a&e 5
“Let the chips fall where they may.”
mARCH 3, 2016
Serving the Luther College community since 1884.
VoLUmE 138, no. 15
Residence Life designates new gender-neutral rooms LauRa PRoeschoLdt STAFF WRITER Two new gender-neutral housing options will be available for the 201617 academic year. The new options are a gender-inclusive cluster on seventh floor Farwell Hall and rooms in Brandt Hall third floor center corridor. In light of these developments, Student Senate has temporarily discontinued pursuing a proposal to make Baker Village co-ed. The Farwell gender-inclusive cluster differs from the gender-neutral cluster currently in use in Farwell. According to Vice President and Dean of Student Life Corey Landstrom, individuals in the gender-inclusive cluster may room with any person regardless of biological sex or gender identity. This is a change from the gender-neutral cluster in which individuals were required to have single rooms, even if they preferred to have a roommate. According to Landstrom, Brandt Hall third center corridor will exist as an option to incoming first-years who specify a preference for gender-neutral housing on their housing application or
who communicate a need to Residence Life. On a case by case basis individuals in Brandt third center corridor will be required to have roommates of the same sex. Single rooms will also be available. Renovations to Brandt Hall third center corridor will be completed over the summer and will include a gender nonspecific restroom and shower facility, according to Director of Facilities Services Jay Uthoff. According to Student Senate Vice President Nicole Lussier (‘16), the gender-neutral spaces available in Brandt and Farwell relate to two goals set forth by Student Senate this fall: to ensure gender-neutral housing options exist for first-year students and to ensure financial equality between gender-neutral spaces and other housing options on campus. According to Lussier, the Farwell gender-neutral cluster of the past required students to pay single room rates, which are higher than rates for double or triple rooms. “That was a big issue for us—that people were feeling like they had to pay more to live authentically,” Lussier said. Student Senate President Jesus Lucero
Farwell Hall will include a gender-neutral option during the 2016-17 school year. Photo courtesy of (‘16) sees the spaces in Farwell and Brandt as a move forward because next year gender-neutral housing options will be available for the first time to all classes at Luther. According to Lucero, this genderneutral housing development was
Off-campus housing approvals in decline kaRL badGeR STAFF WRITER The recent decline in the amount of students living off-campus has caused both landlords and students to rethink their strategies when deciding whether or not to rent local housing. This change has been more noticeable this year, as only about 20 seniors are currently living off-campus. Luther College 2015-16 Housing and Dining Contract states, “All full-time students are required to live in college-owned housing during their entire stay at Luther College unless married, of non-traditional age (23 years or older) or commuting from their legal guardians’ homes.” Luther allows some students to live off-campus when there are not enough rooms on campus to house all students. As a result, students can petition to live off-campus and sign a lease with a local landlord. The number of off-campus students allowed is determined by enrollment, and recent low-enrollment projections have caused Luther to decrease the number of offcampus permits.
Students sometimes have to sign leases before they learn if they have been approved to live off-campus. Some of these students end up in contracts with both Luther’s room and board and the rent on off-campus housing, having to pay for both. According to Vice President and Dean for Student Life Corey Landstrom, this deadline is difficult to move to earlier in the year to let students sign leases earlier. “The deadline is set due to all the other factors we must consider regarding projected enrollment for the next year,” Landstrom said. “The multiple departments that provide information to us are also finalizing plans and details are simply not available much earlier.” Some area landlords have taken serious measures to account for this change. “I know a lot of the landlords here in town…who have sold their houses,” local renter and Associate Professor of Music Michael Smith said. “Their reaction to this has been, ‘We’re getting out of it — of the student rental. Period.’” off-camPus, PAgE4
influential in Senate’s decision to discontinue pursuing a proposal to make Baker Village co-ed — a proposal that was, in Lucero’s view, a step toward making Baker gender-inclusive. GendeR-neutRaL, PAgE4
Board of Regents meets, discusses campus climate jacob waRehime nEWS EdIToR The Board of Regents met on Luther’s campus on Feb. 19 and 20. As part of their weekend, the Regents met with three student representatives to discuss on-campus issues. The board, which is comprised of 29 members come together a few times per year to discuss campus matters. Among the recent decisions made, tenure was granted to five faculty members: Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Women Gender Studies Maryna Bazylevych, Assistant Professor of Art History Kate Elliott, Assistant Professor of Philosophy Holly Moore, Assistant Professor of French Anne-Marine Feat and Assistant Professor of German Elizabeth Steding. Four new Regents were also appointed to the Board: Jeffrey Anderson (‘84), Sandee Joppa (‘87), James N. Young (‘81) and Michael Osterholm (‘75). ReGents, PAgE4