Muslims for Eco Justice

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Furthermore, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) shared an intimate relationship with nature. He constantly reminded his companions about the importance of using natural resources sparingly – not to waste water even when next to a flowing river. He showed compassion for all living things and advocated the harmonious balance between man and nature. The Arabic word for balance is Mizan and Allah warns us in the Quran not to transgress this balance through negligent and uncaring behaviour. In Surah ArRahman, chapter 55, verse 7-9, Allah the Sublime proclaims:

An environmentally conscious Muslim is someone who strives to live in harmony and reverence with nature. The most primary source of Islamic guidance, the Glorious Quran, in numerous verses exhorts Muslims to observe, contemplate and reflect on the signs of God in the universe. The Quran insists that these signs manifest all we need to know about God and about our rightful place on earth. Allah says in the Quran, Surah Ali - ‘Imran, chapter 3, verse 190:

And the skies has He raised high, and has devised for all things a balance

About Muslims for Eco-Justice Muslims for Eco-Justice is a project of the Claremont Main Road Mosque in partnership with SAFCEI and the WWF Nedbank Green Trust. The Claremont Main Road Mosque is a faith community committed to working towards a more sustainable world. We advocate the view that environmental justice is intrinsic to being a conscientious Muslim. CMRM commits to: •

Taking responsibility for preserving the natural environment

Implementing measures which will reduce the mosque’s carbon footprint

Encouraging congregants to embrace ecologically ethical lifestyles

Supporting NGO’s that raise awareness and campaign around environmental justice

So that you might never transgress the balance of what is right

Weigh therefore your deeds with equity “Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding”

Claremont Main Road Mosque And fall not short in the balance

Muslims for Eco-Justice aims to raise awareness around environmental issues. It is an important step for developing consciousness of our impact on the environment. However, it is not only about creating awareness and fostering new patterns of behaviour towards the environment, our goal is also to reignite our role as custodians of the earth. The Prophet Muhammad may Allah’s everlasting peace and blessings be upon him advises us:

Southern Africa Faith Communities’ Environment Institute

“The world is green and delightful and Allah has made you a custodian over it, and is observing carefully how you deal with it” Claremont Main Road Mosque supports NGO’s that raise awareness and campaign around environmental justice

World Wide Fund for Nature

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