May 7, 2015

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Eklipse performs end-of-year showcase

A&E 5 Freya prepares to play in nationals



CHIPS In vasiv e species uprooted “Let the chips fall where they may.”

MAY 7, 2015

Serving the Luther College community since 1884.

VOLUME 137, NO.23

MARGARET YAPP STAFF WRITER Luther students joined community members at the Decorah Garlic Mustard Day on Saturday, May 2. The day is dedicated to eradicating Palisades Park of the invasive plant species and was sponsored by Friends of Decorah Parks and the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF). According to Friends of Decorah Parks, more than 20 people participated in the event, which allowed them to cover more ground than anticipated. The organized community eradication days have been taking place since 2011, though garlic mustard first appeared in Northeast Iowa around 2000. “[Garlic mustard] is an invasive, alien plant,” Friends of Decorah Parks member Ellen Macdonald said. “It came from Europe probably 100 years ago or more. It was brought here probably by people who wanted it for culinary uses. It has moved from the East gradually across the country.” According to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, land invaded by garlic mustard undergoes a decline on natural herbaceous cover within ten years and alters the habitat for native insects and thus native birds and mammals. Successful garlic mustard removal requires continuous, regular weeding. GARLIC MUSTARD, PAGE 4

Illustration by Sarah King

Students present research during Symposium day ELIZABETH BONIN STAFF WRITER Instead of learning inside the classroom on May 8, students will have the chance to attend the annual Student Research Symposium, where students of all years will present their own research and creative work in a day of oral presentations, performances and poster sessions. “Our students at Luther are doing really interesting and intriguing things,” Chair of the Faculty Committee of the Student Research Symposium Terry Sparkes said. “This is an opportunity for us to have

students present their work in a community to communicate, to get experience of professional presentation and to teach and recognize that learning is a community practice and that work they’ve been doing all year has an effect.” The day will begin with an opening session recognizing students presenting. Afterward, attendees can attend different oral and performance sessions across campus and have the chance to ask the presenters questions about their research. There will be multiple poster sessions as well. Holly Harris (‘15) will present her senior research paper titled “The Challenges

and Opportunities of the Growing Youth Population in Jordan: A Human Development Perspective.” Harris will argue that the economic, political and social institutions of Jordanian society are not allowing citizens to reach their full potential of human development. “I’m grateful for the opportunity Luther presents to share ideas and what we’ve been working on,” Harris said. “It’s a way to continue the conversations [about] the things I care about, and to hear and respond to things other people care about as well.” SYMPOSIUM, PAGE 4

Waste management facilities installed in Baker Village ERIKA STORVICK STAFF WRITER Two roll-off dumpsters will be installed in Baker Village this week. These roll-offs, large compartmentalized recycling receptacles, will be permanent additions to Luther’s recycling program as part of Luther’s goal to increase energy efficiency on campus. According to Cargill Energy and Waste Fellow Jamie Stallman (‘14), Luther has seen their recycling rates increase through repeated waste audits. These roll-offs are part of a new waste management

infrastructure, established to accommodate the increased amount of recycling on campus. “Our recycling rate is going up, so we have to accommodate that with more infrastructure,” Stallman said. “If we don’t have the right type of infrastructure, recycling rates stagnate.” In total, seven roll-offs will be stationed across campus: two in Baker Village and one at each residence halls. They will be installed as space is made available and will replace the current recycling receptacles. Most ROLL-OFFS, PAGE 4

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