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“Let the chips fall where they may.”
mARCH 17, 2016
Serving the Luther College community since 1884.
VoLUmE 138, no. 17
New gender-neutral housing Greenhouse policies clarified, discussed speaks on law, laura proescholdt STAFF WRITER & aNNa jeide EdIToR-In-CHIEF Residence Life and Student Life continue to evaluate how gender-neutral housing spaces will be implemented on campus. While returning students have the opportunity to apply to a new gender-inclusive cluster in Farwell Hall, the way in which space in Brandt third floor center corridor is utilized will depend on the needs of incoming students, as interpreted by Residence Life. According to Interim Director of Residence Life Kelsey Boyce, the rooms in Brandt Third Center Corridor are not specifically designated as genderneutral, gender-inclusive or co-ed. The addition of a gender non-specific restroom and shower facility allows the space to be utilized as gender-neutral if deemed necessary by Residence Life. “If we have students that have a need or a desire to live in that gender neutralspace then that is how we will arrange that floor,” Boyce said. “If that isn’t a demonstrated need that comes through or a request that anybody’s articulating a need for, my understanding right now is that Third Center will continue to be kind of what it is right now, which is it may be male or female based on the gender breakdown of the incoming [first-year] class.” According to Boyce, incoming students interested in gender-neutral housing might make an indication on
their housing application or through direct communication with Admissions or Residence Life. “If we have students who express a need or a desire to live in a space like that, we would work with them on an individual, case-by-case basis,” Boyce said. “That most frequently would happen by a student writing that on their housing application that that’s a space that they’re looking to live in.” According to Housing Assignments Coordinator Vanessa Wiest (‘10), the housing application released as early as October to incoming students does not indicate that gender-neutral space may be available in Brandt. The application was released before the decision to add a gender non-specific restroom and shower facility to Brandt third floor center was finalized. According to Wiest, Residence Life will reach out to students who voluntarily disclose information on their application that indicates that the student may be a good fit for the Brandt space. The Luther housing application asks students to select their gender from the choices of male or female. According to Wiest, there is no specific place for incoming students to indicate their gender identity outside the male/female binary, which could be different from their sex. Some students provide this information in open-ended portions of the application. Current students have expressed concern regarding the lack of transparency for gender-neutral spaces on campus. Adam Bartucci (‘17), transgender
male, views the limited gender preferences on the housing application as problematic. “They’re still hiding the genderneutral options by not providing a place to indicate gender identity on the housing form,” Bartucci said. Vice President and Dean of Student Life Corey Landstrom said that there are important considerations colleges must keep in mind when asking students for information on gender identity such as which student information is stored and where. In 2011, the Common Application board struck down a proposal to include questions on gender identity and sexual orientation. Though the questions would have been optional, board members worried that they might make students feel uncomfortable, according to Inside Higher Ed. 414 colleges accept the Common Application, including Luther College. As for indicating on the housing application that Brandt third floor center is a potential gender-neutral housing location, Landstrom says administration needs more information to make that decision. The current application round will help reveal how many students indicate an interest in the space. According to Landstrom, incoming students may learn of Brandt’s option during Registration, Orientation and Advising Day (ROAD) or through contact with Admissions or Residence Life. “We’ll find ways to signal to students that there are options,” Landstrom said.
Sarah Rickertsen (‘16) won first place at the English Honor Society Sigma Tau Delta conference for a creative work relating to the theme “Finding Home” in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during March 4-6. Luther students have the opportunity to submit to the Sigma Tau Delta national convention every year. Rickertsen, an English major, has been writing since she was very young, and this is her second time submitting to Sigma Tau Delta. “Every year they have a conference at which students who are members of Sigma Tau Delta have the opportunity to submit papers, critical papers or creative papers, to be presented at this national conference,” Associate Professor of English and chapter sponsor for Sigma Tau Delta at Luther Amy Weldon said. “Rickertsen won a prize for her story at the conference, which is a really big honor because there are more than a thousand
greenhouse speaks in CFL Recital Hall. Sidney Larsen / Chips sidNey larseN STAFF WRITER
students [submitting works].” Rickertsen recalls the origins of her story in Weldon’s Creative Writing: Poetry and Fiction I. “‘Painting Milk’ is a fiction piece I wrote in Dr. Weldon’s creative writing class,” Rickertsen said. “It’s about a woman who is a tattoo artist but kind of wishes she was a ‘real’ artist.” The story began as a prompt in Weldon’s class that grew into something larger. “Its origins kind of make me chuckle because it was definitely [written] on a day in class where I didn’t feel like writing,” Rickertsen said. “We had a prompt that basically involved people putting a bunch of random words on the board, and I saw tattoo gun and I thought, ‘You know what? I’m going to write about tattoos!’” Rickertsen submitted her work under the short story fiction category but did not anticipate winning a prize.
Arthur W. Marks Professor of Anthropology and Chair of the Department of Anthropology at Princeton University Carol Greenhouse presented a series of talks across campus Thursday, March 10, sponsored by the Luther College chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa honor society. Talks included a lunch discussion, a philosophy group talk and a lecture which was titled “Citizens United/ Citizens Divided: A Case Study in Anthropology of Law.” Greenhouse is a 1976 graduate from Harvard with a Ph.D. in anthropology. Her previous teaching experiences include positions at Cornell University and Indiana University. She is the president of the American Ethnological Society and has published numerous books on legal anthropology. According to Professor of Political Science and President of Luther’s chapter of Phi Beta Kappa Mike Engelhart, the national Phi Beta Kappa chapter annually sends out scholars to colleges like Luther to discuss their work. “Most years we’ve been lucky enough to have someone expert in their field come to speak,” Engelhart said. “This year we looked through the list and picked Carol Greenhouse, a sociocultural anthropologist.” Associate Professor of English Amy Weldon said that she is very appreciative of the opportunity Luther has to hear scholars like Greenhouse speak. “I am really excited that Phi Beta Kappa brings scholars like this to Luther,” Weldon said. “I think it’s a really great opportunity for faculty and for students to be a part of national conversations.” Jessica Morrill (‘17), an anthropology major and an attendee of the lunch discussion with Greenhouse, valued the chance to speak with such an experienced anthropologist about the possible applications of
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Rickertsen wins first prize at English honors convention emma schlabach STAFF WRITER