Lavandula angustifolia), Organic Cold
Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Stearic Acid, Cetearyl
Oil (Persea gratissima), Glycerine, Triethanolamine, Freshly
Pressed Grapeseed Oil (Vitis vinifera), Honey, Stearic Acid,
Alcohol, Aloe Vera Extract (Aloe barbadensis), Fair Trade
Juiced Lemon (Citrus limonum), Organic Cold Pressed
Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Witch Hazel
Organic Aloe Vera Gel (Aloe barbadensis), Organic
Evening Primrose Oil (Oenothera biennis), Organic Cold
Extract (Hamamelis virginiana), Fair Trade Shea Butter
Evening Primrose Oil (Oenothera biennis), Neroli Oil (Citrus
Pressed Wheatgerm Oil (Triticum vulgare), Tangerine Oil
(Butyrospermum parkii), Cetearyl Alcohol, Triethanolamine,
Aurantium amara), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena),
(Citrus reticulata), Lime Oil (Citrus aurantifolia), Cetearyl
Camellia Oil (Camellia japonica), Lavender Oil (Lavandula
Triethanolamine, *Geraniol, *Farnesol, *Limonene, *Linalool,
Alcohol, Lilial, *Limonene, Perfume, Methylparaben,
angustifolia), Neroli Oil (Citrus Aurantium amara), Geranium
*Citronellol, Methylparaben, Propylparaben
Oil (Pelargonium graveolens), Glycerine, Tincture of
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
Benzoin (Styrax benzoin), *Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$27.95 /45g
Gorgeous When only the very best will do Freshly juiced fruits with cold-pressed and organic oils for brightened, revived skin. Ingredients: Orange Blossom Honey Water (Citrus Aurantium dulcis), Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Olea europaea), Stearic Acid, Organic Cold Pressed Evening Primrose Oil (Oenothera biennis), Organic Avocado Oil (Persea gratissima), Glycerine, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Fresh Lemon Juice (Citrus limonum), Organic Cold Pressed Wheatgerm Oil (Triticum vulgare), Fresh Orange Juice (Citrus Aurantium dulcis), Organic Cold Pressed Grapeseed Oil (Vitis vinifera), Fresh Pineapple Juice (Ananas sativus), Orange Flower Absolute (Citrus Aurantium amara), Neroli Oil (Citrus Aurantium amara), Myrrh Resinoid (Commiphora myrrha), Triethanolamine, Cetearyl Alcohol, *Geraniol, *Farnesol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Hydroxycitronellal, Perfume, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$74.95 /45g
$34.95 /45g
$39.95 /45g Phone orders 1300 587 428
Skin’s Shangri La
Cosmetic Lad
British Nanny
Takes your skin to a happy place
You don’t have to be a lad to use this cream, but it helps!
The ultimate in hydration
A rich, silky cream with exquisite ingredients, fresh wheatgrass juice and cold-pressed oils for a luxurious feeling on the skin.
Designed to calm and soften razorroughened skin, with cooling aloe vera and soothing lavender honey water.
Ingredients: Queen of Hungary Water, Fair Trade Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Fresh Wheatgrass Juice (Triticum vulgare), Kelp Flakes, Fair Trade Organic Aloe Vera Gel (Aloe barbadensis), Glycerine, Stearic Acid, Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Cetearyl Alcohol, Organic Cold Pressed Evening Primrose Oil (Oenothera biennis), Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Organic Cold Pressed Wheatgerm Oil (Triticum vulgare), Beeswax (Cera alba), Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), Violet Leaf Absolute (Viola odorata), Lanolin, Triethanolamine, *Benzyl Salicylate, *Geraniol, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Farnesol, *Linalool, Perfume, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
A rich protective cream with fresh apple juice and brunello lily infusion. Ingredients: Brunello Lily infusion (Lilium Asiatic ‘Brunello’), Glycerine, Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Ethylhexyl
Ingredients: Lavender Honey Water (Lavandula angustifolia), Linseed Mucilage (Linum usitatissimum), Fair Trade Organic Aloe Vera Gel (Aloe barbadensis), Chickweed; Chamomile and Marigold Petal Extract (Stellaria media; Anthemis nobilis and Calendula officinalis), Organic Cold Pressed Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Fresh Wheatgrass Juice (Triticum vulgare), Stearic Acid, Glycerine, Cetearyl Alcohol, Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), African Marigold Oil (Tagetes erecta), Tangerine Oil (Citrus reticulata), Sandalwood Oil (Santalum austro-caledonicum vieill and Fusanus spicatus), Triethanolamine, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume, Methylparaben, Propylparaben
Methoxycinnamate, Cold Pressed Organic Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Glyceryl Stearate & PEG 100 Stearate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Organic Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane, Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Cold Pressed Organic Starflower Oil (Borago officinalis), Hibiscus Seed Oil (Hibiscus sabdariffa), Fresh Apple Juice (Pyrus malus), Lanolin, Everlasting Flower Absolute (Gnaphalium uliginosum), Ylang Ylang Oil (Cananga odorata), Bee Pollen, Candelilla Wax (Euphorbia cerifera), Phenoxyethanol, Benzyl Alcohol, *Citronellol, *Linalool, Hydroxycitronellal, Methyl Ionone, Perfume * Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$54.95 /45g
$27.95 /45g
Eye Cream The area around the eyes is particularly delicate and needs a light, easily absorbed cream to gently refresh and hydrate.
Enchanted Eye Cream Delicate and refreshing Organic oils and lavender honey water make this gentle eye cream perfect for day or night. Ingredients: Lavender Honey Water (Lavandula angustifolia), Stearic Acid, Organic Cold Pressed Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Glycerine, Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Cetearyl Alcohol, Triethanolamine, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$29.95 /45g
$49.95 /45g
Facial Serum A no-package, no-preservative, solid facial serum bar filled with softening Amazonian butters and a rose petal infusion that features in our Validation spa treatment. Leaves skin feeling soft, soothed and supple.
How to use Melt onto fingertips or glide across your skin, allowing the butters to melt and ingredients to be absorbed.
Full Of Grace Deeply moisturising Portobello mushrooms are a natural antioxidant, while Amazonian butters smooth and soften. Ingredients: Murumuru Butter (Astrocaryum Murumuru), Calamine Powder, Cupuacu Butter (Theobroma grandiflorum), Fresh Rose Petal Infusion (Rosa damascena), Organic Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Perfume, Fresh Portobello Mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus), Chamomile Blue Oil (Matricaria chamomilla), Rose Oil (Rosa damascena), Tagetes Oil (Tagetes minuta), *Eugenol, *Geraniol, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Benzyl Cinnamate, *Citronellol, *Farnesol, *Limonene, *Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$14.95 /per item
Spot Treatment Show spots the door with our quick and effective gentle treatment that uses a blend of the best-known blemish-banishing natural ingredients.
How to use On the spot treatment. Using a clean finger, dab a little onto any irritating erruptions ideally, before the spot has fully appeared.
Grease Lightning Zap those zits pronto A herbal super-gel with tea tree and fresh grape juice to clear and calm the skin. Ingredients: Thyme; Rosemary and Tea Tree Infusion (Thymus vulgaris; Rosmarinus officinalis and Melaleuca alternifolia), Water (Aqua), Fair Trade Organic Aloe Vera Gel (Aloe barbadensis), Sea Water, Grape Juice (Vitis vinifera), Carrageenan Extract (Chondrus crispus), Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Witch Hazel Extract (Hamamelis virginiana), *Limonene, Perfume, Methylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$13.95 /45g
77 Phone orders 1300 587 428
How to use
Fresh Face Masks Feed your face with fresh fruits, vegetables, butters, clays and the world’s finest essential oils. Keep them in the fridge they’re best used fresh!
Catastrophe Cosmetic
Smooth a generous layer over your face, leave for 10 minutes and rinse off. Massage the mask into your skin before you rinse for a deeper cleanse.
Brazened Honey
BB Seaweed
Wake up your skin
Relax and Revive
Allow the natural powers of lime, ginger and ground almond shells to stimulate your skin.
Soothe the skin with fresh seaweed, ground almonds, rose absolute and aloe vera.
Ingredients: Kaolin, Talc, Fresh Lime Juice (Citrus
Ingredients: Lime Tree Flower and Sweet Violet Leaf
aurantifolia), Sage; Rosemary and Juniperberry Infusion
Decoction (Tilia europaea and Viola odorata), Kaolin,
Ingredients: Calamine Powder, Talc, Irish Moss Gel
(Salvia officinalis; Rosmarinus officinalis and Juniperus
Honey, Glycerine, Ground Almonds (Prunus dulcis),
(Chondrus crispus), Blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus),
communis), Fresh Free Range Eggs, Honey, Glycerine,
Kelp Flakes, Fair Trade Organic Aloe Vera Gel (Aloe
Glycerine, Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Rose Absolute (Rosa
Fresh Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), Ground Almond
barbadensis), Millet Flakes (Panicum miliaceum), Organic
damascena), Chamomile Blue Oil (Matricaria chamomilla),
Shells (Prunus dulcis), Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis),
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Olea europaea), Bentonite Gel,
Sweet Wild Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis), *Limonene, Methyl
Bentonite Gel, Fresh Ginger Root (Zingiber officinale),
Fresh Rose Petals (Rosa centifolia), Rose Absolute
Ionone, Perfume
Fresh Parsley (Petroselinum carum), Fresh Coriander
(Rosa damascena), Patchouli Oil (Pogostemon cablin),
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
(Coriandrum sativum), Ground Turmeric (Curcuma longa),
Rosemary Oil (Rosmarinus officinalis), Seaweed Absolute
Ground Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum), Clove
(Fucus vesiculosus), *Citral, *Geraniol, *Benzyl Benzoate,
Bud Oil (Eugenia caryophyllus), Ginger Oil (Zingiber
*Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume
officinale), Vetivert Oil (Vetiveria zizanoides), Juniperberry
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
With fresh blueberries Calamine, chamomile and rose absolute calm and soothe the skin.
Oil (Juniperus communis), *Benzyl Salicylate, *Eugenol, *Geraniol, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Linalool, Perfume * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$16.95 /75g
$16.95 /75g
$16.95 /75g
Love Lettuce
Cosmetic Warrior
Softer, more balanced skin
Cleanse and cool
Chocolatey treat for your skin
Brighten up with almond shells and French lavender, while seaweed gel and honey soothe.
Garlic and tea tree work together naturally to keep troublesome spots at bay.
Soften, tone and cleanse with a linseed infusion, fresh mint and rhassoul mud.
Ingredients: Agar Agar Gel (Gelidium cartilagineum), Kaolin,
Ingredients: Kaolin, Fresh Green Grapes (Vitis vinifera),
Ingredients: Rhassoul Mud, Linseed Infusion (Linum
Honey, Fullers Earth, Glycerine, Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis),
Fresh Free Range Eggs, Honey, Cornstarch (Zea mays),
usitatissimum), Glycerine, Talc, Cocoa Powder (Theobroma
Ground Almond Shells (Prunus dulcis), Ground Almonds
Glycerine, Fresh Garlic (Allium sativum), Tea Tree Oil
cacao), Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Fresh Mint
(Prunus dulcis), Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia),
(Melaleuca alternifolia), *Limonene, Perfume.
(Mentha piperita), Sandalwood Oil (Santalum austro-
Chlorophyllin (CI 75810), *Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool,
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
caledonicum vieill and Fusanus spicatus), Fair Trade Vanilla
Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), Spearmint Oil (Mentha spicata),
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
Peppermint Oil (Mentha piperita), *Limonene, Perfume * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$16.95 /75g
$16.95 /75g
The Sacred Truth
Fresh asparagus and kiwis to perk up your skin
Hydrate, exfoliate and treat
Carefully selected ingredients for maximum benefits
When you want a lift for a special night, apply this over your face and dĂŠcollatage.
Soothe and soften with fresh bananas, oats and illipe butter.
$16.95 /75g
Wheatgrass feeds and deeply hydrates, while papaya gives a youthful glow.
Ingredients: Glycerine, Fine Oatmeal (Avena sativa), Ingredients: Fullers Earth, Honey; Elderflower and Limeflower Decoction (Sambucus nigra and Tilia europaea), Glycerine, Fresh Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis), Fresh Kiwi Fruit (Actinidia chinensis), Kaolin, Witch Hazel Extract (Hamamelis virginiana), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), Rosemary Oil (Rosmarinus officinalis), Patchouli Oil (Pogostemon cablin), Elderflower Vinegar, Bentonite Gel, *Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume * Occurs naturally in essential oils
Fresh Bananas (Musa paradisica), Water (Aqua),
Ingredients: Ginkgo Leaf and Brown Linseed Infusion
Ground Almonds (Prunus dulcis), Illipe Butter (Shorea
(Ginko biloba, Linum usitatissimum), Kaolin, Talc, Honey,
stenoptera), Kaolin, Talc, Vanilla Pod (Vanilla planifolia),
Fresh Papaya (Carica papaya), Glycerine, Organic Yoghurt,
Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), Sandalwood
Fresh Free Range Eggs, Shea Butter (Butyrospermum
Oil (Santalum austro-caledonicum vieill), Benzoin
parkii), Organic Evening Primrose Oil (Oenothera biennis),
Resinoid (Styrax tonkinensis pierre), *Coumarin, *Benzyl
Lanolin, Bentonite Gel, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos
Cinnamate, *Linalool, Perfume, Gardenia Extract (Gardenia
nucifera), Ginseng Root Powder (Panax ginseng), Green
Tea Powder (Camelia sinensis), Fresh Wheatgrass (Triticum
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
Aestivum vulgare), Bee Pollen, Ylang Ylang Oil (Cananga odorata), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Rosewood Oil (Aniba rosaeodora), *Benzyl Salicylate, *Geraniol, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Farnesol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$16.95 /75g
$16.95 /75g
$16.95 /75g Phone orders 1300 587 428
Toothy Tabs Our revolutionary tooth-cleaning tabs are a solid, waste-free, flouride-free, natural alternative to regular toothpaste. They’ll keep your teeth bright and shiny and are filled with beautiful essential oils and spices to give you wonderfully fragrant breath. They’re self preserved and their cardboard packaging is recycleable so there’s no waste, either.
Sparkle How to use
Tingles the tastebuds A tantalising combination of vanilla and black pepper.
One tab is enough for a thorough clean: chew until it begins to foam and then brush as normal. Rinse out and you’re done!
Ingredients: Dicalcium Phosphate Anhydrous, Sodium Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar (Potassium bitartrate), Sorbitol, Lauroyl Sarcosine, Kaolin, Lemon Peel Powder (Citrus limonum), Sicilian Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), *Limonene, Black Pepper Oil (Piper nigrum), Grapefruit Oil (Citrus paradisi), Fair Trade Organic Black Pepper Powder (Piper nigrum), Fine Sea Salt, Sodium Saccharin, *Citral, *Linalool, Flavour * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$2.95 /12g
40 Tablets
Breath Of God
Maintain freshness on the move
Cleansing and refreshing
Refresh your mouth with this spearmint and neroli flavoured cleaning tab.
Exotic perfumed powders gently clean your mouth, keeping it divine all day.
Ingredients: Dicalcium Phosphate Anhydrous, Sodium
Ingredients: Dicalcium Phosphate Anhydrous, Sodium
Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar (Potassium bitartrate),
Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar (Potassium bitartrate),
Sorbitol, Lauroyl Sarcosine, Kaolin, Spearmint Oil (Mentha
Sorbitol, Lauroyl Sarcosine, Sandalwood Powder
spicata), Neroli Oil (Citrus Aurantium amara), Sodium
(Santalum spicatum), Kaolin, Benzoin Gum Powder (Styrax
Saccharin, *Limonene, *Linalool, Flavour
Benzoin), Vanilla Powder (Vanilla planifolia), Myrrh Gum
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
Powder (Commiphora myrrha), Fennel Seed Powder (Foeniculum vulgare), Sodium Saccharin * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$2.95 /12g
40 Tablets
$2.95 /12g
40 Tablets
Atomic Spice up your life! A special blend of spices with cloves to help maintain healthy gums.
Chou Chou... I Love You For beautifully scented breath Express your love with rose-scented kisses.
Ingredients: Dicalcium Phosphate Anhydrous, Sodium Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar (Potassium bitartrate),
Ingredients: Dicalcium Phosphate Anhydrous, Sodium
Sorbitol, Lauroyl Sarcosine, Kaolin, Organic Coffee F
Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar (Potassium bitartrate),
(Coffea Arabica), Flavour, Whole Organic Clove F (Eugenia
Lauroyl Sarcosine, Sorbitol, Kaolin, Flavour, Rose Oil
caryophyllus), Organic Cardamom Powder F (Elettaria
(Rosa damascena), Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Rose
cardamomum), Organic Cinnamon Powder F (Cinnamomum
Petal Powder (Rosa damascena), Benzoin Gum Powder
zeylanicum), Fine Sea Salt, Organic Ginger Powder F
(Styrax Benzoin), Lemon Peel Powder (Citrus limonum),
(Zingiber officinale), Organic White Pepper Powder F (Piper
Sodium Saccharin, Geraniol, *Eugenol, *Citral, *Citronellol,
nigrum), Sodium Saccharin, *Eugenol, *Linalool
*Limonene, *Linalool
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
Contains 3% ingredients traded to Fairtrade Standards
$2.95 /12g
40 Tablets
$2.95 /12g
40 Tablets
Romantically fresh breath
Ultimate refreshment
A subtle, refreshing and seductively sweet blend of Earl Grey and jasmine. Ingredients: Dicalcium Phosphate Anhydrous, Sodium Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar (Potassium bitartrate), Sorbitol, Lauroyl Sarcosine, Kaolin, Organic Sencha Tea Powder (Camellia sinensis), Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum), Lime Oil (Citrus aurantifolia), Wakame Seaweed Powder (Undaria pinnatifida), Fair Trade Organic Earl Grey Leaves (Camellia sinensis), Fine Sea Salt, Sodium Saccharin, Flavour, *Citral, *Limonene, *Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$2.95 /12g
40 Tablets
Enjoy a refreshing, spicy blast from antibacterial wasabi, designed for intense cleaning. Ingredients: Dicalcium Phosphate Anhydrous, Sodium Bicarbonate, Cream of Tartar (Potassium bitartrate), Sorbitol, Lauroyl Sarcosine, Garden Pea Powder (Pisum sativum), Kaolin, Peppermint Oil (Mentha piperita), Spearmint Oil (Mentha spicata), French Organic Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Wasabi Powder (Wasabia japonica), Organic Dried Spearmint (Mentha spicata), Coarse Sea Salt, Sodium Saccharin, *Limonene, *Linalool, Flavour * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$2.95 /12g
40 Tablets
81 Phone orders 1300 587 428
Lip Scrubs
How to use
Our bright and tasty lickable lip scrubs help you condition and prime your lips for action. Made with caster sugar and moisturising jojoba oil for soft, deliciously polished lips.
Buff away dead skin by rubbing gently on your lips. The oils will leave them feeling luscious, but not greasy, and primed for lip tints or lipstick.
Bubblegum Sweeten your lips with a touch of candy Brighten your day with a sweep of this popular bubblegum-pink lip scrub. Ingredients: Caster Sugar, Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Flavour, Colour 45410, Colour 45380 * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$9.95 /25g
Mint Julips
Moisturise and scrub your lips with this tasty treat
Scrub and soften
Sweet or salty? No need to decide – this balm contains sea salt, sugar and polenta.
Scrub your lips smooth with tingly peppermint oil and vanilla extract. Ingredients: Caster Sugar, Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia
Ingredients: Caster Sugar, Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Fine Sea Salt, Polenta, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Popping Candy, Flavour * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$9.95 /25g
chinensis), Vanilla Extract (Vanilla planifolia), Tagetes Oil (Tagetes minuta), Peppermint Oil (Mentha piperita), *Limonene, Flavour * Occurs naturally in essential oils.
$9.95 /25g
Lip Balms
How to use
The answer to dry lip disasters. Our range of emergency repair-kits all contain nourishing shea butter and zero preservatives.
Smooth onto lips as often as necessary for lickable lips. Mix and match for different flavours.
Lip Service A rich and creamy balm to condition your lips A Lush original – with cocoa butter, beeswax and extra virgin olive oil. Ingredients: Fair Trade Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Apricot Kernel Oil (Prunus armeniaca), Glycerine, Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Beeswax (Cera alba), Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Olea europaea), Tangerine Oil (Citrus reticulata), Flavour, *Limonene, *Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$9.95 /8g
Honey Trap Delicious honey, white chocolate and vanilla Repair dry lips with deeply moisturising honey and vitamin-rich wheatgerm oil. Ingredients: Fair Trade Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Beeswax (Cera alba), Honey, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Olea europaea), White Chocolate, Glycerine, Flavour, Organic Cold Pressed Wheatgerm Oil (Triticum vulgare), Oatmeal (Avena sativa), (Peppermint Oil (Mentha piperita), Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), Sweet Wild Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis), *Limonene * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$9.95 /8g
None of your Beeswax A kind and caring lip balm Velvety smooth lips can be yours thanks to fresh lemon, murumuru and cupuaçu butters.
Whipstick Lickable lips in an instant Treat your lips with the yummy combination of chocolate, sweet orange and tangerine. Ingredients: Fair Trade Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Beeswax (Cera alba),
Ingredients: Fair Trade Shea Butter (Butyrospermum
Honey, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Olea europaea), Dark
parkii), Glycerine, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera),
Chocolate, Glycerine, Organic Cold Pressed Wheatgerm
Japan Wax, Organic Castor Oil (Ricinus communis),
Oil (Triticum vulgare), Flavour, Oatmeal (Avena sativa),
Murumuru Butter (Astrocaryum Murumuru), Cupuacu
Tangerine Oil (Citrus reticulata), Sweet Orange Oil (Citrus
Butter (Theobroma grandiflorum), Mandarin Oil (Citrus
sinensis), Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia),
reticulata), Perfume, Fresh Lemon (Citrus limonum), Fair
Cocoa Absolute (Theobroma cacao), *Limonene, *Linalool
Trade Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), *Citral, *Geraniol,
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
*Limonene, *Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$9.95 /8g
$9.95 /8g Phone orders 1300 587 428
Lip Tints Colour your lips happy with our alluring and comforting creamy tints.
Latte A creamy blend with a shot of vanilla for bronze-tinted lips Almond oil, organic jojoba oil and japan wax for softness with a subtle creamy coffee colour. Ingredients: Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Japan Wax (Rhus succedanea), Icing Sugar, Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Flavour, Fair Trade Freeze Dried Coffee (Coffea arabica), Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), Benzoin Resinoid (Styrax tonkinensis pierre), Vanilla Pod Powder (Vanilla planifolia), Titanium Dioxide, Colour 77019, Colour 77491, Colour 73360 * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$9.95 /10g
It Started With A Kiss Alluring, rosy red lip tint White chocolate, fresh apple, redcurrants and cinnamon sweeten your lips. Ingredients: Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Fresh Red Apple Infusion (Pyrus malus), Japan Wax (Rhus succedanea), Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Icing Sugar, Carnauba Wax, Flavour, White Chocolate, Organic Rose Hip Oil (Rosa canina), Glycerine, Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), Sweet Wild Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis), Cinnamon Leaf Oil (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Red Currants (Ribes rubrum), Titanium Dioxide, *Cinnamyl Alcohol, *Cinnamal, *Citral, *Eugenol, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Limonene, *Linalool, Benzyl Alcohol, Colour 45370, Colour 45410, Colour 77491, Colour 15850, Methylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$9.95 /10g
Shaving Creams Take the sting out of shaving with our soothing creams made from fine softening butters and nourishing oils.
How to use To achieve the closest shave possible, exfoliate, apply one of our shaving creams, and shave in the direction of hair growth.
Prince Treat your skin like royalty Exquisite orange blossom, rose water and linseed to soften and protect. Ingredients: Linseed Mucilage (Linum usitatissimum), Rose Water (Rosa centifolia), Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Glycerine, Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Witch Hazel Extract (Hamamelis virginiana), Organic Linseed Oil (Linum usitatissimum), Stearic Acid, Cetearyl Alcohol, Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Beeswax (Cera alba), Triethanolamine, Perfume, Neroli Oil (Citrus Aurantium amara), Orange Flower Absolute (Citrus Aurantium amara), Vetivert Oil (Vetiveria zizanoides), Sweet Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis), Mandarin Oil (Citrus reticulata), Tincture of Benzoin (Styrax benzoin), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), *Citral, *Limonene, *Linalool, Hydroxycitronellal, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$13.95 /100g $22.50 /225g
A blend of gently soothing essential oils
Reduces inflammation, soothes post-shave skin
Oatmilk to cool and calm, safflower oil to moisturise and honey to treat and soothe. Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Oat Milk (Avena sativa), Safflower Oil (Carthamus tinctorius), Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Stearic Acid, Glycerine, Cetearyl Alcohol, Triethanolamine, Honey, Tincture of Benzoin (Styrax benzoin), Cedarwood Oil (Cupressus funebris), Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Sandalwood Oil (Santalum austro-caledonicum vieill), Tonka Absolute (Dipteryx odorata), Lanolin, Perfume, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$9.95 /100g
$19.95 /225g
Soothe the skin with oatmilk and honey water, chamomile and marigold. Ingredients: Honey Water (Aqua), Linseed Mucilage (Linum usitatissimum), Oat Milk (Avena sativa), Glycerine, Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Stearic Acid, Triethanolamine, Chamomile Blue Oil (Matricaria chamomilla), African Marigold Oil (Tagetes erecta), Cetearyl Alcohol, *Limonene, Perfume, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$9.95 /100g
$19.95 /250g
Wave goodbye to bad hair days and say hello to shiny, happy hair.
Hair Treaments Our hair and scalp treatments are the result of years of training and expertise. Each one is packed with hard-working natural ingredients to keep hair shiny, happy and healthy.
R&B TLC for your hair and scalp A versatile blend of oils and butters for hair that needs extra care and attention. Ingredients: Oat Milk (Avena sativa), Glycerine, Avocado Butter (Persea gratissima), Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Olea europaea), Glyceryl Stearate & PEG 100 Stearate, Perfume, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Organic Cold Pressed Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Bay Oil (Pimenta racemosa), Orange Flower Absolute (Citrus Aurantium amara), Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum), Cupuacu Butter (Theobroma grandiflorum), Candelilla Wax (Euphorbia cerifera), Benzyl Alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, *Benzyl Salicylate, *Eugenol, *Geraniol, *Isoeugenol, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Farnesol, *Limonene, *Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$19.95 /100g
The Hair Doctor For hair in a bad way A fresh, deeply conditioning hair mask with nourishing seaweed and cleansing fuller’s earth. Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Irish Moss Powder (Chondrus crispus), Fullers Earth, Cetearyl Alcohol, Perfume, Irish Moss Decoction (Chondrus crispus), Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Peppermint Oil (Mentha piperita), Rosemary Absolute (Rosmarinus officinalis), Chamomile Blue Oil (Matricaria chamomilla), Soya Lecithin, Glycerine, Yeast, Red Henna (Lawsonia inermis), Lanolin, Cetrimonium Bromide, Propylene Glycol, Glyceryl Stearate & PEG 100 Stearate, *Eugenol, *Limonene, *Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$14.95 /95g
Keep me in the fridge
87 Phone orders 1300 587 428
H’suan Wen Hua
To improve lustre and condition of hair, leave on for 20 minutes
Brightens and conditions
A nourishing mask full of protein-rich ingredients to strengthen and restore hair.
Chamomile, saffron and lemon brighten blonde hair while linseed and olive oil soften.
Ingredients: Fresh Bay Leaf Infusion (Pimenta acris), Fresh
Ingredients: Linseed Mucilage (Linum usitatissimum),
Watercress Infusion (Nasturtium officinale), Fresh Free
Chamomile Infusion (Anthemis nobilis and Chamomilla
Range Eggs, Cetearyl Alcohol & Sodium Lauryl Sulfate,
recutita), Saffron Infusion (Crocus sativus), Cetearyl Alcohol
Fresh Bananas (Musa paradisica), Fresh Avocado (Persea
& Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Fresh Lemon Juice (Citrus
gratissima), Balsamic Vinegar, Organic Extra Virgin Olive
limonum), Cetearyl Alcohol, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Oil (Olea europaea), Lanolin, Rosemary Oil (Rosmarinus
(Olea europaea), Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Chamomile
officinalis), Cinnamon Leaf Oil (Cinnamomum zeylanicum),
Oil (Anthemis nobilis), Soya Lecithin, *Citral, Lilial,
Soya Lecithin, *Cinnamyl Alcohol, *Cinnamal, *Eugenol,
*Limonene, Perfume, Methylparaben, Propylparaben
*Benzyl Benzoate, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume,
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$19.95 /225g
Jasmine & Henna Fluff-Ease Smooth, soften and scent your hair all at once A blend of oils to transform even straggly or frizzy hair into silky, perfumed locks. Ingredients: Red Henna Infusion (Lawsonia inermis), Water (Aqua), Cetearyl Alcohol & Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Olea europaea), Benzyl Alcohol, Ylang Ylang Oil (Cananga odorata), Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum officinale), Wheatgerm Oil (Triticum vulgare), Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Brazil Nut Oil (Bertholletia excelsa), Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Organic Hemp Oil (Cannabis sativa), Soya Oil (Glycine soja), Castor Oil (Ricinus communis), *Benzyl Salicylate, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Farnesol, Geraniol, Linalool, Hydroxycitronellal, Perfume, Methylparaben, Propylparaben. * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$27.50 /220g
$27.50 /225g
Shine So Bright
Beautifully perfumes and strengthens
Heroic scalp treatment
A balm to smooth the ends of the hair, preventing dryness that can make them split.
Massage this blend of oils into the head to rescue your scalp from scale build up. Ingredients: Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera),
Ingredients: Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Candelilla Wax (Euphorbia cerifera), Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Olea europaea), Perfume, Neroli Oil (Citrus Aurantium amara), Grapefruit Oil (Citrus paradisi), Rosewood Oil (Aniba rosaeodora), Fresh Free Range Eggs, Gardenia Extract (Gardenia jasminoides),
Candelilla Wax (Euphorbia cerifera), Salicylic Acid, Rose Wax (Rosa damascena), Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Chamomile Blue Oil (Matricaria chamomilla), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), *Limonene, *Linalool, *Geraniol, *Citronellol, Perfume * Occurs naturally in essential oils
Hydroxycitronellal, Geraniol, Lilial, *Citral, *Farnesol, *Limonene, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$7.50 /10g
Roots Give thin, fine hair a boost A volumising treatment that improves the condition of the scalp with stimulating mint. Ingredients: Fresh Mint Infusion (Mentha piperita), Water (Aqua), Cetearyl Alcohol & Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate, Citric Aid, Propylene Glycol, Honey, Peppermint Oil (Mentha piperita), Sweet Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis), Spearmint Oil (Mentha spicata), Grapefruit Oil (Citrus paradisi), Nettle Absolute (Urtica urens), Neroli Oil (Citrus Aurantium amara), Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Olea europaea), *Limonene, *Linalool, *Citral, Perfume, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$19.95 /225g
$14.95 /45g
89 Phone orders 1300 587 428
Shampoo Our shampoos are as effective as they are indulgent: we blend natural ingredients like fruit juices, flower oils, sea salt and seaweed to give you the hair of your dreams.
Daddy-O Brightens and softens Violets and lemons work together to keep grey and blonde hair bright and shiny. Ingredients: Fresh Lemon, Kelp Flakes, Sodium Alkyl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Fresh Sea Water, Perfume, Cocamide MEA, Propylene Glycol, Glycol Cetearate, Fresh Lime Juice (Citrus aurantifolia), Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Violet Leaf Absolute (Viola odorata), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), Bergamot Oil (Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Cananga Oil (Cananga odorata), *Limonene, *Linalool, *Citronellol, Coumarin, Isoeugenol, Methyl Ionone, Benzyl Alcohol, Hexylcinnamal, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Colour 42090, Colour 17200 * Occurs naturally in essential oils
Rehab A restorative shampoo to bring hair back to its natural best With carrageenan seaweed to soften the hair, and jojoba to gently condition the scalp. Ingredients: Sodium Alkyl Sulfate, Carrageenan Extract (Chondrus crispus), Water (Aqua), Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamide MEA, Perfume, Freshly Juiced Papaya (Carica papaya), Propylene Glycol, Fresh Pineapple Juice (Ananas sativus), Fine Sea Salt, Fresh Kiwi Juice (Actinidia chinensis), Fresh Mango Juice (Mangifera indica), Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Olea europaea), Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Peppermint Oil (Mentha piperita), Rosemary Oil (Rosmarinus officinalis), Juniperberry Oil (Juniperus communis), *Limonene, *Linalool, Benzyl Alcohol, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
Moisturises damaged, bleached or naturally fragile hair
Big and bouncy
Intensely moisturising shampoo made with fresh bananas and rich butters, scented with our Gorilla Perfume, Flower’s Barrow.
A rich shampoo with sea salt, seaweed and coconut oil to give softness and volume. Ingredients: Coarse Sea Salt, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Fresh Lemon Infusion (Citrus limonum), Fresh Sea Water,
Ingredients: Fresh Organic Fair Trade Banana (Musa paradisica), Pimento Berry, Fair Trade Organic Cloves and Star Anise decoction (Pimenta officinalis, Eugenia caryophyllus and Illicium verum), Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, Glycerine, Propylene Glycol, Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Soya Lecithin, Lauryl Betaine, Cocamide MEA, Cupuacu Butter (Theobroma
Kelp Flakes, Cocamide DEA, Lauryl Betaine, Fresh Lime Juice (Citrus aurantifolia), Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Neroli Oil (Citrus Aurantium amara), Mandarin Oil (Citrus reticulata), Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), Orange Flower Absolute (Citrus Aurantium amara), *Limonene, Methyl Ionone, Perfume *Occurs naturally in essential oils
grandiflorum), Perfume, Rose Oil (Rosa damascena), Blackcurrant Absolute (Ribes nigrum), Thyme Oil (Thymus zygis), Rosemary Oil (Rosmarinus officinalis), Juniperberry Oil (Juniperus communis), *Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Citronellol * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$25.95 /240g
$26.95 /330g
Fairly Traded Honey The power of flowers With fairly traded honey from Zambia and a beautiful blend of floral essential oils to leave your hair silky soft and smelling divine. Ingredients: Fairly traded Honey, Linseed Mucilage (Linum usitatissimum), Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sunflower Lecithin (Lecithin), Cocamide DEA, Lauryl Betaine, Geranium Oil (Pelargonium graveolens), Beeswax Absolute, Neroli Oil (Citrus Aurantium amara), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), Bergamot Oil (Citrus Aurantium bergamia), *Citral, Geraniol, Citronellol, *Limonene, *Linalool, *Benzyl Salicylate, *Eugenol, Benzyl Benzoate, *Farnesol, Hydroxycitronellal * Occurs naturally in essential oils
91 Phone orders 1300 587 428
No Drought
I Love Juicy
Dry shampoo – no wash, just go!
Bright, squeaky clean hair
Refresh your hair with our oil-absorbing powder, scented with grapefruit and lime.
Full of enzymic fresh fruit to thoroughly cleanse the hair and scalp.
Ingredients: Cornflour (Zea mays), Magnesium Carbonate,
Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Sodium Alkyl Sulfate,
Talc, Perfume, Grapefruit Oil (Citrus paradisi),
Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamide MEA, Propylene
Lime Oil (Citrus aurantifolia), *Citral, *Geraniol, *Limonene,
Glycol, Perfume, Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Freshly
Juiced Papaya (Carica papaya), Fine Sea Salt,
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
Carrageenan Extract (Chondrus crispus), Sweet Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis), Fresh Pineapple Juice (Ananas sativus), Fresh Kiwi Juice (Actinidia chinensis), Fresh Mango Juice (Mangifera indica), *Citral, *Limonene, Benzyl Alcohol, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$13.50 /115g
Curly Wurly
Cynthia Sylvia Stout
Rich coconut shampoo
Nourishing beer shampoo
Super-softening butters and fresh coconut to help curls coil and bounce.
Bottoms up to lovely locks. Fresh lemon juice to add shine and protein-rich vegan stout to tame flyaway, frizzy hair.
Ingredients: Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, Desiccated Coconut (Cocos nucifera), Cetearyl Alcohol, Propylene
Ingredients: Stout (Beer), Water (Aqua), Ammonium
Glycol, Water (Aqua), Fresh Lemon Juice (Citrus limonum),
Laureth Sulfate, Fine Sea Salt, Lauryl Betaine, Propylene
Glyceryl Stearate & PEG 100 Stearate, Perfume, Linseed
Glycol, Benzyl Alcohol, Fresh Lemon Juice (Citrus
Infusion (Linum usitatissimum), Fresh Papaya (Carica
limonum), Cognac Oil (Vitis vinifera), Lemongrass Oil
papaya), Lauryl Betaine, Fresh Organic Free Range Eggs,
(Cymbopogon citratus), Yeast, Organic Balsamic Vinegar,
Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Extra Virgin Coconut
*Citral, *Geraniol, Perfume, Methylparaben, Propylparaben
Oil (Cocos nucifera), Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii),
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Avocado Butter (Persea gratissima), Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), Vetivert Oil (Vetiveria zizanoides), Benzoin Resinoid (Styrax tonkinensis pierre), Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Olea europaea), Alkanet Extract (Alkanna tinctoria), Lanolin, Cetrimonium Bromide, *Coumarin * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$22.50 /220g
Shampoo Bars Our naked, solid shampoo bars are a great alternative to liquid shampoo as they don’t need packaging, and they last for up to 80 washes.
How to use To create lots of lather, either rub your bar between your hands or straight onto wet hair. Massage into the hair and scalp as you usually would and then rinse out.
Godiva When hair is all you want to wear Two-in-one shampoo bar with added cocoa butter to condition your hair, scented with hibiscus and jasmine. Ingredients: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Cetearyl Alcohol & Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Glyceryl Stearate & PEG-100 Stearate, Propylene Glycol, Perfume, Hibiscus Extract (Hibiscus sabdariffa), Stearic Acid, Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Cetearyl Alcohol, Camellia Oil (Camellia japonica), Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Organic Macadamia Nut Oil (Macadamia ternifolia), Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Cupuacu Butter (Theobroma grandiflorum), Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum), Ylang Ylang Oil (Cananga odorata), Cypress Oil (Cupressus sempervirens), Palmarosa Oil (Cymbopogon martini), Jasmine Flowers (Jasminum officinale), Cetrimonium Bromide, Cocamide DEA, Gardenia Extract (Gardenia jasminoides), *Benzyl Alcohol, *Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool *Occurs naturally in essential oils
$13.95 /per item
New Boost, shine and stimulate A spicy, stimulating bar with cinnamon, clove and nettle that’s especially good for thin or fine hair. Ingredients: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Nettle and Peppermint Infusion (Urtica dioica and Mentha piperita), Perfume, Glycerine, Nettle Absolute (Urtica urens), Rosemary Absolute (Rosmarinus officinalis), Bay Oil (Pimenta racemosa), Clove Bud Oil (Eugenia caryophyllus), Cinnamon Leaf Oil (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), *Cinnamal, *Eugenol, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Limonene, *Linalool, Colour 73360, Cinnamon Stick (Cinnamomum cassia) * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$13.95 /per item Phone orders 1300 587 428
Karma Komba Good Karma, good hair Perfume your hair with our iconic Karma fragrance, perfect for Karma addicts. Ingredients: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Cocamide DEA, Perfume, Patchouli Oil (Pogostemon cablin), Sweet Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis), Lavandin Oil (Lavandula hybrida), Pine Oil (Pinus sylvestris), Lemongrass Oil (Cymbopogon citratus), Elemi Oil (Canarium commune), Gardenia Extract (Gardenia jasminoides), *Citral, *Geraniol, *Citronellol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Colour 42090, Colour 19140, Roman Chamomile Flower (Anthemis nobilis). * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$13.95 /per item
Seanik Leaves your hair buoyant Ahoy! Sea salt, seaweed and lemon will get your hair ship-shape in no time. Ingredients: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Irish Moss Gel (Chondrus crispus), Perfume, Nori Seaweed (Algae), Fine Sea Salt, Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Mimosa Absolute (Acacia decurrens), Orange Flower Absolute (Citrus Aurantium amara), Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum), Cocamide DEA, *Limonene, Colour 42090 * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$13.95 /per item
Jumping Juniper For balance and shine Fresh, fragrant and cleansing, for hair that feels satisfyingly clean. Ingredients: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Lavender Decoction (Lavandula angustifolia), Rosemary Decoction (Rosmarinus officinalis), Juniperberry Oil (Juniperus communis), Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Lime Oil (Citrus aurantifolia), *Citral, *Limonene, Perfume, Colour 60725 * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$13.95 /per item
Soak and Float Great for treating sore, dry or itchy scalps Rose, marigold petals and a blend of essential oils will soothe and balance irritated scalps. Ingredients: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Water (Aqua), Cade Oil (Juniperus oxycedrus), Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Marigold Petals (Calendula officinalis), Rose Petals (Rosa centifolia), *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$13.95 /per item
Squeaky Green Refreshing and herbal With herbs and oils to balance the scalp, a concoction that Mother Earth would be proud of. Ingredients: Sodium Lauryl-Sulfate, Perfume, Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), Nettle (Urtica dioica), Water (Aqua), Tea Tree Powder (Melaleuca alternifolia), Peppermint (Mentha piperita), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), Chamomile Blue Oil (Chamomilla recutita), Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), *Coumarin, *Geraniol, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Limonene, *Linalool, Hydroxycitronellal, Chlorophyllin (CI 75810). * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$13.95 /per item
95 Phone orders 1300 587 428
Ultimate Shine For unbelievable shine Violet leaf, ylang ylang and elemi oils will transform hair into lustrous shiny tresses. Ingredients: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, Perfume, Elemi Oil (Canarium luzonicum), Ylang Ylang Oil (Cananga odorata), Violet Leaf Oil (Viola odorata), Gardenia Extract (Gardenia jasminoides), *Benzyl Benzoate, *Limonene, *Linalool. * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$13.95 /per item
Trichomania Nourishes dry hair A solid shampoo made with masses of creamy coconut to moisturise and soften. Ingredients: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Stearic Acid, Creamed Coconut (Cocos nucifera), Glyceryl Stearate & PEG 100 Stearate, Cocamide DEA, Soya Lecithin, Perfume, Vetivert Oil (Vetiveria zizanoides). *Occurs naturally in essential oils
Round Tin $135.00 /per kilo
$13.50 /per 100g
Conditioners Our conditioners are packed with exotic butters, fresh fruits, vegetables and herbal infustions. Now every day can be a good hair day.
American Cream For yummy, vanilla scented hair Fragranced with honey, vanilla and fresh strawberries to make your hair irresistible. Ingredients: Honey Water (Aqua), Vanilla Pod Infusion (Vanilla planifolia), Propylene Glycol, Fresh Oranges (Citrus Aurantium dulcis), Cetearyl Alcohol & Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Fresh Strawberries (Fragaria vesca), Perfume, Lanolin, Cetearyl Alcohol, Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), Clary Sage Oil (Salvia sclarea), Lavender Oil (Lavandula angustifolia), Benzoin Resinoid (Styrax tonkinensis pierre), *Linalool, Coumarin, Cetrimonium Bromide
A pit stop for your hair
A fresh, light conditioner
A heavyweight conditioner, full of ingredients to get your hair back on track.
Fresh lemon juice for shine, seaweed for softness and herbal infusions for your scalp.
Ingredients: Agar Agar Gel (Gelidium cartilagineum),
Ingredients: Lavender Flower Infusion (Lavandula
Propylene Glycol, Soya Milk (Glycine soja), Cetearyl
angustifolia), Rosemary Infusion (Rosmarinus officinalis),
Alcohol (&) Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Fresh Cantaloupe
Agar Agar Gel (Gelidium cartilagineum), Cetearyl Alcohol,
Melon (Cucumis Cantalupensis), Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Propylene Glycol, Cetearyl Alcohol & Sodium
(Olea europaea), Perfume, Organic Yoghurt, Avocado Oil
Lauryl Sulfate, Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Benzoin
(Persea gratissima), Lanolin, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetrimonium
Resinoid (Styrax tonkinensis pierre), Fresh Lemon Juice
Bromide, Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis),
(Citrus limonum), *Citral, Limonene, Perfume, Cetrimonium
Synthetic Musk, Violet Leaf Absolute (Viola odorata),
Bromide, Methylparaben
Orange Blossom Absolute (Citrus Aurantium dulcis),
*Occurs naturally in essential oils
Neroli Oil (Citrus Aurantium amara), Benzyl Benzoate, Methylparaben, Propylparaben. * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$23.95 /245g
97 Phone orders 1300 587 428
How to use Run the conditioner over wet hair, paying particular attention to the ends, then rinse. You can use these on dry hair for day-long sleekness and shine.
Tropical scented conditioner to soften and tame wild hair
To make you feel like a mermaid
Packed with cocoa butter and tropical fruit oils to make hair beautiful and manageable.
Hydrating coconut oil, shine-enhancing lemon and lime and sea salt for volume. Ingredients: Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Fine
Ingredients: Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Cetearyl Alcohol & Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Propylene Glycol, Fresh Avocado (Persea gratissima), Glyceryl Stearate & PEG-100 Stearate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Stearic Acid, Perfume, Soya Lecithin, Fresh Figs (Ficus carica),Fresh Organic Bananas (Musa paradisica), Fresh Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis), Fresh Kumquat (Fortunella japonica), Cetrimonium Bromide, Ylang Ylang Oil (Cananga odorata), Vetivert Oil (Vetiveria zizanoides), Cypress Oil (Cupressus sempervirens), Cedarwood Oil (Juniperus virginiana), Chlorophyllin (CI 75810), *Limonene, *Cinnamal
Sea Salt, Glyceryl Stearate & PEG 100 Stearate, Propylene Glycol, Glycerine, Lemon Juice (Citrus limonum), Cetearyl Alcohol, Kelp Flakes, Fresh Lime (Citrus aurantifolia), Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Perfume, Cetrimonium Bromide, Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), Vetivert Oil (Vetiveria zizanoides), Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum), Bergamot Oil (Citrus Aurantium bergamia), Candelilla Wax (Euphorbia cerifera), Titanium Dioxide, Methyl Ionone, Geraniol, *Linalool, *Coumarin, *Limonene * Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$8.50 /per item
$119.50 /per kilo
$11.95 /per 100g
Happy Happy Joy Joy So good we named it twice! Exquisite essential oils lift the mood with this beautiful, light, conditioning hair perfume. Ingredients: Rose Water (Rosa centifolia), Orange Blossom Water (Citrus Aurantium dulcis), Almond Milk (Prunus dulcis), Propylene Glycol, Cetearyl Alcohol & Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Perfume, Cetearyl Alcohol, Neroli Oil (Citrus Aurantium amara), Grapefruit Oil (Citrus paradisi), Orange Flower Absolute (Citrus Aurantium amara), Rosewood Oil (Aniba rosaeodora), Rose Oil (Rosa damascena), Glycerine, Tincture of Benzoin (Styrax benzoin), Geraniol, Hydroxycitronellol, Lilial, *Limonene, *Linalool, *Citronellol * Occurs naturally in essential oils
Styling Protect and transform your tresses with our clever styling solutions. Made using natural, gentle and nourishing ingredients, these will help you get the best out of your hair.
Dirty Make your hair do what it’s told Give your hair the hold and texture it needs, without compromising its condition, with sandalwood oil, pine and oakmoss. Ingredients: Linseed Mucilage (Linum usitatissimum), Balm Herb Infusion (Melissa officinalis), Japan Wax (Rhus succedanea), PVP, Propylene Glycol, Fair Trade Coconut Oil (Cocos nucifera), Stearic Acid, Illipe Butter (Shorea stenoptera), Candelilla Wax (Euphorbia cerifera), Triethanolamine, Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Cetearyl Alcohol, Sandalwood Oil (Santalum austro-caledonicum vieill), Pine Oil (Pinus sylvestris), Oakmoss Absolute (Evernia prunastri), *Linalool, Methyl Ionone, Perfume, Methylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$12.95 /100g
Sea Spray A salty spritz that gives volume, body and hold Lift your hair with this light hair mist, gently perfumed with neroli and grapefuit. Ingredients: Carrageenan Extract (Chondrus crispus), Sea Water, Glycerine, Perfume, Fine Sea Salt, *Limonene, *Linalool, PVP, Neroli Oil (Citrus Aurantium amara), Grapefruit Oil (Citrus paradisi), Rosewood Oil (Aniba rosaeodora), Hydroxycitronellal, Geraniol, *Citral, *Farnesol, *Benzyl Benzoate, Lilial, Methylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$12.50 /100g
99 Phone orders 1300 587 428
Henna We think using henna to colour hair is a fabulous natural alternative to dye, and it’s a cinch to get sensational results. Our bricks are made using the finest-quality Persian henna, cocoa butter and gorgeous essential oils that leave your hair looking and smelling fabulous.
Rouge Become a fiery redhead Give hair a vibrant red glow that catches and glints in the sunlight. Ingredients: Red Henna (Lawsonia inermis), Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Fresh Lemon Juice (Citrus limonum), Powdered Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), Clove Bud Oil (Eugenia caryophyllus), *Citral, *Eugenol, *Geraniol, *Citronellol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$24.95 /325g
Evoke the tones of autumn
Be a beautiful brunette
Be dark and mysterious
Tint your hair naturally with this warm and inviting chestnut shade.
This chocolate brown deepens your natural colour, adding complex tones and shine.
Our darkest henna brick, natural indigo is added for a blue-black intensity.
Ingredients: Red Henna (Lawsonia inermis), Cocoa
Ingredients: Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Indigo Herb
Ingredients: Indigo Herb (Fera tinctoria), Cocoa Butter
Butter (Theobroma cacao), Indigo Herb (Fera tinctoria),
(Fera tinctoria), Red Henna (Lawsonia inermis), Ground
(Theobroma cacao), Red Henna (Lawsonia inermis), Irish
Ground Coffee (Coffea arabica), Fresh Lemon Juice (Citrus
Coffee (Coffea arabica), Nettle Powder (Urtica dioica), Irish
Moss Powder (Chondrus crispus), Clove Bud Oil (Eugenia
limonum), Irish Moss Powder (Chondrus crispus), Clove
Moss Powder (Chondrus crispus), Clove Bud Oil (Eugenia
caryophyllus), *Citral, *Eugenol, *Geraniol, *Citronellol,
Bud Oil (Eugenia caryophyllus), *Citral, *Eugenol, *Geraniol,
caryophyllus), *Citral, *Eugenol, *Geraniol, *Citronellol,
*Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume.
*Citronellol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume
*Limonene, *Linalool, Perfume
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$24.95 /325g
$24.95 /325g
$24.95 /325g
Henna Emotional Brilliance
01202 668 545
You will need
101 101
How to use 1
• • • • • • • • •
Rubber gloves A bain-marie or a heat-proof bowl in a saucepan A spoon for stirring Newspapers on the floor Clips to section your hair Dark-coloured towels Cling film/shower cap Ultrabalm/Ultrabland to cover your hairline and ears Colouring brush to apply henna (or use gloved hands) 2
Firstly, do a strand test to check you’re happy with the colour (especially important if you’ve chemically-treated hair) - the shade will continue to develop for up to 24 hours after you apply it. Just add boiling water to a small amount of henna in a heat-proof bowl and then use rubber gloves to apply to a strand of hair about half an inch wide. Leave for an hour or two, and then shampoo, rinse, dry, and leave for 24 hours. 3
3 To apply to the whole head if you’re happy with the strand test, chop up the henna brick into small pieces and drop into a bain-marie. Cover the pieces with boiling water, which melts the cocoa butter and releases the ingredients. Stir until the henna is the consistency of melted chocolate, adding more hot water if needed – the hotter the henna, the better the results.
Smooth Ultrabalm or Ultrabland around your ears and hairline to prevent stained skin. Wearing rubber gloves, apply the henna to clean, dry hair and work through section by section, back to front. Start with the roots and smooth through the length of your hair. Let it sit for one to three hours (for a redder shade, wrap hair in cling film or a shower cap) and then shampoo, rinse and dry. Apply as many times as you like to build a rich colour and shine.
We think our henna bricks are the best way to colour your hair naturally. If you are new to natural hair colouring and have any questions, give us a call or pop into your local shop where we can talk you through the process.
Colours to help you look and feel more beautiful, from the inside out.
Emotional Brilliance
Colour Essentials These desert island products will help you look and feel your best, every day of the week. Each and every one is vegan, with absolutely no animal testing.
Feeling Younger
Emotional Brilliance
Gives skin a warm glow
Reflects light to brighten your skin
Suitable for all skin types, light-reflecting
An everyday skin tint containing ingredients for bright and youthful looking skin.
A simple translucent, ultra-fine face powder for a shine-free finish to your skin.
Ingredients: Oatmeal Decoction (Avena sativa), Orange
Ingredients: Talc, Mica, Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis),
Flower Water (Citrus Aurantium amara), Almond Oil (Prunus
Iron Oxides, CI77947
dulcis), Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma
* occurs naturally in essential oils
An everyday skin tint with a blend of golden colours for that healthy sun-kissed look. Ingredients: Oatmeal Decoction (Avena sativa), Orange Flower Water (Citrus Aurantium amara), Almond Oil (Prunus dulcis), Fair Trade Organic Cocoa Butter (Theobroma cacao), Glycerine, Stearic Acid, Triethanolamine, Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Titanium Dioxide, Cetearyl Alcohol, Synthetic Fluorphlogopite, CI77491, CI77492, CI77499, CI77019, Methylparaben, Propylparaben
$19.95 /20g
cacao), Glycerine, Stearic Acid, Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Titanium Dioxide, Triethanolamine, Cetearyl Alcohol, CI77019, Methylparaben, Propylparaben
$19.95 /20g
$19.95 /10g
Eyes Right Mascara Treat your eyelashes Fresh wheatgrass mascara that conditions and strengthens your lashes. Ingredients: Fresh Wheatgrass Infusion (Triticum vulgare), Water (Aqua), Japan Wax (Rhus succedanea), Stearic Acid, Talc, Triethanolamine, Carnauba Wax, PVP, CI77499, Methylparaben * occurs naturally in essential oils
$19.95 /5g
For full ingredients and to see exactly what makes our makeup so special, visit Phone orders 1300 587 428
Colour Supplements These can be used as tinted moisturiser or foundation. Colour Supplements can subtly enhance the colour of your skin, so choose the shade that best complements your natural skin tone.
Dark Yellow This supplement is designed for dark skin types of predominantly yellow or olive tones. Ingredients: Fresh Rose Petal Infusion (Rosa damascena), Soya Oil (Glycine soja), Titanium Dioxide, Rice Bran Oil (Oryza sativa), Stearic Acid, Talc, Glycerine, Triethanolamine, Colour 77492, Cetearyl Alcohol, Colour 77499, Colour 77491, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$15.50 /20g
Light Yellow A multi-purpose supplement for paler skin types of primarily yellow-based tones. Ingredients: Fresh Rose Petal Infusion (Rosa damascena), Soya Oil (Glycine soja), Titanium Dioxide, Rice Bran Oil (Oryza sativa), Stearic Acid, Talc, Glycerine, Triethanolamine, Cetearyl Alcohol, Colour 77492, Colour 77499, Colour 77491, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$15.50 /20g
Emotional Brilliance
Light Pink A supplement designed especially for paler skin types with predominantly pink tones. Ingredients: Fresh Rose Petal Infusion (Rosa damascena), Soya Oil (Glycine soja), Titanium Dioxide, Rice Bran Oil (Oryza sativa), Stearic Acid, Talc, Glycerine, Triethanolamine, Cetearyl Alcohol, Colour 77491, Colour 77499, Colour 77492, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * occurs naturally in essential oils
$15.50 /20g
Dark Pink A multi-purpose base colour for darker skin types of predominantly pink tones. Ingredients: Fresh Rose Petal Infusion (Rosa damascena), Soya Oil (Glycine soja), Rice Bran Oil (Oryza sativa), Titanium Dioxide, Stearic Acid, Talc, Colour 77492, Glycerine, Triethanolamine, Cetearyl Alcohol, Colour 77491, Colour 77499, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * occurs naturally in essential oils
$15.50 /20g
Jackie Oates For fairer folk - those who rock a typical English rose complexion or red hair. Ingredients: Water (Aqua), Oat Milk (Avena sativa), Safflower Oil (Carthamus tinctorius), Aloe Vera Extract (Aloe barbadensis), Titanium Dioxide, Organic Rose Hip Oil (Rosa canina), Shea Butter (Butyrospermum parkii), Stearic Acid, Glycerine, Cetearyl Alcohol, Triethanolamine, Honey, Tincture of Benzoin (Styrax benzoin), Lanolin, Tin Oxide, Colour 77492, Colour 77491, Colour 77499, Colour 77019, Methylparaben, Propylparaben * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$15.50 /20g
105 Phone orders 1300 587 428
Liquid Lipstick Our liquid lipsticks have a super-softening base, which is a simple blend of organic jojoba oil, candelilla wax and rose wax. They are sold in recyclable glass bottles and all colours are vegan. Select the shade that makes your heart sing.
How to use Blend with your favourite Lush Lip Balm for a subtler colour, or apply straight to the lips for a more vibrant shade.
Make it happen
And you will see it
Send out your desire to succeed with this proud, pillar box red liquid lipstick.
A matte raspberry ice-cream pink liquid lipstick for that boost of confidence.
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
Laugh out loud
Use it wisely
Believe in yourself
An elegant and shimmering liquid lipstick and a subtle two-tone rose pink for gigglers.
Win over anyone and everyone with this gorgeous baby-pink liquid lipstick.
Increase your esteem with each pout with this soothing juicy winter berry formula.
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
Emotional Brilliance
Ready to rock
Move forward
You can do it
Feel strongly
A vintage cherry deep red made with rose wax for making things happen.
A super-soothing, pinky-purple toned lipstick for those with the ‘can do’ attitude!
Fantastic bubblegum pink lipstick that also makes a lovely blusher.
A fluorescent two-toned hot pink and purple lip stain for parading your feelings.
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
Without force
Now, I can see clearly
Full of life
A sheer red and gold burst of colour for that boost of inner strength.
Nearly nude rose-toned lipstick that provides you with all the angles.
A beautiful yet unflinching coral red to illuminate your courage and fortitude.
A shimmering golden orange for a moisturising topcoat of get-upand-go.
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
For full ingredients and to see exactly what makes our make up so special, visit Phone orders 1300 587 428
Liquid Eyeliner Our vegan liquid eyeliners are made with two different types of base. Independent and Fantasy have a no-smudge, stay-put formula. The others don’t set straight away, giving you time to blend. For maximum emotional brilliance, choose the first colour that catches your eye.
How to use Draw close to the lashes. Start at the inner corner of the eyelid and draw across. A fine line will give discreet colour, a thicker line will give boldness to the eye.
Take it
And to the point
Easy-to-blend deep inky blue liner made with rose petal infusion, for eyes in the know.
A warm peach with a barely-there beautiful shimmer, perfect for highlighting your assets.
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
In Charge
You’re allowed
For life
Take control
We insist you indulge yourself with this feast of liquid gold for your eyes.
A naturally brilliant lush, leafy green to take you to the great outdoors.
Find your strength and be a leader with this strong royal navy blue liner.
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
Emotional Brilliance
Do what you love
Say ‘yes’
A jumpstart to your motivation, this teal eyeliner is the perfect start to the day.
Gild your eyes with the luxury they deserve with this alluring metallic silver shine.
A moisturising and comforting pastel baby blue for quelling the tides of stress.
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
Feeling Secure
Quietly Motivated
Inner confidence
Keep steadfast
Stand on your own two feet A charcoal black eyeliner for fabulous flicks and sky-high confidence.
A rich and regal velvety purple to elevate your status.
Understated soft bronzed chocolate brown for keeping that spark alive.
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
109 Phone orders 1300 587 428
Cream Eyeshadow The cupuaçu butter in our creamy eyeshadows helps to set the colour pigment nicely. This means that they don’t set straight away, giving you plenty of time to blend to perfection.
How to use For the eyelid, dot in the centre. For the socket or crease, dot in the outer corner of the eye near the crease. For the brow bone, dot just underneath the eyebrow. Blend to finish.
Stay on track
The next thought
A gorgeous blue grey sheen that should be at the top of your wishlist.
The perfect sunset copper shadow for brightening up your day... and everyone else’s.
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
With greater awareness
Feeling lighter
Have style
Because you do know
An intoxicating lime green for when you follow your instincts. You know it makes sense...
This pastel yellow shadow makes a great base for colour - a real staple.
An enduring shimmering taupe that’s a delicate everyday mood enhancement.
A subtle and affectionate sage green for a fresh dose of confidence.
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
$24.95 /5g
Emotional Brilliance
Find out more For a personalised colour reading, pop into your local Lush shop or visit to spin the wheel.
Gorilla Perfumes Fabulous fragrances with plenty of personality.
Gorilla Perfumes
Volume 2 For our master perfumiers, Simon and Mark Constantine, a scent is as much a work of art as a painting or a symphony. Behold their latest masterpieces, inspired as always by nature.
Sikkim Girls Exotic and seductive A mysterious and intriguing fragrance, with darjeeling tea and spicy, floral notes. Ingredients: DRF Alcohol, Perfume, Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum), Frangipani Absolute (Plumeria alba), Tuberose Absolute (Polianthes Tuberosa), Benzyl Salicylate, *Citral, *Coumarin, *Eugenol, Geraniol, Benzyl Benzoate, *Citronellol, *Farnesol, *Limonene, *Linalool, Lilial, Hydroxycitronellal * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$20.00 /10ml
30ml 10ml
$40.00 /30ml
$40.00 /30ml
Devil’s Nightcap
Flower’s Barrow
Feel sexy, wild and windswept
A delicate scent for day or night
A rural, earthy fragrance with oakmoss, oakwood and orange flower absolute.
With top notes of blackcurrant, geranium, sage and thyme, this is sweet and comforting.
A warming, cheerful scent that invokes contentedness
Ingredients: DRF Alcohol, Perfume, Oakmoss Absolute
Ingredients: DRF Alcohol, Perfume, Geranium Oil
(Evernia prunastri), Oakwood Absolute, Orange Flower
(Pelargonium graveolens), Rose Absolute (Rosa
Absolute (Citrus Aurantium amara), Citronellol, Methyl
damascena), Black Currant Absolute ((Ribes nigrum),
Ionone, Hydroxycitronellal, *Limonene, *Linalool,
Roman Chamomile Oil (Anthemis nobilis), Citronellol,
*Geraniol, *Benzyl Alcohol, *Benzyl Salicylate,
*Citral, *Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool, *Eugenol,
*Isoeugenol, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Farnesol, *Eugenol
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$25.00 /10ml
$20.00 /10ml
$50.00 /30ml
$50.00 /30ml
$40.00 /30ml
$40.00 /30ml
Allow neroli oil and the scent of coconut and vanilla to gently fragrance your skin. Ingredients: DRF Alcohol, Perfume, Neroli Oil (Citrus Aurantium amara), Mimosa Absolute (Acacia decurrens), Hydroxycitronellal, Amyl Cinnamal, *Geraniol, *Farnesol, *Limonene, *Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$15.00 /10ml $27.00 /30ml
$27.00 /30ml Phone orders 1300 587 428
The Bug Changeable, intriguing perfume Labdanum resinoid and elemi oil are offset with tonka absolute to create a perfect mix. Ingredients: DRF Alcohol, Perfume, Labdanum Resinoid (Cistus labdaniferus), Sandalwood Oil (Santalum austro-caledonicum vieill), Elemi Oil (Canarium commune), Galbanum Oil (Ferula galbaniflua), *Limonene, *Citronellol, *Linalool, *Citral, *Geraniol, *Coumarin, *Cinnamal * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$20.00 /10ml
$40.00 /30ml
$40.00 /30ml
Euphoria Inspired by aromatherapy techniques to lift the mood Clary sage oil and floral rose oil are balanced for a bright, comforting fragrance. Ingredients: DRF Alcohol, Perfume, Clary Sage Oil (Salvia sclarea), Rose Oil (Rosa damascena), Petitgrain Absolute (Citrus Aurantium amara), *Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool, *Citral, *Farnesol, *Citronellol, *Benzyl Salicylate * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$15.00 /10ml $27.00 /30ml
$27.00 /30ml
Gorilla Perfumes
Sun Sweet and sunny fragrance Feel the warming scent of Brazilian orange oil, offset with earthy, spicy sandalwood. Ingredients: DRF Alcohol, Perfume, Brazilian Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis), Mimosa Absolute (Acacia decurrens), Sandalwood Oil (Santalum austro-caledonicum vieill), *Limonene, *Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$15.00 /10ml
$27.00 /30ml
$27.00 /30ml
Hellstone Get scented with natural oils Jojoba, vetiver and ambrette seed oil, beeswax absolute and a strong, musty cumin note. Ingredients: Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Perfume, Madagascan Vetivert Oil (Vetiveria zizanoides), Opoponax Oil, Ambrette Seed Oil (Hibiscus Abelmoschus), Beeswax Absolute, Methyl Ionone, *Limonene, *Geraniol, *Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
$25.00 /10ml $50.00 /30ml
$50.00 /30ml
115 Phone orders 1300 587 428
Greatest Hits These are our Greatest Hits: a showcase of our most popular perfumes.
Imogen Rose
A delicate, romantic floral
Powerful, spicy and unique
Sweet, sensual and warm
Topping our charts since its launch, an addictive blend of pine, orange and patchouli.
Jasmine and Fair Trade vanilla absolutes layered with the burnt caramel scent of tonka bean.
Oil (Hibiscus Abelmoschus), Vetivert Oil (Vetiveria
Ingredients: DRF Alcohol, Perfume, Patchouli Oil
Ingredients: DRF Alcohol, Perfume, Fair Trade Vanilla
zizanoides), Tonka Absolute (Dipteryx odorata), Orris
(Pogostemon cablin), *Limonene, *Linalool, Sweet
Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum
Butter (Iris florentina), Bergamot Oil (Citrus Aurantium
Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis), Lavandin Oil (Lavandula
grandiflorum), Tonka Absolute (Dipteryx odorata),
bergamia), Rose Oil (Rosa damascena), Rose Absolute
hybrida), Pine Oil (Pinus sylvestris), Lemongrass Oil
Hydroxycitronellal, Lilial, *Coumarin, *Benzyl Cinnamate.
(Rosa damascena), *Citral, *Coumarin, *Eugenol,
(Cymbopogon citratus), Elemi Oil (Canarium commune),
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
Methyl Ionone, Geraniol, *Benzyl Benzoate, Citronellol,
Cassie Absolute (Acacia farnesiana), *Cinnamal, *Citral,
*Farnesol, *Limonene, *Linalool
*Geraniol, *Citronellol, *Farnesol, *Benzyl Benzoate,
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
*Eugenol, *Benzyl Salicylate
Real rose oil and rose absolute in abundance creates a scent of youthful innocence. Ingredients: DRF Alcohol, Perfume, Ambrette Seed
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
Gorilla Perfumes
Breath Of God
Sexy and intoxicating
Critically acclaimed, complex and beautiful
This unadulterated, sensual jasmine fragrance will be all you want to wear. Ingredients: DRF Alcohol, Perfume, Jasmine Absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum), Ylang Ylang Oil (Cananga odorata), Rose Absolute (Rosa damascena), Fair Trade Vanilla Absolute (Vanilla planifolia), Sandalwood Oil (Santalum austro-caledonicum vieill), Benzyl Alcohol, *Benzyl Salicylate, *Citral, *Eugenol, *Geraniol, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Citronellol, *Farnesol, *Limonene, *Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
Deep cedarwood, vetivert and sandalwood meets light lemon, melon and neroli - pure harmony. Ingredients: DRF Alcohol, Perfume, Lemon Oil (Citrus limonum), Cedarwood Oil (Cupressus funebris), *Limonene, Rose Oil (Rosa damascena), Ylang Ylang Oil (Cananga odorata), Vetivert Oil (Vetiveria zizanoides), Grapefruit Oil (Citrus paradisi), Neroli Oil (Citrus Aurantium amara), Black Pepper Oil (Piper nigrum), Sandalwood Oil (Santalum austrocaledonicum vieill), Cade Oil (Juniperus oxycedrus), *Benzyl Salicylate, *Cinnamyl Alcohol, *Cinnamal, *Citral, Methyl Ionone, Coumarin, Eugenol, *Geraniol, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Citronellol, *Farnesol, *Linalool * Occurs naturally in essential oils
Dirty Body Spray Clean, fresh and herbal A breath of fresh air that hits you with intensely crisp spearmint, thyme and tarragon. Ingredients: DRF Alcohol, Perfume, Methyl Ionone,
Tarragon Oil (Artemisia dracunculus), Sandalwood Oil (Santalum austro-caledonicum vieill), Lavender Absolute (Lavandula angustifolia), Neroli Oil (Citrus Aurantium
A no-nonsense fragrance
amara), Thyme Absolute (Thymus vulgaris), *Cinnamyl Alcohol, *Coumarin, *Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool, *Cinnamal, *Eugenol, *Farnesol, Hydroxycitronellal.
Intensely crisp spearmint, thyme and tarragon, and the subtle scent of the calm seas. Its clean and herbal character stands at odds with its name. Ingredients: Organic Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis), Castor Oil (Ricinus communis), Candellia Wax (Euphorbia cerifera), Perfume, Talc, Tarragon Oil (Artemisia dracunculus), Sandalwood Oil (Santalum austro-caledonicum vieill), Lavender Absolute (Lavandula angustifolia), Neroli Oil (Citrus Aurantium amara), Thyme Absolute (Thymus vulgaris), *Cinnamyl Alcohol, *Coumarin, *Geraniol, *Limonene, *Linalool, *Cinnamal, *Eugenol, *Farnesol, Hydroxycitronellal, Methyl Ionone, Colour 77289 *Occurs naturally in essential oils
* Occurs naturally in essential oils
$19.95 /180ml
01202 668 545 01202 668 545 01202 668 545 Phone orders
Perfect presents that are beautiful to look at and exciting to open.
All Year Round Gifts
All Year Round Gifts We create gifts with both you and the environment in mind: we eliminate waste wherever possible. All our packaging is recycled or recycleable and the products contained on the inside are just as beautiful as the designs on the outside.
Blooming Beautiful A bloomin’ beautiful gift, with two floral bath products. Gift contents: Think Pink bath bomb and Pop In The Bath bubble bar.
Top Of The Blocks
Sweet Soap Of Mine Tutti Fruity
Two of our cult classics, back to back! A great gift to introduce someone to the world of Lush.
A duo of our sweetest, pinkest soaps for sweet shop nostalgia.
This zestilicious gift is the perfect way to wake up in the mornings, with a peel-off fruit sticker.
Gift contents: Karma and Honey I Washed The Kids soaps 100g.
Gift contents: Rock Star and The Godmother soaps 100g.
Gift contents: Miranda soap 100g and Happy Hippy shower gel 100g.
$14.50 01202 668 545 Phone 01202 orders 668 5451300 587 428
Relax, Take A Bath
Shiny Happy People Out Of This World
Wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind you...dreamy bath products to take you over the rainbow and into the land of dreams.
A trio of lemony treats to get you squeaky clean and smelling lovely - soap, scrub and buff your way to a shiny, happy day.
Gift contents: Dorothy bubble bar, Twilight bath bomb and Dreamtime luxury bath melt.
Gift contents: Happy Hippy shower gel 100g, Bohemian soap 100g and Buffy body butter (mini) 50g.
A duo of sweet treats for intergalactic bath times. Gift contents: Space Girl bath bomb and Rock Star soap 70g.
Pillar of Fizz
A pair of soothing, softening and oh-so-sweet bath time goodies that won’t let you down.
Too many bath bombs? This is the perfect place to store all your lovely Lush goodies, especially the naked ones. For a great gift, you could even fill it up with products.
Just the thing for a girl like you, sweetsmelling bubble bars and bath bombs too!
Gift contents: Honey I Washed The Kids soap 50g and Butterball bath bomb.
Gift contents: Container only, bath bombs not included.
Gift contents: Space Girl and Think Pink bath bombs, Creamy Candy bubble bar and The Comforter bubble bar (mini).
Yellow $24.95 Pink $24.95
All Year Round Gifts
Mr Bumble This adorable bumble bee knot wrap contains two products sharing our popular honeytoffee fragrance. Gift contents: Honey Bee bath bomb and Honey I Washed The Kids soap 70g.
Ray Of Sunshine
The Sweetest Thing
With sunny, citrus-scented products that will transport you to warmer climes.
Show some love with this gift filled with sweet scents and shimmering lustres.
Gift contents: The Olive Branch shower gel 100g, Bohemian soap 100g, Sugar Scrub (mini) and Each Peach (And Two’s a Pair) massage bar (mini).
Gift contents: Sweetie Pie shower jelly 100g, The Godmother soap 70g and Shimmy Shimmy massage bar.
$22.50 01202 668 545 Phone 01202 orders 668 5451300 587 428
Uplifted Turn someone’s frown upside-down with this selection of refreshing yet calming products. Gift contents: Happy Hippy and Dirty Springwash shower gels 100g, Whoosh shower jelly 100g, Rub Rub Rub shower scrub 140g, Bohemian soap 100g and Ocean Salt face and body scrub 70g.
Sweetie Pie Sweets for your sweet! All the sweet treats one could wish for in a beautiful reusable box. Gift contents: Space Girl and Think Pink bath bombs, Rock Star soap 100g, Shimmy Shimmy massage bar, Sweetie Pie shower jelly 100g, Creamy Candy and Sunnyside bubble bars.
All Year Round Gifts
Happy Bathday Celebrate every day like a Bathday! Complete with accessories for your very own party in the bath. Gift contents: Karma and Pop In The Bath bubble bars, Blue Skies and Fluffy White Clouds bubble bar (mini), Avobath, Fizzbanger and Big Blue bath bombs.
Hello Gorgeous Bathe, shower, soften and scrub your way to gorgeousness! Products to keep you in tip top condition from head to toe. Gift contents: Think Pink bath bomb, Vanilla Dee-Lite body lotion 100g, The Comforter bubble bar, Rub Rub Rub shower scrub 140g and Gorgeous moisturiser 10g.
123 01202 668 545 Phone 01202 orders 668 5451300 587 428
Everything’s coming up roses with this gift! Gorgeous and sophisticated rose-scented products for bath and body.
It’s party time! With five fabulous foaming shower goodies, this is a great gift whatever the occasion.
Gift contents: Rose Jam bubbleroon, Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner 45g, Amandopondo bubble bar and Rose Queen bath bomb.
Gift contents: Happy Hippy, The Olive Branch shower gels 100g, Honey I Washed The Kids, Sea Vegetable and Karma soaps 100g.
Honey Farm
Relax More
Bee-utiful bath and shower products for sweet scented skin. There’s so much honey in this gift, the bees will want it back!
Melt away stress and relax more than ever before.
Gift contents: Honey Bee and Butterball bath bombs, Honey I Washed The Kids soap 100g, Honey I Washed The Kids shower gel 100g and Soft Coeur massage bar.
Gift contents: The Comforter and A French Kiss bubble bars, Therapy massage bar, Dreamtime luxury Bath melt and Twilight bath bomb.
All Year Round Gifts
My Fair Lady Wouldn’t it be loverly to receive this gift? Just you wait – you’ll love the products inside. With a little bit of luck, you’ll be able to reuse this magnificent box for storing even more Lush products! Gift contents: The Olive Branch shower gel 100g, Turkish Delight shower smoothie 50g, Buffy body butter 90g, Charity Pot body lotion 95g, Miranda soap 100g and Tiny Hands solid hand serum.
125 01202 668 545 Phone 01202 orders 668 5451300 587 428
Think Pink All of our prettiest, pinkest products make this the perfect gift for any occasion. Gift contents: Rose Queen, Think Pink, Twilight and Sex Bomb bath bombs, Creamy Candy and The Comforter bubble bars, Mmmelting Marshmallow Moments luxury bath melt, Helping Hands hand cream 10g, Rose Jam bubbleroon, Rock Star and The Godmother soaps 100g, Turkish Delight shower smoothie 50g, Fair Trade Foot Lotion 100g and Bubblegum lip scrub.
The Art Of Bathing Turn bathing into a work of art with this reusable hatbox, filled with eleven different bath time experiences. Gift contents: Sex Bomb, Avobath, Butterball, Big Blue, Blackberry Bath Bomb, Fizzbanger, Dragon’s Egg bath bombs, Karma, Pop In The Bath, The Comforter, Blue Skies and Fluffy White Clouds and Ma-Bar bubble bars.
All Year Round Gifts
You’re A Star An A-list selection of Lush goodies to make somebody feel like a star. Gift contents: Ceridwen’s Cauldron and Dreamtime luxury bath melts, Blackberry Bath Bomb, A French Kiss bubble bar, Dream Cream body lotion 100g, Therapy massage bar, Silky Underwear dusting powder 60g, Aqua Mirabilis body butter and Skin’s Shangri La moisturiser 10g.
Ka-Pow! Full of invigorating, refreshing and ka-powerful products to make you feel like a superhero. Gift contents: Wiccy Magic Muscles massage bar, Ultrablast toothy tabs, New shampoo bar, Sugar Scrub (mini), Dirty soap 100g, Whoosh shower jelly 100g, Grass and Happy Hippy shower gels 100g and Buffy body butter 90g.
$79.95 01202 668 545 Phone 01202 orders 668 5451300 587 428
Lush Legends Twenty-five of our best sellers, cult classics and unique Lush inventions – this is the ultimate showcase of true Lushness, with something for every bathing, showering and cosmetic occasion you can possibly think of! Gift contents: You’ve Been Mangoed bath melt, Butterball, Avobath and Twilight bath bombs, Pop In The Bath, and The Comforter bubble bars, Yuzu and Cocoa bubbleroon, Happy Hippy and The Olive Branch shower gels 100g, Buffy body butter 90g, Bubblegum lip scrub, Each Peach massage bar, Seanik shampoo bar, Jungle solid conditioner, Turkish Delight shower smoothie 90g, Tiny Hands solid hand serum, Sweetie Pie shower jelly 100g, Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner 45g, Karma, Rock Star and Dirty soaps 100g, Sparkle toothy tabs, Sugar Scrub, Dream Cream body lotion 100g and Ultrabalm multi-purpose balm 10g.
Ethically Sourced We know that the most exciting part of receiving a gift is getting to unwrap it. We didn’t want to get rid of packaging altogether, so instead we’ve made sure that all our materials have minimal environmental impact. All our gift boxes are reusable, our paper is all recycled (some of it’s made from recycled t-shirts) and some of our knot-wraps are Greenspun, which is fabric made from recycled plastic bottles. Even the packaging material inside is made from waste potato starch, called Ecoflo.
All Year Round Gifts
Knot-Wraps Knot-wrapping is a great alternative to paper, scissors and tape. It’s based on a kind of traditional wrapping cloth called Furoshiki; used in Japan to wrap everything from gifts to groceries. When you use a knot-wrap, there’s no waste involved, it looks beautiful and whoever receives it can use it again and again. Our knot-wraps are made for us by re-wrap, a womens co-operative based in India that enables local women to become trained and financially independent; Greenspun, which is a kind of fabric made from recycled PET (plastic bottles); or they’re upcycled vintage scarves.
Vintage A range of vintage knot-wraps are available*
*Randomly selected
01202 01202 668 668 545 545
Lush Spa Take a sensory journey with one of our mind and body altering treatments. (Currently only available in the UK, North America, Japan and France)
Spa Treatments
Our very English spas take you on a unique sensory journey that’s personalised to you. Each treatment will ease tension in your body and lift your spirits, featuring a range of our beautiful products and music composed especially for the treatment, taking inspiration from the Dorset countryside in the UK. Choose from seven unique treatments and surrender yourself to an experience that lifts you up, takes you on a beautiful journey, and then sets you back on earth feeling serene and radiant. LUSH spas are now open in the UK, North America, Japan and France, with more spa launches planned in other countries very soon.
131 01202 668 545 Phone 01202 orders 668 5451300 587 428
Country List Australia
UK & Ireland
New Zealand
South Africa
Hong Kong
Shop List
Shop List NSW BONDI JUNCTION 02 9386 9143 CHARLESTOWN* 02 4942 1014 ERINA FAIR 02 4365 5200 PARAMATTA* 02 9891 2575 PENRITH 02 4721 4778
QVB SYDNEY 02 9283 5746 MACQUARIE 02 9888 2244
VIC HIGHPOINT 03 9317 0371 CHADSTONE 03 9568 8099 DONCASTER 03 9848 4244 FOUNTAIN GATE 03 8790 2591
MIRANDA 02 9531 0822
ACT CANBERRA 02 6230 7722
QLD BRISBANE 07 3210 2888
CHERMSIDE* 07 3861 4553 PACIFIC FAIR 07 5526 1542 INDOOROOPILLY 07 3878 2902
WA GARDEN CITY 08 9315 2062 KARRINYUP 08 9204 3340 PLAZA ARCADE 08 9325 8974
ADELAIDE 08 8231 9649
TAS HOBART 03 6231 2898
CARINDALE* 07 3324 8707
Why not pop into your local Lush shop and experience our gorgeous products first-hand? Our knowledgeable staff will be able to help you find the best products for you and help you learn more about how the products work and how to use them. You can find your local Lush at *LUSH Kiosks stock a selection of customer favourites. For the complete product range please visit our website.
133 01202 668 545 Phone 01202 orders 668 5451300 587 428
How to use and buy How to use
To make it easy for you to find the right product, we list our ingredients quantitatively in English; the natural ingredients are listed in green and safe synthetics are in black. Each product has a sticker that shows you when it was made, who made it and when to use it by. We have also included vegan and vegetarian society logos.
How to buy Why not pop in to see us at one of our shops, where you can browse and try out some of the products? You can find your local Lush at store_locations
Online Alternatively you can order online at Email Customer Care
Phone Get in touch with our friendly team on
1300 587 428 Post Or if you prefer, then feel free to write to us at
PO Box 83, Canterbury NSW 2193
Editorial Team
Guest Designers
Debbi Allen, Ceri Roberts, Katrina Johnson,
Dani Dixon, Katharina Lehmann, Kate Geary
‘Jiggly’ Paul Shane, Amy Hayhurst, Victoria Gooch Guest Writers Lucy Siegle, Clive Stafford Smith, Juliet Chard, Hilary Jones, Becca Lush Design Team Andy Russell, Adam Goswell, Amy Halnan, Hayley Moore, James Shead
Digital Producers Stuart Dixon, Dan Parkinson Photography Richard Skins, Felicity Millward Guest Photographers Cadi Roberts, Ludwig Schramm
How to use and buy
… in making effective products from fresh organic* fruit and vegetables, the finest essential oils and safe synthetics. We believe in buying ingredients only from companies that do not conduct or commission tests on animals and in testing our products on humans. We invent our own products and fragrances, we make them fresh* by hand using little or no preservative or packaging, using only vegetarian ingredients and tell you when they were made. We believe in happy people making happy soap, putting our faces on our products and making our mums proud. We believe in long candlelit baths, sharing showers, massage, filling the world with perfume and in the right to make mistakes, lose everything and start again. We believe our products are good value, that we should make a profit and that the customer is always right. *We also believe words like ‘Fresh’ and ‘Organic’ have an honest meaning beyond marketing.
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Printed on environmentally responsible paper from a sustainable forest using inks that are vegetable based.
Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner Nourishing argan oil with exquisite rose A rich conditioner for silky, heavenly skin.
R © 1995 – 2014 LUSH Retail Ltd Registered Office 33-35 Dunning Avenue Rosebery 2018 NSW Australia ABN: 24 077 737 663