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The Chips Staff
find any of the comments offensive or distasteful; it’s only meant to be in good fun. Sincerely,
For one issue every semester, we, the Chips staff, publish a series of fake news stories. In the fall, we lovingly call these stories our “Foolsies.” Every “Foolsies” you read in the four-page “CHUMPS” section is completely (or mostly) false. We apologize if you
“Aren’t you supposed to be reviewing a pancake this morning,” Kober asked. “Why are you eating french toast?” Alas, I had been bamboozled by the Caf’s labeling system. I was indeed eating a piece of french toast.
Pornhub is no longer available in Utah. Is this God admitting that he made a mistake? How about the Alzheimer epidemic we are facing as a country as our parents age? If God cared, why would he have sentenced my mom to death by cancer? I brought the pancake back to my seat and cleansed my palate for the tasting. The cake resisted my attempts to carve off a chunk because there seemed to be a crust around the edge. With more than minimal effort, I was able to get a piece. I placed it on my tongue and noted the wheatyness of the bit. It tasted much like a piece of bread. As I sat munching away on my pancake and taking notes on its various qualities, Head Copy Editor Ethan Kober sat down across from me.
I took my prey to the syrup machine, which was sadly out of syrup. This happens more often than not, so I’ve become accustomed to eating my pancakes dry, arguably how God intended them to be eaten. However, how much do we really know about what God intended? We have the Holy Bible, but it’s not directly attributed to God like the Qur’an is. If he worked in the best interests of his creations, why are we plagued by vices, diseases, and free will? God created pornography knowing full well that it would create harmful ideals surrounding sex for our youth.
It’s fluffy. It’s got a sweet wheatish flavor. It’s got a rich, viscous syrup. It’s orgasmic. It’s not a Caf pancake. In my search for the best Luther College breakfast food, as someone who hates breakfast, my journey has at long last taken me to the Caf’s main line. Nestled between the flavored oatmeal and the potato of the day are the round cakes the Caf calls pancakes. They had chocolate chip coconut pancakes prepared for my tasting. My first impression was as follows: it wasn’t round. The cake had a distinctly rectangular shape. It was odd, but I’ll allow the culinary artists employed by Sodexo some creative liberty.
Pancake or Slice of Heaven?
In Ward’s statement, she hinted at the possibility of “The Communist Manifesto” being adopted as the all college summer read for 2024. The book shop will begin carrying it next week for community members to purchase.

counterintuitive for me to be attending a private college,” Janus said. “After all, the definition of capitalism is ‘an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit’, but I’m a marxist at heart. My philosophy is that I’ve gotta play with the big boys, no matter the game they’re playing. Marx is a childhood idol of mine, and I can’t wait to hear him spit some facts.”
“I know it seems
However, I’ve been spurned by one too many capitalists. First it was my dog and now it’s the finance bro we were gonna have at commencement.” Students are responding positively to the change. One graduating senior and political science major, Hugh Janus (‘23), expressed excitement at the prospect of meeting his idol.
Ward said. “Why else would I keep raising the price of tuition?
“I’m a capitalist at heart,”
In the statement, Ward explained her thinking behind inviting Marx to speak.
“The Communist Manifesto” and the associated political ideology known as communism.
**Jack and Peter are not liable for what is printed on this page. Ava has full creative control.
Entrepreneur Sharran Srivatsaa (‘01), who was set to speak at the ceremony, pulled out at the last minute due to prior capitalist commitments. Marx is known for his critiques of capitalism and his theory that society is made up of two classes that are at odds: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. He also contends that an economic structure is made up of the means of production and the relations of production. Beyond his early theorizing, Marx is most well-known for his book
K. Ward, Karl Marx is set to be the speaker for Luther College’s 2023 commencement ceremony.
In a statement released on May 8 by the office of President Jenifer

In fact, he is alone on that one, and we will have a Norse poll to prove it. Eventually.
I’m sure that I’m not alone on that either.” about the CHIPS newspaper, those nutters sure are trying everything to stay afloat. But seriously, acrobatics would be a great campus group to start.
“Where’s the acrobatics team?” asked McSquirrels. “And I ain’t talking

Pidgeotto is not alone in this, as other campus bodies look to diversify the lineup of student organizations and sports teams. Squirrely McSquirrels (‘26), joined Pidgeotto in expressing their anger.
“Literally, this is not a slay,” Pidgeotto said. “We need a paragliding team, that is, if Luther really wants to make this campus vibrant. Like, who is looking out for the Pigeons on this campus?”
Squirrels around campus have already been out in force practicing their skills. Using walnuts and thrown out ice cream cones, these hopefuls are striking out, finally dropping walnuts on more than just Luther students. Unfortunately, some campus communities feel a little left out by these new developments, particularly those without fingers. President of Luther’s Pigeon’s 4ever Shiny Pidgeotto (’29), says that all campus communities should have a chance to shine.