LC student’s to KWLC senior project Features 4 A&E 6
“Let the chips fall where they may.”
Please Recycle
September 27, 2012
Vol. 135, No. 4
Since 1884
Upcoming headliner fun. sells out concert Walker Nyenhuis
only thing that’s even comparable is
Excitement is tangible across campus as students anticipate the upcoming, sold-out fun. concert. “I’ve been here for 20 years in the box
to open to the public so they could purchase tickets for their friends and family. “I bought one for my brother, who is in high school,” Meghan Owens (‘15) said. “My goal is to get him to come to Luther.” fun. is scheduled to perform in the main gym of the Regents Center, where the holding capacity for the concert is 2,250 people. This capacity decides how many tickets can be sold. “The maximum capacity for the gym is typically 2,600, but that has to go down because of the staging area,” Director of Facilities Alex Smith said. “We have to
Staff Writer Christmas at Luther.”
excitement for a concert was Ben Folds,” “We sold more student tickets for this one than we did for Ben Folds.” Ticket sales for the Nov. 17 concert week of sales was only open to Luther students utilizing their Co-curricular Activities Fee (CAF).
students, there were 442 tickets remaining for the general public. On Thursday, September 20, the remaining tickets vanished within 30 minutes of the box
The concert is part of Reverb’s Campus Consciousness Tour, a bi-annual effort to bring social and environmental knowledge to college campuses. “It’s different than a lot of other concerts that we’ve done in the past,” Co-Chair of SAC Concerts Ben Jarvis (‘13) said. “It’s more than just a show.”
of sales. “It has been crazy,” Johnson said. “The
Consciousness Tour has stopped at Luther. In 2007, the lead singer of fun. Nate Ruess performed in the Regents Center
the sales for the Andy Grammar and Concerts Katherine Tangen (‘15) said.
with his previous band, The Format, as an opening act for Guster. fun.’s sold out headlining debut at Luther promises to be
a memorable event for everyone. “Don’t lose your ticket,” Tangen said. “It’s going to be valuable.”
Walker Nyenhuis/Chips
Scrambling for tickets. Alise Miller (‘15) purchases one of the last tickets from Phil Johnson (‘15) so she can attend the the fun. concert with her brother.
Trout Run Trail dedicated Stevens discusses
Katherine Mohr/Chips
Crossing milestones. Mayor Don Arendt helps cut the chain that served as a the ribbon for the opening of the Trout Run Trail.
Katherine Mohr
to several events this weekend,
The recently-completed Trout Run Trail brought Decorah community members
marathon run, a dedication ceremony, a community party and a ribbon cutting. The trail stretches from downtown Decorah to the
Staff Writer including a 5K and half-
Fish Hatchery, creating an 11mile loop. Associate Director of Alumni Relations Kirk Johnson (‘82) explained the unique features are what draw many to it. “It’s not miles and miles of the same thing,” Johnson said. “There’s a fair amount of variety in it: switchbacks, the river, the trout hatchery, and, for now, we have an eagle’s nest.” Benefits to Decorah residents and students alike are varied. “It provides a recreational opportunity, which encourages healthy lifestyles,” former City Manager Jerry Freund said. “It means we can get outside any day, whether it’s to bike, jog, or snowshoe.” Leaders also believe it will generate tourism for Decorah. “It’s a huge tourism asset not only to this area, but to Iowa,” Director of the Winneshiek County Convention and Visitors Bureau Brenda Balk said. “We’ve already welcomed in guests from all over the country to check out Trout Run Trail Dedication continued on page 10
100 years of biology history at Luther Noah Nelsen-Gross
Staff Writer
Luther College has a storied history going back well over a century. On homecoming weekend, retiring Assistant portion of that history in a lecture titled “100 Years of Biology at Luther College.” The first biology-related class on record was a physiology course offered by A.A. Veblen in 1879. This course was only offered for two years, disappearing once Veblen left Luther College. Between 1880 and 1890 there was a zoology course offered as well, but after the ten year period it too disappeared. Then followed a twenty-two year gap before any biology related course showed up as an option in the Luther College curriculum. In 1912, Luther College hired its first faculty member to explicitly teach biology: Hans Hilleboe. It was only to be taught at a preparatory level for students who did not have enough of a background in schooling, but it marked the establishment of biology as a department at Luther College. The department itself began offering biology courses to regular college students in 1916 and it became apparent that biology was here to stay at Luther College. While biology was not offered as a degree until 1926, the major milestones within the history of Luther College’s biology department were in the 1930’s and early in the Biology Lecture continued on page 10
News Author looks to Norse roots with new book
Tisa Tollenaar
Volunteer Writer
Local author Douglas “Dag” Rossman promoted his newest book “The Way of the Elves” with a book signing at the Luther Book Shop on Sept. 22. This new book is the direct sequel to “Theft of the Sun,” in a series of books based on the elves of Norse mythology set in ancient times. He has also authored “The Dragonseeker Saga,” which is a compilation of short stories that are also Norse mythology-based and were previously published in magazines. In total, Rossman has written six books and two biology textbooks. Before settling in Decorah, Rossman was a biology professor at Louisiana State University. When it came time to retire, he and his wife decided on Decorah for three reasons. “One, because of the Scandinavian background,” Rossman said. “My wife and I both have Norwegian
descent. Two, because of Luther College. And three, because of the beauty of the area and of Decorah.” Rossman says he and his wife have lived here for 13 years and do not regret it one bit. Book Store coordinator Jo Uhlenhake says that this is the second time Rossman has been in the Book Shop for a book signing. “We try to get authors to do book signings as often as we can, but we get them in about six dates a year,” Uhlenhake said. The Book Shop looks for authors that are from the area or that have some sort of connection to Luther. young adult, but believes people of all ages can enjoy it if they have an interest in Norse mythology. “I think that anyone who is a fan of J.R.R. Tolkein [author of the The Lord of the Rings trilogy] or Rick Riordan [author of the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series] can really get into this book,” Rossman said.
Tisa Tollenaar/Chips
Norse tales. Rossman signs his newest book in a Norse mythology series during Family Weekend.
Carroll cautious about social media Tony Chase
Staff Writer
Social media is an exponentially growing part of our culture, but as Adam Carroll pointed out in his presentation “Building Your Online Brand,” it may not be common knowledge that misuse of social media can have consequences. Carroll’s presentation focused on how people represent themselves on various social media outlets, and why aligning your online “brand” or brand is important. “There is no reality, only perception,” Carroll said. “Your brand is what people perceive it to be, not what you [might] think.” According to Carroll, most people do not take the time to maintain a proper online brand. This can result in people making the wrong assumptions based on
limited information. “Be deliberate about what you put online,” Carroll said. “Your online image is blending into your your online brand is up to you.” With the advice and tools Carroll provided, cleaning up or creating your online brand can be very simple. Carroll promoted the use of blogs, websites and even videos to promote an accurate online brand. “Having a domain name [website] is like handing in a resume,” Carroll said. “It will be the resume of the future.” Carroll, who presents several programs that include topics such as scholarship help and career advancement, spread his message that social media, whether that be blogs, videos, or personal websites, will become a main part of how employers screen job applicants in the future. “Companies make assumptions
to not hire people,” Carroll said. “What stuff do you have online that companies would frown upon?” After several stories in which people were either not hired or photos, Carroll made sure to reassure the audience that being selective about your online brand should not be fear-based. “[My advice] is a way of putting good things online, not just removing the bad,” Carroll said. “Not everything has to be professional, but not everything can be a party.”
September 27, 2012
Student vote 2012:
Get out and vote Ingrid Baudler
News Editor
Whether it is the lack of a history-making opportunity, a constant stream of negative advertisements, or just the distraction of fun. coming to Luther, this election does not seem to have the same motivating power that the 2008 presidential election had. “There’s been some talk about whether young people are going to get involved,” President Barack Obama said in the conference call to college campuses on Aug. 28. “The other side’s strategy is to make young people so discouraged they choose to sit out this election.” One reason for the lack of excitement over this election could be the negative campaigning coming from both parties. Instead of hearing reasons why people should vote, they hear reasons why they should not vote for either candidate. “It is really a shame when candidates stereotype and insult each other and their opposing sides,” Vice President of the LC Republicans Neal Abbott (‘15) said. “It seems that many voters, no matter how partisan or non-partisan they may be, are beginning to realize that this system based around hate and judgment is just not working.” Despite discouragements, there may be more involvement than people think. “I think students are more interested in the upcoming election than they may seem,” LC Democrat Andrea Berkeland (‘15) said. “I have gone door knocking in the dorms a couple times and both times there were students who asked logical questions about the issues and were genuinely interested in what I had to say.” The Democrat and Republican groups are active on campus and encourage other students to get informed and involved. “If you’re a Democrat, watch some Fox News,” Abbott said. “If you’re a Republican, take in some MSNBC. It is extremely important that, as citizens, we are aware of our own understanding of the issues, but additionally, and perhaps more importantly, that we are able to understand where the other side is coming from as well.” Abbott also suggests attending a LC Republican meeting before the election and discussing the issues with classmates. Both groups will help students register and request absentee ballots. The LC Republicans meet Sundays at 1:00 p.m. in Oneota Market. The LC Democrats meet Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. in Mott-Borlaug. “Starting on Sept. 27, people can start voting in Iowa,” Berkeland said. “We are inviting people to come to the courthouse early on that day and be one of the first in the country to vote.”
September 27, 2012
Seven-day Forecast
Life outside Luther
News you can use from around the globe
44/70 47/71
Valdivieso critiques meaning in photography Kylie Romeo
Volunteer Writer
Presenting new theories on the limitations of photography, author, journalist and photographer Odalis Valdivieso presented a lecture on “New Photography” this past Thursday. “[Valdivieso] is really ‘now’ in the present as a photographer,” Assistant Professor of Art Benjamin Moore (‘02) said. “She is emerging as one of the preeminent southeastern American photographers. She is taking film photography beyond just the photograph.” Originally from Venezuela, Valdiveso felt a calling to photography. During her
college years she experienced a transition in the photographic arts from film photography to the digital aspect, which gave her an advantage over new upcoming artists. Valdivieso presented numerous pieces of her artwork on a PowerPoint presentation. Some images were the actual pictures themselves, while others were pictures taken of collages she had created. “I found interesting the fact that she translated her collages back into photography because I work with sculpture things, more of the physical versus photography drawing, so it was interesting she translated it back,” Samuel Gathje (‘15) said. A prominent point made
Kylie Romeo/Chips
Reshaping photography. Valdivieso presents her work in small sizes so people have to stand up close to see the details.
throughout the lecture was to be an individual in one’s own artwork. By decreasing the size of her work to smaller proportions, Valdivieso made one of her exhibits unique in that observers would have to look closely for the detail. “Remember, it’s only one person making the work,” Valdivieso said. “You have conversations within yourself, you have expectations. You also have a lot of information from our history, and yet you want to communicate something. So definitely the fact that you have your own voice makes you be unique, makes you different, distinctive from other people.” Another point Valdiviso mentioned in the lecture was that in today’s world, people are obsessed with becoming famous artists because they do not have the typical 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. job structure. These “hipsters,” as she called them, spend hours on art pieces that end up having no meaning at all. “[Valdivieso] has some very good modern opinions on art, especially where she talked about the hipster generation and the want to be a famous artist but not really create art with meaning and life,” Gathje said. This past week Valdivieso had been helping Luther art majors with their work in their private studios. “As artists, we borrow ideas, we take ideas and all we can do as faculty is expose our students [to] as much as possible,” Moore said. Moore felt this gave students “a different perspective and a whole new voice that they wouldn’t have else heard about,” Moore said. Going beyond the lecture, Valdivieso encouraged Luther’s artists to find their own voices, be reflective, be aware of their process and question the whats and the whys of the work.
Compiled by: Ingrid Baudler News Editor
Romney assails Obama after US ambassador’s death Mitt Romney led a chorus of Republican criticism of the administration’s foreign policy on Monday, accusing President Barack Obama of minimizing the recent killing of the U.S. ambassador to Libya as a mere “bump in the road” rather than part of a chain of events that threatens American interests. White House press secretary Jay Carney called the accusations “desperate and offensive” as Romney and his allies sought to gain political advantage in the latter stages of a political campaign that seems to be trending Obama’s way. *** Barron’s slams Facebook, stock falls magazine Barron’s said it is “still too pricey” despite a sharp decline since its initial public offering. Though Facebook’s stock has plunged since its May IPO, Andrew Bary at Barron’s said the stock trades at “high multiples of both sales and earnings, even as uncertainty about the outlook for its business grows.” ***
A caretaker at a group home for the mentally ill called police in the middle of the night because a one-armed, one-legged man in a wheelchair was angry and wouldn’t calm down. What happened next is the subject of an investigation that now the home fatally shot the double-amputee in the head, saying he was cornered by the wheelchair and thought his partner was being threatened by what turned out to be a ballpoint pen. ***
Corps said Monday. The charges against Staff Sgt. Joseph W. Chamblin and Staff Sgt. Edward W. Deptola are in addition to administrative punishments announced last month for three other, more junior Marines for their role in the urination episode. *** UN envoy: Syria war is threatening the region Syria’s civil war is worsening and there is no prospect of a quick end to the violence, international envoy Lakhdar Brahimi said Monday in a gloomy assessment to the U.N. Security Council. The new envoy leavened his message, however, saying he was crafting a new plan that he hoped could break the impasse, but refused to give details or say when it would be ready. Despite President Bashar Assad’s refusal to end his family’s 40-year grip on power, some tentative hope of a solution remained, Brahimi said Sept. 1 as the U.N.-Arab League special representative for Syria ***
A jeweler in metro Atlanta is adding some bang to the bling. Under a new promotion, customers who buy a diamond worth $2,499 Owner Mike Geller told WSB-TV ( http://bit.ly/UC5rCp ) that he got the idea after seeing a similar offer at a Missouri car dealership. He said many of his customers are hunters.
September 27, 2012
Blast from the radio past Margaret Yapp
Staff Writer
Deep in the basement of the Dahl Centennial Union there is a place where
Room of Requirement.
Upon further of paperwork and is
it is discovered that the columns of CDs stacks of indie band posters and numerous women comprise the
“There has been some interesting drama that has become lost to the ages.” -Noah Lange (‘14)
Radio station.
documents resides the
drama that has become KWLC Archives
Back in time. KWLC staffers record on a reel-to-reel recorder in the late ’50s.
of past include an RA implicated in the theft
be the most important information he is
to share their favorite music.
the web stream which is heard around the
an important part of this.
or individual is important because it talks
radio has continued to follow ethical and Margaret Yapp/Chips KWLC Archives
Monkeying around. The KWLC staffers of the ’64-’65 year pose in Valders.
At the mic. Reggae DJ Robbie Helgason (‘15) hangs out in the studio.
September 27, 2012
Contradances keep folk culture alive Brita Moore
Staff Writer out of town or at the Elks dances provide a whirlwind of
discovered contradances. Contradances remind participants of the folk culture of their
Erik Sessions has kept the culture alive in Decorah. dance traditional Sessions
source of exercise. Sessions and the Western
“It gives me an opportunity to use the music for a purpose that others in the community can partake in ... ” -Lucas Blekeberg
One frequent member of the band is Associate Professor of
fiddler who has the band since
Brita Moore/Chips
Community in dance. Participants in Saturday’s local contradance join hands and learn the dance.
also to discover children and their parents. The for classical violinists to be Bill
a an equal floor for all involved.
u n d e r Sessions said. “Some have
For more information on contact Sessions at eriksessions@ connect with others.
said. the musicians and the dancers. senior at Decorah
Brita Moore/Chips
Sharing music. Western Home String Band members John Goodin, Erik Sessions and Caleb Sander (‘15) play for the contradance at Highlandville Schoolhouse on Saturday.
Narveson said. The band does not have a fixed
studied with Sessions
fluctuates from dance to dance. the band.
use the music for a purpose that others One student who has taken
with both the Decorah band
“Get your last licks for the season!” OCATED L Y L T N E IE GE DRIV CONVEN E L L O C ON
Closing for the year on Sun, Oct. 7th
September 27, 2012
Arts & Ente
Collaborative Control Michael Crowe/Chips
It began as a feeling rather than an image. Slowly, that feeling was manifested in the two-dimensional form of a bird. The bird became a sketch that grew its own set of wings and multiplied–
1,300 times. Jena Schwake
The process of tracing and cutting the birds took the
Sports Editor majority of last spring. With the help of many friends,
Katelyn Spindler’s (‘13) senior art show, “Collaborative Control,” currently on display in the Dahl Centennial Union Art Gallery, features a multitude of hanging paper birds of various shapes, sizes, shades and textures. “The main idea behind my show is about letting go,
symbol.” “Collaborative Control” was well over a year in the making. By fall of her junior year, Spindler had already begun the early stages of planning. “I wanted something new and outside of my comfort zone,” Spindler said. “I think that’s probably one of the main things that the art department has taught me: really pushing your boundaries, and trying something new.” As an art education major, Spindler had experimented with a variety of media, such as drawing, painting, weaving, and art history. But in none of these classes had she tackled an installation project. “This is by far the project I’ve put the most time into, compared to all the rest of the pieces I’ve done,” Spindler said. “This is way more time consuming than any of that.”
family and fellow art major Nicole Billips (‘14), Spindler’s once-intangible idea – letting go of control – took shape and sprang to life. “One of the biggest struggles about being an artist is you have this great idea in your head, but trying to make it an actual physical thing is so ridiculously hard to do,” Billips said. When the time came to install her work, Spindler was organized with a plan on how to complete the task, yet she was able to let go of control and rely on the people around her. Over the course of two days, she and her helpers spent nearly 12 hours installing the project. “In the end you have all these beautiful, wonderful, delicate birds hanging from the ceiling that are striking white, buff and beige paper,” Billips said. “The shadows they cast and the way they interact with the space, and they’re blowing around, rustling. Having all of that come together in one solid space – it just speaks.” Though Spindler has her own ideas behind her work, she encourages others to form their own interpretations. “I want everyone to get their own opinion,” Spindler said. “It’s not supposed to be, ‘okay, this is how I want you to feel about this artwork.’ I hope they take something away from it, and they come to realize in their own lives that you can depend on others, which is what I took away from this project most.”
September 27, 2012
Performing rock and honey Carrie Juergens
Reagon in Washington, D.C. in 1973. According to
Staff Writer the group’s website, their name comes from Psalm
Sweet Honey in the Rock will perform on Saturday September 29 in the CFL at 7:30. The band is famous for its connection with civil rights, environmental justice, economic justice and its rich sound, which draws from the sounds of blues, spirituals, traditional gospel hymns, rap, reggae, African chants, hip hop, ancient lullabies and jazz improvisation. “Their music is deeply soulful, inspired, and joyful,” Director of Campus Programming for the Center for Faith and Life Tanya Gertz said. “They have a social conscience and talk about issues close to their hearts. They genuinely care about this world.” Sweet Honey in the Rock identifies specifically with the African-American and deaf communities and has Shirley Childress Saxton, a member of the group, sign each concert in American Sign Language. “It’s a different kind of beauty, and it adds a lot to the performance,” Gertz said. The group was founded by Bernice Johnson
81:16, a promise that a group of individuals will be fed honey from a rock. Honey is a nurturing natural substance, and rock is strong and endures the test of time. In this way, the women’s lyrics and the singers themselves embody strength and substance simultaneously. “They’re a group of powerful, fabulous women in their vocals and personas,” President of PAC Lindsay Sheridan said. “They have a strong message and they’re passionate about getting it across.” Sweet Honey in the Rock was nominated for a Grammy in 2008 with the release of their 20th
CD “Experience…101.” In 2009, they sang at the White House for the Obamas. On top of all of this, the group’s music makes people want to get up and dance. “I don’t know how many Luther students have been to a great black church, but this is similar music,” Gertz said. “It’s a call to action and a powerful, joyful, soulful experience. There are some adults I know that squealed in excitement when they found out that Sweet Honey in the Rock was coming to do a show at Luther.” Tickets are free with CAF, and CDs of the group’s music will be sold after the performance. This performance also comes with an opportunity for Luther students to learn more about what goes on behind the scenes of a performance. “The Center Stage Series is presented by the Performing Arts Committee (PAC), a student group that works behind the scenes of productions that come to Luther,” Sheridan said. “If you’d like to get involved, email pac@luther.edu.” To learn more about the group, their inspiring music and their deep roots, go to www. sweethoney.com.
Photo Courtesy of fundforsouth.org
KWLC Album Review: The Avett Brothers “The Carpenter” Cole Matteson
musicality and tendencies of rock and
“The Carpenter” released this past September, is the Avett Brother’s 7th studio album. While the album still has its roots in traditional folk and bluegrass, the Avett Brothers capture the
Unlike past records, which featured themes of love, (“I and Love and You,” “Emotionalism,” “The Gleam”) “The Carpenter’s” overarching theme is that of death and coping with loss. With this dark theme of mortality the Avett’s sound
Folk and Blues MD roll and blend the genres masterfully.
Photo Courtesy of marshallmatlock.com
Bros. “There was nothing worth sharing, like the love that let us share our name.”
and lyrics have matured. “And when the black cloak drags upon the ground/ I’ll be ready to surrender, and remember/ Well we’re all in this together/ If I live the life I’m given, I won’t be scared to die,” the brothers sing on the song, “The Once and Future Carpenter.” “Through my Prayers” is heartwrenchingly emotional, featuring mournful music from Joe Kwon’s cello. and the lyrics, “I have some better words to say now, but it’s too late to say them to you... the only chance to talk to you now is through my prayers.” This album is rooted in real life loss and every song painfully conveys that. “I’ve never had anyone especially close to me die. As we get older, a lot of the things we said in the past that we thought we believed about understanding life or death, I don’t know that we understood them as well as we do now,” Scott Avett said. During the song writing process in
2011, bassist Bob Crawford’s daughter developed a brain tumor. Crawford took a break from the band to tend to his daughter and almost lost her numerous times. With death clearly on the mind of the band, they discovered how to truly write about the morbid subject. Past songwriting attempts about death seemed almost too up-tempo and irrelevant for the subject. Dealing with the “black cloak” personally has pushed them into a more emotional state, which makes their sound more sincere. While the album lacks some of the Avett’s signature energy, its dark themes have brought the band closer together and produce a sincere and relatable album. I give it 4 out of 5 stars. Favorite tracks: 1. “The Future and Past Carpenter” 2. “Live and Die” 3. “Through My Prayers”
September 27, 2012
CHIPS In the Mick of time: books
Chips is a student publication of Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. The paper is designed, composed, edited and managed entirely by Luther students. It is published weekly during the academic year, excluding the month of January. The opinion section is designed to provide a forum for Chips, its staff members and the Luther community. Opinions expressed in articles, editorials or columns do not necessarily represent the views of the Chips staff. The author is solely responsible for opinions expressed in Chips commentary. Chips will not accept submitted articles or campus announcements. Submissions for letters to the editor should be submitted as a word document to chipsedt@luther.edu with “Letter to the Editor” as the subject line. Letters to the editor are subject to editing without changing the meaning of the letter. Authors will not be notified of changes prior to publishing. Letters must be signed, 300-400 words and submitted by Sunday at 5 p.m. the week before publication. Publication of all letters is at the discretion of the editor. Contact Chips Phone: 563.387.1044 Fax: 563.387.2072 E-mail: chipsedt@luther.edu Advertising: chipsads@luther.edu website: http://lutherchips.com
Drew Mick
Social Media Director
I love technology. As my job title here at Chips implies, I am constantly posting and reposting, checking and rechecking my Facebook and Twitter, looking to see if anything interesting has been posted. My mother views me as an Internet god because I can instantly tell her what time and channel Rachael Ray is on. Currently, I am switching back and forth between Microsoft Word and Google Chrome, Netflix is playing in the background and I’m debating if I need to renew my Xbox Gold account. It’s because I have priorities, people! With all of that said, there is still one technology that I refuse to embrace. I can never see myself owning a Kindle or
“My mother views me as an Internet god because I can instantly tell her what time and channel Rachael Ray is on.”
Fall 2012 Staff Editor-in-Chief...................Michael Crowe Managing Editor..........................Ethan Groothuis News Editors........................Ingrid Baudler Sarah King Features Editor......................Jessy Machon A&E Editor..........................Charlie Parrish Sports Editor..........................Jena Schwake Staff Writers..............................Tony Chase Jayne Cole Carrie Juergens Katherine Mohr Brita Moore Bailey Mulholland Noah Nelsen-Gross Walker Nyenhuis Matt Yan Margaret Yapp Head Copy Editor...................Benj Cramer Copy Editors...............................Katie Hale Kirsten Hash Ad Representative.................Charlie Bruer Michael Johnson Ad Accountant......................Sam Matheson Photography Coordinator..........Casey DeLima Videographer.....................................Bryce Kilker Web Manager...........................Noah Lange Web Technician...................Nathan Haines Design Technician...................Noah Lange Social Media Director..............Drew Mick Illustrator..........................Michael Johnson Adviser.............................Martin Klammer Associated Collegiate Press National Online Pacemaker Award 2011 lutherchips.com
any other book-reading device. Now before I delve into reasons, I want to be clear that I make no judgment if you own one yourself. I understand how economical they are. They certainly have their benefits if you are a poor college student, and I can see how they would be a bit of a space saver. I’m not writing to make you feel bad about your Kindle. Simply stated, I just would rather physically own the books. I have always been a reader. I used to get in trouble with my parents for hiding behind my bed just because I wanted to know what happened to Harry in the Chamber of Secrets rather than clean my room. Again, priorities. Few things give me more joy than walking into Barnes and Noble and buying a new book. There is just something about holding a book: the feeling of its hard cover, the scent of its pages (yes, I smell my books), and the satisfaction of turning the last page and finishing the story that I have invested so much time. To me it feels like a victory when I’m able to put a book back on the shelf and say that I have read it. I understand that not everyone will agree with me. Not everyone wants to spend the money to own a book physically. Not everyone dreams of one day having an entire room filled wall to wall with books (complete with one -Drew Mick (‘13) of those ladders on wheels). But I am willing to bet that I am not the only one who thinks this way. Honestly, I hope to maybe give you pause the next time you want to buy a book. Or maybe you won’t. The choice is yours. In the meantime, I think I’m going to go start H.G. Wells’ “The War of the Worlds.”
Dear Luther Men, We love you, but we need to talk to you about a few things. For some reason, the media portrays to you that
it’s okay for you to treat us like sexual objects. Now, don’t get us wrong, we’re flattered that you think we’re pretty, but we are a lot more than just our good looks. To quote C.S. Lewis, “You don’t have a soul. You have a body. You are a soul.” If that body happens to be in tiptop shape from working out at the gym, or a little curvier from loving the Caf too much, so be it. But it is not what defines us, and neither is our sexuality. So when you come onto us with phrases like, “Wow, nice boobs,” or, “I love your butt,” we don’t really know
Par for the Norse
how to respond. We’re grateful, but we’re uncomfortable. It’s awkward, because we typically have some idea that we’re decent looking, but we’re taken aback by the fact that you actually have the cahones to say so. I mean, we appreciate compliments, but then we wonder about what’s not being seen: our intellect, our awesome personalities, our big hearts, everything we do for our communities and all the plans that we have. We’re afraid that what we look like blinds you from actually seeing who we are, because we’re hoping that you think our souls are just as awesome as our butts. If you’re going to try lines on us, maybe get to know us a while first. I understand that sexually appealing women cause a very visceral reaction in men, and that it’s hard not to let certain women know just how sexually appealing they are, but hold back. Try. Because once you win us over intellectually and are comfortable enough with us that you know our personalities, we don’t mind a little bit of information about how pretty you think we are. So be a gent, and get to know us before trying to get us into bed. Take us on an innocuous but adorable first date—like to Whippy Dip, or T-Bocks. Seriously, we’d be impressed by the effort you put in. Chivalry is not dead, and each time I’m reminded of that by a guy holding a door open for me, or walking on the car side of the sidewalk, I’m incredibly flattered, and I blush in pleasure rather than embarrassment. So, men, if you give it a college try, and be a little oldfashioned (but not in a chauvinistic sense), we’d be glad to get to know you. Sincerely, Carrie Juergens (‘14)
September 27, 2012
In response to the Sept. 6 editorial by Editor-in-Chief Michael Crowe (‘13) condemning apathy. I was more than a little proud when Michael Crowe quoted an issue of the Luther College Chips published in 1981. I was editor that spring and loved working on Chips with Paul Barribeau who was especially known for his pointed and funny political
cartoons (We worked as a team, along of the next Greek gathering. with another guy named Crowe, who I’m hoping that Luther students of might have some connection to the 2012 are not too absorbed to take note current editor). of the November Paul prodded elections, especially students to step up Minnesota students. and get involved, This may be your take action. first opportunity More than three to cast a ballot. decades ago, Request your Luther students, absentee ballots like many other now so that you can students, got weigh in on some caught up in the important issues. importance of In particular, their classes, Minnesota has a friends and ballot amendment -Sheri Brenden (‘81) that would add to the activities. It was easy to lose state’s constitution sight of foreign language defining conflict or presidential elections when marriage as a union only between a we were absorbed with the study time man and woman. Minnesota already needed for the next test or the location has a law against gay marriage, so
“You know people who have fallen in love and plan to build their futures together ... Those are dreams that everyone deserves!”
9 this amendment, in effect, simply places the possibility of marriage for same gender couples further out of reach. Thirty other states have already approved such amendments. In fact, no state has defeated one of these marriage amendments. But that’s where you come in. You know people who have fallen in love and plan to build their futures together, people who are committed to a partner and dream of their shared life. Those are good dreams! Those are dreams that everyone deserves. Help Minnesota be the first state to stop one of these marriage amendments. Vote no and keep our state’s constitution from limiting the freedom to marry. -Sheri Brenden (‘81), Minnetonka, Minn.
Enjoying the simple things in life
Becca Dugdale
Remember those days back in kindergarten when the most difficult decision of the day was if you wanted to color or play with Legos before you ate a snack and took a nap? Man, those days were awesome! Why can’t life still be that simple? Now we go around all day stressing about a test, debating about what to wear Saturday night and getting into silly fights with those we love. Of course, there are bigger issues plaguing our minds such as who we think should run our country
Trail work more of a group effort The article last week highlighting the work that Students Helping Our Community did on a local mountain bike trail was a wonderful portrayal of the volunteering that our group stands for. Thanks to the author for getting word out about our group's community involvement. We hope and expect to do much more. However, one important detail was overlooked. The amount of work that SHOC did to complete that particular section of trail was misrepresented. The new section of trail, just off of
or the environmental problems we are having, which, we will be graduating and moving out of the Luther I might add, has been causing me many wardrobe bubble where we will have even more problems to problems lately! deal with. I imagine that we probably look similar to Charles I remember thinking when I was a first-year Shultz’s Pig-Pen with that I had all the time in the all of our worries world to enjoy college but constantly following us, now that I am just past the but, silly image aside, halfway mark, I realize that it has become a serious this assumption was far from problem on college the truth. Although I will be campuses across the the first to say that studying country. is of the utmost importance, Too often we lose a single assignment, test, or focus on what is truly even class is not worth ruining important. Even a few friendships or spending your years down the road, we -Becca Dugdale (‘14) days with a stress-induced will not remember how illness. well we did on that gen. As this year continues, I chem exam, but we will would encourage all of you to remember the experiences we had. take some time enjoying the simple things in life. When was the last time you sat outside and enjoyed This could be anything from going for a run in the the sunshine with some friends or took a solitary crisp fall air or doing something you enjoy, like walk down by the river? We live in such a beautiful picking apples or making cookies with your best place that is, for the most part, sheltered from the friends. As cliché as it sounds, this is the time of our hustle and bustle of the “real world.” Soon enough lives. Don’t waste this gift. Enjoy it.
'Boa' among the Ice Cave trails, was not begun and finished during SHOC's work session. The fact of the matter is that the LC cross country team completed the vast majority of this trail segment. When we (SHOC) arrived, eight of us put in a solid two and half hours worth of very quality work. To quote Deke, this was "the icing on the cake". SHOC was indeed damn good icing, but we were working to finish a trail that the cross country team men & women had begun and made immense progress in a cumulative six hour work day. On August 22nd, seventy runners descended on untouched woodland. In three separate shifts, they cleared loads of trees and brush, laid support logs and even finished part of the new trail. A big thank you from SHOC to the cross country team. And a shout-out to the DHPT volunteers who were there to guide both LC crews through safe, educated and rather enjoyable sessions of trail building. Sincerely, Elliott Drake (‘13) President, SHOC
“A single assignment, test, or even class, is not worth ruining friendships or spending your days with a stress-induced illness.”
September 27, 2012
Inauguration of Trout Run Trail includes community entertainment and activities Trout Run Trail Dedication continued from page 1
the trail. It will create huge economic benefits for this area.” Many also believe it will increase residents’ quality of life. “I think it will bring more people who work out of their homes who want to move here,” Lead Trail Volunteer Mike Huinker said. “Northeast Iowa will compete well in attracting people to move here.” The idea to pave a trail between Decorah and the Fish Hatchery has been in the works for at least 20 years. In 2005, when a team of volunteers including Huinker and Johnson started contacting landowners to find out if they would be willing to sell their land so the trail could go through it, Andy
Anderson (‘87) advised them to think bigger. Until 2002, Anderson was an assistant attorney general with the Iowa Department of Justice, representing the Vision Iowa Board, from which the trail was partially funded. Anderson told the team that if they broke ground then, they wouldn’t be eligible for as many state and federal grants. He then gave them the idea for the loop. Through grants, fundraising and donations, $8 million was raised for the completion of the trail. “We’re still fundraising, but we’re really close,” Johnson said. The trail will benefit Decorah residents for years to come. “It’s really just the ribbon that ties this community together,” Freund said.
Katherine Mohr/Chips Ready to run. Decorah citizens were all smiles as they prepared for the Trout Run Trail 5k.
Stevens lecture aims to increase campus knowledge of biology department history department and lab space, pushed the development Luther College students, and started Luther College Health Services among many other things. This ten-year period during the 1930’s is when the biology department really started to take off under the tutelage of Strunk. Strunk also began Chips 1916 teaching Looking back through biology’s history at Luther. The first Chips article an evolution to discuss biology at Luther featured this as its headline on June 1, 1916. course, even Biology Lecture offering a course on genetics and eugenics in the early 1930’s, until he left Luther under continued from page 1 mysterious circumstances in 1939. “In 1960 there was a sort of blow-up 1960’s. In 1927 a gentleman by the name of William on campus and it started in the religion Strunk came to Luther College as a professor. department with one of the religion professors “William Strunk was a powerhouse,” Stevens said. not being happy with the administration,” “He just re-did everything. He taught evolution using Stevens said. “He felt that evolution shouldn’t Darwin’s ‘Origin of the Species’ as one of his major be discussed in the religion department and texts.” probably shouldn’t be taught in the biology Over the next ten years, Strunk expanded the department.”
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The consequences of this drew in the biology department and ended up with half of the religion faculty and all but one of the biology professors leaving Luther College. Stevens will cover this complex period of history and will make a foray into other interesting aspects of Luther College history. The lecture will take place during homecoming weekend at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 6 in Valders 206.
“Nothing fancy, just good food”
1. stubbornly rebellious; willfully and obstinately disobedient.
817 Mechanic St. Decorah 52101
September 27, 2012
Men’s golf comes out swinging
Katie Gaudian (‘14) Sport: Golf
Drive, baby, drive.
Team clinches
Matt Yan
Staff Writer
The Luther College men’s golf team came out on top of the UW-Eau Claire Invitational on Monday, Sept. 24. With a two-day total of 618, they finished just one stroke ahead of nationally-ranked Gustavus Adolphus and three strokes ahead of nationally-ranked St. John’s University. The team has gotten off to a strong start thanks to the added power of two transfers and the continued hard work of returning golfers. Head
Coach Scott Fjelstul (‘83) had nothing but good things to say about the team. “It’s been a really good start to the season,” Fjelstul said. “They’re progressing really well. They’ve worked really hard over the summer to prepare for the fall season and continued that here in our practices this fall, and I’m really excited about this team.” According to Fjelstul, two members of the team who have had a large impact are transfers Andrew Peter (‘14) from Iowa State and Elliot Horst (‘15) from Rockford College. In addition, returning two-time all conference performer Tobias Kohl (‘14) is an essential leader on a young team and has his sights set high for the postseason next spring. “I finished second in the conference tournament last
year,” Kohl said. “This year I want to win the whole thing. Our team is much better than last year so we definitely want to win conference, and if we win conference we go to nationals.” Both Kohl and Joel Bruns (‘14) cited the taxing mental aspect of golf as the most difficult hurdle to overcome during tournaments. “The toughest aspect is when you are starting a tournament and you make a mistake and you make a double bogey,” Bruns said. “You really just have to be positive. Just keep fighting, because your score may count. Even with your poor start, someone may be struggling just as badly as you.” A typical week sees many hours of practice during the week and a two-day tournament
on the weekend. While many people may see golf as an easy sport, Bruns believes the time spent meticulously preparing for competition says otherwise. “It’s really a difficult thing,” Bruns said. “It might not be physically challenging, but you have to hone your skills: all these little angles, all these degrees, all these things you have to keep mind of, and you have to do that while you’re under pressure and you have to do it 5 hours a day.” Despite all the painstaking repetition, the golfers enjoy the time spent on the road with one another. “My favorite part is going out on golf trips with the guys,” Kohl said. “It’s always fun because we all forget about homework and school for at least two days.”
Seven alumni to be inducted into Athletic Hall of Fame Oct. 6 Sports Information
Luther College
Luther College will induct seven alumni into the Luther College Athletic Hall of Fame on Saturday, Oct. 6, honoring former athletes for their achievements in college sports, professional careers and community leadership. The Hall of Fame induction ceremony will take place at the Noble Recital Hall located in Jenson-Noble Hall of Music at 5:00 p.m. The event is part of Luther College Homecoming weekend. A reception for the seven honorees will precede the ceremony, beginning around 4:00 p.m., following the conclusion of the
Luther – University of Dubuque football game that begins at 1:00 p.m. in Carlson Stadium. The reception will be held in the Mostrom-Bahe lobby of the Jenson-Noble Hall of Music. Inductees are Mel Ashland, football, class of 1967; Randy Blank, football, class of 1972; Loran Storts, cross country and track, class of 1987; Jill (Freed) Japenga, track, class of 1992; Matt Miller, swimming, class of 1997; Amanda (Smith) Webb, basketball, class of 2002, and Josh Hildebrand, track and field, class of 2002. Luther President Richard L. Torgerson will welcome the new inductees. Coaches, friends and former coaches of the Luther Athletic Department will read the citations.
Hometown: West Burlington, Iowa Major: Management Norse Accomplishments: Placing 2nd at conference in 2010 and 10th at the Mount Mercy Invite in 2012 Favorite part of playing golf at Luther: The fun that I have with girls who love the sport as much as I do. However, the wonderful looks we get while wearing our golf attire in the caf take a close second. Pre-competition ritual: Mark my Bridgestone with a smiley face, take a deep breath, and I’m ready to go! Best off-campus memory at Luther: The jam sessions during the van rides to and from tournaments with the golf girls. Favorite ice cream flavor: Georgia Mud Fudge with no pecans Favorite song/artist: Anything ever performed by Eric Church
Ultimate Frisbee gains popularity, momentum as competitive club sport
September 27, 2012 Weekly Standings Football Coe Simpson Wartburg Central Dubuque Loras Buena Vista Luther
IIAC 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0
Overall 3-0 2-1 2-1 1-2 1-2 1-2 0-3 0-3
Recent scores: -Sept. 22 Bye Week Upcoming schedule: -Sept. 29 @ Loras 1:00 p.m. -Oct. 6 vs. University of Dubuque 1:00 p.m.
Women’s Soccer Central Wartburg Simpson Loras Buena Vista Coe Luther Dubuque
IIAC 1-0-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 0-0-1 0-0-1 0-0-1 0-0-1
Overall 8-2-0 6-1-2 7-2-0 7-3-0 8-1-1 6-3-1 4-4-1 2-5-1
Recent scores: -Sept. 19 vs. St. Mary’s W 5-0 -Sept. 22 @ Central L 0-1 Upcoming schedule: -Sept. 29 vs. Loras 5:00 p.m. -Oct. 6 vs. Buena Vista 5:30 p.m.
Volleyball Courtesy of Hanna Jensen
Regaining focus. Freya takes a huddle for a moment to regroup, refocus and come together as a collective unit. Buche hopes to play for Freya, the “It’s helping the program [at Luther] women’s team. grow faster and stronger to have LUFDA and Pound are the men’s experienced players come in,” Anderson Ultimate teams, equitable to Varsity and said. “This past year is the first time JV, respectively. LUFDA was ranked we’ve had a coach or anybody with 15th in the nation among Division I experience actually leading practices last year, tying for fifth at the national and organizing tournaments. It used to tournament. However, all teams compete be all the captain’s doing because it’s a club sport.” nationally. Although increasingly competitive, the “Pound is hoping to play at Division Bailey teams are still recruiting anyone who is III Nationals this year, so [the Grinnell Mulholland Staff Writer tournament] was a good chance to interested, even if just for fun. “I was really just looking for a way to develop all players,” LUFDA player get more involved and meet people, and Ultimate Frisbee is an up-and-coming Adam Winter (‘14) said. Winter played Ultimate in high school it’s a great way to stay in shape, too,” Ali competitive sport across the United States, a fact which couldn’t be more and is pleased to see more incoming Smith (‘15) said. “I love the team aspect of it, like how we eat dinner together evident than here on the Luther campus. first-years with experience. “Even though it’s considered a club after practice.” This past weekend many of Luther’s Smith said she would encourage players traveled to Grinnell College sport, a lot of people come to Luther for their first tournament of the year, because of Frisbee, wanting to seriously anyone to join, experienced or not, since and returned with high hopes for the compete like any [student-athlete] would the program will continue to welcome players for the next few weeks. for any other sport,” Winter said. approaching season. As LUFDA captain Josh Johnson (‘14) As a coach, Anderson is also excited “I’m excited for the Grinnell tournament because it’s a great opportunity to give to see Ultimate grow on the high school summarized: “Come play. Seriously, it’s a good time.” newer players a chance to compete,” level. women’s coach Kelsey Anderson (‘11) said beforehand. “Spring is our competitive season, and this fall is like a long, intense preseason. It’s a perfect time for new students to learn the game and go to a couple tournaments with no pressure.” The Ultimate program incorporates the Grinnell tournament as part of a try-out process that extends into the fall, beginning during orientation week with games on the library lawn to raise interest and awareness. The practices eventually become more serious and team chemistry on the field is taken into account, which is why a tournament atmosphere is important. “It was really exciting because it was my first tournament,” Cady Buche (‘15) Photo Bureau High-flying discs and even higher aspirations. Both men’s teams have said. “The rhythm of the game really goals to break into the national tournament scene in spring 2013. clicked for me.”
Men’s and women’s teams return from Grinnell with enthusiasm, high hopes for season
Wartburg Coe Luther Dubuque Loras Simpson Buena Vista Central
IIAC 2-0 2-0 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 0-1 0-1
Overall 13-1 11-6 8-6 8-8 6-9 3-11 4-12 3-10
Recent scores: -Sept. 19 @ Simpson W 3-1 Upcoming schedule: -Sept. 28 vs. UW-La Crosse 7:00 p.m. -Oct. 3 vs. Dubuque 7:30 p.m.
Women’s Tennis Coe Simpson Central Luther Buena Vista Dubuque Wartburg Loras
IIAC 4-0 4-1 3-1 3-1 2-3 1-4 0-2 0-5
Overall 5-1 8-3 8-1 7-1 4-4 4-5 4-3 0-11
Recent scores: -Sept. 18 vs. Wartburg W 8-1 Upcoming schedule: -Sept. 29 vs. Simpson 9:00 a.m. -Sept. 29 vs. Buena Vista 12:00 p.m. -Sept. 29 vs. Central 3:00 p.m.
Men’s Soccer Loras Dubuque Simpson Central Luther Buena Vista Coe Wartburg
IIAC 1-0-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 0-0-1 0-0-1 0-0-1 0-0-1
Overall 9-1-1 6-2-0 7-4-0 3-4-1 5-2-2 5-3-1 3-6-1 2-5-1
Recent scores: -Sept. 22 @ Central L 0-1 Upcoming schedule: -Sept. 29 vs. Loras 7:00 p.m. -Oct. 6 @ Buena Vista 7:30 p.m.